t 6 SIR30TOHY. OPVUlllltSortho NATIONAL OKANOB. MiHUrlohn T. .Tones, Barton, Phillips. Ark. Ounurh J. Woodman, l'aw Paw, Van Barer., Ucttier. II. Smcdloy, Crosco, Howard, la. HUiMht-A.J. Vaujrtin, Memphis. Tctw. Ats'l .V'Wir' Mortimer Whitehead, Mlddlclmsli, Somerset, N. .). . .... frti'tf ( s. It Ullli". HpHnahormiirli, Warren. 0. TreavmrY. M. McDowell, Wayne, Httlibcu, N. l. Htcrtlina O. II. Iv-llcy, Louisville, Ky. l!aie-h'irr-lt. Uliiw Ultllu, Ortlmnl drove, Intl. fVi Mrs. John T. .tones, Barton, Phillip. Ark. Mora-it. Samuel K. Adams, Montlci'llo, Minn. MQH1- Mrs Harvey Gorldard, Ntirlli Granby. Ct. Lldj AnUt'int S:ewurd!Ut Caroline A. Hall, Louisville, Ky. EXECUTIVE COMSIITTfiE. I). Wjatt Alkon, (Chairman,) Cnkcsbury, 8. C. K. K. Hhank'atid. Dubuque- Iowa. Dudley T. Chase, Cliromont. N. II. W. II, Chambers, Oswcicbco, ltusccll. Ala, Ofllcer or Oregon Stnte Uroiicc. JCMfcr Wiu. Cyrus, Hclo. OttntflA. It. Shipley, Oswoijn. Iscturtr Mrs. K.N. Hunt, Sublimity. torcfary-N. W. Randall. Orison City. attaantW. . Thorns , Walla Walla, W. T. ltiUraiir tiUaanl-O. W. Hlddlo, Canyonrlllc. Chaplain W. II. Gray. Astoria. Trtavmr S. I. I.co, t'urtland, tfafc-AVpr-Daiilel Clark. Halem. tkra-Mt. II. A. Miller, Jacksonville. VLwww-Mm. H. I). Durham, McMinnvIllo. jrtora-Mt. K. A. Kelly. East Portland. jy .lf' MoeatJ-iltt. Ocorffla Smith, Hood n&SCttSimlWm. Cyrus Bclo; II. Clow, D.illa! K. I.. Smith, Howl Itlvor. Stali Jluflntu Aatnl-. P. Leo. Porlhsd. Stato Grange Doputioo for 1877 It$t Ojflct. Erpnu. A Holder".' Uarvalll Corvallls CLACKAMAS. , Enoch Sklrvlno Butte Creek N V7 ltandalt Orejoii Lily IlllfOI.AK, JWIInyu Myrtlo Crock U Jl MaiUllcr uruiu o uMtiu .MULTNOMAH. . .,,.,, l'lympton Kelly Eart Portland.... East Portland HAIUON. P I' (!utlemin llnltovlllc (1 W Hunt Sublimity Salem JN TMu'lur".' Inclcmnvlllo Jacksonville IMIMt. P A Patter ...Illckreal Halem ...(loose Lake Jacksonville I.AKK, J J Charlton ttonld Yu's"ir.?l Kcrhyvlllc Jacksonville I, AMI James WMulock (!ohcn K A Irvine.'.!.'. Lebanon Albany John w" Tygh The Dalle. 1)0 Durham...'.' Mr.MlnnvIlh J Hl,iiliit!tn Uasluii I) 11 Illn.VhirY'. Canyon City t'anjon City touMiniA. IC W riinytr Columbia City II I' Hoiiini!'."...' Tillamook North Yamhill J 8 Whllu Weston Weston reus. J Henry Hliroeder.... Ott WASIUNUTOS TKIIItlTllltr. ri.AnR. 8 W Itrow Vaucoaier. COLVMIIIA. HP Stein Dayton WHITMAN. I, li Itlmjor Colfax.. Colfax Clir.IIM.IK. M T ClooiUtit., Hlina I'iKitCn, US Mmkli.ini CbclnllK I'o'.nt TIIDIIATtlN. . ,., , I, (I Abbou Olympla Olympla It I.oumlra Yclra kino. . u .., Jnllu llirloii ScittV Seattle I.UWU. I M I'li'rmu Claquato VAKDIA. CT CooU., Klleiwliura Innnyroiuitmlierp tbu Deputy ijM.olnleil In n the moM ultalilo, unit the (lnnae of 11111 lojullty III lirtiii.irly liidlcalo In mo rhnliv. 1 will lm plm-vd, for (11 111 my linUnco I lioiiwn obllxi'il tn uuiku up-polulai.-ntr wllliout knowledge iMii Ht"J'';,u n .11 t;i lii't, Marler Ort'L'on State llmtw, 1. ofH. Mnrlon County Pomona G.-angc. Will mcul on tlio llMt Krlilny In Oetn lior noxt, nt l o'flot'k In tlio forenoon. JlUSilllS-J Of IlllHOrilUK.'O. (j. w. in 'xt. WOMAN'S 1UQHTS. I)3r l'atronn: As Hut woinntt qupstlon In btln HllHloil tlmniKlt llm foltinuiHoftlio Kaumkii I will Htiml you it taw nxtrauU from itu osity ou that mibjoct, 10ml boforo l"iirior OnoiKo: Tliu liiht qutrtor of n emitury linn wltnoM oil jrrott chtitiKO" f.tvorabln to woman. Al moNt ovory nvciiuo of libor, Ixillt iimntnl iml phyiileiil, Ih thrown ojion to her. SI10 Ih oniployoil hh (ompoiltor, ttilot;riih opornlor, nucountiui , nliociitnkiir, onuriwer