Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 05, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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Mr. Jesso Parrlsh , of Parrish'a Gap, wos
in tho city yestorday. Ho is tbo plouoer In
tho raattor of tho Introduction of tbo culturo
of flax for tbo fiber, llo dotmnonced two
years ago by planting 100 acres. Last year
bo sowed about 200 acres. Tbla year, bow
over, only two ncroa woro sot asldo for llax,
just enough to product) seed. Most of tbo
lint raised tbo first year Is on band yot, hut
will bo worked up tin coming season by Ibo
Albany flax works. Tho exhibit that tool;
tho premium at Philadelphia was pro pared
by Mr. Parrlsh from lltx raUed on his firm.
Very Desirable Property for Sale.
Nlnoly-threo acres of land on Salem Prai
rie, near the Fair Ground, will bo sold at a
groat bargain ton cash purchaser. For terms
and otbor information 'JnqulrOfOf S. A.
Olnrko, at tho Faiimkii olllce, Salcnu.
Prom N. Flummer, M. D., Auburn, N. H.
"AlthoURh averse to countenancing palont
inodlclnos, I choorfully mako an exception
of your very excollent lung preparation Dn
Wistah's Balsam or Wild Uhkruy. This
iproparatlon I bavo used In my pructlco for
moro than ton years past, and havo always
found It to bo of moro eflbo.ual service than
.anything within my knowlodgo. I rocotn
mond It with tho proatost contldenco to those
subject to coughs and pulmonary com
plaints." Bold by all druggists.
Ono More Unfortunate.
Almostovery day tho papors chronicle tho
aulcldo of some poor unfortunate whoso
mind has beon enfeoblod by dyspopsla,ovor
whoso oartbly horizon n heavy gloom has
ga'thorod from tho untold and untolhiblo
agonies of this cruol complaint. Dyspepsia
is ono of tho most depressing diseases a fillet
lug humanity. It Is cosmopolitan In Its
nituro no country Is exempt from Its visita
tions, no family freo from Its attacks. Tbero
is a balm In Glload; It cotims in tho ahapo ol
tho Pkhuvian Syiiuin For yearn th has
boon scattering In blosslngs abroad, Thoro
Is, probably, no dlsoaso which experience
has so amply proved to bo romedlablo by
tho PKnuviAM Svnur as Dysnopsla. Tho
most levotorato forms of this dlsoieo liavo
beon completely curod by this medicine, ax
ample testimony of many of our Urst clli
7.9ns prove. Sold by all druggists.
2J. jOl.. eSxaxitla., yJCtXatt,
alM n...n. tnn1tp In tOr.rAn.rnnp. nnrl Htorefl
scoplc V"lcwf?ntl Scenes of Halora and tho surround
I112 country. Lire.elzo I'hoUvraplu, In India Ink. VI
or Water Color,
HUH III iijubotct
ORlco moved over IlllKYMAN DUOS.' NKVV BTOIU
CT JH. OHse hour from 0 n. in. to 0 p. m.
Willamette Nurservv
Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregon
'J?Iio Italian Pruuo,
And tho bcit varieties of
1111 Rl,
Nut and Shade Trees,
Send for Descriptive Catalogue.
Salem Flouring Mills,
Constantly ou Hand.
IIijrlowt l?rloo lu. CASH
Paid for Wheat
8Pt IStf Arent B. F. V. Co
H,lloi'ul Toniw!
LOW rBior.M
long ti.iik:
low intkukst
Tno Oregon and California and Oregon
Central Kallroad Companies
OFFER their Land for feloupon tbo fulhwlrur libe
ral teraii: One tenth of tho price In cj.h; taterirl on
the hUccet tlio ru'.u of wen per cent, oue er
after !-: and each fallowing ywr one-tenth of tht
erlnctpal and Interest ou thu balance t the rate ol
ieven vt cent per anna i. Itoth principal and Inter
est ruphlo In U 3. Cnrrrncy.
Adliomt of tin per cvul. will 0 jtlnwot fir cath
vcf- Letter to bo ttddrecj to P. bUUCLZtt, Laa
Aseut O. & 0, It. It.. I'ottUnd. Orcuon.
