Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 28, 1877, Image 1

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$2,50 per Year.
We congratulate our friends and patrons
ontbo prosperity that ro wards the labors of
the farmers of Oicgon and Washington, and
wo solicit their conlluuod Rood will and
patronsgo lor our paper, promising thorn
that we ulll inako tho Willamhtth Faiimi:u
all that tholr support will warraut,
We bavo purchased a largo proas, capablo
of doing much moro rapid work, with the
lntontlon of enlarging and Improving tho
rAiiMi:n whonovor our circulation ahull In-
croaso to Justify It.
Wo havo many frlonda who realize tho
groat necessity and ndvstitnuo in having an
independent and fearless Journal dovotod to
tholntorcsts of agriculture, and wo solicit
tho friendly services of all farmers to in
crease our busliicsannd o onr.blo us to work
tuoro successfully for lliolr Interests.
'I hero Is a largo Immigration coming Into'
tbeStste, und wo hope to rccolvo Increased
support from nil such new comers. If our
old irlond will help us to mnko now ones,
wo will roward tholr servlcos byullbiral
commission, and thank them besides.
Theronro many who am In orrunru,notno
of them for u long time, and wo rrspoctfully
urgo nil such to lemomborus now tint pros
porlty Is so general. Wu dlsllko to sond out
duns, and hope that oil thoso will respond
without further remlndor.
Tho prosperity of this pnpor should bo nn
Indication of the prosporlty of tho region It
represents. Now, that our palronn bavo an
abundant yield and ilrst-ralo prices for
coroals and all other products, we lioro to
rccolvo tho general piittonagu und good will
wo havo always trlod to tltsorvo.
Tho l'acltlo North West Is able to support n
good newspaper In thn Interest of ugrlcul
luio, and It Is our ambition to provo that fact
j jherond a'nuostion.
Oncomorot Wo need all the holp our
friends can give to secure nn tucreatn of cir
culation, nnd wo need nil tbn money that is
due us ou old acoount. Those who nwo us
for moro than one year ore, tnformod that we
do not wish to bo forgotten, or to havo to
ocml them particular reminders.
Amii-vnh! Vent. IS. 1677.
This Implomrnt lias been used In this
vallev to a limited extent. In thn Must, with
satisfactory results, l tmve been using ono for
Homotliiiii nnd Mowing wheat. This Is tho
fitting my animals are uettlug for the Stato
Fair, a I tiso Whim I'rlnre, Whim Itoae,
Doll mid Tempest, all full blood I'erchorcus,
10 u.
The Chisel Cultivator is a California In ven
(ton. and designed to bo used on "try land
or befom the rains come. 10 proparo tho
grouuil or plowing, as irequouiiy in Cali
fornia and sometimes lu tills valley tbern
will not bo rain eunugti to pet l tin ground in
order to plow till December and January and
then souietlwo bo wot cannot plow thorn,
thl lmnlimsnl will loosen tho drv. bard
ndobe, as well as other aluvlal or red lands
to a depth of 111 roe to four inohes, ana the
rjrst raius start tno grain nnu manes a goou
crop with anything of a fair soason.
Tim cultivator Is a stout frame A shaped
with threolrou wheels, with sevon and nine
chisels, seven Is enough for four horses, the
chisels are tdronidy braced with Irou.acd
re In shape like the millers use for drosslng
lmrs. cut il indies about 11 lontr. these are
of hardened stoel, Gin be revorsed, andslf
sharpeners, tbe 7 are sat to isko or make a
feet the actual out of the chisels Is 17K Inoh
es, tbe mlddla will gouirally break out, but
to do a c"d lob, run tbe cultivator across
tho first cultivation.
