WILLAMETTE FARMER. 5 . M , . BiW &$ m? Notice of ltallroad Meotiiijj. Tboro will bn ft meeting at Amity, Yam bill Co., ou thoOtb day of Oafobor, 187T. nt 10 o'clock n. in., tor tlio purpose of taking into consideration (bo building of- i nnirnw guatro railroad from lnvton, by way of Am ity, Hi oad Moat! nnd Mill Creek, to Grand Itond, with a branch lino to tMllos, In l'olk county. MANY CiriSKNS. Sensiblo Advico. You nrc nslsed every Hay Ihrotiqtt ilio rot urns of newspaper and by your IniRs:lHt 10 uso something 'or Dj-spep-Uand Liwir Com plaint Unit jiti know uo.htug about, ytui f;ot discouraged spaiuUm inntity wpb. but Ittlo sti'ieAss. M v.7 o tjlrn yn I m'M'ictury pr--of that (?tu;i:'M Avoi'-T 1'iiAvn; will curojotiof Dyspepsia and t.ilv--r Complaint with nil is rllccii', surh ft-i Sour siotuivli, Sick Headache, Habitual C!otivtiiHs, palpi fn'.lon of tbo Hoar., Heartburn, V.'ater-tirash Fullness nt tbo pit of tho Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue, Coining up of food after eating, low spirits, Vc, wo nsk you to gotoyour Uruggtsr and got u S.unplo Hottlo of Clnnr.N's Mi oust Frwi:ii fur 10 cents and try It, orn ItcgularSizo lor 75 cents, two doos will re llovo you, X-jCyjrvtt'ea Xiifo XJoIebcxxml. Asaconquororof Khoumatism. Gout. Neu ralgia, iiud euro lorSoroltilnnnd nil diseases arising from impurity of blood, tbo old mid rollablo Family .ut.-uicine, jiymr J.'je un sam, stands ttnupiuled, an proven by over iiOO.liOD treat curss during llm rst CO yearn. Is n rodtonl v-n-trtMo Compound ofSais'ipi rilla, Dock, GuhIiioiiiii, itet and a permanent euro. Hold by h!1 druguMu and country grocers. Talcii nnthln;; el"e, and If I Iny haven't It wo sand bv iciprois, hoard, "verr whern, nt 01 aud St M per liottlv: Si 00 and 50.60 liHir do. II VATT A H Vatt, 'MH Urund St., Now York. EVEHYBGBY Rich or Poor. THE MATCHLESS FIRE LIGHTER ! Orders for the Matchlkb Finn Licihtbii aro coming In thick and fnot, and thoy glvo general satisfaction. Llgbtsyoitr ampor gas without tbo uso of a match. Will ln.stallfo tnuo. Just tho thing for calipers or travel brs. Price 75 cents. Address H. II. ITALLOCK, General Agont, Salem, Oregon. JOHN W. OAIU1.1KII. IrBAEL W. (URIINEII. GARDNER BROTHERS, ttllOI.EMI.C AMI 11KTAII. Dealers in Pianos, Organs, St-IHK'L' MUSIC, And Musloal Korclutudlso. No. MM Sin IMbhi St , Totter' Week, OAKLAND. CAL. OrlwoliP lllorUt "'Stfl HAMiJl- For Sale. 3 Of ACIIIW OK VIMllRIt LAND, BAW-MIDL. ii i UlickfOTllh8ho:i thriu hnutc. luptuiup, roarjoKo mu.u.. oiinsicti m ..- u.u, m ijinu rnnniv. Term ny -lulf caili. tiaiaiico on time. Tlllugood For laitlicr pnrllcul.iri. nitdu-ia an2lx2 CtiCflur, l.nnc county, Or. A. L. STiFSOW, Book and Job Printer, Wl JBoollliulex, Holman's Black, Old Senate Chaui her. 3nlrm. lOB-a. 1077. The Only Strictly Wiolesnlo Drug House In Oregon. T. A, DAVIS & CO., 71 front Street, HOllTLANU, ORliGON, o YFSll TO Till: DItUO AND OENUtAL 1IEH- cbauillcu trade a coinplvio lonracui oi Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture, end Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all Ucn sail quMltlv. YHITE LEAD, Of 11 tho loading brand, la tins and l:cg, COLORS, IN CANS and DRY. Putty, Lampblttok, Rod Load, Gluo. VARNISHES, Inclcillus tho Cnct brandu for Coach raln'.eta' nte. Faint, Whitewash, nnrl Varnish Brasher, LINSKIJI) OIL, In harreli end can. Turpentine! Coal Oils, Castor Oil, Lard Oil, Xeat's'foot OU, Fish Oil. AlCOllOl, In barrel and catt., llluo VUrlo!, Sulpliur, CnNflie Soap, Concfiii lilted Syc, I'OftlNtl. 