. ' T ' t WILLAMETTE FARMER. 8 4 H FARMING NOTjpE. Ulllsboro Independent'. Slotiben Cummins. In tho lowor part of IIiIh coutity, lias ttirnod his stock Into nbout "00 uuMioIh of grain, which ho has Mamllng out and was damaged by tho rain. V. O. Soaln, 'near pilley, has .'ViacroH of wheat uncut which will tin b total Ions. Messrs. Shipley A Halloy have about 3 000 bushols of grain slandlnn In the shock which will bo lost. Mr. .J . Knighton's rop near tlio Orovo Is 111 Urn shock, and Mr. Is'ood'i) crops on tho Hobortson and Kugonp JacUhon fariitH aro out In tlio Mack and will probably bo loil, Mr. Satn Lfnnnx finished tlirt'nliliK,' his grain on Wednesday mernlng .Iqhn Jackson lost MO or 000 bushels of mtn, it having boon beatotilown by tho wind and rain bol'oro roiiplng, Albany Democrat'. A Rnntlmnsn Just over from King'rt valloViays thtt loss.oi grain In Unit locality has bati to'rrlblo. Thulr orop AVinoMltnuiod nt 40,000 bushels, and about 30,000 of this -Is Ntlll standing. Mostol'tho wheat was of tho colobratod Hnzol Club vari ety , tho vary boit lor (louring purposes. Forost Orovo lotlor: Mr. Clapshnm raised 2.'i bushels of wheat to the aero on tho sum mit of tho mountain, nx tnllos wost ofthis placo. Sovoral thousand bushel) woro raised on tho mountains near horo, whero a few yoarsngd tho land was considered of no valuo. Ijosr of wheat In Linn county Is estimated at 10,000 to r0,000 buihols. tho graator part In tho vicinity of Drownsvlllo. A man at Forest Orovo got his grain tn the dry by working on Sunday, and ho says ho Is glad some people won't work on Sunday, otherwise ho could not havo got a throihlug machlno. A largo amount of wheat has boon lost or damagod In Yamhill. Tho Matc.vnan hoars of a man near Lincoln who had soveral thousand bushols sacked lu tho Hold which has sprouted. Iuvi.no, Sept. HO, 1877. Kn. Kaiimf.ii: Ah I havo had aom'o oxpor lonco In machinery for tho patt twolvo years In Orogon, and oupoclally with Pitt's Throsh. or, which I havo thought could not bo boat on, and as to tho Separator, thought it good. This spason I had an opportunity of trying tho Polton ilorso-Fowor, which I ran for 30 days with 1'lll's Soparator. Tho Polton l'owor Is tho best I ovor hitched to for light draught and durability. With tho Improve tnont that Mr, Pnlton adds to tho sides of tho Separator you can put J:i ouo third moio straw lu thorumo length of tliuo,and ftirth ormoro, it cloaus tho grain well. Tho great iHlllculty with tho Pitts Powor.lH, jou cannot hold tho powor tit n cortaiu pitch nud crowd thooylludur, Willi tho Polton you can. It Is far superior for velocity, and you can raise tho horses' trauos twco round lu ono mln uto with tho Polton Potvoraud It will run tho cylinder with tho' most speed. Ho olHirs to Insure thorn for ton voirs, aud ho Istafo in doing so, for 1 think tlioy wll last ns thoro Is no wear on thorn. I don't propose to pull' Ihli thing up, but It Is tho most completely gotton up Horno I'owor that ever win hltoliod to. It is easy movod nnd sot up, iw ouo man can do it lu ton minutes. ' J. O. Y.vri:. Ycqulna Railroad. Tho Corvollls Ua:ettc iiiakcn tho following roport: On last Saturday Colonel T, Kgnrlnn Hogg mot it number of citl.ons of iluuiou and Linn count los for thopurpnioofrniifttilliillnu relative to tint completion of tho W. V. it Count railroad. Af.eru free and lull expres sion by tho various gentlumrii ptuHoitt, and it statement of tint condition of tho road by tho president, Colonel II. made a proposi tion which wo think it very liberal ouo. and which will without doubt Im accepted. It wan, In miiIhIhiii'k, us wo urn Informed, thut upon tho completion gf