W1IJLAMETTE FARMER. 4 L. v. i HBoen Bvenr rnwar, bt CZAKKE & OBAIG, ruBitiuEna ani niowuKTons. B. A. CliAKKH. W. AV. OUAICJ. Term of NnliHcrlptlon. Ono copy, one jeir(5Jnnmieih) Ono copy, lx :ooiith (JO numbeif) One copy, thren month (IS number) ..... (2. 50 .It, UAIjUM, FHIDAY C)( T. ft, lb77. Tho Northern Pacific HaUroatl Grant. Efforts aro now making to sojitro from Congress nn extension of the Iiitid grant mndo orlgltnlly to tills company. Wo unlto with otherj In coii.sldoriiig this tlio most important ontcrprlso to advance tlio Interests of Oregon and also of the whole country It will pass through, and only (litter from many others who now urgo tho importance of tho enterprise by having- always maintained tho samo view. Wo look on tho Northern Pacific road as tho most useful wo can possibly have, and as this land grant Is neccMwry for Hh completion wo would nrgo Its exten sion for that purpose, ub has boon urged by tho atato Grange at the two last an nual vesiitonH, with a proviso protecting tho interests of actual Bottlers, and a farther proviso limiting tlio prlco at $2.60 per aero to all actual Mittlcra in tlio futuro. In bhort, wo urgo that fpec iilatorH Hindi not bo permitted to absorb and monopolism tho public lauds, and tho far better way would bo for the gov ernment to retain tho lands in Its own possession, sclllug tho odd sections at tho samo prlco as Its own lands, and accouhllng to tho company for the pro weeds. Jt was a crhno against n Just public policy, from tho ilrsl, that all railroad laud grants wore not ho mado and guarded that actual settlers could have lauds at not to exceed S2.G0 per acre. Httcli a rotirau would have sulHelontly benefited liio milroula, and wo::ld liavo been of incalculable benefit to the people at largo. As tho ago of land grabbing to past wo trust prudenco and common hones ty will direct tlio coumo of Congress In futuro. Wo doslro to soo tho Northern J'acillc road recelvo .sufllcicnt encour agement to secure its construction and nt tliu tamo time to know that tho in tore.sts of tho actual settlor the pioneer who ventures into tho wilderness will not bo forgotten. From D illy ltecord, Wfcilueod y 0 GENERAL W. T. SHERMAN. Tlio announcement in tho Daily Hkcoki yesterday nltoruoon, that Oouoral Sliormcn would pass through tho city on tho up mall thin morning, brouEhtout tho largest assem blage of ladles nnd gentlemen that over con prcgatod at tho station. ThoHtntlon building was handsomely dtcoratod with lings iindor iho dlaetlon of Mr. V. II. ThIF, of tho Uhe mokotn hotel, uiid prosontod a holiday Bp pearanco. As tlio train iipproacbod, .Tack'a cplandld Theater lnnd, led by II. C. Kny,niid tuMnitd by Pro ft J. Ilonry Haaf, Mrnck up "March liiK Through Georgia," 'nntl as tho train IihKm! UovornorS, V, Cliidwlck and Mayor T. M. Catch ntepiied on board and woro In- trodtiuad by Mr. It. Koohlor, Vlco I'renldont oi It. It. company. After which tho General appeared upon tho steps of Iho platform and was Introduced to many of our cltlzeno, In dins and gontlomcn, by Mayor Oatoh. Tho Uoncral has grown much elder looking than when wo last Haw him, nomo cloven yoars ago, but Htill rcHomhU'H his portrait taken during war llmos. Tho General goes directly to Washington to bo prohont tit tho opening of tho special srwslon of Congress. 