m i. n f H V 1 f ? 1 ! Kl 6 DinBOTORY. OFFICKHSoftho NATIONAL OKANCG. Matter John T .Tone, llnrlon.Thllllps, Ark. OtirtierI. .!. V Woodman, raw Paw, ou 11 Ilurcn, MIC I Lecturer A. n Hmcdley. G'rcscn, IFmvnrd, la. SteirnnlA J, Vaughn, . Memphis Tctin. An't Hvirr Mortimer Whitehead, Mlddlcbiisl), Somerset, N. J. VnapUxin S. It Ellis HprlnplinroiiRh. Warren. O. 'J'rtaumrV. M. McDowell, Wayne, Ntitilicn,N. Y. .Stcielary-i. II. Kulley. I.oiilfvlile, Ky. OtiU-ICerpo O. Willi fddlc, Orchard drove, tnu. Cerei Mn. Jnlin T. .ton, llirton, I'liUHus. Ark. Flora -iXif. Krtiiiticl K. adims. Moiitlcelln, Minn. J)monn Mrs llnrrey iloililard, North Uranby. CI. Lilly .Uthtant SteicardiUtt Caroline. A. Hall, Louisville, Ky. BXECUT1VK COMMITTEE. I). Wyatt Alkcn, (Chairman,) Cokcsbury, 8. C, K. It. Hhankland, I)nhuiuo. Iowa. Dudley T. Chase, Cluremont.N. II. Alouro Odder, tiock Kalis Whiteside. III. V. II, Chambers, Oswcicliec, Russell. Ala, ' Officer of Oregon tttnte Orange. FlUttr-'m.'CJTat, Bclo, OcertterA. It. Slupley, Otwecn. lsclurtr-ir. E. N. Hunt, Sublimity. Hecrttaru'S. W. Itandall, Oregon City. tiUward-V II. Thomis Walla Walla, W. T. Aittttant Steward O, W. Riddle, Canyonrllle. C'Aapton W. It. Gray. Astoria. Treaturtr 8. 1". I.co, i'orlland, tfate-AY'xr-Daniet Clark, Hnlcm. Here Mrs II. A. Miller, Jacksonville. Wmoia Mrs. 8. D. Iturtum, McMinnvllle. Kara-Mr. K. A. Kelly. Kant I'ort'and. &iy ' NHtcard-Hr. Georgia Smith, Hood River, Wasco coun y. Executive Committee m. Cyrus, Hcloi It. Clow, Dall; K. I,. Hmlth, Hood Itlvcr. , . Slate Iluelnett Aqent-'i. V. Leo. Portland. Stato Grange Deputies for 1877 fuel Offict. Krjimi. A Haider Corvalll Corrollls CLACKAMAS , Knocli hklrvlnu Ilntto Creek NYV Randall Oregon flty IIHL'liLAS T WIlnytM Myrtle. Creek O M (ladtier Drain' Htatlou . MULTNOMAH. rlymptoii Kelly Kant I'urtlnnil MAIIION. East Portland P I'Catloranti iVsilovJH U W Hunt Sublimity balcm JACKSON. .... ., , JN TMIIlcr" Jacksinrlllo Jacksonville F A I'AlUpiiiii'. Illckrcil tiiem J J Charlton.. ..... ..-..(loosoLakc Jacksonville IIISKI'IIINK. ... . , ,,, Daniel Klu-ter Kcrbyilllc Jacksonrllle ' LANK lame WMatlock Goshen R A Irvine Lebanon Albany "AIM. John Ilnd Tyh The Dalles YAVIIILL. I) O Durham Mc.Mlnnvllh ( J Happlnztnti (lailon DHRIntihari. Canyon City Canyon City K V Conver Columbia Clly II F lloldrn Tillamook North arahlll UMATILLA. J 8 WMti Wijslon Weston linn. J Henry Hliniedrr.... OU wasiiismitok Tiiunronr. ILAH. II W ItniMii 4 Vauenuvcr ui.iini. Ill' Hindi Daylon WHITMAN. .. - ,, Lh ItlnitiT Colfax.., Colfax (HKliALlr. M T (liio'lilo I.lma IKIlrfK. Bti Maihliain ChcbalU ro'nt TiincrnN. I. (J Abbott olympla Olympla U Iiuuinlfu ...Yclin... Julian 1 1 "II nil' Heatt'a Haattlu lrw i. . I, M riiTMti.. OUqu.Uo AKIMA. 01' Cook Klk'inlmrK Innnycoiintvwhrni tho Deputy n, pointed U not thd most mil ilu, ai d thu (Ir mao of ihii loeallly will jiropurly Inilleatu to inn a choice. I w III tm pli n ud, for In many Immure I have been oiillctd to maku np. polLtuwntt wlthuiil UnowluloK in fltiij". M 0 1 ItllH, Master OreironHtatiMlratiuu. 1'. of II. Mooting of Subordinate Qrangoa MNN COUNTY. llnp'ii No. 21, imxiM In Albany, on tho Nl nud :i S ttiiril.tvx of emih month, at 10 n. in. Oik I'lahi, No. (t, in HaUuy, 'JiuUud lib HatunliyN in 11 n in. lUniior, No, UKi, In Urawfordavllle, 1st undilril Httiirilnys, utu.p. in, Hyrii('iiii No. l:i, at Mlllorx Station, Ith HatnriUy, ut I p. in, I.iibuiKiu No, 'Jl, lit Iiobanon, 'M utul Ith Haturilny, at 10 u. m. (ImiiiI I'ralrlii No. 10, Ith .Saturday. Knox llutto No. '!, lht anil Urd .Siitur (lays, rUtitlam Nu, .17, 2nd and Ith SaturdiiyH, Ht 10 