lion. W. P. Watson, I'uldent of tho Hlato Agricultural Soolety, lins nrtlvoil. Ills heatlqiinriprn will bo on luo Fair Grounds! from tholld Inst. Is Your Lifo Worth 10 Cents? Slckncsi prevalli every wboro, and every body complains of soinedlNeasedurlug tholr llfb. Whon MM:, tlio ohjtct Is to pet well: now to say plainly tlmt, no portion In this world that li ..mfeilm; with l).VRpopsln, Liver Complaint and limited, such ns Iiulieia Hon, CoMlveiH'fcs, Sick llendrchcSaiir Slow noli, Heart Horn, PolpIuilc.ii of the Heart, Deprnsai-d Hpliils, Itlllnunno'H, etc , ijp.ii Inko Unisex's Auounr Klowf.u without gotmu' rolluf mid nur, Tfjou d-uibr Ul. . in your drtipvUt and t'rt n Sn.jilo it(tl f i- In uotitN, mill try li. Itegulur size, 73 euit. Two doe w'll rollnMi vim. Notice of Bailroad HectUg. Tboro will bo n uioetlntr at Amity, Yam hill Co., on tboitflh day tr Ooiobur, 1877, lit 10 o'clock n. in,, (or thn purpose of trkii r Into consideration tlin buildlnic of n narrow Ktiapo railroad from Davton, by way of Am ity, Brood M pad nnd Mill Crook, to Grand Kond, with n branch lino to DhIIks, In Polk county. AIanyCitizijxs. i Ilyfttt'a Xslfo Elivlh-Jrtrw. An a conqueror of lthoumatiim, Gout. ICoii ralfda, and euro tor fccrolula and all dlseaei arising from Impurity of blnorl, Uio old nnd rellabln Family Mcdlclno, Jyutt'n Isfo )lnl .vim, stands untqiiuled, as proven hy over JiOO.COO ureal cims during tlio pnd .'JO years. In n radical vcKivlahln Compound nlH.krstipv rilla, Dock, Uualacuiu. it'!., nnd a permanent euro. Sold by all dniKulrts and country procer. Taku nothing else, and If thoy haven't It wo sond by exprorH, boxed, .ivory. whero, Ht$l and 81 '-'ii per bottle: $ (Ki and JO.DO hairdo?.. Hyatp it llv.vrr, 210 UrnnJ St., Now York. 3EV3BHYBGBY Rich or Poor. THE MATCHLESS FIRE LIGHTER ! Orders for tiik Finn LiaiiTini aro coming In thick and faHt, and tliey give general satisfaction. Ijlghtsyourlampor gas without tho uso ofa match. Will last a lito tinio. Just tho thing lor campers or travel ers. Irlco 73 conts. ... Address U. II. HATjLOCK, Oenoral Agont, Stlom, Orogon. JonN W. IIAIIIINRH tlinAKt. W. (IAIUINIII. GARDNER BROTHERS, WIIOLEKAIX AMI IlKTAIt. Dealers in Pianos, Organs, SHKKT MUSIC, And Musloal Merchandise, No. 1510 San I'alilo St . Potter ltlcck, OAKLAND. CAI.. OrloiWnldiH lHoelt, IwStfl S.ILKM. For Sale. QQrr ACltRS OK TIM1IRR LAND, PAW-MIDI., ijjj i llliicUpinllU Bliop llireu liiiiifCi1, twotitiuf, fouryoku el UXUN. MIluMcii on l.OMl TOM, Iu I.iiua county. TiTtnn nry -balf cucli. tiilnncu on Uiuo. TUIocood. Forluilla-r ii.Mtlrutar. adiliviii O. . 1'UTNAM, au'ilru'J CliCflic r, I.nno county, Or. A. L. STINSON, Book and Job Printer, Ami I3ooltlliulr, Bolmau's Slock, Old Hcnatc Cham ber, Salem. ios.a. iQirr. Tho Ouly Strictly Wholesale Drug House Iu Oregon. T. A, DAVIS & CO., 71 I'ront Street, HORTLAND, OH10OON, o FFKU TO THH DItUO AND ORKRK.VL 1IBR- cbsudlco trade a complctu arnarlincnt or Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture, end Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all Ucb and qualities. WHITE LEAD, Of all the leading bmndf , In tin and kef , COLORS, IN CANS and DRY. Putty, lampblaok, Rod Load, Gluo. VARNISHES, Including tho flucrt brand for Coach rln.m" nee. ralBt, Whitewash, and YnrnLsh Brushei, LINSIiliD OIL, In barrel and can. Turpentine, Coal Oils, castor Oil, Lara 011, .Veat's'foot Oil, Fish Oil. Alcohol, In barrels and cant.. Blue Vitriol, Sulphur. Cntitlle