i. r7 ..? r- '2 SaHIanwtfe jriirnur. iniD rvrnr rniDAr, r OXaA-ItXCK OKAIG, lumi'iiBr.i ahd rnorntiTnr.i. iS, A. riiAUKK. I. W. CUAIU. Term or .NttbM rlptlon. One eery, cue year (.SI numbers Ota topy, lx moriHif (M nnrabctf ) Old tow, three month (It! tinmhcru) ...... . l.tlS .. ,7ft ADDRESS OF WELCOME. D.'llvored lis-fero tbo Orcaon Stale Teach er' Imtltute, by Oov. S. 1 CitAbw luir, ut H.1IUIll,Uft'B0tl.UiUSl.-litllSi j Concluded. JtJADrUAC'V 01' T1IK W.IMEXT fcCHOOI. In several State of this Union tl.o opin ion prevail amoui; thoso Interacted in the MinjoJl maiour ireo scncui sjb'iui iiiuiif imuln tfi meat lh(l watltH of tllO yUUIIItj Wullo tboy do not aujracst romoillce, becauio they uo not ktom to mvo any; uiey nu nim tlit.t tim hffm-il Hv.i'.cm (lues not eo Mr unoiun In thit, It does litt r'0Vitl(1 . ,cr llio practical oducftliou or pupus. Aim we nk vou, educators, If thero is not soniothiujr iien-fcd In tlio common aebool ystotn lo mako Idellmpicnts In cuininunily, laborers nud producers. Wo will proceed Mth this lcoulry. In our ulster Stole, California, a snecla oorrttr. ittwi was KPioiDiod by tlio hducatlotml Convontlon held under tim mifplce of Hold er! O.ito Urauijo, In May lest, to Inquire Into tbocommori bcliool syuim aud report ltn;cou elusions. Tblore'iort howmbo radical de fects or tbo piiblls school syMoin In lit full nro to provlilo for tlio practical education of n people who iniiit bfcro.inor mainly dopotid upon tbtlr protlclt-ncy In tho Industrial artx for ntibsl:tnco. An tim satno cause for complaint exist In other States under Ibis school erstcm, wo Klvo thoto extracts from tbo report. Tuo committee do not llud fault with tlio California Nystem alone, lor tboy Day thoy gladly placo on record their con--vlcllon that) "No State In tbo Union lias, according to tho old hlondard, n bolter educational codo, a hiiperlor corps of teachers, or make inoro liberal provision for public education than California; but thoy doslro not to bo under stood rH admitting that either tbo present educational nlandard, or tbo ayittern now In onuo, Is the bent pon-slhlo to bo dovUo.l. Wo live In nnacoof progress. With tho march oforonlN eduction has kept atop and beeu advancing with rapid strides, lu no respect has oducallnual proK'rimu been inoro cmsplu noun, lu Kuropo and voine of tho United Hit'., than In tho Introduction or what has oomn to ba known as '1ik1usUI.i1 education;' that 1, niiuli practical training of children In tho useful nrtit and l!i0ittrlil ptirmilts oh liiiuudUtily tends lo render them coin potout to Hiippurt tiioiii't'Ivcv, ami ndil lu tbo coin iiintmoillh by their own labor. Tho absence of this Important character istic from the common rcliools of Calllorula Isrccaided as n urlotis evil; moreover, It In rt'K'inlo'.l iih Ihn root of io.uo of tho chlM' evils which are lo ho found In It. In tho city wtiOilN nothing Is taught which In In tended to micron or Instruct children in work n nrtisan, notblni; In tho country tohooW to encourage them to bo good farmers. This dufoci It uurortunatoly but too apparent throughout tho outlre v.-orktriK ot tliUHVHtein, but It bcoomcH ment palnlully to M vcliat may Im ri'Kirdod at Ihu uulinlna lion of It In tho University. At It Miown lu nnollivr part of the reiort, utulor review, out of UUS utiJoulM now thur, but two are In tho nerlcutturJl cuunie and UU In that ol tbo mo cliitrilunrlN. "Hut If nbay could leirn tho ueoftool, aciUlro n knowledge of tbo controlling prln- cipiet oi tiMiiii uciiii nrii vr ui tuo uppn nicy und workliiK of machinery In tho tcbnolx when ho led thorn, It would oimbln him nt once to enter upon It and earn llvlru; wiieon. Without HOino kiich nrxpuratlon at tbo public oxpt'bsv yourouminltttu tlonotkco how tliu youthkot CMIirornlA cltlet aro lu bo Intro duced into tho industrl.il calllnirt. A reult HimlUr lu cIIk1'. to that hat above notlro.t It rapidly becumlni; iippareut in the portion of tho.Sutu duvoied to nirlcitltiirat purkiiltt. ".S'oitiini: tatiKht In tho schools inaket prom inent or iutt-rvtlluKln Ihn ohlldreu tlio butl nett of ivtrryli'i; on tbo firms on which their TMnititH aro at wnrk. The teachers aro not aa loctedbecAunoof their ixvullartltnet or etM Ultraluirik:, RiidlnthiKichiKilknochlldrou lo como Ixarntd In tbu thi-nry orsklllod intlm urtt ef limlnmlr.v. Tlio (iiulnioy of tLo juoxut k.vstem npptars to bo not only not to lOkU.r In tho child desire to remain on the farm, but ralher