WILLAMETTE FARMER. 8 P 1 A few Valuable Suggestions. Ed. FAiutRit: Koadlng In your paper I find niany loiters or Inquiry from persona dcolrous of coming to Oregon, and havo been tho recipient of Bomo mysolf, and havo hoard others say tho same. Thoro seoins to ho a continual Inquiry by pooplo from Iowh, Illinois, Missouri, Texas, find other stato, about Oregon, tho reason being that thoy aro tired of that cold, ittckly, Btortny, and bug eaten country, and sook our Stuto as a home whoro ihfy can enjoy health, comfort, and hipplnr m, having neon by tho exhibition at Philadelphia that wo havo In our Stato, m tho wry of ollniatoan abundance of every thing that ii necotsary for tho wants of man or be.ist. , Wo frfquontly moot with porsons eentout by their irlonds, liku those sunt by tho ulill dren orisraol, to visit tho promised laud, asking for and Ponding baok fruit, whoat, and other procluctH to huow tholr frlonds lu tho old home to lot tlinin boo that those ro ports aro not without foundation. As theso mon kco our Holds waving with goldon grain and our orchards loaded with fruit, thoy exclaim; "tho half has not boon told us," It so far oxcoods their oxpoctatlons that th6y soom lost In wonder. I find an old fxlond, from my onco homo In Iowa, nond. ing fruit back, and whoat to bo ground at tho mill thoro, to lot his old frlonds and neighbors have ono moss of bhcult from Or ogon Hour. Now, Mr. IMItor, in view of thoso things, and tho Stito Fair now approaching, I wish to say to tho good poopio who aro coming to tho Fair, to bring olong such products ns pplatoo, apples, boots, turnips, wheat, oats, ryo, anil in fact anything they can to holp show what Oregon can produce, oven If thoy do not caro to competo for tho premiums, and all pontons who may contemplate com potlng bring a duplicate of their exhibit to ns to lot all now comers who doslro, havo HptelmunH to nond back to friends in tho Htato, to let thorn sno for themselves that tho exhibit at tho Centennial was not a put up Job, but that wo can do that right along for twttuly-fivo or ovon ono hundred years If uoctesnry. Now rrlonds, 1ft us all do our host, ono and all, to make tills ono of tho belt frilrs over hold in Orogou. President Wu(nou telle mo wo aro going to havo somii ono to show tho Immigrants through tho different departments and mitko n opeelilty to give thorn a good chanco to no qulro tho Information thoy havocomo thrco thousand mllei to gel. Therefore, If wo havo such a country and climate as wo claim wo havo, don't bo solllsli; thero in room for all who want to como and live and not crowd, and seeing them bo happy won't wo bo blessed also; so, como ono, como all, and lot Hi have a glorious tlmo at the Grangers camp meeting. Hirii-oiuiii:n. AT THE STATE FAIK. Tho WiM.AMKTTii Faiimiiii will borcprp Houtedou tho Hlato Fair Ground by tho prosoneoof ono or tho proprietors, who will havo a drk or otaifd In itiino convonlotit place for tho trauciutlon of mislnuiwof nil klmU. Tdonoy can bo there receipted fur, now subscriptions rceidveil, advertising con tracted fur, nud any huslmm uuttor will be promptly attended to. 