I have no doubt this would 1 a valuable
improvement fir the farmers of Eistern Ore
con and Washington Territory, hs I believe
it doe not rain early enough to proparo the
grounu lor plowing anu sowing in ii tun
wheat up bsfiira winter sets 'u, this would
help that Ullllculty, nnd could bn used at
Icatt every alternate year, and I doubt not,
would bo a. goo! Improvement for the farm
ers of the Wlllcmetto, wlion they are
troubled with wild nate, run thn cultivator
over the ground before Uih rains cots tho
ground In order to plow, this will so loosen
tbo ground that tha wild nils will start im.
mediately sfier tho llrt rain, then when
well np pluuce dtp with a Jointer or small
plow, on the bevm In odvanceofa larger nun,
Ibis arrangement fur a plow whl cocerup
anything, and put all the surface in the hot.
torn of tbo farro.v. W. O. Mvr.H.
A Prosperous Buslnrts.
Attention is called tn the new "ad" of
Gardner Urs. lu llils isiue. inn urni so
lately established here are doing a wonder
fully prosporoes business. On Saturday
last thev received r-n Invoice of 10 organ
from illtftrant fietorles. Theo leMrumrnts
hav9 been s6nt to thn nompan.v's agents at
Etwene. Albany and lI-tloy,and ere already
old. Another Invol.-e is expected to arrive
tbls week. This company Is also selllmr
pianos as well. Since the tlrst of tho month
piano bavo boon sold to S. F. Maoks, Auro
ra: Jas. Colomsu.St. I'uli Wm. C'ummlnirs
nudJas. A. Dtishiiell. Junction; Charles 0.
IUrns, or Albany, nod others whos names
have not been reported. Tborompsny slo
have In stock Instruction books and aline
suaortment of sheet music.
London, Sept. 21. It Is announced that
four large London llrms worn yesterday In
vited to inako tondors for a supply ol Iron
huts to bo erecttd near Bucharest fur ICO, WO
Hurslan soldiers.
ChlcuRO, Sept. 22 The Tribune's Loudon
special sayst Fighting Is reported to have
begun between tho forcos of MehouiAt All
and thn Czarnwltch near Hlnla, Tbn Turk
ish foicns camo up with thn Russian out
posts Thursday nnd hoiiio skirmishing took
plnrn. followed by moro serious ronlllct
Friday resulting In n loss to the Itmslin of
6.000 men, nnd to tho Turks iI.UOO, ISoth
sides claim tho victory.
London, Sept. til No official Intolllgcoco
Is yot recolvntl fioin nltherslde ooncornlng
tbu reported battle at Hle-la yesterday.
Asieolnl from Hucltsrest to dnvenynthcro
has tmon sovorn imtoolslvo lighting for two
days bstwesn thn cxarnvilrh nnd Mehemol
All. Tho Ilusslsnsntlll hold ltlols. Another
rnKrt Is that tho Uusslaii huadiiusrtorshavo
roilrnl lohUtovn.
Ojiimii 1'iishn ntiackod fliavitzi redoubt
rhursdny night nnd was ropulttod with
heavy loss.
Louilin,Spt. 21, A ltusIan ofllclsl hill
lntln. ilnlod On nicy Htudln, fjsturday ray
tho Turks renewed tho boinbardmont of
h'chlpka pass positions nn Friday, In thn
afternoon. Thoy began tho assault on tho
rlulit lUnk, but weio repulsed. Tlmy then
attacked lha lelt and center nnd were like.
wto ropulssd. Tbo fluhting Isstiol until
nlulit. It Is thought tho attack will bo re
newed Ssturday.
Uhevliot I'ssba telesrnphs from Orchalnn,
Sept. 22.1. that lllfs 1'ssba commanding tho
mnvoy of tho tirovlslon train lor (Ionian
Pasha nrrlvod at Dubrlch, tun hours' march
from I'lovna, having ilcfWitod 15 Itusklan
battalions ou tho way. Owiisn IMsha Is ex
pected to mnkn n sortlo to establish a Junc
tion with this foreo.
Constantinople, Kept. 23. Mehemet All
tclogrephs to dsy tn tbo porto ss follow!
"Niioii,Sept.'Jlt. Wlim it furious eugase
iiienttnok place, woedvaucedlothoeuomy'a
enlretichinunt darknoss stopped thn tlghllng.