to uro hlui to lt4V0 It for h llfr In llHH'lty." Your oouimlttro would shrink from bnllnv ItiKtotM it ir root i ho coiiclotlonu to whloh lluyhavo arrlteJ were It not thatutlii'it, woiuliiK lu tho s uuo Held of thought, come to much tlio sumo rot nit; oven In Now Un litud, where if Ht all, tho presont syoioin hat Ifon euivosttul.Knivo doubu are euturtnlmd nt to l;t value." Itefereucn Is then made lo I'ulllo IMuiMilon In Now Uuitlaud, and the cnmmlllHi add. "That wo may bo toon not to bOktandliiKiilnnfl on ground wo occupj, iiml tint our kiimewliat siartllui; pm olllou nro similar lothoteadiancodulsewhertsyour ooiiiuiltlos reprotenttliAt they llud tho vlims which .tre herein ku en to lo concurred lu by iiioh. wit'ert upon oducatlon.il topioa nt the prestut tlmo," l i,e llj.iril of liliic.ulon of Mas.n'liustli, lu one o.' Its title AiiiiukI lloporis to the l.-t.-l.tMiro at thst Mate tay: "lie put ii bohool k. sit-in of New hokilaud. so web Hiltptel tos irnier stateof n-oleiy, falls to iiiu.ltl.il I'l.iii.nuU of our mo.li'rii etvilxi tloil." lion. Jk.hu i:unn, I'ulied M.Ut" Coii.i-ilsvioiiir ui IMuoiliou, ranimenlloi; ujw u this dot Ural oii.pKiooiiU'-'s It to tti'the Iin!.i' nuiv. it the tliiukcisof loiluy an.ilii,. tho preM-r.t schiKil system." In a latter le pirl tim txiino Hoard stysi "How to c diuille our eldUnt'ii siul se.-urn tho best resuliN, with tbo crottv. ecouomy of tlmo hihI ex petise.lilho treat problem of ibedty.itut ili'iii.uoK itio tvt tl:oui;lii of nil oureluii tort. There It im opinion prevrdrnt amoiv sugii educators tha', lnio cur schwnlt nrr dolnc uuroAt nnil noble work, they nro ui eovoiii.,i'iiii: all that linht rcsoimb!y lr evpt.-il u' uh in. If n pirtiuii of tim limp w.i.wl. r.od i.mi than wavted,ln the n leinp. i'i iiieruonxd theemllest and seioelts dvJrt.n ut KM;ia)ihy und history, the te 'lul 0 ill ,. t.-ruimsr. as. nil ii,'e Untln- i-ni" t to ini'li isioo.1, and loni; x.iuipli-stn iiitiMi. nr Umetli', which, with their o.iin i. :, a . I'l.un. iiiun Umiveu nith il ' liotd'. il in prwtse lolcJl term, could l j-ivn. t s 'ion tudlet that would really In lerrs' children, dtelopo their ponvptue IMinirs. ktviutnm them to tho use of votrtv. ItntUHe, snd la of leal prsctlcal value to U.tmi in aller ll't'. more satisfactory results Itisn are uow HllalniHt would lo exhibited nt U.o olu of the child's school life," lUtractsareKUenfroul reports of educa tional oHI.urt lu sever.it other State, lu Kaos, Nrbratka. Minnesota, Ml.blitau, end Vc riiHHtt show Iok tho extent of tills e II. The Chairman of tho KJucttloual Ujiumll tM, of tho S;ato (iMiitro of Verii.on', say: "i do ut know of n common schocl lu Ver mont that hat much furniture, heckles n water pill, tin cup, and a rickety clmlr, ex cept tlio 'minoutblo deefcs nnd blackbonrils, occasional ontllno mnps aro hung tiron tbo wall. Wrltlnt? In somo tchoo.t Is nottatiKlitntnll, r-ouio tormt. Our present system doet not allow of u tiioroiiith tducn lion without driving from tho mind u loyo of tbo firm and a respect for nil mauuil labor. Thero aro nbout 0,C00 children ri the bta'e, arid tho cost of s.choolt It annually ab"Ut SGOO.IOO, yot frout this Rrcat taxation and thlt number of fcbolars if there are a dr-.on fariuors inanufaciured that can exert the liilluonco of ono rtocond-ralo lawyer tho fact dof.s not appear. , Mr. Swctt In hit history of oJucVlon In Cn;ifornl.brounlitdown in 1&73, s'atoi that tho total ninount expended by lhatStato wrm then In round numbers i 000,000. Ai ! the iimimt ' ."fe crjmuletl utul i Inrcut li'i&t t.CK.Of.CO spent or common tili'iol. A'l'lui nil'inhti) t It it (lie com.mltcc nv, t.'itit't nrynlnc ttnloncnt mil.' tintliiWy ic in'ule thai Ihc'i Ittvetearncil nKoiAttaneein which, l,i a common tchool ctlucntian, hn c.'util n CVrt'omm bcrn ytvcnsuchnn (mluitrml train 'tin m enabled it to make a livelihood. Wo have presented n sturtllnK fact, ono winch will npplv at well to our own State at lo Cal ifornia, it roally applies to nil States luvtnfr. tho freoKchool system with ermtl forco. Tho commllteo 'say further that, "On coneral principles wo holdtliata syttom of e.duca ration which does not, from tho start, bettf r lit tbo child to be ussful In tlio homo, on tho farm and lu tbo shop, or In any Held of labor to which ho may bo called, Is radically do loctlvn. And that wo should have lenouers iY.nr.HMIv rrenarrd with reference lo tho ob jects had in vlow, imbued Kith rctncU for