W'Mlf F WLLLAMETTE FARMER. i i l l;i 1 The Chief of Thrashing Machines, Testimonials. This In to certify that Mr. Wm. Donaldson lisi modified nnd adjusted our ltusnel Threshing Mnoblno, nnd that it now Is very muoh Improved, and doos lis work rjatl&fao torlly. Ills work upon tlio maehlno is butit mnill p.irtof tho bericiH clorlvnl ( us his in BtrncllouN ujion t!io general principle In volved In llm conil Million of ruuIi inarJilu cry could hardly bo over-eMliMitod by tho HKrlcilli nrlslM, and o'pioiitlly by thorn en paged in running machines. So thinking and hollering, wo tskn pleasure In rtcntn twinrJinx him to all Ihoi-o Mho nred hi pervlco-. It. O. fc Cat,. Oi:i:h. I cordially onclorso the foregoing. T. V. DAVKX POUT. August 7Ui, A. I). 1877. fcio, Olti'.unrr, Hopt. 23, 1877. This Into certify that William Donuldton bus worked on tho fanning mill of our num. bor throo Sonlnr Chicago I'ltls threshing ma cblno, and madn Mich nltoratlou In lior hIioo and in tho manner of convoying tho blnnt (o tbo Move as to enable our mncliino to boar much benvlor feeding, and at tho natno tltno do beltor cleaning and blow Iosh grain ovor tho shoe) wo, therefore, tnko great ploanuro In recommending him ui n man thoroughly convormnt Willi tho principles of fo.ontlllo thrashing anil Having grain by tho uso of tho thrashing macbino. JoiKI'II Illt.VKU, .iAi.inis'im.i,iNfi, 1'j:ti:k 1Ij:km:ii. I fully concur in tho nbovo MiiiimenlH, an I Iibvo witnessed tbo olftulH of Mr. Donald son 'h work on said machine. V. It. Ilir.YKU. W'b tliu nni!crrlnci1, nuriur nf 11 llnffjlci I'ltl TlirAtliln" AliicMiir. lien liyruillly Hint v Imvo em ployed st. 1)(ivai.im)V, of (,'licknmnn coutitv. Or vsiilij tn fo (iii-tr.ict lliv Kan mitl Mum nf wilit mil cnliit'; nml Hint wo lit-llmo Oiu Mild cliniiitri Imvn crunlly Iticrciixcil iliu deiitilnif tiiimtlly in our nu cli'iH', ni-nnirli as iiiioIiiiiiiIiliI ilnllnr lo nt during thu llmifliliif; ci'Ufuii. Wm C. (Jouiiiilt'il A. Da lilt. Wk Hi? nnli'ilvncil, linvln; known Mini Iipcii with llutnliovu iinmid tlirnrlivr fur ilm lai-t t hri'u jnin, do clicurrnllvi'iidiirru Iliu ntiovn rtiitunicnl, mid would mid tint It If 11 i-nvliitf o ihruj pcri'i'iil. tu tlm filmier liitvlnK'nlii thrnfliicl by iIiiihiIiI iniiclilnuovur wliil It ni licfoir llio Crild diini."'!! with mule, liaylon. Vniililll county. Auk S, 1H7T. Sli'ii.-d liy II. I'. I.uwl, W. Htarr, J. T. (IohcI, 8. T. Doiii, .!..; Morin. Oiieoov dtt, Sept, 1.1, 1P7. 'I liln l to certify Ihnt W. DonaI iimin Iii nltmhcd IiIk uittliodof (.li'.'inliu In my Hiurutor, mill with Iliu Inntiiirllii", I eiu ruf ly Hir IIihi t Ik will worth n liuiiilcclr il.)llui in mu mid my mli-lihiirK f rulioml tlirnrnd. I would not liaiK'iutrvd of It for one third tlui Vdlucnf ll.o nisclillio. W11, l'llTTKII. . . . OiirwiN City-, Mcpt, 13, IH77. Thlilliirertlry thu Mr I'o tuc llir.