Wpm WILLAMETTE FARMER. IV. THE WEIGHT U' MAltS. Tlio epctil nfnny patelllto In ItH orbit Iicum, hi l well known, n illicct relation to tlio iiwei which attract It. 'J'lto proof of tltli tiiittliciiititlcul relation of the 7110011N motion to thu earth's mass en-ablulf-ir Iwuitj Xowto.i to ilt'mnnstrntc the .In.-liliip of itrnvlty. The converse of thlt pniosiioii IilIh the ualrnnunier to calculate cMii'lly tlio nri- of n planet from the fK-l of lUfalelllte". Inlheme r l.tntiflfi that have no hnowii satellite thu Dm m ran only he npprosltinteil hy tcilln-nralMilatlous fiom thu nUnutloii they linprt si upon their iieirot nelsli-hois-ollier tilulictM whose orlilt'4 they distort. These ealeulatloiisKavu for the manor Mars the i.y;S(ys:i7th part of the nias of thu hiiii, according to Jlnrnhanlt J that wotilil bo uboiit u seventh of the mam or thu earth. J.o Vorrler'H protraoleil anil claboratoHlmlleHgavo tho!2,n(l8,:iOOth pint of the wiii'm iiiim nsu correct ilgure. Pro fesHor llall'H ill-toovory of thu Butullllr-H of Mure eniiblei him to put this question at ret,Klvl"Bllie. figures as n.OOO.OW. Al though near I.u Verrle'n eMtlmnte, thl reihieen the weight of Mare still further, nuil It Ih now certain that the planet linn not quite an eight of tho mass or tlio earth. :adjectives. Adjectives aio convenient. It would ho dllllciilt to get along well without them. In fact the dramatic, crlllo of tlio "Phllail-lphla 1'iosh," ih thu Jtoslon (Uobe always salutes that worthy sheet, could not possibly get along without them. HoHiyxIn writing up unuw piny: "Ilonist, whole-Kouled. blunt, self-snerl- lt..l... Iw. f'nnmlimlt: ClllllllllL'. Illllhlled. "-"'h""" , ;, r.r. f ... t linn. inn-eli'lice cm ui'nrtru iiii""j, m Ii i. ... IrliwI.lniurtiMl Sll-w C'nik't lin IllllUllf jVfniinriii-tiM .,..-., - i.i..., ii It.! (Itntmli twit tminteimV wlcfced Urndyj Innocent, buxom, mi oilth,.tenik-i-h'arleil Itoxy CmlUS lov ing, 1 1 ue, vet vain, giddy and llniilly inluiil Maliel Morgan; enqu.-ltMi, nils diluvium, but Hllll iill'ei'ilouatu l.etltlii ltiiiib; tho strong.wlll.Ml Mr. Morgan; anil l;tl but not least, the pure, devoted, heroic Ulalrle l.'M.iyiie." Still any In Keiilout iiereon, sitting down and ealnily iiiedltalliig, wlllbealilelothlnl: ofsi-v oral adjeetlve'i not liiidiidul In tho above. Woeiin thlnhof seven In lies than nilnule. ATrt7pjTr..'iritrKc. The queerestslrllie yet In reported from 1'hlliidelphla. It elilbrueed the whole hlHturliouil of female iiindelHforaillMts. A model being reipilred ti "'"o In u painful portion dumaiiiled Sll an lour In iiiaeo of $'J nil as she had been rieelvlng. Thu In oreiiKii was