'That Miimi.vmii or Mini:." This Mho title ot'ono of tho most popular books of tho present year, a bright, lively charming volume, giving u wife's experience with a very clover and very oarolrs husband, and a lovo story charmingly mixed up with it. The book comes to mi from Lee .t Shopard, publishers Boston, and is fur sale byJ.K. QUI, Portland, Oregon, oojt $1 with cloth binding and 50 cents with paper covor. It Is a ploiimut thing to havo MUih n book to while uway a lelsurn hour and It Israsyto Hooiifmr roadlng It why it Inn hud so much popularity. SiiimiOAi. Cask in Oanyonvm.i.i:. Mr. .1. P, (lllumro's datightor has bi.jn siillerlug Tor months with a whlto swelling on her loft slilu (NeorosU of Tibea), causing pro fusely ruiilng sores, and ablo to get about only on crutches, On the tilth quite a num ber ofiHiroltlxcns gatlioted at the residence orMr.dilmoriiand witiuwvcil Dr. Davis and Dr. Merrlo udmiulHter ohloroform and re move a largo pleco of lone Irom tho young Udy's shin. She now enjoys overy proipt-ct of speedy recovery. Dr. l)vl Is u resident of Nautili, and wo congratulate Mr. (Hlniore on being fortunate enough to iiHOitro the ser vloM,f in skillful an ojHirator. lloacbury Jmlcjnuitent. Flax IN Bai Oiuikh. den. Tmiuatt, who caiiio down from Halo, Monday, Informs us that agioatdoAl oflUx laid lu tho swath In tho Koiksof tho Saiilltun, where thoy rulsoa groat deal ofllax for Reed, and this weather will dauugo It greatly, us nttor being wet oil iMtiuot bo manufactured to good advan tage from lltx Mod, Mr. John C. ll.t'l.onooinorcimntlnStloni, ha turned farmer In earned, and witti ttie help f his koii Will, has raNod nil exrellent oroi on bis farm near Turner, once known attUnl'. IC. BmmI plaeti. Wo can UMlfyto tho excellence or hU watermelons and can taloupes, Wiiisat in U.MWA. Mr, J, T. llrodley wrlttw frm Yoneallas Tho farniera hero are nearly done thieshlng. Thoro U 'about tllty thousand bushels of wheat stored hero at Ycucutla, but none h eold as yet, NKXT MICTIONS. Tlio next Stale clec'tlmis take plneo Oi tober '2d, In Iowa and Ohio, wlu'.o there mv full State tickets to elect, Inclitdlng tlio Legislatures. In the latter State, thu Legislature oleuts a IMilted States Semtor to hiuveed Stanley Mnttliew. In (,',i,l tl" liiy, Is an elec tion for iiiembera of tho Legtslaturo, Au oxprovs tmin In HiihsIu, cnrrylnjr (1,000,00(1 (it rmibliw, litis tiltoi;ot!ior tils uppoaivil, without loiivlni tlio slightest traooH nHimUtiK tvcluo us to what has be cotuo of It. Medal and Diploma- From tho Albany Democrat, of last week wo tako this: C. P. liurkhart, proprietor of Burkhart's experimental grain firm, near this, has Just recolved a bronze medal, forwarded to nlm for tho host display or whoat tit tho Interna tional oxposltlon last year. A diploma has also boon awarded him for his display or gnain, which, with other diplomas given to Oregon mon, have bien uont to A.J. Duftir for distribution, unci hss not yet bJcn re colved by Mr V His display of guiln wps very uno, unci oomoi io uuraoi muru mieu tlon than anything else from the Pwlflo M'opa. ilo had on exposition twonty-thrco vailetles of winter wheat, kovuii of oalij, tnrco of barley and three of ryo. One peck orr.ncti wasiiispinycci in n smau upon uki behind wjilch sat a .hetror tho same variety. This would show tho grain ilurif, and tho hofghtand quality oflho straw. Mr. Dufur, In nrranglng tho display, put a hag oflho largo Ooose (or Maccarotn) whoat In front of a shear ofrvo which moasurod nlno loot and a hair in height, mid ho says It was very amusing to hear tho common mndo upon "that wonderful ryo from Orogon" by tho people of tho eastern statos. This display from Linn county accomplished more for Orogou, porhaps, than all tho prlntod docu ments which havo horoloforo boen circulat ed In tho east, and Mr. Burkhart la ontltlcd to tho credit. TffE fllAKETS' Tho Wheat Market. Furopcan