NOTAKY l'lWILIC, IJfoI Otfle Aceut,
and Collector r Claim, will promptly t
tend to iu bn-ue entrn.ted to M care. MAhl.NG
-COKVKYANCK'i A Bl'jtUIAM'Y. Office at th
.Tod oa, Xotoee.o:Ei Or.
There Is not muoh In Brlgham Young's
example thntenn be commended, remarks
the Now York Herald, but the Instruc
tions ho left for the conduct of his funeral
nro In several respects very sensible,
though in others somewhat nniuslng. lie
evidently itttnohcd a high Importance to
his body, nnd as ho had always taken
good care of It during life, so he wished
to ho comfortable after death. Most men
havo an antipathy to thinking about
their Ibtiibs. Urlglmm was very particu
lar about Ills burial, as especially fastidi
ous as to liiscofllii. This was, 110 doubt,
largely duo to his belief that his body
would" rise at tlio last day, when he nat
urally desired that it should present a re
spectable and clean appearance. Ilo
iiierciore oruercu a cotton oeu ami sou
nl How placed In his collln, which was
also to bo made wide enough to allow him
to turn cither to tne rigiitor left as 11c
m itrht desire. No one can object to tills
cti'ectionatc solicltudo for the body, un
reasonable as It may appear; but tho di
rections for tho funeral ceremony de
serve general approval. Tbo Herald par
ticularly admires tno common senso 01
his wish that tho mato members of his
family should not wear crape, and that
'the females should buy no black bon
nets or dresses, nor black veils, but If
they havo them they arc at liberty to
to wear them." This Is excellent advlco
for Gentiles as well as Mormons, for tho
fashion of wearing black to impress grief
for tho death of relatives has oecome a
great social abuse. The expenso of lirlg
lmm Young's family would, of course, 00
very great, as no ieit soventcon wives
and forty children; yet even In an ordi
nary Gentile family tho cost of mourning
apparel Is often a heavy burden. Persons
who nro unable to purchase good every
day clothing nre required by this foolish
custom to array themselves In sable gar
ments for whlcn tliey frequently cannot
pay. Thus, In order toshow their sorrow,
they must run into debt and add to the
gloom of the funeral pecuniary troubles.
Funerals arc made fantastic by the com
bination of the undertaker and dress
maker, llrlgham Young showed wisdom
In forbidding Ills family to Indulge In tho
mmiscIohs mockery of mourning dresses,
and his example in this respect Is 0110
which it would bo well to Imitate.
A Scranton. l'a.. man whoso name it is
Cornelius Smith, is scattering a circular
throughout the country In which ho con
tends that the wages of laborers and all
other employes should ho llxed by Act of
Congress, timltli Is evidently ono of
those Imnractlcahlo theorists on the sub
ject of labor, who do so much to befog
tlio question ami coniusc tno minus 01
tho musses to their own Injury. Hu has
an Idea that In a Republic people are not
capable of regulating their private hind
ni'KS, heneo tho necessity for a parental
government to step lu and icgulato their
all'alrs for ilium. If government can reg
ulato I ho rate of wages it can also llx the
prlcoof every saleable article, and should
It do this tho citizen would havo le?s In
dividuality and liberty than Is possessed
bv tho Hufiiccts of tho King of Abyslula.
The proper function of government Is to
enforce contracts, not to dictate their
character. . . v
Exerclso for tho body occupation for
the nilnd IIichc are the grand constit
uents of health and happiness, the cardi
nal points upon which everything turns.
Motion seeniB to bo a great preserving
principle of nature, to which even Inani
mate things nro suhjoct ; for tho winds,
tho waves, tho earth Itself nro rofctles.
and tho waving or trees, cliruuH, nnd
Mowers is known to bo an essential part
of their economy. A llxed rule of taking
several hours ol cxerclso every day, if
posslhlo In tho open air, if nor, under
cover, win no niniosi certain 10 secure
ono exemption from disease, as well as
from the attacks of low spirits, or cnnul,
that monster who Is over waylaying the
rich and Indolent. "Throw but a etone,
and tho giant dies." Low spirits can't
exist lu the atmosphere of bodily and
mental activity.
