vr , In Memoriam. North Yam hilt., Oct. S, lb77. At ii epocml tneotlnt: or North Yamhill OrntiKO, August 1M, 1B77, tho followlnir rt so lutlons woro adopted: Wuorons.. Is has iilnased tlio Dlvlno Killer ofthounlvorso to remove from our midst our holoved brothor 1. K. Stewart, whoo valuable services ns worthy overseer ol'our K-atiKouiid whoso earnest labors In hohall ofourordort'iidoarod him to nil; and Whereas, Wo feel with peculiar farce to. clay tho VHCincy causod la our irniDi:e; thereforo bo It . Resolved, Thot this Rraogo frol ileoplv tho lossol Hrothor J$. Ii MiiVart, mul Unit Urn hall lie draped1!;! iuouiulu lor tho puco ol sixty days. Itesolyed, That lo too nllltcloil f.imlly, rel atlves and friends of our deceased brother wo tender our doti and beartlelt sympathy , and commend ihuin to tho watchiul euro ol hlrn whose aid wo, as grantors, aro taught to. In volte. Kosolved. That these resolutions bo spread on tho minutes and a copy be given to tho family of tho diseased brothor, and also ouu oent to tho Faiimuii aud Oregonian with ru quest to publish, Signed by Mrs. M. E. Stoll, Mrs. E. ind well, nnd P. D. Stott, committee; Julio Dempsoy , aecrotary. ABhlan'd Tidings: Wo loam that Wagner, Anderson it Farmer's Co.. who nnntrnl hmh iho Ashland and I'hronix mill, aro doing a hoavy buslnom ibis seai-on, having altoi'ly ground upwards of -15,000 bushels of wheat. Notico if Kaiiroad Meeting. Thoro will 1)0 a inrnllni- at Amllv Viin hill Co., on tho L'Oth day of Oalobor, 1S77, at 10 o clock a. in,, for tho purpose or taking lntoconlde'ratlon Hip building of a narrow uuage railroad from D.wtou, by way of Am- ity, niuu oieausanu mill urooK, lo Uratul Kond, with a branch lluo to Dallas, in l'ollc oounty. 1any CitizkjI.s. " wuijuviut Vs"S AlUUUIlintiOUIt UUUh istJH ralgla, aud cure lor Scrofula and all diseases arising rrom impurity or blood, tho old and tollable Family Medlolno. UuaU'n Lite Hal. aam, stands unequaled, as proven by over jw.wo ureal cures auriug me past 30 years. Ih n radical vecolablo Comoound orS'rni. rilla, Dock, Gualacum. ifco., and a permanent cure. aotu uy an (iruguiats and country grocors. Tako nothing cite, and If tboy haven't It wo send bv express, boxed, every where, at (I and 8125 per bottle: $A 00 un.l $0.50 hairdo. IIyatt fc Hyatt, Sill Urand , o.,now lora. EVERYBODY (???? VMM Rich or Poor. THE MATCHLESS FIRE LIGHTER ! Ordors for ran Matciilkih Fiiik Liuifrmi aroromlng In thick and fast, and tboy glvo genorai tatisiaciion. Jjignts your lamp or khs without tho uso of a match. Will last a life timo. Just the thing for campers or travel- Address II. U. HALLOCK, General Agent, Salem, Oregon JOIl.S W. OAUUSEIl. ISHA.EL w. uawisru. GARDNER BROTHERS, WIIOLISAMI AND IIBTAIt. Dealers in Pianos, Organs, SHEET MUSIC, And Musical Merchandise. No. 1310 San I'ablo St., Potter's Week, OAKLAND. CAL, Grlaivold'a Block, 6tfJ HAI.BIW. A. L. 8TINSON, Book and Job Printer, A-iid I3odlcllulcr, Holnian's Slock, Old Jlenato Cham ber, Salem. 1004. W7. Tho Onlr StrlcUjr Wholesale Drug llouae In OrcgoH. T. A, DAVIS & CO., 71 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON, . OFFER TO TI1B DUUO AND GENERAL MHB tbandlse trade a complete attortmeut of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture, d Druggists1 Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of &11 1" and qualities. WHITE LEAD, Of sll the leading brandi, In Una and kcs. COLORS, IN CANS and DRY. Putty, lampblaok, Bed Lead, Glue. VARNISHES, Including the flaert branda for Coach Paln.en" nie. Palat, Whitewash, and Varnlnh Brushei, LINMEKD oiX, Inbairele and