Soup, Concentrated Lye, I'OtUNll. :ittor- nil Isiuda. Quioksilvor and Strychnino. In Qoart, IlairOallon, Onv-i.alloo, and FlTC-Gallen Can and IlarreU, etc . etc. We ara Agent for Oregon and WMhlccton Terri tory for THE AVERILL PAINT, THE BESI" MIXED PAINT IN C8B for IUlllflir,'i farbnlr rbttp Up. Wak tiffs nttf iUtk aid "qui rl f'lwu. a Jaync rrujrlct.ry HtdKUri, tJT" We bny oor good' from fint handt. tbn en akUns n to compete with any inirUt on the t'ot. at a comparlion of oar price w 111 prove. ciy9 SPECTACLES, SPECTACLESI For Old and Young. Far-Sighted and Near-SigTited, SfaootlBaOIaes for sporumca. STEEL. SILVER, AND GOLD FRAMES. I All prepwed to fnpply Hp'dacln to nt all eye. H prieeitoinli. W. XV. MABTIN, Jeweler A OptU Ian, Dank Ulock, btate St. 8!em. atty 19.1870. ta thu future or o it eg on. ISati Francbco Chrontclo J Tho display of wheat, wool, drlod fruit, cinned salmon arid othor products wblah Oregon tnado iu tlia Centennial Exhibition at Phlladolpbla lastyoar, la beginning to hand somely remunoratohoroltlzons for which tlioy dovotod to that occaxlnn. It has attracted to that Statu a laruo numbor of cm Igranta from tho Cd9t and from Europe. In nddltlon to these, mnny who tiro themselves largely llirestol In cntorprlsoa which ro ipilro heavy iMpltal, nro!hn who rcprret't tMoM, bavo vIsiMd tlio-n in unlcr :n r.e quiio ti bettor knonie Jitc of the S p. nnd l.n products and resources by personal observa tlou. Homo of thorn who Imvo pascd tho HUimner Iu Journoyloi; over every pmtioti or Or e;con, aro now on tholr way homo to ro port, nnd wo learn th.Uln ovorv Itistnnco tho opinions they express of tlmt cmititry aie of iuu hh'm. imiuuiiiK onaracirr. ineio nreii raw comprotiensivo focia which may bo eited to show why tho-o oplulons are itillv justified. At prevent tho population of Oregon Is 120,00(1 conls. Yot her eapr rts bk itresato over 815.000.000 ner nnnuiii. Tlio LStato eati ncponunudHlo a tionulntlon of JJ.OOO.OOO. It oontalns r.n uxpatno ef rich arable lnnd. still nncultlvalBil,fireater .nun iuu wiiiun area or isow vorit. Ttmro are. be"lde", other nnource of iilmuat llllmi tablo capacity water prlviiecoH, coal ileMn, iron iiili'ii, cold dluitlnit,t;olil quail?, lode", Haittinu llnbiHes, ltiniborlnt: and niannrao turlnt;enlorprlos. Her wheat and wool, lumber nnd naliiinn,iiiid herureen and dried Iriilt.s now consilium n comuioreo orextriior dliiary rnneuliiidn for a Stato so Bpnrcoly fet tled. All lheo varloim Iniorc.oiM s 111 grow Into i;rcater proportloni undnr tho Intlurnco of ntiKinnnted population. Want nrrellwav connection with California and the Kant Ih tho ureal drawback now to Oreou. Glvo her tills nnd till) Slab) Will fairlv lean Into nrnm. Inoncamonir tho great produclnir Slatos of tho Union, and emlirratlon will throng thither. '1'herolsn splendid future in storo for Oregon, and her oxcollcnt display at I no Centennial Kxhlbltlon has glvon good lin pofus toward It. ouit noys.' Iteeifii Opera Ilnuio waa crowdod last nlalit; for nil tho fmlilnn, tnlent, nnd beauty of Ualom had UR&enihled to wltneai thnopon 1"K porformancii or John Jaek'a celebrated troupj, IViivlniis to tho rl.ilii;or tlio cur tain foiuonf tho hoodlum eleiiient hoaan to render nlfjht lililconi with Hbrlll yolls and wlilailtH, but. Mr. Jack Miepned lorward and In a btlof addros announced hl ibitdrmtiiii tlon to eiilurcn pfrlict order diirlui; t tin per fnnnntii'u and tnrau.o thelUBtant uxptiltdon