advices up to tho present wook( whloh will bo found in this Issuo, aro favor ablo tor tho conthmanco or a brisk demand and tho malntonanco of good prices. This roport is inoro Impor'-.nt hocauso at tho prosont tlmo tho Kngllsh and Furopean har vests aro so nearly finlsned ns toonablo thoso Interested to form a nearly correct opinion of tho results and to prcdlcato opin ion or tho dotloloncy to bo suppliod as well ns oflho surplus that other counti Its may bo ablo to supply. Wo fcol moro cortaln than beforo that wo shall havo good prices for wheat through tho wholosoason, and It Is not Improbablo that next spring may hco a (lurry In tho whoat markot again that will bring high prices. Tho various causes that oporato lu favor of high prlco.'i through tho year may bo thus enumerated: 1st, tlio Ituspo-Turkishcontost is to be prolonged and must affect tho wheat markot moro another year than tho prcsont one; 2d, thoro Is an actual deficiency In Knit. llsli and continental harvests, added to which tlio Kngllsh crop Is heavily damaged by storms that havo Injured tho wheat; Mil, tho stores or wheat woro very nearly ex hausted whou tho harvest commenced, whllo usimlly n groat amount of wheat is held over from ono harvoit to nnothor. It was last summer tho cnio with all othor nations, as with us, that tho oxcikiIvo prlco called out tho last bimliul tho producer had to spro,aud tho stocks in warehouse woro closely mod up; Ith, frolghlH rrom tho Co lumbia river rulo romarkably low this fall and will probably coutlnun o, ns ships aro cbartorod to como horo from Han Francisco iitX2 15ito ,C2 17s Ud per ton, which Is as low ns wo could possibly expect. With all thoso facts in our favor wo can reasonably suppose that wo havo a sao mar kot, oven though wo havo had a docllno hlnco last work, Portland oIVoih being $2 per cental, and Haleni figures f 1 0j per bushel Instead or ft. 073a. Wo need not antlelpato nny very Bcrlous llueluatloiiH of prlco for tho nexttwo months. Our harvoU vm nearly gntherod a week ago, and tho rain previous to that tlmo had ren dered soiiio wheat that was exposed to tho weather immerohaiitablo, and tho Kovero rain that fell early tho prosont week must liavodono groat damngo to whoat uncut or In tho fehocks, and will bo very diaastioua If It eouiitlnues. Tho 'rrsont month has boon ono ortho most rainy Septembers or which we havo any rocollectlon. Thoro was llttlo, lr any, grain grown la this valley that could not have been cut threoweoks ago, and our farmors cannot complain oT want of good weather up to that time, and slnco that, but must lay tho fault or their losses to tho want of machinery suf llelent to complete tho harvest in good'tlme. Many waited for headers until they were losers by tho delay, and wo know ono farm er whoso grain was stacked Uve weeks while ho waited for a thresher. Thoro aro many of them riA-tunato to escape us well as thoy havo and will learn at least, In tho fiituie, to havo their grain woll stacked as pircaiitlou against bad weather. We learn of u great deal of wheat badly damaged In this county, boiiio men Iwlng largo losers, and tho worst luok bofalllng men who do not own iiuuhlnos and depend ed on hiring tholr grain cut ami tlmshed. San Francisco prices have been depressed by so much good milling whoat being re ceived from Oregon, moro than was needed to meet tho demands for homo rinsumntlon. The worst feature oftho Kngllsh market la that thero Is a groiter decline lu conneotlon with orders f.ir Hooting cargoes on this coast than tor wliott on tho spot, t-howlngthat speculation Is not confident oflho future of the whoat market. 