Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 19, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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Waving determined ta maintain tho position herctoforo occupied by mo for the
Largest Retail House in Oregon,
I liavo takon this moans of announcing' to tho public that I am now displaying
thoLAHUKST and JIEST STOCK of Cii-noral Mcrclinndi-jo north
of San Francibco, consisting of a flno stock of
which is surpassed ly none in the city, and will be sold at prices to
suit the times. It shall continue to be my aim to give
And to place before my patrons a variety of articles not to be found
in any other house. It is not my intention to mislead the public by
advertising goods which I cannot produce upon inquiry, bnt to give
value reecivod in every instance. Soliciting a call from every pur-
chaser, at my stand, Griswold's corner, respectfully, M: MEYER.
It Is prepared ready for Immediate use, and of
It Is easy to apply, and It will not craek, peel or clialk oil".
For durability, beauty, and brilliancy ol color it Is
' For sale In any quantity by
... DKALldltS IN.
Ouford Gang.
Black Hawl
i.2.sk :.
-. . ..
T IV ." 'A ' .-. . -T"
Champion ' Browne " Sulky,
(N'evcr bcn hratcn In tho field.)
Champion Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and
Tho McSborry Grain Drill -and Broadoast Heodor.
Tin: mot coMi-i.r.Ti: link op
Other Agricultural Implements in the Market.
nEfORE puiicirAsrira, call on
FranK Brotliers dks 00..
104 and 106 Front Streot,
Weatherford & Co..
Wboloiale and KeUll Dealer In
Patent Medicines.
, Etc., otc. '
For Medicinal purpose.
Llodioinos Compounded,
Proscriptions Filled.
"Weatherford & Co,,
nomrpttrcul Hrwt. HAI..K3I.
X'ulce TVotlcjo.
lTX tball pay so debt of bi contMCtlu" afit.
SllTertcn, 8pt. lit, IKTT.
"7"tKlmomr oto.,
Iron and Wood
Beam Single
8-inch lo lG-inc!i.
Little Giant
Wo wish to Inform tho people of Oregon
that wo havo purchased thu ptont of "The
Little Giant Grubbing Maenlno," and that
wo uro now prepared to Mipply any number
nl them at a wry roatonabte rico. Too sub
Joined testimonials of ibo superior qunllile b
of thean machines and their compuratlwt
cheapness Hhould recomendml thorn to ill
tlHWrtdoIrouaofclearitm off land at but til'
fllnir oxpemu. For further nartlculara annlv
lo Frank Conner or Wiu. Delaney. Salem, or
Albeit lirlggs, Solo.
k'cio, March 10th, 1877.
This 's orllfy that we hum used "Tho Lit
tle Giant Giubbirig Machlno" and found It
suporlor to anything of tho kind overused
In this part of the country:
Pretou Munlurs, Um Ireland,
Uonry Ilei', J H Morris.
A Owls, JBIrvIno
KlUldwIn, JIFIIrlggs,
Henry T Hare.
Wo thn mdHriiljnnd lmvo eann "tho Llttlo
Olaiit GrubbhiK Maohlno" work and can
HMire tho public that It I thn bo.t inachluu
of I ho kind we kavo over men working.
M Alfxnmlor, a W Ilawlllou,
JOJohiwin, 1'nlerHmlth.
J M Urowu, Win H MeKulght,
I' Iillyeu, D I' Masou.
t-CIo, May 25th 1$77.
B. K. corcsr, at bead eX (talis. MSr
It la sad onouph to pKxt with tho Rod
whon thoy have tilled tho mrnsuro of their
dayH and usoTulnesH and aro callod homo.
It la painful to ecotho nno bnd fall oro It lion
burnt forth Into bloom, but most painful of
all lo m:o tho liro that bus passed to fruition,
nno who luw ocqulrtd tint tl.i of homo and
bcromo ondeared bv a thousand ties to a
community of friends, puss from all the cares
and responsibilities ol earth, leaving homo
dosoUto and many friend lieroavud. For
mnnths ptst wo lmvo watchod tho wnultiR life
of Mm. Gortruilo Millar, ft youiiK wfo, n
young mother and a dearly beloved daucht
or, feellut; that alio was pissing throuxh tho
dark valley and recognizing too, that aho
was sustained by nn unfaltering trust.