of any ono Iransrei'Mln. '1 ho comedy was a decided mtreesH, and tho nc.tore and eitresceieiiKaiied, fu lyMistalned tho blub repulatlnii or tlio company. Mr. John J.tcl:aH"A Uitlred nutteriiiaii," kept hla nudleiien In rnura or laughter by hN lHu llko roproionlntlotiHof cnckupv "liaccent and hactlnns" and ho wan admirably atipportcd by Mr. 1. J. Wadoand tho ntlinr performerH, who all ovlneed n thorough knowledvo nf their profession. Tho ladlca wero capoclally worthy ofoommondation; Mist Anidu Kir. nun, Hin matter of course, was perfection, yet tho purt of "ftlnry Mlrow" Ih not ndnpted to illanlay tnthobe-tHdvantnKO Mlm Vlrmln'H peeullar talents, MI'M Iittlo Wndo waH an ndmlrHblo "violet." MIhs Inulea na nn elderly aunt, displayed linn power of actlnit, anil M)rr lreiinovo'H,,,lk)rllnUaf tin. London lodging liouio nlavoy" waa n capllal persoultlcatton. Tho mimical Heleoilona wero oxcollentty romlorod, and thonudieiico showed ihelr appreciation of them by fro. riuentnpplaiiMi. At tho conclusion Mr. Jack ciimobiiforo tho curtain and In u few well chosen words thanked bin hearera for tho attention with which they bad favored the performance, and afior aeaurlnix them that thoentorlaliiineutNliniild nlwaya equal that wliloh they had Jutt witiinHed,niiiioiuin.'il for to nlht tho drama of "l'aiiohlon, thn Crick et." Mr. Jack was loudly apphiudod and tho audloiien dl.iperxed, blghly fratlllcd with tholr nlitht'N entertalnmout. A Hit; Soor. Ono night last week a lot of Chinamen who worotmibbliifr on Mr. Ktillerton'H place about six tnllea from tho city on thoProxptct IIIU roid, had a ttcaro that nearly frightened thorn Into Ills. It appoam that a yonn man Hying about ono mllo from whom they were camped, brought homo upon tho oveulng In question, wlfo. Tho boyaof tho nolgh liorhood, got tORCthor oil tho old pans, ket tlos, horns, bells., oto., In tho country and at tho dead hour of midnight proceeded to noronndo tho newly marrlod. Tho Coleatlala hearing tho din, and supposing that a mob was coming to root them out, got up, drered and loft for tho broth whllo tho boss China, man, with bis cuo flying straight out behind traveled tor Mr. Kullerton'H liniiso and aroused that gentloman. Mr. F. got up, ex amined Into the matter and ascertained tho cauhoof their fright, Italng an adept In "pigeon Kngllsh," ho boon made hW almond eyed laborers understand tho whys nnd wherefore of tho din. At n lain hour quiet was reetored In tho Chlnero quarters but they had learned of one hideous' custom or nuisance that provallH In this country, yot, but to u llmltotl extent. Let tho People Rejoice. For the bountiful harvest of 1K77 has now placed In tho hands ot the poo pi o tho golden coin, that they may flco to W, P. Jolinoii A Co. and tccuro such pictures as will pleaso thorn and tholr friends, and bo a blerslng to goueratlnns to coiiio. Itnineiubyr tho place, oyer Willis' Bookstoro, Slate Ht Salem. Or. State Depntle Appointed. Grand Worthy Chief Templar, . It. Dun bar, appointed on Saturday lost, tho follow, lire additional State Dsputles. Tholr com- missions bavo already been made out nnd forwarded to the appointees. O. It. Itied, The Dalles; J. II. Lauibort.Mllwaukio; llai vey Jlllon, Amity and A, A. Mathews, Look lug Glass. Haad Cat Johnny Holmes, a workman in Mrsir. Booth by A SUpleton's sash and door factory yesterday, by somo unaccountable mean, tbo knife of the planer, that be was handling cut across the ball