Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 19, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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L i
lilltrnuttc jfarnwr.
laiurn svrar ruiDAr, bt
nnumizn and rKorniBTons.
H. A riiAICKK. . W. )UAI.
Term of MibseHpUon.
Ononpy, one jcarfMnuinberr) 2.MJ
One copy, Ms inontnr (Wunmbcrr) l.'-ij
Cliiruriy, Ihrt't- month (13 numbers) 7A
SALKM, riUDAY, OCT. J 0,1877.
Uofkot f ctnice ponding In 1Mb Circuit
Court of Dm Kfiito of Oregon, lor tho county
of Alnrlon, O -tuber term, 1877:
So. l-yAK. Statu (ir Oregon s
No. U,OIO-Sta!o of Oregon vs
So. l!,fil9-Stnto of Oregon vb
Mo. J,(V)-Stato of Oregon vb Ij V Hall.
No. li,V7 1 Iidd fc Hush vs TIioh Smith.
No. 2,601 Thos Karloy v I' O Parker.
No. 'JW-l-Vancls Young vb TIioh Ham
ilton ot nl.
No. -2,01011 H Myers vb A V Chase ot nl
No. 'AGIO Hoard or Baboo Land Coramls-t-Jonor
VHOacrgo H WBKnon.
No. 2,()1S Hooley K Johnson vh H M Cook.
No. 2,W7 J I Thompson vh Geo K Shell,
No. 2,012 Mitry A Thnrp vh Frank Tharp.
No. 'ifiVt-V It IIIU J T Cooper.
.No. 2,111 K J Harding vs A Chamberlain.
.1o. l,ar2-l.ndd iV Hush vh Thos Smith.
No. 2,G&l-('nthurlnu lvAgau vh Patrick
No. 2,'M-U KThonnon vh John Orler.
No. t!,C6'J-l' W A L. J McCortulok hT1ios
No. 2,(!t0 Samuel renter et al v Kllr.iboth
No. 2,0(11 W Wertley vhGoo. Wertloy.
No. 2,001 John K Adams v J Ij Adams.
No. 2,0.75- W Ir Adams vh Ii K Pratt.
No. 2.&W Leona Holt vh Thomas Ilolt.
No. 2,007 Hoard of Hobool I.tnd Commls
nionors Ml J II McCormlck ot ux.
No. 2.00S Jullon Provost va Peter Ilowln.
No, 2,0'JJ Sarah B Cuahman rs John
Ho, state of Oregon v Jesao Applo
KBtoeU). No. 2,(7011 11 Ihh vh William Doubner.
No. 2,.'.7l-!! I! Luce vs William F Dun
Mir. N.2&72 II II Luno va John Hear.
No. 2,(17311 11 I.nsn vh UeorgoWolf.
No. 2,071 II II IUnovh Fred TeinriiBiinan.
No. 2,760-11 11 huso e William U Well-
No. 2,070-irtvJ.UW T A Ijbrcf .
No. 2,077 II II I-uo vs C II Ooliletl.
No. 2,07 II I! Lush va Win Teniplo.
N.n.'.JjOiy-lJ H Luse vhU H NIoboN.
No. 2,00 -William Daubner vb II II Iitiso,
No. 2,Chi-J W Greenwood ot. nl, n Mary I
' . 1
u itiinu oi. at.
Hoard of School Ltnd CotuuiUsloiitn vh T
31 Klckoy etuje.
No, 2,0il-K II Diwrborn et at v li A llal
y et al. .
No. 2,05 W M Taylor va Susan drier.
No. 2,tS0-John WilghVv IrSDuvol
wn. No. 2.GS7 Auner .Vllen va J I Parish.
No.2,0HS-Iloardor Behool 1 .anil Com vs
John H McOlauoctal.
No. 2,000 J A Klouardson vu J I, Adam
el al.
No. 2,W2 Win IVarrow v0 W Shaw et nl.
No.'J.UM-S W K Jonas vs K C l.llllon.
thrall et ux.
No. 2,ft5-John Ungues v O W Shaw and
G W Mothorn.
No. 2,000 Hoard Sihool IaiiiI Com vh
Jlobert Itefw ot al.
No. 2,007 Cbarlofi H Johnnon is HukIi
No. 2,0t Isaao A W n Araold vh James
14 JobiiN ot nz.
No, 2,0W Peter llonnl va 15. J Harding.
No. 2,700 -Kraucla llrook va 11 M Ankeny
et al.
