."V 'J-'WM iiiuv'uwmtiiftiiMi V1LXJAMETTE FARMER. I !, i h I i ifpusn evrnr rniDAT, st CIA-lJCIi: &J CKAIG, lTDM'KCIIS ANI I'ftUIIIttTORS. S. A. CliAKKE. 1). W. CKAHJ. TcriiiM of bitWrlUtloii. Ono eop7, one ywt (&S unsworn) Ono copy, his inoiitli2'i!iiiuiln'r) ... Ono coiiy. llirun month (IS number) Crn rfi ... C J.l l.as .7fi MAIjUM, F1UDAY, W;n'.28, IS7L THE LABOR aUF.5TIOZ7. A Into movomtint of unemployed wlilto InhorhiK men in Ran Francisco Is calculate! lo h:ivo Influonco nnd shows that fjreut good sonso directs tlie movo monts or thmo people. T hoy were to pnnulo In foroo through that city, for tho purpose of showing the merchants, manufacturer and employee.", what a Brent number of wlilto men nro out of work. They Intended iilso to present themselves to Hkho who employ Chi ncso labor ami offer to do thu same work for tlia money paid tlin Chinese. Such it course us this Is certain to meet with respectful consideration and will assist Breatly in IiicIucIiib employees to dlsjionso with .services of CIiIiiimo and replaco them with while persons. Wo notice frequent ap,ieals for 1m niiBration to our State and wo often hear tho ns-ertlon made that no person should come hero unless he has money to commence) work with. A few yenrs ago, boforo tho Chinese became ho mi inerotiH, Oregon wn.s tho paradise of tho poor man, and wo beliuvo that any man of health, strength, and energy, can still come among us and succeed as well, If not better, than elsewhere. The presence of so many Chinese anion:' us certainly has its influence on tho lul or quest ion, and tends to dis courage tho immigration of wlilto la borers. If wo pursue this course wo shall (o:i be dependent on Chinese in Htoad of they being dependent upon us. "Wo need laborers wlilto luborois and their families, and ft cannot be doubt- od that tho country will bo more pros perous with abundant labor that Is Ideutlllcd wltii tho .'-oil, than with ChiiiRyo who Invarlnbly intend to re turn to A"la us scion as their accumula tions aro fiulliclout. Tho Chinese 1111 an Important place nnd a roiiablo place, in the prosecution of our liiihistiieH. They iuivo no fam ilies hero to Interrupt thoir labors. They very s-eldom loso adaybutcon tlnuo at work with Utile bro.ik or In termission. They board themselves and aro easily provided for. They liavo nothing V( ' "l never waste Unto in dissipation, in fact: tho Chi naman comes nearer to beluga ma chine than whito laborers do or can, ami that makcsjiim available and u?o ml as a workman or servant. When wo weigh all tlioso considerations wo 11 ml tho Chluosd povscji much excel lonco iu a laboring element, against which wo must remember that thoy soon learn trader and monopoli.o thorn Instead of remaining our servants. Thoy certainly aro not deslrablo as cit rons and tliu.v prevent an inimlgni tlou of white lilxir that could become citizens. Thoro Is much lo complicate the question and make it a delicate ono to handle. Many persons In California aro slron uously working to not only prevent immigration of Chinese but to Induce those now hero to return. They do not expect to amend the treaty or secure legUlatlon hostile to Chinese Immigra tion, but they endeavor to dbrour.igo employment of Chinese, and work to ovorywhero substitute wlilto labor for Chiue.io labor. It Is to be hoped that they will Mitvei'd, fur at a lime when laborers cannot earn bread throughout a great portion uf the country It Is ne cessary for a milled oll'ort to provide tho means of support for thoe of our own race. Wc have no sympathy with those who despise and hate a Chinaman be cause ho iv a Chinaman, from mere pre judice of race, for long as wo could procure