WILLAMETTE FARMER. ' 3 LIUEIIAL CONVENTION. Tkosecoud annual convention of tho North Westorn Llborat Association is hereby called to tnoet In Good Templars' Hall, Portland, Oregon, on Friday, Octobor, 24th, 1877, nt 1 o'clock, i. . to elect olllcers for tho ensuing year, and to transact &uch other busiuots as may bo brought bofsro tho mooting. Liberals nnd freo thinkers or tho Nortuwost Coast aro respectfully Invited to ntlond. T. W. l)AVi:sfOHT, President. II. 11. Nicholas, Secrotury. Very Desirable Property for Sale. Nlnoty-throo acres of laud on Salem Fral rlo, near tho Fair Ground, will bo 'old at n .groat bargain Ion cash purchaser. For terms and othor Information lluqulro of S. A. Clarke, at tho FAitMr.it olllco, Salom. .Prom N. Plumnier, M. D., Auburn, N. H. "Although averso to countenancing patent medicines, I choorfully make an exception ofynur very excellent lung preparation Dn. Wimtaii's Uauam ok Wild CiiKimv. This preparation I havo usod In my practice for more than ton years past, and havo always -found It to be of more cfTeoiual service than anything within my knowledge, t recom mend It with tho greatest conlldenco to those subject to coughs and pulmonary com plaints." Sold by all druggists. Ono More Unfortunate. Almoit every day the papers chronlclo the anlcide of some poor unfortunate whoso mind has been enfeebled by dyspepsia, over whose esrthly horizon heavy gloom has gathered from tho untold nod untollablo agonies of this cruel complaint. Dysjwpsla In one of the most depressing diseases ellllct inghutnsnliy. It Is cosmopolitan In Its ' nature no country Is exempt from Its visita tions, no family free from Its attacks. Thoin is a balm In Glloadi It comes In tho shape of tho I'r.nuviAN Hvnur. For year It has Loon scattering In blotslngs abroad. Thore is, probably, no disease which experience has no amply proved to bo romudlablo by tbtiPj:iiUVJAir,HY!itir m Dysnapila. Tho mmt Inveterate forms or this 'disown have been completely cured by this medlolno, as ampin toilmony of many or our llratcltt ?ns prove. Hold by all druggists. OB, -ft mxkxXtH, jeVX-tlsst, Hnlcm, Oregon, dotlsr In 8toreocopes and Htcroa scople Vlsvts, nail Hccn of bslem tnil tho surround ing oontrr. Llfii.tlzii l'hotoi;rapIii , la lodl lull, uil or Water Color. ctl Dr. H. SMITH, m 33 JESJSTWX ST, halkm, oniuOON. tOJho moved orer UltEYUAK DUOS.' NEW UTOnr " OSlio ham frum 0 a. m. to S p. m. CtrAULlMli: 1825. Willamette Nurserv G. W. WALLING & SON, l'llOl'MKTOKo, Ovn'oo, Olaokamao oo., Orogon walTancs ,1'JSACH FLUM, Tho Itulluu Fruuo, And tho bett vsrlctlis of sflum, l'runo, I'caclt, Apple. l'cnr, Cherry, Nut and Shade Trees, IN FULL AHSOKTMENT. :Send for Dosoriptive Catalogue. Salem Flouring Mills. 0JB3T FAMILY FtOUK, DASEIVo EXTKA, XXX. bUrKIlKINK AND ORAIUM, MIDDLINGS, MIAN, AND BHOaTt Coiinstnutly ou Ilnud. ZIlGrltuHt Prlco In CA6I1 Paid for Wheat AT All. TZ2K2E3. Jt. O. KINNET, HO. 1 W Aawit 8. P. H. Oa RAILROAD LANDS. Lihonil Tontm! xotr piuniM LONG THIi:! LOW I.VrERBVr Tno Orrjron nnd California and Oregon Central Uallroud Companies OFFF.lt tbelr Land for .alupo the Mlnwlns III nt rx: Dun tnta of he tnlr la caih; Icterct on the batit.es nt tte ra'o of ren ir ciut. f.n rot fierMl'', ant ci foltowlnj rtr en tenth of tb wrlMlpsl inJ ln'.rruH en th bsUuto l ilis rtle ul tisapTCJlp-rnnu i. JktU principal sndluter ttt parM lu I S. forr.ncjr. A dU'oul uf i aperc M.wiliseallnwit fvelj KT Letur. ! hi al- 1 In V. bCUl'LB, La Azeal O. X C. It. K.. I'ottUad. Omwn. S. IT. CLAUGHTON, TkTOTAIlV IM-HLIC. Ual Cfate Agent. ! nd Oillrcfnr of CUIms, will promWr tend to iti hu..nt tntruilrf to his tin. N AKI0 CO.NVEYaNI'KS A FL'IALTY. J""" Ton 0e, XsolaAXXOtf Or. THE STATE UNIVERSITY. Jnrnntpox, Sept. 18th, 1ST". It Is snld tlivrc aro two hides to every question, and I suppose tho