Kuriny 'a loss was twlco as great esjiursJi
WnofUolal HnsafaniltsalutrglVes IhuIoVs
In Sohlpka pss on the 10th nnd 17lhnt31
otlloxrs and 1,000 men killed and wounded.
A Vienna correspondent siyn the encoun
ters Thursday nnd I'rldsy near IllelaMrnsaid
to havo boon grtally i-xnggnnttod by thn
Turks. According tn Information received
horu tliny were drawn bittles, and tho forces
einrsged worn no', largo.
A isirrcspoiident wbn woi nn cyn witness
ofKrldny'a bstllo between Iho rx-iniwltch
and Mehemet All telegraphs from .-irouna
as follows; l'ho or six dlflorcnt attacks
tvero made to day by tbo Turks with from
ono to three battalions each tliuo and all mi
Niipported attscks failed. Tho lots to thn
Turks was very heavy, A number or killed
and woundod can bo seen lying on tbo open
ground over which thn coiiibstauts raned.
Thn Russians maintain tholr oltloiis,
which cotiMit of n series of formidable
tronohes, Theru hai also been aomo light
Inir nl'Kudlck Lei by n division of Ahmet
llvouh'a corps, nnd at Verbatxa by two bat
Isllnns deuobeil by Mehemet All, but tho
Turks wero unsuccessful at these plices also,
Tho whole action has boen totally dllfdrent
from what It should hao been. A folut has
been turned Into ttlack, and tbo real attack
has not Ikwui carried out.
IOndon, Sept. S3. A great demonatratlon
of worklngmen of Northumberland and liar
ham was hold on tho moor nfXewrastln,
Saturday afternoon, In honor of (Jen, Uraut.
Twenty-two trado societies participated In
tbo procosslon. Thn number of persons
present was estimated at 0,000, Tho demon
stration has ro precedent slnco the great
political meetings at the lime of Iho reform
bill, Thos, Hurt, member of parliament,
presonted a culoglatlo address to (Jen. Orant,
who said he thanked thn worklngmeu for
their very wclcomo sddreta, and (bought
this reception was tho most honorable be
could meet with. Alluding to ubatMr.
Hurt aaiu concerning tno lalo civil war,uen.
Grant declared he had alwnvr been an adio-
catoof prsco, but whtn war was declared ho
went in war lor me causa wiueu no uuiifiveu
to be the right ami fought to his bent ability
to secitru peace end safety to his nation.
Paris, 8pt. 23 Urbain Join Jnieph Lo
Verrliir, the fsrnuos astronomer, Is dead,
I)tidon.Nent. 21, Mohmet All's report
ed victory lurns out to bo a defeat. The
ItutsUn odlolal bulletin announces nt thn
cIosh of Iho engagement o held all our
positions A renew hI ef i be attack Is expect
ed. A correspondent cjlls the olftlr an of-
lonsive recon uoisunee iy ten nauuiions.
Tbn principal Mouieuegrlu army sur
rounds GtokoUo,
A ttussl.in dfllaUl dlopH'ch. dated Qorny
yudeu yekterdar, says tho Turkish nltack
ou Tzoryaua, the 21t, was decisively ro
pulsed, and was not renewed nn the 23.1,
Tho Turks retreated. Our Ios was20uIII-cersaud-tOO
men) that of the enemy at least
Consianllnnnln. Kent. 21. Hafsl I'asha'a
division of twenty btllalums of infantry,
two bttlerlesund a retilmeiit of oivalry, en
tered I'Ien s I'l tresli mpplUs of piovl
shusand smmunlitoii, Tn work of rostor-
liiK leleirrpblo eouiiuuniwtiou Is advano
Ion rspidly.
