Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 19, 1877, Image 1

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$2,50 per Year.
Volumo IX. Numbor 36.
Letter from Wm Cyras.
Scio, Oct. 1G, 1877.
Editor Wlllamotto Farmor :
I wioh to inform mnny of your read
era whoaro Patrons of Hushaudry, that
I am expecting to talco pa3sago ou titc
Steamer that leaves Portland to-day for
Suu Francisco, on my way to meet with
tlio National Grongo, which will meet
in tho Central Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio,
on November 21st; and that I shall bo
absent about two months. Overseer A.
ll. Shipley, of Oswego, Clackamas Co.,
Oregon, will bo Acting Mastor of
tho Oregon State Grango in my ab
sence. All communications of an olllcial
character will bo addressed to him in
my absence.
William Cvifus,
Master Oregon Slate Grango, I', of II.
Ocroiimt 15, 1977.
Sovoral eld Stnto caico were called uud con
tinued. Titos. Farley vs P. 0. Parker. Contlnuod.
Hoard of School Laud Commissioners vb
Georgo II. Wagnou. Snln confirmed.
Chas. E. Plillbrook ot ux ve O. it 0. It. R.
Co. DteinlsHf'd.
F. 11. IIII1 b J. T. Coopor; tlccrco for
It. M. Wado vs. 0. T. Shaw; rilsml'sod.
W. 11. Cnunlnghani vs. Q. W. Klbboej
W. L. Adams vs L. E. Pratt; dismissed.
Sarah E. Cushntan vs John Cuahman;
J. a. Wright vhL.S. Duvolsan; dooreouf
foreclosure ordered.
Abnor Allun vh J. L. Pairlsb; decreoof
forecluturo granted.
Tliomusjory.v J. M, I" Johnc; sottlod
Ocrvuir.i: lfl1977.
' Grand Jury brought In n trua bill against
Georgo Barring for larceny.
E. Cartwrlghtva Allreri Savage; actional
law. Cause ou trial on luijoiirnmciit at noon
Octoiii:!!, 1C.
Stito of Oregon vh Georgo Burlnir lar-
cony. Plotri utility ami lliuo tlatd tor ten
lonco 0 A M Tliursday ISth.
Stato of Oregon yi Frank nirmaii. Ar
lalgncd and givon until 0 a M Wednesday iu
J mint Prebost vs I'otor Bonier. Judg
ment by default.
Tho Grand Jury f turn! not a truo bill
avMu't Goorgo .alglor lor larceny, and prla
oner discharged.
Ootoiikii 17, 1677.
Scoly 0 Johnson vs S M Cook. J J Wal
ton appolntod roforeu to take aud report tes-llmonv.
John Hughes vsC W Shaw et al. Judg
ment by dctault.
-...l..r.l.. 1"..n u t.olvlnL. 1-irrn,, 111.
vorco, V. IU Hydu appointed commissioner
to take testimony.
SWRJones vaC C Llllothrall. Judgo
Utent $35i 51 gold coin.
1 Cartwrlght vs Alfred Savago. Jury vor
diet ?1,0J5 for plalutitr.
State of Oregon vs Jamba Wilson, for lar
ceny, and Wm Marshal for larceny, arraign
od,pload guilty and to appear lor Biuloneo
October l'Jlh, 1677.
13 J llardiu vs A Chamborliu. Chaugo of
vomio to Multnomah county.
J V Greonwood ot al vs Maty O Cllno et al
vonuo chauged to Clackamas county.
Mary A Tharp vs Frauk Tharp. Divorce,
continued to next term.
Sam I'ontor vs E McFarlaod et al. Georgo
Downing appolntod a commissioner to bell
tho Jaud In controversy.
Court adjourned until 1 o'clock p. u.
Cottaoi: Ghove, Oct. 0, 1877.
ed. rAit.Mr.it: 1 8eo in your Ismio of
the Oth, in tho treatment of diphtheria
you havo made a .slight mistake in re
gard to tho preparation of a gargle.
You will And it in tho sixth lino from
tho bottom, it should have read ''tannic
acid, one dram," Instead of tartaric
acid. Pleao make tho correction, ami
oblige yours, Jas. II. Shoutuiikji:.