on wooil ml inutitl, &o. Tlio lloM of nrt mill lltor. tunilsopan for hor, hIio Ktnmltt promluont nmoiij; our boat aulhoiH of to-tiny. Huto.m HliOitlotuibhn, ontor tlumi tlitVurtmt HoIiIh of labor HiitraimuelPtU Ih not tlio wliolo world iruuillc(ul iiKtUHt lior unilurtuklngs? Yet la miliunf nil thU wonted prrjudloo, hIio has iniuu;o I to hold lior portion and muko aotno mlvaneoment. It haa boon n hatd truiil( Sho li.ii mt won thtwo high placo ofd'Htluotlou without jjro.it labor mid pains, tnklnu. NVIuin man loarn to rojjard woman ni Kiiul unit woman Uiirna to niauiro.tt that solf-roiiwat whloli onmmamia 11 iHrrctiouu ln rt'siicot from tlio otucr tcx, thuu, HiIh jjroat prcjudlcv, whloli la at tho root ofall uur troubbs, will vauMi, In tthort, mon anil wonuiu bavo Kt to Irani ouo anothor. Whim wo oonii) to uiidoiht-ind, mid rtad each other, to hwi and wIbIi thoinonthl capacities of onoli othor, wo tnd that woatn rqunt monuilly iiml morally, Wo mimttry to romombor "thit tlio K"l f ouo 'a noior obtained tit tho cotof tho Rood 11 ( tho othor." Whtiu wouhii fiilH, hho will draw tii.tu downward, olav.xto hur mid you tfltrnjjthon and purify tl.u wholo world. "Tho deiwrd aiiLMof wiuiiAu Mid tho piotlluai'vof b.ilh tiaxM will nlwiiyn jjo htind In hand," UhO f.tl ouiployinuir. ti a Hfi,jmrd njjiluRt alu Worn in' luWxIou In tho ur.iujjo uud out nl It bhoiitd ho a tftibjcct tut to bo fcnrml. It U morothiu pMotblo tint oso of tho trim oiuxtH of tho pronporlty of tho Order li that w-oiiuu Ihiu iwaily ou 1111 tiiuallty with her brother. Hjw wo have lior quick noropp- tiona,hor oritii3il:i, lior lutluonro, we havo woiutn'H thoiiKht and work whloh la tu jjrt'atly m'o.led ovory whom. Many hold that wonro not on un f quality. Hut In tho bubordiuato jsruugo, woman cer talnly bus notbltifj to complain of. Sho Iiuh flllod almost oycry ofllco, eyou to tho Maaloi'j chair. Wborovor uho has ability to do, thoro nho Is placed, and in most In dtnncea, well doca sho not her part, und Just bo toon at woman la capablo of higher trunf, just no soon will sho bo ndvnnccd. Confi doucoinher ability to do, will promolo woman at all times and placfs. Merit and ability, rojard'oii or ox, Tor oIIW, should bo the recoaunondalion to elcu'ion. I do not loot na a Rood sister cxpressts It, that no aro degraded, or that it la an not or cl.lvalry bocnuno wa (In bouio Bran;eft) paylcpadutH than our brothoru. OulHldo custom Rovcrnn this, wo tihually rccnlvo loss for tho tamo labor porfnrmod, tmd It la but Jutt that wo piy 1cm duos In tho Branj;o. This lucqualb tyofwagos Is gradually bolnjj dono uwnj' with, and as mankind Locomea moro hljjhly otillijhtonod, &o will tho causo of woman bo advancod. Itisusoloss for us to pock at theso old "roatdontora" who novor board of "womnu's rlfjhta'Mn tholr boyhood; roally thoy think It la a sin to ovon tbiok of them, and when tho pocking becomes lrksomo and too much to bo borno with porfect equanimity thoy will prosont a moro doplorablo aapcot than did our vorltablo political chlckon sltico tho 7th of Novombor. Nowslstoro, this kind of wotk will novor gain for us tho object wo nroeoeklnjj. Wo must begin with tho boyn and girls of to day, Teach thorn what Is nooded. Tench them that woman should bo taken into full part norHblp. Show thorn tho powor woman ran wield for good and advancement. Touch thoin that mnntally and morally alio la man'flcqual. Toauh thorn this, and tho lit- tlotriiHtitig boy of to (by when ho reaohoa tho yoari of manhood will glvo ua our rlghte. Thooarllcht hlntory tolls of womanta in lluonco over man. Uuro It la