I'nri. Kflpt, 21 NotwilhsUndlnc Satur
day's decision agtliwt Uiiubelis, noiiHrming
theJudrfiuAiit agalust lilm lu default, It Is
Ihouishthe still has nt onitiinsnd snpisls
and ilblVH enough In carry him beyond the
elections' before final seutenre, so Ibathe
call claim, as u deputy, immunlt from ar
rest, lie ua, nrti, me ume wnniu which
be can make an appeal; soood, thn time
necessary to hear the appeal; (bird, tbe
time wunin wnicn ius csm, can i isaea io
tbe court of cassation; fourth, tbe time ntces-
Iiondon, Sept. 2i. A correspondent with
Mehemet All lndlcatos that tho engagement
ntTxercavna was Intended as a rceonnolssuce
but assumed n somewhat more serious char
acter becauso of tho Impetuosity of tho Tut k
Ish troops) who, according to this and nthor
accounts, dlsnlsvod tho greatest conrauo.
Tho contral column advanced as fir ns Vcr-
boka,and after having been ordered four
times In vain to rotlro, had to be ted out of
tho fire by tho division commander In por
son nftor having stormed tho Husslan posi
tion under n murderous tiro.
Krr.oroum, Hopt. 25. If Is rumored that thn
Ituaslan garrlton of Ardshan bus received n
reinforcement orclfht battalions. Tbo Itus
slsn tenter havn hIo boen reinforced, nnd
now contains (It battalions of Infantry. Part
nftbeio relnforcomenta wern drawn from
(len. Terskusoff's force, which now couslsts
only nri'Jhittallonn,
lxindoti, Sept. 2., An Orchnnl sprclal
njs preparations nro making for an ndvnnco
of all llin troops now hero towanls l'lovnn,
TLny Incluito Isrsn iiiimbors of Circassians
hrlotmlug to thoNullan's giurd, sonio regit
Isr Albanians, batteries and numbers ot un
disciplined Irregulars, Another liiiuicnxn
convoy uf provisions mid munition of wsr
Is on tho point of starling lor I'lovna, escort
ed by i division.
I.ondoii, Sept. 2,1, It Is slated thn ltusslan
and Kotimnnlnii lossen boroiol'Jena exceed
23 000 killed und wounded.
lluohorest. Sept. 25. Thn wralber tho rait
two dnys 1ms bom extremely bad nt l-'rn-teshtl
whluh Is now n sea of mud. Hospital
accommodations exist for l,fO0 wounded
whllti 7;000 sro nccumuUtdl llieto.
(Jen. Toddlobeii has started fcrlhn ltti-.Mr.ti
ht'idqtiarters. It Is bellevrd ho will n main
llieroiotuodays fnrronsiillatlon on Iho e
oral hltiiullnti, nnd afterwards will bn as.
ated with l'rlnco Cliailislu counnaudof ti.o
army bofore l'lovnn,
A Turk Mi dotachutent lias occupied Iho
natlcnal stroiiBhnld of iloumsnlaii territory
under covor of tho guns of Vilistila. They
apirontlv Intend to attempt lo cut tho rail
way httwron Oalatsand ltitchnret.
VerbllRt.Scpt. 23. Thn lloiiinanlans havo
approacheil by Mip to within ti'ihty yards of
tbosol-ond Qravltza lednubt. Utidnubu-dlv
an assault will bn undo "lu " Utr
ll7. Itllsireaba-ivsHr-rioV(ed'l(i linVC Cll'.
icrnu rinvna wnu only a small escort.
Threo Infantry divisions of thn Iluslan
dtiard havo reached Illela. Ono will rcinaln.
Tho two others havo been dlxpntohcd In
I'levua, Noarl v all tho cavalry of tbo guard
Is destined for TlrnovH.
1-ondon, Sept. 2a, (len. Grant was tn-d.iy
met at Sunderland railway station by tho
Mayor, and Messrs. (JnurtTy nnd Hurt, mem
heis of lVrlUment. Thn day Is nboerted a.
mot as n ccnerol bnlldav. Nenrly 10,(1)0
mombers of trado and friendly societies
marcbMl In procession. General flrant was
jiresont nt thn laying of tbe foundation stone
of the library nnd inureum, and replied to
an address of friendly nnd Iradn aocletlos.