cans. Turpentine, Coal Oils, CaitorOII, lard Oil, 1 P seaivrool Oil, Fish Oil. Alooliol, In barrel and cates.. Blue Vitriol, Sulphur. Cautlle Soap, C'OHceBt rated Lye, Potash. QuioksilVer and Strychnine. la Quart, ttWOmon. One.allon , and FlTe-Oallcn iu h Ctnt tn4 litrreU , etc . etc We axe Agent .for Oregonand Waahlnjto. Tenl- THE AVERItL PAINT, .n. .Dr vttrd PAINT IN D8K for rr We bur our good, from flrat haudi. tbuji en !MWeopeUwlthMyinartet be M nSqwif ob of our prlcee wlU proe. , VX;fJTMlltSv -IfiCulirdta. W) SARKAtJSriC, HATHEH. At atnoolliiK of Alert Hook nml Iinddor Company Xo. 1, hukl last 1'rldny evening, tbo following "Whoroasos and llesnlus" woro looked up ami p?oil by ILncouipany. Tliey aio expressive and to the point ubet ourllfe: Whereas, tho oily of Sakm Is now out or unlit, and . Wiierpii". Tho Council of said city, sullor I Hit Irnill a f-nai-uiodln attack of i cnnmnr. bus neon lit lo out down nil nspousoi, r.oi-03-1 ."atlly Infill red for tho comfort, wulf.uonnil troiocHinu of tho 1)oii1p! wliorfbv MiIm nllv , h lull In hj IlKhtuii by the brilliant liitolUuis of tbo Counciliuoii, nnd watered with tho crockodlln twar. aboil by eorialn of tholr ! luiinuetsatthoik'Ki'nfctacyabd gross fxtrav aKHUuoof tint age, aud Whereas Among other pieces of unparal leled retronchtneni tbo said Council luix oosn proper to cut down tbo alroady f mall allow nucca mnda to tho various II ro companies of this city; aud has uioreovor doolared Its hi tuutlon tn lino tho Flremon'a -Ilall as a Ha. corder'a Ofllceand Council Chamber without first cmiMitifug tho' canveuienco or will of said company. Whereas, Tho said Council has .not seen fit to ndopt a like economy In y)tber mattero whero It mlht have boon oxerclred without Injury In thb true lutorosts of this coujuni nliy, and v Wborpas, Whon In times past It wbh tho custom for tho ruprosentatlvea oleoiptl from tbo ariotn FlroConipanlos to tho Hoard of 'lro Dnlnnatea to hind thnir meetings in tho Council Chamber, tho City Council saw lit, atctnlilerahlu expense to tho people, to car put and tuniih In uu unneceKxarlly extras' afraiitinanuer the o'ahl chamber, ami tlinn rofiUu said 1'iro Dalegatos the uwo of this room for tbolV in!otltii;x,as thouh tbo said DelepiUos woro uuworthy of tho courtesy of tbn city, anil Whereas, When tho ald Vire Delogates made pplloatlon to hold their meellnuH in tliooHlooof tho City Kecorddr, tboy were In like iiiHiinor reruied, that olUco having alio been furnished In too elaborato a atyle to con form to the humble condition of (ho repre sentatives or tho Klro Department; so that tho said roprosontatlves had no place wherein to hold tbxlr meatlnns until tendered the uso of the Klremaii'a llall by tho companies to whom said hall b'olor.get), and Wberean, Tho Flro Companlos of this city havo furnished said hall at the expense, In a manner sullablo to their requirements and humble condition, but In no way suitable to tho dignity and position of tbo Uonorablo City Council. Now, therefore bn It Ucflolved, That this company would ro-sfl-ctfuy roprraent to the City Council, tho ufisultablenoM oftbolr hall for tho purpoae of a Council Chamber or llcordor'Nolllce. That a descent from their carpotcdhall of case aim grauueur to ttio litunoie, Dare, anil unpilntod lloiva of poverty atrlckon hall, would bo an insult to tbo' dignity of tbo highly honorod, most potont and august City Council. That.tho removal of tho carpels and furnl turo would Incur an additional nxpouso upon tho tax-p4yer; and tho carpets, Irusod in our hall, might beenmn contaminated by tho ruthlosn troad of somo