State Univcr f Ity Is no exception. While they mo nr raucliitf to loolc after tho University fund", that they may bo In safe hands, and ready to meet all demand', may wo not ak, nro thew funds being judiciously expended ? Vc have no objection to the number of teachers, nor do wo specially claim that they aie receiving too much nay; but It does seem to thoso who have been lont; familiar with the usage of our best riclmnls, both In this mul other States, that they have displayed but little llnatt elal or educational knowledge in the sc lection of at least one teacher. Why is it that the Preceptress Is In competent to teach Modern Languages? Why must a teacher bo employed to do this lu (he University, when lu other schools it Is done by the Preceptress? Wo know Indies, here In our own State, who nro fully competent to teach both tho Ancient and Modern Language ladles of experience, nnd any ono of them would nccept tho situation nt the salary now paid tho Preceptress, thus saving to the institution tho salary of an nddltlnuul teacher. It is evldnnt that the funds are not so abundant, nnd hence It seems to us this economy should bo practiced. Again, a lady who lias spent from ten to llftccu years in school, until she mas tered tho classical course as taught In our best Colleges and Universities, should certainty lie preferred before one who has simply passed through the Scientific course. OnsiMtVEit. DEGENERACY .OF THE MODZRN METHODISTS. A "Low Church Methodist" bewails in the Independent thelgrowingdegeneniey of tho sect In these latter days : "Take. for Instance,'!, ho fays, "tho seating of the people at church. In tho olden time men and women sat in different parts of tno nouso. Jicnce, young peopio who camo to church in tho fear of the Lord nnd love of lllrtlng wero unable to Inter lino thu livmn-books and 'snuggle up' during sermon time, os Is now tho case at evening service. Again, there wero no routed news, but rich and poor sat to gether, nnd 'the Lord was tho maker of them all;' wiieru now tno ricn man is self-niade. and Is undoubtedly, a superior piece or worKmansuip, ami as sucu sits npart. Then how Is It In tho matter or cot!y clothes? Aro Methodist congre gations more piainiy ciati uinn ouiers v If so, I have not been nblo to perceive it, nor has my wife, who, of course, Is a much better Uldco. Again, how is it about the class-meetings V Is thU now observed? Very little. I reply. Out of loo members probably w or ou never at tend: a few others go once In n while, about -0 or 2") attend regularly. 1 won der what Wesley would havo said to such n state of things. Or take tho restrictive rulo about dancing, tneatre-going, earn playing, reading Sunday papers, reading novels, tic., aro these observed ? They are by some; but drenches of them nro not niado a matter of discipline. If a city Methodist church contains 2(H) members, It Isbitfu to presume that thercareoOwho sometimes go to the theatre, 20 who play curds. 20 or SO that dnuco in private par ties. Hut these points, after all, nro not Important, except In so fur us Ills an In jury to any man to stand up nnd say, 'All this I steadfastly believe,' when In his heart ho believes no such thing. And It Is very evident that all those parts of the restrictive lilies rotating to dress are completely a dead letter, while thoso re luting to amusements have not the tltlio of tho authority they hud 60 years iil'o." TOOT YOUR OWN HORN. We find thu following In an exchange, and clip It for the bcuclltof tho "modeH'' lortljii of tho business community, re minding them that there Is no better way for them to blow their own horn than through tliocolumnsor theSAi.i:M Daily Itixoiti) : "JIlow your own horn. Yes, glvo It a good blast, and let modesty blush If sho will. ThU false delicacy lias been tho stumbling block of thousands of really good and capable men. Make a noise : It will attract somebody. Let tho world know that you aro alive and Intend to drive things until you get to tho top of the hill and make a fortune. To the men of energy and perseverance mountains arobut molohlllri. 