I- I l;l t I 1 I i 4 ,' 1 ft Q WIIJLAMETTE FARMER. Si illsrnuttje Ssrrm.tr. I99UZD XTXBT rMDAY, BT ruBi.tsiiEiis AKirnorr.t?on. 8. A. CZ..1KK1.. . W. CIIAI. Tcrmii of Subscription. Ono t opy, one year (52 nnraVm). . una copy, fix mur.ui" r-u numucrpf $2.."0 1.2,', 7 Onnrony. Ihrpn mm.th (lilnnrahw) SAIiKM, KKIDAY, OCT. H, 15,77. Now Magazines. fit. Xichohiis tor Koptomber comes laden with plcasuro and Instruction fur the little folks, ns ununl. " Young Folks' fun in Cen tral l'.uk," ty Charles B.troard, Is of Inter est, OHpsclally to boys end glrlH who know nothing of tho doHghts of Central Park. Qoorgo MocDonald commences a charming story of Scottish hhepherd life which carrlec n tiboful lesson. " JIIh own Mnter" itdoop oulng lu Intoroxt. JS'juidos tho othor nlorlca wo hayonotinintloned In this number, thoro nro Homo oxcoodlngly p"etty poems, hiuI tho fit. Ntchlomi1 pictures aro nlwayc good. Tav kon nltogothor this Is tho most popular young folks' mngazlno wo havo. HttnitMAN it IIviik's Mimical llcvictr for Hoplombnr Is on nor tablo rout Is ono of tho boat nutiiburH wo have received. Tho btog r.iphy of Kiany. Abi Is lntortdlng to all who lovo nnd upprtclato his music. This num ber contains tho following pieces of liiuslo. "1 Lovo but Thee," words by Thomas Moorr, iniihlc by O. 0. ftilleniuv; waltz, Kchocn from tho Olon," by llugenia A. Whoolor; "My .Sweetheart when n Hoy," words by Frederick Knooh, arranged and ming by V. JJ. Tlllor; " When ho Is abeut I'm alono," wordu"by Honry Maibon, mtulc by Jos. J. IMyno. Tho fall number of Vlck'u Floral Guide for 1877 has roathod dm, and contalna much ute fill Information for all who wish to ralso Dowers for wlntor blooming. Tho Now (luide for 1878 will bo a monthly Instead of a quarterly, and will onto cost $1.2.1 per yoar. Vljn i- n Htandard florist and has won n world-w Co reputation for his business. Ho odor pH'inlumH for cut flower raised from IiIn h'jvi), nt tho Slato Knlr this ytar as uhubI. Wo hopo to hi'O many competing. Cure for Diphtheria. t'UTTAUK (illOVK, Allg. 10, 1S77. III. Faiimiiii: I hardly pick up a paper but what I ftio an account of tho death of mjiiio Ulllo ono by diphtheria. I cannot agrr o with your lady eorropondent of Astoria, Hint It Im occasioned by Dlshlne.'is, but inn of tho opinion of Dr. H. H, I'ltch, of Now York, that it Ih produced tiy a polbon lu tho blood, induced by taking cold. It may provall lu certain neighborhoods very greatly, the air, water, nnd the general character of their iood endowing those persona with elmllartty of ooiiKlltuttonH, I havo novor known HiIh following remedy to fall In a nluglo eaxo ycta J. ll.fc'uoiiTiiiEoL. TIIKATMICNT 01" DDIITIIKIIIA. Thonbjii't is to arroKt tho progress of tho iIIxiihso anil thus saye tho life of tho patient. Tho mode In by Hiich practice as will reduce tho dwelling, inlUmatioii mid oougoMlon In side and outside of tho throat, and remove tho poison by which It Ih excited. His plan Ih n m rollftuh: Mrst anuolnt tho throat an far bnck iih tho nnpoot tho neck with n liniment eompnix'd ofextruetof ltelIitdonuK,li"igraliiH, oil of Hemlock, IS drop, ling'.i lard one ounce. Mix well together and rub freely on tho throat. If you raunot get this, un harts horn and nweel nil. After rubbing this on freely, apply a bandage wet In Ice or very cold wu'.er to Hie throat, extending back to tlio unjxi of tbn neck, but no: Herons it. Cover tho wet bandiiKo with a dry towel or flannel. Hw eating of tiio llirost will soon take placo. lie iidw tlio cold waterfrcitinnilp. The relief Ih UNiially very prompt. Now give a ilo-,i) of eastor oil. Tim tKiwels kkould Ui gently moved in children, more actively lu older and Hirouger peraurtH. Tho following gurglo limy bo used: Strong black lea one gill, powdered nitre one toAMonnfull powdered borax ono loAHponuful, wild turnip (green) two leiiHpoonrulx, (scraped) or If you