that woman lias always possPHto.l a groat Intlucncu moially. It Ih very plain that bad alio not pttHecd into bondago In tho long ago, past, tho moral and political condition of tho present would have boon far In advauco of what It now Ih. For conturisH woman was hold in bondage, alio wax miu'ti slave education wna withhold, alio wan unnblo to road or wrlto or ovon think iniolllgontly. Hut thank Ood, the hhasklcH of cruelly, luat and Isnorancn whloh bound lior, aro brokon asundor, and Intolligoimo, justtco and purity Inn 0 taken tholr leglllmalo plucoM in that hitherto thuk- onod mind. Look wlioro you may. Whon you Iiml woman degradod, or hold In bon dago, tlmro you will find Ignorauco and aloth. htiHt and licontloiisuosH rulu with tho Iron grip of tho hoathon moiiatch. Tho feollug now prevailing among women Is right. Thoy want to bo Independent and not so completely dependent on man an they havo boon. Thoy want to bo doing some thing to bouellt thcimclu'H. llavo n f.ilr hIiow In tho Hold at what over thoy like. "Allp-.rlHof education, all field ofartoitd literature, tho workings oT nil uncial IiihUIii tloiiK, bolonpt to one an much na tho othor." What woman can do, that Is lcgltlmato', and has It In her to do, thr.t sho has 11 right to do. Muko education equal and lot till otcupatlona bo frao, glvo male uud rotunln fair play. "I'.tul of Dim.iicua Is 11 htumbllng block In llio way of many. Hut bis word nppoar to havo been 11 tebiiko lo tonio disorderly oiieant Corinth. Kir after that wo hear nothing moro of tho kind. St. Paul Rpnnl fumo tlnio (I preautne) at I'lilllljiV, anil 110 wonder l'hilllp had four daiightcrsi 1 who did propheey or preach, l'tful did not cum maud lliem to c Home; if ho did, no mention Ih Hindoo! tho fact." Win Id It not bo right iiml liiMtlco for tho head of I ho family, If it bo 11 woman and hint the taxes lo pay. tocaht tho hoimehold voteT And wero that right conferred on tho old maid, widow or wife, provided they ho dim I red, would not tholr refining iiilUionco bo felt at tho polls? Should wo voto, it would not, aaSlder Caiillllmvor foarn, causo us to bo dogradod or leai re.xpect ba shown ua. It doea not lesson tho manly polltoueas mid kindly considera tion oi tho mon In tho giango bocausowo voto and hae an mial.aay In all tilings. It haa n purifying Intluouco Instead, and the man In ahowliiij polltouess und true goullr manly bosrlug toward us, rospoofs hlmtielf. llo unmea to us in nil Ills manly Qod-glvou power, hla clear and thinking brain roady to crllloho and able to accomplish, ltetlnomeiit mid oullghtoumout follow a froo Interchange or thought. A gentleman is u goutloman whether wo voto or not. Intelligence and good morals, regardleas of sex, would bo n fir bolter recommond to tho ballot-box than tho drunken, degradod vagabond who la al lowed to vote, ,lf perchauco ho swears ho la twenty-one yoar.s old. If bo wears pantu looiiHliocaii voto regardless of Intelligence as to who or what ho la voting lor. Some othor, tqually drgradrd, will tell him what to do. Shauiooti siioli repretientatlon! such Justice! Away with such stuff! I lool that our laws should savor moro of the true and Just, Surely thoy will yet bo righted. Hut It In a plant of slow growth, and not wnids merely, but work will secure to us those long deferred righto, (to tlrm, Slters, woik with tho youth and oro long right, truth and iistieo will wave their bauuor aloft uud the millions will lejolce. Mi:iiirr.uii.u. sis iwwrwww x Chluf Marshal ut Staxo t'alv. Wo ubservo- by our various Oiegon and Washluuton Tonilory oxchauj;ts that the