i, in. N- llniwiitvlllo No, ID, ut and 2nd .sntur (lava. TitiiKont, No, 7, UtHiidtlrd Frldaya, ut 10 u. m, lUrrlxhurg, No. 11, 1H and Hrd Stur davx, at 10 a, m, Khuild, No. (I, lbt.aiul a I ciaturdaya, at 10 A. III. Happy llruio No. ID, 1st and iU SaturdayH In timid iiiomti from Ootober to Jumi, aiul on tho UtHiilurday tint litUtioonf llioyoar. lUrmotiv No.2.t,:trd Saturday, regularly, nioopt In Nov. llao , Jan., Full., uud Mttroii, when thoy meet tho Ut Friday. HUSTON COUNTY. Hoap Crook No tl, iNtHttlunUy at 10 a. in. WUUmiitUi No, W, iHt'l'liiirmlay, ut 10 ii.m l'lillouutli, No 12, UhSiturday.at 10 a in. LANK COUNTY. Onunwoll. No. 0lt 4UHitiinliVi I p. n. Kugtini, Nu, 3d, liyKugDtuty City, :iid Sat. tltv, at 10 a. in. Ulurlty, N 7tl. 21 HUtmlay. Ooshon, No. 101. tsiSiuiiiWy.iit JOo'ulook Juuutlon City, No, 43, 2nd Saturday, ut 1 p. in. MolCoiulo, No. 107, Camp Crook, 2d Hatur. day. 1'OLK COUNTY. Oik 1'olut, o. 3, 1st uud 3rd Saturdays. MAMON COUNTY. Hrtlmii (Irangj, Nh. 17, v 1st and 31 S.dur Vy In tMiih nioiHli, oxi'opt In AUKimt, Sop touilior, and OotuUrr, whon It nio-tts only on thu Nt Saturday st llmlr hull In Saloiu. Alilipn, Ni lit, I'll satuiday. Uiuk l.lu', N. is 'iJSitunUy, tit I p. in llutto Creek, No. h-, 3rd Saturday, ut 10 WASUINO ION COUNTY. H.uvoitiui No.. JiKJ, moot! lit, Saturday, at 10 o'okMk. A'olliv.v fir I bm'omliiK fivorablv, knowi ns uglitp building tiinbnr. Ttiuy hat In-lit fortv iiiiin "-KilMof u "llliiu a yei an tlir lii'llluooiiM (c4polty tsKX) toiik), atucoHtol fV.M.OOO. x .'IhtO'VH of Ijwren!i, Kn hd only ruio voto MgalrtHt (Ho maiuteniucu of public frtuaohtiW. AiutrnU Iim on Hhlu;lnf to Knntaud rmoked ami Urle.1 Irjr of mutt ju, of excel lout iualUy. i Temptations of Farmers. Tho temptation of Inrmers aro many. I ilon't mean tho temptations that wo hoar of overyday fiom our teachers, but lorn pta tlonu that aro peculiar to frmlng, pucuhs plowlnp; In too f?roRt lrnito, taklni? too wide a furrow ullco, thoreby cutting and covi'rlnp;, or In othor word? turning inoro than the plow will cut, which will decreitso tho crop In proportion to tho land not cut by the plow. Bowlne; In another temptation that we havoto contond asrulnHt. To meauro tif ono and half bushelH of wheat to tho acre, then pickle with alt, or uso bluo vitriol Ik destroy the rungus, or Hintit, tho jrralns arr much larger than whon taken out of tho bin; wo begin to now with out firnt ineaHiirlng oil anncro of tlrst plowing, and when tho Inst aero Is no wed, wo haro two or threo buaholft wheat loft. 'Honco wo havo not sowod a much grain on a given pleco of land as we Ijtondodj a dotrlmont to a good crop, unloss tho land la very rlculu vogotnblo tnattor. Harrowing Is another temptation. Wo do not harrowfour land onoogh. Whon wo aow grain wo ought to proparo (bo very best sood bed that could bo madoundor tub cir cumstance I haVo Boen mon cow their grain and thon run nver It onco In a hurry with a harrow, not covorlng moro than two. thirds of tho uraln. Tboy Reomedlo ho con Jldontof n good crop, but mon can't mako farming a suoxim that will farm no. In cutting tho grain, tlioro Is not tho;aro takon that should bo. liewlng grain over tho Held at an expeiiHoof plowing, flooding, and outllnget seventy Ilv'o contn per aero la a groat loss. Hut, hays ono, wo havo plenty. I would Hay that-makes no dltrbrenco; you fthnuldaavo ovory grain, If it bo posxlhhi that your prollta may bo tho moro. Many mon fall just bocauso thoy do not avotho lllllos. Welling ono'asolf too closo whon whoat l.s high iaunotlior totnptatlon. I was talking with a nolghbor tho other day about thin tomptallon; hoaid, "I