itltiminru cnniiipj, nmi wjih nueiuai iu iiuai alhlrt," Hon. Newton Itatomnn, l'resldcnt of Istiox CoIIeiro, Illinois, says: "It Is not to bo do nled Unit the conlldenco of our people In the Kieat Amorlcan Institution, the publloiehool, It In dun iter of bolui; disturbed. Nor It this state of thlnirs peculiar to Illinois hut Is sub stanllallv common to all tho Slates, nnd to tbo wboia country. Doubts, questionings, murmurs of dlicontcut. mlnizled with voices of direct opiiosltlon, or appeals for recon struction onu improvement Rro coming up from ovcry rpjartoror the Union. Wo bavo not tbo tfme to odd tbo commonts from tbn r.f.ns of educators In tho different Stntet In reeard to this inatlor. Tho com mllteo sum up tboso complaints nnd stato that the orosent svstom of common Kchml education Is confined to a tut, and thatlhev Hod lu tho noticing or micro a lll:o tcniloncy to nottlns tbo teacher Into a ftlso enudltlon nt tho outsot of his csreor, and s'.artlni: him upon It only In such man nor as that ho must run his courso In a uroove. out of which ho canuot ttet. oven If It conducts to no retults of practical valtio. Tho commltteo add that It Is rnnro catv to llud mult than to Nuueost corrections. They Invito discussion such nt may lead to work Iiik out Mimo plan of tmprovomont. Thoy Rdiulllhat tlio teachers' work Isdll'.lcult at hiist. It tin bs most successfully douo only when the K'rouud worl: of a true education hat in en properly laid by parents In the homo circle. No remedy It ollerea other than what nwy bo deduced from tho stato mruis herein ulven: The ItcMou l'ost rclerr.'cu to this subjtct reuinrkt: Tl.Kklmnlo fact Is that our public schools ovury year turn out boys nt tho iijjo of fifteen or stxiieu, who Irom that tlmo aioofnotiso to tin involves or nuybody else, becauso no ono l.Rt put thorn In the way of beliiK usoful. If wo aro to rem ilu n republican people, too, mechaulrnl ludustry Is to bo held up as a prominent condition of that stn'.o. Hut now n boy blunders Intoncallliitr.lnsteitdofilndlnR hltwavtnlt Instinctively; and In tbo la meutnOle majority of cases hoys uavor llud thooroiipatlou n: all for which they nro adapted, but driKon to thoond of tliolr days wl.hout either aim or enthusiasm. It Is n ra tal wasto of forco nnd freshness for society. Hy ortnlnc tho door to an honorablo ocn Hon a soon at n led leaves school, not onlv Is no tlmo lo.t but tho countless tomptatlons to vlco which lurk everywhere Inn stato ot idleiidts are removed. Man was made to use luschluerynud tools. They lvo him the Mioir,lnrt,'r power una dignity. it ti I in bo Introduced to a personal inioivloclo iiflhem In enrly life, and tho vnluoof lint wlii.lo tifo In hlmelfnud others It Increased In the mou wondorful manner. Tliero eoultl bo no truer charity, nt well aa far rinihlni! "illoy. lu making provllou for tha omir of tlio youiu In usefulness to them tei'tsaud the community." Oliforin.s. has n school ship under success ful dltctplluo, lloslou has her tralnlni; ship and It dttcuttlni; tbo proctlcibillty of n since! ship. The Notion l'ost recorummidt w lint i known at tbo IliiKsles labor or do. voloplui: schools. Our Vermont Chairman of tho I'MiK'Alionnl Committee of tho Stato (Intone, wo think (toes too far In his letter to a l.liu niiumlttre of tho Stato Oranuoof Kan sas, when ho sayst "Tho better tho teacher Is educated tho ks Inclined shols to cunildcr IndiiHtrial pursuits worthy of belni; taught. I say she, ss a majority of teachers in com mon Hchoolt nro Ituules.'' While wonre not otlled upon lo defend fi-nmlo teachers from (his crltioUin, we may 1st potiiiltiid tokav that we do not believe this nrcusdtlon. It Is but Just to this class of le ichers to kIvo a faw facts bearing on this point. Touchers nro not to bo held responsl ido fur doted In iv system of education thoy c.tiiuoii'nutiul. They must teach what is rtouired of them by law or school ofllcors. W bnvo never heard of an mstanco where ItinnlotHtctitrs were rtoutred to teach in- iliiriiUI pursuits in tho common schools of our country, nut nss not uteri rNacieii oi limit) KMciirr, Alien is mis i.ioi, miuiiie el o.l s.vvti'tn doe-t not require it, that hat i itistd ' n.uch tobosatd against It at tho prot ut luce. We win M'liluro ttio riiotru il.ui ih. in Is inn it sensible feinnlo teacher wtu o ! I not prefer to eo joung men pre pan d .o - liio, as fir rvt possible, for tlioso ,i iipti.t.us lor whloh they utve mi Inclina