Tbi followiiiK persona were drawn as
graud Jurors aV the opening of the Circuit
Court this afternoon and charged by his
Houor Judge H. P. Holie, after which Uioy
rellrtkt to coumeuoe Uie bualne of tbo
John M. llarrivon,
l A,SA-age
.I.M. Soott,
James Down,
James M, Johns,
II. 1). Itoon,
Wiu.T. Millar,
AaoUker Steamer.
Says thu San PrttiicUoo Alia; "tbo Pacttlj
OuAKt H, S. Co. are negotiating for the pur
eliioe of ti Unit-clam new Htoamtdilp In the
F.wt, for their Portland rouk. The veel l
t. ild to lw far superior to any n tho route,
both for vMHigtir accommodations and
Irelght capacity, Sho lll boon this censt
tor thx iuxt'croi'i. crop. Another will fob
low Mum alter the nam trade."
After a moM miccetulrun ol two wetki,
Mr. John Jack, the jopular manager closed
the Open. Houe seanon Saturday night, with
Arrh Ni Pogue, to a good house. On Sun.
day morning the company left by steamer
for Wall Walla, at which plac they will
remain koveral weeks and then vUU the
.sound country. Mr. Jack will probably
ilt Salt m for a short stwisou, some time In
C. W. Garland, Km,;., who In his boyhood
da) attended xotiool In the Waldo II Ills and
afterwards med In Co, C, 1st Oregon Cav
alry, In now In Arkansas city, Arkaunvs.
lu the practice of la sr. He U also publisher
aud editor cf the Arkansas Oily Post. Ills
many friends In this county will be glad to
hearof his well dolnir. We get the about
item from W, It, Dunbar, onc uln.tutor and
lellow soldier.
Mr. TbouMLfeU. Cot received telegram
this morning conveying lutelllgenc of the
death of Mr. Duck Coz,a dlstuit reUUve, liv
lug lu the vlo'.clty of Hoseburg. lie died
last Saturday, the lSUi lust.
Tho ctilinnry art forms n, part Df the
education of tho women In Germany.
Tlio well-to-do tradesman, llko tho me
chanic, tnkeB pride In Boeing hlB daugh
Icti ""' liouHekei'pers. To flli-ctthls
object the girl, on leaving school, which
she 1och when about fourteen years of
nge, goes through tho ceremony of con -(hnmtlon,
and then In placed by her
parentH with u country geiitli'inan or In
a lnrge family, where hIio retnahiH oiio
or two years, lllllng what may iilt lie
termed tho post, of furvant, or doing the
work of one. This Is looked upon uh nn
iipprentlceHhlp to domeHtic cconomv.
.SLodllliTB fioni n servant, howevnr, In
this ho icccIvch no wugia; on the eon-
traiy, her parents .often pay for care
taken of her, lid well lis her clothing.
TIiIh IhUio llrht step In her education as
housekeeper. Hlio next leases, on the
han ie eondltioiiH. Into tho kitchen of u
t.!t Mt.... r.....ll.. nM t.t. tl.lf .f tl 1lfll.ll I
4 li;il ll I VMtU 111 111 1 1 y , ,11 I llll 111,11. ', ..iv .
of good rv)titc. JJcro bIio has control of
tho expenditures of tho nervniits em
ployed In it, and asiislH personally in the
cooking, hut is always addressed ns MIbb,
and Is treated hy the family with defer
en co and consideration. Many daugh
ters of rich families receive .similar
treating, with this difference, however,
tnut they receive It in a princely nmn
Hlon or a royal residence. There Is :i
reigning queen in Germany at the pro
cut time who was traiucdin this way.
Consequently the women in Oermuny
are perfect models of economy.
In the matter of personal adornment
tho boy of twelve or fourteen hns the
tasto of a mule. Not that he actually
feels inclined to hiay on occasions, hut
Ills aMiiltie taste crops out in another
way. Give him way and a llttlq money,
and he gets himself tin with a red neck
tie, checkered standing collar, boiled
shirt with milled bosom, corduroy
breeches stulltid In red top boots, hair
parted behind and a scent of peppermint
rising from his red-fringed handkerchief,
like tho Htncll of a drug store. Then his
room: you should sec that! "We got a
peep into the room of our "devil" yes
icrday, and It will answer tho description
of all other rooms of boys of twelve or
fourteen. Tho Irrepressible dime novel
wuson the table, tho leaf turned down
to mark tho spot where Tim. Tauglctnp
went out before breakfast and killed a
tribo of Indians. Then there was a bot
tle of hair oil on the table; a course
comb with twelve teetli gone; then over
tho bed a wood-cut of a tight between a
man and a hear, and at another place on
tho wall a picture taken from an illus
trated iKincr of a hoy and a dogehnsiiig
a rabbit, with a wild deer In the back
ground. Tho room, viewed from the
"tfcYiPb" Ruinti'l.ulnt, Ii highly nrtlHtle,
ami wo learn that ho will soon Increase
thcomamiutnllotiH with a Jowsharp.