-rhcil tuy inln srlltinllitldlo l'lttHrpuiitor I Imvo hid Inc. una of Union ''rmt iniiiv iimclilnrK ihMfh for mu. hut 1 .111 Inn nil into conh dciullon. Mr. IVtli r'i li tho In ft I mcr hud In reKpict tu cli'iinlmr mid lireiiMns, In rart, It In hard In hMt. . JI. IIikbaiikmn. -OTho nliovo moutloiiuil Invention Im covOrod by jnUn'.iind nil perKonsaro warn o J against any Infrlnneniont orthoaino. ATTHiTsTATE FAIR, Tho WiMiAMh-nu 1'aii.mi;ii will bo roprc Nenlsdou tho Stalo Kalr Oronnd by tho proumroofouo of tho proprlolorn, who will havoadrk or htand In Mimoconvonluut plauo for tho triitiNaatloti of biihluof-Muf all klndn. Mnnny can bo thorn receipted for, now suliN'jrlptloni rreolved, ndvortlhlnreon Iracloil for, ami any IiuhIiionm ninUsr will bo promptly uLU uded tn. Shorthorns, Bovons, nnd Holsteins. Wo aro rcfiic-tril to rIvo notion Ihal a Joint HUlc will bo held at Urn Stalo Fair, at tho tltno olhowhmo advertised, of tlioiouKhbrod o'ltlln owned liv O. W. Dmilclc and II. K tltowiirtnud b'oii,nf Vumlidi, I'liiihl.tln nf Kiinri ii'imih nun iio'n'iiiuh, 111 ailillllon ! llio Shorl-lloriiH and D.voim advertUid oKe wliombv Mr. II V. Dlmlek Tho Hind; ImiIoiiuIiik l H. U.SIowartiV HinsooiiHltiHof uboiit nvnlvo heul of very olioloj oowh mid liollorn. Tho Short Horns Imvn lienn bred n Mr S. J. IteetlV lino Short Horn Mull, " ltd Itoiui tlovemor." Tll-i will boa Him ohauiin lor htoek rAUen to m euro j!iiidiiiinnH lift nod llletenl hrieiN reforied in n-ul no doubt many wllleoiiui prepirf-ii 11 lACOHiivnuinun or It. Ut APli I?tt "' INI. mi. half mllrt iVJl.Vl!iO from Ihn l'l (Iriuiud, on HinOrcL'iiii I'll) ro d, wltlin IIOU-i: unit llAlt.N and n iroikl WHI.I.-V, ni'rt'M In t'uiothy, two nrri-a plow-l-aud nerfilllu htoik whiit. TKIIMS-llulf t'-n'i, ni id thu Imtai'.cu on rt'iinoiiuh'o tlmo. n'pMmn .KM N V SVITIt. m:w ;ooi)s. TMiuninolli & Tiirn-Talilo Aijt!-Parcrs, Fletcher Post-Hole Augers, Meal-Cullers nnd Stullers, Blacksmith Drills, Tiro-Bondor8 and Up-Sottors, PruniiiR-Saws, Kuivos, and sowers. NORTH KM & THOMPSON, Wnonruir ash ktal I kviih is Hai- , a e, Iron, Steel, & Wa; n Iimi (Mrrlaio) Material or ALL KINDS. 4 ill A till I'MiuHt., nitT!,.Tlt. os.i,i.ATi:iWAT?in:s.rhiirt tin kuuoii tiirll. iiiiuil H'nli'A 'r fi nSdX tjinti. AUilrcM,A.CuVLTiu ACu.,Ctikuro. Choap City Propovty. havi: roit HM.r. ixsiiiaiu.i: nrv rre-'ls on lorma uml ul iliu iiillun us rout irkuh'y low mIck j I II iioiiiiil tntfurt'j.'M): wirili f'.'JX t in iiM'iind lot inr "wi; w .no :m a I ll UM'HiHl lihu'k Tir JJ,sij iv Ttli JfrtV, 1 II. iim iiiul IwmIo'i In (I j n; m in fl.lVV. 1 II. Ufouiitl Im lor f.L, mi; worth MUM. T uliht liirvaliKeveriiilj ( in sniem. Tin fl o I ixpeily la utt'nr i( o utitvip bcciuuo tlm win tmrcil roll! or 111 H'iUhIi-ih, Kor Inriliir p.irtlinilitiH miiii of MILKS M Mll.t.vt?, ipllint '! in s 'irk4. a'nico Notloo. TirV WIKK, IIKSTKlt, liM. (halt I ay uo uvbU it. or i vi cwip riii.. iiJVi' I a.Nmi.n llutuur. , tSTT. UAifd HAS l.sVP MR. AND I Cat u. tillforlui.HiTt. lt TfE fIirKEXS. Tho Salem Markets. Wheat Is quiet and but little coming In, butlaquotcd at ?l,03. Tho roads aro bo heavy that it cannot bo hauled to market. Oa's nro rising nnd can bo qttoled at 150 lo CO contH, and uro not very plouly jus- now. JJuiter Iho near uprrm'h of tho Stato Kali his ciuscd butter lo bo ceiree Inlho marKot. but It Is quoted ni li'i conlu pr lb. l'B ?f aro iiImi fccuieo and aro worm L'5 cents por dra; and bu l"w to bo hud ni ihal. App (HBroquo id wtSi to 'MM cof'tj pn'a Iocs, -10 cents loin.itotf, 60 tonlHjwalir molons a drug on tho markut and aro quoted low woatlior mi wot. European Grain