'TIs only the drones that fall. They aro always looking ou tho blackside, prcdlctlugdisastcr, always complaining ot hard times, always wait ing for something to turn up. Such men will never Hud good times, nor prosperity. Neither will they ever Hud friends or ad mirers nniong first -cluss business men. If you would succeed In anything, don't standstill. Oo ahead. Don't be nfrald. Do something. If you don't blow tho horn somebody clo will, but not for your benellt except 'inn horn.' Then toot your born, you great and small Your right Is not disputed, Tor be Ibat tootetb not bh born Tbe same sball not ba tooted." XCMONS A CURE FOR CONSUMP HON. Nil.usTv!ri;rsnb.l A correspondent of an Kngllsh medical journal furuUhed the following n elpe us n euro for consumption: Put u dozen of wholo Ifiuous in cold water and boll un til soft (not toosott), roll and squeeze tin til thojulcels ull extracted, then sweeten the juice enough to be palatable, and then drink. Use us many us u dozen n day. Should they cause pain or looseness of the bow fix, less tii tno quantity ami use five or six a day until better. Ity tho time you havo used live or six dozen, you will begin to gulu strength and have nil appetite. Of course as you get better you need not use so many. Follow these di rections, and we Know tii.it von win never rcLTL-t it. if there Is unv hull) for vou Only keep It up fulthfully. We know of twoca-ies where both of thepatleiitsero given up by the phyIclun, and Mere In the last stapes of consumption, yet both were cured by using lemons according to the directions we have stu'ed. One ludy 111 partieuiarwds bedridden and very low: had tried everything that money could procure, but all In vain, when to please a Irlen.l. sho was dually persuaded to use lemons. She began to use them lu Feb ruary, and in April she weighed 140 pound. Sho is ,u Well woman to-tlay, uud likely to live as long as any of us. BY TELEGRAPH. FOREIGN. Chlcico. Sent, 19. Tho Trlbtuio's London special says: Tbe artillery of Grand Difko Nicholas still continues to bombard the Otto man euironclnuouts around Plevna. In tho righting last wook tho Turks nro said to nave lost 03.000. nhlln lo total loss oftbo lttisslans Is placed at lrt.OOO. That tho ammunition of usman t'aiiia is railing is very prnuau;e. ror Ibo soldiers liavo not spared bullpK Tito tins: brigade of tho Imperial guard has nrriveu nt imperial uoaoquarers at uorny studeu. A correspondent beforo Plovna says on tho 10.lt tho Megs proceeds by sap and trench. Iho Turks must soon bo shut lu entirely, Tho spirit ot nil ranks of tho ituwlan army Is admirable. Supplies plentiful, ncather spnndid. New York, Sept. 10. Tho Tlnrns special from London savs : A correspondent at the headquarters oftbo Cztrowltcu atlllela, tele graphs under date of Monday, that a des perate engagement was fouRlit In tho valley or tho Lom on that day. Thirty-two battal ions and eight battorlos,-; comprising tbo troops undertbocommand of the Czarowltoh, attacked Assaf Pasha's division at Strakeuy. The Turks were strangly reinforced at onco and the Russians wero driven back with great slaughter. Tho battle waa in every respect a decisive one. Chicago, Sept. 20. The Tribune's London npecial says: In casting up tbo series of struggles In tbe vicinity of Plevna, English papers tdmlt that the first estimates or tbe result were Incorrect or overestimated. It is now considered here that the contest Is still undecided, and that 'be heaviest and most decisive lighting Is still to come. Ilusslans