331ttor xxlX 3g.1yic3iB. Quicksilver and Stryohnino. In Quart, UairGallou. One-iallon, and Fivc-Gillon Can and l)arrel, tic . etc. We are Accata fur Oregon and WaiMsgtoa Terri tory for THE AVERILL PAINT, T11K BES1' MIXED PALNT IN USE for lialllpfkrdt'i rbo If M.rprio. HaVrlre'a hbftp eatb n.1 Mjul rtl rsun, and and Jajnc'a hruirltt ry llcdklnrs. rW" We bur oir cood from fir t hand , tbo en. abltnen to compete with any market un the Co&it. a a compartion of onr price will prove. ui)9 SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES! For Old and Young. Far-Sighted and Near-Sighted, 8bootlnsG!ftaea for Sportsmen. STEEL. SILVER, AND GOLD FKAMES. I AM preptred to aopply Bp;eUcW to fit aU eyc.,al i.rici'4 to Ult. . M1TI'" V Jeweler OptUlan, Hank llloct, bUte St. 8a!em, May 19. 1878. tn BPQ2LSD GRAIIi. TuiuiKn's, Sept. 10, 1S77. It Ir no v obtain that a ronsldurablo amount of tbo Into grain In this county I t-o much Injured that it will not go Into ibioipn market. It It iimoIohs to scold and frut about It, or toviy what might hayo bin done to Mve properly, all tbo grcln hero. A w!c rour'n now to pursuit, Ih, to tnUo nil h'jch ditunpcd rjr.iln, tbu sorocnlngs end talllncs Irutn tho machine, nil soiwo of regular oit, anil mix Hit wholo tog"thpr, nut have It choppdl for ilmiit Teo.1. Tiro run or fcintill b'triij m now tlptfuJ In the b-i'oaiot.t s'.ory of iIim Asrlrnltur.il worka In ''alfltn, forchopplnRfciu'Ii fi't'd, and no doubt tl'cro will (in ntlu-r phots cr mlll:i whoro stirb tiilxlnro can bo cihnpp"it. Our hlw I -I'd .lust such frd and ahoiild liavo I:. Thl4 idinpplnvc will ho Krlnd up tbo wild calM, as to provfut Us prowl)), pasiuj lnim tbo t.toumr.liA of our iJomestio anhnala. 11 v this nieins no good, whcit phould oroupbt to bo gmuudupfor for s'ock and fued. Abund ant ah our cropH nro, yot tho unprcrodent ralim for a month past, will greatly los!en tho amount of our grain for BlilpniMit. 11. II. O. I'OU THS OREGON STAtL TA1R. Asituvxn, Sopt. 20, 1S77. Iezpect to Ioaio hero, Oat. 1st, for tho talo Kalr, nnd will tako with mo Whlto Prince, Prtdo of Porcbonnd 'O." Tbo latter I m a lull blood vearllnc colt, nud sold to Mr. Ttninor, of Hppnor, Umatilla county fur SI. '200, to bo dullvnrod at tho Frflr.iind l.coti a Ifi blood, yoirllnu colt dark Iron cray.. noil anil iiiiv loul, Wlillo nw, uortunsc, aud colt, and K!ie. n S-vrnr old flilv. Mr. I). Cliaptnin, orthls piano, lmiur, year - old ; blor.d of good Ktylo, lino Rctlou aid goon iiotio unit no will probably lakn down i with me. My stook hai bnon at work uiot of tho llmo during tho Summer and aro not over loaded with aurplUH llosh,as I do not think ltadvhtabio to kcop htock animals In too huge condition W. O. Mykii. TO THE 1'RIENDS OF EQUAL UIUHXS, Letni mnlto ono moro appeal In bohalfof tbo propoRod Hlxteenth Amendment. Almost everybody attends tho State Fair. Wo aro making arrangomonts for canvassing for slg natureaon that occasion, but It will tnuo ready hand nnd willing hearts to do tho do Mroil work. SuifragomootlngH will behtld on tho ground b olloti as practicable Blank petlllons will bo dlhtrlbuird dally to all or any persons who will devotonn houroriuoro e.i cli day to tbo work. This plan. If success fully cnrrlmi out, will nrratly fiicllitato time and labor In pnsiilng fjrward thW much tic plrod work. Como, friends, rally to tho work or Justice aud right, II. A. Loitnirvnv. PresiilHiu O. S. W. S). A. Ainlty, Soptetnber lfi, 1877. A Provide nttnl Tcaapo. Ono day lait week Thomas Poineroy, r.