"I'll master (I," said tiio axe, and his
blows fell heavily on the iron; hut every
blow Hindu his edgo mora blunt, till he
censed to strike.
"Leave it to me," said thu saw, and
with his relentless teeth ho worked back
ward and forward on Its surface, till they
wero all worn down or broken; then ho
fell aside.
"Ilnl hat" said thn hammer, "I know
you wouldn't succeed, I'll show you tho
way," but at his first stroke, oil Hew his
head, and the Iron remained as before,
'Khali I try'.'" asked the sort, small
llnme. Hut they all despised tho Hume;
but he curled gently around the iron,
and embraced It, and never left It till It
melted under his irreslstlolo Influence.
There aro hearts hard enough to resist
tho force of wrath, the malice of perse
cution, ami tho fury of pride, so as to
make their nets rcoil on their adver
saries; but there Is a power stronger
than any of these, and hard Indeed Is
that heart that can resist love.
I am convinced, says a correspondent
of tho Paelllo Kurnl Press, that no class
of men lu the world uro as ready to wel
come women to new ileitis of usefulness
and dignity us aro our worthy farmer
htiNbands anil brothers. I believe, too,
none others do accord her right position.
No class of people sharo more equally
life's burdens and joys, or have moro
unity of alms and interests than Itho
farmer and his family. As tho farmer
rlsis in the scale of social and political
iutlueuce, so will tho farmer's wife, until
she will reach an elevation from which
she can lend a helping hand to her sister,
still tolling slaves of fashion, and that
public hchtlmcut that judges woman's
worth by her outward attraction, youth,
beaut v and costly array. Am I mistaken
! believing this a very common fcclingY
A Sllvor Eh'Ick.
The Monumental Sliver Mining Company
contributed to tho State Fair a line collection
of lire from their mlno In K.item Oregon,
also a stiver brick neighing 0.1 ikuiu), und
valued at fcS.'ft, tho result ofotiH and a half
tons of ore from tbelr mine. Tho ore was
worked et the quart mill or J. 11. Flake,
Portland. This Unglblo evidence of the
rlchiiers of their mttio attraounl the attention
of a sluuiuberof iMopledurlugFalrw(ek
mid iMNub.'Ntitlal proof that the mineral re
sources ol Oregon will In lime equal If not
eiceed any other section of the country.
The Washington Territorial I.egUla
tnreennveuedntOlymplit, Monday week.
The scission Is restricted to forty days,
and the member) receive m compensation
of $(1 per day, and aro allowed lullenge
coming and going. The presiding oftl
ccrs receive $ld a day, and tho clerks,
doorkeepers, etc., are ullowwl (5 each ir
day. This Is much more liberal than our
legislators urv mld, nd should obviate
thu necessity of any outside prssure.
"Atlminlsterinjrlouil througrh a tubo"
is what thu Wurs call it in Michiffua
when one person altoola another.
Mhuaiia, Oct. 0th, 1S77.
A flying visit to the Uenllne district inltieH
up the turbulent North Fork of tho Sautlam,
galloping a la cay u ho over fern prairies, and
acroeq table-lands bottoms, fording wild
mountain brooks, that tho m.o ralna bavo
swolen to torrents; sliding down Into muddy,
groay canyons, and pulling yourself out by
tho teeth Tlvllli'.q tbo wliolo svhtem. ntui
sonds thu blood !ulokened on its rijuveon
tine mission. Wo aro hero. First at tbn
Capital mine, wo find tho surface dopartuiem
under charge of F. Ii. Glover, In perfect or
dor; everything dono by tho mlnuto hntid or
hla UoscofT. tJndor his sujoril.ilon a floo
lot iiftliubcrs have been giitlou out fir tun
shaft now uudur proems of "borln,i." A
"run" through tlio.'IOO loot tunnel brlnasyt ti
to tho month of a shaft which Is belug run
parpendlculnrly npwaid toeonniU wi'h a
"halt p.t tho urf ice dow n 2S fet. Your
townsman, Stth H. Uainuior made tho sur
vey for tins shaft and Don Smith, ot
Kings' Prairie Is doing most of tho arduous
mining work assisted by S. Cheuoweth an
ordinary Kngllhh minor that formerly
wrought In tho Otwogo Iron mines.
The Nonparoll ralno shows a 20 Inch voln
of lino oro and when tho present contractors
finished tho 100 feet wo may confidently look
for good reports from this lodo. J. A. Duck
Is running a tunnel on his discovery; (ttio
Monumental) which at this time stands No.