0. A. Item. Notary Public. T. . Cos. KEED & COX, Real Estate and Insurance AGENT8. Xioans negotiated on Favorable Terms. Guy and Sell Gold and Silver, State, County, and Ci'y Warrants. Agent for Hecil Oporit BIoonc. S27" onice. nt tho comer of Ili-id' Opm Hi use, pt!S Sit XV, OH. U3)l Dr. Wlghtmsu.of Portland, who has won derful Miecusi treating tlnti uncomfortable ooiii)iilnt, tho piles, with wnluh souiBiiy poraons ro otiVx'lail, iidrortlxna In this limit', glvlii( tiMllmonlnU Iroin well known and most jullnlilo ulllrans is to tho tiUMoes of his treatment with themselves. Tho dottor hau Uumu us further tustlmonluls, Including Homofrom dlstliiKiilhcd cIIIoiin, and ill porajos o Hlllk'ted should mulliUiulvcrilso "moiil with duo eot)HiliT.ll(in. John Crnn .V Co,, ono of tho largest homo in tho dry gondii trade In Portland, linvo re ceived thitir fall stock and aro prejmred In supply all our lady friends who may vMl Portland this fall with tho laWst stjtoa .f droJH golds nud all fancy and staplo dy goads. They will bo found on l'rniilMt., rather well up town, and will proooy plejHKnt ami tellable peoplo to deal w lih. lUrnard iV I.w, warihousimvn at Port laud, have thulr advertisement In this Uue. Mr.y. V. I-tM Is Iho well known trounurer ofthoStato Ur.uige, and Mr. lt.miurd lias hltliurlo been known In tho sHiuolluoof liiulntM. They havo a largo warehouse nnd wharf lately built up town and havo oery uiuvleiienco for transacting business to bti.it advautago. Mm run Ksr. U- v. P. S, Knight started Moudity last, toaUoud Iho Oeiicr.d Assiela t Ion of tho Ciingregailoual Church, wliluli iiuikIh IhUyear In l,lroll, .MIohlKau. lie will ii'tutn about Iho llrst of i)eouilor. in tho meantime, er Ice at theronttregatloud Uhuroli In Salt in will buconllmitsil. Tint 1'ioplo'a I'roltellDii Truupirtatlon Company w 111 herealter run tho t'lcgHiil HtoaiiK rS. T. I'liur-h, as lar up Iho liver as lUiem V.xirt, laying oor SuiuUy at .Salem. Sim llittlr tulwrllvmient. This laihopopii Ur lino nl wlileh J V Cooper Is ageul. RnoordH,,a lleport. (i. V. ItowtO) Ittisudm, submltleil his J ui'.inlv llnpoit ti Iho Common Council 1 mi evening, wllchwas retoirtd tolhoivuii milii'o on atvouuts and current expene', IIm lopoits a Io'.Iowh; ColleoteU a4 tlne foi violation of Cliy ()rdlnincts, f(u .':!: UniimI U? UiMnses Hmoimtlng lo $770 ,V); total amount oolleettd and pttd toClly Treisiirer, flS 0.1. llaxe drawn 57 wairauu on the Cliy Tnusiirer ihirln,? iho ipiatter amount iiig to ?J,W R llAihKiMUM. A inl terrllto hall storm ped over Ihu city .yesterday alternoon, last ing alsiot S miniiKs. It was perhaps Uih most violent storm ol the kind over oxparl' sihshI In tlio stato, JiikI befoio the storm broVo In tta lory a slnula IttsU of lltthtnlni wtis i-o'ii, folio Md by a sal of lbudtr, Thalia!) weioHtout twice as larva hh bock, sliot and cmiiio down so lapldly that I be air was porf.sitlv wHe, So fr as Known no danmgoiesuUedfrouithostorm.