of his loft band, a revere, but not dangerous cut. lie will soon have It cured ap again for use. Appotatmeat. Governor S. F. Cbadwlck has appointed D. W. Bailey, of Umatilla county, a Notary Public His commission has been made out and forwarded. The Cbemeketa Hotel is filling up rapidly with exhibitors and visitors to tboState Fair, WILLAMETTE FARMER. SAYING NO. Tlio innn who never enys "No I" U per pcUmlly getting Into trouble. JIu nia be very amiable, but ho Is nlso very weak. There Ih u grent defect In his clmrnclcr u ilcllulcuoy lu the region of tlio Hpinnl eo!tinni,potlint ho cannot alwnyy hold hltnsclt fctrnlght. Whenever the wind blown he bonds before It. A ninn nmy flnil It ItnpojMbloto say "No," bicaiiPo ho cannot ioI'ukp nnybi'dy nnvthltig. Ho is n"kcil to sign u potltlot. rclatltijr to a inalttr that he cares noth ing about, or tmkinij for a passage of n measure to which iu his heart he Is rath er opposed, nml ho yields for the Nike of gratifying tho respectable committee that wait upon hlin. If nbeggm wnnla money he givey It to liini, nltliotigh he Is quite certain, from unmistakable signs, that It it will bo nquutulercil for drink In less than half an hour. A neighbor applies for a loan, to bo repaid iu a day or two, mid ho lets him have it, ho is morally certain it In the last ho will ever see of tho money. A friend requests him to write his name on the back ofa hill, and lie does ko repenting afterwards in dtisl and asdics. And so on indellnitely, for there is no cm! to weak ami tlliy things thai a man may do who is never willing to hint anybody's feelings. Men and women often say "Yes," when they ought to say "No," for want of con sideration. A young man offers his hand in tuarriago ton young woman, and if she would only n(op to inquire, she would 11 ml tlmt lie Isashiftlcss good-for-nothing follow who will never innko her happy, and Hint a union with him must entail upon her untold miseries. But, hccaiiHc lie is gooiMnoking,, or has a plausible tongue, and pleads li is case eloquently, or because she thinks she may never have another chance, she says "Yes" to Ills proposal, and walks In darkness and gloom all the rest of her life. Thero nro those who pay ''Yes," when they ought to say "Xo," from want of moral principle. Tho man Is tempted by some glittering bait ; lie shall have money, or nlllec, or distinction, If he will only iWy bin conscience, and so lie sells himself to the tempter and loses bis own soul. When ono is enticed to enter upon any bad cause, It Is tho first "Yes," that does tho mischief. Wickedness generally begins In weakness. As Milton mice said, "To bo weak Is the truo misery." The young man docs not take his llrst dollar beenuce he Is averleious, orilrlm; tlio first glass because he likes It; but simply be cause he has not the strength to say "No." You may have heard tlio loin), contemptuous laugh with which a hand of boys greet the companion who lias tho moral cotirogo to assert the right of Ids own soul, and refuse compliance with what ho I; nows to bo wrong. It may bo tlmt thero Is not one uf thorn who does not In his secret heart revero tho moral power which they aro atrald to Imitate. In good roclety, certain habits and customs may bo toloratcd ami defended, which you consider expedient or mis chievous, nnd yet you only iniilto your self ridiculous by opposing them. Well, a man may do a worse thing lliau making himself ridiculous. One of the severest