Tho cheerfulness of heart which springs
up In us from tho survey of Nature's
works Is an admlrablo preparation for
gratitude. The mind has gono a great
way towards pralso and thanksgiving
that Is lilted with such cccrct gladness
A grateful reflection on tho Supreme
Causo who produces It sanctities it in tho
ioul, nnd gives it a proper value. Such
an habitual deposition of mind conse
crates every Hold and wood, turns an or
dinary walk Into a morning or evening
sacrifice, and will improve those tran
sient gleams of Joy which naturally
brighten up and refresh tho soul ou such
occasions into nn inviolable and perpet
ual state of bliss nnd happiness.
Tho largest of tho Egyptian pyra
mids Ih fi 111 feet high, 0il foot on tho
shies, nnd tho boso covch over cloven
acres of ground.
To tlio A.f!EIitcMl IjImIIch in
Whynoedyou sulr with IMrAlyMs whr-n
you van be cured ? Why will you sunr
with Illiourcutlsm when you can x cured?
And why have so rmny Dobes and pain'
when It is within your reauii lo bo cured ?
I am now otabllshrd In 8&!em, prepared to treat
all Chronic I)lrsee,acha( JtltcumMIni,N'cjrilula,
Contumptlou, Kidney dlaatcf , and In fact all dltcnt
ta that bomf.it dcth U heir to. SprcIaUttectlon paid
lo Female WoiUneie and ucrvou piodritlou, which
1c o coarooa to Ladler. Children' dli?Brei rot ex
cepted. In connection with v.y practice, I I avo one
of the celebrated JlcJlcated Vapor I.l'jtnliif Cream
lUtht, tthlchalda vanlj In rnnovli. til cluonlcdl'
cac. It open tho pore of Ihu 'ln, and throws tff
the limy, i.iorbld matter, uMcli l one of tho great
canc of o much mffeiltc. When vm nco think
that two ttilrcl of all wo take Into oer tjMcm patt
off through Ilia pore of tho .kin, iv ueid nt rtop
locg to wonder why nro tick, when wc pay to
lit Uo attention to tho mot Important catir.ctory of
oar bodlet. Uurln the pait nlco month I havo had
tnU bath In operation, and mar.y ran tcetlfy to tu
edcacy. I treat patient by the week, or br !oj;lo
Ladle will do well to clve mo a call. Ilctldcnce,
oathtait corner of Center and Bnmmcr fctreeti,
Salem, HIUH. D. IV. CIIAIG, 01. D.
WaMitnglon, Sept. CO. Tho Presldoat to
day Munod tho commission of Win. W. Up
ton cf Oregon, to bo cecond comptroller of
tbo tre-tsury from tlio 1st of October.
In an intorvlow President IJfiyes nalj, ns
nrns ne uabin tojuuge, tuo hoiuiiern poo
plo woro n outhualastlo and loyal to tho rap
rosontiitivoof tho common govormuput ns
any one. Ho sttlil : "Nothing could bo
plfnsntor than my trip. Tho country Is
apparently recovering from Its extreme bus
lnesi prostration. The Agrlcullur.il South
snoms to have felt tho hard tluioi less than
others, nnd I hollovo tbo ora of Rood frollugh
between the Xorth and Smith Is permanent,
and that thoy ars blncoro In tholr expressions
of cnmiuunlty of Interest."
Chlcago.Sept. 20 Tho Journal's Washing
ton special says, it Is currout hero ihuouk
tbosoonposod to tho ro-oloctlou of Handnll
as Spoaker, Hint Col. Scott Intends to tnko a
hand In the fltit and do all ho can to dofeat
IlMidall, unless tho latter plodgcs himsxlf to
aid tho psssago of tho Texas IVcIllo 11. It.
suhftldy bill.
lion. Alox. II. Stonhons, In conversation
to-day. said that ho thought Hayoslmd douo
moro for tho paoltlcstlon of tho country un
dor tho doctrine of homo rtilo than Tlldon
could havo dono had ho boon Inaugurated,
and ho thought the appolntmontof a South
ern man to tbo vacancy on the Supromo
Court Bench would be a further Rtop to
ward pacification, naming Ex Gov. Ilorsoho!