In reply to rtu Invitation from thn corpora-
nun iii nirniiuiuiiii-i-..'iii irii. iirani iiiii-
Viattd his Inteiillen to visit tho town on Fri
day next. Ho will Lo rsratled toHliakaisro'M
hlrlhplaco by tho mayor and cororatlon of
mat town.
Ilslllmore,Sopt.22.-Thn (Irsnd Lodge of
I. O, O. F. has selected Austin, Texas, fur
the next annual inr-otlng.
Atlanta, Sept. 22 1'iosldiiit Hayes nnd
larly arrlvtsl at 7:30 this morning. Afus
irealtfast, a drive was takon about (ho city.
and at 10 o'clock, from tho stand In Irout of
me uoiei,anu in presenco oi iu,wu pcopio,
Mayor Angler, on behalf of tbu municipali
ty, welcomed the I'rosldrnt, und Gov. Cob
qtiltt, for tho poopld of lliu State, apoko words
of hearty welcome, President Hayes, on
being Introduced, was greeted with loud
cheering. Ho spoke at length, and lilt rn
msrks werogroetod with hearty applause by
the people,
Secretary Evarts and Postmaster General
Key also spoke.
The banquet in the evening wna a grand
success. Speeches wero made by Hayes, Ev-sy-U,
Key, Han Hill, and Gordon,
Thu l'rnsldtnt has declined the Invitation
lion to visit Augusta. Ga, llo hopes to bo
able to do so during tlin winter.
Cleveland, Ohio, Sent. 22 A larirc num
ber of farmei sand others InUrestod In thn
catllo disease which has Ii-hii rsglug somu
of Us in various parts of ibe city nnd nut
lying country, mot in convention lo-nlgbt.
'I be general theory of thn dlioaso Is Hut a
fever ol some kind is com m untested to na
tlvn cattle by Texas cattle brought here for
market, and Ihst hsvu b-jen pastured In the
surrouiHlliit; country ,
Terra Haute, IudSept. 22. Them was n
Isrgo lulior jrn riibsck iniss meeting heru lo
night. Ttiorekoliilloiisn.loitbdlinoraRnjflii
back currency, roiiionellutlan of silver, elec
tion of rrts-ldeut by d'rect votn of the pan
pie, laws mskiug laLor tbo tlrst lien on
projrly, nnd In fnvur of harmony among
tbn Industrial manes to form a national .ar
ty ors n Union.
()i!Mhi,H3pt, 21 Tonoimpirtlesof third
Inlautrv urrlvtd liorem div tiv in&eUl l ruin
over tho Kocl: Island rod I, and left fur Mon-
isiii. -iiieyaroeii rotito irom inn scene or
recent riot. In I'cuusylvauU to Ibe fetal of
Ihn Indian ivsr.
Chsrlnttiisville.Va . Sent. 2S. The rrnsl.
duutUl party arrived fiom Lynchburg this
attcrnoMi. ThngreattsteuthUhUkru piuvall
ed lu d It-ireut pUees vhero the train stop
pul, Thn party lull nt Our o'clock lur Wash
iiiKinn. At (lordnnvlll4, V., there wssu
tirlelstoji occupied liy sptocuw nnu greet
1'igx. As we passed through Turntrtbeotborday
wn saw a grest number of learns unloading
wheatat tte I 'aimers' Warehouse, and met a
great uiauy more teams going tbe same way.
Much moro wheat than usual la Letog hauled
28, 1877.
Destructive Fire at tho Patent Office.
Washington, Kept. 24. Tho Washington
E stent otllce building Is on 11 ro. Tho llamos
roko out In tbo model room, burnt through
tho roof and Is blazing furiously. AH tho
engines lu tbe district nro gono to the scene.
Tbo upper portion of the west wing, on Ninth
street, is In llnmce, which aro.creeplng aloug
between thn colling nnd tho root ot tho north
wing and of tbo main building on t street.