trials to which an honest person can be subjected, comes when he finds himself obliged to decline, cn-oiicralloti with his friends nnd associates in what they re gard ns u holy cause. To say "No" In such a case as this subjects ono to n spe cies of obloquy which Is much harder to bear than ridicule. To lie frowned upon hy tlio gnol cuts Weeper Into tlio soul than to be Inuuhed at by tlio bad. All that you can do is "tosuU'eranil bo still" anil wait for tlio time to vindicate your course. Now let us turn tho shield round and look at the other side. There aro thosu who say "No" contin ually, wli'ii tliey ought to say "Yes," Hometlmes inconsiderately, ns wo often see illustrated in the treatment of dill, dreu by their parents. It matters llttlo what la asked for "No, my child," Is tho utmost invariable response. Homo people say "No" Just to snvo themselves trouble Itrcostssouui llttlu ctlort for them to do what they aro asked to do they would rather slay at homo and coddle over tho II ro than to go out in the cold to do a friendly net. Once In a while a poor deformed soul appears Iu the world, who always says "No" becnusu ho does not like to sen oth ers made happy. He will endure consid erable inconvenience hlmselffortliosake of seeing somebody else still morn uncom fortable. Ho limy not give tills as tho actual reason for declining ever to dn a good dead, bat it lies at the bottom of his obstinacy. It is a great curse to any community when such men abound. It is a blessing that they do not aliomnl. irtbey did, the world would become tin- eniltiraiile. Just when to cay "No" and when to say "Yes," this Is the grand problem. Tho man who always hits It right on the way to perfection. If you never have occasion to wish that you had said "No" instead of "Yes," you liuvo tuteied the kingdom nf peace. Postal Changes. Ofllccs have been established and postmas ters appointed for Oregon snd Washiuton Territory as follows: Drew's Valley, Lake county, Oregon, J. II. Phelpi, P.M. Post masters appointed Martha A.BaroD, IS iron, Jsckson county, Oregon; Peter Moritan. Kilchls, Tillamook county, Oregon; Andrew MoAlleu, lake View, Lake county, Oregon; J. P. Shuck, Monitor, Marion .county. Ore gon; ;Goo, Gclbach, Tumwater, Thurston ojunty, W.T. Bummed Up, During the month of September 10 persons were arrested and brought before Ilecorder O, W. Bowie, charged with tbo following olfiinces: Disorderly conduct, 0; gambling, 4; fast driving. 2: peddling without license, '1; assault and battery, 1; giving liquor In a (Hirsnn who had been declared a common drunkard, 1. GOOD 0AMVA532R3 WAITED. Wo wish to mako n thorough canvass in tho intcroit of this papw through this Stnto mil Washington Territory, and would like to have, afior harvest, or during the wlutpr, iuIIao canvnesets hi each comity, and if pos sible in each precinct. Great Rs toction 2 I411W.411 i13i ttl v nU I II ,tb tiiV ilU Itr.TAlI.KO AT Wholesale Prices, for Gash My Stock ooii'tsM orSUISIiF and nUILD- KltS' Hardware, Mei'linnlcs' Tools, Shovels. Nails, Hope, uto. JOHN SSTFOSTIiSK, vrftml cor. Stark A Front li.f I'oltlJIiANn Kntnrr HtmnwiDtMtflf11mif hiiphUtotl totUaWr ttMJIlUf. KirK'HM'MulJ, rfriuiuriteru10f loci. I wl.tMi H. .. (HUNT A CO., J, 4, t i. B IUa. 81., Ubtluuftlli O. JOHN GRAY, Formerly In Unrein' PtofV, linn Jn,t ojoiii'il I..irso and c.v.utiU'to Mroik or SV.iXSI-'? ii i ii vtt . . it Carpels, Oilcloths, liluUings, AMI Houso - Furnishing Goods, Next