tittendauoD nt tho Stato Fair U expected to bo iiuiuh larger than over beroro, and that thoro is In consequence a general demand for the prororvutloii of good cider and a moro strict enforcement uf tho iolleo regulutbusthau heretofore. Hut wo can uMuro the public that Chief Marshal H. A. Irvine, who will havocxoluhlvc control of thoio nllitrstbia yeiir, will prove himself lully adtquato to theso demaiids. Ho xv-wo!ies all theeifcu tlvanimlliloationa nte'sjry to necouuilUh this purpose, aud tho public may contlilently rol.x yon tils elllcltieuoy as tho "hos" Mar shal of tbs coming Fair, Albany Democrat. WILLAMETTE FARMER ARMED GAP-A-PIS. Wamio IIIM.S, Sept. 18,1877. While our folks nro nrj-'ttlnp. fcnrlnfj nnd proKperinir, conccriiliiR tlic "Hentlion ClilfiPP" In Morion county, thoso llttlo (.'olcetlnlH nig arming themselves with formidable weapons mattocks. mil nxe.s forming Inlosquadsof from ton to forly perpons : and strlkliiB out Into the brush dlntricts of out- county; nnd taking con tracts of tjrtiliblnjr nnd clearing up our rich brush hinds. I am Itilonned that ovcrntliotiHutnlof tlicu' Clilnaniivi oro prenuriii" to locate upon our bniMi lanr.s till tlioy are cleared oil'. This woil. will ho contlmiptl for tlio next eight months, and then thoy will bo oil' to tho salmon fisheries on the Columbia river, as In seasons past. J-ntiie cstlniiito that throe thousand acres of our grub lands in this countv will be prepared by theso llt tlo Celestials for wheat by next Spring. Hut I put tho figures ut sis thousand ncrcs. The product of tho new lands, sown In wheat this season, In iMarlon countv, from tlio mattocks of these lit I ' T .I.I..I. it.... li.. .our. M "JOIIHS," IS large. 1 uimi. mm me h1' on those lands will more than pay for clearing and fencing thorn. When we take into consideration, that these brush lands nro only nomlrnlly valuable In tnelr normal condition; ami wnen 111 cul tivation, worth from twenty to forty dol lars per acre on sale, the balance prepon derates in favor of clearlni them out speedily. Hut to tho land-owners who are settled here, theso lands are of Imineiiso value In all time to come. However strange It may scorn to many persons, yet It Is true, Unit our oak, flr and hazel lands 1110 the strongest and niostilurul grain land which we have. I know that the question of Cliinn labor has two sides to it. Prophets and Seers look into the future, nnd sco rulu before us, on account of theseChlncsu grubbers anil rouah work laborers, And bummers und strikers who will not grub nor chop, look on with wrath and threaten tho ChlncHonnd 1 heir employers with "Chcco doings I" Hut I guess, that before all of tho heathen Chlneo and their employers shall be slain, a goodly amount of our rich hrunh land will be innilo ready for a wheat crop. Tho moro lauds In cultiva ting, the more white men, horses, mules nnd farm machinery will bj required hero to till them. I would be happy to inform all those who arc so Interested about our employing Chinamen lo grub our lands, that there itre thousands of tho very best second rale quarter sections of laud on tho Western slopes of the C.ncado Moun tains, and the Kastcrn slopes of the Coast rnngy ready for homestead settlers. Theso lands aro ileh, well watered, healthy and gonorally easily to be cleared oil'. (Jo on to these land.", make yourselves good homes, nnd no heathens will come near you, too, want some of them to grub for you. There Is room for all persons here, and for llfty times as many more, who can all llud plenty of employment fur profitable gain. Whenever the great