unsitHpocting.flroman nnil ronderod unlit for uso by thnoconomlc.il guardians ofour dark and (fry city. Ilesolved, That wo iburoforo most respect fully decline our conaent to tho u wot our ball for Council Chamber and Hecordor's ofllce. Unsolved, That we hereby thank the lion. Counoll for their great geuoroslty In raising our allowance fmn 11 vo to nlno dollars, and pray tbo II in. body to continue on In 'the work of retrenchment. , : JX Good Sohamo. Tho X. Y. Advocate' of July 10th saya: "Sollora of liquor In Oregon are not required, under a new law, to bo llconsed; but every drinker inus't pay live dollars a year foru license, and whossver soils to an unlicensed poison may bo Imprisoned. Tho names of procurera of licenses are to bo published ev ery six months." Surely you havo to go away from homo to learn tho iiowm. of course there'd no such law in Oregon, but It wouldn't be a bad onouovorlbeloss, and wo are rather In favor of It. Blankets Stolon. Mrs. Qoodhuo'ri house, situated Hnuth of thoColleeocamDus. was ontored on .Satur day last by some unknown partlos and rob bed of four pair of blankot. somo eatables, cooking utensils and a fw dollars iu niouoy. Mrs. uooiinua can in anoru 10 Misiain tins loss, slio being donendent upon her own la bor for support of herself and a depondeut family. PavilloB Marshals. Mr. D. D. Frettvman the Chief Marshal of me pavilion, lias solected as his aids the fol lowing persons. J, ilonry Ilrowu, of Ma rlon; C. O liurkbart, of Linn oounty; B. W. Harriett. Polki A. N. Lewvlen. Clackaniaa: Ii. W. Morgan, Multnomah and L. C. 1'rot tynian of 1'olk. New Daily and Weakly. Wo learn that next week will usher Into llfn new Dally and Weekly In tho enter prising city of Albany. The new papr will bo called ''Tho Observor." Mensra. 11. Cartwrlght and Win. Steel are to bo the pub- usuers, euuora auu proprietora. A SMALL AFFAIR. ' Tho moon of Jfuru. which lin hihtbecii tllhcovertHl, is not over ton miles In illuni cter pr thirty hi clroumfureiico, ho that a iutii could wnlk arouml tho llttlo globe In a day. It h the bimilk'Ht known world In tho uiiiverHc, mil Is distant from Its principal only 30,000 miles. Our moon is ihu.uuu miles oil. r How it la Done- The flratobjoct In life with tbo American people w to "get rich"; tho second, how to regain cood health. Tho ilrst can bo obtain; ed by energy, honesty and Having; tne sec ond, (good u:altb) by using Gukk.n'h Au. UtFi.owi:r. Sbou'dyou ba a desondon; autlerer from any nftiieelfocta of Dyspopsla, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, &i auelt a Hlok Headache. Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual Crotlvanaas, Dlxzl-, ness of the Head, ffervous Prostration, Low Spirits, iVo., you need not sutler another rtay. Two dosea of August Flowkk wlU relievo jouatonc. Sample Hot lea, 10 cents. Keg ular alee 75 cents, roililvelv ajld by all tlrstcla&a DrustiMs In the U. S. Let the People Sejoice, For the bountiful harvest of 1877 baa now plaoed In the bands ot the people the golden coin, that they may flee to W. P. Johnson t Co. and secure aucb pictures as will please them and their friends, aud be a blessing to general Ions Income. Remember the place, oyer Willis' Bookstore, State St., Salem. Or. Yaklraa county. W. T has a population of 1,191. Of tbeeC33 aro white male, of wucna 324 are above 21 years of age. "WILLAMETTE FARMER. A HEALTH PRiESEhViNU TREtf. Tho Eucalyptus Glolmlun, or Amtrnllim Uluo Gum i ren, iih n Hrtventlvo of Dl caso iu Mnlurlous Districts. otnoyearsago tbo Algorians commenced In plnnt tho Kuealyptus throughout tho Kreiieh possessions iu Atrlca, and