V. Johnson of Georgia, aa tho man.
Twenty-throo thousand voters roiilstorod In
Brooklyn yosterday, against 20,000 tho sanio
dav last year.
Flttston, !., Sept. 20. Minors and labor
ora of tho Ponnsylvanla Coal Company to
day tudottnltely postponod resumption upon
tho cnmpnuy'a terms.
Chicago, Sppt. 20. Tho California rlflo
team arrived horo at noon, two hours too late
to mako oonnootlnu with tho Uurllngton and
Qulncy train, and will remain until to-morrow
morning. Tho party will bn duo in Cal
ifornia Tuesday. Gen. McComb bus born
notified that tbo moinbors of tho tonm will
bo datalnod In Htookton to pnrtako of tbo
banqtiot prepared by tbo Stockton Guard.
Members of tho Dearborn HllleClub watted
upon tho party and tondeml tho hospital
itlpsoflliueity. Tho World says tho Itussla from Liver
pool arrived at quarantlno at 11 o'clock last
night, bringing 137 cabin pastengcrs. Gon.
Jones of tho Times was among thorn. Gov
ernor Hendricks, of Indiana, wits expected
by his Secretary, as wb aho .Tamos Gordon
Usnuott. uovornor uonuricics nas postponod
his return to America for a short time. Hon
uolt liRd ongagod tho room of tho second o Ul
cer for his pitusngo home, hut two days bo-
loro tno vcssoi sunou, mint woro irom 1'nris
that ho would bo uuablo to mako tint trip at
tlmt time, but hoped to sail by tho Itussla ou
hor noxt vov-Hgo.
l'hlladotPlila, Sept. 20. John 8. Morion,
preMdont, 11, F. Stock, seorotarv and Hiimuol
1. Huhn, troasuror of tho Market streot,
railway, and Goorgo Viokors, prlvato secre
tary to Morion wero arrestod thin afternoon
on a cluirtfii of consplraoy lo chnat and do
fraud tho company. Tho arrests ore inndo
at tlio Instigation or tho now president and
board of dirootors. Thoy woro taken bpforo
a nutttlstrato and bold for honring to-morrow.
Sam 1. Huhn falling to glvo lO.OOO ball was
lockod up. So was Vlckors who oould not
furnish f 10,030 ball. Morton ontored 81,000
bail tor his appoaranco. and Hlokoj was hold
on his own rocognlzsiico. It Is understood
that warrants aro out for tho arrest ofotliors.
Washington, Sept. 27. Tlio commlmlonor
ofpatouts makes tho following onielalHii
uouncomont regarding tho late lire: Apart
from dnuiHgo douo to building, tho peouniary
lnss occrtslouod by tho tiro is not very groat.
No tiles of pending applications, or of pat
ents, or orrejeciou applications wero lost or
damaged, and tio original drawings except
In very few oasos. Thoso drawings destroy
od wero only ofono Usuo nud of llioso photo
ilthograph copies hud been niiuto so that no
iucouvoulenco will arise lioin their dustruo
lion. A considerable quantity of photo
lithograph coplos were hunted, but of thoo
in 110 cuso wero all tho coplos burned of ono
palont . A part of the coplos havo born pro
sorvod by storage in nnotbor room of tho
building which was uninjured. There will
bo no Inlnrrvption or tho buslnoss of tho
olllco. Examination of applications will go
on as usual and patents will bo issued with
out dolay.
U.tlllmoro, Sept. 27. At a IUrnooratlo rati
fication mooting in-nlght, U. 8. Senator
Whyto dlscussod tho lollllcal quoHtlonsof
the day. and among other things said: "I
shall Join In no crumido of discontented Ho
publicans to mako war on tho piobldout for
what ho has dono toward tho south. Ho shall
havo my oaruest support. No factions or
ltopubllean opposition should find old
umona southoru DomocratH.
Choyonno, Sent. 20. Tho leader of tho
gtng who recently robbed tho Union l'aoltlo
trslu wus overlakou yesterday with ono ol
his commdos near Denver, and showing
fight both woro klllod. Twonty thouiand
dollars in gold woro round on tholr persons.
