1 " sw S : ut' ? . V7ULLAMETTE FARMER. L, ! c M X fV t isium evbht rmiur, nr "OiLA.lS.JttlS .to CBAIG, t'unMnuxrm ami i-nor-niKTons. S. A. CI-.VJCICi;. I). V. CltAIfi. Term Ar Mili'rlptlon. Onocopy, cmoyoarfJSiintnber) $2. ill) One copy, rx mnntii (2tnnmbir) l.'JS Ofiorony, 1hrc month" (lx nnm'mr 7fi HALKM, KM DAY, OCT. lif, lh"7. THE STATE FAIR. TimtnuAV. In stunmlnj,' up tlio prospeds of tlio Oregon Stnto Fair to(lay, wo must recogtiizo tlmt nothing now wni make it tlio Burce-i that tho pooplo tie sired and tho Agriuulturnl Socloty Jo Borvetl. Tlio weather Monday nndTues day Justified tho hope that wo might liavo Minslilno through tho week. Tlio ro.lds woro drying up well and tho camp ground was not too damp for cmnplng purpose. All day Tiic-tliiy (ho noiso and buttle Increased, campers hagan to mako the grounds out-ddo the fonco look populous and the J'avllion Locarno lively and animated, tlio dis play helng MitNfaclory and most crod- Italilo and tho throng or ladies Increas ing o that hrlght f.iccniind gay colors lit up tho place and gavo good oncour-ngement- that with another ploswuiit . day tho scono would rival former fairs. Tho running race of tho afternoon called out thousands of persons, many ladies included, and .showed how difll cult it is to estimate tho numher in at tendance It was a good race, oven If Kyestrawdid got heat, and tho crowd and tho animation were- prophetic of a 1 go id t mo coming, hut lo! Just as wo looked for huushine wo have storm. This ii oruing (ho clouds are pouring u Hteady lain. The roads will lupong,iin into mud and chuck holes and tho .State Fair, v hatever Its merits may he, and howopr great tho 'display, cannot he otherwNo than an ill sui-cois. Oiro cannot rcali.o at a tli-tiuico how great tho disappointment attending such an occasion when had weather ills polls all hopes of Miccess. There nro n thousand interests involved besides the main one of tho'sueeovs of tlia Agricul tural society, which nitM Impress ov ory puhlii! spirited person. Many have purchased booths; many have como far to cutor to pulillb nmuHoiuont; many have come to ho amused as well as to ho interested ill th'o actual display. While thousands who attend are made, more .or less uncomfortahlo, there are other thousands of our cltlzous who worelnteudlng to ho present who have to resign that luteutlonuud sillier great disappointment. Wo closo the record for tho Fair the parent Isiuc, on Wednesday, and in tlio hurry and confusion of the time it Is not'povdbtn to jrlvo anything like a minute sketch- of tho exhibit, it Is truo that the Fair is discouraged hy tho 'had weather hut it is also true that the Fair Is u success as to the extent and variety of tho exhibit made. Tho Pavilion is well tilled with val uable material. Tho .