contrary to the general expectation in Eng land that the war would close lnaslnglo campaign, are making roady to go Into win tor quarters, supplies or warm clothing be Ing rapidly forwarded from St. Petersburg. To guard passages across tho Danube strong bridge beads are liolng constructed at Mat chin, Nlknpolls, Illrsova and Bistova. Tho Times' London special ssys tbo litis slans haro lost all the advantages possossod by them nt tho commencement of tbo siege oflllela. They are mi weakened that they aro unable to carry on operations except as a sloge until tho arrival or tbe guards. Proi pec's look bad Tor tbo Ilusslans every whoro In Unlgsrla, nhile the Turks aro every whoro victorious, Tbo only groundof modi ntlnn at preient Is In tbe name of humanity to brosk tho dead lock, whoso only result Is uuparallelod carnage. Unlehi thU Is douo a aecond campaign Is Inevltablo, unless tho Itusshns ggslnat nil expectations gain a sig nal victory. Ills Rcnerally bellovod that tbelntorvlow of lllsmarck and Andrassv will soltlo v. bother tho war shall csssn now or co over another year, with the probability ordravBlngin all Kttropo. London, Sent. 20. A Russian official d Is patch (Uted Ouray Htuden yesterday, says olUIrs aro quint overynhoro. Tho blockade and bombardment of Plevna continues, St. Polersburg,Srt. 20. Tho (lolos pub lishes a telegram from iRdyr, Asia Minor, which shows that on tbo ISth tho Turks worn cannonadln g Uaneral TergukassolTa potltbns tboro. Adrlanoplo, Sapt. 18. Strong hopes ofa sneodv vlctorv lu Schlnkn Pass aro still en- tortnlnecl hero. Tho Turks, by constant Uro night nnd day. prevrut repairs of the Rus sian works, Tbo RuMlan aro withdrawing port of their forces. London, Sept. 20. Tho Times ssys tho pope grows woaker. Ho Is unable In stand while saying masi, and la dldlcult to mauago in matters conductive lo health. A dlsnotch from Iluohartst aava that from the nnmbcr of olllcers arriving there from Plnvnaou abort furlough. It would appear that tbo llussUns don't contemplate any Im portant proceedings tboro durlug tho next week or ton days. Tbo first division of the Itussiau Guards havln.i passed through ltounmnla, tbe pas sage of Ibo second division has commenced. A correspondent telegraphing Thursday aiys It Is confessed that tho llusslan posltlou In Schtpka pats Is precarious, loth Icrnute of the leico threatening it and or Impending trnublo to communications. It Is estimated at Itustlan headquarters that tho Turks lost 2,0fl0mon In the latoet tompt to capttro fort bt. Nicholas atScblpka paxs, Constantinople, Stpt. 20. It is stated In well-lnlormod circles that tbe Porto will not accopt mediation whlloa slnglo llusslan sol dier remains on Turkish soil; uorwill It consent to an armistice unlots the basis of subttquout peace proposals are at tbo same time ilstlnrd. Chefktt Pasha, commindlng tho relloving force at Orchanlc, ban communlcatetl with 04inan Pasbai tbo revictuallng of Plevna U thnreforo expected very shortly. London, Sept. 21. A correspondent who was present at the battle of Plevna, tolo graphing from liucharosl September 17th says: Tho Russo-lloumanlan army has abaudoned now even a preteuioof prosecut Ingtbe attempt against Plevna, and fallen back Into the position occupied before tbe commencement of the bombardment. Tbe Held artillery remains still In some of tbe positions of bombardment. It Is announced that the third renewel is Intended on the ar rival of tbe Imperial guard In a fortnight. I have great doubt whether another attempt will be made, and very muchstrongerdoubt whether, If made, It can succeed. Adrlanople, Sept. 20. There baa been no lighting In Noblnka psm alnca tbe Turks withdrew from Port Si. Nlobolas. Constantinople. Sept, 21. It Is reported here that a great battle was fought to-day at Itlela, lasting