tion, unit who would not cboo-o to teach Indus-rial pursuits, to thovo having a tastn im tl.eiii, rather tliati to forco them nt tho only lisriiio, into overcrowded profess imi. Women nro oinlueutly practical, and wo 'hud;, more so, Hrhtps, as teachera than niwi. srj. W.i do not spt.sk dlsiMragiucly of n al 'cai-'uo Their work U ample proof ol their great skill nnd ability. Wo desire to ssv ibtt lia who it fitted for mechanics, the si.'ip'.il, i k, oi the I.uin, bat no superior ut a t.niiui and a substantial man In tlio mliut of soi tide tf.u-tifjs, iiixlo or female. Men of i-i-1 it rtnk nbave all professions. With mil .bi.iu iIium woubt to no use for pro tt..i.it these profosslontl pursuits are hniiniat b it no iuoia so Ibsn those that i 1. 1 iliH.ii into I'flng. SiatNtlcs show that he f intl icaoher It no; only practical, but iMtt'oia oral helperof bojs nnd tlrN. We 1 ii. em very miieli whether male tt-achers iiii-t. s.itnor claliiH over female teacher within itue.r provlucenrtiHlucators, Touiale .eaoher we bUovo only aim to do lhoo tilings which limy are able to do as well as men, aioidlug tbote that men can do much twttir; rect.-niilnK at all times tbn proprl ellia of the relatlou existing lotweeu tLem with tbe greatest strictness. WOMf.S Art srilOJL OFFICCIlt. There Is a growing dUposltlon abroad to pUce wouteu in the direct management of M-hools. A writer lu support of this prooo tl'.lou says: "Womoa nave tbocoutrolof W1ULAMETTK FARMER. children up to tbo ago at whlali they aro sent to tchool, They nie more accustomed than men lo dealltiR with children through, lovo and dlsclplluo, and they have for them a roKdleriiympatby than men. They ttreln tonsely IntorcMed In all lli.it nllects children and tboreroro should have something lo cny directly Hbout the manage ment of scbcols. Apart Irom he fact of their part owneblp In school children, women aro entitled to a sbaro In tho direction of educitlonnl work Irom tho fact that so many of tLem Ii.tve ndoptcd tho nrofisslon of tcacbloir. Fir this calling they are o-pecinlly fUted." Thero It movoluilon going on In this icspfct. It It cornt'Mly clalmeil In Mivornl States tlift wo men (should Iikui u vrileo In the maiiagfrnerit nnd control of publlo sjboolt. Wk.lo ihlt quesllon is new In Oregon, It lint gr wo in somooftuo other Siatcs to very lnureitlng propoiilou; nulorhuen o et,nra' r mat it wilt liavo to bo iijuartly met wliorover there aro Tree schcols. Wo l-el, therefore, os If rn ought to glve'tblt subject a pssniritj notice. Among tbo teachers In the common tchonls of tho eountry, females aro largely In Ihn majority. They number upwards of 33,000 over malolescoera in ine Lniinuaiaie?, run ning to nsarlv ",('00 In Massachusetts nnd over 15,000 In" Now York. Tho urgument Is, If woman excels as i teacher, why not ex tond her lnllutnco to school manngemenl? In passing on this question wo khould do away with all jirtludlce, and look ktlbo facts as thoy nro. Fear and stubborncst bavo lu too many cases prevented n fair ln e.s'.lgatlon of Important questions. Tho fact Is very apparent that all tho female teacher receives for her skill nod labor lu her professional capacity, Is founded on res', merit. Woman, orlglnnlly.wasplaced on tho shelf, but lu the mott worshipful corner cf It, ami nccordlng to tradition she could not ho removed with out violating Hotuolaw at expounded hy ulg nlOod men, whoso world wat bluo with n permltton, and they would bsvo no other Politeness nud deterrnco to lur tex hnvo nothing to do with awarding to tho female toachor hor Just dues. Sho earns her stand lug by tho severest tests. Wo can lniaglus that she has beeu met at tho threshold or tho school room with tho feeling nnd almost, If not quite remark, "You nro a woman." This reflection suggests all tho embarrass monts that surround one who Is too often treated as If she wero tresspassing oil man's vocntlon. This feeling If It roally ever ox Istodls (ast paulug away. Statistics aro now unanswerable In her bohalf so far as her work has progressed. This ellurt If success ful will throw down ftomo or tho barriers which hnvo heretofore limited tho snhoro of woman, nnd will ensblo borto en largo her field of usefulness, It Is Just to say that wo men do not recelvo this special attention simply bocause thoy are women, as men bnvo In too many cases for tbo reason that they were mon. To do what Is proposed to bodono, to givo womon this authority would necossltato