-Ofeuotilun, Tho Consequences of a Russian Defeat Hupposo Russia, after a series of en gagements in which her army became demoralized and her good oflicers were iHed up, were comiiolled to retire be yond the I'ruth, and mako pence ttpim tho basis of tho stalm quo, what would then bo the condition of Ku9te.ru I'ti ropo! Tho Turk would bo unfotterod master there, as he was three hundred vpnrn nrn. If (i fnnl(t novn (lofitiiflnil liitu.self without western aid against the only power which ho regards us great, unci would havo defended him self in his own way, by calling out hordes of bravo barbarians from Asia, by L'lvlnir tho rein to their buvusto im pulses, and by slaughtering down all who opposed, whether soldier or his own subjects, whether Russians or in surgent Uayalis. Ho would havo owed nothing except to his own eourago and his own uiiHcrupulousuess nothing, that U, that ho would see; for tho Turk credits himself with all that the rene gades ho buys can do for him, and for gets all aid ho may recelvo from his Christian servants. lie would have learned that terror, llllltticlt ill ttltrtt. lltilktlitl Ili uMtl l.t u..Wii niiiiiiihV in'itn, u null, in piuu of civilization, tho most effective force In the world: that tho disregard or the fetters placed on w.trfaro by opinion in murdering tlio wounded, for exam ple, or mutilating tho dead entails no iieniil consequences; that if nn empire is only bail enough or brjtal enough to slaughter out opposition, it is safe from resistance, except by nn invasion which, If It Is big enough, it can ropuUo. Nat urally, ho would bo oncouragud to ho llo vo his system perfect for its ends, and would glvo It full bcopo mid swing. The Christians who havo given such trouble would bo killed down until they gavo no more lAiulon Spectator. JIKTO, ORAM & CO., I'JtONT ST., POKTLANn, Have Sow Opened Tliclr NEW FALL STOCK .or., Staple mid JPtmvy D II Y GOODS ....AND Dress Gqq&&, An ImmcHOo Variety. UAWLET, DODB & CO., X'oriluntl, Orofjoji, Offer for Salo, at tho Lowest Pocsiblo Fricos, a Full Lino of AGRICULTU RAL IMPLEMENTS. WII AUK SOL1J AGENTS FOll T11I3 CKLKMIATKU OP f&3. 1 mwkw m . H . fl K R mfJ Hififli ftrtKS . fM. i MSDMNE Ilili az fj hk Ml ft raJ.t M UBlWWsar' Whicli combine tho greatest strength, oxliemo llghtnes. and durability. DKKliK is the -ole Patentee of the Wrought Illock and Welded Frog, and their Plow is the only Plow .so made. The I'loww mould boat d and Kharo aro hardened by a Patented Process PECULIAR TO THE DEERE PLOW. THE JBEERE SULKY ANB GAWG PLOWS, With or without Breaking-Plow Attaohmont. EVERY DEPARTMENT KG)luto vill NOVELTIES. Oct. 7. 