-on ot a now corner, living on tho Santlam a chorl dlitai:co be.tond Mchama, mot with a Providential rcipo from almnvt instant death. I In was riding on linrfoback through n ilyld of oiik grutm Hint lmd recently been cut, wiieii the animal becnmri rostlvo and throw him, His foot caught In tho etlrtip, and tho filglileuod animal daubed off drag lug his liiipU-ws victim through thogrubi .ntnnton rods baloro ho waa torn looo. Young Pomerov'i lltisli was literally pound id to a massnf Jully buthlgularto relatn his bead rocapod Injury and not a 8lngo bona whs bmkeu. Truly a marveloua and Provi dcullultsuiipu. Silver Wmldlng. A few of tbo mauy friends of Mr. anfl Mm, O. DlckliiMin HRMnmblod at their rerldeuen hstSiitiirday night, tbo Sil iimt., to nanlnt them In eolebratluK tho Sfith annlvrrfftry of tneir weiuung uay. rno proscnm worn pre sented In a neat tuMrotm by Judgo It. P. Ilolsn and racutvod In annroirlAto terms by Mr. 1) cklusnii. After wbloh a bnuntllu) eola tion wan M)rv6d. aud tho rest of tho evening was apont in Kocial chat until tho proper hour for retiring, whon llio vIhIioh p.irtod from the "ancient bride and groom" In duo form, with ninny wMios for their future happiness and proaporlty. An Iuvltntion Estondod. Wo learn that tho olllcora of tho Stato Ag- tlciilliirai nclpty Havo oxtonued an Invita tion to General w.T. Shorman to bo present at i ho coming Stato Fair. Ah tho Ucneral will probably bo In Oregon during that week it Is Ntrongly po'slulo that tho invita tion will bo accop'.od. If so, tbo wholo val ley will urn out en mas8n; men, women, and children to grett tho horoof tho Urvnt Hebclion. Woatber Prohabllltlov. Tlila morning found Salem lu tho mhhtof a pitlies rain storm, doubtless tbo rqulnoo tlal, Hinl with ovory ludlcatlon of ItH contin uing for a week or moro. It Is rouirh on tbo furinors, rough on tho Hlllbboro Fair, but bully for ntenmboat men who wont water to run their largo Bteamcra between Ilarrlsburg aim I'ortianu. i no iieavy storm ai tins umo plvos token of fair woatlier State Fair week. However, Oregon weather la not a afo tliiiig to bet on at any time. Will Rebuild. Mr. Charlos K. Stowart will cnminon'o ImmfdlAtcly to trar dowu tho shell lately on cupled by T, II. Walt as a grain and food Htoro, on Commercial Htrcet, and put up In its place a nont ono atory brick. If Mr, Andrew Kelly would Join teams with Mr, Stewart and erect a brick blacksmith uhopon the site of his presont one, it would Improve that part of ou? principal thoroughfare, won derfully. Tnkon Down. Deputy Warden, Joseph Osborne, of tho Penitentiary, look an Innnno convict lj' tlie namo of Stephen Cardlll' to tho asylum yes torday. Cardlfl was nerving out a teroi lor larceny cmnlttpd in Multnomah county up wards of a year ago. let tho People Hejoico, For the bountiful harvest of 1877 has now placod in tbo hands ot tho people tho golden coin, that Ihey may lleo to W.P.Johnson fc Co. and hecuroauch picture as will please them and their frlenda. and bo a blrsslna to ueueratlnna lornme. Iloinembar tbo plsce, oyer Willis' Ilookstoro, Stato St.,Sdiom. Or. GOOD BYDIPPEP.. Tlio lircaklng upof tho constellation of tliu"DIppor" Is prophesied In nn article by Professor Itloliurd A. Proctor. The Professor llnds logical reasons for his be lief In tho motions of the fttnra compos ing; the constellations, nnd illustrates tlies-G with careful diagrams of his own. In ono map of tho "Dipper" Is fchown ns it wiis 100.000 yen ran go, und In another as it will be lOO.OQU yturs hence. Five of the Kevcii stars, tlie Profefcsor claims, form ono family and travel together, hut tho other two huvo distinct motions of their own, and nro blowly drlftlngout of their relative positions In the "Dipper." THE GAMBLING LAW. Wo havo been requested by qullo a num ber of our road era to print tho Act to provont and punish gambling ns pa.ssd bylholast JioglMnttmi. As tho tltuo for tho Stat,) Fair approach It U well onough for