have not OiIn, lake tho (mirth jtari of a teaspoon .'ul of red popper, honey, two tnbltvspoonl"uN. Himiuor tlit'Ke well together, having them ixiiffclly mixed, and then wash the iulde of Hie throat with it, bathing the back ha rt of the throat freely, nnd letting tho pMleut ewallow the gtrglo, allowing It to run down the throat; thlx will promote expoctoratlon and give rapid relief. At the same time put draftHon tlio nolex of the feet; nothing Is bet ter for thin purpose than common hhoemak or' wax, Hpread on aoft leather, covering tlio wholo heel, hollow-, and holes of the foot. II there In much fever, luthe the pattout tu mroiK eult water, or u lilskv and null, or Ml eiatiM and water. lottho rood be Hunt, con. Hlhtlng of iihlckeu houp, KHgo or taplnc.i gru t), well aweeleued wltu loal sugar, and uell holleil. You may pin on the u.tpo of the neck tlioxamoiison the feet. When you llrnt lifgln the iroattiieut, put the feet in water kh hot hs can be borne, and keep them these ten or lltteen luluutio; and xpunge the whole k.vniiiiii over w Itti MitoratiiH' water, a teaspoon till of f aleratus to a ijuart of water. Keep tho patient lu a warm room ot tlrNt.iwpovl.u ly II tho weather tie cold r windy. Thtir mI1 be found of ImmeiiMt a1iio, and the pt ilent will hixni tie cured. Iviep tho kKtweU fnu ell tlio time. Alter (he throat In belter, Im' Mill ftouiiw'liai lull lined and Mietlcdainl ll btiy, a htroiigiea of ouk berlt or mil galla Mdl hMeetciidl With honey may betiHedasa gargle Mtxeral tluiCH a day, every hour or ball hour. hen you can get It. and every a o'hfcaiy Iihh It, the folium lug Is mi excel lent gargU: Tartarlo acid, one dram; honey or roMh, to mi now mix carefully; put one lat.."MMi (i into a ptlit of urt'er, and gar glh It.ii thlimt with it hh often um you ple.in j the ihrOMl and top of tint chrt should Iih limbed dally lu cold water, until all triiv of a Weak thio.it ure none. PASSING WORDS. A passing word of fritV mny bo liken ed to tin ostrich egg clmiicc-lald in satitl. Warmed by tlio huh alone, without tlio help of brooding wings, untctidcd nnd miwtitclied, tlio noble bird bursts, in duo Henfioii, from tho shell. Even bo Hint living truth, dropped without thought, tinfostcrcd, save by Heaven's quickening heart, muy riio betimes in glorious growth. A cnMinl wortl of praise has colored u wholo existence; that single word, Hint pacing breath, touching tho bended bow of J)catiny. has given direc tion to tho arrow's lllght has decided the fufure career of the man A word of kinilcNcotirajenicMl lias imparted to la tent powers an impetus that made some shrinking soul thrill, palpitate, expand with the sense of its own undeveloped capabilities, (ho consciousness of what it might achieve, the prescience of what it would become ! An earnest word of fjuirfrtnen lias woven a golden threat, strong and bright, in the web of life. A trntlcr H-orrfoli 1 it hus fallen iitco inai'iui, and nourished and revived the hungry, pining heart; it has softened sorrows no potired-otitgoid could soothe; it lias healed wounds no Oalen's skill could reach ; it has lifted up prostrate heads no Titan's strength could raleo: It is the tallsmaulo pearl of ull speech ! A Hoflwnrd, that turns away wrath how great Is Us might I It has warded oil the cutting assaults of n sharp tongue, even as u polished shield causes the keen est, weapon to giance asuie. it nas dis armed more enemies than thesword ever conquered. A hoprful word how potent Is Its holy exorcism I It lias drawn down u sudden stream of sunshine into souls that were dungeons of darkness, and by that single heavenly ray has put to lllght tlie destroying demons of despair. Hut oh I a bitter word, impulsively spoken, unrcmcinbcrcd an hour after, has it not sunk deeper Into tho hearer's mind, nnd turned the sweet waters of memory to Murah '.' Toirlblo is tho power of u pass ing word of aimer. It has divided hearts that had been "twin as 'twere In lovo inseparable." Its llcry breath has forged nllnming sword to guard the Gate of Friendship, that they who walked in tho garden of old might never enter more. A wonlorifriMfcr, of thoughtless dltpar ttffcmcnl, litis irretrievably blasted n spot less name, and dolled the puru vesture of Innocence. A contemptuous word, a word of tinsyinpatliizlng rebuke, care lessly uttered, has hardened a fallen spirit, and continued it in obslinato evil-doing- SMILES AMONG TJCARS. Communicated. 