to Dalrymplo it llrown, KTAUKKY'.S Itl.OOJC, - MALIMI. OK. Mill! It WILL UK fOl.t) AT Lowest Cash Rates! fCl'Jllf $2500 A : Vlt. Agents v.viU'il. Hull licit Icpltlnmti'.riirllciiUmfri'o. A Una 3 WORTH a CO , SI Uuli. U aUbBgi FALL PLANTING, tV 'yr-rvr-: c fttffiWJSn? "OR THE HOUsET Ttie Autumn No. or Vlcli's lMornl Giilite coiitoli)1,i(r (lci-rtillfii f 1 1 net m ti. Tnlliif. Mill", Hint nit lliillm nml hrnts for ai i. 1'i.asmmi In Uio mr iK'ii.atnl Tor Wintkii (i.iiwkiii In iliu lloiiiii) lt uiliihul, ami i-tMil Irc.i In ai i., itiln-r. K-Jtwl J 13H!S VlflK, Ito.lictrr. V V WOOD X'CJJIU'S. The Best nnd Most Improved I'uiii'H now In I'su. They aro ciikavku and moro mniAiii.i: i ban anv mvIo ol Chlii Pump or wator drawer livery nixn who Iih IimiI kxiki. lloiien in tho dlll'iireut wsya or urnwinK wutir unowa tiiero is no way no Cheap, Durable, Convenient, nnd free from Imparling un healihy eleinonlH as the plain wood iiiiuin. Thev nrn tnklnir the iilaen or all other means of rulxliirf water lor domes) In pur IMH..1. or for DA UN or STOCK WKI.US. Water riponntl Eave SpoutK Wo iiiiiiiiiruuturu I'lp'iof va ror convoylnu wa ler rrom cprlnns, streams, An. It Is nheap, but riuhxtniitlal. Kur furl her partloulari, apply lo or nddresi A. PIlltSCOTT, Nnlem, Or, THOROUGHBRED jbufvJS? IOKKIl't. t piiblln uli.. in it-o hlihet bidder, part or my herd of TIIOlUHNlllllUlill Shorthorn & Devon Cattle. ir This Hulo will tako plneo atihnCattln SIiwIhoii HinHTATK I-'Alll OltOUNDS, on TIlUltSDAY of Fair wimk, at 11 a. in, I will then oll'-ir about thirty head of Thoroughbred Hulls, Cows and Heifers For i'A!l or II inoiillir.' I'mmin Pllitrcent. Wtenwt, wuh a:irn' il nxiirlly, 'lid will k'vm lhini who to avail thi'mr Ive uf tt an npiiorlunl y to buy, aie have until they can rain, and market anollmr crop hcfiiri' payment I rriiilred, ttr run (1.1'iri.K wiu. iik ox tiik fa in OltOVS'lt diirlnj; Fair week, when any Information with n rmuuvu to pidlxrev w III bo ulven n'JIw.'l U. W. III.HICK. I olTer for talo French, Spanish, and American TborouKli'bi'ocl MERINO SHEEP. AL80 ani Now shires Cots wolds Oxford- Am. I'rhmin do'rlnj; tn Imptovo their Hnck from Ihu sIkivu breeilr, or tn procure lllirb (IraJii KWKtl fr.iin Ihu aniu, are Invited to rail and eximlno my flock, at my firm, roar mile routhef Hi I.I. H. .e'JImlpl D. M. (M1TII1IIK. For Sale ! tTIIB FINK KBHIUKNCK corntrof Commc. clsl and lllvlrlou itrert. Iu deorable iltuatlon, with hoarljriru, well Ardrhed, and convenient. . .rutxl, and irriundr tartefUlly ornamented. Will be mid trpry loiv and on accommodtllug term. Apply tu I.Kr WILLIK, sepU Palinn' Illock Utste bt.. Halik. till. K.. V, VIIANIS, B ItBVKT Lt.Col., latHarxoa U.H. VoltutUer. - imic. uuroia , diocs, up ruLr. liTT V,ViW,y Tr r l 1 pi-JIm'J 01tn.tloxa. In tlio County Court n tlio .Mntnif Oregon ror tho . , Conn vof !atln, Intho matter of tho Ksla-oor A. F, Waller, Occi fed, To Weplia WslU-r. C. tt., Mnry U. Hall O. O. Nliattoti, .1. B. Siratton. (l. A. Wnlitr, K. ,T. Waller, u. I.. (I. Wnllor, nnU ill icon Tibliett. tu.irllan ni ; ! O. WAllcr, ana all tuiUnown liclrs oTA. F. uiicr uecenfcu. IN tho iitmn of the Stalo of Orceon: Yon ami each nt you mil lutitiy cltcit ami rcqnlriil to npticor icroro tho nlmvi! ininiM court, at the ( onrt llnuno In Silom, in Mild Marlon csunty, st rh-ven o'clock a, m nn tho Mtlluliy ni (!?!,.