lufiiieil. Tim model put on her elolhe.H and left. Tlio olhere Joined her and the artl.HH had to usu their 1 1 unit ed to lileluio other objects thai! Iiude women. Ilut tliounl'tii Mood Ihni nn.l nt theendofii fewdayn the model lo turned and took positions at old prices. WImt 1! Went foe. UN known Hint MWinl yirtrs ago llinio ivmltuHUil In Kotitlituriirn Oiegon, under wliall'i riniiiiiniily cnllml tint llo lnttitlriit tlioiiMiud luresgnnit, iliniuaiiil'iof ueiesof bind, wliloli moid no viUuntollniKuto, lying ni tlmy do In iirmy insss on kxipiihIvo 1;oIh of rrck mid on barrrti nu.iiiitiilii. Wn mi dornluiHl Hint In Ids recent Ml to l.sfcii eoiiuty, (lovernnr ('liudv.l bud It In vluw to uvcurliiln, liv piirsoimloWrvidlou, Ibo in turoof lliuiiliriillnii lo IIii-mim-IpoHoii with lliolillrnlloiiiifpri'oiillimlliflil(ollijiiopir Htillinrllltii hi order looliHln In II"" or Hush worlliliMs trmiti ulliiir hIi'iiIIiiih, Umls avail able for pursHiis rngrlciiltunt(ir v.tltililo fortlmlr lliulier. Wn slneerelv lin Hint tlio (lovernnr iiiiiv lintiiiri'-xtiil In cirrylng out lilnulijiet, JKt'k'.onvlllii 1'Iiiuh. An Iuforainl Tnllc. Mr. U. Koulder, Vloi I'mdilout nnd J. llmndt, Jr., Hiipurlatondtiiit, i f tliu (). A 15. It. It., mo In tlio ulty ibU artornoon and uitt n iiiimbMr ii r our Jirluc1p.il ellliuis fur mi liiloiuml tittle In relutloii lo brlimlug llin iiiiek of lliooonipuiv lbioui(li IVnul H'.reet. Tlio rtwiilt of llin U k will mil bn known ut present. It Is to be bept-d Hint hii iirrmiga. nit'iit ('nil tut iiihiIu to bring tlio Iruek down, lull wutlld gl ii vltnlltv to llin biisluei-s portion orourelty tlut would iimka uliiior. itlilti mtprixaloii iienii lint "hirnnwiir ptihslng lliroiiKb our elly," uinl bo of iiiiitu il mlvnii lHg liodi lo lliu 11. It. Cniiiptuy and our Innllitvs llin ti . An Orotfim Purotiiilun. l'rof. O, It, JoliiiHiin bin rcomitly ktiill'od nu auluiiiloftliUhDuvles Hint w killed byn gtintleuniu of ltd oily wliilit buiitliiglii tint i ...l. ..I., iitmmtiitim. I'.ir.uitilfl.ix .ir,l rmillil III Uttvru Ureeon lint ut oftin on ibliMiln i ilin runi'ii. 'l'liii ktitKlnuo In nrtMcrved In irv iniiiiriil lisntt hiiiI will form n inrtof .llioiinllreilniioruiii Oroon Nvur-tl Hl-tory Hiu'lnly, I 'i of. Joliiiviu w III bn iiineli obtlued wlienuNer .my permii em ceiid lilui kHcl iiioiis of riirn'liiHimi', lilnts or nulnubi. I Your Mfo Worth 10 Conti Hleknrf prevails einrywbere, Hiid everv bed) iKtinpli uoi Viiutidloiuniliii'iiKtlixIr IPk. Wlieunk.Hio olj'ct Ii to gel wfll: now to siiv pi duly tlisi no portou in tltN vvoibl tbil Is -tilloilng w till 1.vhihh.M, I.vrr Coiilil tint Hint liHflfii'ls, kiieh