Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 12, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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4fUel HVEHT wiiDAt.nr
i-onUMitin! anu rnowuBiowi.
S. A. OI.AUKH. ". w CJtAIO.
Term of MtWtxirlntleu.
ft.... ...... r.nrt i.trll?) nmnbeipl ?..'
......,... .! nmr.tMk ((.! iiuiniirrc) '-"
Oiioculk.thif mnntJii'nSriuinliM'H)........
" sal-ism, rimAY,Vov7 12, w
jrv DANinii liooNii J)ir.i.'l!io
J'iuin, Kunttifky, Citizen rc-prcHlucc-i
from the n.imo pnpur of Heptombor 8,
1801), th following: "As ho lived, so
lio died with Ills un in his linnd.
"Wo are informed by a guntlcman direct
from Uoona's, on tlio Missouri coast,
(lint early liwl month Colnel Daniel
JJoono wont to tho dcor-llck ond seated
i.imc.ir tvlilitn n lillnd raised to conceal
. him from the giHnojtlint wlillo filtlln?
j ,,.... - p -i, . ,, , , , ,tn,'
?' '7, VAB. I hn llcU.
tlio niUK.lo resting on a log, ids luco to
tho hreoch of tho gun, his rlllo cooked,
Ills linger on tho trigger, one oyo shut,
tho oilier looking along tho barrel
through tho sight-In thh position,
without n strugglo or motion, and o
eourso without pain ho breathed out
his Illo mi gently tImt. y,hS", ,ui wa.8
found tho noxtduy by his frJomW, n -
iii inn iihiu) i'"'"";" '", ",,-,: , , :,,
though still' and cold, ho loolceu as it
nlivu with his gun In hand Just in tho
net of Urine;. It Is not altogether cor
tain If buck had come in range of his
gun, which had been tho death of thous
nnds, but It might Intuitively followed
Its old employer's mind rtnd discharged
ltsolf. Tlio hypothesis being novel wo
leave tho solution to tho curious.
Which Ih tho worst place for a
hole? A man's face.
Whnt Is the best motive for riding a
man on a rail? A locomotive.
Which Is tho first thing tho mognot
over attracted? Attention.
Whv cannot two blonder persons over
hceoiiK great friend.''? Because they
-Will always bo slight acquaintances.
What is tho best or fusts Fast
When Is n voting man's arm llko tho
(lo-nwiv When it maketli glad tho
waist places.
When Is a butterfly liko a kiss?
When it alights on tulip?.
What makes a horse out over u hill ?
Jtocaubo be cannot cat under it.
What is like tho crow on tho hill?
The crow in tho hollow.
"Why Hhould wocclobriitc Washing
ton birthday, inore than mfnei" asked
tVtoncherlriioripiiplU: '.
""Bocauso ho never told n Hoi"
shouted a little boy.
This was rather hard on tho teachor,
but the boy did not tco it.
'It doesn't do any good to call a man
"a lord or creation" and then keep his
diniior waiting half nn hour.
A very fAlr ntidlnon uttoluiiHl Jack's Tlnm
t'r nltlio Opera Unuo Instuvoiilngto witness
John Jack's great pltico of ohnrAuter Hutlng ns
Hlr John Kalntutr, the dounhly KiiIkIiI and
boon eouipanlon bf i'rineu Hnl In Shakes
pearet, King llunry, IV. In spanking of Mr.
JkcJc'w Hctlng in lids tliarauter tho New
Y( rk atlas Inlht It all In tho fnllowlug urn
jthatla nonls:
Mr. John Jack chon tlio difficult uhnranter
fyirJohn FalHlatT," in Kiiif(.IMiiry llin
IV. ULs pluck diHorvoil hucoonn; baiMtullml
Hi a character closely , and has u vldently had
It In ids mind fur yeiiio; ho In an aoior of
ability, poNicssos uxpuriotH'O, Uot and t-klll.