1 in tlio catalogue. Yours,
A Mimkii.
If thorn Is nnvthinir In which parents
ought to fcol a deep and abiding Interest, it is
In tho progress of their children In thorn
they shall Uo again after tbelr days aro
numbered, ami thoy w 111 either bnnstnlfor
ourso In their declining years. Upon tholr
present progress tho future of tho children In
a largo moasuro depends, and what they no
qulroat our public schools Is to bo tlmlr per
manent llfo caplUl It cannot bo taken from
them, neither can moth or rust corrupt or
thieves break In und stoal. Keop your child
In school.
Heavy Lots of Flax,
J. W. Compton, of ths Forks or tho San
tlam lnrorms the Albanv Democrat that
tbero Is a large amount of flax still standing
out in his part ot tho country, and that It Is
vory probabls tho wholo of It will bo lost.
If harvested ho thinks thero would bo bo
twoen flC.OOO and ,000 worth. This falls
vory hard on the people over there as many
were turnlnn tholr entlro attention to tho
culturo of flax for tho seed, and havo not
raised enough grain for tholr own use.
The Plummer Fruit Dryers.
Mr. Plummor is mcotlng with great and
deserved bucojm In tho salo of his fruit dry
ers, having already sold sixty, with 'moro
ordors on hand. This mi ceo e a Is based on
tho fact that his fiuit ranks with tho very
host put upon thn market and toll.? to tho
yory best advantage It can bo shipped to
any pnrt of tho world und olalm to bo a ilrt
raloarllolo, Tcu of thete dryers havo beon
sold In Walla Walla; fourteen havo been put
Into oporatlon In tho vicinity of Huttovlllo.
Tho fruit crop seotns to ho good through tho
Slato and the scarcity of fruit In California,
whoro vory llttlo has rlponod, will oAiisoa
demand for what wo can manufacture and Is
a rem on why fruit growers should mnko tbo
most of their orchards tbo present year.
souio partlos aro vory Industriously circu
lating reports that Mr. Plummer In Infring
ing so mo other patent and has no patent of
his own for his machines. On tho contrary
Mr. Plummer has three dlllerent patents on
his machines that cover ovory part and uiln
utliu of his prooesa and It Is hardly posslblo
that tbo commissioner of Patents has granted
thoso patents in conflict with tho rights ol
any other patonteo. If ho has, the proper
way Is for thoso iuterestod to oomraenco suit
to show tho fact. That they do not do so Is
a sure Indication that Mr. Plummor is right,
audnsho has the Patent otllco on hlstldo
thoso who want fruit dryers need have io
fear in purchasing. Ho Is a very cnorgotlu
and enterprising man and has certainly a
gonlua for Invontlon.
Ah wtllbosoeu Iroru his card published
elsowhero, ho offers special premiums of (75
for tho best displays of dried fruits modo by
his machines. Ho Informs uh that he Is de
termined to show at the coming SUto Fair
tho nnoat collection and display of dried
fruits made by his machines, that over was
seen InthlsState, and he la the man to do
what he undertakes.
The following teaUmonlala show the sue-
oess of hi machines:
Wukatxavd. Feb. 1, 1877.
Mr. Plummer, Dear Sir: With the Fain
UyDryerl bought of you at the Stato Fair
my two llttlo boys with some help from
their mother have dried Eight hundred dol
lars worth of fruit worth 1SK ceuts per
pound, said by good Judges to equal tie
samples at SUto Fair. A. P. ItonuaTsoN.
Mr. W. S. Plummor, Dear sir: In reply
to yours of Feb. 101b, I would nay that I
have handled a large amount of Plummer
Dried Fruits aud In no lnst&uco has It railed
to bring the very highest market price of
any fruit sold In (his olty. Yours, etu.
W. K. I.r.VKiutHiM it Co.
Wholosalo Qrooors and Commission Mer
chants. 313 Front Street, San Francisco.
W. B. Plummor Ko.. Dear Sir: Itulves
mo pleasure to tutorm you that tho fruits In
my care at thn Centennial Exhibition la
Philadelphia, 1870, prepircd by 30U dryer
procens and placed by mo on exhibition,
uaotbo Ltof satisfaction and wero rar
tloularly admired by visitors) from the old
States and especially by the Commhslouers
from Qermauy, France and Italy who pro
nounced them superior to tbo same kind
Imported from their own country
Yours Ao A. J. Dukur,
Commlsatoaer from Oregon.