the first section of ten miles he would guarantee tho t-ahtiihi mittluiout amount of bond lo build mut equip tho remainder of tho road. The grading aud lining of ibis section cin bo easily at'complNhed by I no citizens of Linn and Mtiutoii counties. Of this (hero Is no doubt, Judging from what Is already ac complished under tho adverse circiimsiuiiceN that havo surrounded tho work no far. Tho only ohttaclo that could possibly bo lu tho way of Hid rtpoody accomplishment ofourpartof tho contract, then, would bo tho Iron ami rolling stock. In order in secure funds for tho purchaso of those, Judge CUrk of San Kraiiclsco, and Judges Cheiioweth and Huriiett, of this place, were nominated as it comiiilttvu to raise the mo. ney, which h it guarantee thut it will bo forthcoming, Hnsoburg Vitiwfcifen W. II. Singleton iaied on hN farm a few miles KtH of town, this j ear, ouo thouaud plants of tobacco whleh ho hhvm Is iiuully its gnncl ua that for. murly raised lu Missouri, whero ho raised It for tho market, lie has PI sticks lull three fret long of thialoluooo hanging In his dry hoiue, ami for length and breadth of leaves, la corttlnly it auoonaa. Ho lias boon raising hU own tobaooo for a number of yeara anil recommends It as it very prntltablo crop, John Krolt.who was running it planer on Sugar Pino mountain, in uiIUm west of Uo burg, rtHiintlv lost threw lingers of his right hand aud millViro lla fr.tcturo of tho arm. In two place by getting uiught lu it belt. Ohi. I Cook, of North I'liipijua, com. tnlttodmiloidn by hanging hlniHoli on tho:M Inst. Ho had been In ill healili ayiwr, His lather had gout) to ltnoburg that day. K, Huntley, iitslug by the promlset about I p, an., sitv liie young in in hanging to a tree, He was cut down, but lite was oxtiuot. Ills go wat 1 yearn. A grout lot of young 1 idles weluotnul Gen, Sherman tit Albany, The old warrior went right In and klsid tho whole nt' litem, while lili won, a cowardly y-ouug lellow who hud never boon through tho wars, stood buck unit looked nheoplshly on, Mra. Admt Monow luvlrg tiken !K first mtiailtiiu, tho hlgl.ot iiutnbi r, a' the Wi-hIi-luKton county Mr, to s tho pilze loom oiler ud by Knapp, Hurroll ,t Co, Tho Hchool nt 1'Vrest OrJto waauevtr iiiero prosperous tit this tlmo of tluymr than now. llonton county hnsit taxitt 1) almtlonnl 9I,728,(VS7 upon which tnere Is it lovy nl 10 mills. (rant county beat II tker or ly ono ntlll on taxation, lUUer'n levy being 3o nilllc, ' A. A, -MoOully haa puni'mivd the Carcllno (louring mill at lliowutvillo for fli,f00. Union la to hive a new brlrk ne.ho.il houao. Tho contractor la now making tbo brick. Amity, Yamhill county, haa been made a money order olHoe. JMkaoa county levhe tax cf 20 mills. TjJE IKETS. There Is nothing now In rolatlon to tho grain market. Prices aro unchanged nnd remain In all rospects samo itsforawtik past. European Grain Market. IiiVKRi'ooi., Oct 0. A loaillng grain circu lar ays ft nuuibor cf Hrllhli mtrks ere agitln lower, oven aorno Tor forolitn and good conditioned parcels of now growth wheat; butits tho wok proceeds, there appeals to be inoro HteadlnPfn and more actl vo buslnots rp portod. Iu most places on tho coast,' he Host ing trade Is quiet. Ilirloy maintains ro. "ontraliios hereand In nolgtiborlngdlslrlcts Since Tuesday a modorato trado has boon done, nnd millers have acttd ciutlously for sotno tlmo, and aro lightly furnished with stock, looking to a regular supply from tho Atlantic stales, mhizo continues to nuract attention, both spot and delivery, and for ward rates rathor favoring sellers. Arrivals at this port since Monday havo been about tbo usual average. Half of tho