evils which inny nrlso from tho hlrelng of these Asiatics, shall appear hero in manifest form, then we shall bo foremost In devising suitable remedies for them. Ncccsity caused our people to cinnh.y Chinamen. If the rough work which ought (o bo done, could be dono by white men, then Chinamen would not bo hired by us. Hut not ouo man In llfty, who Is arilvlug here, will grub, clear up or muko rails. They will drive a team for us, or do eay work, which wo web footers prefer doing for ourselves, hut they will not do tho heavy, hard work. 'v, no 0110 wishes to compel them to do such work, unless they anuli. posed to do It. And here, In conclusion, let 1110 oiler one of the very strongest Induce ments to hire Chinamen that wo havu hero : We till know that tho numberof women lo the number men in Western Oregon, is about ouo to four. Our women are overworked, worked to death often times.. Wo sovereign ninlrs can tako times in Ihu misty season quite comfort ably, but not m with our women (ladies I should have said) who have 110 rest from loll tho year round, In washing, sweeping and tending the llttlo webfnot ers, etc. And one or more white men bo hired, they must, of course, bo boarded, whetlier they work or not. Anil 1 am Mirry to say, (hat many a strange man hasbeen hired nnd seated by our fireside, and treated with all sociable kindness, who havo corrupted our. voting folks. The "Heathen Chinee'' live entirely to thcinclves when working for us. Hut this article must close. Viuutas. THE FAMtLY. Tho family Is the educator of tho race. Hero men and women are made. What they are in the world, that they wero in tho'famlly as children. Tho family is the place wlioro the first lessons of law are received, and where the wholo char acter In view of law has a direction given It. Tlio citizen is made In the family long before tho time for voting or activ ity lias come. When Napoleon said, in answer to Madame do Start's question about France's greatest need, "Mothers," he asserted, the all-potent iiinticuce of a true family life. The family Is tlio groat inonus for the development of character. What a world does It present for tho af fections to abide lu I Whereon tlio earth besides tiro thosyinpitthhs fo warm, love st pure und fervent, as nere . ah mat gives value or beauty to human charac ter Hilda lu the family at oueo an atmos phere In which to expand aud develop the elonients which shall bring it to the highest perfection. The family creates a perpetual power which holds mid moves evermore eacu iimiviuuai 01 me circle. Tho parental love, evoked every hour In ptovidlng, watching, guiding, throws back its Intluouco over tho heart and life of father and mother, and make them what they never could bu without it ; It Is 11 powor which tomb all tho tlmo to lift them to a higher and bettor place. TiuJE rmsKPskii-. Truo friendship says : "Lot our frieniU proior; let them go higher uud be bet ter than we are. If to us hoarlm; Is de nted, und they it, let us be thankful that that they havo it. Let us be thankful for till tho blosinjs that they receive." For when one has Identified himself with another, his feeling towards that other should be: "All that I have I thine; ul that there is is mine, aud I am thine, and thou art mine,, and that through weal aud through woe, to the end. OUR COUNrY TAXES. Believing that tho tax-payers or Marlon countv nro Interested In knowing upon what ba"i" tho tax levy Is made. 1 have prepare tho followiugstatoniont.audsubmlUho same for their con3ldoiatlon: Tho gross valuation, ns roturnod by liio Assessor, or all