Tho detoollvos are In pursuit or tho remain
der or tbo party, and tuolr capture Is consid
ered certain.
Dayton. Sept. 20. It Is estimated that 12,
000 pcopio woro In uttondanco upon tho
Southoru Ohio fair today. A race of 10
miles against time was made in ono hour
and 63 minutes, sevon mlnutos ahead or tho
tlmo required. LIUIs or Dayton won tho
threo minute trot, Dick Cbllllootlo won tho
2:31 trot.
Now York, Sept. 27. Tho ltopubllean con
vention roasNetnbled this morning, and tbo
following nominations wore made: For Sea
rotary of State, John O. Churohlllr Comp
troller, Francis Hylve'.or; Stato Treasurer,
Wm. h. IJoatwIck; Attorney General, Gron
ville, Tremulnoj State Engineer, Howard
Tho World's Washington special says (hat
ilepublloms aro surprised and chagrined at
the action taken at Rochester, and admit do
leat at llio polls. Tho Frewldeut regoets tho
action, but doubts if the Republican masses
ftio as divided as tbo politicians or tho otllco
holders. Predictions nre Ireely inodo that
Conkhng and Jllalno havo lorgnilen old
dilluronces for uultnd oppoMitlod, Kvnrts,
being Interviewed, declined tossy anything
beyond tho faot that he had always Ixrn a
Itppubllcan. lit thought thr Now York
differences unfortunate.
Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, tho physician who
attoudtrfl Ii'jotli mid net Ills Ion afur. his as
lasslnutlonof Idncoln, and who was after
waul Aontoncfd to tho Dry Tortui;as, and
pardoned by President Johnson, has been
nomluati il lor tho LeUlsturu by tbo Demo
crats or Charles county. Maryland.
cUu KrnneiK(o,Sfp27. The IMcIIln Mall
Steamship Company has dropped nil Oil
tiHuo Mullers hi Its rmploy, except ou the
China lino. All Chlwo ntlloni employed
on Ibo Company's levels running on the
Austrelhn uud Patmuu lines havo bum dis
charged. New York, Sept. 23. Tho Trlbunn eays
Thurlow Weed M; "While I deeply re
gro. these dissensions have nprotrod In the
ltopubllean rarty, I canubt help bollevlng
both sides are to blame. Hayes reform is a
mistuko, though honestly undertaken."
Columbui, Miss,, Sept, 28. Nat. Illerle,
who was Implicated in the killing of Story
and Ivllpatrlck at Plokeuv, Ala., last Augusl,
WB9 takon from tho Carrol lion Jail last night
by abont twenty masked men and hanged.
Washington, Sept. 28. Tho Presldont gavo
Hed Cloud and otbor Indians plain talk to
day, tolling thorn tho only way they could
oscnpo being swept away by the ndvanco of
wblto civilization wss to go upon reserva
tions nllotlod (0 them, build botisos, and cul
tivate tho loud; that thoy would bo assisted
in doing that and provided with tools, ani
mals, and supplios.
Victoria, Sept. 27. An Indian woman
while bating was pulled bonoath tho&urf.ico
of tho water by an octopod, or dovll llsb,
and drowuod. Tho body was discovered tho
following day In tbo bottom of tho bay, In
ombraco or tbo monster. Indians dived
down and with their knives severed tho ton
lacloa of tho octopus, and rescued tho body.
This Is tho first rocordod lustnnco or death
from Bttohaortuso In this locality, butlhoro
hsvo beon aovoral narrow cscapos.
Gon. Sherman, U.S. A., arrived In town
yestorday, and was rocolved by Hon. Allen
Francis, U. S. Consul, and callod at once on
tho Llontonant Govornor, nt tho Government
houso, whoro ho was cordially weloomcd,
Afterward tho Goneraland his staff drovo to
Esqulmault and called on Admiral DsQor
soy, and wero rocolved with a sal u to from
tho flag-ship.