An Immenso number of valuahlo innJels
havo been destroyed, Secrotury Schuiz nnd
assistants am superintending tho removal of
tho illcs and rt cords. They nro removing
tho books and ptipors and organized ns guards
n guard or tho district uillltla nt tbu main
stairway of tho model room In tho center of
tbo building where nn Immense number of
models yet romnln. Tho firemen nro In tho
room endeavoring to savo It from tho llamos.
It first nppoaied In tho con isrvatory near
tho roof, Thoto wero nil Immanso number
ofrejtcted mntlols pseked lu Ihontllnnhovo
tho model room, It lsbellnvod spontaneous
combustion thoro mured tho coul'iigrntlon.
Thu land ofllco records are stored In tho
rooms two storlos boneath. Tho lire has ox
louded to tho north wing, nnn-hnlf of which
Is now on tiro. Thn wholo wrst wing N ono
mass of llitiu's, Tho model drparlmeut,
with models, Is partly destroyed.
1:30 p. in. At this writing tho tiro Is under
contiot. Tho most damage has beon confin
ed to Ihn upper stories. Sovnrsl Urn com
panies from lUlllmoro arrived about 12i30,
Tho tlmn from making application for them
until tholr arrival lu this city was loss than
ono hour.
Tho most yaluablo records of the patent,
land, Indian nnd ponslou olllces, ns well ns
thosonfthn Interior department proper are
stored nn mo nrst two noor.s ot mo uuiming
beneath tho model room, and none cf them
havo yet bton reached by Iho llamos, Thn
bent was so lutcuso nt oun lime that thn
window frumes and nwnlus ou O street
uerolgullen hut tho flro was extinguished
biforn making much proaress, Tbo num
ber of medals Is variously estimated at from
60.C0O to 73,000.
In tho patent ofllco building nre thn offices
miboidlnaio to tho Interior department. Thn
pension oi'JrOi isnti-oin-t-im nnice nnu
luUlaii oillcc, sillier by mixing ordocuments
In ihn effort lo savo them.
At .1 o'clock tho flro was ronflnod to tho
norihwmt corner and under control.
Wihrht's biilldlm; flu ( street npposlln thn
patent ofllco Is now on tiro nnd tun or I In no
nouses on Setenth street opposite the Indian
btiri.iut havocniight. Thog"iimnl postolllce
has benn iilnac-tl and Ihn public work aeeins
suspend' d tbrotigliout tho city.
Tho pslnnt nlllco tiro originated from spoil.
InneoiiH ciimbusilnii among a lotofnon
patetitrd chomlcal matter storod In tho uttlo
on tho Ninth street front.
Tho original copy of tho Deolaiatlon of In
dependence and rollcs of (Jon. WaahlngUui
worosaved; alio Franklin's printing nrtss.
Nearly nil tho oolllcatlons and orlidnsl
drawings of Ihn iMtenlolllon woro sated nnd
Irom thesn models can bn reproduced. If no
cositary. Many clerks of thn Interior depart
ment, Iiiid, Indian, nnd Pension o filers
havo been ordorod on duty to-night, assort
hilt hooks and papers and drying thnso
which havo been damaged by water. Tbo
military are on guard duty at Iho hulldluir,
whsre thoy will remain until tho records
and publlo ptn(rty uru secured, Nonn of
tbo Land otllro records nro destrojid, but
many serlausly dsmagtd by water.
The most valuable models saved wero
relating to sowing machines, flreti ms, print
ing prestos, locks, ssfrs, Ao, Tho models of
lespers, mowirw, nnd various agricultural
Implements Mere destroyed. ThedsmsKolo
thn bulldins Is variously estimated nt from
f300 ,000 lo $500,000, whllo that Irom tbo do
atrucllon of models nnd other valuables be
longing lo tho patent ofllco Is almost Incal
culable. Washington. Hopt. 25. Thirty thousand
models wero destroyed by tire lu the pstent
ofllco. The valuoof tho property lost. In the
abstract, will sgitregate about lf millions,
butssa Isrge number of models cannot or
will not be replaced, tlin aetual loss will
probably not much oier 00,000or J'JOO.000.