Llfo passod from her In gentlenesH and thoso
who liavo lost her can rememoer that hor
lastdaj-H allowed to tho best advautate, tho
Btvootnossof hor character. Sho.grow up
among us, was ono of us In tho truest (.onco,
and society losos ono who was not proton
tloua or exacting ;but whoe llfo was devoted
to borne and friends and whoso presonos has
made tbo world better and loft no stain or
wound upon JIU aurlaco. II there can be
consolation for such a loss her friends have
It when they remember what aho baa been
to thorn.
Having boon asked repoatedly what tho
existing laws wero in roganl to the profana
tion of Sunday, wo Rlvo tbo statue as it now
roads In tho "General Laws of Oregon." Sec.
053, chap. xllx. "Crimes Against Fubllo
Polloy," reads as follows:
Skction 663. If any person shall koep
opou any storo, snop, grocery, au alley,
billiard room, tippling house, or any place
of amusemont, or shall do any secular busi
ness or labor, other than works of necessity
or moroy, on tho first day of tho week, com
monly called Sunday, or tho Lord's day,
such porson, upon conviction thereof, shall
bo punished by lino not less than live, nor
moro than II fty dollars. Tho following aro
deomed works of necessity:
1. Tho buylnirnnd soiling of moats, fish
and milk nt rotali, boforo nluo o'clock In tho
'2. Tho buying and soiling drugs and mod.
Icino at rotali or upon prescription.
3. Tho selling or food, to b3 eaten on tho
pxitnlp.es whorosold; and
4. Tho keeping open of harbor Miops nnd
laboring at such trade until ton o'clock In
(ho IIIOMllUg.
A Gcnuino Shock i
At ton minutes bnoro 2 tlilnnftornoon, nn
oorlliquako shock was very aonstbly felt in
Hovtr.il buildings on S'tRto stroot, In this city.
Tho shock laotod about two ocoudp, and
ainrlod tho occtip.nla of tho upper storli'i to
tho street In a hurry. It was no falwo alarm,
ottiHtitl by "tho oar rattling o'er tho atony
aire ot," nolther was It " tho rannnn'a open
ing roar" of tho naluto over tho Uoniocratlii
victory In Ohio, but n vorltnblo oarthouako,
ho pronounood by thoso who liavo hsd ox
prrlouui'H of shocka In California, It gtvo
ono of thocompo'-ltorn In tho Kkcouh olllco
a hcadacho from which ho did nut scorer In
two hours, Wo hasten to mako this teoord
of thn iivcnt, lrst, In tho nol.in and xul'o
mentnf thoStato Fair, It might " roll.un
httdodly away."
Whlto Uull Mluo.
Tilr. J. 0. Jonlnn, SujiorltitciKlcnt of tho
Whlto Hull quurlr. lead,C3:uo tlnwu Tues
day, iau. wiiom wo learn that tho prt'Mtmt
usmpany has run a wortclnj; tuunot -fil Tcet
Into tho mountain, nnd Ihatthe Udgo wl i
bn struck nearly nt right nuglcH, In iibnut .T
frot.atiideiith of .0 feet iromtho ton of
tho mnuntnlu, This tuunol In U0 frot Inwnr
than tho ono run by thu Union Company in
1SUI fi, from which nich richspccliiitiH wero
taken. Tho company expecto ntrlkotho
Uad within forty dtO'M, whf ii (jimrlr. will bo
taken nut during tho winter, tmlenn tho
wenther ball provo too Inclcmout. Tho
oompany has taken nil tho preliminary Htepa
to obtain a patent, and as soon as tho papotH
can bo oxamliied by thn proper ollloerH nl
Washington, title will Inmio. Thoro Is no
huow on tho mountains at pntsntit.
Coiiforouco Appolntmrut.
The following aro tho nppolntiunntH, for
tho ensuing yoar of tho United Hiethren
Oouforeuco, rooontly hold nt Philomath,
District J, G. Mosher, P. E. Philomath
circuit, J. II. Vandevorj Llun, mlwlon, W.