lis li:.liuf linn, I'ti'.itvi.neM', t'l.'k Ili'.tditolie.Niur iu iioit, I It-rtrt Hum, I'Alpt mli'ii or llin lltrt, 1) tpiei d s. It . s II Ii 'Um'h, i'io , nit U'Uti Ulii!i;.sN Alul'M' I'litwi.ll v I' limit KUln.t rt'linf mid tr.., II von it.niln 'III, go In your druuuWi end m( i Man pie llai.le for 111 eeuH, uinl Irv U. KuituUr tiw, 75 ivutB. Two iloaCM will ifltn u .Mi. EXynlt'ui XjII'o XJnloinn. As it iMiepiernr of ltneiiiiii'itm. (lout. Neil rtiltilu, end eiirn Inr ei lu'u hi.d nil illiMes nrlkiiu from uupiirnv ' 11 I, Win old mid re'Ubin t-'.imiiv .viidte iu, llnH' J.4 1M mi:, hmiuIs uitipi.li, n piovcu ny our :WO,WHirPftl euri-s luring III" sm Wt j ivr. I mi rudloil veg-iititdi) ('tiniitind olKir.iu. rillt, iv.ick, (luuliteiiiu, A ),,iindMvtriiivicnt cute. Sold tty nil iIiiikkNis nml eouniry grocer. Tnktt iioddng W, mul If tlioy bivvtiii'l It voimiid by nxpivs, linxwl,tvtry. vv hern, m ?l mid $1 2.1 1r Isiitlu: $0dmi.i ?tl Ml lulf tloa. UVAT-r A Itv.vvr, 'JIO llrund tt., Now York. Tho Wheat Markot. Thero !s llltlo ohatigo ond 11. a mnikrt si mils linn at a Nllj'lit odv.vuro. ti'loirierfl rotikliu ngrevtdeal of wheat to Sm l'rnn-elM-n, bulllie.ro Is more otfarlng tlnu t'tey run uko. Hiu 1'rinebcj qiiniationi i ir got d (ireijso V7li(nt mty bo plm'ed nt JiHT'j per icnial, wtilln PortUnd quntaitnns uroS'JOT'i nor eoiioil.n dliroreueo uf IK coats per bush- I. Mr. VV, .1. Iter. -on Inforins u iht not- vMilis'iidlni( llin low tri''i;liii.Fll litiifnatef 1 i',rpllig lo Si-n 'rnnelrco fo( lb up t tt) per cm, nt wli loli flctircn tbrio Is ro ailvitn'iigo rvcrbhlppbig l.-oui I'ortl.ilid direct to f.'nlird Klnndoni by vriol ntn tbrto pound fteiRlit, nbloli wo lc.irn from thu Uau Kjiitiebo Ciiiimrrstol Herald U tlio provMllliig ralo, lhom;!i foirio rliartoM to eomo to Portland Imvo been timdo at X.'i ITs (Id per ton. Thorn Inn groat dol of unemployed ton nago In San 1'ranchco linrbsr, nnd It In oil- dont that wo may cnlculato on low frulglils forsoino tlmo to comoatul perhaps through tan vvliolo nensou. Ah will bo scon by tlm pros dlspatolioa by cablo, giving extracts from Mark Lane IU- lrc.ii, tlio Eogllah liarvot la moio or has damngod nnd I.uropo looks to Aniorlc.i for bread. Tliero linn Immeoao crop east of the It city Monntalna, but It Is not probablotbut It will overstock Ibo market and cauao any fill In brcaditulft. Our vvliolo country ought to fool tbootlfot of Hie Huropenn do innuil nod ibo lesiitt bo good timet gunorally among llin pwilitcor of our nntlnu. Stilem quolationsTliur.sdivy,nt Hum of go. Inglo press, nro tl.UV'i p'r busliol both at 1'huiii rs' WanihourA mul is.ilttn Milts. JCngllsb nrdurn fnrmrgoes klilpped on tills const urn given flt Wltii,! uitl'li per (iimrlorut tco'.bv, cliargen all pild to Idrorpool. Total rrceiplnof wlii'nt.