1 "Llfo Is In living Death la not in dying." LI To is In but llttlo acts, tho good intentions, tho purity of our motives. Death Is in tho memory wo leavo behind us for others. Hut few of our hopes aio ever realized. It is In fancy that wo revel in lovo and II ml 'happiness In places of hers end thoro. liuw tho droains recede; the lips aro uot so sweet Ihrover as onco. Tho soul is at times something besidos u harmonious harp. Tlio song of lovo dies out, nnd there sweeps over tho soul, storms of passion, driven by fierce blasts; old momorlos dragging their slow lengths like wounded auneonmL. to keen nnco wl'h us to tho tsnivo. Tho cloud Is notholid. and ho who would rldo thereon, must (list become immortal, and wo mnko our own Immortality. Lovo Is not always found In marble- p.il ncea or lowly huts. Wealth is uot riches, moro than old ngo is oxperlcnco. Evory good deed Is an overgrecn that will mark o'ur resting placo. Every good net is u (lower which will beautify our final homo. Evory good Intention la a bird whloh will sing tho harmony of lovo over our graves. Every pnro rnottvo will bo a soroon to beat back tho sun of calumny, and every friend wo aro true to, will be a wltnoss for us wiien mo uonr comes wnon wo snail necu mem. Don't bo onvlous or Jealous. Don't bo governod by spite. Don't believo nil iba', pcoplo tell you, and don't toll your neigh, bora what vour neighbor told you. Do what Soar ricntts think you nro. Do truo to your word, to yourself nnd follow man. Do con tent with your let If you cannot better It Uso your own mind, your own couc.olenco In matters of right and wrong. Do guided by a principle nt truth nnd honesty In all your dealings. Do auardod by Jiistlco mid any what you think. Do not visit saloons; lonvo tho wlno cup; tho room of rovolrv; tho glnncos of the tempter. If you would rldo sale, bo your own driver, linvo nil object to llvo for and success will crown youretlorts If you no your duty, isovor dispuir, keep your pluck, hold your head high Do a man and Uou will bo tho rest. FEOM WALLA WALLA. Waixa WAr,T,A, Kept. 20, 1877. Tlio annual Fair commoucod horo on tho lll.h Inst. Its Inauguration was ruthor pro mature for an nssured succass. Tho vast crops that ha blessod tho industry of our farmers, have required their full attention and consequent neglect of their county ex hibition. Somoexcollent stock, but limited In numbors, Is on exhibition nnd a fow ex cellent hor803 havo been onlerod for tho races. Tbo attondanco has boflti rospoctable but muah ltss than would havo been tho caff! had It occurred thrio weeks later. Tho visitors, however, havo been fortuuato in the preseuco horo of JOHN jack's fJrand DramaMii Company, with Mis Annie l'irminm tho stellar attraction, asolitod by an sggrrg,io of dramatic talent superior to miythliu wo have overseen on our Coast. Tlio plays produced, po'pcss the great merit of noveitv and literary culture, and "OO TO TAnMING." Krnnklln Uurritt writes to the Fredo niu Advertiser; "What a cruel fatuity It Is then con stantly to prate to n starving mechanic or clerk in a crowded city with not n shilling lu his pocket to get him out of town to look for work us u farm hand! All there Is In tliondvlco "go to farming" can be briefly squeezed into small com pass. It lies Just here: there arc opportu nities in every State In tho Union