Athons, Sept, 20. An Italian gun boat ar
rived at Volo to inqutro into tho mlsdoods of
Itashl llazouks. Tho Italian vlco consul at
Volo will go to Larlssa to Inqulro Into out
rages commlttod against Italian subjocts
Constantinople, Sopt. 20. A prlvato tolo
gram received at 11 o'clock Wednesday night
states that tho Itusslan center attacked Plevna
yestorday aud was repulsod with a loss of
7000 men and four guns. This report Is prob
ably unfouudod sa no otllchtl conllrmatloti
bus bcou rocolved.
Hucharest, Sopt. 20. Gons. Skoboloff and
Todlcbon loll hero to-day for tbo army.
Cottlnlee, Sept. 20, Goransko surrendorod
to tbo Moutonegrlus.
lltdgrado, Sojit. 20. Two million francs
havo ttrrlvcd from ltushin. This Is bidd lo be
tbo Html installment of tho loan.
Constautlnoplo, Sopt. 20. Osman Pasha
reports throo oonsldoroblo engngomeiits
siuco tho 12th Inst., lu all or which tbo Turks
woro victorious. Osmsu Pasha's position Is
now bollovod to bo sreuro. nnd the Impres
sion at Constantinople and Sophia Is that the
Husslnns and Koumnnlans are withdrawing
gradually trom the attempt agtdnet Plevna.
London, Kopt. 27. A Russian olllolaldls
pitah lfsued at Gorney Sluden says: Uu the
22d about 10,000 Turkish Infantry from Soils,
supported by artillery, forcod tholr way
through our cavalry posted to iutoroopt thorn
and ontored Plovua. Further dotalls urn
wanting. All quiet around Itustcbuk and in
tho IUlkans.
A corrcspoudont at Segulanco telegraphs
that ilhconteut aud discouragement nro great
In tho Itusslan army. Tho olllcors regard
success hopeloss. While tho headquarlorh'
slairromulus uuchaugod, no Improvemonts
sostii likely. Half tho array will bo Invalid
ed soon af:or bad weather.
Tgallnoe, Sopt. 20. Tho Turkish lossos at
Plevna foom to havo beon as heavy as tho
Itusslan. Trustworthy Information Is re
ceived that 11,000 wounded aro still In Plovna
whom tho Turks aro uuablo to remove
Vienna, Srpt. 27. Iu tho Austrian rolehs
rath today Ptlnon Adolph Auorsporir, prol
dent or tho council, declared that iho govern
ment maintained Us policy or perfect neu
trality rogardlng tho contingency ot Sorvla's
pariiolpntlon lu ibo war. Ho s.ild tlio govern
ment could not declara Its policy In anticipa
tion of ovonts.
Cetlh'Jo, Sept. 27 At Gorauako tho Mon
tenegrins took 3,00(1 regulars prhonors, and
captured throo cunuoii and f00 rlllos. Tho
Moiitenegrlns havo also occupied Plva, ran
1 11 red Fort Cokvlca anil now hold tho whole
lorrltory ns far as Fotscha, They havo to
tally burned lllllk and tho surrounding
villages after houtllng tho sick, wounded and
non-combatants to TrnblnJo.
Vienna, Sept. 27. Newspapers announce
that In consfquonco of tho large concentra
tion of ItUKslHti troops and tho dlllleulty ol
obtaining supplies on account or bad weath
er, Meliomot Alt on tho 21th commenced re
Iroatlng to hU former positions on tho Haru
London, Sept. 23. Gon. Grant arrivod at
Stralford-on-Avon to-day, and met with a
brilliant loceptlon. His visit was madotho
occasion of a festival, In which tlio town
took part. The Slurs and Slrlpos woro dis
played from tbo town hall and tho mayor's
rosldonco, and moinbors of tho corporation
rocolved Gonoral and Mrs. Grant, who wero
accompanied by Gon. IIadoau,at tho railway
station, and oscortod them to Shakspoato's
birthplace, and aftorward to othor places of
lutoroftt. The visitors woro subsequently en
tertalnod at a public lunch In tho town hall.
A toast to tbo hoalth or Gon. Orant was pro
posed aud drank with clioors, and ho was
presented with very cordial addresses en
closed In a casket made from tbo wood of a
mulborry troo planted by ShakHpoaro. Tho
Oetioral, replying to tho toast, spoke most
heartily of (ho welcomo given him.