iho following arc eomo of tbo icsults obtained, a? rejiorled bv M.Trpther to tho French BUlhoritles. "About twenty miles from Algnntl'onilouk.liosaja I owned a proportysuear.tho river Hanije; tho cinaunilons from wiilch product d Inter mlttont fovfcrnniotiR tho frmois and their seryanls every your. In Iho Mirlnir of ISiiT I planted upon this farm 13.CC0 plonts of Ibp Eucalyptus Olnbtilui. In tho July or that J ear, iho aeason Iti which tlio lever uatially nppears; uie mriuors wero eompiotoly free from It; tuomrh tho tre(i Imd scarcely attained a helgth of moro than eight or ten foot. Siuco that timo tbo settled population has beon entirely freo from fevers. "K.iur. teen thousand Kecalyptus trees wero planted ou tho farm of lieu Machldllin In tho vicin ity or Constantlne; It bus lor years past bfon noted for Ita Insalubrity, tolng surrounded with marshes tho enllro year. Tho trouble entirely disappeared, land tbo soil btcame perfectly dry In live years; tbo attnosphoro Is constantly charged with aroiiiatlo vapors; tho farmers aro no longor troubled with dls easo; rind tholr children aro bright with health and vigor, Tho onoratlons of tho inantirnlnrv nf Gulp, In Constantlne, woro Hindered wholly impnictlcablo during tho Mitumor montliH, on uccount ortho pestilential eiueiiallons Hom tho. surrounding marshes; Hui Superluton dent. .Nf. Soulier, planted a largo niiinberof liubalynttts trees In tho marshes, and In three yearn about twelvo ncrns wero en verted Inln n lino park, tho water completely dlsappered, and tbo health or tho workman has sluco been In good condition. "On tho banks of tho Var Is situated a garrison houso; tho malaria mado It neces sary lo ohangx tho guard each vear; two years ago M. Vlllard, tho enlgueor In ebargs, planted a numbor of Eucalyptus trees In iho vicinity or the buildings, and since that timo, this post has beon tho most boaltby in tho country. M. Olmbert also reports lo Ihn French academy orsclonce as follows: "The Euoa lyptus tree baa tho property ot absorbing di rectly and rapidly, tho water of marshy places, thus preventing tho malaria from ris ing; It alaogivts to tho alinospheto and aoptlo camphorated emanation?, which play a vory Important part in Improving tho health of malarious dlstrlc.s, Tho society of Physical and Natural Solon oes of Algeria, mportthat In many localities It was Impossible for Europeans to llvo throughout tho year; they wero compollod lo quit during too unwholesome season; but mat amco hui gum trees tmvo boon planted It Ii posMblo to remain Iho whoto year though with aaroty. Tlio Spaniard's, who havo Introduced It Into tholr country, ctll it tho fevor tree, in ronsequoncoor It banishing fever from those districts whore It Is plantod. All this tosllmouy ooroborates thooxperl enco ofAustralla, ho fever existing thoro In tlioso dlatrlcts whuru tho bluo gum treo grows; th'nugh thoro arn all ihoelomontNof malarious disease around; but In those parts whero the bluo gum treo does not grow, tho full effect or tho malaria Is felt, aud fever aud aguo prevails, It Is the oxhalallons from tho leaves which hasauoh miraculous .effects, but tho gum and bark of the ttvn also. hso curative qual ites and It is from tbo whole of thorn, leaves glim and balk that the medicine Is extracted, which has so powerful firsts In preventing and curing ague, and giving tono tothodl. geatlvo system in fact It is more cortaln than quinine In Its action, without . the ovil cireots which -result from a frequent uso of that drug. It aUo has ureal healing qualities for sores or wunds. Tho aboriginal. natives ofAustralla'usotho