for an able bodied man to purchase or rent farm ing lauds upon which lie can produce enough to feed and clothe u family with inoderale desires, providing liohussonio moans. In order to accomplish anything In this direction ho must havo capital enough to get there nnd make u start." NEVER DESPAIR. lVoplo tire apt to think that tho hard times which they experience aro the hardest times that ever were ; and ho they are for them. Hut ono only needs to read the history of the world to learn that hard times have been nernetuallv coming to ull nations in all periods of iiieir exisunco. Aim so nave good chances for honest people to better their condition. There never yet was a night that was not followed by n day, nor n storm that was not followed by a calm. The tun Is forever steadily shining lu the heavens, and tho clouds which some times oloettro his rays aro sure to break away and disperse, no matter how dark nod threatening they may bo for a time. The brave-hearted that hope on and work uu need never despair. LABOR. Uibor, though it was at first indicted as a curse, seems to bo tho greatest of nil puulshmeuts,aud Is fruitful of n thous and blessings ; tho same Providence which permits iHk'Hscs, produces reme dies; when It sends sorrows, It often wilds friends and supporters; If it gives a scanty Income, It gives good sense and knowledge, and ro.itontmcnt, which lovo to dwell under homely roofs; with sick nei conic humility, and repentance, mid piety; and ulHletlou mid grace walk htind In hand, THE PATIlTjTJtliCTirnDE. It has been said that some daring ex plorer lias di-coveiisl some grass from tho "path nf rectitude." Wo aro not at all Mirprlofd at tho discovery. Tho "path of reel it tiilo" Is traveled by so very few peo ple in these degenerate days, that the gr.tsi must grow in It with great exliu ber.inco. in fact, tho path itself is al most obliterated. There was a time when It was called a great hluhwnv: but ! cunning opened n track of policy tichldo It, iiiiii tlio worm nus generally pretered Its gri'dter smoointies to tlie rugged but more wholesome route maintained by tho upright. About Postage Wero the law regulating tbo rates of postago hung in eacii man's bouso and bo compollod to road It three times a day right along, yet half of tbem would try dally to forward six cents worth or matter for ono cont, nnd tbo postmaster as regularly loss it under tbo tablo to bo usod lor starting tires. Mr. Tbatohor Informs ua that scarcely a day paasoa that third rato matter Is not dotalned at hlsofllco for non-pay mont of postago. For insianoo, somo person uesinng to forward tho Wlllaniotto Farmer, Itesourcos of Oro rod, or any othor largo papor or pamphlet to a distant friond pasies tho samo in with a ono cent stamp lickod on; whoroas tho weight calls for two or four cents. Kosnlt tho papor or pamphlot, luatoad of reaching Its destination, Is thrown asldo to bo used as tho postmaster thinks propor. Thore Is no law requiring him, nor has Mr. Thatcher tho thno (though tho inclination no doubt steals o'or him nt Union) to rush out and thrusting a man Into ncoruor and choko a llttlo common sonsa Into him. Dut what Is (be lino of writing anything about postal affairs as it has boon, so will ltevor be; postmaators will contlnuo toluxurlatoin all Kinds or waoto paper and plonty of it Now go and wrap up four or llvo largo nowspapors, lick a cent stamp on ono ond of tho package and let Mr. Thatcher lako caro of It for you, That's a good follow, do; you'd fool so much bottor. UN1VEUSALIST ASSOCIATION. Tho aboyo association will oonveno at Zona, Polk county, Oregon, beginning Fri day, Oct. 0,1877, at 10 o'clock and holding over Monday. MlnUtora to bo pronont, Itova. A. J. Wlgle, of Harrlsburg, Oregon; D.ivld Hires, Seattle W.T.; Albort Hodgos, Mon mouth, Oregon; Paul A. Smith, Oothol, Oregou. Friday, 10 to II, social meeting, organiza