A correspondent at Shuuila ssys that tho
rocont doubtful report from Constantinople
of a great dofeat of tho Russians ou Tuesday
by Ostnan Pasha, with a loss or 7,000 men,
arose out ora mlstako In dates. A dl-spatnh
received In Constantinople, on which tho
news was based, referred to an attack on
September lO'.h, but had Loon delayed 0
wcok in transmission aud 001110 without
dale, was supposed by tho Turks In Constan
tinople to Lo a new ntl'tdr.
Now York, Sopt. 23. A spools! from Lon
don nays a correspondent at Constantinople
telegraphs that tho rumor prevailed In lint
city that Suleiman Pasha huduthtslsuczccd
ed hi Intercepting (lie communications of
tho llusslans occupying Schlpka Pass with
t'10 (own olClibrnut. Alio that IhoTuiks
havo succeeded In (lulling of tho retroat of
tho Russians, surrounding them on all sides.
Another rumor prevails In Constantinople
that Oaman Pasha has nshlovod an Impor
tant succoss ut Plovna. It Is Mated ho 10
pulsed tho Itussliu attack on the custom re
doubts. Tho KusmUu loss Is sot down ft
Fovor Is prevalent In tho czarowltch's
army, and dysentery bun Increased muoh
with tbo bad woathor. Tbo spirit oftbo
troops however, I unchanged,
London, Sept, 23, A correspondent at Bu
charest writes: A day or two of rain has
,msdo roads almost lmpassablo. Mud Is
ankle deop. Ilorsoa havo oaten almoBtall
tho forage. Hay h very acarco at any price.
Communications aro dally moro tlimoulc.
Kusalan staff olucers In front of Plovna ox
pro?s tho utmost conUdeueo that thoplaco
will fall Into their hands. Thoro la an abun
danco of wheat and barley in Bulgaria and
averylnrgo crop of Indian corn, ir tho
ltimiaus can surmount tho difficulty of
obtaining fuel they can winter In Bulgaria
vory comfortably.
Coiin'autlnoplo, Sapt. 23.-Snow has boon
falling lu Schlpka Pam slnco Monday, and
Is now Ion contlruotros doep at tho foot of the
Tho Austrian and Gorman ambassadors In
llio namo of the Russian govornmont, appll
od lo tho Porto in vlrtuo or tho Gonova con
vention, for a portutt to transport tlmbor
aoross tbo Danube for huts for tho Russian
wounded. Tho Porto has deferred a rnnlv
until It Is mado cortaln that tho huta aro only
to bo usod for tho wounded.
Belgrade, Sept. 28. Russia demand ibal
the Servian army Bhall enter tho Hold when
succors at Plovna Is obtained. It Is stated
tho skunUohlna will be cxmvoknd in rwn.
bor. Sevon battalions of regulars and mili
tia nave gone to tne westorn fronllor, whero
tbo Ushllza brlgado la also assombled. Thla
Booms to bo a precaution against tho concen
tration of Turkish troopa at Soutlr.ona and
Krzoroum.Sopl. 27. Twenty-two thousand
Russians havo arrivod opposllo Mutktar
Pasha's contor, and a battlo Is lmmlnont.
Bncharost. Sont. 20. Tho Roumanians
havo boon unsuccessful In an attempt to cap
ture tho socond Gravatr. redoubt, niter hav
Init sapped oloso un to It. Thov dlsnlavod
great gallantry, aud suite rod eovorely.
Correspondents at Shumla couurm thoro
poitoftho rotroat of Mohomot All to his
former position on Kara Lorn.
A Berlin correspondent states that a party
of surgeons ou special leavo departed yester
day for tho Russian headquarters. Thoy lie
long to somo of tho bust roglmonts In tho
Gorman army.
Tho Grange Isu living powor. Whyf Bo
ctutsoltls tho orgiiilzUlon of farmore, and
farmors aro tbo consorvctora or tho strength
and or tho moral purity or tho race WhyT
llccauho, living lu tbo country, under tho
sncot air of heaven, and surroundod by tho
roalltlcs of God, thoy grow strong and
hoallhy lu body, mind and heart. Tho
Grangolstho orgauhsiliou of tho farmors,
While grass grows thoro will bo farmers.