Harkot. London, Oct. 2. Tho Mark Lane Ifsprcss sayn tho weather tho pabt week was very lino. Appearancci favor an early and sovoio wlntor.cold Rimorilly over Europ3. Tho fnrlnltriit nlmnst free from riln enihlr.il trnnil I proKriH? with tho Imrvost In tho north. Tho ovoni 01 mo wc k 11 hi ueon inouronnip montof whoat Irotu Atlantic y irta, Tho Im modlalo eflect han been a nuddon check lo trado, buyers holding olT for tho moment, but whotbor this Is roisonabln In tho prosent position anu pro'-pr -is ni irauo is opon to quctlon. Already It la ovldont wo fchnll not wolvo tho supplies wo reckoned on from romoquartorn. India nnd Iypt will not do half that wbh expocled. As tho winter lotnfson Ruppllos Irom Itualn will bo cut oft. Tlioro remains liltlo to look foroxtopt Irom Atlanllu porN, and with wlultr bolbrs us, nnd tho coiiHumpllon of tho country uulnly on tlnto ie.in, It la hard to bellovo tiioamumn Hnipmeutioin uo more man wo ncid at tho moment. When this lltilo panic Is ovor and tho liberal slilptneiil.i of one or twowpoksnro luiHained n bo morotlinn Irado can M'nnd, It may bo well It miuo 1, that thoHosnlpmenls are not unpio'idontod and to recall tho fuel that In Attaint, 1871 and 187"), they wero at tho rate nf 11 hundred nnd lli.y thousand qrs per week. Surely llila year when woarolhiown nltnottouiltely on thlHNDiirooof hiipply for tho wlnlor, trade should not bo nIhIcoii by hlilpmon1 1 no laror thiin In former yeara when ntirwnnli weio loss and tho hourees of supply open, which aro now closed. In lormluir a Jud motit of the iiiluro Hhlpnienl'i tlioio aro other fio's also lo bo noted. Tho liberal shlpmonii this month have not been ell'ec'od without drlvluu price ii mi thoothnrhldo. A ehnnae has ex lilenll.v co.dh ovor Khl))ers f.neo thov wnioHHiitnr ') tin at low jirloos. Jtcoaleii Imvo been mado hero dallv nt about f3i In fit i por qr for winter rod, and Gls tofi2ifor aprlng, nut prleo in Now York nnd Jtalll- more aro reia'i vol v nuito nhovo lustnuoi.i- llotiH, This eortnluly does tint point to any oxtraordlnarv HhlpineniH thlH autumn rrom Atlanllo porla, end any dopro'.slon caiihod by this (ear will probibly bo temporary. Sale 1 of K'igllMi wheat noted last week wcro 67,010 qtH at 07a Od, iuntuet 0T,i8 qiHitl -17s tho previous .voir. Imports Into llio King dom llio wcik ending Sept. U2d, wuio07.rv SGOcwt or wheat nnd 157.UU3 owttlour. Ex ports, 'I.'),! 11 uwt wheat. California Markets. Tho San Franotoca Sept. l!7tb, i-ays: Commercial Herald, Wo romark an inoro.isod export movoment In wheat and IJ.trloy Ur tho KulPih market as tho naluial result of nuni'irotis niln ohar" "ru at iixuoiuely low Irtilnht r.i'c uy :ri:it)hhlllluj;slo Mverj doI direct. Within llio pn-u few days, luwovor, llio prleoi pild lor win ushow u dcollnu li jin the lilj-hou rate paid during llio current iiinuth, o'wiuK In i:.tf) lensinoil KiikIInIi quotations and in tho nlulf niQiit of tho recent noil vo demand forHupnrllnn llnir from llouv;);ouv, Hum loc "nlnn in koiiu deKrci tluioomputlilon bo twoeu millers nnd slilpjiorn. Wheat Oregon oontinuus lo ronil us free supplies by Manner at tho low indent of $! V Inn, nnd Ibis is round by many iinporlors lo bo eliciprr lliau lending hlilpsln Imlbiot ' Columbia Itlver, nnd