tion. Tho arrangement of business fur bal nnco of tho session, will bo left to a commit- too appointed by tlio association. Tho following subjects will bodlscnoscd: "Unlyorsallsm In Orogon and Washington lorniory." "wnuron urbanization," "Mis sionary Work." Thoro will boa sormon oach day at 11 and 2:30. Arraugomonts will bo made to caro for all that mny attond. A cordial Invitation Is oxtonded to nil tho frionds of tho causo, (and cneinlos also) to bo prosont. Nearest railroad depot, Salem, Oregon. Thursday and Friday! Oct. 4th and Oth, tholro will bo conveyances from tiienco to ana J. H. IIiooins, P. A. Hmith, S, A. Hkioi.ns, Committee SEEDING. Waldo Hills, Sop. 25, 1877. Scores of plows may be seen now turning up the blaok and rod soils, to receive nood. This la aa it should bo. Some are loth to sow now too soon grain all lodge. Nonsense. It has been tested this coason, that iue Sep tember sowing bore last year, aflor afford ing tbo most luxurious aheap pasturo for llvo or six weeks, last Spring, and having tho wheat lands greatly enriched, brought from rive to ten bushols or goad wheat per nore moro than wheat sown in Ootolwr and November. John Nowsoine, on Howell Pralrlo, bad this exporluco this soason. with hlsSeptomber sowing of whoat. If I had lOOacrea ofsumuier fallow now roady for sowing, and I could do so, I should drill In overy noro of It to-day. I know that Invidious distinctions aro odious, but, without being In the employment of any plow It 1. N. O., I cm say that tho Ollvor Chill plow, oirrlos oir the palm of victory overall others over med in Western Oregou, Vkkitas. Suit Dootded. Tlio celebrated suit entitled Holladay otnl. vs Elliott et nl., which was on trial so long lost Summor, was y&terday decided by Judge IloWo. Tho findings of tho referee wero lu several instances modified. Tbo co partnership oxlstlug between Holladay and Elliott was dissolved, and Judgment for f 177 was rendered In favor of pla'.niltlj. Neither jurty recovers costs. It was hold lint tho corporation was not organized according to law: and that the nroferrod stock lsaueil (n stockholders la worthless. Softool DUtrtet No. '.'4. Mr. Jay l'x, tho Clerk of this School 1) fclrlct, has Just CuUked the asmsiment roll for the current year. From it we learn that tlie taxable preptrty In the DUulct amount tofl,l,7M, aud the tax levy Is HitN.Ti. PersoiiN desiring to pay their isxes can call at '.be "Captaln'a ottlce and kettle" at any thus after tills date. If you want to lnure go to Km! V .Cox's Opera Houso building. From tha Mud Spring. Partlo Juvi over from 1'iliieville Inform , ii tint tne iivopie over tnere now linvo more tniifiJt-tic lu itt "ooap hoW than ever b- j lire. Ttutl'ompauleHownlnglhemachlnery 1 whUh wa lately lakm over there, lost eon- tliteiico in trio man mat was superintending tlielr work and discharged him. Prof. Hur ley has been put In charge of the mill and la pet line everything reidy for a ruu. A ditch U Mug eonhtrueted to carry water tu tho mill from Camp Creek for the puroso of washing away tbo tailings. Aasoonaaitlt couipMel. and some other minor improve meuiH madx, the mill will bo started up. Wo are cld to hear of the chaugo, for if there U any one lu the State that cau iavo tha silver kuow u to bo lu the mud, ll Is IVof, Hurley. A Dwelling Bui Bed. Ouo day last week tho dwelling house be lnuglug to Wilson Kendall, near Stiedd'a Station, was bunted to the ground. The funlly wero all out In the nrobard drying fruit when they noticed the flames bursting through tho roof, and when they arrived at the house tde fire had made such headway that no one could enter. The causa of tha tlrn u not known to a certainty, but it la thought it originated from a defective duo. W. L. Wade, of North Salem, the popular and long established merchant, Is receiving hia fall stock,; for olty and country trade and U prepared to ault