-.how of fruits Is excellent; tho varieties and sl.o and character' of tlio fruits shown nro all that could he desired, the principal ex hibitors being Jo-cph Hamilton, S. Kn elling A- Son, and .1. U. Lambert. Oth er exhibitors doiorvo credit and will ho mentioned next week. Tho display of vegetables is uUo su perior, splendid in fact, and wo see su perior specimens of tho .sweet potato, as large and flue as tboo shown In our markets from California, giving proof that wo can raise them in Iho Wlllam otto valley. .Mr. ('. P. HuiMiart and S, It. Scott each have tine fpeclmeiis. Father I Helmuts, of the Salem Catholic Church, snows a great pumpkin, the seed planted being from .the premium one shown at Phlladilphh last year. The Moral display N wry Hue and at tractive, ijulte a good ami perhapi Minertor to former ye.u-JN The art work l very trtie, more per fect than usual as work of jui. The display Is most creditable and the front Pavilion pre-eutt a very attractive ap pearance. The sKK-k yards are well tilled and all that is needed Is good weather to make the Fair ground teem with life and activity ami realle all that has been expected. The exhibit N prob lily the test ever made in Oregon. A0KN1H AlTOINTKII. Air. Newtou Swimo ford, tho agent fur tha Pacific CoaHtStcanf whip Company, returned a few days ftinco from a flying trip south. Mo proceeded by rail ns far south as Koaobiirjr, in tliolnterehtH ofthd company ho has tho honor of repro Honting, his principal purpoco bolng to.np polnt hkctiIh aloiiK the lino of tho rosd at tho various towns. During his absence, Mr. SwInafordostabllshodthofollonltiKnKcnclo: Koieburrx, II. O. Stanton; Eujreno City, A. V. l'elcrs it 'Co j Juticllon City, Jt. Colin; Ilurriftburc, K. J Huimnorvlllp; Albany, Wm. Twoednlr; Salem , IIoDiy D. Boon; Or ogon City, J. M. Macon. .Incisionvillu Times: Cajit. CaKm, ftipprin Irndentof tho Kmollno minp, wrfs In town Ttuwlay, hrlnglug several llaskH of quick sliver. Ho reports mattoro an proKreaslng Hwliumltinly, about 230 pounds of purnmotal bolng realized dally. Operations will be prosecuted Highland day after thin weok. Dillos Jtcmucr: Maduon Brothers,' near Dixlo, havo about fifty acres of wlip.it Out yot. And eovoral parties iuar Orand itondo Lavn as liljih as 100 acres stlh out. , New Goods ,0. A. Hkbd. olfy 1'nbllc. T. . Cox. MEED & COX, Real Estate and Insurance Loans nsgotiated on Favorable Torms. Buy and Sell Gold and silver, State, and Ci'y Warrant's. County. Agent (or ItotU'K Opcru Hooxc. JlT"Onlco. at fio comer yf Rtcil'f Ojicrn Hnisc, t2? hm.km, on. . snyt -AT- BREYMAN BROS AT Till! WHITE CORNER. Clotliingr, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, G R O C ERIE S, 3E3tO., to. JNO, GRAN & CO., PItONT ST., PORTLAND, Havo Kow Opened Their NEW FALL STOCK ....or.... Stnplc niil Fnncy DRY GOODS, ....1K1).... Ladies' Dress Goods, An Immonoo Variety. EVERY DEPARTMENT NOVELTIES. Oct. 7. 3m J U nillNAHtl '. i. lze. BtVRNABD & LEE, PRODUCE & COMMISSION nvtro3a.vxxt. fROXT STREET, PORTIiMVD. Wcit tldo Dock, corner Salmon and Front Bit. Special Mtrntlon slrcri to Ktmicrt' I'rodnco of all kinds. Ciif.rltrnineiita roIlctteO. Havo connrctt mt In n Franclico vrlitch enable o to j;ct the brrt market price octa HAWKEY, DODD& CO., Tortliiud. Oreerofi,' Offer for Sale, at tho lowest Possible Prices, a Full Lino of AGRICULTU R AL IMFLESIENTS. WK AKE SOLE AGENTS FOH TUfEEIiKBKATED i0"e AT &ry JK Whli'li foirihln'o the crontebt 'trcnctli, oxtretno Ik1i(iios4, iuhI ilumblllty.-- DKKRE is the sole J'ntctitoo of tlio 'Wrought Jllock am eiueci roff, mm their Plow la tho only Plow so mnclf. Tho VIJiV'nni' r"' nw -IXr hardened by a Patented Process PECULIAR TO THE DEKIIE PLOW. THE EE51E SULKY AND GANG JPLiOVI, With or without Breaking-Plow Attachment. "--."us.