paying .CI ton extr.i tiollittliereurin lo Liverpool. Thin week's n 'tilp.H frnin Oregon mnbrarolho iollowlnx: I'nrOeo. W. Elder, 17,rUH) Mok-, l80bMnvdi;Orly.dM,ri,10l t-U,; A'.ix, 10,(Ul l.. In regard lo llio wIumi movemoui In (Ulrnrnla, ihoSicramenlo lice tuyi,: rim prion erwliuJtior.s u slowly, anil thoartl elo d( is not mi r.iploly forward lo market. Only llio uniiill ciowiim In inr clrcum Niiiii-Oitf.rnio f 1-11. Tho k i iter rllon o. ilioenipU held biek lor liluhor prloos, In Hullo hiiiI Colii'.i oouullri Iho enllrocostof pioduoiiiK a crop of wheat Is from f(J lo 7 .;) per iioro, iho prion bolug elnwpr ,t for tlm largest tracts oulUvalod. In Iho lh;ht laud ri'Kh'u tin tho t.m Joaquin Vallov, thoost Is al nit Jo mi new. Hut wheat rnlnliii i ivu uiuoli bmier In the llrst ir'iiitd roilon than In Iho last, for In l,'oIur and 'Hutletlio veM:ro pur auro Is Kro.Uor, nnd l.umera aro Mini or (oino crop each year, while In the SianMnusund Merood country they c.in not count ii in nioro than three ero i in live years. Mr. Hour, whocultlva'rs wheptr.iui llttlo p'.tuli ot 0aC:0 Hcrci In Colusa i lunty, bos not sold h pound of this yntr's crop, llo hrs s'ired It in a liltlo cabin :UK) yards loin; and m foot wide, with oorresp-iudluK helKltt, whtrn It quietly rein- e waltlnjj lor two ami i half oeniM. Dr. lllenn, ex tsna'ir IIokki'i Mujor IJIs, and nther lari;o whe t uroweit. in tho up or couutry, follow tho oxatuplo of Mr. Homk, Freights and Charters. Quito a IIIIIUL Jr Of cralll uharlerH linnen In llio Unl"!d Klns'ilnui have, been par recoil HluiMour laht reference, besides others to proceed In l)llast lo load In Columbia Ulver. Tbo Hrlllsh Iron ship lVamesTliorro. rej ivied lst wi k as under charier lo load who .1 for Mverisiol at it low tlauro, Is order ed on to Columbia P.Ivor to load when upon whip's not Hint. So ur hs wo know, Xn Uthe lowc.t'uft Hooep'ed for whn.it MiIihIju dirt t ul, and tho Utest oucaoinenlN re j irMd aro at a'i. We ctu not (.ay that theie Is any liiiprnvement to ba noted, fir the rrison that iho number or unemployed, ills. euj;i;od fhlp.s In rit, and lsrj;o otrrlem h Hint, prt dudes llio j didbllliy of auvad vaiioo in rales with tho foinparatlyely'lliht wheat crop ci baud Inr export. Stn IVaiioIkco. Ojt. a Tlm annual notion or the mhi. (Iruno ws oouinieuoed lu ihls city tliUafiernniiii with olnswl doors, Mai urn of hi oini ltuMriauca In the f.trnisrs t 111 be o insldorod by the irnuivrers lu addition lo iliu general Niibjoois dloiisnil, Tho Now York '..smro lUehmujc M'etktu Hyn: "Tho wheat crop of iu Uuiied Hiale. lu IS77 Is nlaood at :ii,0: ) POO bushels, 01 170,000 ciXI liUKhela moro than lu any psi ye.r. whloh will rIvo a nurplus on when nnd Hour fir export to foreign muutrles oi about It l,iX),U0J bushels, Inolndini; what Is Hiipnlled Iruiu tho dunlin ihxim In tlm Km Indies, South and Cent nil Amerlot, and tho Hrltlsh North Amr!on iMunirtes, There will l, perhavs, WC'J.IK) bushels Mirpluh wheat and Hour for ex rtlo Kuiopo. whloh will va la.rOO.OO bu.heU to bosunidlHi " Uhlle, AustnilU, Kypt, Aiii,( I "y Northern KunsUn ports aud Url IKutludla." i, ur-UxltUh AT THK SSBtelfiO JEm&3E S6t8,30.dL 32., vm.u HAVK TP&omh Brad EVERY MOIINING, Eresli Pies and Cakes EVERY DAY. y s