proponym Marlon comity, Is "1. Indebloduossund exemption -,.ji.,udj Leaving tnxablo tho cum of 31,103,100 Hr tho act pished at the last f eislon of the Legislative Afsimbly ihe levy for Stato pur post., lor 1877, U four mills on tho dollar lor !i. ...,...,..,1 n,unLi niil Ihren mills lont)- tUU I UJi li" -rt'Xluo ii - " - (. - ply on indebtedness, limiting nsvon mills lor Stato Ih.x, and a throe mill SlKlp levy for school purposos. Tlio County Com t at Its special session, on tho !lh Inst., estimated tho county revenue, for tho fiscal yoir begin ning July 1st; 1877. on tho following basis: Salary of Comity Judgo 5L0M i' Treasurer "JO 11 " School Superinten dent Foes of Olork "" ' ShonlV 3.000 Pnr 1II0111 of Asfeossor It100 Coroner's roes, wltnosses, Jurors, otc... 160 For dlom or County Commissioners... CM) Itoadsand bridges 4.000 Support or tho poor J.OW Supervisor's aoeount Lpoo District Attorney Siatlonory, books or record, otc boo Election oxponse Z0 Examination or Insano 40 Criminal account. Circuit Court, and oxpanses of preliminary examination in Justices Courts 3,000 Jurors grand and trial, Circuit Court... 1,600 Court IIouco and Jail, Including j-as, wator, watchman and J illor's account 2,000 Ballffs, Circuit Court l'C Military account ?so Fuel..... 450 Interest on outstanding warrants 2,G00 Total oatlmatodourrnntexpanRos $2'J,460 To moot tho forogolng a lovy or sovon mills on tho dollar made lor curront expou to, and a spsolal lovy or Tour mills on tho dollar to imply on tho ladobtoduoisor tho coifntv. Tho following tabuUr statement will shoxs-the ugRrogatesofthosevrral Hinds. Property subject to taxation ? 1, 103,400: Stato tax, sovon mills on tho dollat$29 S88 80 Stato school lax, threo mills l-,C9o 20 Couuly tax, curront oxpensos. sovon mills 20.3SS SO County tax, special lo pay indebted- doss, four mills 10.7H3 00 To which sdd amount of polls I'or county purposos 1,032 00 Total Slato.fchool nnd county tox.?P0,143 10 It will bo obsoryed from tho foregoing tlm ovorOLO-thlrd of tho proporty listed is ox ompt from tixatlon titular tho opor.itlou of our laxvs. This I bollevo to bo entirely wrong, 'llm proront laxvnllowlnp Indebtedness to bo deductad opens a wldo door tor fraud, and inakos tho burden ortaxttlou fall unequally, I can sco 110 i:ood reason why tho law shall protoet a 111111 In the uso or ouo thou sand or ton thousand dollarj worth or nioiicrtv. end boctuso ho Is in debt nil equal amount oxomjit him from all tho burden of taxation, and Impoto It on the tho prudout find economical, who cudoayorH to pay nil hla obligations and stoorclo-ir of dobt. So much revenue has tn bo rah oil, and exempting ouo places his buideu on an other. Tho truo prlnclplo, it spenis to mo, la to irqulro every person to pay ou tho prop erty wiiluh tho laxv prolocts film lu tho uso and rossosslon or. I ibmk a husty examina tion or tbo assessment rolls in any of our countlos will couvluco tho most skeptical Unit our rovonuo laws need 11 thorough re modeling, and to this ond I would invito dis cussion tlnough tho pressor this entlro sub ject. Hoping that wo shall boat from no mo ol our statesmen who havo mado political economy a spsolal study, on this sutjoot, I close the present article. John O. I'muir.us. JURORS DRAWN. Tho folio wing Jurors wero drawn yester day, for tho term of Circuit Court that cod vouch tho Mouday folloxvlng Fair wesk, by County Olerk, Ooorgo A. Klo aud Sherilf, J, A. Hl:er: Hart Ittoves, Jefferson.' Mudlon O. Smith, Oerva!. John M. l'imli, North Salom. William Miller, Hist