Hold my wheat last Hpringatmio dollar and n half porlmahd, and boforo harvost camo I paid two dollars per flack for Hour." A cad tnlotako in nny ono that will lot tho temptation carry him away. M a OlaukamiM Co,, Oct. f, 1877. Tho International Kiflo Contest. Tho inostnccunito iiiarkNinansbln nvnr m. hlbited in a piibliucompotltlou wamlUplayed by thoAmeiiuHU nml liritlHli teauiM Iri their roconl content ut CreeUmoor. Tlin lliriir,i mulo not only by tho American toam which. won, iiiii, ujr mo lUHiiij; liritlHli leillll, IIHVO novor lit'liiro been iquaiod. On tho Hrxl day tho American ticorti Mood KJV, out of a pos Mlblo IhOO, and tho llrltlsh 10.'!); on tlin.Hoo ofid day tho total. Moro fospooilyoly 1070 anil 1013, gltlng, lor full hcoiu, AtnorlnuiH KI3I and liritlHli 3212. Tho Ahieiiciins boat their own winning nonro or lust year, ovor tho Scotch, Irish, Cauadiau, mid AUHtrallau toams,.Ly 2aS polnlH. Thoraugofl wero as tutial 800,000,1,000 yardd, u.ioh rllluuiaii having 10 uIioIm over iuoIi range. Am u buHsovu ti'.utitn us Ti, tlio lilghcHi posslblo lluro which can bo mulo by oxoli man Is lf0. Tim largest Indlvliluul Kconis wero miido by Molars. U, c. Ilruco and C. K. Hlydunlturgli or tho Amnrlcuu to.im. Mr. Illvdonbiirgh counted liO out of llin posslblo 150ou Ills Mix target'!, mid Mr, llruuo -UA. Tho leading Urltlsli total, nuulo by Sir Henry Iliilford, rank toveuth ua eoiiiparnd with thu Amurloau list. . It in generally en nut dud that tho American team no their miucuis not merely to htiperl or hklll bin to butter weupous iind moro per Itel nrganlKitloii thuu wero iionsuaiuit by thu KiikIiMi. Gi:ni:iui, &(Ioiikiih' A 7'imr. enrrns. poiulfiii lulls the loliowlng Htory of this olllcer: "I was Informed thoothur day by an n)o witness or a oliaraclstlij Incident which occurred during SoobelnirH attack upon I'leviia, nu tho oxtreiuo ItftofHohak nilakl'i Division. When his tutiullnn of In. fantry (aeoompimylug InsLMynlry comiuaud) I'ltuui under tho tiro of tho twolvo (tunsdu. iMidlug that imrllon of tho Turklnh lino, thu mildloru houan hhoutlui; to ehargo,' and iioiniiioneod rushing , forward. aoobelolV oidortd a hall, tho iiiou wero drassed luto lino, and the uomuiatid given, 'Carry urmu,' Present uruiH. When tho Hue was at u priNuut' tho Hholls began to full among iiiuiu. ocuufiuu men atiKon uieni n tney util not think 'they presented a ntdlctilotiH npeo Hole In that position under tiro.' Thoy ro piled that they did. Then ha assured thorn that ho would keep thotn tlioro uuill the next day unless thoy protiimoU to keep order In tho ranks mid nwait tho oomraandsof Itielr nmcorx, liuteaa or yelling aud charging ou their own account. The men assured him that thoy hmw tho forco of his remarks. .They were then led forwmd, uud behaved Hpiouuiiuy iiuringioe wuoio aoiion," Auothnr grangvr case has been decided by the United State supreme oourt. Tho Chicago, Uurllugtoo A Qnluoy railroad coin. puy were the plaln'lir In error, and thoy conttttHl tbo constitutionality of the rail, road law of low. Tho Uoalstou la Hgnlust tho company. It nfnrras the right of tho .State to tlx rrelght uud passenger rates, un hh pinvented by tho terms ot tho oh trier, Tiiuh tho general principle lias bexm fully en. tablMiist that UieMiveral Start's cm, If they wlll,exetclo ooinploto aox'erelgnly over the rillro.nl within their respeotlve jurlsdlo tduis,iird irvkuribo what blialt orHbulluot b charged. Ono caiiMi ot lae preaeut lo,w prlooofbut (it and I'lieoto as roiuptred with a tow years slu v Is tho ennriiious pniduntlou in many ptrisnfllie West. Take thnSisioof Wis. isinslu, where In 1h?0 but 22 