t e r s AMU ICE-CREAM ! s3 Don't forgot tho numbor of tho Stand, and bosuro togivo us n call, and wo will treat you first rato. FALL TKADE, 1877. Great Bargains for Cash ! Having bought our Fall Slock at Great Reduction on Former Prices ! Wo. no prepared to rIvo n'ir easterner tho henrflt ol thu reduction, and ofTor n full line or GontK' iiiul Bovn' OLOTHIKTG, ntleni tlmu cer before. Alro, DRY GOODS, ANII DRESS GOODS, A SPLEN0ID ASSORTMENT, To cult our Lady customers, at reaonabljr low prices BOOTS AND SHOES, lints mid CiiiiM, At Prlco3 that dtiy Competition I GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE. A full titook of thono arllolss, t euP the Country trado, in both prices and quality. CAEPE.TS m OILCLOTH?. Wo will clo.so our stoe'e of lhoso troops out AT COST! Wo Invito our friend tu Excliango Country Products FOIl OUK QOOD3, And wo wl'.l not only sell at reduced CASH rates, but will allow tho hlnhoit market rates for ail they Imvo to dlspoao of. Call and See our Stock. & 1-:. HIRSCII, aaibWoriD's hlook, Coanivrclal Street, SALES'. j ecSJlu3 Oldest House in the Trado. J. B. COIVOLE, MANUKACTOltKlt. Wholcsalo and Ilotall Doaler In t Harness,- riasl Wholcsalo and Itotall Dealer in Ml klvdaof SADDLES, BIIIDLKS, rHIPS Lasucs.Trunks Ko. 7.'1 Front Street. PORTLAND, - - OREGON. Alo, Wee p eoniUntly on lmml a lai; SMoitmcct ef AND SADDLERY HARDWARE. fl'Salo Auont In Omjnn for tho Carbolls? d Iloue, at Stn 1-V.inuisoo nrloos, with Ffolght added. Kepnirlng IMonintiy 4(tmi4ii to PLDMMBR FRUITr-DEYERS. I'nunluiiiN: Kt PHKV1PM SI0. 2.1 FKKUIiai 5i0. id Premium $lo. 4tn Premium $5. .t1T",'ril.,?!0 "Ample will bo cxhlMtcd at the l'alr nwrkett with OMiter nm. r J.W. GILBERT Iuvm Otiwli ir Hides, Furs, & Pelts. bc21 Commerolia st., SALEM, iy ulFOBp9 15 ffil Twill pir a (101.11 l'UKMU'M fir th bt ten 1IIOOKn- ..r flvojMianiUMCh t oa .le tur.H to ArUii wt. ' Um,"0r ,tool' Plows! v w FJRANK ir ii-?nfe-t OfiMn-i' -J k4 I V i VI IWUIIgM Diack Hawk Single jpsm CALIFOKNIA SULKY - ?iv .w mmu -s- tf?m:m?&y - -u. Js :iT'iQimim-h. vauWKBw:r.M, pjNri.ftf v"jii' m Champion ' Browno " Sulky, (Kcicr been beaten lu tho f.okl.) THE LA BELLE WAGON, Champion Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and xno mcanorry uram urixi ana jroaacasi, neuaer. tiik most coMPr.KTi: t.ini: or PLOWS, HARROWS, DRILLS, AND Other Agricultural Implements in the Market. BEI'OllE rUlHJirAXIXG, CALL ON 104 and 106 Front Stroot, - - - POB.TLAND, OR. WHEN YOU WANT TO PAINT, .USE 2L 17 E R X L It is prepared ready (or Immediate rise, -nil or ALL DEFERABLE COLORS ASUD PURE WHITE. It Is easy to epply, For durability, :u;d It liciiuly, uill and For sale In any qnantlty by WEATHERF1D h GO. ..DEALERS IN DRUGS, PAINTS, GELS, AND PERFUMERY. SALEM, W.WJUTUKRrORD. 