IlUuiaku up, uiniiniT and manaKaiibiit of
tho Ivxt turn (ipully praiseworthy. Tim
"Honor" nioiiolomio which tlio porlls of
Nlirowubury'H battlo sukkcwUhI to tho fat
knlKht, waHOMolally woll dollvored. Ho
may now tuutny tho character with tho cer
tainty of bttlni! woll received whoro'vur pro'
xentfld' Ho plnyiiU for a high prlr.oaud man
fully ho won It.
Wo uro pleaded to announce to tho olll.rns
of rJAtom that Maaugtr K. W. Uart, will next
wjH)k, presont for their orjoymont, wh.it can
cancIontlnuMy bo culled tho greatest coinhl
nutlou ovor iireminlod to tho Haloin pnblla.
OoiniUNtlin: of ilnll Inliistrel tertoriimnco
ly thouorld rinosviiiid"Kitiorson MlnstiolH,"
he.uled hytho liilinltablo Hilly lilmsell, com
tilnt'd wlih llerl's DrniittU) ConiKinv. in tlio
grealoilof lrnmilu acctiKmis tho Tour of
tlio World In Klulily li.iv.i" Thoy will ai.
ptmratlho Pioneer Tlioator, tlio WlWiun,
iluring K.tlr wrols.
y. m. oTa. at the sxatj: fa in.
roitiiJk.NI. VI., t, 1S77.
lly iviolutlon of tho Youui; Moh'n Chris
tlan AtiHOOIiitlon of thNelU'ridlf Ions services
will Im hut ttt tlio Stato I'uir dnrliin tho
eek. Kv. It. S. Slnblw and lttwillto
nn tho ioiijiI iliirlnjjlhoHtcK'iiad wlllho
Koiienil dirootlon oi tho ineuiiiiit. All who
Iihvo copleH of Moiiily and 8.tnkoy'ivllnNpti
Souks aro rtpisted to IiiIok them. Chiis.
lians i fall -iinints and denomination1 ur re
tiittcil to he pit-Mint at tho iiihhIIuijm and by
Uielr tretei',i and corporation tit lp n to
"Hold tho Port." H.J Nnimiui',
C'liuirtnan Htato K.ilr (.'oiiuniUie.
O, V, Shaw of this county, arrlvod tr
day with hit luotuujjhbivd Kaateru Oixkoii
Any 'nuinbor of tramtar en faired haul,
iniawduvl tor tho vrl stand ouiho
A llna lot of draft horaoa from tho table
of S. O. HmhI of Mulinomah county, arrived
Ono' of Polton'a KttparUor. from the la.
oltlo liopa, of tbw oily, U tit poaiiion rvady
for bailnwa.
Tho ltubhor Taint ('oruny of San l'rnn
oUeoaro tlxiiu up a naateorimr In tho jiavll
ion, for a d if play ofinelr Koda.
A "Wnslilngton contemporary expresses
tlieso Mens on advertising :
Advuitlelng, Important ns It is and
widely usoil iih it lias been, in not under
stood hy tlidso most lutcrcHlod. Tho lg
norancu upon the subject nniong tho bus
Incss men of Washington Ih somcthltlg
aiiKii'.liig. Tlio first speech and generally
the Inst of a Journalists at the national
capital Is, that the advertising Ih not
ht'.'dthy. ihe town has no business In-
hMiiuL". The conclusion jumped utUlnl it
bus no buliifwil9 ti mtatnlii', but it )8 a
I'lj-liif-HforccuITi tho men enjoying it,
who lack tho brain itccciwiry to its dt
ulopniMit, and thin is shown in the ad
wrtbdng. We luivu and huvo had hut
two dally Journals that live oniidvertls
linrnnd those arc the Evening Star and
Dally Critic. These nrc healthy business
enterprises, but after nil theinulverllslng
conicH unucr tuencauoi cusuniues ju
any Northern town either journal, es
pecially tho Stur, would bo worth a
to imprecate wmw wo
To appreciate what wo say, look at
Springfield, Ohio. It hns a population of
ulioiit ten tliouenud. it hi
supports three
dailies and docs more advertising yes,
more multiplied by live than Washing
ton city.