wheat cornea from tho Atlantic at toll tuarxot to-day .J Wheat shows moro Btoadlnoss; transactions Inwhltoand rod to n fair amount at full prl'cos of Tuosday and in somo cases it shade bottor. Sck Hour steady, with linprovod domand;barrols aro dinioultof salo and rath or choapor. Corn In fair request a( 3d ad vanco. London, Oct. 0. Tho Times says slnco tbo beginning of the prosont year we bayo Im ported X2.1,000,0e0 worth of wheat against .CIB.OOO 000 last year. Curiously enough, In croasod supplies havo not come from tho United Stales which sent us 4,000,000 cwt, loss Ibis yoar than last. Ono chlof sotirco oxtra supply has boon Itrltlsh India, litis sla, Oortnany, Franco and Egypt havo been stlinulatod to oxport moro largely than usual bv their ilnanalal necnssltlo', but iliriirosaro nono the low Hlgnltlcantou that acomnt. FiiistOiiist. On Thursday ol last wook tho now custom mill of MosiJrs. Woller A Waldo Btarlod up, and turned out tbo Mrst grist of chopped feed, lor I). Grlerson. J. W. GILBERT l'nyw CiinIi itv Hides, Furs, & Pelts, Hplil Commercial st., SALKM. IV For Sctlo. K 4 "r?"f?GJ nv INI. n half mllo ) A.VjlVlLr3 from tlin Kulr nhiiuirt, tm tho OroL-nn City rntd, with a IIOtlSK end II A UN ami n rriKiil WI'I.I. 9U BlTIl, 111 lltllOtllV. tW(l aCtC t)l(iwr- nl -and noviT filling Murk wMer. TKItMS-Ilalf cjii, nmi tho liiilmicu tut rrntonali'n tlmo. ru-dlma .lOUN V. HVITH. jrjew poops. Mammotir& Turn-Talilo Applc-Parcrs, Flclcher Posl-IIolo Augers, Meat-Cutlers and StulFers, Blacksmith Brills, Tiro-Bondors and Up-Sottors, Pruning-Saws, Knivos, and NOKTHRUP & THOMPSON, WnniiKiiALt and I Utah. Ukalkiw is Hardware, Iron, Steel, & Wngon IimI Carriage Material UP A I, I. KINDS. Vii) A: 131 I'rtmtSt., l'OUTLAJin. Tho Light-draught Steamer CITY OF SALEM. Win. i.bavu I'Acinc WtiAiir, Portland, for Salem, and Intermrdlati) l'ointr, Oh Monda)s, Wednesday's, and Fridays, At 6 o'ciecK A. M, TIiu LlKlitMlrniiKlit Steamer Will mako Trlpt to tho uppor Itlvor. U. B. SCOTT & CO I. J. HATCH, (lrncr.il Manacrr. anlT PILES!! PILES!!! A HEW DEPARTURE, IN Tlllt "MKMCAI. TSBATMKNT" ok srK rlal (IIiumo, li III plarlni; In thu hand or tho rut (cror ttiu "t'uro and l'ruvi-ntloii." thu Ivtlt-ra I nm lMTmltttil loMibPrli from John M, IIai-us, I'uMmar lor at Orrpin City and Grand lu-crtitarjr of tho (Hand UkIco of 4, O, O. K., explain tho ri'nilU of the "WimirMAN lHOCKSS.,r Ho ): "I trloal ev rrylhlng, and no doctor Kavo mo rtrllof, and I thought lluy uvrc Inciirablo. 1 would not luvo tried your I'roceM,' bui'iuy friend K. M. Walto, of Palvin; rtt nminvndoj ) on a (i highly. I enclom jou uttal order for aniniitit; and tlrai t'nd by cxprcva.'i Hero U liU It'ttvr alter 1'J day' tuo : OiirmiN Citt, Oiin., A lull fl, IHTil Da. T. V. WifiliTMAN-Doarrtlr: It l with plea, tiro that I Inform yen that mi appearance of Idlr utu abowu Ihumti'lwa lnco tho ci'ccnd ttmu that 1 iilrrt your mot !'alttlle jiroci-M." It la tiow two witWii lnco I commenced, and It It the tlr'. two wi-ekit thut 1 bao been frvo 'rom thl itrejdful ill eao (of twnit).rl)o)iar. 1 am truly tratcful to my Irlviid )ho iteiDitineudiHlyoii te uto. Youn.olc, J. M. lUcos. V. M. Inanawer to it letter from Han rraiiclicn. arklt'i; If ho had Iho auio food oplnkui of tho ' l'rotei," ho vtrltet; On co os CirV, May 0, lSn. Da. T. K, Wiiiiitw vvl will luforiit you It U toirio flfieen inontlii lucu I ucil your "I'roce;" aud 1 aui ploaedllufriu you that It Hired mo eutlr-ly and pvriiiaiiciitly. I never apeiil money to o md k pur Hua a wlien I iiroc.irctl your aluahlo remetlr. ItVi.l Yuan, truly, J. M. IUr"N,'l'. M. Tlio above vhowa. with thn Wlctntlit I'rocem." they can bo