2m J. I.. BtllVAItl). . I'. LBB. BARNARD & LEE, PRODUCE & COMMISSION 3VEe:ro2i.xi.ts, FRONT STIIECT, IOHTIillVD, Wet t slclo Dock, corner Salmon and Front Sts Special attention given to I'urmom' l'rndaco of xu. KlNDi. Coiiflirnmontii follcltod, Hiivo conarctl inn In Hin Frnnclico wlilcli vnablo UB to cit tho hot market prlcvt. ocia '1KBKr?i"' A-ZlB&lSr -jZfiS.ni - "fT w-isUS:. ...ST .r-- . -y.i.j-w '-1Tf-ijr rrrEJ flirSS&,-,-n'--r'V T ll 1 "l L Tlio grentefct Lnbor-SavliiK IinplfinenfHyot Invontcil. Vns-tly Imprnvpil for Fall of 1877. SOO JEJolcl laa Oroscu ixx Ono "5Tori-. fl' Kvprv Kiirinrr luti'teMtMl. Tlio DHero Hulky U tlm only Hlnclo Lovor Plow rondo. IJAblliY UPKItATKI). Ho coimtriicUd Ibntliy n mIIkIiI motion or tho Lovor tlio Tlow Is run out of tho uroiniil nnd rained clear, by liorto- InMftul ofinmi-nowrr. It iHRtroinTnrmiii lofca comiillcatud tbmi Htiy other. Sole Adonis Tor tho woll-known SOUTH BEND 0HIX.Z.X!2-ZR03r JLOWS. BUCKEYE.DRILLS and BROADCAST SEEDERS Tho most successful In use. Too well known to need comment. MUSICAL NOTES. Hurvoyowaro vinwlns out mi Irrigating illtcli from Ln (IrHiulo to Cutliarinooreok, it (IIh(hik!o of aliout Ion mllim. Tho ditch In in ho II! fmit wltloHml two fpot (lepj), anil will riolalm ntout -1,000 noron of lnd. DIED. IIA lit Atncrvnln, Onlnlior lit, Jriinlo Hair, only il.niKliterorOirrluamlJiimca Itulr, uued U t'IH Ainlilitrho wnu nil, Intcllut'iii, hIic uliiirini'dnll, J-uiM'iil,t.it) livid nil, And tlio died, klio iRddcns nil, M. Mitciibli.. 3. Tlio 1. 1. T. Co.'s Steiimor tc- 03Eaco3F5.cJia: WJM. LKAVR rortlainl lr lSitoutt VlNtu imtl AViiy X'ortM, KVKUV TUK8DAV, THUltSDAY, BATOHDA'i. People, Patron izo Youv Own I'rUtCCtlOII URtllUNt ICIffll 4iiuraultoU J Boat! HntcM P1LKSII PILES!!! A NEW DEPARTURE, IN Till: "MKUIOAI. TSKATMKNT" 01' SI'K I HI ilUi'tM', In pUclntr In tn hiiul ill llui mf li'ror llio "Ciim ami lr t ntltiti." Hie lttii I nin IMTiulitiil totndit'l( froni John M, IIacon. I'nilmar lor nt (lriim City unil (Intiid hrcrelnry r the llrnnd IjmIo f I, (I. o, l'. i'X(iialii') tlio rirull nf llio WlUlll'MNN l'!(OOKs.S ' llut)r: "I irlml tw i riitij,-, hihI no ilnctor Ko mo roltvf, ami I IIioukIU liny tvip lururnli'i' I uouM not lnu trlrd your ' I'n ii lint my fili'inl H, M. Wallu, nf Hnlcni; nc iMiiiiieiiilvil J mi m Ididily. I rncluMi jou melal ortlir lor Miiiitunt; niitl itt.t feint ly vxiiurt," llcru U tiulotnr u.lcr I'Jilsjk' uo: OnrooN Citv Onv , April A, ISTil )u, T I'.WiuiirnAN -Do.tr Sir; It l wllh )! uro ilt-1 I Inf.iruj you tlmt no npuiarviti ot idli Ii in i-lum n llu'intclvvii tucv tlio ii'icm lime that I uni jour mnl i' alunlilo jiruci " It I now two i'i l, lnct I MniiinriiriM, ami It U Iho flrni two M-iKllml I ho drill froo from llil ilrvuuful Ul ikii.i lor imniy-ilv)iar, I am truly cralvtul lo my fill ud uti riomiiH'Uiled)Oilto mu. Your, etc, J. M, lUros. l, M. lHaiiirr