473,000 pounds l luitterand l rtl7lVt pquuds nrclKytno wtro luoiliiccd, llio ver l!7(t alio.M'd a total pio. duet of 70 1U0XC0 I'Otii'ds of butler rnd about 17 0t'01m)otrluHJn, WIumiihh Is not alone iiiinug tho Westetu States In tier luereuiiod ivtiiiitlon to dslry produots. The popnliiloii al Urnst llrltittu has, since 13)1, lucrn.iv(l funn lO.COO.gW to 2.S,(HX),0iK), an I )n London Vu'ii-.i (xt'inatia that it will be doubled In llf ytour ye.irs, Mow to food U wilt lij (tu t; roil (iitltouUy, for a leaillui; llrl tb nrlenlturUt mid In n recent upctoh: li uppvar-s to me, and. It has been ototrv.d by many of our leading men, that a MMdy ilotoilopiMoulit colour on in the producing paw em wf tills IUnd." A farm hand for hanottlug Is paid In Cen tral ltnly seon cents a duy, Hiuloonkliters lilni.lf a lucky man to Quit employment at that rate. Hut ho, Is no economical and nb stom'uiis, and tbo fWxl be deems sutlloient is soolieaptbst he can save money out of ihla pltlaucc. WlUDAMETTE SALEM TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. Tho Association met m the usual tlmo and p'HCe, CehtrHl school building, Oct., 1 1877, and was callod to order by the President, AINu Mattle L. Powell. Nino tnpmlifirx nrovnnt nt rnll nail Mr Itindi'l ttirdy.'HHU Miss 1'loreiic Adair, rtllM'llt. Mr. Sleeves was appointed uprclal critic. Minutes of tlio-proviouo meeting were road and approved. Under geuorl.btiNtic, tho subject, cor tmral piinlslimmit. rccolvi-d mhiih httentinn Since toacherx must record every case, It wan necessary to determine what coiihiUuios c r poral puuUhnient. I)elded that nil can Ln aIiIc'i thp rod Ih uvd, properly conies tinder this head, and hIiouIiI be rtcorded, glvlni! ho names nf nunllx tinnlslitwl. unil tilt, ilntii. nnd tbo causo, l'ho discussion of ponmiinHhip, UioMibJert ohoHen al tho lHst meeting, was opened by Mr. Sleeves. So Ioiik as tho nrt of exprPHs Ingldcas by written characters has been used, It Is comparatively reoent.slnco it has be n reduced tna mvvhi, bacd upon rnrlaln ele ments and prlnclolos. Docs not doom it ob soluloly necossary to uso much time ln drill ing pupils In lbs Hystem, epauiug, height, etc. Thinks good penmanship Is tho result of long praallce. and can I in nrntilrnd l.v most pupils durlng.tho period or school ll'o. l'ho main object or writing Is to legibly ox pross Ideas by written characters, and not to make a boautlful nana, (tamnnreri thn writ. Ing of Horace Greeley with that of Sponcer, and then compared tho mon with oaoh other. A tjlnglo page or.rjreotey's msnusortpt, tbat could scarcely bo road, would contain the grandest and most beautiful thoughts, whllo on a papo ol Sponcor'a manuscript, tbo only beauty was In tho graceful curve" arid exact proportion of tho penmanship. Do teaohes ivksilvo proportion, height and length of letters, by drawing thdfloalo upon tho board and making tho lettors In the snale, Nealnoss, eligibility and dispatch should bo leading roaiuros or tho oxo'relsns. Mrs Adilr follnwod belloyod children moum uo ttiorougbly drlllod In tho princi ples. Writes n word correctly on tho black board, explains each letter, and requires each pupil to wrlto tho eamo word at the samo tlmo. To eonuro this, sho calls the princllllosbv nunibnr. the niinllsrull thn number Immediately anor her, and mako it Opon tho copy. book. ' Copy.books aro distributed by monitors, and everything In conneo'lon with the exer elselsdonoordorly. Miss Smith and Mis UlAroy, loaohors In tho Fifth Grade, writ, tho letters upon tho board. Thoy rule the states mm require pupils to wrlto tbo lotlers In thofcctlcr, thus-securing uniform height