Mrs. Hunt, Lecturer State Grange, P.
or II. will meet with Oak Plain Grango
at HaUey tho second S.itunhy in No
vombernndafullnttondanco is dodlrcd.
Ycu Have no Escu32.
Have you any oscuse for manrlug with
DyiiepitaorLtverCainp!lnt? Ji tlwo any
reason whv yon should go. on irotn day to
dav complaining with Sour Stonmt'i, SI"k
ile'ad-ache, Uabltuol Costlveut6'. palpitation
of the Heart, Heart burn, Wa'er-brabh,
Gnawing ard burning pilna at tho pit of the
Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coital Tongue, and
disagreeable taste In tbB mouth, CuininK n
of food after eiting, Iow hpirlia, tt . NoHt
Is positively jour own lault it you do. Uo to
your Dnuutoi a"d Kt a lljttlo of
Ghekn's Auoosr I'LowKU I r 73 cents your
ure Is certain, but if you doubt ttiK gtt a
Smple Bottle for 10 cf nts and try it. Two
dosoa will relieve jou.
Tho rains that preoeded tho week of the
Stnto Fair would havo boon uulolent to
havo so-lously injured 11a uuccess, becauso
thoy caused goneral approhonslon and do
talked many from being present and from
adding to tho exhibit who would undoubt
edly havo bion present It 'tho weather had
been eloar and setllod. But addod to this
Wednesday proved to bo a rainy day and
this caused thousands to absent themselves
who would thou havo come had the day
fulfilled tLopromisonf Its prod(cesors aud
romalnod flno. After tho clouds and down
pour of Wednesday It wai only possible to
roalko a partial succoss and tho pleasant
days that followed, thankfully as tboy woro
recolvcd, could not atouo fo: tho sbad roads
and gonoral discomfort.
It can bo truly said that tho Fair was In
onoHensoii fucccss. Tho exhibit was good
Tho Pavilion and Mochatilcfi 1111 aud tho
maohlnory sheds wero all well tUIod with
the very bost or material. Tuko tho exhibit
as a wholo It has Aoroo ovor bceu oqualod
mid It all things bad been favorublo It would
havo boon still mcro oxcollont than It wan.
Iu tho Pavilion coiiblderablo spneo was oc
cupied by tho rival palut exhibits. Tho
Rubber I'alnt, undor direction of Mr. Jesfo
Ilealy, proprietor, mado n lino display In
out corner, whllo tho Avorlll Chomlc.nl
I'.ilnt Compmiv of Cul., hud another comor
occupiod with their good, utidor caro of Mr.
Jowoll. Ton-arris tho wind up tho Kubber
I'alnt woro n display of bluo riblxins aud
claimed to havo won tho cold modal. Ilo(h
of those paints uro excollont and tho publlo
ncoui much lutorestcd in tholr coutoat for
Tho toutli ottd of tho l'AVJllon was mado
especially gay by tho presoncoof tho wonder"
(ul display of I'lununor Dried fruits, which
has noer been excelled in this State. Forty
boxos of tho beautiful fruit wmii fiom J. II.
Lamberts orohard, Milwaukee. Kash box Is
covered with glass and tho fruit arranged
with gnat tHHto. Thero must havo been
nearly a hundred boxos In nil, of many dif
fitrent vurlatles, and It Is mfo to Nty that bol
ter fruit was never manufactured by any
OuUldotho Pavilion, on tho west, woro
varloun sizes of 1'liimmor Fiult Dryors in
uotho operation, manufacturing tho fruit
bolero admlrlug spectators. Among his
productu wero htmo lino drlod couUsb,
oiughtou this conat and of good tiro and
quality. Pliimmer claims to bo able to dry
almost anything, and tho gold mtdal which
ho won shows that his merits woro fully ap
preciated by tho coatmlttoo of awards.
Thero woro soveral other dryers on exhibit,
ouo from tho patent of Mr. Kelly of Kim
Portland, and another front Polk county, n
recent Invention ot Mr. Puivlnoof .ena,
Thero Is a groat deal of Interest felt In fruit
drying and as Oregon Is a wondorful coun
try forfrult wobavoanespeclallutorostiu de
veloping tho best. A great many havo con
fidence In tho valuo of the dryors invoutod
bp both Mr. Purvlne and Mr. Kolly.