It is not advertising that benefits so
mileli ns the way It Is done. Ono may
spend a fortune In printer's Ink or. curds
or (lisflgurliigof trees and fences without
result, while a shrewd business man will
realize largely fiom a small expenditure.
It is tlio itidlcimis advertlsiii'r that docs
the work. There has been a rush, for ex
ample, of lato yearn for trees and fences.
ThNcamu In with plantations blttcrsnud
received its character from the start. It
has been overdone, and is not good oven
for (pluck medicines. But if u man wish
es to stamp himself a quack, let him do
so on rocks, trees and fences. If ono reads
at all ho rends that. Tho tree, fenco and
rock is In public estimation a cheat.
That sort of advertising, however, has
been so inuoh ovcrdono that It has ceased
to bo of service to any ono. We had nn
amusing illustration of that. Col. Tom
Young, now Governor Younjrof Ohio,
has u keen appreciation of a Joltc. I)riv-
logout Spring Urovo avenue one day to
his beautiful rcsldenco he saw on u fence
'Take Tinker's remedy for piles," and
further along the solemn expression from
Bomo missionary society, "Prepare to
meet your Uod." Tom then went
to tlio troublo and expense of cm
ploying a sign painter to go to the
place and paint a hugu "and" between
the two, so Hint It would read t"Use 1'Iu
ker's remedy for piles and prepare to
meet your God."
Tom thought ho had perpetrated n huge
Joke. Spring Grove avenue Is tho most
frequented drive out or Cincinnati. It
ihuls at Mill Creek house, and here Tom
waited to hear of his humor. But no one
said a word about I'lnkcr's remedy nud
its terrible consciences. Then Tom be
gan to hint at it, and to his utter disgust
re found no one had read .tlio feign. vo
one doc, or if accident such sigh is read
the reader gives tho enterprising adver
tUcr u wide berth as a charlatan.
Another attempted mode of ndvorUflng
Is by circulars. This has' become ia bo
nlfnoat as disreputable m trees, rocks and
fences. The public rcganls the process as
a fearful bore nud nuhance. They are
generally thrown Into the wasto basket
or Hwept out unread. Colored cards no
coinpanylng circulars are treated with
2diiio months ago .the General Land
Olllco declltud to certify hinds to the
Htuto of California as swamp, for the rea
son that sundry pre-emption claims were
on record covering them. Sdiurz on ap
peal has reversed this decision, and lays
down tho new and very important
rulings for the future guidauco of the de
partment. Thu swamp land net of lBoO
was a grant in pretend, nud under It tho
Stato of California. was entitled to all
lands at that date actually swamp. The
ant of July, 180(1, to quiet land tltlcsmado
no new grant of such lauds hut only
quieted the titles to laud which had boon
regarded by tlio salo nsswmpy, although
perhaps not actually swamp laud. Con
sequently, "the saving clauno in favor of
the pro-emptlou rights of 1600 does not
appiy to muds which were actually
Hwamp, and all pre-emption settlements
on such hinds conceded to be swamp are
absolutely void, unless, made prior to
September 28. 1S50
Yestorday afternoon there was a rory pood
atlttndanco of vUltors. The exercises wero
all that could bo wished for. Anionic, thoso
who look part wo nolo excellent Instrumen
tal inunlo by MUdKlla Wrltiht; doclainatlons
bv Mr Charles V. lM.uk, and Mr. Oeorgn 1.
HiiKhes who both accqultteU theuiHulves
with credit.
MlxsUllloChainberllnssni: '"TIs tho lust
Ito.-iti of So miner " Cotninents are unneceii
hitry, as all of our oltUeus laiow her mutlod
Mlts Mary Woodworth rend u well written
cay on "Mining."
' frao FrlendNlilp" was the themo of MM
MIuiiIh Uunnhuhaui's oompohittou, which
was well received
Mr. Iteutien 1. HoUo's recitation wis wo 1
spoken and seaks well for the yomiK gen.
Mla AihtleScrlber, renderwl on tho piano
"Lilly lUle," with varlnllons. Stio Is a
pnuiilaliiK pupil in that art. 'We must not
forget also her composition entitled "City
WiuiIh;" It was an ahlo ilofeiHool the city
Ipyaund showod that tho .mhiuv lady would
Maud linn for lho"Uily lienis" Tho o-.ay
nhowed mudy.