Tho patent o 111 en hus to Its credit with tho
treiniry, over nnd aboie lis earnings, n sum
Hiftloient to moot this cxpcudltum, hut It
cannot lo med without nu appropriation by
St. Iul,S(.pt,2l, eclal from Leaven
worth says a private letter recehud from Fort
Kanssa glvis nn account ot a fight bntwesu
cstilo llilovts und a paity of pursurera in
Choeune('n,, Kansas, hnmadsysspu. It
svemsa largo number of tattle had been
stolen during tbo Mt sumiur, und It was
huslly determined by herders and ou tiers
to put a stop in It nnd muhii an emmplnot
them. It Is raid Mime 700 cattle ivero tun oil
fnini Western Ksnsas and Colorado by
parly of tuvlvo robbers, who started north
with l hem. A ry of Ilftieu lungers,
kpUniltdly armed und moiiiilvd, start) d lu
pursuit. After a wry hard ride of II IK on
dys, ihsy camoiiinu Hie thieves In estrtme
NnrihKCHteru Khmsss, surrounded them
whon at suppir, khld soienof them, hung
soother to a iriHi.ond reuowred nil tholr oat
tin. Nonn of tbe laugtr nern hurt, ttiosur
prlso being n complete llmt the inhbirs bud
no chance to return the 11 in or iiultu tuiy in
distance. County Tux Levy.
Tbo County l.Cuti msuu In an adjourned
fcsion uvterdty, thn follow Ing Ux lov tor
tbn coming tbcsl josr: Net ssluool tnxsble
properly lu thu cmimv, (I.UM.ICv); saieu milt
levy, rilsliilsx, J.UJbi tO; lhre mill-levy,
icbool tax, 12,Mft '-u; wsen mill ly, cur
runt county expense, liShibO; four mill
lew. lo bu applied ou county linhbltdiies,
HVitU 00; J.tJ i-olls, fl.t-ali. Tolsl ltvy 81
' County Clerk.
Volumo IX, Number 33.
A Few More Words about Merino Wool.
Et). l'Aii.MKn! My remarks about Merino
wool In last wcok'a paper road a llttlo ob
scurely by reason of tho omission to publish.
t'io lottor of tho l'ortland Arm, wlio claimed
n customary dock of "ono half "on four full
blooded Merino llnooos. on account of
'swont.greaso, and gum." My Irlond J. 0.
llsumls suppressed tho nsinn of tha largo
soulod Portland flrin. That, I think, should
havo boen shown up In this connection, al-,
though perhaps "Iho gamo' would prove to bi
hardly worth tho powdor." Your editorial1
in thn samo paper, however, under tho head
of "EMtornOrigoti Wool," brlugs up tho
H.ibJ.ctof tho Improvement ollected on tho
wool of that region tngother with tho fact that
hsroloforu tlioro has beon an arbitrary rulo
under which l'ortland merchants havo
bought It (Etstern Oregon wool) at n prlcu
below that thoy wsro paying for tho wool ot
Western Oregon." Of this tho most cutor
prising nnd Iiitolllgont of tbo wool-growera
of that district Justly complain, and some
havo csirrlod tholr condemnation of tho prau
tlco so l.ir as to let tbo l'ortland merchants)
nlono nnd fcetul their wool to Han l'rnnclsro,
wbero thoro nro men who caro enough for
tbo business of dealing lu wool to buy tho
wool aont lo them on t'M merit, not on tbo
namoof thedlstrlct It comes from. ItsneDin
to mo thli subject, bolog of Importance, sco
ond only to the crop of broadstuin derived
from tho hind, Is wmlhy tbo attention of tbo
Portland Ho.irdnf Trado, If It b cno of tbo
objrots of thitl llojrd to inako I'orthuid an
Intelligent center of buslnotn. Perhaps Mr.