- 1ST?, then ami thoro jo tiiotv cititc. If any i xlt, why nn timer (hoolil not In utile b MtillVirt, nuUinilriii; .1. A. Miration, llin a-lmhilntratnr llnrior, to mil Iho n-sl mlalo or -MJ duiMiut thi paymci.t cr Iho ebatti'. ex Iii'iifo of ml M lirilli'ii, nu clli uqlnt mlit I'flrtli', ilii-tlMciini(or hy Mlil mlii lnit iivKir. Halil rU liiiiln Ih Iwmi ilitl nml tli-i-rllii-il a rmlnw. to wll; V pa ft of HoniliMi cMiiu. 41 NntT.citlou No. 17. li T. 7 S U. n Wlllitnullu liiuililtau, litiiinOi'il liy ueghiiilnir on tl.u rnnlli line of Uio county Iraillni; citcriy rrout tho int mil or Hmto utri'iit. hi Snlcni, . nilou inuiily, (Iii'l-oii, nt a lio.iit H. 7l ilojj SO irtn. IC. 13.UI rdaln linin nliemlho fiiutli lino nf dil cnutily rm.l Intersect tho Wet tioumliry of ih" liotmttnti t.ant clttm or A. F. Wal ler unit'tiha Wailir his wife, ntiii running thenco l. in elep, nu mln, V. sr, chalii. mure orlen?, to Inter cct a ilue esf I nntl wmt lino ibvldlm; fntd clnlm Into two eiiiinl parli" ; Ihei.i'eiiiit m '.1 club ginoteor less in InittMct tliu ca'iiii honiiilary lino of ncertnln tract of liiml tlceilinl hy A, V. Waller ami Kleiiha Waller hi wife, in iihbel U. Waller, hy tiecd. ihtnl tlio Xitli day ef .l.ini.nry, lsotl, nnd record nt In Marlon count tcconl. Honk or Deeds vo'umo No. I, onpigorcii; tlirnre N. lililitf "aimln.K. utoni: raid Imp! tiiemtonul lllio, ahout 0U.50 chain to the ninth lino nt pulil cnuiiiy rond, tlunee N,7Uttig Si) mln. W. hloi.u'ilio niiitli hnnnf r.ld cutmly rnatltu ihupluco of hcKlnitliig, nml nil ltuti In .Vnrlim eotitily,(lrioii 'I hi clttillmi 1 I'lti'llMiul In tho WiiLAUiirTK rAtiviai. by order or Ilia raid contt, inntlo BeiiteinicrlMh, IS77. .INC. V. l'l!KltI.Btl, County Jiulco. Knh'ni.Orccon. Til .1, 1S77. Si)w4 C71t(vtlOXX. In tin) County Courl ni the Hliito ef OrcRon for tho Count) of .Marlon. In tlio matter of the folate of .Iinie Itlckey, deceas ed, M, Itlckey, Adinlntflrutor. To Henry ltlckry, Tlinmas R Itlckey. .lame M. itiekey, and nil unkiinii heir or nld decedent; and all ii'rnn Interrited In raid folate. Iu tho tinmu of the Slnto of Oregon : "'O'OU nr.d etch of vim. nri hereby rltwl ml r. 1 niltri'd In ninioar bi'lnru thn aliiivii nmpil Cnnri. at ihu Court lloiiKi I Htlrtn, In Mid Marlon county. all 'elotki. m. nn the lllh day nf (lctnbr, A. I). 1177, to then nnd there fIiiiw faum. If any eicr-t, why an order rhnuM not bo liindo by paid Court authorU ngraU Ailinlnlrtmtor lo rellthu Ileal folate of raid (leceib'iit fur thtia jiuvnt of tho admlnlitratlon, ehame and clnlui n:nlint paid Krtatu, a petitioned fur by Ald nilmliili'trntor. t-ald roil eftato 1 dcfCtlb nl a rol'ou iimvU: A inrt of tho Unimtlnn I.mul Ulul m nf ld .lame lttittey and wile. In T. 7 S. H. 8 W and In T S H It.SW: lleitlnnlnir nt the N. W. cornel or Claim IVI, and the S. K. comer i f CMIm bl, a W, niidriiniilnirllioncsN Odcir. 15 mln. W. i, Cil cIihIii: theiico N. Illdeir, lUniln. K. Wl SO ennui; mrnion. i ig. 13 mln. v, l.H chain; Ihclico N -llldiy r.'.'mlu. It, !H,l!lr)inlnr; Ihinco N. 71 div (1) mln. 15 n.W chalnr; Ihenco N 8 des. at mln, W I. Ml chain; theneo N, 45 ib'r. Hi mln. K, Il.fAl clinlur; Iheiicueiirleily tu Inti rrect lhnoiith lino of ald Claim HI, nt a point H, 4' ili-. M mln. K, (1.0.1 ehatiir fnini nn nticln tu raid rninh lino or raid rlattui li IheiicS -in tlair. M mln. W. el.ini chain lo ihu. piicunf bt;liiiihir, coi)tllilng olnoit nil acre And V' Ihnterle f Inl rllallnn bn madnoii nnn-reflileni. heir liv pulillnilloii of the raiue In thn Wn.l..ttr.TTK