MM Carrie Walnou'a compiviltlnn was en
third "Home." It waa a well prepared e8y,
Misa Vlrnia Orilhth had a nood recitation.
One oflho tlnesi foature1 of the day waa a
quartette, by Mr. fleo II (irav, Dan l Stouf.
fer. VV.TOray and MM Nellie Hall.
The piluiarydepariiueut under ohnrgo of
Miai Klten (.'nauiberlin, entertained the au
dience for 30 tuluutea with recitation and
The mnaloal denartroent under Mrs. WUbt
Ml. Allen, furuUhed the musical part of the
proKramiao. Mra. Allen has 43 acholaraat
preeni. .
W C. Myer, of Aahland arrived by the
down mail train thU afternoon with his cele
brated l'ereheron horses. They were un
loaded at the tlr Oroaud.
Alxjut three years n;m n gentleman
of tho city wont east on a vim. jio re
turned to tho old homestead, and then
sought out tho homes 6f brother.-) and
sisters married andsonlod down In his
nativo town. Ono of his brothers had
it bright and beautiful 1'laIoBon, not yet
two years of age Tholboyllttlo Hon-"
hie young as ho u'is, oon became
strongly and .strange! : attached to his
'Uiiclo Men. from Washoe." whose
namosako ho was. tk would have
nothing to do wlthhlsfai' or or mother,
nor any of her membrf ' tho ranilly,
when ids "Uncle Hen v pro-enr.
Although he could .i! But Utile, the
child understood ah) -st everything
that was said to him r .n his presence,
and was eloquent wIU'i is oyes.
Uncle Hen often took ho Ilttlo fellow
In hfs arms in tho I asnnt summer
evenings and; seated .,
cd him to slcop. A
would point out the t
Ing tho boy that far, f
dor that star, was his 1
would look long nt thl
longgazo up In tho fi
thoUL'h thinkini; in u
tho norch, talk
such time.? ho
nlng star, toll-
nwuy, juit un-
.iiK'. Tho child
i -tar, then for as
i of his uncle, ns
,it a bright and
beautiful place his ho
At last tho day u
Ben was to leave fort
far West. Littlo Br
well ns any ono nbo't
with both eyes audi
alert. lie would no!
o must ue.
no whon Undo
is home in tlio
do know this as
tho house, and
urs, was on tlio
How his undo to
be a minuto out of 1
i sight. So vend
if Undo Hen to
Mich fits of cry
id to return ami
attempts on the pan
steal away re-tilted,
ing that ho was oou
feootno the chiiu.
However, the eli d, wearied with
crying and watch ip
it last folljisleet
in liia uncle's arm-
When ho awoko
Uncle Hun was fur vay.
Long tho lxy loo oil for his uncle,
and often called his l line. Many times
or evenings lie wa- found gazing ear
nestly at the bright star that stood as a
guard over Ills unt io's home. Ah ho
grew, his loveor tin star deepened, and
talked nioro and m. ro or It and or his
uncle, both eo far a ay at tho edge of
the sky.
Even when three years had pa sod,
and Bonnio ww nnirJy flvo years old,
Ills belief in thush ry told him by his
uncle continued.
Boor boy! another year was nover
added to his age. It was his fato to die
a fearful death. Hy accident ho was
Hcnlded over iioiirl. his whole body and
lived but four hotiri.
He seemed to read in the faces of the
dear ones about him that he must soon
die, Ho bore Ills pain manfully, only
uttering an occusl nal moan.
As the shades o evening deepened
ho was seen to tun his fnco anxiously
toward the witidtwofhls room. At
last ho asked: "U it there tho star'.'"
He was fold tint the star -was thoro
and .shining brightly.
Feebly lie said: "Tako mo to tho
IIo was carried to llin window. A
smile lighted uphls face and he .said,
"Ah, there It is! Now I can find the
way to Undo Ben I can eco his star!"
Ho closed his eyes as though wearied.