and longth oftbolettotM.' Pupils should ttfle kiiijc imnciiH, nnucarosuouirt no taKon tnai thoy hold thu pencil correctly. In the general dlsRUsslnn which fillowcd, Miss Powell ngt(ostod that wo carefully In struct nur pupils, (hat nnnoof them become Horace Grooloys In point of ponmapshlp McHNra. Stcoyes and Gregg also Jolnod In the goneral dlsouiHlon. Mr. Handel statod that his tardiness was caiiNod by sickness In his family. Spoiling was selected for discussion at fie next moeiirg, and Mhs Warrlnor appoint jd lender. Mr. Stoovos then offered omn criticisms regarding puiic'.inl uttendiinco at lOHchors' meotlnus. Crlllcliied'somo of tho members for repetition whllo speaking, and others lor luittentloii. Thought hewing nnd suob work should be putasldt durlui; ilicuMIou. On motion, adjourned to meet at tho imial place ut 1: 10 v. n. on tho tint Monday after tho Fair. Alt teauhdrs and frlonds of educa tion ore cordially Invited to attend and par. tlclpaio In, the exorcises of thn anoclatlon. T. J. GitMid, Secrotary. 1HAT COW. Tho sldowalk nt tbo North end of Commer. cial Htreot Is whom hlio IhVqS her nightly promonado. You jimy llsten'.ror her foot stops and bo sum you will not listen In vain; toremno tlmo between dark and midnight she will coiuo. Tlioro, she bus pick. oil tbo gale, audit will havoto glyo In soqnoror later. Shf has spilt tho (Hist casing so tbo Iron hook Is uo longer safe, and if vou tie m the gato she will Hit It up btdJlyomiie hinges, lay It low and calmly walk ovor It. You think or the pound, tbat eminently suitable place pro pared 1 ir sucu unruly rroaturos, ami ear nestly wish oho was.contlued within Its pro elucis; but ala! tho moment tho muster ol tho house, clad In drawer", dressing gown and Mlppeis, with lantern In lila hand, up pvars at tho door, that cow runs as If sho had seen a ghost. Shu carders over tho raspberrj btishoD, cataheK ber horns In tho elothes-llno, dashes nver the llnwer-bods, 'suatcbing n dhew from yourhamUourett carnation, nud takes around to tho other sldo of thu houi, disdaining thn front gate, that has bco kindly proppetl wldo open for her moro eon ventout exit. Wo would llko to soo tbo man who was capable of driving that cow to tho pound. Wo havo takon tho'trouble tn inform her supposed owner 'that It won 1.1 ho u great au uommodatlon to un, If that cow could bo s.tml up o'ulghl, but sho still roams at largo, arid wo aro now considering what sized shot will bo best calculated to keop that cow from set ting at naught tho laws enacted by thn ell) fathers. In caso the result nrovo fatal we will sond you nolloo of a death. Nika, WEATHER REPORT. During Sopt. 1677. there were 13 days In which rain fell with an aggregate of 303 In, or wator, 13 clear days, ami 1 cloudy days, other than those on willed rein rail. Frost occurred on the 20th nud 21st, Solar halo on the 4tb. Tho menu temperaturo for the month was 63 00. Highest daily mean temperaturo for tho month 70 on the lt. l.nwesidallvuioAti temperature 4S on the 2thh and 00th. Mean, temperaturo for tho month, at 2 o'olocki'. m i0d.e Highest thermometer for the month PS0, at 2 o'olork r. m,, on tbo 1st. Lowest tbermouioter iZ ii'.7a. m on tlia30:h. Tho prevailing wIikIh during the month wore fiom the North 13 diijs, Suutli days, S. W. 0(Us. Dining Sept. 1870, there wero relays In which tain tell, with an uggrcgHte or 1.27 In. of water; 15 clear days and 5 cloudy Uuys, other than those ou which ruin fell. Mean temperaturo for tho month 0.1.32 Highest dally mean temp, for tho month, SO' on tho 20. Iiowest dally mean letup, for tbo mouth, 57" ou the 21st. T. Pk.uich. i:oia,Oct.2, 