The Fruit display was most excellent,
Mr. IT, W. Pretlyman was at the extreme
south with at least forty varlotlcs of apples
and pears, also with some specimens of tlno
yearling grafts from his ltallroad Nursery,
i:m Portland. Ha had blue ribbons, a fair
share. Mr. Prettyman shows also speci
mens of tho Silver Prune, a seedling from
Coe's Golden Drop, which promises to be
onoof tho mokt aluablo of all tho pruuo
S. Luelllng ib Son, of Mllwaukle, bad a
mauulflceut display of all fruits, including
hlxty varieties of apples, forty of pear,
twelve of plums and prune, twoho ot
poaches, twelve of grapes, Including the
Hlack Hamburg grape, so excellent in Cali
fornia, but not known to ripen in Oregon,
Theso gentlemen take tho gold modal for tho
largest and Quest display of all fruits. They
show two varieties of hybrid crab apphai
found In the wood", that must have becomo
mlxod with cultivated fruits, The best of
thte !i named tho, Davontiort, after T. W.
D. Von port, who found it, aud is an excellent
J. II. Lambert, of Mllwaukle, showed
tnonty-llve varieties of pears, tlliy-e.'ghl of
apple, also plums, prunes, and gru(s,
takes a good nuatbor of premiums aud the
silver medal.
Mr. Jcsoph Hamilton, of Linn comity, also
bad n good display of apples, aud took a fair
Nharo of tint premiums.
The show of coreals was excellent, and
nttUfactorv proof cf all that is claimed for
O.-cgou products. Tbo chief exhibitors were,
O.P. Burkhart, of Albany, who had the va
riety that ha usually exhibits, oonUtlng of
various kinds of wheat, buckwheat, oats,
barlov, ryo, and grass seeds, on many of
which be rccolved first premiums.
G. II. RJddoll.of Linn county, slo mado
an excellent showing, and took the 2d pre
mium for best display ot grain grown by
one mau. J. B. Dlntick, of Hubbard, took
first premiums for best fields of flvo acres of
both oats- and barloy. George Belshaw, of
Eugene, took nwoepatakos lor bost bushel of
grain of auy kind.
Tboro wero mauy othor exhibitors, In
cluding Jcsoph Hamilton, W. T. Newby,
W.D. Protlyman, W. M. Ullleary, J. W.
Noamlth, Samuel Illgley. T. II. Mclntlro,
D. Clark, D. D. Pretty man and othors,
wliono merits wilt appear when (ho pro-
nilum list Ispubllshod. Farm products aro
lu tho name class, and the prom lum lUt,
whon published, will also show which ex-
oslled iu that lino.
(lAitntiN ruoDUcrs
wero lit groat varloty, nud of ojpoclal ex-ccllone-,tUo
oompotltlou bolug very sharp
for all premiums ottered.
PMM. Rluoarson, of Oregon City, mado an
oxcollont exhibit and took second premium
for largest and best display of vec.otablof .
L, DIolmuu took tlrat premium for a mam
moth pumpkin that weighed 00 pound.
13, L. Dolttthmbiit.of Dallas, who always
makes n good display, was on hand with
bis usual assortment, nud carried away his
full aharo of rlbbunv,
G.'Stoltzand I. M. Adtlr. both ofSalen',
had a good showing; Dltnlck, of Hubbard,
carried of tbo ribbons fjr hlshreo entries of
potatoos. t t
Samuel Illgley, of Suul.&ad nn excel
lent display aud carried ott'tuuny prouilums,
Thoro woro many cxhlblloriioflosoriuagtil
tudo,niid wo must again rofer tothoirj
inSuin Hit to show who woro most deserving,
n.OW'KllS, hTO.
Tho dhplny of flowors was most attrac
tlvo. Ileury Miller, tho woll-knowii Port
laud tlorist, was thero with choice plants
from his grcou houcos and rccolved many
flmt premiums. ULs Cactus plants wero
much admired us rare and beautiful.