-il 'inldin up to this date, a Utile ii s tbmi '.W.dCU bustiels. Entopcan Grain Harkot. I.tviuienor., SVpt. 1 1. A leading tirslti cir cular miysl 'J'lio worms nuil lionvv ruin.' In most pints of llin klKgd'iul UiImwm l;ti rlon:i. Iv In'urruptnd bnrvcsl and did fiirtbrr dam ajn lo wlie.it. Tlio mnrki-l eonwrpioiuly uinltilHlu nu ndviinvlng Icrdouuy lr old nnd dry, now of lioimi groivth as well nj lor loniigu. It'.'Cppllons geuiinilM' ot mest new llrltUli nni In httd conitlibui nnd entlnly tirplfulcd by miUeis, Hiourb prencod for m do ni minced riif-s, on sp'it iiltico Tutsliiy nnd In nelglibiirlue; (ouulirf, Drmitiid lor furelgn loullniifis lilily ncilve, llnerebims rcill.-.liiaiui linpiovoueiiilof I idly ld,wblln Kxvpiluii nnd otlnr low ibeiliiloiis linvo iiiIhihiI llCJId p.ircentAl. Tills iniilkot to day Is fiirly aliendod, nnd Hiurn was good, oleadv I'tiMniM-s In wlir.it, linn wliKo nuking nilviiicnnt I J perennial, but red Ainnrlcnii rAtlior uiulor iuo:hIIoiis ol Tihk.I'iv. l-'luur Is not lenily lor s.ilo, but held fir cc'rcuio pri's. Mii'.i In filr Kqtiest a :i I por qiur ler, under rHsnl last inarkntdiiy. Tho Oalcm IilutkcU. WTnAtla bringing 51. (i7'-i per lititlio! ; osta 1'i'j potatccST.'jJi onloiiH, fl.CO; Imr.iitoi-y, Mo; npplo, llTKut pour, Ninj boiDs,SG3!fo prlb min-driid iipplns.djj.-j idllluv, luy UtJjiiper H'S Tri ell loll blillsr.SCiy'i'mpi'i Hit .K,'i"'i&.'o lsr dc. l-'rfbli lull butter In iiljiimUiit mid probAlily will roniilu o dur ing ibo f.ttl estlio rnlns will linprovo tlio ps. nuns, licsidnt winch there l ngrtnt Hiuoiint of imckcd bulit-r Hirougli tluteountry. I lay uinl null feed nitons Innur Itt lsuo. .' ...i WM Xiltllo Oiiu'it GaUBBIHTGJIACHINB. Wo vvUh to Inform tlm people of Oregon tlmt vin liivvu purcliasod tlmpiUnt of "t'lio Mtthi (limit Oriibblug Maenlnn," mid Ib.tt wn urn ouw preparrd to rupply any iiuiiibur fitllisui nt h very loxinablnprlLO. Tint sub Inland IusiIuioiimIh of tlio sui orlor qiinlltleH of lliesu iiiuuliliios unJ lliclr conipnm'.lvH eliiuipiisHiiMtioiibl reeotuomliiil tlioiu lo all HinndnslroiuofcleHriuu olf bind nt buttrl lllint nxiKinm. l'or fiirlberpirtlculnrs apply to Frank Cooper or Win. Jljlunty, Salem, or Alboit llrlgg,b'clo. fc'cm, March lOtti, 1377. Tills Is onrtlfy that wo have until ''Tlio Lit tin (limit drubbing Machine" unit louiid It superior lo anything of tlio kind over utcd In Hits pmt of llin country! Preston Muiikers, Wm Ireland, Henry Wluy, .1 H Miirrm, A llivls, .1 