II. Palmer; Marlon mlsslou, Yamhill
mission j Washington mis. I). I.. MaLoan;
Nohalem mis., 0. Plowman; ('olumbla mis
sion J, H. Osborne; Provldonco mission
J, II. Watson; Coos mission, ; Coast
mission, O.K. Phllbrook; Hoguu Itlyor mission,-.
District rlupnrlntendent of tho
American Uiblo. Hocloty, P. O. Holzlnr; Pres
ident or Philomath Colloxo, W H. Walkor.
All appointments followed by a dtsh nro
to bn suppllod with a pastor by tbo Presid
ing Elder.
Hooao Robbed.
On Wednesday night soma porson en to rod
the boarding housoof Mrs, E, K, Itoo.on tho
corner of High and Chemekota streets, and
m ail o oil with a breast-nlti and a valuable
ring belonging to Mrs. ltoe, and 910 dollars
in com belonging to one oitno persons room
Ing In tho bouse. Tbo thler was heard In
tho houso during the nlebt. but every ono
supposed It wasftomeouo who was to sleep
there, and for that reason no notlco was
tskeu of his prAsencoand tho loss was only
dUcovorod next morning.
Almost a Row.
On nno of tho buck streotw this morning,
wo olxorvrd about half a dozen ot tho "sons
and daughteru of thn forest" engaged in
having some very loud and hard vtordM, and
for a time wo though that there was going to
lie another Indian war, lor lank knives and
clubs wore very conspicuous in tho crnnd.
Tho trouhlo originated about tho transfer of
a cayuso horse. Homo outsiders interfered
and biiHtol up our llttln Indian war, thereby
robbing us of tho pleuturo of ohronlullng
riiHdith of tho entire gang of tbeso uoblo
lirolxo Down.
Tho now mill recently erected In the
northern Mctlon of tbo city, by Mohkm
Waldo tV Wlltr, foiled to communes grind
lug tills week as expeo'ix), u.lng to tho fuel
that tho ixjnstoelc has gieu way. Thelliu
bsrs OJiolofclng It oro nntutout nough to
bear the proisuro of water upon tlioni
henco tho uccidont. It I expeoted thatilie
uu-eksary repairs will be msdo In u few days
ami tho mill put In operation,
TillntnooU Strangor.
Mr. Frank It. Wlllhon's sploodld 2 year
old colt, Tillamook Stranger a Htludld bay
10 hands bUb, sired by Gon, J, W. Nesmitb'M
lllauk Htrsnxer, look a premium for style nc
lion, and beautyat tho State Fair, We do
not know whether he U for sale or not, but
lesrntbat Mr. Wilson baa been oL'ertd a big
Toledo. Oct. 10 -I a. M. Tho DmncrntH
claim l)3ili Senators from this district, but It
Is probable that Uteedman, I)mi mid Little,
Rep., am elected. Returns Ironist nreolnclx
of tho city nnd Lucas county, revolved from
Demderalio sources, givo lHahop 2 U l(. West
l.(!?.. n Ddinocratio ualn of 117 over tho voto
of 1870.
Columbus. Oct. 10 Wo have renortH from
437 vMirds, townships and proclno'.a In the
State which show galna for Hlshnpof 10.25;
gains for We-t, 2,7(17: net Demooiatlo gains,
7.180. At this ratio, HlshopV plurality over
West In tho Slato will bo 2.VU00. Nothlnit
detlullo i known in regard to tho leglslaturo
wtiicu NcontlUoniiy cinimud oy ttio Demo.
cratn. iNothlng from Clncluuail, Clenvlaud
or Tolodo is luolndod In this summary.
Chicago, Oct. 11) nest estimates rrotn
Iown plaeo tho Republican msjorlty nt 2,1,000
and a majoalty on Joint ballot in, tho lrgisla
tuto whloh approximates 05.