Portland, May 23, '77
From YiiiriAif. Rryorttr, Feb 18th 1S77:
"I wish to give the farmers of our county
some of my experience In fruit raising. For
several yeint 1 have had a Urge amonnt of
fruit but it was or very Utile value, so that I
had about decided to dig up the trees and
farm the land. One year ago I would have
given auy man the use of the land, (40 acre)
for oue year, to clear It of fruit trees. No
one ottered tods this, and last year I con
cluded to dry my fruit, and after about one
half the orop bad perished. I got a Plummer
Dryer. I dried ftNtf worth, and my dryer
Including a baUdlag istxM feat, cost me 700.
Six bands, uslsg oas-balf eerd of wood, can
dry sixty busbels of apple K tea hours. I
proposa toplaat 3608 prase tree In the
Spring. I belsjT wetsan do batter then to
let our fruit waste, I Use my dryer very
much, and aaa bow glad I did not dig up
soy orchard. A. L. Albskman."
Notice of Guardian's Hnlc or Kcal Estate.
Notice Ir hereby Rtren that tmnuint to an order of
Cenot) Court ol the county or Marlon In the State of
Oregon, mido at the Octotor term thereof 1877. 1 will
nnvrfnr xilfl t unlillp. nnrll.Ti on the Mill dav of Not-
ember, 1817. at ono o'clock In tho sfttmoon of fald day,
BllQCvOull iioaio uoor in uiv tuv ui ouitui, iu oiu
conntr, the rwl eptato of Kdwsr.l Unull ot and Alfred
Doalllut, mlror hslror AiieutlU" uouiuoi, u teen-en.
Said rI elflta U benndrd snd I'cscrlhrd at fn lows,
to wltilleulnnlnc at tne S W. corner or John 1. I'on
UM Uouatlun fAiid claim. In T. IS S. I a V of the
Wlllamrttu roerldlan. helm' clalru No 45. Notification
No 1(H9, rminlne thonco EaMorlr aloui; t"ioilneof
Mid claim, lS'jtmlr; Uionco north to tho north tine of
silil ilalra of John r t'onjadij tlicrco ti, -,i dec
Jj mln W to Ihs Northwent corntror raldililnii
tlienco Snndi 13CS rhaliiF: ibenrn at'i S5 clialiif,
Ihenco Month to thaplneo of tiiyiniiln cimtilnln 191
ftciiM ni.irn nr lo. Alroscrr nil) trart of linil. bctiiL
,11 o North half of lh llonatlon limd claim o JMiu Mt
i'iy mm ,iro' n.tcl.lni ;mp n nau noil irjii' n no.
tti', InT lib. It 1 VV ofthoWlilJCueomorrdlan. ton
IhIiiIiii! Mi arrc. of land inarourl t ii tho whole
c aim. A 1 tdtaatc In llnrlon county, Urcoa. lercH
of rale ca-h In bani. cold c jlti
Onardlan of tald uilnur heirs.
Oct, 12, is;;. sw4
Administrator's Sale.
Notlcol" hereby Riven tlat unr-n-ut to an order of
tho Honorable County Conrt of the coanty 01 Marlon In
the hWtc of Oregon, made at ltd October torn, 1S77. 1
will offer for cole at public anctlou on PaturdA.),th.
10th oi V of.Vot ember, ltiTT, at ono o'clock In lhnalter
noon of raid day, at the ci-nft houodoor In tho city ol
Salem, lu ald com ty. the real e.titu belonging to ihc
eptate of A. P Waller, deceased, described as follow t.
to wit: A )'t of I101 otlon clilm .No. 4(1 Notification
No. 17. In T IS. It. 3 W. of Willamette meridian,
bounded br beginning on tl 0 "Onth line of the connty
road leading ta.tetly from tho taet end oratato
trect. lu ftnlcm. 1 aifon connty Onuon, at a no nt
S. "J dec. SO 11 In. K. UtOcRalnK Imm whcroilic
oulh llneofnald county ruid liitcrsccl the Wirt
boundnry of the, Ilonalloii Lard Ulilm of A. Y. Wal
ler and Hleplm Wnllir bin wife, and rnnnlnz thence
S. lu dec. 31 niln W. 35 chalu. n ore orle, to Inter
net a due diet apd weft Ilnn d 1 lrtlii ml J cltttn Into
twoinualparln; Uieiiceiat llaTchil morcorkn
u mur'eci iuu isfern uouedary lino of nrertulu
tract of land deeded by A. V. Wa ler hlid Klipha
Waller bin wile, lu p1iIh.-1 II. Waller. b deed
diittd tho nih diy of Jauenry. li nnd record
Hlu Mat Ion connty record U00W er IJcod. mi'uT.io
No. , 00 miii 391i thtneo N. Ill df fomln. K.
along tald last menilonl line, about 3d W chain to
Ihc Math lluo of .aldcotuny rood, thrncu N.WiIik
SOmln. W.kloneilio eoutb hnoor raid county road to
tho place of beginning, and oil iltu&te In. .Marlon
county. Orccon.
j bums ur SALK-Onc third ca-h In band, one
tilrd In x montbf. and tho balance In one yiar from
the data of tale, ci In gUd coin.