no other Suboi wo have recog nized that tho presence of Chineo was an advantage to the country, but now, when the labor of white men ha drug lu the maiket over a gie.it part of the nation, wo feel a ii.itural race sympa thy that desires to .see whites employ ed to the exclusion of Chinoe. ChSne-o have furnished us caeup labor at a time when wo greatly needed it and could not otherwNe pime-is It, and we recogul.o tho value in the past while wo doubt the expediency of encourag ing and employing Cnlncso labor among us to the oxc'.u-lon of white la bor in tho future. Now York, Sunt, tti Vim Sun Mynex Com t i oiler Connolly I now t!ili)lloly re waved not lo niuiui l Aiusilt Inmiy event. Dr. It, I. Tihll, tin fduih WiUorcura nlijalulan Mill lecturer, 1 tluul. Profits of Prune-Drying. C. T. Sottlo, ofSan Joso, Cab, Informs tho California Agricttllurht IbiU they tiavo this veason dried forly-llvo tons of fresh prunos lntoflftcon tons of very flno dried prunes, worth $130 nor ton. Thoco iorty-ilvo Ions nolo produced on about (on acres of land. Tho exponso of tho Broen fruit vfus $1,350, md tho dried piunos oro worth $1,200, leav ing a profit, excluding labor, oi $2 850. The costol gathering prunes Is less thnn any other fruit ctop. Straw or shoota aro spread under tbo trees, and tho prunes aro eunkon uir anil picked up Into locos ond token to innrkot or to tho dryor, at tho enso may bo, nt o losa cofct than bo muny pntalots nil ready dug. Tho market in tho Eisteru States Is good, and till (lis llnest, after supplying tbo homo innrkot, aro shipped in refrigerator Mrs Inn fresh state. Thoy keep no well that they may bo oyon transported In Rood ordor In ordinary oars. Tho Etstom mur kotfor driod prunes Is suppllod now by Huropo, from whoso ports Immeuso quanti ties nro shipped to Now York. AT THE " d B '' ' ' Tin: Qehman PnuNK. Vi'o recolvod eomo lliuo a co speolmons of Gorman pruno3 raided noar Portland, by Mr. P. 1 Bradford. Tho fruit Is not largo but Is excellent substanco and flavor, rathor dry moat and very pleas ant lo I ante, calculated to dry well and inako a very markotablo product. It sonnis to us to bo ono tbo best drying fruit wo have. Orchardlsts should not nofrlect It. DIED In Linn county, Oreiion, Sopt. Dili, 1877, Hllznunth Ellon, Bod 10 years, 8 month, and U days, dHiiKhtnr of A. D. and Sarah P. Gardnor, of Fox Valloy, end sinter of Mrs. L. .S.. Skill" ,of this city. Funeral services by Ilnv. John Ostrendor, burial servlcos nt Fox Valley eomolory, conducted under the honors of thoGranco. Tho young lady was known among hor assooiatos by tho namo of "Hlrd Gardnor," nnd was a gonoral favorite Hor own happy disposition had "won for bora host of appro olatlvofrlonds, who mourning hor loss on earth will think of hor as among thoaagols of Ood In Hon von, Com. OIMIRIIT This morning (WpJnnday).5A.M. In tlilt city, of typhoid rver, Kn-ilily, ouly child of AmlrnwT. nnd ilnrvflllbcrt. HL-citriVcurs nnd Umotithfl. f ho fitnernl service will bo liebl to-morrow nt 'J o'clock l'.M. from tlin ConRrcc.'itlonnl Church. Tho nmtiy friends nf Mr. nnd Mn. Clllhcrt will klnccrcly unrrow with lliom over tho dentil of tliulrtllllo ono, whoso loss to thorn cannot bo muxHiircd and ouly they can know, U U tho tlino orilier.illlng leaf. Wiii'n Hit, wlndK of iIih Autumn como, no roiiow inu nniniiit'r ot nio, ho unci, To cull nil I ho brlitlit tlilinii homo C. A. Itcim. Notary I'libllc. T, H. Co. KliSKSD & COX, Real Estate and Insurance AGENTS. Loans negotiated on Favorablo Tormo. Buy and Sell Gold and Silver, State, County, and Ci;y Warrants. A acuta for Hcctl'N Opcrn Ilooar. CVOnico. at tho corner of Hecd'e Opera llAnro, n-23 SALEM, Oil. Xyl NEW STEAM-SHIP LINE llBTWEHM San Franolsco and Portland. The P. C. S. S. Co. WIM. UKKEAVTKIt HUN A LINE 01' HTKAM hip rociiUtly, every Ao iity hot w ecu Han I'runclKo and I'ottlnml AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES, J. .11. .