tbn enactment of laws, und no law favoring tho nroposltlen could bo passed without questioning woman's ability to till the oftlcos, nud subletting her qunlllloatlons to tho keoncst criticism. And so wo Und It everywhere, women overcome obstacles nud gain their poluts by a steady nud fearloja re gard for duty. Hut when successful, thore nro nono to withhold tbo bard earned honor duo them. l'rotn tblj standpoint wo may preunt n somewhat amusing leslurn taking pt-t esll rnatoi of woman Into consideration. For In stanco nun, (who It nppesrs docs not nt all times dojusttce to woman by dividing with her ill duties and honors In which sbo de sire to tako n pari) as tho architect and builder duet not consider his ay metrical nnd Imposing edifice complete until It It a denied with tbo figure of n female. Tho profile of woiusn dcunratM tho prow of stately ships. Sho tills n pfacn In tho lltorature, rnrutiice, puelry nnd chivalry of tbe world. In inv tlio'.ojy tho minor deities wore fatnnlot. Wo use tbn llutiro verv much in tho sivinssons. Wo placo tbo femalo figure on tho dooms of publlo buildings anu use it lor oriitinonia lion generally. At this time Ibore Is In pro cots of execution tt ltome, a marblo statue, n winged femalo figure, twolvo feet high, to crown tho dome, two hnudred nnd sixty. Ilvo feet from tho ground, or a new cnpltol build ing of a sister Stats. Men of tas:o nud cul ture approve of this cubtom nnd think It em inently propor to honor woman In this man ner. And womon no doubt feel gratlllod to know that they nro thus deltled, nud msdo to crown the craml nnd tho beautiful. (Hut when wo bavo placed this female figure, winged nt that, on tbo dome ofn Stato Capitol building, wo have dono all that tho custom requires of ut. Woman, so much respected ami adored, irn her iliruro lu muble. wood or urnnre. and elevated to tho eklat for tbe multitude to bohold at tho omblom or progress, is un known In the edlflco hor figure crowns. When In marblo. wood or bronzo sho run resents tho genius of tho people. Hut when I in pi v woman sho Is regarded as tbo genius of humility. It would not lie too sovereto say hero that tills peculiar and universal mode of honoring woman reminds us of n practice wo once beard orsinoog somo who adorned Ihelr persons with precious stones and valu able metals as emblematical of virtues that thev themselves did not possess. If It Is true that tha genius of a people can bo Indicated by a female figure, the Indi vidual herself Is worthy of n thought. She oxcolxasa teacher and would do so as a school officer. If tha 'lords of creation' have to somo extent, failed In providing for tbo demands of scholars, why not admit a few of tho ladles of creation who, when repre sented In marble, wood, or bronzf. Indicate tho genius of a great people, to dellberato and advise In luattors of school government. C0-COCCATI0N. Tim astabllthlnirof nsvstem of coeduca tion for tbo bsnellt of advanced studenisof both sexes, In Ullteront parts or tiiociviiixeii world, has exerted a healthful and vigorous iiiiliienrrtou thoirrent bodv of the neonlo nllro'.ed by it, by which rules and laws bavo bt-cti maito to protect iiiesysiem anu dissem inata li iirlnclnlc. This Is far from beluc a local matter with us. Wo cunuot say to those of too opposite ssx wuo nave tsueu inn leau la obtaltilug tbo mastery of those lutelleo tual pursuits which have always been re Lrilml as ihe exclusive nroportv of men. that they were actuated by an exccntila It not an entirely uuiiatural propensity. If we wilt awako from our slumber this conceit will scon leave us; with all of our advanta ges we will find that in Kugtand, in Ihe leading 1'nivettdtle in Spin and lu India, to sav nothing of other parts of tbe world, America Is liable to ba outrun In this U)tter ofco-edUMtlnu and social civilization. Kveti i ho Orange Free State in Africa, may present examples In her school system worthy of our ittonti in. Hut we have no desire uow to go i cry far aw ay to produce evidence on this poliit, Oregon permits, by ker laws, widows hav ing ihildreu and taxsble property to vote at school uuellncs In the District where they reside. The woman Is In this caso but the representative of her taxable property. In California a law was enacted In 1S7J, making women over tho ago of twenty-one years, who are citizens of tbe United States, and of tbe State, eligible to educational cfSces within tbe State, except those