from 0 In tbe morning till 7 In tbo evening, and that the Ilusslans were completely defeated, Loudon, Sent. 21 .A special from Hhumla assert ibat the Itustlans lost -1,000 killed, and 3,000 wounded In the battle. Allium, Sept. 21. The Gre)k forelun ndlca aunoimcfs tht on the ID li Inst. 2 000 lUshl lliznuks attacked tba Urei-k consulate at Larlsia,ctid were repulsed by the consular p.usriU. Greece basaddrosed remonstrances to tno porte on mo sunjaot. Vienna, Sept. 21. The Press say no for mal c-nzpgerae nt were entered Into at Salz burg, but the confcret.ee resulted lu a coin pleto accord between Iiistnarck and Andras- y on tno eastern policy. Loudon. Sent. 21. A eorrerondnt tele graphs from llusslan headquaiter rs fol lows: The filing here l not so gloomy as Iexpeoted. Military men acknowledge that they have ben beaten, but as much bv their own orrors as uy tuo uravery oi tne j urns. There Is not tho slightest shin of besltatlen or weakening nUbodt-uriiiluatlon torlKht H out. KvoryDMiy reis mat u n a oaui strngRloaud the final sucn.sful Issue Is not iloubted for an Instant, livery preparation Is being made fora w Inter campaign. Tbo mlllurv railway from Olurrnvo lo SimnliMis to bo constructed, whlt-b It U hoped will be ready by tbe tod of October. Steam Ire boats huve bein ordered, In view of lli rreezing or ilo Dauuue. A UueharestdlsnaU.-li stvs Qen.Todleben will Immediately proceed to Inspect tbe Plevna poiltlon. A special from Attens say tbe porte sent four thousand Irregular troops Into rtiessily, where tbey are sacking the ronutry and out raging tbe Inhabitants. Tbe Circassians have also been sent Into Macedoma In viola tion of repeated promises. Tho Telegraph's Pora correspondent says a lelcprnm just received nt tne war olllce from Mohotnot All announces tbnt serious lighting began to-day, Friday. The Turks wero advancing steadily when tbo meMiru leflShumln this morning. No other piper Ins anything touching tho reported battle, although several havo correspondents both with Ibo Cuirowltch tnd Mohemct All. (ten, Grunt's visit to Newcastlo-on Tyno nnd tielRhborbrodn9 tho occasion of ado monstrathn tiU morning. Ucu. nml Mrs. Giant, accompanied by the mayor of New-t-sstie, Gon, Usdenu, Mr. Falrcblld and the U. S. consul nt Nowcastlo and others Mled tboexchnngo nnd othor places of lnloiol. Thore wero numerous banners along I lie routo nnd n large crowd of spectators lu (be exebango. Gen. Grant n-colvod an address from Ibocbnmbsr of commerce, nnd roplv Ing, thanked tho largo nnd enthusiastic audi onco ror Its kind rocentton which was blulity qualifying to lilm and tho Amorlcan people. wuo wouiu accept it as n touen ui kiiui friendship between the nations, They were, be could not say two peoples, for they wero really ono, having a common destiny which would be brilliant In proportion to their friendahln. lie referred to the honorable settlement of all differences betweon Hog laud and America, nnd said tbey ought not only to keep peace with oach othor but with all the world, nnd by their example stop Ibo wara wbloh are now dovatatlng Europe, The speech was loudly choered. Chevenno. Sept. 10. The Last bound pas senger train which passed hero at 2 r. m. to day, was slopped and robbed bv 13 masked men at Illg Spring, Nebraska, 100 tulles List ot here to-nlgbt. Tho robbers flrsttook pos session or tho station at tbe Spring, destroy ing tne loicgrapu instruments, anil com pelled the agont to hang out a red light. When tho train stopped tho robbers took possession, nutting tho train and possengors under guard. The express car was broken Into and tbo safe robbed of about seventy llvo thousand dollars. Tho nasseuscrs were nlso robbed of whnt amount is not yet ns- laiuou. io ueisy ino tram in rescuing me next station and alarm being given tbo lire lu tbo