Columbus, Oct. 10. Tho Republican com
mttteo havo recolved vory llttlo nows to-day,
nnd all political Information has to boob
talned from Domocratlo headquarters. The
Domocratlo Btato committee, up to this hour,
havo what are called official roturns from
Just one half the counties. In the Htate, and
those show a net Democratic gain over tho
voto of last yoar of 10,670. Taking this as a
basis, they claim tbat Dlshop'e majority
cannot fall below 25,000. They think that
the ofllolal count will glvo him 28,000 or 30,
000 majority. In the absence of definite in
formation tbo Republican oommlttoe oon
oedo nishop'a election by 25,000 majority,
The Demoorallo committee's figures on the
f'eneral assembly aro aa follows: In tho
iouso, the Democrats will bave07mombors;
Republicans, 39, and Nationalists or Work
Ingmon, 3 Demooratlo majority, 23. In the
sonatotho Domocrats will have 25 mombera
and tho Republicans 10 Damooratlo major
Ity, 10. It is not likely tho mil count will
change tho legislative majorities clalmod
moro than two or throo at most. Thoro is
no oxcltomont In tho city to-night, and no
rowda about tho hoadquartors of olthor
coiumuu-, omo, uct.iu moro isnearcoly
any oxcltomont to loam tho figures cf yes
torday's dilution, both commlttoos concede
that nishop'n plurality will bo between 15,000
and 25,000. Tho Domocratlo committee claim
that the Democrats will havo botwoou 30 and
10 on Joint ballot In thn general nosnmbly,
And tbo Republican couiuitttoo do not dispute
this claim.
Oiniiha, Oat. 10-Gon, Oroolt nnd sovoral
mombara of hN stair, left to-day for ltf
Cloud nnd Hpottod Tali ngencle to superin
tend tun ronioval of tho 8Iou.x, Arrannhou
aim oiuor inuintis to tiiouow reserves oil tho
upper Missouri river, In tho vlolnlty.of
iiu'tuiiii uuu.Tiuiiu uenciop, muntiJ. An
olTort Ii to bo mado to movo tho Indians bc
foro oold woathor. Gon. Crook has llttlo to
say concornlng tho probable dlllluulty which
may booaporlonccd In roniovlnir thn Sioux.
but there Ih not certainty tlml these warlike
triocH win paceruiiy submit. ThoGotioral's
prosenrn nl thoHloux Hgouoles nnd his por-
groat weight, howovor, In roslgnlng thorn to
inn ciihitj;(i.
Fort Ranlon, Oct. 8.-Hlncn tho first hattln
of MileH with JoMiph's bind tho troops havo
been holding tho hnstllos In a narrow rnvlnu
losing only four mon theniRelvos. Joseph
ralsod n whlto Hag four times, nifrrliri to
surronder, If ho mUht bn allowed to keep
mi giiim. jm iuii iieiunutinii imooniiitmuai
Hiirronder, nnd on tho Inst dav Joseph rnlsod
tho whlto II ig again, ndvnneeil In fnmt or tho
Hues, handed his gun to Miles nnd shook
hands with him. Tliommaludorofthocom
mami diii ttio Himo. Forty wounded I nil I
una woru found In camp, Tho iminbsrof
iidMi is unknown, as nil wore burled.
inn glory ot tbo tlglit rosts with Miles. In
Irnuoliiuonts of tho NeK Forces woro lugo
iilnusly t'onstruoied. Tliolr bi-averv was nn.
siiriuhsrd throughout tho light nnd thoy nro
uthIIiiiI ltli utimorous ucln of Immunity to
womided whitnx.
Wnshlngtoii.Oat. 12 Tho disposition of
tn iiirci'M iimiius miiiiiruninl jomiii i. who
surrouilercdtoGeu. Mllns, has been tliomib.