Mhs FIoreucoGarrlton. of Salem, had a
great varloty and swept tho botrd for pro
mljims, receiving IU Ut aud lltecand.
Mrs. N. L. Cook, of Salem, had a good dls.
rlay.ulwo Mrs, J.O. Thompson, Mrs. J.V.
Taylor, of Salem; Mrs, J. M, Davis, of Ulk
horn; Mra. M. Llndsoy, of Moumouth; Mrs.
J.H. Haas, Siloai; Mrs. S. D. Dodson,
Dallas; Mrs. Dr. Cliaco, Salem; ami others
who contributed Ios., addod greatly to tho
collodion. Tho floral display grown year
by year inoro attractlyo as people devote
morotlmo and attoutiou to caro of choice
and raro plants.
Vlck's Spoolal Premiums called out a
beautiful display, and we should all fojl
much obliged to that enterprising gentleman
for bis liberality and kindness.
Miss Florence Garrison took tho 1st pro
mlum for bost show of flowors under this
hold and 2d premium for bost collection of
out flowors.
Mrs. S, D. Dodson, of Dallas, took 1st pre
mium for bost collection of cut flowors, and
best ornamental floral work.
Mrn.K.A, Colrort, of llrownsvlllo, took
3d promlutn for best collection of cut llowors,
aud Mrs. A. Wllth, Salem, the 1th.
T1IK daiuv.
Dairy pnducte wero not in groat abun-
danco but wero of first quality, Worotlly
ftol like protesting aealnst the slim ilispliy
msdo by our lady friends, Mrs. II, L, Do-
lashmutt, ofDtllas, took 1st premium for 6
lbs. fresh buttor; 21 premium for 25 lbs. (1
mouths old. Miss Fanulo Campbell, of
Dalle, took first premium for 6 lbs. butter
mado by girl under 15 years of ago. Mm.
II. O.Graves, Sprlngflold, IU premium for
best 25 lbs. 0 mouths old. Mra, M.A.Cole,
Guiby, 2J premium of best 0 lbs, fresh
Tho poultry pens wero a great attraction
aud wonro loollned in believe thut the din
play was tho best ettr teeu In Oregon, Icr
whllo tho entries wero Jess tho best high-
clas poultry woro thoro iu greator number
and excellence than ever before.
Luthor Myers, of Stleut, showed ten differ
ent varieties, all high-class aud carefully
bred. He had tho IUhI Plymouth Hock
fowls over brought to Oregon, and this Is
the most reueut attraction Hist In thechlcken
Hue; also Slher Sraugled Polauds, Golden
Spangled Polands, Sliver aud Gulden
Spangled Uamburgs, Aylesbury Ducks,
liulT Cochins, Light Brabnias, U!eck Breait-
edited Gamo. A, F. Mlllor, of East Port
land, also bad Light and Datk Brabttiasi
Uoudanp, Black Spanish aud Whlto Leg
horn chlckons. Both Myors and Mlllor
took first premiums on all ontrlos. Mrs.
Jno. F. Mlllor showod a trio of Black
Turkoys, vory tlno looking birds, D. B.
Piokoua had BuQ Coohlns.
Tho exhibit of cattle lackod something of
tho Intorost of formor years as the best herds
iu our Stato wore not all represented. How
ovor, thoso oirtorprlslng broodors and doal
ors, II. K.Stowart it Sous, and G. W, Dim
Ick, of Marion county, woro present with
good roproeoutatlvos of tbolr herds, and tho
display was creditable G. W. Dlmlck
showed 13 ontrlos in cows. "Short Horns,"
and took many prouilums. Thoro wero tlvo
entries undor tho iioad of "Dovotia," very
flnouulnials. Ho also had two entries of
"fat atock" and a number of very tlno grad
ed stock. Mr, Dlmlck makos a business of
breeding flno stock of Short Horn and
Dovon strain, mid Isvorysuocossful, though
bis stock show that whllo they aro well kept
thoy aro not pampered.
J. II. Hastings, of Dallas, had threo entries
of graded stock and carried oil two first and
onosocond premium.