Tho sinilo faded out of his face. Ono
moiii, as ho was laid on his bed, and
the light of his llfo had gone out and up
to meet and mliifflo with that of tlio
star he so long hud watched and loved.
Dan. Do QiRtlc:
"God grant," said a clergyman of a
! hero woko up Kcjulro VVeeks, who had
forgotten it was prayor time, ana yell
ed out, "God Grant I Wo used to call
him Useless Grant: but I s'poso since
he's traveled round 'muiig kings and
lords he thinks, ho ought to be some
thing big."
It makes n man mad and n woman
madder, whon ho wakes up in tho early
morn and finds ho has go no to bed in
bis boots and stovo-pipe hat, and recol
lects that it was u ,'odgo meeting that
made him forget to divest himself of
tlieso articles.
It is estimated that thoro nro two
thousand four hundred disordors to
which tho human franio Is liable.
Whoh man is hauled up with tho rheu
matism, ho is apt to think that the en
tire number has struck him in concert.
A -peculiar way of discharging print
ers exists in Dayton (Ohio) otllccs.
Kach compositor has a nail to hang his
coat on, and when tho foreman con
cludes to dlsponso with tho sorvlccs of
one of tho bauds, he takes u hammer
and drives the nail in to tho head.
"Why don't your rattier tako tho pa
per?" wild a gentleman to n lad whom
lie caught stealing his'tiewspaper from
Ids doorstep. " 'Cause," replied tho
young hopeful, "he sends ino to tako
It." '
Within three-quarters or a contury
eighty-seven theaters have boon burn
ed in tlio United Statws. Thehwst trag
edy, that or Brooklyn, was tho worst or
them all. ,
You en n buy land in Texas for 17
cents an acre; but tho trouble Is that in
some localities you can find Use for on
ly about six feet or It.
A soul without prayer Is 11 k"o a solita
ry sheep without its shepherd. Tho
tempter sees It, and lures it away into
Splitting kindling wood under n
elotnesllno Is not "conducive to longev
ity. Unintontlouul suleido was the
Nearly 4,000 dogs havo tnk;en pasango
in New York city by M-ater to "the
happy land of canine."
"Administering lead through a tube"
Is what the papers call It in Michigan
when one person shoots another.
The man who gathers tho names for
a Huslau directory is tho hardest
worked man In tho empire.
Out on Cndmi Btid his IrttersI
LIO In hiitrful throMBh his PIns,
Wnn nro hold In Blry fotlors,
Dound In nlpliabotlochftlns.
Childhood's hnurs nro ftny and sprightly,
Wlillo wo wHiiih'jr pll "d free.
Unt liow chatiKcil Is nil wliou tightly
Cptlvc held by A IJ 0 1
Thru, nuftln. when mmi Is nia'od,
Wlmt u Joy tliU world would bo
If It uuro not dominated
Jly tliocurioof I. S D I
rJo. ttirniiBlinut, with power TJtnnln,
Loiters all our days pureue;
Ilut tho wor4t nud most (yruunio
Is tho hateful I O U I
Tho Onion.
Falx, Missus O'Toole, takon scumall littlo
oon Ion:
Its flavor Is folnej It's nn llllcouit brade;
Til roth, wld mo oon hand, eliuro, J. ralrcd
And In'mo oon gardon I planted tho sado.
Dadad, Mlsns Dnylc, I' tlinnk yoz qulto
I)omosowl,I rogrlt that yor dish doesn't
Ibot mo romigq Is quolto wnko, nnd tho doo
, lor has towid tnp,
Ou ncount uv mo hlltli, not to nto any
Writing a Composition.
School boys, nnd school girls also,
consider "original composition" as
tno most irKsomn oi iusks. Titoir
knowledge of facts is ns limited ns their
vocabulary Is deficient. Thoy nro
bothered to eliposu a subject, nnd uro
perplexed ns to whnt they shall say
about a subject after it is chosen.' Such
may bo encouraged by tho ossuranco
that all great writers havo been troub
led by similar difficulties. Annnculoto
or tho fichooldays of tho lato Win. II.
