Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 21, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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    I.mmnawiiwun.immiimi. mumuft
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.. !
X rt: i.l '47
ISich or l?cos ssrrrv :
Order forTHK Mah-iimps Vim: LuiiriT.it
nrot'ctnimr in thick und in!, ainl they give
general MUiniVutlnu. li'e.'liibniirbmip'iir gas
without ibo ue of .s match. Will but a llf.t
tmio. lift Mm thing lor eiuipt.M or trawl
orn. Price T." etit.w.
A.MirmH. 11. H VI.LOCK.
f.tnri v in. -al.ir., Oregim.
.tons r. um iolii
i .m:i. i. i. ynoxcit.
iMmir ami nKTA'r.
Dealers in Pianos, Organs,
And ivlu'ilcal JMfeichaudiso,
No. 131H Sen Pablo St., Potter's UltiV.
IJrlMfoKHt Hlort:, if.tll SAS.KS1.
JS.B.11X.B.V. N.B.!!!
ililp line fmm -nn Praurlrco to PoitUnd. I will
dt liver tlio lolluvlnRfi'i-V, nt price trn. at Pott
.mill, Oregon. Ait oidcit to tin accompanied with
TkoroupSitircil live Stocli,
All with pedigree f.cm kept lirtcdcri".
KcjiUK'.ttro P!n, "
Six wceltj toll month, ell, Itaiw. $T. Mw, H
inch Krtvx, Mitioll:, and lolaii't C'niua. i.t tlie tatnu
Short ISom
(Durham) P.nllp, 10 lull! month old 0130 to fWOcacb.
Cofswulei, Leicester,
Snathdown.or Merino lUm, (selected) (-SO each
Bhtoushlru Rami, $150 each.
Atigorci GoutN,
Illcli bred, nearly thoronslilirril, !3d In $0 each.
Hill ovtr$M), Mstydayit'tlmc, lmircptatia icr
cent,, Willi good mdortcr.
Importer cud Breeder, mil mid Howard St.
Ang. 31,- w I. fan Piaticlpcn, California.
About Idorino Wool.
San Francisco 'and Portland.
The P. cTs. 8. Co.
Will i!i:ui:Ai'vau mw a i.ini: op ti:am.
tilp riL-iiwrly. every fivu da)p 1twi-cn San
Priiucitcu cmf Poill'itut
Tho ANCOll will lcnc llor.diy f opftnber yd.
J. ?r. .m-CKAICMN .V .
For Sale.
O i i lKiikpinltlitftnip llueo In-tirr. twnc.iin,
finrroko ifoXKN. yittintrti on U)Mi TOM, In
l.ano cnttaiy. Tcrina hpy -hair cflpti linlatirn on
time. Tllltt good. Porlti llierpnnlenlir. rtrtdrcm
aiiQIma ('lig.lur. Linn county, Or
XOCd. 1377.
The Only Strictly Wholesale llrtij; House
in urrxon.
T. A, DAVIS & CO.,
71 front hircct,
ctsndlf a trsdu a cumpluto niaortincnt o.'
Patent red!clnesr
Fine Chemicals,
Shop Furniture, d
Druggists' Sundries.
Of all rlrt'S aud o,nalltU.
Of nil tho kadlns tiran, In tlca arid kegr,
Putty, Lampblack,
Red Lead, Glue.
IneludlcRtlicfliiert brand fur Ccoch Paln.cre' mo.
Taint, Wliltcwisli, nml Varnlslt Brushes,
MNSV:i:n OIL, In ImrrcU and can.
Turucntlnt', foal Oils, Castor Oil, Lard Oil,
Scal'sToot 011, Fish Oil.
In turrcls and cuei.,
IIluo VUrlol, jiilphnr. Cits(lo
Sa:ii, ConcfBUJtttcil t3'c,
Quicksilver and Strycnnino.
In Quart, Half Gallon. One-Gallon, and F'.vo-aallca
Can and HarrtU, He . te.
Wears Acents for Orepon and ViaLlnj;ton Terri
tory for
thk nuar mixhd PAINT IN USE for
Mallli'tkr'di's arlo'lc H'te? rip. ViaVclre'a litp
Bam and squl-rrl !' lon. f '"'
Jajncn rrjprln.ry lltdldocs.
r" We l-uy oar cool from flrrt haad., tbn in
at'lnens to compete ltlir'VnirVtt on ibo Co-t,
at a tompailton of onr rlctml'l piove. ni)9
Book and Job Printer,
Ami UQoltlInclci
Kolman's Blocli, Old fienato Chata
bcr. Salem.
For Old and Young.
Far-Siglitcd and Near-Sighted,
SbooUns-GlMa" for Sportsmen.
I AM prepved to f upplr ,p;-lc'' i"1 " '
P" Jeweler & Optl. Ian, llank Ulock, Bute Bi.
Balcm. 5lajl.lin6. "
Kt. I'ahmkh: As thosut'jopt lsonnof vv.
Kiiiornfliitoiciit, 1 k tho publtcntlon of Uvv
lolionlu loiter, with tho ittcotnpatiyli.t; rn
Diirl;c: rioni:i, Srrr. 8, 1S77.