-iIcCICAKKN .V TO, AuciltM. MUSICAL NOTES. THE GARDNER BROTHERS AUK mTIIOLKSALK AND RKTAIL DHAl, orn in l'lanos, OrKHtiH, Shoot Music, Vio lins, Accoi'duoiis, UrtrinonlcHiis, and musli'iil uiorohniullso Konorully, Oakland, OdllfornU, Imvo rrcontly oKued a branch titoro In H.ilom, OrcKi' THE GARDNER BROTHERS Porboually uuiiorliitend thoir busliiosa in this Slate, us wll ns California, nnd will bo lroiuptlu iniikluKKOod nil contracts. IKE GARDNER BROTHERS liavo already sold neatly two hundred In btruuumtM In this Statu. THE GARDNER BROTHERS liavo four authorized PKcntH fellliu; frntu tlmirhonholiiililsiatt',to.ltt A 1, MOYIC, Alt.mvi C. II. SLACK Hud FKANIC 11. MAY,SiU'tii5 K. A. IIAIUD, KiujonoUlty. THE GiRDHER BROTHERS Piano Invo nlrf inly becomo a fvonto on tho Coast, It In nrndo osprolally for Urn trade, slid It ailsplml to tho ultuiatu on I tilt Const, and for renmlnliiR In tuiio. In its adaptation to thu lurlor thoro is nono hotter. THE GARDNER BROTHERS Urtvou'vcrftl (llll'oront uianuftietiiro of Or ttiutx, Klvlnt: tho publlo a variety to fco'ect ironi. THE GARDNER BROTHERS llnvn tUst-cUs tunor In fielr employ. All oiilort mieiiiltil lo by addresilnit Gardnor Ilrothers, Steni, Oregon. THE GARDNER BROTHERS Givo a KUHnnteflfor flvoyoni, for all Pianos and Organs, If doaircd. THE GARDNER BROTHERS Pay their employee n salary, not a commis sion. THE GARDNER IROTHERS Would s'ti, in anawor to mtny Inquiries, that their ltranoli Houso iu Buletii is a rr mAueut iustitutlou. s"5tt SS-fii2a.5L 532., WILL HAVE Fresh Bread EVERY MORNING, Fresh. Pies and. Cakes EVERY DAY, Q r s t e r s AND ICE-CREAM ! p3 Don't forgot tho uumbor of tbo Stand, and bosuro loglvo u? a call, nnd wo will treat you flrHt rnt'e. HAWIEY, DODB & CO., IPoi'tlmiil, Oregon, Offer for Sale, at tho Lovfrest Poeeible Pricoo, -a Full Line of AGRICULTTJ RAL IMPLEMENT, WE ARE SOLE AGENTS JTOR TUE CKLEllRATED Pure - Blooded FRENCH JPov Sale At the Fail Grounds RAMS AND EWES, From tho noted Flock of Mrs. 11. Bla cow, Contorvlllo, Alameda county, Oitllfornla. m& mwwwTBg? Af s3vzr t? C33P M'IIMl. TTilT.. Kfjiuit.:. rr.-grr-sjarr.vf.'.L'iiJCSl Wliifh oiiililni'.tlio fjrentpst ftrcngtli, extreme lightnos.s nnd dumbllltj D13EIU3 U the solo Pittentoo of tho Wrought Jllook nnd Welded Frog, i their JMow Is tho only Plow ko mnde. The IMow's inotildhonrd and sliuro hitrdeiied by it I'ntontod 1'rowws 1'ECUI.lAlt TO T1110 DEERE PLOW. THBDBB3KE JSUIiKY AND GANG PLOW, With or without Breaking-Plow Attaohment. FALL. TRADE, 1877. Great Bargains for Cash ! Tiio greatest Labor-Saving Implements yet Invented. Vastly Improved for Full oflS" C00 Sold ixx Oregon ixr Ono Year. ail" E vorv Fartnnr Interested. Tho Dooro Sulky Is tho only Slnglo-Lovor Plow ma EASILY OPERATED. So cnustrnclr d that by ttHllght motion or tbo Lever tiio Plow run out of tho ground ond raised clear, by lioo-instead of man-powor. It hstiougors less complicated than any otbor. Sole Agents for tho woll-known SOUTH BEND OHXXiXiEB-IRON FLOWS, s BUCKEYE:DRILLS and BROADCAST SEEDER Tho most successful In use. Too well known to need comment. Having bought our Fall Stock at Great Itcdtiction on Fonncr Prices ! Wu ro irc)rcJ tnclvo oir cn,tnmcr tliolicncCtof tho redaction, nua offer n full Una of GrontN' nnd Boyw' OLOTHINO, At lets than crcr before, A!o, 4 ' DRY GOODS, AND DRESS GOODS, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT, To ult onr Luly cuttumvn, nt