loaves of tho gum treo mixed with earth, aa a remedy for wounds after a b,utlo; and tho rapidity with whloh their llesh hoals under this treatmout, aston ishes all who witness It. Atno which .pRef.sos all these useful qualities recommends Itsell to thd'notlco of all who llvo as wa do, In a district subject to Intermittent fever aud it would bo a wlao and benoilclal act In any olio to plant somo of them Iu tbo neighborhood of bin dwelling as it would bo a soured of safety both to bis own and bis neighbor's families. CUTTING AFFRAY. Sii.vkuton Out, 7th, (877. It la rather an unploasaut task, butnovor tholeas Incumbent upon your humblocor-, respondent to uiiko nptoof an affair Which occurred upon the atrco'.s of this qulotvll lago on yesterday ovenlng. At about 8 v. m. Itappears that several, ydung men having somo previous difficulty met on the side walk near tho Good Templars' Hall, and Raising a few angry words, got Into what was supposed at tbo time, to bo a general fist fight. After peace was restored It was ascertained that Tillman Huiton, son of tho lato Dr. Uutton bad received two severs wouuds from a knlfo in the banda of one of tho op posing party. Ono i gshb in the left arm below tbo elbow nnd tlio other on the aamo sido In the region of tho heart, Baroly escap ing Instant death. Young Hutton was taken to tho'oftlcAAf Dr.anfurd whero his wounds werollresseil, and although very weak from loss qf blood Is thought to bo out of danger at present. Constable J. M. Brow being absent at the time no arrests havo becji tnndo up loihe preseut timo. Mac. From Mulhuor Agency. Yesterday wo mot Mr. F. M, Johnson, farmer on tbo Malhuer Indian Agency, who Inform us lhatl,&00 bushels of grain, J,0C0 bushel! of iiolatoes. 1.C0O bushels of other esculents havo bssn raised thoro the just ftcaioii. About to tons of hay has been put up. Ali.'scarcn of land has been foncfd tho put fctimmer and preparations aro making lo ratio whoat sulllolent for home consumption. Tho groat need of tho agency is a rjourlog mill, whloh It Is hoped Congress win provino inr at mo next session, There are about 700 Indians on tho reservation, Statesman.. HasKaturned. Dr. Davis has Just returned from Southern Oregon where bo baa spent tho Hummer pleasantly, snd sajs no belter or kinder hearted people live anywhere than are to be found I hero Professionally he baa achieved an excellent reputation and a good name, thus adding fresh laurels to a good reputa tion already bis In this section. Several of his surgical operations have been highly spoken of by both frienda and tbe preaa. Iatarastlas Exalalt. Livingston Stone, Supt, of the O. A W. Flab Protection Coiooanv will exhibit at tha State Fair, three Jars from tbe batching ponds on tbe Clackamas; tbe Ilrst contains salmon ezg; the second eKgssbowiuir'.aTflspo, and tbo tnlrd young salinou; tueiirst artificially batched In Oregon, GOOD CAHVA38SRS WAWTED. Wo wish 'to mako n thorough canvats In tho inlorotof ihls paper through this Slate and Washington Territory, and would like to havo, after harvest, or during tho wlntor, aotiAC caiivaaHns in each county, aud If pos sible in each precinct. Groat Reduction! HARDWARE IIKTAII.RD at Wholesale Prioee, fox Cash r MyStick oonslsts ofSHKLF and BUILD ERS' Hardware, Mechanics' Tools, Shovels. Nall,'Hope,'olo. JOHN R.FOSTER, scSOml cor. SUik A Front ., CORVLAN-I -L- S1200 "Knlnnri FftlcimmwftDtrdtnr'tMtoar Mil UotMl tadrairft. jsiianDC. tlAitciitirttwU, rtHnfhirmil0T h.n.U 4,rAU J, . (1UANT Ui, !,l,(ali lttu bl. ClUvlBBkU. U. JOHN GRAY,... Formerly lo DutMii'x lltncV, t jut opened a Lar'o