the wanU of all cus tomers. Mr. Wade la a liberal dealer and about aa honest and straightforward as most tho nctorB and produo'.lous aro (qua! to any thlntrwo havo over se-n in New York city or San Francisco. Mies Firmln Mild Mr. Jack aro both stars of groat prominence. We learn that this company will occupy Deed's Opera Houiro, In your city, during thoStnto Fair. Wo havo attended several of thoir performance", nnd whoro ovnrythini? bos (icon so good It would bo almost superfluous to Indvlduallzo. Dut "Our Doys" Iscor taloly pluyed lu a stylo equal to tho orlglnnl cast in London, which wo mw threo years ngo. Wo bellovo it is still belug plsyed ttiero with tho original cast. On Monday last UUNllltAI. W. T. SH HUMAN, Accompanied by an ecort of two compnnles arrived In the city. The Ooneral was In ex cellent health and stilrlts. Ho c.iino over 4liokl military rosul, and enys his escort cut down some ten iiinusima trees in limiting n roadway, which bo predicts will yet becomo a vast ayentio of travel to this Territory. In tho ovonltnr ho visited JhcU'h theatre and was much nlousod with tho cultured per- formnnco. Wednesday ovcnlng he was tho recipient of a soronado by Jack's Thcatro baud, nnd after bolng Introduced to tho pcoplo by Mayor Morso, addressod thotn In a short, spicy speech, of somo twenty min utes duration. It thoro was no grand dis play of oratory or dollghtful figures of rhetoric wo are satisfied that novor did u pcoplo listen to bettor timed or moro sen sible words of ndvlco nnd oncouragomont. Ho touchoi briefly on tbo agricultural woaltb of tho Walla Walla valley, referred to Its fruits nnd Its won doriul and produotlvo grsln Holds; so vast that ho could not estlraato their vlold except by measurement. Ho had boon told of GO bushels to tbo noro; ho could stand '10 butu'O was a llttlo too much forhiscrodullty; still continued he, U tboy yield 40 or ovon .10 bushols to tho aero the fortuuato produoir Was moro to bo onvlod than tho posMgssor of a gold mlun. Ho spoke, ho said with tho prldo of a forty-niuor, but also with tho ex perience of ono who had participated in tho tolls of that period. Alluding to the Indians no saiu we wero not aiano mo oniv ones who had to contoud with them, nnd wo should consider oursolves foituuato as Joseph had gone and most likely would xnviiii nirruiur. Dad Indlsns would oontlnuo to annoy various sections for somo time tocomobut they would bo punished aud nnmhllatod. Oood Indians who woro willing to work and insist in tho grand tatksotb God Almighty, to proparo this great country for tho coming millions, should bo tolerated and pormlttod to remain, In short, said ho let tho poordovlls llvo ir tboy will. Previous to his departure this morning, a I aeon to dispatch wan rccolvod from "Llttlo Phil" announcing tho Jnnotlon of Howard and Sturges' commands and predicting tbo capturoand annihilation of Josoph, or adds Shorldan, "If It does not" wo had bottor sond along Mrs. Potaphor and let her finish thojnb." At 11 o'clock to-day Hon. W. II. Newell or tho Walla Walla Statesman, itellvorcd tho annual addross nt tho Fair to n largo attond anco onu pursued ma suujoct wan an Intel llgeuco und eloquence, which comblnod, proved a delicious feat. Oonoral Shoi man assured mo that ho WOULD VISIT SALKM on or about tho Oth or 8th of Octobor, and so linvo an opportunity to wltnois tho oponlng or your great Stato Fair. Teams sweat and wagons groan under tho weight or tons or grain that seeks the artery or outlet In tho rail to Wallula thonco by our uoblo Columbia to tho sea and a guidon market. Shorman advlsos natlonco; that tho ob stacles lu tho Columbia wero bolng circum vented oven now, aud as soon as our pro J nets would warrant, capital would slip In aud canal n road that Industry might thrlvo by tho rapid returns It would Insure. In tho chief half irllo raco of tho weok bo Iwoen Rube, Sixty-six