rcntonaulr low prlcce BOOTS AND SHOES, IIutM nuil Cups, At Prices that dofy Competition ! GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, A full stock of theso- articles, to suit tbo Country trado, In both prices and quality. CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS. Wo will closo our stock of theso goods out AT COST! Wo luvlte our friend to Excliango Country Products FOR OUR GOODS, And wo wi'.l not ouly sell at reduced CASH rates but will allow tho highest market rates for nil thoy Imvo to dlsjioso or. Call and See our Stock. L. & E. HIKSCil, ORISWOLD'S 11I.OCK, ciSmi Commercial Street, SALEW. Ht3B?Ti'vv?ii Schuttler Farm, Freight. a"nd Spring Wagons. FARM GRIST MILLS, all etylea and prices. FAN MILLS. Send lor Special Clrcula J. W. GILBERT l?uyN Cawli iir XLiUUt X" lHA'&j JC-3Al;aj TOT 3S IN THE 3? USEES WOULD ! Be 33.0I; IDooolTreca. ! See that our Trade Mark is on eaolilFackagc a o rlt CO. t&r 0 H O o I 0 o S PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK Jet Blaolc j and ALL COLORS. 3MCiZ5Lcl lEt,Gtxsr for use AND EASILY APPLIED. for Sulo by thu Ascnts: JOHN HUGHES, Salem, HODGE, SHELL & CO.. lVlinlchnlo DrugltN, ana Oenlcrs Iu l'ulutN, oils, and CIns, 302F5.1XjV3XTX3, Ox-. AND NO. t5 FltONT bTREET. M'Jl Couiiiierclal st., SALK.Nl. iy BOOKBINDING ll. ltl. .k PttllH pAAIIIi I J A JUM in cemwiiuH wnu num. uv' .. .. " ' (tlct IUwiWnJrv. Tainrr Uultmr. HUi Hwl lunuUcturlnjr. Maitnrnn4 II hAmouiv! mn ttenJM to. cul for cilliuitti, 1'iicj lou i,ny lnlhStte. ... i1.lr... M .! ..MIV. Nlcnm Printer and llookbluitrr. Cttj't UUt.bHto it., wi.-iiUiii,u(i.. TnUo Notie. MV WIKK, unSTEK. HAS LKfT MR. AND I htll tay no ilebw cf tiei conlret tin aflr' ibl Utf. ANSON HOBAKT. bllYerton, 8cpU lt, 17. J""4pJ CI! OOE.B FUTEBWATCB KM. ChMpt loth, known world. Sautpl Watch rttt to mao. Plul. Sprln? Lliu free. F. Xl66S I'mimUi IloomlniUmhuriorr, 111. r. k. TD BWIN AEDENO" ' 174 ELTyi'STREET; , GINCINJSATI. . a OHIO. AdvortiscmcnU inserted in any paper, Before adTertising eend for my catalogue. KELLY &, UNDERWOOD r&P) -2' The Old Immigrant Route .Icrokt) the Cn.rudo 3Ioimtnlii, vow ow.N-ra ar tuk Oascado Hoadacd Bridpo Company, ltauulngl Sandy, Ml. Hood, and lUrlow'sOto, IS NOWOPKN, nd Itsvd of all klad hat be pin. Iberoad l lu coed repair, extra. he lm proimrntf ire belne mado evtry jcr. The LAU HBIi HILLS are all graded, bhvcti-brldce are on all the dreamt . Thla nad never received a oolimi nb. ddy.andjetlt Utho tiortot, tl, andclirau rat roatu over tli- mouiitaln. Dlmuce ocr the mountalu. -14 mile. From Portland, over the mouuuui,, 7S mllra. 1'rom Salem, ICO mllea. IUTE-Vaons ft; Saddle, 60;; PacWt, 2Jc : Cat lie. tOe: Sheep, Sc Kor all polng and coming from or Into Marlon, Yam hill, Wathlngton. Llun, Ik'nton, and Polk counliea, Ihla U by far tho ben. neaictt. acd chranett route. 8. D. COALMAN, Prld.nt. IIirtxv E. Cnon, Sec. lelml H Carriage & Wagou Makers, Salom, Oreeon. AYE ON HAND A CHOICE LOT OF FOU . bprlnjj Wagons, Oarriagos, &, Buggiet of their own make, Manufactured of tho DHST quality o( Jersey Hlckor tilvousa call, and eiamlio our worlt, and Judi for joaifrlrc. All klmdi of Repalrlne andGencial Jobblncdoi at thott notice. 8Jxj Administrator'B Notice. NOTICE U hereby ttven that the undertime. , ,, by order of the County Court of tha conn: of Marlon. In the Sttto of Oregon, on the 27th day AuCTJi 1CT, duly appointed Admtnlttrator of U L.tato of M. J Hhawl. deceaicd. All pertona ha ins clalina acainn ald cute are required to preeei he tame, with tho voucher, to the underilcoed i the office of J. J. haw, in the city of Salem, i ild county, llbtn elx rconth from thU dale. Dated. ADCu,t '' A'" w zcr