euud entirely, It elu a liott hUtory' hi oiioearoot n man man miii kihiwiiio noaiuo dii'epllon. I luvo nany terllmunlal rluitlar. There It no uoof Wulle, 11,'alur,), or cnuilc, ir any pain ful tiporatUni, K. .M Watte, Km , Hovretary t'tato Asikultural So cUty. St, m, aya "lit nit nay I a eoiunlelely cure,!, 1 neommuud Dr. WlKhtiiiau to oiNri." Thoaiutvo ho tint ,ltti tho " NVuhtman Pro cm " pile can bo cuisl rn ire y. i no ' rncc c.n uo rrui uy txiurn y.wi mam. Direct all letten-, DH, t'. F WinillMAN, (kvUmtal lllk !! U. 1'OkTtANH, OlICuON Olllco llitira 3 lo p. m,; f,r iAi'let, I to 0 p. m., ami Id to It a. qi. Cutiiullallon fee. tt. Mil, T. F. WMUITMAX. J. A. 8TKATT.01V, Attorney at'Law, .' SAL,EM. OltEGON. OMea oa Huu btrcot Joppoalto . th Baanett Qoom. Oldest Houbo in the Trade. J. B. 01vCL!E, JIANUKACTUUEIl. Wholeealo and llatall boalor lu ell kinds of SADDLES, arn6sSa rLasliesTrunks JVo. tn Front Street. PORTLAND, - - OREGON. Alo, J;cop confHrjtly on hand n largy aMorimcnt of iND SADDLERY HARDWARE, yr Solo Anont In Oroon for tho Carbollzed IIoho, at 9n Franclsuo nrlcoa, with Freight added Repairing Promptly Attended to FALL, TRADE, 1877. Great Bargains for Cash ! Having bought our Fall Stock at Great Reduction on Former Prices 1 Wo ;ro prepared to Rlve'onr cutomcM the licneflt of tho reduction, nud ofTor full lino of GontM mil JBoyrV CLOTHING, at leu than crur before AIo, DRY GOODS, ANn DRESS GOODS, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT, To riilt our I-mlr ciutonior, at rcuonsbly low price BOOTS AND SHOES, I flit N llllil Chin, At Prlcoa that dory Competition I GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, A full stork of theso artlclfH, t) ault tbo Country trado, In both pricoa and quality. CARPETS AKD" OILCLOTHS. Wo will closa our stock of thcao goods out AT COST! Wo ln Ito our friend to Excliango Country) Products FOU OUK GOOD3, And wo wl'.l not only Roll atrodiicod CASH ratof, but will allow tlio hlgbnst market rates for Hit tlioy havo to tlUpoao of. Call and See our Stock. , I,. & I). lUilSClh GUIbWOriD'S BLOCK, cCsm'J Cormerclil Street, BAI.KJf. Carminative j For Diarrhoea and Dysentery uso d. Jajnc'it C'nniilnatlve Halaarn. Aa changes of cUimito or wntor, nnd In dlacrotlona In eating often produro (hoNocoini)lnlnt8,travolorHnndothora bhotild nlwaya keep a bottlo of this romody by thoin. It novor falla to Btilxluo tho moat violent ntxekH, and it la equally Bcrvlcoablo for Crnmpa In tho Stomnch or IJowels, Orlj)lit( Pains, An, For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In fantum and CollC uso r. Jnyue Curiiiiiuiilo HniMuat It romovea nil soreness of tho nbdoiuou, nllays tbo Irritation nud caluia tbo nctloti of tbo Stomach. It mny nlwnys bo rolled on to nh'o Immedlnto rollof, 'nnd besides boliiR oilootunl, la n plnwiiit niul safe romtnly, easily ad mluUtered to children. For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowel Affections uso promptly lr. Juyiip'n Curiiilunfltc llnltniu. It checks tho l)Inrrlia,asHiippnssi,a tho Cntmpt which Rcnonilly nccomivmy nttneka of Cholera, nnd conquers tho dlsoitM) in Its luclplency. It bus frequently been administered In iielhlwrhoods whero tbo Cholera has beciijnglni; epidemically, uml 'l lun seldom fulled to glvo Iniincsllalo' nud peruianout relief. Tho Ctirmin- ntlvu has maintained its repututloil ns a Curative for nearly forty year's, Is equally otVectivo In all latitudes, niul as a Standard Household Homo- , dy, should bo kept in every family. T. A. DAVI3 A CO.WholeMl Aat. Po.futr! Oroa. ocl&ait IMMENSE REDUCTION IN, PRICES tsr uOl - m .. TO THE PEOPLE: Iluvinir determined ta innintiiin tlio