ami remiili'tu HIiKkof Ciirjiob', Ojlulotlis, Mailings, ANII Houso - Furnishing 'Goods. Next to Dairy in pie. it Drown, TAHKi:V UliOCK HAI.IUT1. OH. WHICH WILL US rULU AT Lowest Cash Rates! scpltf $2600 At i:ll. AftcuU wanted. Iluk). nt'Klcfrlllnmti-.riirtlculHrarrra, AUmti VOSTItCO,StUll.'M JOHN O. WEIGHT, Dealer In FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockofy and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobacco and Cigars. COMMERCIAL, STREET. dAwtl Salem, April 90, 1875, WOOD PUMPS, Tho Best and Most Improved r'uwps bow Iu Use, Thay aro ciikavku nnd more uuiunr.u than anv nivlo of Chain Pump or water drawer Kvrry man who tiaa nad expo rlsnoo In tho rilfforent waya of ii raw i n k water Known tuerois no way so Cheap, Durable, Conycnicnt, and frro from linjiartlnK un- nnainiy oiHtuontn an tho plain wood niinin. Thay are taklnir tho nluco or all oilier nioatia of raising waUirfoninmestlapiir. posos. or for II A UN or STOCK VKMS. Mater Pipe nnd Ravo Spouts Wo inauuraottiro I'lpoof va rlotiHnlr.es for oonvoylnt; wa lor from springs, Htroams, .tc. Jt is cheap, hut auhstantlal. l-'or further particulars, apply to or address teSIm? A. I'llBSCOTT, Nalem, Or. ITJL"fclio Sale . o THOROUGHBRED OATT3UE! IOKHUR. nt public snip, to in hli-hett bidder, part of my herd or THOIlOU(lllllltKI) Shorthorn & Devon Cattle. J.ST This sain will Ukn placo at Iho Cattlo ShfMlsr.n tho STATU KAIK O HOUNDS, ou TIIUItSDAY of Fair wook.Mlll a. tn. I will thon offer abont thirty head of Tlioronglibrcd Hulls, Cows and Heifers For casu. or H months' time on in tier cent. Interest, wtlh approved tecurlty. This will ilvn those who wish lu stall llitmsi Ives of Itnu opportunity to buy, sue liayo uutll they can ralsr and market another crop liufors payment la rriiiilred. tSY- THK V.KITLK WIU. II K O.V rilK PAW OltOt'.YJl durliitf Knlr ek. when any Information with nfmuto to pedigrees will bo vlven. rtlila'I . i. V. Ul.TIICK. I offer for sale French, Spanish, and American Tliox-oiXfXli'soi'o cl MERINO SHEEP. ALSO Cotswolda and Ne Oxford shiros. All Prnsoss dealrlni; to Improvo Ihrir locks from the above bleeds, or to procure Hlvh tirade KWKH frum the aasie, are Invited to call and examine my flock, at my farm, tour tulles south tr HM.I.SH. setlmlpl B M. OUTIIHIB. For Sale ! Tin FINB HKBIflKNCK corntror Commer- Ktll 1 I clnl and Division streets. In desirable situation, JHLwItb bouse Unit, well flnlthed, nod couVsnicnt ly arranged, and wounds tastefully ornamented. WIU be sold yory Xoxstr nnd on accutnaiodatlug terms.- Apply tu L8D .WILLI. itpM I'atton't Ulock Btatebt.. Balim. KfVvlT Is H 5 'uticj! oruiiimllnti's (Sale or Ileal Kslalc. Notice ! In rolivsltcii that iiuivnant to'an ordor of Oruntj Court el ilm county of .Marlon In tli" State or Orrgon, mulo at the October term thcrror 1S77. 1 will oIT.t lor sle at mild'c miction on tho loth day or Nov cintcr, iSI'.ntono o'clock InttiRnnetiiooniirtsldday, . at tho Court llnuiuiloor1n tho city or Hatcm. Iniaid cnmilf, the real culmo nf Kdwnrd lloiill otand Alrrcd unulllut. minor li:lr of Avciirtun nonlllot, decent cd. y)d real clnla ! bounded nnd dct ctllied ns fn.lnw(. to wlliHealniiliij.' nt tliu . W. corner of John 1. I'ou I iip lionatlnn I.nnd claim, Iu T. ft 8,'lt. 9 W. or tho A lllrtmetto meridian. tultii clnlpi No. II. Notification o I0D. ninnliitf tlicneo Knterly aloiiK Iho line of aid claim, itttod; llieiieo nortti to tlio uorlli lino of Mid claim or Jnlni ! l'oiijvlc; tlioico N. TJdec 4.i mm w. to tint Norlliwenl corner or fold clthn; t hencu HihiMi mils ctinlns; llienco lnHtl.8.1 chains tUonco Mouth In