1S77. .Wheat Stolen. Soma hungry thief li Tueday night broke Into tho brrn of Mr.T. H. While, wild lives about tour miles fcum the forty on tho .n ilniil In Polk county, and got uway with attoiit llfteen bubbels or wheat. As w heat is ns gonxl ns cash in any country, our crancer Irlends chonld keep an oyo on their w best bins, see that the barn doors are fast ened aud their "Mu dog" turned looso bofuro retiring for the night. W. h. Wade, or North's Oem, the popular and Imi (s.tnbllabed merchant, Is receiving his ni stock, for city and country trade and Is priparwt to suit the wants of ell cus tomers. Mr. Wadnls a liberal dealer nnd about m honest and straightforward ns most ofus, and those who kuovr blm need ao'en. dor(BBi from us. FARMER. GUILTY. 1 11V ADDIH I. HALLOO. Read before tho working inon's mas3.meot- lug, San Francisco, August 20, IS.. Guilty! Yer Honor, Ido not deny It,, I ilia what 1 eouui, sir, 10 uoiji on iw iiwi. l'ho right ar tho wrong of It I don't defend; Hutwho'todo those money sharps think It will pnd? All tho days of uiyliro I was brought up to work, Andbeo hands of mine hlu't no hands to shirk: They bo tho wlllln'est hnrid, I'll bo bound, Nor stronger nor ablor than them can bo lOf.llll. ' I bo a man fnrnnaco. loo: but If the right Can come without, then I'm for lluht. The mouths or the chlldron, they must bo rod, For hunger, yer Honor, knows no law bat bread, Just look nt mo, Judgo. Do I look llko n scamn. I Hacauso bolng hungry has mado men tramp? Do i iook 11KD n uphu noat, cnoosin-10 roam, If work could be had, and. wltk comfort al home? Cowardly, was It? Well, .likely It may h; Hut novor kntwod jpar, nud I atn't'no baov To go whlnuln' about: nor I al'ut no aodak To pandor nnd skulk when it blows thnt must speak. Why, I fit with Grant ;down the old Mis slsslp, ' - , And 'twas thorowhoro the canon'a rod hoi Iron Up Spowed Into my sldo such n forotastoor hell, Aud torooffmy log with fragment or shell. I'vo stood picket duty with dor.th llko n rtimn, Waist doep in tho swamps, without blaukot or co 111 u To glvo deceitt rights to tho dyln' when dead With a dally allowunco two slabs ot bard bread. And I ain't tha old soldier to discount tho war, To help win ordlo was what I wont for. Nor they won't complain, tho dead though in inoir gruvas, Or tho forfeit they mado to mako froomon ol ' tbo slaves, It was Bomothln', no doubt, to Ho wastln" a war Dead-Hiivo in tho prisons, without lettors or pay; Hut I count II all In nan part of tho cost, And H victory onded It, tiuthlu' was lost, VVq took that for glory, hut our Waterloo mot, With u tax upon lubor to piy tho war debt; With wages reduced to comolo with choap labor With Chines for rjvals and tlw froodmnn our neighbor. Illglits of property, sir! galnod U tho,rlgiui)ftho hand 'stained: Why, all proporly that by labor is Not tho grasping monopolists, who selfishly liold Tho.rosultoftlio workor In rotlors or gold. While Industry begs lorn pittance for brosd, That millions mnv nlllow nilMiocrnov'. imHi, Why, the-o very railroads, with sinews of iwi, , Woro blood wrought from sinews Hint quiver uud fdol, Shall thoy whoso bauds HHod thoyoko oil the slave , Hend their noaks to a yoko without effort to save 1'lrelr manhood, their honor, tboohoekor tho wife, From I n Insults that crimson a beggarly life? Wo am oursod by contractors, till labor uo moro Means hotieit employment nnU' homos for tho poor. If wo'ro Idle, wo'ro piupora; If wo vork we're slaves; If wo Mrlko out for Justice, wo'ro branded ns knaves. 