1. V. WBXTlISUrOUD. Weatherford & 60., Whotecnlo anil ItcUU Dealcrr In DfiUSS, PAIIT il ) OSLS, GLASS, P a t o n t Medicines. CHEMICALS, Per -ul 3ool 3l sr TOILET GOODS, Etc. etc. PURE WINES and LIQUORS, For Medicinal parporcn. Medioinos Compounded, and Presoriptiono Fillod. Weatherford & Co.. Fcstr Commardal dtreeU HALKM. Llttlo Glnut GRUBBING MACHINE. Wo whU to Inform tho poopln of Oiokoii that we baro purchased tho ptont of "The Llttlo Giant Grubbing Maenlno," and thitt we aro now prepared to niipply any number nf them at h very reasonable prion. The Hub. Joined tuHllmonula of tho euperlor quolttlos of these mnohlnea and their comparative cheapnosa should rocomended them to nil lhoso desirous of clearing; oil' land at but trl lllnir oxtienKo. For further partleulara apply to Frank Cooper or Wm, Djluney, Salem, or Albott lirigga, b'cio. Bcio, March lulu, 1877. This la certify that we have ued The Lit tle Giant Grubblnsr Machine" and fomul It suporlor to anything of tho kind over uteri in tnia part ortna couutry: I'reston Munkors, Wm Trolaud, Honry Isloy, J S Morns, A Davis, J It Irvlno 12 Baldwin, n FBrlggs, llenry T Haro. Wo tho underslzned havo neon "iho I.IhIh Giant Grubblne Machine" woik .nnd out ussuro tho publlo that itlx tlm bei machine of tho kind wo havo evor i'n working, M Alexandor, G W Uanillton. J O Johnson, l'oier nm.tii. J M Brown, Win H MeKnlaht. PBIIyou, DPMason. Kcto, May 25th 1877. T. O. SUXJLXVAK. ATTORNEY AT LAW OPXRA HOU8K, 8ALKM. 8. K. comer, at head of ttaln. fclir ripi.K8. HHOt'UIJAs, K.vVol,ViU 11. T(P Miainnetl.it, .11 .L. . .. - J.V MBt O. 6. D. rtat Wnitra uua vrk, fttt,. Pi ws! BROS. & CO. Sron and Wood Beam Single riiosi 8-inch io 16-Inch. THE., L PAINT. not iTflck, peel or clialk off. brliilaiiey ol color It Is OREGON. mny2t( HIULHBm Carminative For Diarrhoea and Dysonfery heo nr. Jnyno'N C'lirniliintltn Itn!iu)Ui. Ah chaiiKOs of clliimto or wnlor, nntl In dlscrotlons In entliiK ofton prodtico lliosoconipluliits.tnivoloraiiiidotlicra should always kcop a bottlo of thlH romedy by thorn. It novcr falls to Hiibduo tho most violent nttneka, nnd it Is equally hcrvlcoablo for Cramps In tho Stomach or Bowels, Griping Tulns, itc. For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In fantum and Colic uso Ir. Juyno Cnrinlnallvo nnlsiini. It romovos nil soreness of tho nhriomon, allays tho Irritation nnd calms tho action of tho Stomach. It may always ba rolled on to glvo lmmcdlato roliof, and besides being ollbctual, In a pleasant and safo romody, cosily ad ministered to children. For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowel Affections uao promptly Dr. Jnync'at Carminative Balsam. lb chocks tho Diarrhoea, Btipjircssos tho Cramp1 which gonorally accompany attacks of Cholorn, and conquora U10 dlsooso In Its lnclplonoy. It has froquontly beon admlnihtorod In neighborhoods whoro tho Cholora has boon raging epidemically, and It has sohlom fulled to glvo lmmcdlato nnd permanent roliof. Tho Carmin ative has maintained lta roputalton xvi a Curatlvo for nearly forty years, is equally ell'oetlvo In nil hdltudcji, nnu as a standard Household Kemo dy, should bo kept lu ovorv family. T. A. DAVIS & COLWholeMlo AcbuU. Oatrua. Tho Llglit-dranglu Slcamcr CITY OF SALEM W111, leave Pacific Wiuur, Poptlancl, for Salem, atdlutirtnislhtcPolcU, On Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays, At 0 o'clock A. M. The Msht-dinu;;fit steamer 0x3:10 Will mako Trips to the upper River. U. D. SCOTT & CO. . J. HATCH. Amend M.najicr. ., i- J. A. S'SJJATTOW. Alto rnev at i aw. mi.vu vti.. ' OwiSUteSirtJoviu tte Bmett Hobm. i 1 " '" w'l','l"l"''ttllwwrwTOiirinataffii im v " r jfWHt"j(ys8rtlr6!iWBIOatBKWl.WBWJiii nimnifBfaBWill n fanwwm