locomotive was wet down. A freight train ovortaklnR the express Its enalno was sont to Ogalallo, from where n report of the rouuerry was maue. too rouuers are do Moved to havo irono North. Tho railroad company offer n reward of llvo thousand dol lars lor nrrost or tun tuteves. New ork. bent. 10. Iho World savs Gen. Grant was bltteily attacked by a correspon dent of tho Dublin Prreman, who urgos leading Catholics to stand aloof from bis re ception because ho pullcly Instilled tbo Irish nation by refusing to ncccept its congratula tory address, and becsusoho spoke so much about priestly lullueuco and prloslcraft lu education In Lis mosssgoof 1874, and because no nns oxprosseu nis anxiety to see ana snake hand with Garibaldi. Wlllamsncrt. bent. 19. The Greenback Stnto Convention mot to day, K. v. Hughes presiding, uio lonowing nominations wero undo by ncclsmatloniSuprome Judge, llonj. S. Hcnlley! Auditor, Gen. J. 11. Kmersou: Stnto Troasuror, Jamos L. Wright, Omaba.Sept, 19 Tralnacrossingtho Union Pacltlo brldco to-day, reported that Sheriff llradloy or North Platto, has struck the troll of Iho express robbers, and round revolvers and the empty coin box, 10 miles from Illg Spring. New York. Sept. 10. Tho World's Wash ington special snj a i Tbo concurrence of opinion among senators nnd members of Uongrcts, who havo been In tbo city during tho past raw daj s onguglng quarters for win ter nnd looking nfler tho department busl nee, that tho extra session will bo conlluo.l malnlv to the nurMwa for which It la called l the paasge of tbe bill making appropriations for tho army ror tbo preeenttlsi-al year and providing lor the denclcncr lu tho payment oftbo navy. ' New York, Kent, 20. Tho nomlnalloiijjof Gen. McClellau sir Governor or New Jeisey by the Democrats, I rexaidod by tlicm ns very fortunr.to. Itepiibllcan Journal rldl eulo the movoment, ucd thluic bo will be botteu. Stcroiary Seburz, Jutlglug from recent conversations nt Cincinnati, with many of Iho best Informod Itepubllcans or Ohio, Is confldout thoy will carry the Sfato at tho coming election. President Hayes nnd party had a grand reception at Nashville, and tbo next day pro ceeded to Uhattannoga, where, notwithstand ing tho rain storm, a vast crowd greotod thorn at the depot. Tho party go frum hero to Knoxvllln, liienco to Atlanta, ltlchmond, Ky., Hopt. 20. A year tlnco Jasper .Maupln shot John Itremin at Kings ton, MadUon county, wounding him. , Mau pln was Indicted and tho trial was sot for to day, but tho caso was not roached. This evening tho partle met In the street In ltlch mond, each accompanied by friends, whon tiring began. Jasper Maupln, John llremen, Chris, llslkard and Win, A. Cornollsou wero killed, Tliesurvvlors were arrested. Houston, Texas, Sept. 10. It I estimated the damage by tbe late oyclnuo around Gal vestou ou government works in llollvar channel, Including a porllon or the lleet, Is $76,000; Galveston, Houston .t Hendersou It. It. low ot track and bay bridge, f A),000 Gulf, Colorado and Santa Pe railroad, loss of track and bridge $20,000; cotton presses 918,000. St. Louis, Sept. 20. U. S. Senator Itogy died at hi residence btro at U o'clock this mornlnR. New York, Sept. 20. Tho directors ot the elevated railway have resolved to commence constructing on the eistslde to all forties, the Grand Central depot and Harloni river, and lay double hacks ou the westsldo. Jacksonville, Sept. 20. Seven yellow fever Uralh lo day at Fernandlna 15 now cases, A large Increase In the number of casos of yellow fever at Fernandlna, aud Ibo Incieas Iur mortality, roiidor contributions In money badly ueedtd, It Is hoped tbe north will re sjiond to the appeal for help, Cbattauega,Nept.21. Tbo entire abundant crops of cotton, corn anil fodder lu tbe valley of tie HUck Warrior, Alabama, wero wept