IUrvtno KlLilduIn, 1 V llrlgsr, Henry T Hare. Wn tlm undsrsbriiod tmvo seen "the ljlttlo (llsiit Crilbblnu Msdlilun'' work nnd ein iisKiiin Hie publlottiat ttln tho best mioliluo of the kind wn tmvo orer hhui working. M Alexander, (I W lluuilttou, J C Johnson, I'otorSuiltb. J M llrown, Win II McKnlglit, V llllyeu, 1) V Mason. tVlo, May 25th 1S77. Choap City Propovty. Xll.WK IMI1 HAI.K DK'SlltAlll.K CITY I'nip'ily on ry Irrnii mul at the lotion lii( ninmkutil) low rutin i 1 ll.m.ran.l lot for li.Ti; orlli t.'.W). 1 Miiiitoiiiiil In! lr t.'A'": w.irtli Mini 1 1I..iibhii.I lili.fli l.ir JJ.nn iv. mil IS.'Al I llmito mul iwn In's In i10; tiuli Jl.tVO. I Ilmnu hiiiI loi Mr f;t.'.ii; wurtiiSMMO. Tin' lust tiirtfitlnarvi't tit!jr, h, HWetn. '1 in' hUivh rii"i' u.iir.r.ils.ii'lipnp t?wuo lH..lllllrul Clin ir l MiatVJlCUt. r'or lurtlur lurlicuUi Knnnlrs of MILKS M MIU.KIt. kept lull pulciu (la V'ork, Tho Llglil-draaslit Steamer CITY OF SALEM Wiu. LEUk Vicuu Wiui r, Portland, for SuJctrs, mil lnuroicUltlo t'olkU. On Moadajs, WfdnesJiijs, acd Triilajs, At 0 n'.-iei A. !!. Tho l.l;;!itlraiiglit Stetiincr 02210 Will mako Trlpj to the upper Klver. U. 33. SCOTT & CO. '7, J, HATCH, Orncril Stnsr. utt Uliri.lt!', !sll01'-ll.NS lti:VOLVWtS, eutl). u I). fiir!iniliulluu, n'l cturta ull, Nu rUk, No biimbii;. Wille (Jr MIlM.-u,'. Ai!ilr Ureal Wolcru Uuu lVorli, IMttburg, !', Oregon State Fair, Tlio IlniM of Miniii'jeMof t o 6n"B0iiRl.iln AmluiUu r1 Hi rli tv ntmrtutico Uinl t Hrvmlf rntli Aliiuml lair mil bo Liklit fair (...iinuM, mirKaliin, CommenoiiiRon Monday, Ootobcr Olli And crntlr nluif A tlr.K. HALF FARE HATES ! Per rnrargruaiil !' Ulit.nutlio OREGON AND OAL1T0ENIA. HAILE0AD, OMGOH OEHTEAL'SAILEOAD, Abit on lb.: U it or llin 0P.SQ0N BTEAM NAVIGATION CO., riom WAU.lt. I An.l nilwaj- rlcti. In Imi'i .1, nn.l fn.m AhTOIlU nn.l illvviyihlntd, to ! .rtlatiJ. 2S,000 PESOPLiES i.v ArrinAxc.': t THE LARGEST EXHIBITION! Known la Ike lilntSrf of tho Bucltty. 60 Horses in Training Fur trial cf Hjiocl, it to atari for ono purte. GAND EXHIBIT OF FAKM PR0nn0T8 Ami IIOUSI'.IIOI.l) INDl'BTIir. Haudsomo Diaplayo from California I FINE SHOW OF STOCK Ot illlilnils, liicliullnj tinny litorliolcolniiwittllnut, l'or Premium I,t(s, I'rosriininir, O" Miy l,i'o-ra .tlm It rpjiri lj the Vi'.r, nJilrcru II. It. 11 a if t.ii ict ;.'ctiiu. rfirn. u c.i .lis iiiai.r vi;' lhi Rp-rctiry t person r" liy Ipi .. nun ttl. ban ti lliu Pair. KiitrlM doso 1 1 -tiivv, ui t. nu, i; o i'. u. XsTcia'sraaa. Tlw"KlilnKalrTli-rtt" I ' ' lit lb" O-rtm Blmm Kal nil. n li., 1a . i rt rml r.ici In .iiFi,ii'.M.n kuIiiji i i inn n'i, mul lit no in run i uri: i i:ti i:s "I'm. v il ' II Is pifM tilei' l tlcrr. isi Omii hli'o Aitli ill. tin1 Mr. nt l'nlr Otiiii. n. t il i.l jini.nl vlln Ills ri'al." I rkrUkolt prtipiiel "'imt ti i.ssiiil;iil n'i nt inn in i tlio'.n!. irv llisi . -1 1 nil ulr. It Nlmxi ii' Int 'rilwl 1 jlvi i n uii .Irp 1 nniclUlu atteiitiun, . tfl nu o tUu.uii'1 isi im.iiey ami tiOiUle, irVCnrtomaryroa.Ullolii on tli Li Ii ly HtllrovN. lilni'lc mul 1'rclstit Tuir llxti.lilUon 'linnul full ntfHln.t, liyNllno.li 'lesinlsmtf. lull ftntii r. sit iiBntiutvfn filliVvt.1 from feretory Cm! tlio Mlro lisA Ii ril on nililMII .'l mul lit', rli&u$M liJi.il. l'ir onlir llmnl ut Mcme. is, IV. 1", WATHON.I'iinl.li-ril. w,Tsi?ltinrbiio. , w, wxATatrjrono. Weatherford & Co.. Wri'i)r!o lint rti;UIU)itortQ DRU6S, PAIHTS, OILS, CLASS, Pat osi t ls!tQlio2iei3. CHEMICALS, ? o ar z."vl :nrn. o 3tr zr TOILET GOODS, r,io., oto. PURE WINE3 ttttd TjIQUOIIS. For ildicmal iniivre, Modioiiioa Corupouutlcid, and Proscriptions Pillod. Woatherford 6 Co., KtSIf Corainrtictal Hreet, NAI.l'JII. (Carminativej Fcr Diarrhoea and Dysentery uo nr. Jajriio'n fnrnilnntlfe Itnlnnni. Ah clnnges of cllinnto or water, mul In discretions; In eutliiK oRon protlueo thcwoc.omplulnt.s.truvolorar.inlolliors tilioiilil ulvviiyH keep n Imttlo of tliU remeily liy them. It iiovcr falU to mibtlnu tlio most violent nttncki , mul It Ih eiully sorvleenblo To? Cramps In tlio Stomach or Ilowo's, Urlpliii; l'alna, tVo. Por Cholera Morbus, Cholera In fantum ami CollC tuo Ir. Jnjrnc 'nriiilniillit ituluuu. It removes nil Forcings, of tho tiu.lomcn, allay tlio Irrltntluii anil ealnm llin nntlnti of tlio atomacli. It may nlvvaya bo rellcil on to giro Imtncillato rclle", uinl Ixxililes tielii); cllVctmil, U a pleasant ami safii romeJy, easily uj inliiUtcrrtl to children. For Aslalic Cholera anil all Bowel AffOCilOH3 tuo promptly Jr. Jnyuc'H Cirinlimtlvp tl.ilsnm. It. clicol;3tliol)larilHv:i, Mipprejea tlio Cramps vvlileh ircnerally noconipany lUtacKs of Cholera, aiul compter;) tho illscvj In Its liiclploney. It lia froitiriitly been tulmliiUtcrctl I iiclgliborliooiN whoro tho Choler has liecn nigluK cpiJomlcall , unit h.u ecMom fulled to i;lvo Iniiiifili.tl nnd permanent relief. Tho Cnrmlp ntlvo has maintained Its repntatlot MiiCnr.Ulvo for nearly forty year-, H equally efl'ectlvo In nil Utltmlcs, mul ns n StamUrd HoUfOhoM i;emo dy. shoiiM bo kept In every family. T. A. UAVH JS CO..MVC"J ArclU. Portland Orcsoa. oclSmJ Flows! FI?ANK BROS. & CO., Buford Oanffftfefej. -g. CALIPOnNIA SULKY 1 xxn lire -i i T SOI r-lJ'SSU -tv--illir.a" 1SM HSkJI! JJ.T.ll HM TVL. ' -jr3&mmM.i ettifc4j'KeTVfvx e iJi'irsJ'LBtt ra,i:..UTlA .VlI u 't "Jl-llVSLTTii.