everybody tohnwitho law upoimhW oubject within reach. ' ' Tin: Act. lie it enacted h;j the Legislative .lucinbly of the. Stale of Oitganl t)i:crtoN 1. Kiiuli and evary person who ehalldeal, pHy, oroirry on, open oroiu"o to ba optnul, oruhowiall rotidiu", eltbor mmvptr, p oi -rioter or employe, whether fjrhlrocr no', any gune nr hro, inoiuo, rottlctto, rcukti t'l nulrt )atiqutitii, rondo, vingt-un ("jrlwenty-nnOi poker, draw tioker, brag, blutf, ih.xff, or any OHiikinit oraiiy otbor iramu playt d with cards, dlo, or any other dovlfyvviifHierthof-amsbo played for money chruks rreiilts or any other ropinvenlBtlvo of value, shull ha Kiilltv or u mlsilenaunr, and iinon ennvlotlon tuereof, shall bo pun lhpit bvnllnn of not more tbnn tlvo hun dred diillflT- (f00) an J tball bo Itnprlsouhd In oountr kill until snob flooaud co'ls arn nnid: Provided, that fcuch person so convicted Khali bo Imprisoned otio day for otory two dol lars nfeiieh lino nnd costs; And provided lurtber, Hint sticli imprisonment Khali not exceed uno , nar. i Hvc. 'J. All ole,bll.-, bond?, mortgages or otbor wcuritlc", or other rnnvoynncos tho coticlddnition fur which shall bo mnnoy, or other tiling of valiiH, won by playing at tiny of cild I'fttncH, atiall livvolil and of m ttl' ot as uctwren mo pmioi 'to i mum aim mi otlir rhOiiv, except hnldar In cnod f.ilth, without nutlet, of tho Ulegulliy of muvIi con- tract or convpvanoo. ' , hr.o !l All persona losing ninney or nnv thing of v.iltto on any of sxitl gsnies, aball haoacaiiHoof action to recover from tho denier or player winning tho ostne, or pro prietor for whoso bonetlt such pamo wao pi a j ed or dnalt, or such money or thing of value won, twieo the amount of tho money, or double tho value of tho thing so lost. Sec. 4. All pontons who shall letorront any house, room, shop or otbor building whatsoever, or any boat, booth, gsrdon or other place, knowing that the samo will bo tisod for gambling purposes, or having rea son to bliove that .suoh building or other placo above montlonod will be ho uaed, shall i'jrelt twice the amount of tho rent of suoh building or otbor placo aforesstd, for six inonthp, to bo recovered by action at law, Instituted by tbe District Attorney in the name of tho State. All contracts for the rent of the rooms, bulldlngx, or places aforesaid, for tho purpoHca aforesaid, shall bo void anil oi no clt'ec between the pirtlcs. Sr.c (. It shall bo iatlul for any person lotting or renting any house, room, shop, or oiner illuming wwnwovor, oi any uoai, booth, gardou, or oilier pl.ico whleli shall at any time bo used bytlioieseo or occupant I horoof, or Miy othnr person, with his ktiowledgo or couaeut, for .-ambllug ptirpo sen, upbu dlsoovuiy thereof, to avoid and tormlnato ouch hasn or contract of occu pancy, and to recover liumoilltto possa-don ofoaltl boU, building or otbor plnco above mentioned, bv nn action at law for that tiur- now, In be brought Imfowaiiy .tusllcnof tho t'eaco of tho county in which tuch use shall bo permitted. S:o (I. Anv person who shall sutler or pot m It any of tho acts or things forbidden by, or mado piiulshabto by this Act, to bo do no or osrrlod on In any liouso, room, shop, or other building whatsoever, or any boat, booth, garden or other placo of wbloh bo Ih tho owner, or to tho posesslon of whloli hnlsontliled undorthls Act, shsll bo guilty of a iiilsdoae-iuor, and upon conviction thereof, cliall bo punished by. flua of not moro than live hundred dollars tMS.) and bo Impris oned lu tho county jail until sush lino Is paid at tho ratu or two dollars pur day. Si:o. 7. It ahull bo the eKiwoial duty of each District Attoruoy, Shorlll', Constable, City