Salom. Wm.T. Mlllor, Lincoln. It. I-:. Gibson, Ablqui. Win. Syphert, Lincoln. Charlos 1). Hergovln, Champoog. L. A. Savage, Hrooka. J. K. V. Farrens, Lincoln. It. II. O'iborn. Champoeg, J. II. MeClaun North Salem. Lowls Hleakuoy, Lincoln. J. M. Scott, KastS'iIeni. James Down, Ablqua. J M. Harrison. Jetferson. n. D. Hoon, Salem. Wm. Taylor, Llucoln. II. F. Davenport, Nllvorton. I). II. Lafolletto, Ilrooks. J. M. Johns, Marlon. Hary Hrown, Woodburn. Wm. M. Lsughoad, East Salom, H. J. Grim, Aurora. O. O. Fellaud, Champoog. J. II. Wilson, East Salom. Thos. Jory, South Salem. Goorgo McKay, Marion. L, O. Klnsny, Lincoln, J. V. Itobertsou, South Salom. John Hughes, EastSaleat. A Bear Story. Monday forenoon Mr. S. F. MaUiowa, wife and a Mrs. Thomas, of Minnesota, wont to tlio nouutry for the purpoio of gathoring mouse, mistletoes, and othor sentimental "green things" to decorate tho parlors of tho Cbomeko'.ii Hotel with for Fair wook. Crossing tho river ut toabVa Ferry, they wentubout two miles boyond,on ttiolndo pendoiice road, xvhoro there is a widosA-alo ami wlioro the doings they woro In i-earoh of grow in abundance. There not being a good ulaco to hitch tho team, Mr. M. remained lu tliobumv while the two Mdls with their implement, trowel, biusti hook, knlto, etc., started to gather tho utioles thoy oanm for. When, about 200 yards from tho road tho ladios being soporatad by lutHrvonolux; bushes and both encased In tholr work. Mrs. M. heard a cracking in the bushes as If noma nno was passing over and stopping upon dry u.lcks. At ilrst, thinking it wus tiercoDipsulon sho jvild no heed to it, but tlin nols'i trrixxlne; louder and approachlug nearer, and It occurring to her that Mrs. Thomas v.a mi tho other suloot her, hhn looked up, hiul to ber horror saw u big blaek lipurconun: lazllv swlm.lm: slon:: toKaids her. Here, pencil would fall to do justloo to tno sojiio. coining urn air. aiaiuows' Krapblu description of tho shans and condi tion that tho twnladles resotixd tho tiugitv In would convoy any Idoa of tho soare. Their ino-.s and mlstletco oxenrsinu, ns far us that "nock or timber" xvaa coiieenied.onded right there. Mr. Mathews, however, went In seixrcli of bruin, saw hit tracks, but bis royal highness had waddled off Into tho douse bushes and as Mr. M, hadn't las', any bears, bo didn't aiako much of a bunt. .County Clerk's Oifioo. Mr. Ed N. Edos, (Deputy County Clerk, bands us tho following abstract of business dono at that ofllco during the month of Sop tombor just closed. Doeds recorded, 81; mortgages, 17; chnttlo mortgages Hied, 17; mortgages satlslled, 8; marrlago llconsos i-sticd, 6. m ras;)rmu wm wmnuwtw 1,000,000 UOTTLES 0? Tna CENTAUR i LINIMENTS. have been rold tho last year, and not one complaint has reached us that they hare not done all that is claimed for them. Indeed, scientific skill cannot go beyond the retail reached In there wonderful prepa rations. Added to Carbolic, Arnica, Mentha, Bene-ca-OU and Witch Hazel, are other Ingredients, which makes a family liniment that deflco rivalry. Ithcu. matlc and bed ridden cripples havo by It been enabled to throw awiy their crutches, and many who for years havo been afflicted with Neuralgia, Bclatloa, Caked Breasts, Weak Backs, Ac, have found perma nent relief. Mr, Joslah Wcstlake, of Marysvllle, 0., writes: "For years my Ithcumatl'm has been so bad that t have been uualilnto stir from tho house. I havo tried every remedy I could hear of. finally, I learned of thoCcntaur Liniment. The flrst three bottles enabled mo to walk without my crutches, I am mending rapidly. I think your Liniment simply a marvel." This