from which thev are excluded by the Constitution. New Yoik, at tbe last session of its legislature, passed a similar law, but the Governor found wbat he termed Constitutional objections and vetoed It. . . Iu Indiana the Attorney General has de cided that n lady appointed by tho School Comtnleslonere, County Superintendent of ono ot tho counties on Constitutional crounds canrot hold the olllco In that Stato. Wo have noticed women namod on school commit tecs in MassaclittsMts, nnd on school Hoards lu Koylaud. Wo may not pursue this sub ject further now, than lo tiy that wbero there aro no o.hor obstacles In tho way of acoumplhlilDir this obj.ct than what men may remove, the consummation ot Ittsu mere mailer of tlmo. The good work and Influence of femalo traders aro tho remold causoof this depo sition lo r.dvHccn women lo school olllre. notwithstanding- I'riMdrnt K.Iot of UnrvardJ Is r-jptilid to have said, "tbo employment oi vr iu n In tbo r-cheols In tho enormous pro jiorib u In which Ihey nro employed It nn nnwl'o ejrii.omy, because It lues itnbly fnds rirst to miiK-tiie imtty or tcaciiurs n cnauguiK ft.iotimtinir bodv. fst thinned and fast ro- ormted, nnd sscbndly lo makoloachlng not n . llfo work, It ought to be, but a temporary . M...i .... ,1... .n.ffn nnnlliAi ItiAilfl firilf.,'1 I Whllo wa think rioaklent Kllot's objection Is largely Imaginary, yet, If true It only shown how thoroughly qunlllld tbo Kachtr would ba to mrot tho carts or thnt other modoorlife. Tho teacher In this lntauco nlmply goes into n school of hcotber i;rado. V.oltave these matters with you. Inw makers generally nro inexporlnceil in tho de tails of tbo machinery by wblcu schools work! thev tioftssarllv look to experloncrd tenchert for nn ititelllgont wlutlon of tho op oration of tlio common echool system. You aro nil capable or btlnnof great service to tho publlo In this particular. It It In your power to rnnko your profession really tho loading onu emimi; so many. And If wo will hut look nt It with candor nud redaction, wo will rel deeply that llie olllco or toachor laoiio of great responsibility, nnd deserving of tho hlubest honor. Tbo grea, and unsolved problem of our oxlsteiico reminds us of tho teacber nud Uught. Mnn, tho most helpless of all iinl mats, is after nil tho only student of Hie. The mlud, tho body and all nature nro but so many partt of ono great book. To dovel opo tho mind nnd tost Its powor, to preeorvo tho body nnd comprohend lis wondorful mechanism, and to study naturo nnd store up Its lossons, nro all embraced In a life or toll and study. In prosperity or ndverslty wo look to tho same guldo for protection. From tbo cradlo to tbo gravo It Is ono sub llmo lecture And whon wo have recited our last lesson, and passed from the stage or tchool life, then wo ahall realize most fully tho presence of tho Great Teacher whoso ben Iflclent baud has boon extended through r.ll tlmo to guldo us by precept nnd example. In Ihe way of duty to lllui, to ourselves nnd to our children. Modloal Dopartmont. Tbo annual announcement or tho Medical Department or tho Wlllstmlto University Is haired from tho press to day In circular form. Hy It wo learn that the Faculty consists of tho following porsons; T. M. Gatch, I'll. 1. ('resident ot University ; Ii. h. ltowlnnd, M. l) Dsan I'rofessor ol 1'hysiology, Micro scopy nnd Hygiene; John Hoswell, M. I)., Iknurltut t'rolussor or Obstetrics and Dis eases or Women nnd Children; I). I'nyton, M. I)., I'rofesioror Obstetrics nnd Dlfaos of Women and Children, with CIIuIcaI Mid wifery; Js. W. MoAfae, M. 1)., I'rofessor of Soruloil nnd Anatomy, with Cllnlcil Stir ueryt D. M.Jones, M. D., Trofossor Matorla MedlCAiiml TherapBiltlcst A. Sharpies, M. I), l'rofossorol tho Principles ami Practice of Surgery; G. II. Colllur, A. M.. Professor of Chemistry nud Toxicology; Phlllii II.tr voy, M. D.,'Profc83orori'athologyand I'rao llco or Medicine, with Clinical Medicine, Hon. Hums Mallnry. U.N. District Attorney, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence The Vnqntna Railroad. Win. T. Wobbur, sajs Iho Albany Dmc crnt.tho engineer nud superintendent of con struction on this road, called on ut last Sat urday, nnd reports thnt tbo work It being Erosecutod nt fast nt possible. Tho grndlng as bean cnmpletod ton iolntnnn inilo bo youd tho village of Philomath, nnd tho road bed hat bosn located sovernl miles beyond that point. Webber has n good working roroo on now, but as soon at tho harvest Is ovor ho thinks tkey will havo all tbo hands they can woik. 