and Scarfaced Char ley, Ilubo has Juut como In tho winner In 02 seconds followed by tho otbors In tho order named. Yours truly, UOOD AS WHEAT. CURIOUS FAOIS. SiorniH do not nfTctit tho water below 15 or 120 fathoms. Tho sand hanks In tiio Oeiinnn ocean n ru onc-llfth its urea. A man freiicrntcs nearly n cubic foot of carbonic itcitl nn hour. ITorse.s and enltlo thrive best if sun plied with wilt in their food. Thehoj, in JSgypt, presents ruins 27 miles round. It hud 100 rated. Windsor forest is 00 inilci round, in eluding lergo and small paries. Immersion in sand, mud, or v.-ator preserves wood for many centuries. Mr. Grant's eyesight Is said to bo- rapidly tuning. Love thoso who advise, but not those wlto pralso you. SriniTF or Ammonia. Thero Is no felllnc what a thing will do till you try ft. I knew ammonia, dllutod In water, could restore rusty silks und cloan coat collars, but whon I got n greon spot on tbo carpnt, J tried half n dozen Ihlngs boforo I thought of that, and that was Just whnt did tho work effectually IpittRtencpooiiful Into a toaeupntl of hot water and took a cloth and wet tho snot thoroughly, Just rubbing It slightly, and tho ugly spot was gone. ItisHplendtdforclcHu lug your sllvor; it makes things hh bright as now without nny expenditure of otrei,gtli and for hmklng glares nnd windows, Ills best of all; and ono day uhnu I whs tired end my dish cloths looked r.itber grey. I turned h fow drops of nmmonls Into the water and rubbod them nut. mul r o.,i,i t. noted lllio a charm, and I shall bo turuniid do so ngaln somo day. I supposo house wives havo a perfect right tooxpcrJtncut and spo what rosults thoy can produce; and If they aro not on as largo a scale as tho fann ers try, thoy aro Just as important, nnd make our work llghtoraud brlghtor too. Thoro Is no doubt whatovor but that onr common parlor matohos will Ignito sponta neously, wo uavo Known Instances whoro boxes containing 000 matches havo boon par tially burnod without any ono tampering wlthtnom. Dut tho llro In theso instances fortunntely oxhausled Itsolf without dolnc any further damngo. Thoro are, bowovor,. plenty of fires of mystorlous origin that Bro doubtless caused by thoso middies cither spontaneously, by tho gnawing of ml:e, or In somo accidental wav. A tusr.essdiouso which hns nlways uiadu It a practice to placo thoso dangerous Incondlnrlos in nn iron ves sel, has on threo occanlons found thoccntonts consumed nnd no ono ubout tho establish mont knowing how It happonod. Americans nronpt to boscandallzed In Eu rope by tho Hold labor of women, but wo loarn from tlio statements of cho special ag ricultural correspondent of tho Edinburgh Scotsman that hi this country, nlso, women aro similarly omployed. Writing from tho great settlement In Kansas ho lays: "The majority of thoso who linvo sottlod horo within tho past two years aro Ktuslans; nnd bolng working peoplo without oapltal, thoy jiavurcducodthocoHtof laborgroatlv. They break pralrlo and plough land at Ds. orCs. joi buio, wuiuii ueu 10 cost jj, or IMs.; and ii n uy b worn jiuskian women churao 25 cents, or Is., and oxcollont aro." churai workors only ther INTERESTING PACTS. LINES TO A TAPED PINK. Original. Sweet pink! tbo' thou art withered now And thy bright lustro fides at last, Thou art a tokon or the vow, Aflectlous rays wero wont to cast. And tho' thy perfumo on:e so raro, Is gono forever! and forever 1 1 Alas I thou omblem of despair, While life shall last, wo shall uot sovor. now llko tho hoartl O, scentless llowor Ttiat lived, and breathed atToctloiis spoil Enshrlued within fair Cupid's bower, Whore Isto forbids that ItsUDuld dwell. Dut still 'twore better to roslgn Tho heart that ne'er could bo my own, Aud throb In unison with mine, Yes I be'.tor far, to weep alone, O. J. McCraw. Silvertou, Oregon, Sept 11, 1877 Will Soon bo Ruiinlnir. Mr. George Tllloibon. or Dallas, a