loa lidler from Ran Krnnclco, atklnc If lie Iml Ihunino i;ikh! opinion o( tlio "l'foc.i," he nu ; Oiitnos Cirv, May l, isrf Dii T f WiinimxN-l lllluf.rm jou it U omt rir.ui nunillu tli.co I un-d nrnr 'Trocin."aml lata iuoihJ llnf)im sou tliat It i urvd lue entirely and in rniatii nlly I i'f r nu-nt money tn o sood a pur. lur vitiliaiiiu IVIUIIJ ihuii m tahen 1 uroetiird vt)U l'V;v.l Your, truly, J. M, IUuon, l, M. Ttioabovlio. with tlt "Wtshiuau lnce," t"y can lieruud lutlwly. It tilvia a liort lilttory f out. ciriHd a nut thll well known to beahotp Ui'ii'i'tloii. I liaienuny tvfttmnuUW lml'ar. 1 lute l-iiouoiif knlte, ll;luro, orcutlc, ir any ralu fuluiiomlUm. K M Watle, Kq..heertary State AKilculturalo cleti.lem, ay "In tin uay I a eomuletely cure-l. I nvomuin.d Dr. WlcUimap to oter." ilinaiHivuidioathat wltn (he " WiKhlman I'ro ce " I'll' can le cured en'ire'y, Tlio ' l'rou" can bo rml by Kmre (aot mall). Direct all letter. """".. . nit. r r wioiuman, Xvlinfu; Mil, .ww IT. 1'OBTl-iNO, OhIUOX. OOlco Uour-.1 to 4 , ik.s lor Ladle, 4 to 6 1. m., and 10 to H a. i tvuri'l'a'.loo frr. t DR. T. F. WIOUTMAW. QARDNER BROTIIEES Aro wl)oloHlo nml rotnll tlimliru In i'liincs, Oritiiim, Shoot MiihIii, VIoIIiih, Acctinlloi.H, UrtrinnnlcnnH, and inunliMl tiicrulitiiitllno uonuriilly, Oiklnntl, Col I Torn m, liavn roeont ly oponod a branch wtoro In Hnlom, Oregon. GARDNER BROTHERS PornuiiRlly Htiporlntniiil their bus-liif ss in this StiitOi iin Mnll ntt Cullfornlii, nml will bo prompt In mnklntt Rood nil contracts. GARDNER BROTHERS Hnvo Hlroady vohl nrarly two hiinilrcd in MtrumonlN in thin Htnto. GARDNER BROTHERS Havo four nuthorl.otl brsiUn hidllnir from tholr houno In this Stato, lo wit: A. 1.. Mnyo, Albany; O. II. 8Urk and Frank II, May, aaiom; k. a. mini, r.ugcno uuy. GARDNER BROTHERS Pliino hnvo alrpAiiy becomo a favorlto on tho t'oiiHt, It In mndo 08 poo I nlly for Iho trnilo, linn iHoiiapiou to mo ciimato on iiiih coast, anil for romulnliiK In tuno. In Hm ndajitatlon to tho parlor llioro U uono bottor. GARDNER BTOTHERS llivohovornl illU'oront manufdrtturoHot Or- kaiin, Klvltift tho public u varloty to uolcci iron). GARDNER BROTHERS Ilavoa HrMt'OlasH tuner in tholr employ. All ordorH attoniioil to by nddres-iliiK Gardner ;irotlicrrt,8rilein, Oregon. GARDNER BROTHERS Glvo a Kiinrantoo for ilvoyoarn, forulll'laiioa and Orgaua, If dclroil. GARDNER BROTHERS I'rty tholr omployooa a salary, not a coinmis slon. GARDNER BROTHERS Woulil Ntiitu, In utiNiver to muny InqulrleN, I hut tliclr llruncli IIoiino In Suloiu In u iieriiinnniit lllNtlllltlUII. H.Stf.l ife. Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. I-'AItM GltlST MILLH, nil Mjltsnnd prices. FAN MILLS. Kenil lorSpocial Ciiculurs. NEW STEAM-SHIP LINE BETWKKN Sau Franoisoo 'and Portland. The P. C. S. S. Co. WILL HKItKAKTitn HUN A LINK 01' STEAM. hlp rczutarlr, every flo day botneeu bin Kr.uiclico and t'ortland AT GKBiVTLY BEDUOED RATES, J. nt. IlIfCIt.lKKN cV , .'