or Town Marshal and Pol loo Otllcur, to Inform against and diligently prosecute any aud all portons whom they shnll havo rea sonable cause to bellnvn entity of n violation of llio provisions of this Act. Si:n. 8. Any olllcor numed In tboprocod lug minimi who ntiall refuse or wilfully neg lect to Inform HgultibUnd proseculo ollendnrH against this Act, f-hall bo deemed guilty of u mlsdemimuor. and on conviction, shall be punthhod by a lino of not loss than lllty (f0,) nor moro man nvo iiumirnutioiiars (Sotxi.) and the onurt beforo whloli suoh o 111 cor shall ba tried, slnil d clarotho nfllco or appoint ment bold I) j" such o Ulcer vacant for tho bal ance of his term. Skc. 0. No jterson, otherwise, competent as n witness minor mo laws nt turn aiaie, shsll bodhqualltled from testifying as such coticeriilug tho otl'dtiscH mentioned lu this Act mi tho urniind that his testimony mav orlinlnnte himself. Such testimony shall bo reduced tn writing, and no indictment or prosecution shnll afterwards bo brought agniiiBt him for tho particular otlnnso con. cernluir which ho testitled us a wltnoss. Si:o. 10. If anv person who shsll havo been summoned as a wltnoss on tbo part of too prosocutlon, shall ran or reiuso to attend at tbo llmo ilxod for trial, without a reason ablo excuse, the person so falling or nogleot luir. shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemean or, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a lino or not less than lllty (Ml nor moro than two hundred dollars (100,) or by Imprisonment In tho county Jail not loss than twenty live (25) days, nor moro tiiau inreo vJ mouius,ar ny mi'ii sucu line and Imprlbutiuieut, lu tho discretion of the court. So 11. All Anns and forfeiture under the provisions of this Aot, Mull bo recovor -il by an action nt law, to bo brought lu tho namo of the Statu nt Oregon, and all suoh llii6s and forfeb uras, exnept costs, shall ba paid into tlm County Treasury and const! into 11 part of tho school fund. Si:c. IS. Chapter nine (IX,)orTltlo two (II ) of tho Goiitiral Itws of Oregon (us com piUd uudsr the provisions of an Act Hp proved Oclobfrliil, 1672.) enlltlnd "An Act to prevent and piiulsh gambling," apirovcd O.'iobor'iStb. IS', Is hereby repealed. Sic. 13. Inastnncii as thore Is no suftlclot t law now In forro for tboprovontlouand pun Isliiucnt of gambling, this Ant ntiall take (ll'wit and be lu force from aud after its ap proval by the Governor. Approved October 20 h, 1870. CnllfurniA Muthodlst Appointiueuts. Tbo Meihoillst Kplssopal Coufernnco for the State of California, concluded its labors at Oiklsnd n ftiw dsvs ago. Among tho list of appointments nwdo we nbervthu names of it.o lollowiiig mlnUUr, who at ono lime slid another were resldenisof this Slates lUv. J. II. Wvihe hat bfrtii appoluied presiding slderof'Sui Francisco district; ltev. J. W, .VJcl'beoters, uppointed pastor at WaUcn vlllei Itev. A. O. MoDouuall, Poach Tree cir cuit ; Itv. It. lifltitley. First M. K. Church. Oakland; Itv. J. II, Wythe, Jr., Centennial Chureb, Oakland. A Pleasant Surprise;. Mr. Joseph Cooke was agreeably surprised by tbeappwanco In his work shop this morning, of a brothor Just from tbe States, that be had not seen for 20 years. The sur prise was couiple'e as Mr. Cooke had not had tbe slightest intimation of hi brother bur iojr loft the "whlto tettlemonts," GOOD CANVASS SUB WANTED. Wo wl9h to tnako a thorough cnnvas In tho mtorot of tills paper through tbla Stalo and Washluglon Territory, and would llko to havo, after harvest, or dining (ho winter, eotl.e canvapeois In oaoh county, and if pos 8lbio In oitch proolnct. n... j. Hoduotion I r.vJo.Li