8.u Kranelsno, Sept. '.'5. Tho JMMin, In itseommoreUI column today shvs: "There has reomitly been more stir lu tho wheat market than at any previous time this seas on. Forwarding havo boon larger and load ing or ships mon active. Up to last Satur day night, deliveries fer tho oason wero L t$.1,00i) centals besides '."VM. 000 qra. Hour. It N true tho quantity is not a third of what It was lor tho nsuio time last year, but tho crop Is not over half as large. Somonf the recent activity Is due to concessions in freights." Mr. Jaiiu a Calrd, la h's annual letter to tho Loudon Whim oa tho prospect of thoi wheat crop In Kiigliud.tst'mateti tho detlcieney at 83,000,000 I ua'iils, a I irgn poitloa of whloh, In tho preeut stato of Kurot'o, mivt como fioui this country, Ilo wj: ' Wo mint, therefore, look to Amerlcx for a considerable IneretksH even on her urest einirts of Ho last lour years, and, If tho wsr la Turkey coatiiiut'H, tho vast resource of tho Unltcil States and ranad will, Indeed, b soverly taxed to make good tho wautsoflhU coun try ami Wtwiern Futopo." European Groin Market, London, ent. 25. Tho Mark Lane i. prtst Mjra tho condition of wheat Is general ly bad. In tho north many samples aro selling as low as 404 and oyon less. As tho damp woathor comes on, tho condition of Kngllsh whoat will render it almost unlit Tor me, and n largo proportion unsaleable till Hpring. Prospects or noxt crop aro not fa vorable It now seems nrobablo wo shall receive from India this year only half what wooxpoctod; from Fgypt also tho shipments aro on n lossoxtonded scalo and scorn llkoly not to equal expectations. Ilussla continues tohhlpinhly but not largely, as predicted. Shipments irom Amcrlcvaio liberal, but net oxeo.U'ivo. Whether thoy will become larg er In tho next few mouth?, remains to do neen, but thero Is no lonser tho pressure to toll whloh there was under tho Hrst beltet of mi enormous crop, 'iho truth of tho matter Is, tlio largo surplus of th& American crop this year btiriuM to bo moro clearly under stood. It limy bo admitted that thero Is a Hirpltm of 1011,000,000 bushels, yet with tho unprecedented exhaustion of Mocks through out tho S .tcs, tho usual exports to othor ports, a larger export to the continent, tho present modora'i pricos, and tho dlsiiositiou that growers will naturally feel to hold ovor such Uno quality at such prices, It is not like ly tho export to Great Britain this year will exceed that of somo formor years unloss prices should advanco and oiler an Induce ment to growors to soil moro froely. The Salem Markets. Whoat Is bringing gl.Og per bushel; oats 47Kc; potatoes, 37c; onions, $1.00; tomatoes, 50c; apples, 37Jo; poars, 50c; boans,33Jo per lb; sun-dried apples, OMe; plums, 10 iKtto por id; rresn rou nutter, uts'iio per id; eggs, L'2M25o per doz. Fresh roll buttor Is abundant and probably will remain so dur ing tho fall as tho rains will lmprovo tho pas tures, bosldos which thoro Is a groat amount of naokod butter through tho country. Ilav and mill food rnto as In our last Isauo. -or- Shorthorns, Devons, and Holsteins. Wo aro requested to glvo notlco that a Joint sale will bo held at tho Stato Fair, at tho tlmo clsowhoro advertised, or thoroughbred cattlo owned by G. W. Dlmlck and B. K. Stownrt and Sons, of Yamhill, consisting or short-horns and Uolstelns, In addition to tho Short-Horns and D.ivons advortlstd olso whoro by Mr. (J. W. Dlmlck. Tho ntosk belonging to 11. K.Stowartcc Sons consists or about twolvo head or very oholco cowa and holfors. Thn Short-Horns havo been bred to Mr. S. O. Heed's flno Short-Horn Bull. "Bed Boan Governor." Tills will bo a lino chance for stnukralses to secure good animals of ttiodifTeront breeds referred to and no doubt many will como prepared to tako ndvantago or It. Visiting Cards. 