-- v. -T-a-iTtixz :iiiifrb ' aSS '-iJitJ:w TIiIn Stock hnN JuNt been pur cliMNcd by Mr. WER.tER IIRCV MW in New VerK, Mad Hum FrHHclNce, and, owlHf to llic extremely lew prlcen in csoodK and FrelglitN, we nro nble to give better bargain than ever. NEW STEAM-SHIP LINE Portland. The P. C. S. S. Co. WILL HEKUAKTiUt JtUN A LINK OF BTKAM. fhlpi rrcularlr. ocry five day bctHccn Su ;'ranclfCo nml l'orllnnit iVT GREATLY REDUCED RATES, J. M. .HcCItAKKN A: CO. Ascntn. EST Tlckctf for f ale liy EI. t. IIOON, Arcnt. 8AI.BM. S2 Tlio groateat Lnlior-S'iivlnp ImptpinentM yot Invontf d Vnolly jmprnvpd for Fall of 1S77. COO Sold lax Orogou lax xao TToo.!. ps Evorv KHrtunr lutotefied. Tlio Deero Sulky U tho only HltiKle-Lovor Plow made. EASfLY oi'EUATED. So conotnirtf d that bv n nllclit motion of tho Lover tbn Plow in run out or the irroimd and raised cleur. liy liorfo- hmtead of man-power. It Is stronger and Iosh complicated thnu any other. Solo ArodIb lor tho woll-kuoVn I SOUTH BEND OBXZiZJa-2RON P10W9. BUCKEYE:DRILL8 and BROADCAST SEEDERS The most successful!!! use. I Too well known to need comment. IIRTWEEN San Franoieco and AX . s29. Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons, d FAHM GltlST MILLS, nil lyleBnd prlccH. TAX MILLS. Sond forSpeoial Circulars. WK ALSO tMAKH A 81'BOIALTV OP Carpets, Oil-cloths, GiirtuiiiM, 3InttliifH, Sio. FARMEFlS, PR ipu CE Takru lit Kxchaitue for ooU. ts? Call at tho Whito Cornor. BREYIHAN BROS., Oct. u Mnlom, Or. Jno.W. Gilbert (bookbinding In connection with my Printing !toom U com- nlAla 11wiVhltnli.rr. l'Afirr Ittlltliir. Hunk H...IL Fuanufacturlrr. AImlnc4 nU llovka IouihI Iii d; trie. Kc.tltKllnsniiiitlrtXMutml. OrUcriirotn-jt- r (ttcrxlcl to. K-uJ fur c.tlmttrl. I'rlnt low. .iiitiymthegutt. AUiirent, .1. nAiir; Mlrnm lrllrr ad Dookblndor,1 arar't lllack.Stalatt., HAI.Elt.OnEOOS. omilts TO THE Jack hoii county Uh rfnswl to cwnt the proportion of the uihoritl nrJt)-iphlne to rwttlvu $1,1)00 in full tymin:of allUeiiuiut lnl I !t county u oiount of the UrUtr' trial'. Hy Krwnient btwn JuJkh Dty aud Clerk HiikIiw, the iiiMiiir kivk before Judgo Print Ibr deculou, eub party LavluK tberiKhtofapWHtl, A liUckimlth named Wrluiit. of Walla Walla, was kicked iu tho fuv by a hone a few day ago aud aluiot killed, COUNTRY TRADE Gum Boots Tho IJiNt vr MikIo. An'bXTKA giAMTY OF Ladies' Calf Shoes, Jin I lb thin; for our Orrfou xlufcr wctthcr. Fine Kip and Calf Boots, )Vtleh ir txprrljr tutdf for oar trade, of dlffcrcut ()DtHttr, lo nH cmtomir. All KoadM Meld by me are GUAR AKTKKD to be want I recant mead them, r I will at any time make It gd to tke ear- J. W. UlLBtRT." Salem, Oct. Vi, IS1T. tl. cbuner. MUSICAL NOTES. GARDNER BROTHERS Aro wliolosalo und rotall dealorn In I'lnnot OrcniiH, Shuut Music, Violins, Accordions. IlArmonlcaiif), and musical merohandlfto eonerally, 0kland, California, lnwo rocont ly oHMiel h branoh btoro In Salom, OrcKon. GARDNER . BROTHERS PorHonally nuporlnlend their business In tbls State, bm well aa California, and will be prompt In making Rood all contracts. GARDNER BROTHERS Ilavn