tlioiil.ico ol Wlnnliiir cotitslnliiit Wi jmo more or leK. AUo certain I rnel or land, belnii Iho otth lutlftif the Donation land claim or John Mc Kay on i wlfj Ua'ua el ilni No. 1 1. and notlCcatlon No. S3, In r 3h. It 1 V erthoWlllamettomerrdlan.eon taliiltia fill) acre of land more or let Iu tho wbolo calm. A I Mliiato In Marlon county, Orci;on. Term or Mlo cih In han!, told coin. ' .1'. C. SULLIVAN , . . ,. .' Ouanllanof MldnilBrhclr, oct..u, bn. r a,v , , , ,. Administrator's Sale. Notlcu U hereby stven Uuv nnr-iunt to iui order or tlio llonorahln County Conrt or the county o' Marlon In ,n.':.fc,2i0 9.f Ow.80". iriailn nt tin October teiui, 18"7. t will otTer fhr ,lo at nubile, iiietion on Sntnrilay.tho loth uay ofNoveuibuj-.ilS: at ono o'clock In tlio alter noon off old day, nt thoeetirt home door In tho city or Salem, In said coin ty. the real cttnto belonelui? to tho oftolo or A, K. Waller, iliccarcd, described rollout, to wll: A part of Doi atliui clilm No. i. Notllleallim No. 77. In T. 7 8. It. J V. or Wlllametto meridian, bounded by beeltuiltiK on tlio south linn or tbo county road lending eastorly rrom tho east end or rMato street, la Salem, i ailon county, Orecnn, nt a lio.nt H. 70 dec 30" trln. 1C. li.M cfnlns ftum w here Iho roulli lluo or said comity road'lntvniecls llin West houudarv or tlio Donation I.nml Claim or A. 1 Wal ler and lllenlia Waller Ids wife, aim riiuutnK thenco 8. In dec .'111 inln. V. 83 ehalns, it oro orles, to Inter seel a duo east nnd Weil linn dividing said claim Into two eounl parts j llicnruiast 1llS.1chti8nioreor les in luttrsect thu eastern boundary lino ot n ei-rinln tract of land deeded by A, I Waller and Kleplia Wader Ids wlir, to hbcl U. Waller, by deed ilatnl the iHith day or .Inniinry. 1N'.0, snd recoul ed In Marlon county records, llwilt or l)ced. lo'umo Nn. I, on ijiBU;r.U thenco N. Ill dec wmliuB. alone said last menitoiitd line, about JW.M ch.ilus to the south IIiiomiI said coiiniy road, tlimco N, 70 dec 30 mln. W.alonittho south lino or raid county road to the place ol bcKtuutuc sud all situate lb ilnilon couiitv.Oreiin. fKUMS 6? 8AJ.E-On third cash In liiml, ono third Iu six months, and tho balance In one year hem Uui dato or sale, all Iu gUd coin. ... . . . J. A. BTRATTAN. octlsr4 . Administrator or said estate. AiimlnlstrnCor'H Bale. , Notice la hereby ulveu that, pursuant to an order of tho htitiorablt County Court or Marlon rcuuty, In tho Htate or lircjtnn, n.sde at Its October lenn, 1877, I will offer rorsalo at pibllc auction on Matarday, tbo llllli day or November lh77, al one o'clock In'ilioaf. to noon or said day, nt tho court bouts dour In Iho rltvof Halom. Ill mid Murlnn county, Iho real of Into beioniilnirtn tlidcuntoof Jnmca lllckey, deceased, do srnbodat rol'ows to ll: A part oflho lionatlnn Land Claim or said James HUUey and vvlru. In T. 7 8. It. a W. nnd In T a S It. Wt Ileiilimlna' nt tin ". W. corner of Claim (A, nnd Iho H. h. corner tr Claim it, InTHH.It t W, and ruiiiililbcncjN.Oilei; 13 mln. W. , CO chains; thenco N. -lOilec Slmlii. K. .ill SO chains! thenco N. I dc 15 intra. W, 1.4S tlulns; thiiico N lidw. A'J mln. K, 80.11 chains; thuiro N. 7ldor t) mln. K 3.W) chains; thuticn N, 8 d'c : inlu. W -J.M) chains; thrnro N. 43 dec .10 rain. K. II.3U Chains; thenco easterly to Intersect tbo south lluo or raid Claim HI, nt n pottil 8. 