i'aiimi:ii, n weeKiy newrpaper piihiiMnn ni alllu, Ort'Ktiii, onrn n week for lour week liecwlvely next iivvuihk r-uiii "Hi iijjt in "l innrr Idf ( . vCw . . .J.VW.W nn.yjyj mni- -., i. Miilrm. Kept. I 1-.T7. Notico. - In thn int'lerof tlio (luarillnnthlp of Kt'wnrd I)ou lllntniu Ahred Unulllnl, minor hull of Augusta Unulllot, dicennd TTOW. mi llil dr. Seplumbor4. A.I), 1R77, cmo 11 P. O, Hui.iiVAN, ium'dinn or raid minor heir, Hiid prcrentul lilpiilttnu praytmr for nn order to oll tho real vrtalo of raid iiilnni In Marlon enuiity, Or Kon, described In hi raid lielltlnu, and It appearing to tiro itttractloii if the (.Hurt that It I nccerrary and rorlho bertlnnr'rt of ihufaul inliint that Ihu ra'd real ertato htiulil tin rnld. It I hereby ordered and decreed that thuiiixtdf kin ol raid ward, and all iernn Inteierted tu ra'd mlate, appear btf no mo at Ihu Court lloiiin In tho city of Halein.ln Marlon roiinty. Oreipm, nil tho Dili duy ofOctolier, 1877, at Iho hournf 'J n'elock p, m,, and rh'twciiire, lfny they have, why a llcvnrorliouhl not basrnnteil lor tun rale ef rnlderlalo, Heivlionf lhlonl-r rhnll bo madeby publlcitlou In tho Wii.t.AtiKTTs Faiimkii for thr4 week rucccrrlvely hefum raid Oth day nf October. A.U. Ib77. JOHN (J. PhF.llMM, County Jurlco, .Marlon Co., Oroiinn. . Udem. Hijit i1ht7.. :mw:i Notice. In tho matter of tho (liiardlanihlp ofllco Wilyht, Oir Wrlt'hl, nml Kiln Wiluht, minor lair of Jo u....i. . it. i. .... .i " rvtu .,. f. iij;iu. uii'Airvu. TUW, mi llil, rlxlli iay of Heplember. A. II. 1877. 11 c inin It 0. Hinmhy, initrtllm of raid in nor lair, and pre-euto.l lit pellllnii irnliii fi.rau inner county. (Irvjinti, dererlbcd In hi mill pillllon, nlid It iiipearlnli tho rHtlrfaellnii if Ihu louit that Ills lm'i'a.y nnd forlhubirt Intirert uf Ihu raid minors Dial Iho raid real eiUto rhoutd ho rnld, It I luitliy onliriit ami decreed that Ihu next of kin or raid ward il lid all permur liiWrtrlcd In rahlirlaloappiwr liiforomu, at thu courl Iioio-kIii ihu illy or Kalem, In .Marlon county. Orison, on thn IBth day of llelober, A. 1). lH77lMtlholinurif II n'clnckn. in. and rhow caui', If any they haro, w hy n llceuro rhnuld uol bo K'auli d for iho ra'o nf raid erlnte, Hervlcn nf this nnler rhall bo iiiiilii by puMlcatlun In thn KTTr l'.iiMun fur three ruccerrliu v; prior lo iho ISlli day or ociobor, A. 11. f77. JOHN C, PKKIII.RH, ret ln,1 Cnuiiiy Jiidiyu of Marlon loiihtv. Ilricon. Notloo of Final Sottlemont. In tho County Court of Iho Ktato or Oregon ror Iho county of Marlon, Krtato of lleoklah C. Haytuu, deccaxd. I' KWM O. DAYTON, admlnlrirator or raid crlste, J Imvlmr this day filed IiIm ilnal account, arkliiK that Ihu ramit may lie. allmvul for settlemjiitj theru fore, all perron tntererted km hcruhy untitled that Ihoioiirt liar ret Ihu hearlliK of raid app'teailou lor Monday, the flflh day of November IS7t, at Ihu court hiiii'o in Halern, In raid county, at II o'clock a. in, ot raid day when objection to laid account Of any vx lit) will In, heard and determined. JOHN V, 1'Ktllt.KS, County Judso. Halom Bcpt IS, 1BT7. S-lsA JOHN G. WRIGHT, Dealer In FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobacoo and Cigars, COMMERCIAL. STREKT. Bslem, April SO, 173, d wtt ORBOOIV eQ momt F IKE COMPANY. Capital, $300,000.00 Asietf, $568,647.45 Income, 1876, $466,904.29 Loiiei paid oui sinoe orfcaniza- tioa, . $1,137,367.50' HAMILTON BOYD, MANAOKIt. su3tf li first HI.. l'OUTLAND..