JuctofcorreHpoiidenco botwoou tho War nnd
lulorinr dnpsrlmrnts nnd tho matter will bo
furthor considered mid detcrmluod bycubl
not. Out. 11 In renrrnugltig lllos of thoro.
oords, owing lo tho tecum Urn nnd Hood, n
letter was found ilatedMnrlnutleld. Ills.. Juno
22, 1KI9, from A. Lln-oln, niMroHt( lo tho
MBcnr.nry to transmit him pnp9ra onlllois
commending him (Lincoln) for commission
or of thu general land olllco. Another letter
was from Mr. Lincoln addrosnd to John
Add-on, K'q., mid dated Hprlugtluld, Ills.,
Sept. 0. J KM, as Icing that homo patsuN ro
malnlngnttho thipartmsnt of thu interior
recommending him Tor commissioner of tho
general laud olllco bo withdrawn,
Chicago, Oct. 12 ThoTrlbiiue's Washing
ton apodal says; It Is understood that cahl
not ban decided on tho nomination of (Jon.
Harlan or Kentucky to tho vacant soaton
tho bench of tho supremo court.
It Is now believed that In Iowa Gear will
havo a majority oyer all und u plurality over
Irish of -10,000. Joint republican majority
in tho assombly will bn about 75,
Washington, Sept. 13 At thn Doniooratlu
oaucus lo-nlgbt, Randal, ot Pennsylvania,
was nominalist rorwiieauor; col. Adams, or
Kentucky, for Clerk; Thompson for Hor
gAinl-at-Ariim; J. W. Ktownrt, of Virginia,
for Postmaster. Tbeso woro all olllcors of
the last House. Rev. Dr. Pulsol, of tho
Southern Methodist Church, was nominated
for Chaplain. All declared unanimous.
Nlles Parker, ex-Htato Troasurer of Houth
Carolina, was urrested to-day In Jersey City,
and lodged In thn county Jail, on requisition
from Gov. Hamilton, of Houth Carolina.
charging him with plundering thoStaio. Ho
siiya ho Is willing to turn Slate's uvl Jeuco.
A disputed from Columbia, H. C.( Htatos
(hut State Sonator Nash hits resigned, and
iiiHdn u cinliiMslmi to tho Investigating rom
mllteo, Implicating others In legislative
traudii, and has mudn restitution,
SymctiHo, N. Y, Oct. II. Tho business
part of tho village of Kanobvlllo, In this (,,
was burned this morning. Tho burned ills
trlot covers Mtvon acres, It was tho work of
an InceudUrv. Tho mini Is known, but Is
not yet louud. l)s. 10,000; Insured, glS (XX),
Han Francisco, Got. IB. Tho Comiregn
llooal AHioi'latloii ol this Htato, In e;wpu
during the ww-k, at Sacramento, nlJourned
lant iiIkIiI. Hilar iiSHSiug stiong retolutions
Hgsliist Chlueso iminlurallou, and demand.
lug u modiniutllon ol the Itiirllugamb treaty
ConManllnop'o, Out. I) Snow mid rnln
continues falling, which, It is thntii'ht, will
riUHmiMd all opurnllons In llulgarU nnd tho
UN prnhablo Mahomet All will ho ap
poiniid lochljf coiumsrid In Thb'isaly,
Tho Hcrvlsn dl(ilomiilu iienl hits fur
rnnlly rnnnwrd to the I'urlo nstiiruucisof
thn paellli' ininuifoii ot SurvU,
Mukhtur 1'rfnlia fayn tho Rusxlun lots
during tho recent llht fcS ID.OUOj loss of
Turks, 2,W)0.
Tho Ituin estimate (.litres Mukhtar Pa-ti-'s
loss ou tho '-1J and 3d ol Oslober at
Londou, Got. 10 Correspondents hero
after will only bo admitted lo lines of active
operation ou days of engagements. At
otbor tlmos thoy mustroma'n nt corps hoad
quartors. Information sent by thorn having
thwarted Russian plnn-.
Within ten days, 2&,O0O, omefi fluiioring
from fever, havo reached Odessa hv,initalB.
XoiiBtantlnople, Oct. 11. Mukhtar I'ashn'H
olllclal dlspatohea oxplaln that tbo battle
fought Tuesday near AlndJaDagh was
caused by an nttomptoftho RtiRBlauatomir
priso tho corps or obBoryaiiou posieu ni
iviiatan to cover tho concentration of his
Toiceont Aladl Dagh. Mukhtnr claims ho
ropulsed tho Russians with n loss or i,a.