. . . J. A. BTnATTON,
octlHT4 Admlnlntrator of Mid t eUte.
Admlnlatrntor'H Sale,
Notice la hereby jjlren that, punuant to an order of
iiiu iionomoie loumy v.onri 01 jnarin crunty, in tno
Hlalo of Oregon, n.do at lla October term, 1B77. I
will offer for tale at public auction on Hatirday, tho
10th day of Horcmber 1377, at ono o'clock In the af
to noon of raid day. at tho court honeo door In the
rny or saiem. in raiti nation conntr, tho real entatc
liefonolnfftothocftatoof Jame ltlckey, deceaicd.de
rcnbvtl a fol'oifa to wtt: A part of tho Donttlon Land
I'lalni of raid James ltlckey and wife. In T. 7 8. It. i
W. and In T 8 H It. a W: UeclnDlna at tho H. W.
corner of Claim W, nnd tho 8. K. corner of Claim 63,
InT 8 8. It 2 W, andranLlngthencaN.Odcg. IStnln.
W. 4, 60 chalnr; thence N. -JOdiv. 33 mill. E, SO SO
clmlnrj thence N. 4 deg. 13 niln W, Mrf ihalP.!
thinci N ,9deK. Mrotn. B, SJ.I'J chalnr: thmco N
71 iKy 00 in In. K CV) clialnr; Ihenco N U dec 91)
mln. W 4.50 chnlnr; thenro N. 43 dcir. .10 mln. K. 3.5U
clialnr: thencu carterly tulutenect Ihoroiith Hnonf
rniu minimal, ai n pomi 0.111 uvg. at nun E 0 TO
rbalna from on anglo In raid ronlli lino of raid claim
Nl; llioncnH 4'ldre M rain W. K1C0 chalnr to tlio
pace of brvliinlnj;, remaining about 30 acrcr, nudull
rlttialoln Mutlon ceuuty. On con.
TIJltMS Oi" SALK-Uold coin In hand.
octl3w4 AthnlLlitralornl ldiule.
In the matter of tho Rnard!nn).lr of KJwird Den
lllutnnd Alired Doulllot, minor h)t of Ancnttoi
Doulllot, dec-cared.
NOW. on Ihlr day. September 4. A. I). 1577, came
I. C. bULiivax, unardlan of raid minor Itclrr,
nnd prciented hlr petition pra)lui; for an order to reli
Iho rial irlato of nld mluom In Mnrtou cotiuty, Or
eou, described In hU raid potltlon, and It appearing
to Ui ritUfacUoa of tho Court that It I m-carury
and for tho brt lntrt of Ibo raid minors tint tho
ta'il real rrtato abonld b rold. I: Ir hereby ordered
and decreed that thu next of kin of raid uardr, and
all pcrronr Infrrrted In la'd O'tate, appear Iwforo
me at tbo Conrtlteuro lu tho city ofHalim.ln Marlon
county. OrvEon, on the Ctli day nfOctober, ItTTT, at tho
hour of 9 o'cloekp. m., andihowcaure. If rny they
have, why a llcviire chouMnot b crantid for tbeMlu
of raid rtate. Heivlru of Ihlr nnUr rball be made by
publication tn tho Wiuuuittk Kanvicrt for thrc
week. rncccrrhtly bifore raid nth day of October.
A. 1). lbT7. JOHN U PbKULKH,
County Judt'u, Marlon Co., Orwn.
Htlem, Sent 4, IsTJ.. aowS
Notico. v
In tbn matter of the (luardlanrbtp of Deo Wilcbt,
Orr Wrli'ht, and Klla Wit;ht, minor hctn of Jo
reph A. Wright, decisrcd.