4 And uow, pleaso yer Honor, I plead to tho Mhnrge: I'm guilty ofdAnltn' nut Justice at largo, I know yo'H allow mo oiieitiosllon of ir race. Pray, wtiat would yer Honor havo douo In my place. HAVING A GOOD TIME. A correspondent from IlaUoy, tindor date of Oct. 3d, wrltosas follows: Au nmuslmr scone Is uolnc on here to-dav. Two young men woro arrosted yestorday by tho City Marshal, and llnod uudcosta by tbo City Hecordor. Hetng unable to pv their tluo.or rather refusing to do so and there being no ug tbo boys urn having a good tlmo. The uouucll was hastily convened thU morning, and a calabooao ordered built nnd the prisoners In the custody or the o nicer were Htlbentruotnrn this afternoon "giving orders" and bossing the I ib to tbo amiibo mentor tho bystanders. They nre boarding at a first-class houso nt tho city's expeuse, and ir Jack's Theatro was only hero they would havo a high old tlmo whllo in durance vile. ' Guld nnd Gaaateor. We received yesterday, D. U. Steam's now compilation entitled "The OmobU Ga zette and Travelers' and Immigrants' Guide to Oregon nnd Washington Territory. Ii ulvex a sketch oreverv town of anv size in the'Nortbwest, showing location, business, ...I.. lllA l.Wl .lun llllnillliln tt.l. n.HnLI m "IWI WW UWU n,n I.UU14UUO l.ll UI1JVII.I I bios and othor valuable statistical Informa tion to ovorybody. lOvery business man should have a .copy wltblu roaoh. Xo tlie VilliotMt IntlloK in lurtlpulai Why need you mll'-'r with I'aralysls when Tjrou can tie cured TWliy will you suffer with Hheumatism when you o.ui bo cured? And why have so many hchea and pains when It is ivlthln your roacn to bo cured ? I am nnvr ettabltihod In tialem, prepared to treat all Chronic DIsevcs, such aa Itbeumatlsm.XeuraUlj, Consumption Kidney dUcaiu, and In fact all dUras. tt that human tle,h Is heir to. 'Special attention paid to Femite Veikute and lien out pimtritloa, which I so eommou to I.idles . ChlldreuV disease not ex cepted. aIu rnnntcllou wllhjjy practice, I baio one of tho celebrate.! Medicated Vapor Mghtntn;: Cream llrh. which aid vattlylu removing all chronic db vu. It open tho poe of tho Vln, and throw nr thonllmy, nurald matlcr, which I ono of tho great caiMe of o ranch surTciIl?. When we coco think that two thirds of all wc tilo Into ovr urteci paes o'T through tho porrt of tLo iWlu, wo nud net ttup long to wonder why. wo aro tick, when we pay to little attectlou to tho not Iroportaut emunctoiy ot our bodies, l)nrlu, the pat t duo montbt I havo had this hath lu opentlou, and many can testify to Its vtUcacy. I treat pitlrat by tho week, or br alnIe treatment. tjidle will do well toKlioao a cP, Residence, xmthecj; corcer of Ceatir and Ssoimer Street, !ru. MUH. D. W. t'MAIQ, 91. O. Iltegrets for tbo lost opportunities of (bo year aro useless. Tbo heart is a child, It hopos what It wish es. If you ennnot do as welhm you wish, do rs well ns you can. 1,000,000. B.OXTLES or TUB CENTAUR LIOTMENTS. have been told the last year, and not ono complaint bat reached ns that they haro not done all thatIs claimed for them. Indeed, scientific skill cannot go beyond tbo result reached In these wonderful prepa rations. Added to Carbolic, Arnica, Mentha, Bene-ca-OII and Witch Hazel, aro other Ingredients, which makes a family liniment that defies rivalry. Ithon m&tlc and bed ridden cripples have by It been enabled to throw awy their crutches, and many who for years have been afflicted with Neuralgia, Sciatica, Caked Breasts, Weak Backs, Ac, havo fouYid pcrma. nont relief. Mr. Joslah Wcstfakc, of.Marysvlllo, 0., writes: "Cor years my hhoumatl'm has been so had tbat I hard been tumble to stir from tho honso. I have tried every rcmcrfr I could hear of. lhally, I learned of tbo uontanr Ltnlmclit. The tlrst thrco bottles enabled mo to walk without my crntcher. I am mending rapidly. I thlnkyotirMnlmcnt slsiply a marrcl." This Liniment cures Hums aud Scalds without a scar, extracts thu eolson from bites and rtlngs. Curos ChlUblalns and Frosted feel, and Is very ifflca-' clqus for Ear-ache, Tooth-ache, Itch and Cutiwcous Eniptlons, The Centaur Liniment, Yellow "Wrap per, Is Intended for tho tough lib res, cords aud muscle or horses, mules, and animals. 