Itr-TAILKD AT Whoiosalo Prices Vs iei"t a AUi VUUU My Stock oinMa'a of SHELF and HUILD- KHS' llatdwar", Mechanics' Tools, Shovels. NaIN, ltoo, etc. fWml cor. Staik & front ftK., I'OlttldANn Pnurri l.iiiwniifdliwllp hillloHlatJ',ilfrt. .Ksldltnp V.t M-iiBr tOJ r.ruuuf nt mt tor im-iu. a.Ul.. K. IICANrACIU :,l,Ul lluuit SI., tlLcluoU, o. JOHN GRAY, Forru'ily la Durlln'a IHacV, lin Jttt opcnnl a Largo and complete Sloi-U of Carpets, Oilcloths, Mailings Houso - Furnialiine Gooda. Next to Ualrymplo t llrown, STAHKKY'S 1ILOCK, - - N.VI.KI. Oil. WttlCIt WII.I. lit fOLl) AT Lowest Cash Rates! FCp'hlf $2500 A V HA 11. Agent wanted, llucl-nrwtoKlltnititn.rni-tlciiliinirrt-u. ajjnm j iron co , rt ui. w Ttio Ailluinii No. or Vlcli's 1'Ioral Olllitc rnntnltilnt.. lri"rlttcins of Il.i:rlmlii, Tiillpr, l.lller, nt.il nil Itulln ntnl Seisli for am. I'i.antino In llm Hir ilea, nnt for WisTr.n I'i.owkih Iii.IIio llouoo Jnrt IMllill.lKi!. einl shtiI Iro In ill, 'ndii-ns, n-JlHl J inills VirtC, ttoolir-lor. V V WOOD PUMPS. Tito Ilcst ami Most Improved rumps now to I'M). They are ciiKArmt and moro ntniAiit.i: than anv stylo ol Chilli Pump or wator drawer Every man who has had expe rience In tho ditrerent wsys ol drawing water knows thoro Is no way so Cheap, DuTuliie, Convenient, and froo from Imparting un healthy elements ns tho plain wood numn. Thoy aro taklmr tbe'nlaco of all oilier means ol raising water for domesilo pur poses, or for JIAUN or S lOOIv WKIiLH. Water 1'lpo and Have SpoutB We uiHnufaiiture 1'ipn nf va rlous sizes for ooiiveylng wn ter from xprlngs, btresms, ,Vc. It U cheap, but stibstsntlal. For further particulars, apply to or address cSlm? A. I'UKHCOTT, finlrm. Or. 3Pia."tolo Sale or THOROUGHBRED IOl'I'I'.tt. at pnlilln rale, in S lih'licit bidder, part or uiy herd of TllOItOimilllllKII Shorthorn & Devon Cattle. r Tills sain will tsko plarn atthoCa Sheds on tho STATU FA III OHOUND3, 'nttlo 011 TlluItHDAY or Fair week, at 11 a. 111. 1 will then olfrr about thirty iiead nf Tlioronglibreil Hulls, Cows, and Heifers I'orcAHi. or II mruilli' llmo mi 10 per runt. Mcri'M, with approved ecurlty. TliU will clv-i Ukuo who wl.li to avail tliinii-lvi-H of It an oppurlunpy 10 buy, auc Iiayo until thoy can raUo ami inatkul nnoilur i-roo licfuro payment U renuln-d. vtr run vArn.K 117.. : ox tiik paw (IHOVS'D during Knlr week, when any liifurumtloii with nfiit-nco to pedigree will lio ulvwi. Ki'JlH.l (I W, Dl.lIKltC. I oifor for ealo French, Spanlsli, ai:l American Tlioroiicli'torocl MERINO SHEEP. ALSO Cotswolda ani Now Oxford shiro3 All. PrnnK di rli'ir to Improvo llieir flock from the abovu bieeds, or In procure ltt'ili tlmia hWKS fr.niuliu rj-ini. iifo Invited lu call and fomlnu my tPs.k. at my fjim. four uillc rouih 1 f ll l.t, s. For Sale ! THE PINR HKfUUBNOE corner of Commcr- Mil rial nnd Dlvlrlon meet, In desirable (11011011, !! ulid houruNre. well Unlrhed. and convenient. r arraninil. and Bio.iud talefully ornameutctl. Will bi) sold vory low and ou accouaiCKjatlag terms. Apply w rouSl I'atton't Illock Statu bt.. bAi.ru. OK. K. V. VIIAMB, BIIRYBT l.t. Col., latcBonceon U.B. Volaatwr, OuIm. JjuiMuV block, uu rUlr. ttTf ISIEBWI1I siipe WM FALL PLANTING, gvji j -ttFOR THE HOUSE. iwi WT I "llwarfK 01t,tioxa.. In tho County Conrt of tin) Hlnto of Oregon for tho Co'intvof Mn'lon. In the matter of the Kstato or A, F, Waller, deer eed, To Klpplit Wsller. U. II. Hall, Mtiry It. Hall O. O. Mutton, ,T, li. Mrnttnti. O. A. Wnll.-r, K. J. Wolltr, U. I.. O. Wnller, nnd (HIcoaTilibetts, cunrllnn ot 1'. L. O. Waller, and all unknown liclrsof A. i Waller deccaird. IN thonsmoof the Slate nf Orceon: Ymi nnd each of )oil nro hcu-liy cited nnd required to appear befiitu llio nhove t'nnicit conft, nt tho Court IIoufo lniUlcr.i, In ?. -ild Mirlon county, "t. ulbvcu o'ctocfc a. m.. mi tho MMh da) or Uclolier. 