Loudon, Oct. II. Cold ram nun laou or
winter cloihlng nro causing groat mortality
In the UtiHfo Roumnnlau nriny. Thonnaa
her of deaths during tho lust twenty days
nro, of tho army bororo Plevna, 5.000 or tho
c.srowltch's nriny, 1.600 In Dobruiuohn.S,
000, and nt Tirnovn and Sohlpka, 2.000. Tho
IlUMilans in JlUlgarin. inciuumg reiniorro
ments, number onlv 230,000 combstauts.
Tho London TIihch sayH at St. Petorstmrg
tho rate o f exchange Ih 23 pence, tho lowest
rato slnco tho Crlmoan war. Thero seoma to
have been a kind or psnlo thoro yontordav.
duo to a great deproolatlon of paper ourroncy,
wnion uopreoiauon tureaions temporarily to
verse on bankruptcy.
Vienna. Oct. 12. A special from Bucharest
sayB various unconfirmed reports are current
nero roncerning tno Hungarian inonrsion
Into Llttlo Walaobla. According to one of
these reports It was caused by tbo cons-era-llonoflhe
colors of a mlillla battalion at
Orsova. Otbor reports allege tbat a body of
raldora aotually crossed tho frontier.
Constantinople, Oct. 12. The sentence of
death passed on tho Goshofls has been com
muted to exllo. Intelligence In received at
tho British ambassador's tbat Mukhtar
Pasha Is pursuing tbo retreating Russians.
Londou, Oct. 12, A Del grade special says
the cabinet has unanimously am! definitely
agreed upon terms with Russia. This prob
ably refers to an ngreoment concornlng the
subsidy of a million roubles to be paid to
Servla monthly from tho time her troop
cross tho frontier. Troops aro continually
marching to tho frontier, roady for any of
Tensive movemonton tho part of tho Turks.
Crlstlcs, Sorvlan agent at Constantinople, Is
oxpected home shortly.
St. Potorsbnrg, Oot. 12. Probably Gen.
Todolhon will replace Gen. NopokbUohliaky
at the bond of tliocntlro general atafl. A now
Russian tovea por cent loan Is Impending.
London, Oot. 12. A llro occurred at tbo
Duko of Argy lo'a seat at Invorary Castle, In
vorary, Aryyloslilro, Tho coulral towor wan
gntto'l. '
Paris, Oct, 12 Osmbottn linsbeenKon
Irnucd to throo months Imprkiniimont and to
vwnflnoor fSW) Tor placarding his rccon
liOiidml, OjI. ll.-Tliq AfAiquls of Sills
bury, In n sooch nt Unulfortl, nhI(I tho war
was not to ho iv b mdoned ttnlll olthor of tho
belligerents was strikingly dofeatod or nttor
ly oxhatistod. Hoglaud, ho said, was not nt
Crcstint in n position, without deputing from
or neutrality, to offer unythlng but moro
genoral pnollloadvlco.
Paris, Out, 11. A second tnanlfMo lias
boon InmuoiI by President MaoMnhmi. Ho
dtmlos thnttho ropubllosu constitution Is In
dangnror that tho government Is under cler
ical Influence, or Inclined ton policy which
might ondutigor poacn, und appoala lo vleo
ton-not to plutigo tho country Into ar mil
known futuro of crises and conlllcts byre
turning opposition cnudidntos. Thn mani
festo lays great n'.ress ou thn fiat that duty
ftirbldx thu Marshal to fomiko his post, uud
concludes, " I answer forurdor mul psaco,"
Chicago, Oot. 13 Tho Tluins' London spo
clal siyn groat dlllluulty Is found In gutting
reliable nows from tho front, owing to ox
pulsion ofcorrospondonts -from tho Russian
linos. ItlHOiitlclptted that mtuo vory lm
imriaut muvemoiit Is about to bo attempted.
An Fngllsh olllcor who loft tho front lately
Hays It M liBltoved nn nltaclt wlllbooarn
moiicod by heavy demonstrations ou tho
uoiith nnd southeast, tollowed by uroal at
tack on thn north, Meantime ttio RiiNslau
loft, In rnsu ot ditlodgmont of the Turks,
will bn thrown nalnst tlioiinomynnd It Is
hoped Omjrlto's cavalry will secure it Sudan.