11EADI IthAD! Hov. Oio, W. Ferris, Mauerklll, Schoharie Co., N. y.iiys: "My hitrss was larao ror a year w Hh a fetlock wrench. All rumodtes murly tailed to enre and I considered him worthless antfl I commenced to uso Centaur l.lnlmrnt, which rapidly cured hltu, I heart ily recommend It. It makoi reryllttlo dlnVrcnco whether llio cao bo 'wrench," sprain, sparln or lamcncsa of any kind, tho effects ani the same. Tho great power of tho' Mnlment Is, howorcr, shown In Polboill, lllg-head, Sweeny, Spavin, Itlng.bono, Onlls and Scratches, rals Llnlmont Is worth millions of ilollare yearly to ttioStockRrowcM, Llvcry.iaeu, Farmors, ana tho tiavlng valuable animals to caro fi r. Wo warrant Its Tcct and refer to any Farrier who lias over usod It. . Laboratory of J. H. JIosk & Co.', 4C Dit St.. Nkw Yonu. Children. A complcto subitltuto for Caitor Oil, without Its anpleiitnt taste or recoil In tho tbroatC Tho remit of Su years' practice by Dr.'Sam'l IMtchor, of 3tacea chusttts, I'ltchorV Castorla Is pnrtlcnla-Iy recommemded far chlldron. It destroys worms, aislmtlatcs tho. food, uud ullows Natural sleep. Very efllcaclous in Croup and forchlldren Tcctnlng. For Colds, Fercr Uhnoss, Disorders of tho Bowels, and Stomicb Com pUlnts, nothing In so effective It li as pleasant t tako ca houoy. cots bat 3i cents, and can bo had of lay DrccKlat. This, I Ono of many testimonial: "ComTrXiL, Lebanon Co , Pa.. March 17, 1671. "Aor Ar.-"! uaruuredyiiurCasinila In my piac tlce 'or sumu tlmo. I taku groat pleasure In nam. mtniilng it to the jirqfftlon as a.afi, ullulile. and auretablo medicine, It Is iar(leiilrly wtajittd to children wiiero tliu-ri)iniint laitu of Castoroll ren ders It to dlUlcull to cdiulnl'ter, if. A.CNDBUS, M. I)." Mothora who try' Cast iritt will find tha'. they can atcop nlghU and that 'heir baulun will hu healthy. J. B. liouis A Co.. New York. ,T70IU EE2.I,, Successor to J. M. Ksnuni" & Co., OS Liberty M., - - NIIW VOI1K, CoinmlKNlou J.(zont POIt BUYINQ AND FOIlWAltDING FROM New Vork Ma Isthmus, PaclBc Ilallrwd, and Capo Horn, all kinds of Merchandise, and for the nUo of Product from tho Pacific coast, for the collection nt inonev. Ac. oelBtf ATTENTION heep Growers j A STJRR CURB FOB Scab, Sorew Worm. Foot Bot, AND ALI. Parasitos that infest 8hoop. T IS SAFER, BETTER AND VASTLY CnEAF TII.VN ANY OTHER EFFECTUAL nEMEDY FOR THE TREATMENT OF SHEEP. IT Improves the Health OF TnE ANIMAL. AND THE QUALITY OP THE WOOL. tV One gallon Is enough for ono hundred to two hunlred Sheep, according to their aj;e, trongtk, an condition. . Itlr4UtuplnFIVE-aALLON CANS-Prlco, tlft per can; Send for circular, to T. A. DAVIS & Co.. PORTLAND, OREOON, Wholesale A cents for the Mate, JOt to vonr nearest RoUll Drucclst. mrt Mrs. Itohrer's New Romody Fori THE XsUirOS IS MKKTIXO WITU WONDERFUL SUOCSSS nrrnis ,porkly 'EORTABLE rembdt has I no eaoal in tho relief and euro or Concha. Colds, asthma, Bronchltt. Croup, Whooping Couih, Mea sles, Ac. It baa produced-somo remarkable cures. BoIdhyilrTiirctstai-enerallT. Prepared only bv JOHN I.. JICHPHV, Vonmouth. V)r.. re whom all letten of buiinea ahoald be addressed. S$ ' r 4: '?saji ,jtijr , a' T