away by tbo river's sudden rlso of 03 font, which is within two fvelof tbo terrible fresh et of June, 1S72. Plaaturs bad Just oommeuc td picking cotton, and had not hauled their corn cud fodder from the Held. The cotton crop destroyed Is ostlmated at 30.OW bales. Most planters are rulnod. It Is doubtful If enough fur actual necosltles can now be so cured, 'luioalcosalsaboutlhe heed of the devasted section- Murchanl had hdvuiicul henvlly on these growing crops. Wllkesbarre, l'4.,Sspt. 21. The 3d P.S. lufsutry b.iiRuno to diy to Join other troops at Fliuburg, prejurlbg lo proceed to Mon lain, Knoxllle, Sent. 21. Tbo Presidential coiiimlttce arrived at 11.33, and wero driven through crowds to the Luuur 1I"um under military foLort. Tho Preslilnut occupied an open phaeton drawn by four while boisos, Ibo march was a pjiftvunatiou. Thetaer ipullltudbs CQiitlaually presssd firward to view tho President si the platform lu front ol tbe hotel. Itiv. Thomas Haines made ibe woicomlugaddres, to which tbo Frtxttdeut happily rtspondt-d. Alter ward, a recsptlon was held In the ho tel untll2oVlock, when tbe President vl.lt ed tbe Opera Huuo aud had a brlel Ulk with the children of tbo public schools there nsscnibled, After dlnnernnd anothor recep tion, tbo party started for Atlanta. CANADA. ...J,'.? yrk' sl'1' IS. Tho World's Fort .."." "fltlsh territory correspondent says : "Moor Walsh lias Just returned from a visit to Silting Hull, with whom bo held n long In terview. The Sioux Chiefs forco now num bering about 1,100 souls, Is ttlll camped at noise Ihitlcs, -10 miles this side or Wood Mountain. Sitting Hull rode f.0 miles with Walauamlwr. more than ordinarily com municative. He declares ho Is sick nnd tired nrrlghtlng, but Walsh sajs thoolJmnn ap peared to bo weakening in bis doslro to mako terms iwlib tbo American Commission nnd to tho States. Had tho Commissioners couio here n month npo no doubt Sitting Hull would have cheorfully returned with thorn on any reasonable terms. Delay, Walsh fears will render tholr mlsslou abortive. Sluing Hull boars nil tbe news rrom Fort Huntou, and bis runners Ihenco havo carried back ainrnilng stories to tbo t-llcct that If the bloux nro Induced to cross tho (rentier by the Commissioners, General Miles with a lorgo forco will nmbusb them ou tbo Missouri nnd wipe them od" the fdeo of tbe earth. The gathering or Amorlcan troops lu nortluru Moutann, has, in a manusrconBrmod these storlos, nnd Sit ting Uull fears or professes to rear troachery. Sluing Dull baa said If tho Commissioners did not meet him beforo the flrst snowfall, be would remain ou Drltlsh soil during tho Winter. Ho has plenty of amunltlon. Tho New Grist MU1. Waldo t IWeller are nearly ready to com mence grinding for tbe public Ono run of burrs will be used for chopping feed. This mill, no doubt, will Ull a much needed want lu this community that or dolug custom work at fair rates, At tho next meeting of tbo County Court or this county, measure will bo adoptod to bava a substantial pulillo brldgo built across tho creek, nbovo high water mark at tho mill, on a new county road passing from Frout street, Northward. This will bo a great convenient to persons coming to tbo mill and thence to Salem from tbe North and Kist. MAitstn'iBM), Coos County, Ogn. PI oa so Insert tho following: Holton. At Marshfleld, Coos county, Seplembor, lltb, 1877, to tho wire of G. Hoi tou Tiiiikk I)Ai'oiiTi:ns. The "three greens" welgho.1 respectively 8, 7, nnd O'i pounds. Crops new rail In Oregon." Ail honor to Coos county and three cheers olid a tiger ror uiotbor, fitbor nudtbo tilnlty. K. O. M. ITho Fluninier Fruit Dryers. Mr. Pltimmrr Is meeting with great and deserved succoss In tho sale of his fruit dry ers, having already sold sixty, with more orders on band, This succets Is based on tbo