Liniment cures Burn and 8calds without a scar, extracts the noUou from bites aud stings. Cares Chlllblalns and Frosted-feet, and Is very cfllea clous for Ear-ache, Tooth-ache, Itch and Cutaneous Eruptions. Tlio Centaur Llnlmcut, Yellow Wrap per, Is Intended for the tough fibres, cords and muscles of hones, mules, and animals. ItKADI IthADI Itor. Goo. Yv. Fords, Manoiktll, Schoharlo Co., N. V. says: "My horss xvas lamo for a year with a fetlock wrench. All remedies utterly tailed to cure and I considered Mm worthless until I commenced to uso Centuur I.lnluicnt, which rapidly cured him. I heart ily recommend It. It make very llttlo difference whether tho caobo 'wrench," sprain, spivlu or lameness of any kind, tho effects nro tho sano. Tho great power or tho Llaltnout Is, howover, shown In l'oll-orll, lllg-hcad, Bwccny, Spavin, Itlug.bono, Gall and Scratches. This Llnlmont Is worth millions of dollars yearly to tao Btoskrowers, Llrcry-mon, Karmors, nnu thoso having valcablo ar.lmals to en re tt r. Wo warrant Its effects and refer to any Farrier who has ever used It. Laboratory of J. IJ. Itosi: & Co., 1J Det Ut.. Nxw York. (jtilLDREN. A complcto substitute for Castor Oil, without Its tnplcxsint taste or recoil In tha throat. Tho result of ) years' prsctlco by Dr. Sitn'l Pitcher, of Massa chasctts. Pitcher's Cattorla Is particularly rccommcmdd for children. It distroya worms, asslintlatoi tho food, and allovTS natural sleep. Very ifllcaclous la Croup and for children Tcetnlng, For Colds, Fever lshness, Disorders of the Bowels, and Stonuch Com plilaU, nothing Is so effective. It Is a pleasant t tako as honey, costs bat ! cents, and can bu had of any Drujjst. This la onu of many teitlrnonla'.c "Coaswatu Lceason Co , Pa.. March 17, 1871. "fitar tilr: I bave used your Cuslorla In my prac tleu uir sumo tlmo. I tiko xrrst pleisuro In neurit' tncmllnj It lo tht prqittloi as 11 care, tellable, and agiveaUiu medicine. It is paiilcularly atlapitd to chlldreu wiu-rn tlio repugnant laslu of Castor ull ren ders It to dlDIcul; to tdmlnitter, K. A. ENDUltS, M. V." Mothers wht) try Cactirlx will flnl that they caa sleep uljhu sud tlmt 'heir babies w 111 bu healthy. J. B. ltcsc Si Co., Now Yotk, Successor to J. U. K1.Ei.x1t & Co., 05 I-lliorty at., - - NEW YOIIK, OoittitilHNlon .Afvont Ir,ort BUYirto and FonwAitDiNn ntoM : Nw York via Intbrnus, l'aclnc liallroid, and Cape Horn, all kinds of Merchandise, aud for the salo of Products from Uio I'acltlc coast, for tho collecUon of monoy, fcc. octstf ATTENTIOM .Sheep Growers!! A 8UIIE CU11K FOR Scab, Sorow Worm. Foot Rot, AND ALL Parasites that infest Sheep. TT 13 SAFER. BETTER AND VASTLY cnEAP THAN ANY OTHER EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR THE TREATMENT Or SHEEP. IT Em proves the Health OF THE ANIMAL, AND THE QUALITY OP THE WOOL. tay One (-alien Is cnocsh for nno hundred to two hunlredShejp.ncoMiag totbelr aje, strength, and condition. It Is pat np tn FIVE-GALLON CAKS-Piico, 1 per can. dcsu lor civcuisr, lu T. A. DAVIS Sl Co., . PORTLAND. OREGON, VtioIeato Agents f0y n,0 Mate. Or to voar ccarect Retail Drarxtst. mrft Mrs. Ilohror'a Now Homody roxi ths liUKaa 13 UEETISQ WITH W'OXDKUrUL SUCCESS I Tnia ruRRLY vegetable remedy n3 no roiial In tho relief and rnro of Coughs, Colds, sthtss, Tironchltls, Croip, Whooplni- CouRh, Mc ls, lit. It h produced some remtrLable cares, bold bv drcsrslsts ri nerallv. Prepared only r JOHN L. MIIRPnY.Monmooth. Or.. tj whocx all let:rs of bottnesa should be addrfSMrt. ?wSi5 iililNCKROOT&M Stgfn st.wuis.moW vte '.'"'-"J!1 ' rtrriBiinmiinw),imn