18", tliea nnd tlicro In fhn.v citue. If nnv 1 iit. why an orrier (ho'ild not Im tan do hy fsld Court, nnthorir.iiig ). A. Mrntto'n, llio administrator thercor, to fell the roll trtto of mid ilectilenl lor Urn payment of tho chnicc. ex- liviin-d in nuniini'iraiiiiii, una riaim nginifi rum I'.inte, as pi'lltionid for by said nditilnlstraler. Bald rnl i-flato l lioniidcd nud ilcrcrlhcil ns follinv . to wit; A pirt or liotiiilon cUlm No .111, Nntlllcailou . 77. In T. 7 H. t. :i W. of Wlll.imelta niorldlau, boiindi'd liy lit-); I mil ml' on the toutli lino of tnu county riMil li-iildiK' larlnrly from tho last end or Stato strct, la Suletn. 1 a.lnn rnitnty, Orej-on, at a po.nt S. 70 lie ! irln. K. M.Wl rUalni" ftoin whero Iho fontli lino nf uhl county mini Intersects the West himiidnry or the tltm.ithm l.ni d rlalm or A. 1. Wnl ler nnd Kli'iilm Waller tils wife, ana rntinliig thenco tf. In dec. .10 inln. W. r.-l chains, mnru ortes. to Inter reel n duo e.irl and wilt lino iPitilltn; ?nld claim Into tnu cuiiiil part; tlieireinrl inxicliati.innrcortesa to Ituirsrct ttiu eas'eui boundary lino or nrnrtnln tract ot land deeded by A. V. Waller and Klepha Waller hi wile, in cthbcl II, Wnllu", by dent ilatul tho 'JHIi day of l.itnary. lM-ti. nnd record ed In Marlon county records. Hook of lleeds. lo'timo No. I. on 11.11:0 lili : thnico N. l't ilrc imln.K. along fntd Iat lncmloued line, about 8li BO rh.-ilim to inc rotiiu nno oi pauicoumy roan, intncu .tuiicr m tain. S,nlouj'ho poulh line or eald county road to iho pllco el becliinliig, and nil sllualn In, Marlon county. Unvon. This illallon la ruMltlicd id tho Wit.i.Mrrtii Kaummi, by order of tho catd court, undo tH'pU'mbtr Mil, 1677. , ,i.m.i, u. 1 r.i.nuiio, wuiiif or.iice. tialwn.Orriiin. 'cpl.MHTT. ' aim In tho County Cotiit ol llio Statu of Oregon for tho County of Marlon, lu the matter of tho Ktato of .tatnr Itlckey, decea ed. .Iiimes M. Utckey, Admlntttrnlor. To Henry Itlckey, Thomas II. ltlckoy. James M. Itickey, and nil unknowii In Irs or said dccidcnt; nnd all pcrtons Intcrcttist In snld lXntc. In tho nmno of tho Stato of Oregon ; YOU ard cacti of you, ars hereby cited and re-quln-d to appear uotoro Iho ahne named Court, at the Court House I Halcm. In said Marlon county, at 1 o'clock p. m. en tbo fill day or October, A. I). lSTl, to then and thero show ratiro. If any ex-rt. why an order should not bo mado by raid Court authorla nij sal it Administrator to sell llio Heal kstate or sabl decedent for tlu-pa ymeiil or tlio admlnUtratlon. rhares and claim nulit said Estate, aa petitioned for by said admlnlf trator. tnld rusl estato Is desctUs-i-il a fol'oiv" to wit! A part or tho IlotiAtloa (.and Claim or fld Jame ltlekey and wire. In T. 7 8. It. 3 W. and In T. H H It. 3 W: llrclnnlnit at tlm S. W. corni r or Claim 01, and Iho H. K. comer ( f Claim M, In T H. it 3 IS', and ruunlnitthencaN.Odrg. 13 mln. W. , CO chains: thriicn N. Kldi-if. aimln. II. 80 80 chains; thcticn N. 4 (lf. tl mln. V, 1.41 chains; tlunco N -HiiK-p- M mln. K. 3H.13 chain: itaiico N. 71 dog 10 mln. K B.UI chains; thenen N. H drg. .11 inlriAV 4.f.0 clislns; thenro . 45 ilei?. 1 mln. It. 3.60 chain; thenco easterly to ltit rsret tliuiotitti linn of raid Claim Hi, nt n point S. 411 tie).'. 