mill wright, who thoroughly understands his business, Is putting in lor Mr. O. F. Daunls, at tho Agricultural works, maohluery for a custom llourlng mill. It is tho Inteutlon or Mr. Dennis to till a want long frit by our farmers, who wish to have flour made from wueaw uj ineir own raising, and who can have it ground to suit them by tbo payment of a small loll. Mr. Ddnnla n:nM' tn hv tho milt ready for business by the middle of uuiuurr, uuu nuuro win do given of tils starting up, in the Daily Ukcohd and Wil lamette Farmer. Organs. If you want a good, round, smooth, sweet toned Organ one that la made of the biat or material, and will last a lifetime get the Whitney A Holmes, ot J. H. Robblns, Port land, Oregon, Hero nro somo facts, very old facts, but not too old to bo forgotten, which should bo treasured up In overy American heart. In 1829 the now venerable- Peter Cooper constructed tlio first locomotive In Amer ica, mid It was run on the Haltlniorenntl Ohio railroad. But tho first practlcnl uso of locomotives In this country was made by tho South Carolina railroad In 1830. This road was tlio llrHt in tho world constructed with a special vlow to tho use of steam. Tlio first railroad of any extent projected in tho United States was the IJaltimoro nnd Ohio. In February, 1827, tlio llrst mcoting was held to dis cuss its feasibility. For tills road, ground was broken In Baltimore on tho 1th of July, 1828, by Charles Carroll, who said on tho occasion: "I consider this net second In Importnncoonly to my signing tlio Declaration of Indopondenco, If oven It bo second to that." Tho vehicles on this road nt first resembled stage coaches and wero drawn by horses. Peter Cooper took an interest in tho subject and had a locomotive built to experiment with. Tho engine weighed only ono ton nnd was of but ono horso power. It had tho first tubular boiler ever made, musket barrels being used for tho tubes they sug gested. These fuels aro gathered from a long review of tho Introduction of steam on Amorlcan railroads, presented by a writer in tlio Now York Times. t JOHN M1NTO, ancEDEn or MERINO SHEEP, TAKES plcamro In offering to tho Wool-drowcr ot Orejjou and tbo ndjolnlnij Tcrrltorl tbe ehaaeo toparctmne THOltOUUUllltKn MhlilNOS. and a sarlog psrttef Intcreatcd ttat they can, and will en- MUCII CllKAl'KIt itATKS ttun mch can poMlbly bo Imported, tiamlnatlon and coiupsrlmn w lUi oth er Soecp ottered la tbo murku arn coidlally Invited. tAddre JOUN JUNTO, xt r. T,t . Patera, Orceou. N. B. The nsmi and Ham Laraba of tha flock can heicpnon Uo ISLAND PAKM, adjoining Salem.- TJlfFVtS.'ir'' tieD lnc 'am Ple, or at the HILL PAItM four and a hall mike runth of tbe city. Salem, September 10, 1875. The timbers of anew bridge teat was be- lnc- llllllt n 1?... DA...1. . a , ri... and thnHo ho know him iJ.T 'C In'" .?"', ""'J?"" mclv. Aayium -: --1 ---z---- . . ,.- vi im jmcniay nuornooD. una UIKSU1V4I, UVW U. man j was killed and several more eerlouily hurt. Farms and Land tor Sale. IOPFBU FOlt SLE ONK FAHM. 320 ACIIKS, 10J acre In cnltlvat on. Rood orchard, rtloa'edon tha rivajant lllll road, abont U mllea from Kopeno City. Al-o, about 1400 acre of M1XHD LAND, lorae of the bet valley and beater-dam Land In tte county, urouided by htll and brush land. Tbree or iuur icry j-oou urm tan Da maua out or It. uooa place for a colony. Want to (ell tbe wbo!o lot togeth er. ThU Laud U altuated In Lena county, about U mile from Kueenu City, aud alz from Cre.ell. Je8 Addren F. II. UUNN, JCugene City. EEAL ESTATE LOAN 8. eBKGOX AXD WAS1IN0NX Trust Investment Company V SC0TI.ANB. THIS Company if preptred to negotiate loaru ta lami Irom JSOO to j,000 aeenrea over 1MPBO VaD CITY I-KOPKKTY and FARM LANDS, for- nxra prioa or yeua, or repayable oy half-yearly in alallment.. For Urm. apply to WZLTUAM RKID. Manaser. nOTiT KFlrttStrwt Portiiad. tuJSl -.tVtri ntJAHMBSSSJOl