Seymour Is correct In his cstlmato that ilvo
times tho proportion of lino wool Is produced
Mint of the Ciucados.that Is grown In West
ern Orofioti. The reason l that all tho wool .
groHU there ls'lirdrcsilU of a diivotloii tri. '. .
woo'.-gruwlng as, a busluoss, guided and
stimulated by experience of the truth of tho
fact you qucto Mr, Seymour In support or,
that tho" idioit (Merino) wools, heavy with
yolk, cauMntid both tho wot of this valley
and Umiquannd tho nlkall cf lslrru Or
egon better than Ihn Cotswolds ncd l.lctiH
tern. Yet while tho wool-growers of Eist of
thu C:iciido3 uro most generally llndlng out
this fact, because following woobgroisluK as
n special pursuit, tho knuwlodge of It Is
steadily galulng on tho Wejl sldo, also, Asa
breeder of Merinos I can say lliat I havo
nold four limes as ninny rams of that blood
to Hook owners In the Willamette valley dur
ing tbe past two yours as I did In any llku
pjrlod previously. J.Mi.mo.
A loiter to tho J!ccord htnlo.i Mint
Clou. Hlioriunii wilt ho lit tlio comiiiir
Ntnto Fair and all will probably littvo
an opportunity to noo nnd hoar lilm.
Hausi-.v Stoiiii anii Waiikiioi'si: Co. Wh
received a call this week from Mr, T. L.
Porter, who Is connected with Hits co-operative
outorprlio, conducted under tbu tnaiugH
mentor I'.or 11., Mr. Jos, lYatl.ll'reVt. T.J.
Hlack liolngiiiauaglngagout, ThlH company
has dono a splendid business for the ml
threo years, having been entirely suecessfiil,
Alleady this rail Ihev have bought H0.000 bu.
of wheat, ntf 1.00 to f I 05 per hu., tho prlcu
pild at Altany. They glvo tho Isriner all
ihoio Is III It and thus dtsirve ond liccho
tho confide neo of all producers.
A Potato Ynrn.
Mr, T. L. iMvhlson, living shout n inlln
Miutli ot tlin dnpot, 1ms n patch of Mitstoos of
ihesavagu variety, that has loeu guilty of
an liliiioioiliitsblo. Itvfk. Tbu ilatos In
many of tbu 1.1114 slu'i lu Ihn hills at all
hut grow ou the villus thn snmn as lninalr.es,
llo will havo a niimboror the vines at thn
MkIu Fair for exhibition and to glvn our .ixrl.
ciiltiirsl friends a chance lo "rise and ex
plain" why "this thing Is thus."
Mr. 11. F, Hvithtjy wus np(olnlnil by thn
Comi'y Court yesterday it esiiiiiiiUslnuer I"
e;xauilun and nport nil Iho praelleablllt.v and
ixntofnliildgo across North Mill -rnk on
tbe line tif Coiiiiusrolal or Front si reels.
A Lout: String.
1). I). I'rettym.ii lufurirs usthatl'JO wng
ems, losd&d witli wheat, ratiiu Inlet l.tuunlu
josur.liv befiro three o'uhick III Hie nflur
iiii'iii, iiiott of llifcin coming Irom the Itnu
liy nfHstl.el uml i'e.-ridalo, Whost haul
ing In I'nlk Is livelv Just liov, tin, farieiers
am nnloin to got through sous lo utleud thu
Stale Fair.
Commissions Issusil,
Thn election lur Mato Deputy of I O (J T.
forilHrlou enuiily dUirhi. has rtsiiiltd m
i ihu rhoicei of It. (I. Itsiiisbf, of Sllve-r LoiUh
No. 3'). Tito lodges lu 1. 1 nil county Itaio
ulven u m&Joriiy of tlislr vniea lor F. M.
Wadv.orlli,of Western Star No. 10, for that
district, whllo tho Mulliiomah district re
isimmeuds W. II. O'Donald, of Multnomah
No. l. (J. W. O. T., W. It. Duntar, Ims
Issued commissions this week to the gentle
men above named.
sarj lu ucar luv i;o tu tuih tajuct