4U dec 61 inlu, K II.OI chains rrom an nuiilii In said south lino or said claim HI; thenco H -III dec M mill. W. l.lKl chaliM lo tho pacuor bdrlimluc romalntiiK about 3(1 ceres, and nil tllnato In Marlon eouiily. Orrtmii. TKUMS Or SALK-llold colli In lian-J. 3 i coin in uani. JaMKrt M. Klt!Kr.Y, oclllw4 Administrator ot raid slate. Notioe. Is Iho matter or the. (Intrdlanshtp or Kk'ward lln'u-. Illoland Alircd Doulllol, minor belts or Aucuftus Poulllnt, deceased. NOW. ou this day. Hepterabor 4. A. fi. IJ77, camo I'. C, 8uluvan, irua'dlnn. or said minor lulrs, nnd presented his peilllon prnylnir rornnotdtr lo'roll the. real estate of ssld inlnots In Marlon conut). Or ecu, dcicrlbed la his aald pultllon, and It anprarlnir to tho satisfaction or thu Court that It la inci-.nry and ror iho best Interest or tho tatd minora that tho sa'd rial estalo tliuuld bi told, It Is Jiereby ordered and decreed that Iho next or kin ol raid wards, nnd all persons Intemsted In mid otats, appear broro ma nt the Court Houso In tha cltv or Salem. In Marlon county. Orriruii, on tho Dili day of October, 1877, at tho hour or 3 o'clock p. 111., and th'iw cause, If any they have, why a license shouht not lie irrnultil lor tint snlo or said estalo. 8urvieu tr this onlr shall be mutloby publication In tho Wiu.AMtTT 1'jiiiMiit for ihriw weeka succtsrlvely bcloio raid lltl day nf October, A.l). m. JOHN 0. I'tiLTILK'. County Juili'o, Marlon Co., Onbn. Hilem.Hent t lw77.. aisn Notice. In Ihn matter or thu Guardianship or Deo W.leht, Orr Wright, nnd KIU Wilijlit. minor htlra of Jo seph A. WrlKht, deceased. NOW, on Ihli alxlli r"ny or Heplcmber, A. I). JR7T, came It C. Itimsby. inurillau or said minor heirs, and presented his petition prayluir. reran mder to sell thu real estate of raid minors In Clstkcma county, OreKon, described In Ida said petition, nl.d It uppcarhiit tu thesallsraellnn of tbo court that Ills necfsaiy nnd for the best Inlerertof the said ialt;or that Ihn said real estate should 00 told, It It lieieby ordered and deeruod ilmt the osit nf kin i.r .nl.i wards nnd nil persons Intartrled In raldetlalenppoar befiiru mo, at thu courMuiusu In iho city or Hnlvi.', In Marlon rntinty, Oregon, nn thu IBth day ot October, A. U. IH77, nt tho hour of It o'clock a. tn , and show cause, ir any they havo, why 'a license should tint bo granted for the aalo or raid estate. Hervlco or this order shall bo mado by publication In the Willam kttk Kaimsii for three sucresrltu weeks prior to iho 12th day or Oc.ober, A. 1). 1x77. .. . , . JOHN C. rKRIILB8, seUsrS Connly Judgo or Marlon county. Oisjon. Notloe of Final Settlement. Ia thu County C'ourl or tho Hta'e or Oregon fijr tho county of Jlnrlou, KsUlo or Hezeklah 0, Dayton, ieccjs'd. I" ItWH 0. IIAYTON, administrator or raid estate. J htvltik this day tiled hit dual account, oskl'i that thu name miy bo allowed for settlement; there fore, all persons Interested are hereby notified that the court baa aet tho hemlni; of raid application for Monday, tbe firth day of Novembi-r 1677, al the court house in Malum, In said county, at 11 o'clock n. iu, of said day. when objections to aald account or any ex ist) wl'l 1)3 beard nnd determlnid, , , JOHN 0. 1'KhllI.lta, County Judse, Halcm Hcpt 18,1817. ajo 111 hR& 7oh.iv FALL PLANTING, L i Hk 3 KM. -"for the house, Tlio Autlllilii No, of Vlck's Floral fiutdo. loiiUlnliifUes-rlrlloiis of llyarlntbs, Tulips, Lilies, and all llullia and ro-r for ai 1. 1'lantino In Iho Har den, and ror Wistkii Ki.oakm In tho Hujte Jusl piib'lsbid, and s-M tre to ti.L, ddiest, seilMl Jl.TIICs V1RK, llot-lieater, V.V OZtBOOlV Slxxtml FIRE COMPANY. Capital, $300,000.00 AiHti, . . $568,547.45 Income. 1875. 8465,904 29' Loiieipald out since organiza- tlO, . . $1,137,367.50. HAMILTON BOYD,. MANAX1RH. aujtf 72 First til,. POHKItANB. VIW WA t Cl , i a n IM i i M A .J