30 Ca'iln wIlli any namo neatly irlntoil t hereon JiMit to any aildret upon reci Ipt of US ilcnts, IUU H CVIIfc BIIIIIIU. AUIiri'PI1, W. J Ci.aiiri;. Salem. Ortron. For Sale. 1 (l A (nT?T?C OK hNf. ono half rollo tu j..jjlmJLJkj irom tuo rlf Ilia OrcL-nn Clly roe), vrlth a IIUU-i: viul IIAKN .and a irntu! WKLt.-3'j'ncnn In tlmotliv. two noroK nliiw. 1 ind neverMllns t(Hk wlw. TKIlMS-llftlf cti, ami tho balance! on rcatonalitu tlm mnllma " .lt)ll N V HV1TII. Cheap City Property. Ihavi: koii ri,k DKain.vnr.K city I'mpoily on cay terms uitil at ttiu lollowlni; rjmnrl;nt)ly low nito : 1 1Ioiiu ami lot for i'J.nn; worth C'.VKlo. 1 iioiihoiiiiiI lot mr ?.,M): wnrtli jiko. 1 lleiinoHiul lilnck for'i,8iVI; wurtli tXKn). I lloiiko unit two lot fur t'l.fl; woiili JI.C00. 1 Homo a ml lot for fn.'jOO; worth $'. 000. The liost liaroal'ii ever offered In Salem. The iiIhivh pripeny Is oiri-rod so olieap becauto tin' ownci" ii'nl coin or Its uiulvi.lint. For furl lie r pNrilculiir ennuiro or MILKS M. Mir.r.V.lt, sxpllint Hulom (Ins W'orl:-. i NEW GOODS. Mammoth & Turn-Table Apple-Parors, Fletcher Po.st-IIolo Augers, Alcat-Cutters and StuUers, Blacksmith Brills, Tiro-Bondors and Up-Sottors. PruniDg-Saws, Knives, and NORTIIUUJP &r THOMPSON, WlienAI.I AND ItSTAILlJ(kLEIU IM Hardware, Iron, Steel, & Wagon hPil CarriaKo Material UK M.h KINDS. 420 X 131 Front St., lOKTLAKIO. Oldest House in the Trade. J. IJ. CONGLE, MANUl'ACTUItKU. WholMalo and Retail Doalor lu nil kinds or SADDLES, iiuiii.i:v, - WHIPS 'Lashes, Trunks Xo. "ja Front Street, PORTLAND, - - OREGON. A1m, kef rontt.totly on hand a larj; axortmeot of Xj3E3u9lb37."E3C3E33F1. AND SADDLERY HARUWARE. "Salt AroiU In Oreon Tor tlio Carbollsod Hose, at Svn KruiuiUen prices, with Freight added. Kopalrlut; I'rtimptly tftrmlctl to FLDHHSR FEU1TMYERS. I?roinitii)iM: My t'lo. I Muiiprv. of Kmtt itrl.U br ilw ten I'llOfKHS'' f nve eoanit each l b ilcliwiW to mo lu Km I'ortltud, In time lor tbe Oregon Bute ru of 1S7T. 1st 1'RKMIVX 910. 2d l'RKMU'M $20. 3d 1'renluRi 919. tthfreiuluBi $5. ftT" Thett Hamplc will be exhlUteJ at tho T!r marked with owner ntme. i'iir.Tiniu Harness Plows! FRANK BROS. Buford GangA fefe.v -is. Dlack Hawk sng,pS'T SULKY L94fe 'mmtjm: Champion Browne " Sulky, (Never been beaten In tuo flc'.d.l THE LA BELLE WAGON, Champion Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and Tho MoSherry Grain Drill and Broadcast Seeder. THK MOST COMPLETE LINE OV PLOWS, . HARROWS, DRILLS, AND Other Agricultural implements in the Market. llEtORE PURC1TASTXG, CALL ON inrflTi ig BrotHers d& Oo-, 104 and 108 Front Street, - - - PORTLAND, OR. WHEN YOU WANT TO PAINT, .USE AVERILL PAINT. It is prepared ready for Immediate use, and or ALL DKSIRA2LE COLORS AND PURIZ WSiETE. It Is easy to npply, and It will For durability, lieauty, and "l7,Eca?zE3:C3XJ(!37! For sale In any WEATHERF8M ....DEALEKS IN. DRUGS, PAINTS, 03LS, AND PERFUMERY. SALEM. W.WCATUKIirOttS. I. W. WBATIIEUZOUD. Weatherford & Oo.. WboletMo and ItctallDcilcri'ln DRUGS, PAIIfl, OILS, CLASS, Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS. E o dc ru ra o at "sr TOILET GOODS, Etc., eto. PURE