alroady sold nearly two hundred In alrumenta In tliU Stato. GARDNER BROTHERS Uavo four authorised agonts belling from tbelr house In thla Stale, to. wit; A. L. Move, Albany; U. H. Slack and Frank I). May, Salem; K. A. Bilrd, Eugene City, GARDNER BROTHERS Piano have already beoomo a favorlto on tho Count, It Is made especially forthotrado, and Is adapted to the ollmato on this Coast, and for remaining In tunee In ItH adaptation id ine parior mere u nono oeiter. GARDNER BTOTHERS Ilavt) several ditfrront manufactureaut Or uhik, kIvIiir the public a' variety to soleot from. GARDNER BROTHERS Have a tlrst'Olasa tuner In their employ. All orders attended to by addroaalnj; tiarduer UrothiTH, S.ilein, Oregpn. GARDNER .BROTHERS Give a KiiaranteA for tlveyeara, for all Pianos and Orin, if desired. GARDNER BROTHERS Piy thulr employoes a salary, not a com mis sion. GARDNER BROTHERS Would Ntate, In avcr to ninny lniliilrlfN, that their Branch llotihw in Sulem Ik u itermanent ItiNtllullun. fse-iStf. USE THES IN THE WORLD! !Qo not. Deceived! See that our Trade Mark is on eaohPackaeef i 4 Pare - Blooded FRENCH . IPov Snlo At the Fair Grounds RAMS AND EWES, From tho noted Flock of Mrs. it. Bla cow, Centerville, Alameda county, California.. i o O PURE WHITE, FOR JNSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK: Jet Blaok ; and ALL COLORS. OVElzszoca. FL&a&jsr for AND EASILY APPLIED. .For Sale by the ApcntM: JOHN Use, HUGHES. Salem, HODGE, SNELL & COM miolcKtile Druggists, aud Dcucih In Paints, oiin, and Glass rut VI)nVP tTnPPT . . ' t-j.Tt,Xiu?aT. r AND NO. 75 KltONT STRKRT. ABVEE03SINalAGENCY3 174ELM'SIREET. , CINCINjNATI.' . OHIO. .' AdTertlsemento Inserted in any paper. Before advertising send for xny cataloguo. KELLY & UNDERWOOD, ty" The Old Immigrant Route Aroaa llio Cascade CTountaln., HOW OI.UD BT Till Cascade S.oadacd Bridrc Oompaay, ltunaloK U Saodr, t. Hood, and Barlow's Gate, IS NOW OPKN, and Haul of all Wind, rut Us gnn, Tbe rvad ! Iu fined repair, eztrni la 1m EemenU axe bt'lnj: made rvsry rar. Tb I.AU U1LLS aro all yndrd. tihrrp-brlde aru un aU treatn.. Thl road never rtrflved a uoii.n rub ndj, and jet It it the bori.l, bt. and cbrap eat route over th niutmulrit. Uirtanco uer tic mountain,, 44 rollva. From I'oriland. over iht mountain.. 78 mllra. Front. Kalem, 100 tnllr,.-ltTKS-Waon., i; Saddle. 10:; Tatka. S5c; Cat tie. 10c: Sheep, 3c For all coin and coralnr from or Into Marlon, Vam bill, Watbliston. Linn, Benuui, and Polk counties, tblt U br (ar the belt, uette.t. and cbrapr.t mate. 8. D. COALMAN, Fr-M'nt, , Qaitit X. Caott, Sec ' dmi Carriage & Wagon Mate Salem, Oregon. HpfuS UAND A CII0ICE LOT OF FOU of their own make, Mnncfactared of the BKST qnalltr of Jeraer nt,t Wire uta call, at.d exaioJAooSr wofiLS in?7! tor voni,iTe. wora, aud Jndjai , auSilBdotl?.,tep'W, 't,", Gen,, Jo,b" doa. -tw Admiaiitrator'a NTotir NOTICE It bareb jrlten that taa nnder.l, waa by order of the CoaauCoort of l2 . ,eil' of Jlarloti.'ln tbe Bttte cfoSpi? i&rtheAM,,? nxtit 1ST?, dn'y appo nte4idaiatiSr,'tor E,tate or M. J itbawL ilaSf ain2I?r of Im; cUlm. atn.t .."dVut.Mm rwliSa to- 5T; the fare, wfih the touaert. to iC. iJ2iSJ,'l!fnt the ,mce of J. J. Bbtw. S tke ritf vlP" 5 "r1