-ir . 3e Champion Browno " Sulky, (Ncrcr lircn I. eaten In tho field.) THE LA BELLE WAGON, Champion Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and Tho McBhorry Grain Drill and Broadcast beodor. Tin: most compi.kti: link or PLOWS, HARROWS, oDRILLS, AND Other Agricultural Implements in the Market. lunoiiE inmvirAsrxa, call on DFlUfcLl3i :orot;i3.oi.'j3 cft3 Co., 104 and 106 Front Stroot, - - - POilTLANU, OK. WHEN YOU WANT TO PAINT, ..'....USE Mb W tj jzL i. Xa Xa JP nik !L T ? It i3 iirciinrctl ready lor linutcdlalc use, and or AE-L DSSCRADLE COLONS AMD PURE WHITE. It Is easy (o apply, ni;d It vt (II not crude, reel or clmlkolT. Tor duraSillily, lieauty. iiinl lullilar.cyo! color It 2s l'or sale In any quantity by WEATH1BP0BD 6 eo. ....DKALKUS IN.... DRUGS, PA1WTS, OILS, AMD PERFUMERY. BALKM. : : HUmutMumwiMxmiTlvvv-MMjKrwwmMmmwmwrx n n n. !. j i MArana j "DSCiran trn HIIB.OIiJ q &J ' IMJ. l3L-23l2V3"', Ol'. Tito Tall Termof this SclidoljvilUicgiu Monday, Sept. 3d, 1877. F ACuUt Y: Itr.v. H. W. STItATTON, A. 31"., President, nnd I'rofeiwor of Menlnl nml rilonil Sflonco. Jti:v. Ij. J. POWELL, A. 51., Prlnclpfl, and Professor or jriitlionmtFfci and Natunil Science. H. JI. HEWITT. A. M., Prorossor of Ancient liaiiKusixes. MisH CI. Alt A PltlCE, U.S., PreceittreH, nnd Toadiorof Frcncli, 5Iiss DOHA SAI.INOEIt, Toucher nr Clernmn. Ma NE'l'l'IE PIPEIt, Toucher or Instrumental and Vocal Music. Mlts. W. 8. PETEKS, Toucher or Drawing and Painting. THE COURSB OP 8TUI1Y It tuihatU (uuimon lotibooI.ofllil.iTtJc. CAl.U.S'tlA!t Ttrmil-ctii8ilimbr, SI.NKrmbtrlt'h,.Iiinn. iriMli. ted April lib. VaculU-iii-f nneweulcr.i'rini; ifio hollila j. Ccniraccccmrnt Uajr Juuelttb, 17S, HATE8 OK TUITION I'CIt TEItM. rrlmarjr Department I S fin Cnmmuii Kniillili..... t) 00 llliher Iliaucbc, liaiuillus I'rvvirJtury Latin ami Ori-olc 10 00 Collralato. tricludlntx llluber Utlnauil (Irrik. XilvjDicil Matbcnutlc, JUnlal in J Moral rclcnce 13 0(1 Mrilern L njua r, racli mtra 8 UI lii.troiiieutal Mu-lc .. Um I'.oi.fnioo a CI Commercial UeparlRicDt Uinl luclJeutal. CO COMMKHOIAI. nnrAliTllKST.' Ilnrtnir tho peenml ami tblrl trrifla. a thoronrh rour. ot In.truetlua 111 b dreu In (look keorlui; ml lluilni't. forme, At a rrrv'arHiily nalln licn.c, .tiiili'nte iur irturc, btie. Lt wiuU cit tbrrti a larva .am o( mi nejr la obtain at t cim.nculal colleiii'. It It Itnpoolblu (or any owe ti trcrniv a dulebtd acrounui.t w Hlmut a tbonich Vnnletl,;ii of tbe uilnclplf. of AtitbniHIr, In liib (Iraaimar ard KnsiUli Ooairotttlor; v. tberi-ron'. rirnnnueiiil the nuJ ol tVtu In couuicllon with llx.