WINES and LIQUORS, For Medicinal parpotot. Mediolnes Compounded, and Fresoriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co., FcStf Commercial street. HAIiKKI. Llttlo Oimit GRUBBINa MACHINE. We wish to Inform thn pooplo of Oiokoii that wo havo purohosed tho putont of "Tlio ItlttlaGlnnt GrubblnK Maotilnu," and that wo ore now prepared to mpply nny numbor nf them at a very rewonablo prlco. Tho sub. (olnnd toattmonfals of tho mi por lor qualities of these machlnoa nud tholr .cotuparativo oiieapnoss snouKi rccouiotiaMitneiii to all those iloslrous orclenriuu otfland nt but tri tllntr exnciuo, For further ptrllculnrH nppl v to l'mnk Cooper or Wiu. Delauny, Halem, or Albert Urlgga, Solo. h'cio, Mnrch 10.h, 1377. Thla Is certify that wo have used (,Tho Lit. tlo UlantUrubuluir Mochlne" and found it superior to anything of tho kind overuud lu this part of the country: Preston Muukors, Win Ireland, Henry Isley, J S Morris, A mvls, J 11 Irvlno Kltaldwln. llKnrliiM. Houry T Haro. Wo tho underdznod havo soen "tho Llttlo Glaut Grnbblnj: Mpohlne" work and oau assure the publlothat ttla the best midline of tho kind wo havo over fpn worklnt;. M Aloxandor, O W Hamilton, J O Johnson, Peter Smith. J M Drown, Win H MoKutabt, P Dllyeu. D P X'ason. J?cio, May 23th 1S77. P. O. aULLXVASi', ATTORNEY AT LAW OrElU HOUSK, SALEM. K. comer, at head of itatw. fcijj 8. TIPI.K, MlflT-fll'W. UC''1I vmxu -M.1 I ft Qt C O. 1). fllP .Tlinln.llnn all t..... ...l 51'; tawW; Wrlijorcitaloiuer-AdiM UrcM W ealern una Works. Mtubuijr, P, Plows! CO. Iron and Wood Beam Single FLOWS. ntoM S-incIi (o 16-itfc!i. 'VisS THE., not crack, peel or dialk off, lirllilancy ol color It Is jSl X3XVj3lXj. quantity by OREGON. iuay2tf Carminative For Diarrlicea and Dysontery uso nr. Jnyno'M Carminative Ilnl.imn. Ah cliangoa of cllnmto or water, nnd iii illscrotloiiH In eating oftou prodiioo thosocompla!r)ts,travolorsnndotl)ors Bhould always kcop n bottlo of this remedy by thorn. It novor falls to Biibduo tho most violent attacks, nnd It Is equally scrvlccablo for Crampa In tho Stomach or Dowels, Griping Pains, Ac. For Cholera Morbus, Cliolnra In fantum ami ColIC USO Dr. Jnyno'M Carminative Ilnloam. Ifromovci nil Boronoss of tho nhdomcu, nlloys tho irritation and calms tho action of tho Stomach. It may always bo rolled on to glvo immcdlato rollof, and bosldos being effectual, Is a pleasant nnd safe remedy, easily ad nilnlstored to children. For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowel Affections uso promptly Br. Jayno'a CnrmlnatUo Balaam. It chocks tho Diarrhoea, suppresses tho Cramps which gonorally accompany nttacks of Cholorn, and conquora tho dlseaso In Its Inclploney. It lias frequently boon administered lu neighborhoods whoro tho Cholera has boen raging epidemically, nnd it lias seldom failed to glvo" liuuiodinto and permanent rollof. Tho Carmin ative has maintained Its reputation, ns n Curative for nearly forty years, Is equally effectlvo in nil laYtiulej, and as a Standard Household P.omo dy, should bo kept in overy family. T. A. DAVIS Jb CO..JVho!ojslo Asents. Portland 0r2on nr.llaj The Light-draught Steamer CITY OF SALEM Wilt LEAVE PACiriO WlUCF, Portland, for Salem, and Intsnacdtato Poh.ts, On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. At 0 o'clock A. M. The Light (Irani: lit Stcnmer OHXO Will raako Trip to tho upper River. IT. B. SCOTT & CO. Z. J. HATCH, General JUndjtr. U17 J. A. STKATTOX, Attorney at Law. SALEM. OREGON. Oak oa 8Ut StrcetJoproUe the Bennett Hotu 'if- J