B. H. Stewart ,fc Sou, of North Yamhill,
showed lino selections from tl.elr well
known herd of Short Horns aud Uolstelns,
and soino good graded cattlo. 'they captured
many 11 rat protnliims on all tholr M&ck ex
hibited and added greatly to the Interest of
tho cattlo show. They itro umoug tho first
lmportorflof thoroughbred stock Into Or
ogou and havo prosecuted tbo bussluos With
TJiouiau Cross, of Salem, entered tbo
Arena again, niter poiiio years abaonco,
showhig good graded cuttle and nomu vary
lino fat cattlo.
O. G. Marshall, of Monmouth, took 1st
premium for best Jtrsoy bull, which wo iu
member to havo hoeu this summer, u oiy
T. W. Divonport, of Sllverlon, tukes first
prtiulum for best Dovou bull. It, (J. (if or.
ofSllvertou, took first premium for bot
Holstoln bull 2yeais old.
aro exhibited In Maohlnory Hall, to tho
wu3tnftho main Pavilion, whero aro nlso
so'.vlnc miichlnoH, muslctl lustriimonts, and
vailotis artlclos of ouo sort and another
showing usefulness or tigenulty, Mcl.ernu
Bros., of Portland, Had u vory lino exhibit of
Hour, corn meal, buckwheat flour, oatmeal,
crackod corn, or hominy, cracked wheat,
Graham Hour, and commaudod first pre
mium for tho great variety of tholr products
as well as their excellence. We aro remind
ed, In this connection, that this firm took a
first premium at the Centennial Exposition
for their oatmeal, and tbolr reputation
hardly needs tho endorsement of a Centen
nial award te thoso who aro familiar with
tbolr products, which are for sale In all tho
towns of Oregon.
Thocntrlos in this class wero not numer
ous. John Young, Salem, lakes 1st premium
for mare i yoars old aud upwards, naino
ItsRa Mansfield,
G.J. Uasket, Polk Co., takes itt premium
fjr Mattlo Glyde, mare 3 yrs. and upwards,
John F, Miller, Salom, takes 1st premium
for Dr. Lluriaoy, stallion I J rs, old and over.
Hiiam Tripp, iloseburg, shows Sellm,
Arabian stock, stallion 1 yrs. old and over.
llliai'T HOH.SllN,
John Savage, Salem, took 1st premium Tor
stallion,'.: yrs. old, weight 1.U2 pounds,
W, crMyer, Hortenxe and colt, 2d prom.
M. Wllklns, Lane, Co., took Ut premium
for stallion 2 years old.
G. W. Dlmlck, 1st p. for Ally 2 yrs. old.
A. K. Wilcoxsou, Monroe, span of homes
fordrrft, first promltim,
It. II, Watson, Lincoln, 1st premium for
htadlun 1 year old.
A.M. Waddle, Lafayette, 2d prom, for
stallion 4 y ohm old.
James MeX'allaugh, Amity, 1st premium
stallion 3 years old and our.
J. Freeman, HllUboro, 1st premium yt
blood Clydosdalo colt 1 year old.
A. O. Marshall, Monmouth, 2d premium
stallion 2 years old aud over,
U.K. Iladloy took 2d premium for pair of
mares fast aud fai.
W. II. Towiisoud, lit premium for mare i
years old undover.
(I. W. Gill, 2d p. for mare i y. and over.
M. U.C'ooti, 1st premium single mare for
8. G. Hood, 2d p. for Bullion 4 years old.
W. Williams, 1st p. stallion 4 years old.
J. J. Wolob 1st p. gelding, for fast and far
driving, also 1st p. for gelding 4 years and
Chas. Stewart 2d p . mare 4 y. and upward .
It. 0. Clark took 1st p. and D. Swlck 2d p.
for pair of horsos wolgblng 2,000 and not
It. W. Phillips carrlago horses 10 bands
aud not less than. 2,400 pounds 2d promlum.
John Chalmors pair of farm horses over
2,100 pounds 1st premium.
Win. MoLngau 2d p. for ditto. Also 1st
prom, for cart borso ovor 1.200 pounds,
J. Lucky pair matchod carrlago horaos
2d prom mm.
J. M. Myers saddlo bono 2d promlum.
S. U. Duster walking horso 1st premium.
W . D. Hoxter matched family team 1st p.