'Iho managers havo been corresponding with somo F.-ixteni firms and havo a very fair prospect of getting Iron and rolling stock lor the first ten miles early In tho Spring. Kvoryouo connected with tho rntd means business and don't Intend to "lot up" ou the work until tbe shriek of tho loco motive Is heard reverberating in the canj ous of tho Yiqulna. X-na,A..lM PrtMlltniillM SlInjlA lfl fl. TV tD,kVIIIAj,VVlluu.iu.w w.ww.w ' - Ortou got a bard fall from a height of twenty . . nil .l..ll xtat If a lliBlsfa ;eci. Aiwy woru piuiuiK u uti usu now liotut) nnd bml Juit commsncod UHint; a ... ..Ism, nf aiteaivlaiA frtll IllfiJ fm mnill tlfl.il been on tbo treacherous boards for some U.uobui kh toon a urion aioppou ua.iuu wholo con corn fell and let (bom down. Ilotb .,... a.-a Inltss-Ail mnra nf lAtti Itllf Am tTAt 1I1VU riDin lIMUIUts a' --'i - .w n- ting all right again. The Commodore was s a . m . .. 1 a !. Ins Ia a-tltl liA A aoie lO UO SOIUU woris wujr unmiiiraii wik or two beforo Mr. Ortou will again ap ... linn ,1.1- " a it la ilimiL-ut that several of his ribs were fractured. A Salem Invention. Mr. Wm. Leech, an eiporicncoil horse alioer and vetlnary surgeon of this city, has luveoted a shoe for hoof bound horses and animals' auiftrlns with contracted feet. It Is an Ingenious arrangement and said to an swer the purpose. The'abcols constructed upon Bolentltlsprlnolples and Mr. Leech will take pleasure in .showing his Inventlou to persons interested, llo has applied for a patent. Appointments. Governor S. V. Chadwlck hat nrnolntPil the follow leg porsons Notaries Public; K. DjIVntt, Ashlaud, Jackson rountr, Oregon; A. F Camrbill. Hoiohurg; K. O. Doud, Port land; U.S. Allen, Pcrtland; A. 0. Sweet, Iudefendencei II. F. NIoNds, Prlrievllle; Geo.V. Pillock, Portland; John M. Gcariu, Portland. Nipped. When Mr. C. Uzsfomgo went toclosep his estaMlilimrut last nrgut, to tut.sui irom near tbe trout doors a pair of shoes and boots, Tho shoes wero mlamated but the boots wen a good ialr and ready for Use. They were probably taken some tlmo during the day by soma tramp while Mr. U, was engaged in the bacK part ui tne sioro. W. h. Wade, of North Stlera, the popular anil long established merchant, Is receiving bis fall stock, for city and country trade aud Is proparei to suit the wants of all cus tomers. Mr. Wade Is a liberal dealer and about as honest and straightforward as most of us, and those who know him need no en dowment from us. Organs. If you want a good, round, smooth, sweet- toned Organ one that Is made of tbe b s. of materia), and will last a lifetime get tbe Whitney A Holmes, ot J. H, Hobbles, Port land, Oregon, Activity not Always JSnhuoy. Thero tiro somo mon wltoso failure lo suuccotl lit llfo 13 n problem It) others, m well us to lliijiiiselves. Thoy tiro in tltislrlou", jirtitlent nnil ecrnitutilcnl; yot nftor ti luti? llfo of striving, IiI urro Unite tlicm Mill poor. Thoy complum or ill luck. Thoy say iato U nlwnys ucalnst tlioni. Hut tlio fact it that they mlfiMiry bocnuso thoy havo ntL'tikeii incio nctlvlty fbrotiprjry. Confnuiiillni; two things iuMiully dliroront, thoy hnvo stiii'josoil thnt, if thoy tin.' . I wttys busy, thoy wotthl bo i-'-riuiii tj bo tulvunciiig tholv forluiio. Thoy havo forgotten that mlMlIroclod IuIh, I- but ti wihIc of netlvitv. Tho person who would .sttccci'd itlikoiimarksnuui firing nt n tartrot. If hl-j Bliot tuUt tho ni.trk tltoy nro n wusto of powder. S'o In tho grent g.tino of llfo, what ti mini does mtbit bo nitido to count, or It might ill most us well havo boon loft undone. Everybody know.s mmiio ono iu Ills clr elo of friends, who though always act ive, has this want of energy. Tho ills temper If wo may call It such, o.vhlblts Itself In varous vny.-. In somo ensos tho man has merely an executive capa city when ho should hnvo a dlroctivo oiio; In other language, ho makes tt cap ital clerk for himself, when ho ought to do the thinking of tho business. In other cases what Is' douo is not douo either at tho right tlmo or in tho right way. Energy, correctly understood, Is activity proportioned to tho end. Tin: A(iui:iiuctii oi'Komk. Ono or tho most striking ovidentos of old Ro man greatness aud gootl sciibo Is to bo fun till In thelrclabor.tto system of nitic dticts, traces of which without num ber havo been laid baro In tho recent excavations. Itemalns of these vast works exsist In ovcry part of Homo und of thondjacont country, nnd tho aque ducts, In theirorlglnal stato, must have been among tho grandest objects of tho city. Sometimes thoy wero carried un der ground In ;)cciw, or subterraneous chaiiuuli: sometimes, again, It was ne cessary that thoy should tako tlio form of Imposing arcades, from thirty to 11 fly feet In height. Tho railroad crossing tlio Vota Pass In Colorado, climbs to nn elevation greater than over boforn reached In North America or Europe. Heretofore tllin........ Crt.li... . .1... rTtl l,....flli. OIll'IIUIIII QlllklUtl, WU U1U IIIUII J lll'llll, nbout 8,'23" feet, lias been the highest eiovtuion over readied uy ran. t.a vo ta exceeds it by ovor a thousand foot, being tl.il IU feet ubovo sea level. Tho grado isUll feet to tho mllu it portion of tho way How to Oitr.v. In n pnnle iu u pub lic school, caused by tho cry of tin1, ono Httlo L'lrl sat perfectly bllll. On hcimr asked why sho did so sho said, "My father Is a fireman, ami told mo If tho school should bo nllro I would bo far safer to sit in my placo until tho rush was ovor, and then get out quietly." She know how to obey. Au extiress tndn In Hnssla. cnrr.vlntr C,(JO0,0UO of roubles, has altogether dis appeared, wiinotit leaving tno sugiiiu.se traces nlfordlutrncluu us to what has be come, of It. A Ualtlmoro bello Just from Varaar College, when told by tho waiter that thoy had no goo-ioborrles, exclaimed, " What has happened to tlio gooso."' To tlio ViUlotcel LiulloN Iu lmtlctiliii. Why uoed you aullVr with Paralysis when you can be cured? Why will you suiler with Ithoumatlsm when you can bo cured? And why havo so rnsny ache aud pslns when It Is within your reach to be cured T I am now titatllthcO la fulcra, prcparrj to treat til CcroUc Dlicstcj, luch si lihoamatlsm, Kcaratela, Conicmptlcn, Kldnt dlteaui, r.J la fact all dlttas ts tbat tarosa rleth 1 telr lo. riptclalattcUIOD a!l to Fsrasle WcikncM and ncrrons pioiiritlcn. which Wo common to Ldk. Children's dlitsits cot ex cepted. In connection with ray practice, I havo ono of tLo celebrated ilcdlcsud Vspor Lightning Cream BatLi, which aids vastly la remoTlrg s!l chronic dis ease. It optcs the pores of tho ikln, snd throw s off the filmy, izorbld matter, which Is ens or the crest caniet or f o msch lutTcrlrg, Whtu wo onco thick tl.jt two-thlrdi ol i we take Into orr mttm pines off throcch tho pores or tLo ikln, wo need net stop long lo wonder why we aro tick, when wo pay ro lltllo mention to the mott Important emacctnry of oar bodies. Usrlcg the put cloe nocthi I hate had this bath in operation, acd many can testify to Its rClcacy. I treat patients by the week, or by single treatment. Ladles will do well to give mo a call, Retldcnce, soutteait corcer of Center and Summer Streets, Salem, .THIS. V. W. CltAIU, 71. U. JOHN MINTO, rnrrurn or MERINO SHEEP, flUKES pleaanre InoCtrlnc to tho Wool-O rowers ol 1. Orcrou i d tho S'lJolr.Uie Territories tho rhicco topurchtto TlIOItOlTdliUltlCn MtltlNOS, and as aru.c ptrtles lut,rcud that they eau, aiid will en dtarur to, tell Hheep of t ho iiiue oualtty acd alue at MVCII ClIKAl'Elt KATES linn soch can pclbly b Imported, hiamlnttlou sod corcparlsun It ti eth er seep ojftred la tbo uarket aro coidiilty tntlud. .Addrc4 JOHN JIlNhi. c-sli-m, Orcron. !t. n. Tho iticis and Itasi Lambs of tho acU can bo,ecnoa the ISLAND I'.'.ltil, adjoins: Bilen. Tho Ewes can b i;en at iho race piece, (r at iho HILL FAltM foar and 4 hall ullcsrosth or tho city, fralem, btrtemtnr 10, 16T3. Farms and Land tor Sale. IOFFEIl FOR SsLK ONE FAItM, 320 ACHES. to) acres In colllrat on, i'xl orchard, rltna'edon the l'ltat ar.t IIU1 roid. about :t mllr from Koene City. A!o, a teat 1 100 urrea rf MIXED LAND. inn.0 ot tho beat Taller and besrerdam Lsnd tn the county, taironidtd by hill and brnih iacd. Ttrco or fool ery k'to.l fjrm can bo mads out of tl. Good place fur s r o!olj. Want lo fell the whn'e lot togeth er. This Ijicd Is attested In Lens county, about 12 miles from Icct-io City, sort sli from Cri,tll. Jed Addrtie 'F. B. l)V.SN,.i'ffs Cify. REAL E3TATE LOAMS. OREGON A5D WASHIXCTOX Trost Investment Company OF SCOTLAND. TniS Company Is prepsred to cesotlate lotus la inmstrom J(OtoSij.tj0ti:r4 oser 111 PRO. VKD CITV rHOFEKTY acd FARX LANDS, for fixed psrieds of yeajf, or repsyablo by half-yearly Ic- staltoects. For te.-s, apply to WILLIAM REID. Ificazer. cot1t V First street I'orUacd.