Whllo men remain uiou (hero will bo thoso
who try to oppicss aud dofraud farmors,
aud fnrmoiH will resist, and band logotliorto
mako tholr rcslslnnco moro effootlvo. Tho
Grango Is this organized resistance It Is tho
organisation of farmers, tho conservators of
tho world. It represents aud combines to
gothor a vnnt body of lntolllgent, JuU-mlnd-od
men, It gives thoso men tho power of
combination. Tlio Grango lias but lust bo
gun Its work It will not end It till tlmo
shall bo no moro. lttinn'a Helper,
To (alio Warta off Goes' Toau.
In a Into number of your vnluablo pnpor,
ono of your connsp indents asked what
would tnko warls otl cov:i' toils, It was
answered by another iiornnjioiuleiit, but llio
application would not outuo a Lormauent
euro. Now I will glvo n rotnody Hint will
last for yours, If not lo tho end of llio life of
tbo animal, it Is this: Take tlnoturo of
Iodine, and wlllia small i.wab incdti of cot
ton rags wrapped around a Htunll Mick, ap
ply onco or twlco and you will havo a per
manent euro. It will euro warts on a per
son's hand as well. I havo tried Iho Iodine
In soversl cases. n.n. m.
Sopt. 21, 1877.
I':tnnvi).i.i:, Pout Co., Sept. 2,"i, '77.
In scodlug land fur meadow, I prcpiro the
liml In tho spring by plowing, harrowing,
and mnklng ns smooth as povdhlo, raising a
cropof grain on It; uud hi tho fall, after tho
rains havo well bigun, my from tho Urst to
tho 20lh or October, I how about ono gallon
of good oloan timothy seed per ucro: It Is
host dono with a broadcast sower, I consider
tho stubble a protection fur tho young grass,
anduovor disturb It with plow or harrow,
and do not remember of having railed get
Hug a good sot on any laud dry enough for
I think Mr. Pugh'H sheep liayo tho nit,
and, If so, tbo best remedy Is to turn them
ou dry upland pasture where there is plenty
of good grans aud water,
Ixvau H.vt.r,.
Nnoktlo Kociatilu.
There will bo an oyntur supper and nock
Ho parly given by Unwind Lodge, No, '!'.),
I.O G.T., at their hall neir Knox's Hullo,
on Friday evening, 0.itohr Mb, for thu
spcoliU purpose of having u general unod
lime. A ooruihi inviiauoti isexientieii man
. .miilini III H'ltl H l" ' tvimrii uriiu
I. Oyhlord will Im fioi, nml nuiktloH
h i;r.U). AstiiiUlHnc.i Lo liull, l!i
lo iiltetid.
'i'l OMItll
Alarm of Tire,
Tho nlann oMlro thla niomiuirat 1(1 o'clock
brought tl o Flro Dopsrlmeut ami our cltl
uns to their feet. Thu nlann came from tho
huruhigout of ihoo'iluiiiH.v of the hnnt.o,on
Galeiv Hill belouKluir " l!v. J. II. Hoork,
ami ououplud b.v O, C. Kuiuy, Eq.
Mii'iuniiKU, lfi7.
H A. Jotnikon, JifilUoof tho I'aaco. lii'it
Hi'tin IVociiict. .iiMu of Onion ve. Davlil
M Jiri--, iiilh'Ji'tneuuor (.'iiiipr.iinli.ed aud
tllHiiilhsctt. u, II, iturmtt, l'rcsfcutlng
Mo'e ol Oregon vs. Goorgo llobsrlf, nstault
anl bifcry. Plead nuii'y lined $5 and
(fhts; (in'd and itl-t'hargtd. It. II, Durnott,
Punuuulluu Atiorni-y.
'liuio Chi.:;m!.
Tho Mine uu inall rouu ISO, -11,117 from
Sa em to hvatluud, has been changed from
Weduetdsjs aud Saturday 10 Tiitfiluysand
sV tlsys, end neoi through direct Instead of
vU lljtliel mill Ainltv, ns lit rt lofore. Thos
old -es bulug supplied by nnotLor route,
t.ijM,, iicta ,.