Wm. Blgham saddlo horso 1st promlum.
O.J. Iltskot pair carriage horses ovor 10
bunds 1st premium.
rum: iiiu:i rr.ucinnto.v.
W. 0. Myor, Whlto Prlnco, stallion 4 yrs.
nnd over 1st. Prldoof Poroho, ditto, 2d p.
Soronty-SIx, stallion 1 yoar old 1st p. Doll
nud foal 1st p.; White lloso, mnro 4 yrs. old
1st p. This display mado by Mr. Myor was
oredltitblo both to him and to this Stato.
Hit Importation of Pcrcheron horses is suro
to lucre iso tho wealth of Oregon and add to
our reputation as h horso-broodlng country.
This display ot Purcherous was not inoro In
teresting than tbo show mado of tbolr colls,
and tho prosonoo of a groat number of ouo
and two-year-olds, half blond, and their
niHgnllkont appearance, was conviction of
Hut groat vulus of tho Mock.
rum: iimui cr.vm:siAi.:;s,
MiJ. Bruco roceltod (hn 1st premium for
his mngnltlceiititntmal, Gleuehl, which was
a prlr.a winner at Philadelphia In lbTfl.
S. O, Heed allowed Ills lino stallions, Mar
quis and Brutus, and theso wero tho only
BMwtcnthn Pernherons and Clydesdales
our State is blu-nml with good heavy draft
Mock mid It will bo dltllcult to decide which
Isthuiuoro valuablo. Somo Inolliut to ono
and Hiimn to tho othor, and It Is apparent
that both uro exoslluiit and valuablo to
breed from,
jacicu, jiinnik.s, and mui.kh.
C. P. Iliuon, Portland took 1st premium
fur tho Jauk-Gruddard.
Win. White, Dayton, 2.1 promlum for Or
egon brod Jack.
nukiu.i: woiur.
Wo aro unahlo to do Justice to tho display
of neodlo work, not having had it lady re
porter Iu tho Pavilion, and being too much
occupied olsew hero to havo tlmo to unto such
handiwork, even If wo possess tho ability to
critically notloo It, which Is very doubtful, ,
The genoral assertion Is frmt the dUplay
was good and the Intorost taken Iu It Juttltlcu
that belief.
aut womc,
Wo might woll class as n work of art a.
boautlfnl and olaborato confer table, vvorkod
by Win. Chambers, a vory superior median
lo who Is unforlmiato In being iu tho Slate
Prison, whore ho has worked for many
months, wtth many kludsof woods, making
this table, which Is a doublo octagon, with
sn Inlaid chess board, Inlaid work all round,
forty-two Inches diameter, and of which wo
can give some faint Idea by saying that It
contaluH over 31,000 pieces,
Tho display of pictures Includes home oil
palming from tho brush of Clyriu Cnuke, ot
Stloui, a promising young artist whoso lakto
dfiorvos tho best education and cultivation.
Ho took tho first and focond premiums for
best oil paintings from nature.
Mrs. W. It, Andrews, of Portland, auln
added lo tho interest of a Statu Fair by dis
play of plcturos, rustl) sketches and uliarm
lug mo of barktttid mosses to produce quaint
humorous or beautiful eH'-.ct. We saw noth
ing inoro attractive.
Wm, Parrott, it Salem goutleman,u!mc't
entirely self-taught, had soiuo tlno pictures
on exhibition.
Mrs, DalfaA. Dawd took tho ilrst premium
for best oil palming,
Tho display of drawings was nlao tine.
MUs Jennie Grlswold took llrst pieinlum or
u beautiful crayon that vvus admired fcy ull,
aud sho bed sovoral other doiiirvlnij pictures:
Mrs. S. B. Woodwortb, of Sutt-m, had sev
eral first premiums for her pictures.
Miss Allco Scott, Hut premium for an
oriental painting.
Miss Nellie Moacham, a premium for Im-
Ituiloifooul display.
uociiioi a hioue nan a gorn iiipiay or
pbo'egrsiihs, lu all nijIihhimI llnlsh.
Tno an departmeut deservos more ica
Ccntlnued ou fourth page.
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