Seward may eonsolo somo boy who Is
saying to himself: "I never can loarn
to wrlto u composition."
Tlio teacher had designated a day for
"original composition," nnd nppolnted
young Seward to lead off. Having no
Idea of what was wanted, or how it
was to bo done, Soward consulted an
oldor pupil, t
"Nothincr Is easier." said his frloml.
"You must first choose a subject, nnd
then all you havo to 'do is to write
about It." .
"But' what Is n subjsctV" asked Sow
ard. "It Is anything that you want to
wrlto about," was tho reply.
"But," continued tho perplexed in
quirer, "I don't know or anything I
want to write about. I wish I could
soo a composition."
"Well,'' kindly said his friend, "If
you won't toll, I will show you an old
ono or initio that I wrote when at an
other school."
Soward pledged himself to secrecy,
and was shown an "original composl
"Hon." "On Drunkenness" wns tho
caption, under which wns drawn a
heavy black lino: "Drunkbiinesnis tho
worst or nil vIcbB;" this was tho first
sentence, and then followed tho argu
ment. Seward decided that ho would not
ehooso for his. subject anything that
Was naughty, bad or wicked. So he
said: "I will ehooso a different subject,
nnd will show the composition to you
whon It is written."
With great lubor hnving written his
composition, ho submitted it to his
friend. It began: "On Virtue."
"VIrtuo Is tho best of all vices."
Tho Chief of a Thrashing Machine.
This la to osrtlry that Mr. Win. Donaldson
Iirh inodlUHcl and adjusted our IttmHol
Throshlnir Mnohlne, and that It now la vory
inuoh Improvud.and does its work satlafao
torlly. 111b work upon the mnchlno la buta
small part of tho bonetlt dorlved,aa his In
HtriiotiuiiM upon tho general principle In
volved in tho construction of such machin
ery oould hardly he over-eM I mated by the
aurlculturlsis, and especially by those en
gaged In running machines. So thinking
and believing, we tako pleasure In recom
mending him to all thoso who need hla
services. H. o. it Oal. Gkkr.
I cordially endorse the fbregolnir.
August 7th, A. D. 1877.
b'cio, Oheoon, Sept. 23, 1877.
This Is to certify that William Donaldson
has workod on the familng mill of our num
ber three Senior Chicago l'ltin threshing ma
chine, and made audi alteration in her shoe
and In the mauner of conveying the blast to
tboslevoaa to enable our machlno to boar
inuoh heavier feeding, and at tho same tlmd
do bettor cleaning and blow le8 grain over
tho shoo; we, thereforo, lake great pleasure
In rccotumeudlng hltn us n man thoroughly
oonveraant with tho principle of icloutlflo
threshing ami saying grain by tho use of tho
throttling uiachiuo,
I, fully concur In tho above stateuientH, as
I havo wltuetfod tho etreots of Mr. Donald
ton's work on bald machine.
W. It. Dii.vko.
Wi tho undcrflsned, owner of a Uuffalo Pitta
Thnt.hlnL Machine, henby ferllly that t he em
ployed IVn, I)iiNAi.i),ON, (if UUckamaa dtiuntr. Or
euu; t to oiiMr.ct lu Ktu and Shuu ul atd ma
Clilue; and that e tu!lco the raid chm;i have
Erratly Incrmud thu cleaning capacity of onr ma-ru'iHi-,
a much a oue baudu-d diiliar to n dnrlui
the thHrhti'K in.u. V. C. Uoouuicu
V. s. tha underfilled, having Lnov, u and been with
tho above uaiiud Ihrarber for the lot three yraiv. do
chcci fully rr.dorre the abote rtatrmeut, and1 would
add thai It a aWnir o' Uiree per eent. to Oie farmer
havlugirialn Ihranhrd by the raid machine oer what
tt wa bffoielhe tld ebani;ea were made. Uajtou,
Yamhill conntr. Auir a, isrr.
blKUKl by II. F. Lent, W. Starr, J. T. Oowd, B. T.
Uojd, J. b. Moriu.
. Oiiiook Cot, Sept, IS, 18TT.