position heretofore, occupied by mo for tho Largest Retail House in Oregon, I linvo fnkpti this nipiins of nntiotmclnj: to tho public tlint I am now displaying tlio L AUGUST ami JjKST STOCK of GoupimI ZUerclmndisc north of Sun J'raneisfo, coiiIstliitf of n lino stock of LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, which in surpassed by lione'in the city, and will bo sold at prices to , suit the times. It shnll. continue to be my aim to jive THE MOST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY, And to place before my patrons u variety of article! not to be found in any other home. It is not my intention to mislead the public by advertising goods whic'h 1 cannot produce upon inquiry, bnt t give, value received in every instance. Soliciting a call from erry pur chaser, at my stand, Griswold's cprner, respectfully, M: MEYER. WHEN YOU WANT TO '.PAINT, .USE THE., AVERILL It Is prepared ready for Immediate use. and of ALL DESIRABLE COLORS AND PURE WHITE. It ,1s ens)' to Apply, and It will not crock, peel or chalk off. For durability, Iicuuty. and brilliancy of color It Is For .sale In any quantity by WEATHERFORD & CO. ... DEALERS IN DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, AND PERFUMERY. t SALEM. : : OREGON. ruay2tf. Plows! FRANK BROS. Buford Gang Black- Hawk Single PJLOWS. CALIFOBNIA SULKY AVD inn TWWrfV'''' If li J u!j7Bhlli?"2. jraspgfca Champion ' Browno " Sulky, t Never b:cn bc.ttcn In tho llcIO) . THE LA BELLE WAGON, Champion Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and Thu McSherry Grain Drill and Broadcast Keeder. TIIK MOST COMPI.KTK USB OP PLOWS, HARROWS, DRILLS, AND Other Agricultural Implements in the Market. MUOliE PURCHASING CALL ON 104 and 106 Front Stroot, - - - PORTLAND, OH. w.wBfriiMurouD, t. W. WKATUSBVOKO. Weatherford & Go., Wbolcralo and IotU Dealer. In DRUGS, FAINTS, OILS, CLASS, , Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS, jep r Txx. m r sr TOILET GOODS, Etc, etc PURE WINESand LIQUORS, For Medicinal porjiotc. Medloines Ooxupounded, aud Prescriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co.. FcStf Commercial tret, HAI.KKI. Tnko notloo. -T MV WIFE. HESTKIU IU3 I.KFT UK. AKB I hall t t no debu of tott cotrctln fle- ibU d to. ASO.N HOBART. cilrer'.on, Stpt, tit, JSTT. Ktn4pd T PAINT Plows! CO. Iron and Wood :' Beam Single PLOWS. FROM 8-Inch to lG-inch. &S1J8F x Uttlo Glnnt GRUBBJNG MACHINE. Wo wish to Inform the peoplo of Orogon that wo Imvo purchased tho patent of "The Little Qlnnt Grubbing Mactnlue," and that w ore now propared to Mipply any number nt them nt a v?ry roas ouable price. Tho sub joined tontlmonialH or tho suporlor qunMtlea of those uuchlnes and tholr compuralive olioapnesa qhould rocomentlnd tliom to all thrfsodfllroiisofc:learluic otflandat but til nine oxpenso. For further particulars apply to Frank Cooppr or Wuu. Delaney, Salem or . Albort IlriKBS, Sclo. ' ' O,"ou, or Kcio, March 1,0th, 1877. This la cnrtlfy that'we have used "Tho Lit. tlo Giant Grubbltij; Machine" and fouud It superior to anything of tho klud over used In litis part of the country: I'reslon Munkers, 'Wm Ireland, Henry Lley, J S Morn, A Divls, . J H Irvine K Baldwin. JJ F UrjKK,, Uenry T Uaro. bw ' We the underslcned have soon "the Llttlo QlaiH Grtibbini; MhciiIuo" work and cau uura the publlo that ills the boat machine of tho kind wo ha-e evort-oen working. M Alexauder, G W Hamilton, JO Johnson, Peter Smith, J M IJrown, ,. Wm H McICnJght, Scio, May 25th 1877. T.O. ATTORNEY AT LAW OFSRA. IIOC8K, SALar. S. K. corner, at scad of iUlr. m & i r ' . d d 4 e V 'I 4 Pfc'W V.. ,l .rt1' i-PwmwJw pmn , 3V. iiMm, m jfWiUNHMJi w1wisM Tssr, rfBrfj r