.UVllta. Pure - Blooded FRENCH lTor r?jul At the Fair Grounds RAMS AND EWES, From tho noted Flock of Mrs. H. Ula cow, Contervlllo, Alameda county, Cdlirornlu. BOOKBINDING In ronncrllan with nirPrlntlnc Room. U a mm. ;.lclo lluo'.bnJrv. 1'iht Uulluc, UUuk ILiuV inauufacur1ni. BlAfatlnci an 1 lkxlmuiidliiMM iljle. r.MiliKllagiiaatlyvxtcutrtt. OrUMlrumifl 7 BIIVUilll IO, CVIHI TUIUlV 1 IHA. I itaiuiiitnabute. AOirvM, E. M. WAIT!:. Hiram Prlater Bookbinder,1 Irar'a Illock, Slate U &LUM,OIli:QON' Trees, PlaaU. Pprlne I.UU tnt. F. Jt rraxu, Bloomtajjtou Nnrwrj, ML TTSE a? n IN THE WORLD! not Deceived! See that oar Trade Mark is on eacliiPackage! 8 o d u I -a 8 o PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK; Jot Black ; and ATiTi COLORS. M::s:eci DFl.ea.ca.y for AND EASILY APPLIED. XJs, I"or Salo by the Akcii(n: JOHN AND HUGHES. Salom, HODGE. $XLL & CO., WliolcKnlo rrti(,'glstH, and DcnlorH In Pnlu(, oiin, and Glam, XOX.a'Xj.A.3Sr, Or, NO. 7S FltONT STItKET. DHiaMaaannMaaaBniinmnmi j 174'ELM'STREET; CINC1NJNATDI. . a OHIO., ' JLdrertiaementa Inserted Id anypaperi Ikfora odTertiaing eoad for mj catalogaa the Old Immigrant Route Acrusa llio Caarade lountalua. XOWOW.NEU BT TUB. Cascade Xoadacd Brldjco Company, Itunnlne via Hani)-, Mt. Hood, and Darlow'a Gate, IK NOW OI'KN, and Haul of all kind haa bo. mm. The nud U In kki1 repair, cztcntlve lm. firm emrnti are being nuito titrj jiar. The LAU tKL HILLS areallcraded. &hrp-brtdeiaroon all iho (triama. TbU road ncrr rccoheil a dollah rub ndy, audjftlt It tho khorteM, bi-l. andcliraiv. eat nntu over Ihi moantatne. Dltlaucu ocr ihe mouutaln, 44 nil'tt. Fiom rurtJaint, over the mountain. 78 mllt. From Falem, 100 tnllr. IUTKS Wagons J4; SaddUi.tOc; I'acka, S5cj Cat tie, 10r: Sheep, 3c. For all pilui: and comlni; from or lnf Marlon, Yarn, hill, Wa.hlacton. LIud, Iteutou, and I'olk counties, thUUbr farthebctt. neaii'tt. aril rheipett route. 8. D. COALMAN, Prefldent. JIinTxr B. Cko, Sec. jelmt KELLY & s& UNDERWOOD, PC m Carriage & Wagon Makers, Salem, Oregon, HAVE ON HAND A CHOICE LOT OP FOUK tiprlug Wagons, Carriages, & Buggies, of their own Make, Marufactared of the BEST quality of Jen ey ntckory. lltveuaa call, aLdezcmUo oar work, and JudM for yourrelree. All kloida of Repairing and Genetal Jobbing don atbori notice. p Administrator's Notioe. NOTICE la btreby ilven that the nndertlgaed, um bv order of the Coantr Court of the cojntv of Marion, In the Stnto of Oregon, on the 87th d iv of Ausurt 1ST7, duly appcinted Admlnlatrator of the Kttate of M. J hhaui, deceared. All peraona hav- lug claim scttntt raid rtate are required to p i cnt nn tne vouccera, to too nnaeralg ed at i j ,i m aw. in tne cur or Hal i lid county, within Mi nonlb from thladale. me t-ao-.u, with Ihe vouccera, to me underlie ed at. iau Hint,, ill u ,i ill an, lu lun -7 VI otn in. In iin Hi n onlna rrom tnl dale. COSI'XR. AdmlnlitnM. Dated, Aneuit STlb, 17.