fact that his fruit ranks with the very host put upon the market aud sells to tho Very best advnntngo. It can bo shlppod to nny part of Iho world aud claim lo bo a first rato article Tou of these dryers have beou sold lu Walla Walla; fourteon havo been put lutooporatlon lu tho vicinity of Duttovlllo. Tho fruit crop socuis to he good through tho Stnto and tho scarcity of fruit In California, whoro very little has ripened, will causo a demand for what wo c.tu msuufacturo aud Is a rcston why fruit grower should mnko tbo most of tholr orchards tho prcsont yoar. Sotuo parllos nro very Industriously circu lating report that MrPluimuor lu Infrlng- Ing come other patent and ha no patont of his own for his mtchhus. On tho contrary Mr. Pluiuuisr has three dIUeront patont ou his machine that covor ovory pnit nud lulu ullre of hi proccs'4 aud It I hardly posslblo that tliocoitimlsiloner of P.ttcnts ha granted these patents lu conltlct with the right of nny othor patentee If ho has, tho proper way is for those Interested to commence suit to show tho f.'.ct. That they do not do so Is a sure Indication flint Mr. Plummor 1 right, nnd a ho has Iho Patent Olllce ou bis side thoso who want fruit dryers nood havo no fear In purchasing, Ho I a vory energotlu and enterprising man aud has certainly a gonitis for Invoiitlou. A will bo seen from lit card published oltowhero, ho offers special premiums of $75 fertile bast display of dried fruits made by his machines. He Informs us that he is de termined lo show nt Iho coming State Fair tho finest collection and display of dried fruits mado by bis machines, that over was seen lu thlsSlato, aud he I Ibo man lo do what be undertakes. Tho following testimonial show tho suc cess of his machines! WiikatlanI). Feb. 1, l77. Mr. Plummer, DsirSIrt With the Fam ily Dryer I bougbtof you at theStato Fair my tno little boy with Dome help frctu their motbor have dried Klght hundred dol lars worth or fruit worth 12K cents per pound, said by gooJ Judges to rqual the hsmplesatStato Fair, A. P. ItoiitiHTaoN. Mr.W, S. Plummor, Dear sin lu reply to yours or Feb. 10th, I would say that I have handled a large amount or Plummer Dried Fruit aud in no Instauow has It failed to bring the very highest market price or any fruit sold In ibis city. Your, eio. W, K. Lt.VKiilixiK A. Co. Wholesale Orucot nud Commission Mer chants. 31 Front Street, San Francises. W. S. Plummir Ku , Dear Kir: It gives inu pitHiiire to Inform you that the fiults lu my care at ths t'enteuulsl Inhibition In Philadelphia, ISM, prepirid by you dryer process and ptte'ud by me on exhibition, usva the bust or tullxlacllou aud wero par ticularly ndmlred by vlslierJ Irom tho old State ai.d t specially by lb" CoiiunUstoners rrom Germany, France and luly who pro uouueed Ihem superior to the stme kind lmiorted trnui tlmlrunn country Yours An . A. J. Uuj'Uii, Comiulntimitr fioiu Oregoii, Portland, ."day 2S, '77 From Y,imMII Ilrjwrtrr, Feb isth 15771 "1 wish to give the Miiiivm of our county some or my x-orl(-u oil trull raising. For sotnrsl jetr 1 Ihv.i Imd u Isrs'onmonut or fruit but It was ol try lllllo value, so that I bnd about decided todlg up Iho tries nud larm the laud, unojeui ago I would havo irlvou any man the uf;f llio bind, (10 scn-i-) f,n nnojiar, tnelsarit of fruit Inn, Nu ouoollered todi Ibi. nnd kn jear I ton eluded to diy my fruit, and nfier about ono fiair Iho i rop bad puiMinI. I got n I'luinmtr Dryer. I dried 'U) v nrtli, nnd my iltvor includluv h Liilldlng'JOz-l It-il,cru.t me t'iO. Mx bsuds. using one-half cord t'f wood, can dry slr.ly iiiuhels of apple lu leu hours. I propoio lo plant 2100 prune trees lu tho H)rlnir. I bidlovo wo cm do Letter than lo let our fruit waste. I like my dryer very much, and bin uow glad I did tiot dig up uiy orchard. A. L. Aldkuwan." wm