61 mill. K fl.OU chain from nn initio In raid south lino or raid claim SI; IbPiicoH .I3i1pl. M mln. W. Kl.Ctl rhalli to Iho pKi-ooi iiiKinniiiL', riiiiisiniiiKniiinii i-i ncrvr nuu ilist rervlcii r thh. etlattnti bo mado on nnn-lildent helm by iubllcalliui of Iho same la tli Wu r.AMKTm I'jiiiuhit. it wreklv iii-wmnn-r iinbtlshi-d at bilem. llretfoti.niicna week ror lour week mccesrlvely next ' iireci-iutigssiiiiiiiiiMy 01 iicioiht, ini, JOHN C. PUKilhUH, County .Tmlc. .Sslem., Hcpt. I 1.S7T. .'H.- Notice. In Iho ma'tcror Iho Ou.irillanshlpnr Kiward Ilon ll!Lam' Abred Doulllot, minor heir or AiiUilu Df Hint, decrncd TVToW. n'l tills day. Sfplnnborl. A. n. 1S77, cmno x 1. t mri.i irA, .-iin-uinii in rum iiinnir in-np. nud prerouttd III pci'ltlon prsjlni: forniumlT to sell lltu real ertaie 01 mm iniiiiirr 111 jiinriiui itinui,, wr-j iKoii, dorrrlheit III his said petition, and II appcnilHjr tnttioraltslaclloniif tho Court that It I necessary and rorllni best Interest or Ihu said minor tint tho sa'il real estate should b rnld. It Is l-ereby otdcred and decreed Hint tliu next or kin ol said ward, nnd all perron lulererted In sa'il mlatn, appear bctoro mo at tbo Court Houso In tbo city or Salem. In Marlon county, Oreciiti, 0:1 tho 1M1 day ofOctober, 1877, at tho hour hi 3 o'clock p, 111., and rlmw canto, If sny they hai e. why a llcensa rlioull not ho urauieil for llm talo or said estate. Hervli-e or Ihlsonli-r shall ho madoby publication la tho Wim.amsttr 1'AitMCir lor threa week sta-ccfrlvely befoiu raid nth day or (Irlcbcr, A.l). Ib77. JOHN O. l'HKIIMH, Comity Juduo, Marlon Co., Onvon. Hilcm. Hent 4. isn.. lw3 Notice la tlio matter of tlm (luardlaiirlilp nf Ilro W.tnlit, OrrWrlxhl, and Klla Wiliiht, minor heir ot Jo seph A. Wright, dctcAscd. NOW, on lhl sixth t'ny of Hcplomlier. A. D. 1877, i-dino It 1. It.inmhi, e 111 nil in or said minor heir, mini presented his petition praylni; forau mder in sell llio rial istalo or said minor In Clackamas county. Ori-Kim. dercrlbrd In hi raid pclltlon, and It appearing to tho rallrrnctlon or tho lomt that Ills iiecessn y nnd for tho hert IntiTi-.tnf tliu said minora that thu raid real islalo should ho sold, It I hereby oidered ml decreed lliat Ihu next or kin of raid want and ull perrnti liitorcrtcd In raid ertate appear bnfiiro me, at tlioioiirt-houru tn ihoclty o( Haliin, la Marlun county, Ori-uou, on Iho tSlh 1! iy of October, A. II. 1H77, ullliu hourof II o'cloika. in , and show caure, If any Ihey hue, why a license should nut bo grand d for Ihu ralo nf said ertato. Hervlcn or Hit order rhall bo inailo by publlcalhm In Ihu Wii.ijim kttk rAliucn rr three rucrcoliu iveiki prior to tho 13lh day of uciober, A. II. 1ST7. ' JOHN O. 1'BKIII.KH, sol Iiv3 Cotinly Jndiio of .Marlon county. Orepfii. Notloe of Final Sottloraout. In tho County Court of Iho Kta'a or Oregon for tho loiinty or Marlon, I.'itato or Hezcklali O. Dayton, deceased. I" KWI.4 C. DAYTON, admlslrlratoror said i-'late, J lit! hut thl day tiled hi final account, asklnit Ihtt lliusamo may ho allowid fur relllein.ini: there lore, all lierrou Intererti it aru luroby iinlllled that Ihocnurtli set tho htailiiK or said application for Monday, Ihu 11 fill diy or NnYcmher 1877. tit iho court lioiire iiiHaleui, In sddionuty, at It o'clock a, 111, of ruld day. when objection to raid nccouut (.If any ex ist) will U heard nnd determined. JOHN O. I'tiMILUS, County Judcc. Halcm Sept 18, 1S77. atwft JOHN G. WaiCrHT, Dealer tn FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobacco and Cigars,' CJOjI.lIKnCI.tL. KTIIUKT. Halem, Aplll 30, I87S. d.Vwtf oxi3E3a-03cr 233nL-3aroix )0!ltt F I I3nSXJ3F. Jh.JSr O 3ES COMPANY. Capital, $300,000.00 Assets, $568,547.45 Income, 1875, - 1465,904.29 Losses paid out since organiza tion, - - $1,137,367.50 HAMILTON BOYD, MANAGE!!. aujlf VI First HI.. PORTLAND. ll ! 3il: t I y yspsii 11 mwiiii 1 " "" -'' r" m- I, ; i. r