Thla U tc ceitlfy that Wa. Dgnauon ha attached
hla mrtbodof cleanlnti to uy Separator, and with hla
luttrnctlotia, I can tafoly ay that t U wtU worth a
bnndedr dollar to me and myntlthbora f.rwhoml
thraabrd. I would not b daprlved or It for oneihlrd
the vlue of Ue niachtno, Wa, ruTTia.
. , OasuOK CiTT. ept. IS. I87T.
ThU la to certify that Mr. Fo.ter tbreohed myimln
with alluJalo I'ltta Separator. I hare had Incoone
of time st ertat many machine Uiraah for mo. bat
aklnc all lata cona deration. Mr. Putter's la tha beat
I ever had In reaped to cleaning and breaklnc In
fact, It la hard to beat. P. at. KiKxaiuoN.
tJ-The above mentioned Invention Is
covered by patent, and all persona are warn
ed axainit any Infringement of the same.
Uirn Tzai m r
a !
Kfi Cii.ffl. VK
Sliortliorns, JDevons,
' and Holsteins.
Wo am rrqucelcd to pivo nollfo that a joint
salo will ho held at tho . Slain Fair, nc thn
tiino (If.owheio udvt'illocd. of Uu muchbrril
cattlo owned by O. W. Dunlck u H li.
b'owiirt and Son, of Yatrilnl:, eoiinij'ii.u i f
Nhnrt-lmrnnniid HolsioltiS', lu.nl'Mlon ! t..-
Short-Itortm and iMvons advirllshd' iu
whuro bv Mr. (. W. Ulrnlck
Tho b (He brlongliig loll. H Stewart V.
Siih ronslslH of nbo.ut twalwi huud of ory'
oholuo cows end hollers. Tho Short Horns
Ii.ivh htqn bred to Mr. S. Q. Hood's lino
Short-Horn Hull. "Hod ItoanGovnrnor."
This will b.n a lino ahunoo for htor.k-rafeoFS
to socuro good animals of tno dltreront breeds
referred lo nnd no doubt many will couio
prepared totnkondvanlnjto of It.
Agouti 1'or tlio Wlilniuctto Partner.
Alhany .IE UanDftn
Amty...... Itl.SImpton
tolta-;e Orovu JHHbortrldno
Ilollvue Jcif PhyI,
JJiicna Vlfta Wiu'WuKk, J W llohart
UrowiiKvillo ,..v H iiri.
""""V"?.-. . .1 W IlncheUiw
OanyouClty : 1) II Itliltiel.art
C.imonvl e vn n. i.l
two Valluy v II Clarke
....It J MiirriMin
.... Hubert ai.vr
II !' Kemlnil
h Wo(Ml'.Miril
....Kokcoo Knox
........ W A JII1M
oalmr.... .1 n i.., n m i.i..i..
v is nnmmcrrlcy
tjoattcr , h llandtalser
"rllln Krowion A Drain
painawm.... J...KFoili
";'0,n " HOIIadaway
gll0" .'A U llalnci
hUKcno. John McClnnir
Kox Valley A I) Gardner
Iorest Urovo S llnlic, WLCurtln
women ,....; J'llaudrnkir
nervals , HMttnliu..
8l?r. TJ Illacb
lllllaboru A LhoIIIdc
J,cJ'n"", Morrow A Ilcrrrn
tndciicndcncc ,.w L llodcln
.Tunchon... Smith. Branltld & Co., W 1, Lemon
Jackfonyl o ..MI'etcr.on
K'nK Valley Conner Crenno
JolTerfon ,, John Wltolard
LowIvllle ii c McTImmondg
t-aMyeile Dr 1'upulvton. A U Henry
y11"""'" 9 It Clanshton
.Monroe.... j0i nK,ey
McMinnvlllo JllMnrrlf. A Held
J ?V?mU.U,,V..V w Wntcrhonoo
Mill rialn, W T , David Stump
Nowclhivlllj.... yy CaHlleman
kl'l , S K ltaymotid
PWCK" ,. All Shipley
X" ;.',: J H Hchroeder
Orecon City M u4C0Il
Tcndlcton W A Whitman
! f Pf.;-' V DrJIIIrvino
IMInt Hock p, nilllam
Portland. H 1 Leo, Axent Stato Oranco
rrlncvlllo OMPiIiikIo
J rrjdalo Mcflruw'i btoro
niekreal KA I'sIIcitoii
Itotcburif ., ThfwHmltU
JJf.10".' F 1 Jonee, Thoa Mtinkrr
glrVI?on V.'.Vv T II Iltbtianl
gllV... Jt 1'uwera, OltWbecler
2pr.V,,K7r,d A O Hovey
HPbllmlty j0,n DowdIul-
2i1'.?,,.,i"mu ' Den Marks
Taoffrnt , m llariofl
iiiu uanca..