JOW, on tht rlxth ray of September. A. D. 1S77,
n catau IC O. lUmtb), knardlan of Mid minor
behr, and pre'ented blr petition praying for an order
torvll thurtal iriate of raid minor In CUclumaa
comity. Orrcoti, described to blr raid petition, and It
appearing la tho fatlrfaetlon ef Ibo court that It It
neceraiy mid for thu bret Intirert of the raid mluori
that tho rail real cttaterhould be rold, It la hereby
ordered and decreed that tho next uf kin of raid
Hard and all perronr lntsretted In raid ertate appuxr
before me, at the court hoao In the city of rleui, lu
Marion county, Oregon, on tho 13th day of October,
A. D. 1S-.7, ut (be bnur of It o'clock a. 111 , and rhow
came, If auy they have, why a llceimo tbould not be
irninttd for the rale of raid ettate. o'crvlcu of thU
order rhall bo made by publication In the Wilulm
ittk Kaiimkii fur three ruccerihe ritki prior to the
JSth day of ociober, A. D. 1S77.
reltnS Cocnty Judge of Marlon counly. Oreron.
Notloe of Final Settlement.
In the County Court or the Sta'o of Oregon for the
county of Marlon.
KrUte of UexekUh C. Dayton, deccattd.
LEWIS C. DAYTON, admlnlrtflktor of raid erUte.
having this day filed hi final account, aiking
that the rame may be allowed for eettlcmant; there
fore, all pirron Intererted aro hereby" notified that
thecourthaa ael tho hearing of raid appMcatlou for
Monday, the fifth day of Novemtir 1S77, at the court
honro tnMalem, tn raid county, at it o'clock a. m. of
raid day. when objection to aald account (If any ex
Ut) wUl bt hiard aud determined.
JOHN C. I'BUlUSS, Connty Jnde.
SaJem. 8pt 19,1877. 316
P e 7oR.jx-,i
The Aslimn No. of Vlck'a Floral Guide
containing drrlptlon of JIj aclntha, Tullpr. Uller,
and all llulb and Seed fur allIIjintino In ibei.ar
den. aud for Wistek Via tut lu ibo llounu Juit
publlahtd, and rent fre to iu, ddierr,
telw4 JAStliH VIOK, RocUeoter. V.Y
Capital, $300,000.00
AsMti, $568,547.45
Income, 1875, $465,904 29
IaoeMipaid out linos organiza
Uoa, - . $1,137,967.50
M3U Ii First mt. rMTLlXaV
AceoU or the Willamette Farmer.
Albany TE Itannen
Amity ItL81tnprvn
Cottsjrearovo.... JUShortrldce
IlelhUH JctrDaTlii
Uncna Vlrta Vm Wellr, J W Hobart
llrownrvllie fv n nira
lluttevlllo J W IJacbcldir
fan j on City ..D It Ithlnebart
Canionilllo Iff Uriels
t.'oiiulllol.lty V 8 Mattcson
CoIbV Valley W it CUrkc
Clatrop It JMorrlron
Crawfordsilllu Id brrt Glarr
Core IIP Kendall
C'onallM K W'niiil'.vnrd
Crcneil Konoi i'miox
Cljrk.trras A 'I'll"
Caiiip Creek (iKUiimn m-u v
1'al'r- JDLie. DMl.ut no
I'-'ttr , 8 llHhdruker
Drain r Uroroa & Drain
Damireu M'othe
I. iMoi . Lt. llad'arnv
i:i!.um A II HnlmV
Rttcene John McLlunc
Pot Vn v A II (Inidutr
Forest Uroo SJIni;her. W I, Curttn
Oorbcn ..J Ilaudraker
nerval ., 8 M Gnlncr
IliUev. TJ Illnek
llarrirburg Hlrnm Smith
Illllrboro A I.nulllng
Uepner Morrow .t Ilerreu
Independence W I, Ilodcjn
Junction Smith, llrarllild A Co., W L Lemon
JickjoniUlo M I'eterron
Klng'e Valley Conner A Crerno
JifTerrnn lohn W lfotand
Lewliilllo 11 OMcTlmmonde
Lafijtttc Dr ropplitmi. A lllienry
Isbanon S II Clanchtou
Monroe............ ....Jo? helrer
McMinmillo J II Morris, A Held
Monmouth W Watcriiouro
Mid Plain, W'T David Hump
Needy Win Sloreland
New Fin , f t;atu
ycwellrvillc I'P Cartlcinau
North Yamhill DCStunArl
Oakland 9 K TliTmnnd
Oeso a It Shipley
Ott J II Sehrocdir
OreconOlty J M l!r.cou
ren'lleton W A Whitman
rVorin Dr J lt Irvine
l'llot Hock G Otniam
Portland H 1 Lee, Agent State (Ir.inrc
rrlncrTille T...O.M l'rlnglc
I'crrydalc MeOrcbtoro
IUckrcal...j VA Pattcrron
Itocborg TliooHinllh
Hclo K p Joner, Thn Mnnkem
fillrertou TKIllbbard
Sliodd WM Ponerr, CltWheeln
Springfield A O Uorey
Sublimity John Downlnc
Sweet lleino Hon Marks
HllCn(lAnseeessesesst mmdimiim loiliMHrtMiitr
Tanjcnt v 8 llarxee
ThoDallea SLT) rooks
Turner W M lltUeary
Vancoaver 8 W Drown
Wlllamntto Porks M Wilkin
Walla Walla JF Ilrcwrr
WalUo. JC Elder
inncalla , .....J a Clllron. PS Applegate
IT3L"tolio Sale
Shorthorn & Devon Cattle.