ICrorythlui dcpomls on tho woithor, which
for it couple of davit has Improved, although
still very cold. It Is iis-orlcd by woll In
formed polltlufans (lint Austilit ctiiuot bo
kept out of it If tho wargosn ou another
year, nud that un nlllanco bstwonu Auwlrls.
Kranoti, Eouland nud Turkey will bo louud
toolfrnt an alllauoo butwooii Germ my, Rnu
sis nnd Italy.
Imdnu, Oct. 13 A correspondent with
tno catrowucti'H iion(inarters at uonny
monaster telograjihs, uinlttr date of Wednes
day, us follows: Tho Hnvero H'.orm of oolil
wliul nnd rain which began it week iuo still
continues, Thnoamps uro literally lakes of
mud. Thn roads uro impraitlleable, excopt
by tho highway between Illola nud Rui
clink. ThosuirarlngofthosoldlnrH Is ludo
scrlhabln. No provision ban boii inado fur
Wlnttr weather, und thoso who lost their
Intijs nnd overooata In tho retreat from thn
Iim last month lmvo not yet boon supplied
with others. The c.iro witch has declared it
Is Impohslblo to winter his nriny In Hulgsrin
unless Rustohiik or some other fortress pre
viously surrenders. A Shiimla dlspa'ah
says It Is stated that Prluco HsHen and tho
Egyptians aro to ho sent to Varna lo relieve
tho Turkish uarrl-on, who will ndvauco Im
mediately. This Is In oons queued of the
uselossness of tho Egyptians In action,
Tho 'limes' Nummary of thentrorigtbof
thn Russian army of tho Danube Is t hat only
200 000 men crossed tho Danube, of whlob
00,000 hayn boon disposed of by hattln or
disease, Of tho Impnrial guard only (19,000
will reach thn front fit for service, ho that,
reinforced, tbo army will Hgalu amount to
200,000. TIiIh Includes tho Roumanians, but
not tho Dohrddtchi. column of 3D,(iOO. 'I ho
writer estimate Osmau Paaha'a army as ro-
In forced ut 100,000. Sulolman Pasha has
uhnut tho sauin, so tho comhatnuis havo
equal forces. Tilth lull report from Hohlpka
roprnKfliit military operailonu entirely mis
pitnded by tho weather.
Iiitiillignnoo from Hloln states that Sulol
man PaNlia's army Is deolmated byiyphus
foyer. I'nillU advices stalo Nideluiau I'.ihIii
has detaehcil 30,000 men In rnntcquciico nfa
nioveiii'int of Genoral ilmmernian, Tho
whole RoumsiiUu army bolnrn Plevna havo
been provided with clothing, (ihelket Paxha
telegraphs from Plnyiia Friday: I havo In
terviawed Gillian Pasha, ill- tliliil eiirnov
has entered Plevna. There Is no trco of tho
enemy on Him road from I'levnatnOrt'lmuum
whloh is guurdod by troops ut thu priuulpnl
New York, Out. 11 Times' London:
Thero Is n belief In well Informed circles
hmo that AiiHtria Ih nddrci-sliig 'I'mkej with
n view in iMvotlulloiis tor i. spnod y SMiie. In
this, however, thn emperor, Francm )oeph,
is alone; for Germany nnd Kmrlxnd lnvuint
vet mado up thilr minds to nld in xuch ef
fort. Thoy aro evidently waiting the result
of tho I'Vonoli dine I Ions which lake pi it") to
day, nud umy.nir.'ct tho in''Iou of Europe
un pence to a orv great ox lout. At present
there Is not u sing'n ptnwr wliloh. tiy Iih
sympathle,veii, suiiuriH tho policy In
nugurated In Frutico by tho uctollholillh
of May,
..oridnn,Oct. 13 U. S. Mlulstnr Pierre
pout has tendered his resignation, to tako
ellitct 1st Decembor.
Gnu, Llviizky, of Russian beadiiuartern
start has been dlxmlmd uud a moio hope
ful fetllng pruyalls.
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