8L Ilrooka
W H Illllearr
JVU'atnett'a Fork
JI Wll
..8 W llrown
m n iiklniu.
......J I Itrewer
JO Elder
limit, naAvpiKw
TOnOMMtiMlti'diMt-t -fl
For Old and Young.
Far-Siglitcd and Noar-Sighted.
fthootlrJc-Classca mr Rportsmrn,
I AM prepved to aupplr Hpf claclee to tit all oyef , at
prlcea to ault. V. W. ITIAHTIN,
Jeweler AOptUUn, Bank lilock.atato St.
8a!etn. May 10. 1870. Um
lnth known worM. Sample WatcXFrt4 la
JgtnU. Addrtaa, A. Cooltjw & Co., Chicaco.
For Sale.
327 .CIlK9 P,FcT'MniiU LAN. SAW.MIDl.
Owl l)lckmliliSliop three buurca. tno barii
fourytiko of OXKN. Situated on LONO TOM To
time. TlUoirood. Forlurthcr partlcnlara. addreis
v. o. rUTNAM,
Chtiht r, Lano county, Or.
r win ii
ay aQOLD I'llKMIOM for the beat ten.
J. camnleii of Fruit drUd
aliOllK8N- or flvo pound, each t. be de Ivered toi
KairBofl8T7. ' fr tt W uo
1st PKKMIUM 510. 2d PRKMIUM 820.
Ud rrcmlum lu. 1th Premium $5.
tr Theae Samploa will bo.exhlhlted'at the Fair
marked with ownera name. ....
hy tho "IIiinnjKtt.
uniRUKn or
mAKKS plcaaura in offerlnsj to the WooLOrowere of.
I. OreKonandtheadJolnlneTcrrltori" the chance
to purchase TllOItOUOIlllltED Jlhlt NOB and a
aurliixi.artlelntere8tedll.at they can, and will e
N. B.-Tho Kama and Itam Lamba of the flock can
bor-ecuon the ISLAND FAItM. adjolnlu Salem
1 do twii" can bo a.'cn at the eamoDlaee' or al thn.
UILh FAKM fonrandahall mllw aitn "of the'clm
Sllam Hintamrinr1ll Itt-a: " w' " Wfcjfe
oaiem, ureeou.
Farms and Land lor Sale.
ZOO acrea in cnltlvat on, booU orchard altna'ed on
the Plej.autlllll road about J4 mile. fA,mBKuSS
City. ANo, about 1400 arrea of MIXED LAND,
rotueof the beat valey anil beaver-dam Unrt in the
county, tuuounded by hill and brnih laud. Tbrre or
four very Koodfarma tan be made out of It. Good
pUc&r . rolo"y' , nt to e the who'e lot toeeth
er!. Ji1' L?nd u lntl In Lene county, aboainl
mile from Kncena City, and lx from Creawell
Jca Addnna F B. 1UNN, Jftwia City.
Tniit Infeitment Companr
THIS Companr U prepared to oecotUte loaaa te
umalromaswtoki.OOOaecuraVi brer IkPBO.
yS ClJL rOVUCfj and vlitlU vlnwTtai
fliad period nf yeaia, or repayable by aalf-yearir la
aulUneata. For teraa, apply to "
WILLIAM Kim, Manager.
B0T1T Flrtt Street Fonlawl.
f :
' .1
i..- . '.aJ