,CCr This salo will Uk plnco nt lite Cattle
SIioiImmi tlio STATU PAIR GUOUNDs), ou
THUItSDAY of Fair week, at 11 a. in.
I will then oiler abont thirty liead of
Tlioronglibrcd Bulls, Cows ami Heifers
Kor cahi, er 1 1 monthr' time ou If) per cent. laterort,
wttliapproTfdri curtly. Thlr will give thnjo who
wlrh to aiatl themr- ler of It nn opportunity to buy,
am havo until Uioy enn ralre ami market nnotlier
ermi before payment Ir required.
E!J7Jr, WW 'lL nR oy rim vad:
O UOVSl) during Fair week, when any Information
with reference to pedigrees will bu irtten
ttw3 . r. DimiOK,.
For Old and Young.
Far-Sightcd and Ncar-SigTitcd,
Nliootlne(ilasaes for MporUuieiu
I AM prepired to aapplv 8j-elacle to fit all eyes, at
price to rulU W. V. ItlAIt TIN,
Jeweler Optli Ian, IJank lllock, Uute SL
'Balem, May 10, ltrtfl. em
lnlh known worM. SampU WaKkrrf to
igtnU. AddjTM,A.CouLT(S!Uo-Chkceo.
For Sale.
397 &FllP Pf TIM11KK LAND, 8AW.MIDL,
pJt llUekrmlth Shop threo bonier, twobatnrl
. j - -..... . WIIHHIIU 1IU 1.V.SII IVM. ID
lime. TlUeROoit. Forluithcr particular, addrcta
anltma Cbcrher, Lane county,' Or.
I will pay a OOLD PltEMIUM for tbo beat lea
raraple of Fruit drld by the "PLUMMBK...
PKOflKIN" nf five pound each ts be delivered to
me In Kait Portland, In time for. the Oregon Slave
tfalr of ltm.
1st PREMIUM $10. 2d PREMIUM 8'24).
3d rrcalRB lit). 4tbPrenlun 5.
tST There 8amplea will bo'ashllltedat the Pair
marked with owners name.
sntiDEn or
TAKES ptearnre in offerlni; to tho WoolOrowcrr of
Oretou and the adjnlnlmr Territnri. the cbasco
topnrehare THOKOUUIIIIKKD MhltlNOH. and ai
rurloK partier Intcrerted tlat they can, and IU en
deaor io. rell Hheep of tho tame quality and alue at
MUCH CIIBAPKIt'llATKS than .uch ! can Tpowibtr
be Imported. Mamlnatlon and compArlmn w Ith oti
er biieep onered la the maiket nrt, cordially Invited.
Addreaa JOHN MlNTo,
. D. The IUraa and Itam Lamb of the flock eaa
bn'eenon the ISLAND FAKM. adjolnln? Balem.
aheKweeean bo Ueu at the rame place, or at the
UILL PAHM four and a hall rallcaaouth of thecttr.
Balem. September 10. 1871. '
Farms and Iand lor Salo.
... l cre l?.f."1,lvJ1 ? KOoU orchard, rltua'odon
the Pleajaot Hill road, about 11 mile from Kupne
Ctty. Alro, about 1400 ttrres of MIXKD LAND,
tome of the bcit valley ana beaver dam Laud in to
county, amrounded by hill and bruth land. Three or
four very food farm tan be mad out of It, Good
t,UcSJ'.r . foU,n-, wnt to sell lbs who'e lot togeth
er. ThU Land 1 altuated In Lene county, about 1
mllea from tucene City, and rlx from Crwel.
J Addrera F. B. DUNN, AVen City.
Trugt InTtftmenr Conpanr
naHB Ootapaay lr prpe toceotUte Iotas ns
JL ssaaa from $see to StU.OOO teeorea over IMPBO
VttD C1TT rBOPUITT asd FA Rat LANDfl. Ssr
died period of ysais, or repayable by aalf.jaariy t.
Ultetnta. Vorlstsaja, apply to
wiiiiAm ssm, uu,
ooTttr FUtt Street PenUsd.