-Leeiii. J. A. STKA'iVro.V, Attorney at Law, HALMM. ORKflON. OQce on btato Etrcct.V?) celte tba lUcrctt Hnuar, H Hisst5?.raaia3r iHKiiiv;sj.3s s BOOKBINDING In rorrect'on with in'' Tr'nt'ii ram. i. m rimAt wn il.u IIk.liuJ rv. I'd. r II -. It!.'- It J uaraf a r r Maca 'n.cnl I' . ' I it M W"!1!!!'. I, -I'M il I, .T Ui ait'nl I In. r I wr iuii:c. I'r faiiu 1 lril 'Mate. t AJirc. i :. v,- ri Cj f.le.-im.l'rliitcr niiC r.inr.iulrr. KA.rara si' K, hut i tu MLi 1,1 ; yjy .?. o. su2.i.rtr.a.i". ATTORNEY AT LAW oi'eha nouss, uux, H. K. ccrLcr. at lead of italra. WJj TfAoa J?"'". Prrln? U.u free. P. E AJ,UU0, i fuvuiix, EWala.r.oa.Nrirtory, 1U. Eronand Wood .-rf-asrt1 - '"'HW a-.nni n 1(-Itinft . (sff ySpim Boasi Single mmmsc:'jzs -r - j iituit t a 1 itivui nBuatasinmi THE OUEGON. mayStt ttnnrwarMriniJ)t2'mnM'ivnirriwBTmmtmvmm y M& ELOCCTIOy. HM rial attention Lliemo Eloenttor.arr drill and Oialoilcal tnluli'g. Bjptitor adiantagia offercU lit lhi. ilcjiarlncr.!. riciMANsnii'. Mil. JOHN A. nniOMAN, nceortU lct wrlttDir Tcacbere In Ibo Mate, b. beiu tiiKasnl to elra a. Ihoiouili ccui.o of Iniuuctlon lu vttmtlc IVa mamblp Uutlos tie ncocd term, EOAIII). Arransemertahavoteeu mda hwblchelrli and Jiii'U Udle dr.lrliiir tn atteud Ihn lllei-n r.n lu jroiirii ldle d.-.lrliw to attend Ibo rollesa can Iw loantrd eitl cr liy tho Principal or rrofcor lluwttt. imnini riu rr nr itiu iTinnpai or rroroMur imwitt. y.ytn cars and attention Mill Ui irtven a. to deport. merit, health, moral., .tudr. elf. lMr.n.ruiv in. cludln.' boaie, Icditlntr, iliel, llRliti, etc., iLOO HEALTH. Albany iccni to bioro of the tica'thtett Inralltlet In the (tat.. It bit tbnt fu been rmuparitUcly frva rrouilbo.a raucli dreaded cor'e-UiphlUerUaai Tjjiboldrmir. AI'I'AHATl'S. Already tuber,t!cn pM-i-rU. been fluted and HlK'iiUy .nbecrlid to iunbatn a lhuind iollar riitlo.uiblralardCbrnilralArprilUiior thnlixneilt ortbo r i brnl Itlarortldenlly tu!eied UOMlllbarii thu amount ncurvd by lb tit of Jjuciry, FLUHMBR FBDITiDRYSRS. l'roiiitiuiis: Twi'l pay n OOUl I'llEMIL'M for the neat ten lamiit. tir irnlt r!ri.d by llw "I'I.ll3I"li:il ..... "'.p'i'l'.HU"l'. blMUItU IU mela 1 i IvmlmJ, In tlmo lor tb Oreson statu fair ol "!. IU I'KUJIiniSIO. 2.1 1'RKJIinf S'20. wd l'ri'inlum 5lu. Ilhrrcmluni So. J-- Tbe.o Farap'ca wl I to exhibited at tho Fair marked wltnotti.nj njree. XOT FAIT, ta aend for oar hear CauloKie, 1 1 con Ulca i aliuble lofur matlon for vrrjr ventou contem pUitEg the par. chiM of any artlcla f jr nenouaL funlly ora-lrulturaliua. Yt imyAddrema. y- -XOVrUOMKKY WAJtU A. CO OrltnaiaraimEapply llouac, tA. VS d S3 aTaaaM M CHICAOO, lit, mU mm f BO rti i