J.vo. iJtNTO, V.ii., IsKr .Sir: I sola toy
wool from my .Morlnos to a coim'ry torn
koopor, iiowii bero, lor i Cm Jir j.oiiuil.
Homo unoktuftar I ws-4 iu till suro nud )io
told niu ibta ho wi'iilit ubvor buv mty AUr
itio wool imnlu. mi ho li.ul to otmtd u il-olili(?
of 50 per faux., in I'ortUuJ. 1 tncliuo you n
ovpy of thn lt''tor ho reoonnl from tint vuo
hujrrln Portlr.oi:. WDlyott iivo tho kind
oi-Hs tii wrliu mo ti yi.il ttams of nuv mioIi
UOMIllll. .1. O. 1! D.N'IX.
Twrio U no RiH'b ousilnui, Time iko lmi'
u I veil 1m the lint inet.Miro of tho tdnd lliPt
lmi ovtifuonio to try 1:uo'vlci1j;o ns prnotlceil
In I'orlland (') Tliora whs a tltno nt about
thoclosool tho lam civil wnr. wlioui'ioculn
Hon In Morlno sheen ran very high, und led
mm lo resort to nil Ibo tnciius in Ibolroon
Uul to ptoduoo hu.ivj'.ilcf cod Morlnou, tlifet
Homo buyors rffii(jl to tntso nuwasliod buck
tlooces nt their hill weight, for tho reason
givon In tho bIiovo letter. Tiio fcheoji Hint
produced Hiich tlooces weroRonerallyislicddod
wintor na.l tmmmor und foil nil tho rich food
they co old bo Induce:! to cat, and somotlmiiM
dostorod uitJi tiio Uotiiwall lltiish (oil lamp
blncl: nnd burnt ninbtr) on tho outrldo of
tho Ik-ecu, In ordur lo produco lho.o bpnvy
ll 'tecs I think tho huycia who rpfUAC-d kiicli
wool nt full r.t!ps did rlitht, nnd nt tho muro
tlmo did n (tood tlilti;t to check such prnotlct m.
During the last fjuryrnro Cnllforulii e-pco-
iiliitorH In Moriuoiihoopbrtvoboen praclicin;
U tbesonrts In nt dor lo sell sbteplu Oregon,
and in:h npasoii wo linvn lots of bucki !m-
portod that liavo nil that nature, nldod by
tbonrtnf mail, cin do to mnko thorn yield
"big lleuceu," and It Is not Impoiolblo that
tho Portlaud llrm montloncd In Ibo nbovo
lotlor may bnvo stitTorcd by omo former
purchao of n lot of backs' lloecoi nnd o
havo eoncluded to mnko u "custom." Un
loss for homo such roaion, I cannot concolvo
why such n ciiHtotn tihould bo cl&lmpd, for I
nm very Euro that tho lour buck ileuccH of
orcollent wool (woll-lad though I havo no
doubt It wnf-) sont'lo market by my frlotnl
J. U. Round., hhnuld not havo rimstd thorn
lo claim Mich arulo. If any Portland llrm
hBBS'iirjred by buylnc; thpso ovor-ftfd, iio
pirod Uuoco, ihoy may rest nssurod thoy
havo not bctu tho only sutlrors. Tho uhppp
from whloh tho wool Iicj been taken havo
boon distributed vory fjonorally ntii(iii:st
Orngon wool-itrowor, nt rates of cost, doublo
or troblo tho tirlces at vblc!i Oregon brcxjilors
hnvo nold. In many (It would bo vnlo In Hay
In moM) ca'os thott'slieop havo bum nenrly
or quite iiiolovs to purehaor.s tho llrjt year,
and isro ofidti )i-rinauoiitly Injured, by rea
son of Iho " liot-liousji koep " thoy bnvo
been tml'Jpotoil to !:i r.rdpr to Hi them up (or
this mirkot. Wool-growen bavo no ;ocr
ally tftilTorcd of lato yeara from tlu.s oausc,
that thoy nro now ivsklm; for Merino buek-i
that havo boon brod nud kopt In a morn nat
ural condition, und Mr. Ilyo Gcor, of WnlU
Walla, hiiM Jut loft Salom with nil tho Merino
bucliH bo could Rot hero, that bavo bton br d
und kopt In tbat way. Ho tells mo tho reac
tion against thcfto pampered shetip in so (treat
that, whllo thoy oro bflng Hhlpped hero In
IticrouKCd inunborH, ho cannot pet near
onoiiRli of Orogon-rnlsud and natuially kept
Hhoujitosiipjily thuiUtmaud lor them In his
Imtnedlrito vicinity. Tiiero need bo no fear
then, that Intolllgetit wool-groivorH will not
buy well bred and properly kept Merinos,
for they know tht an Initiation of Merino
blood U as necessary to prodiica tho bext
imallty of wool, titSJor ordinary coudltlouH,
as molitura la necessary lo produco n good
Brain or hay ciop.
My advlco to my frlnud Hounds h, lo u
forward aud lucroaso bt'ju.icolleut little Hock
of Merinos to huudreds nnd ihoumnde, und
Iouk buforo hti can do that, Intelligent buy.
ors will bonltor hi in and bli neighbors, If
thoy do llknwlso, for their wool crops at tho
highest innrkot ralos, ns thoy havo done
tiuco ir.yt.elf and otliors havo bred tho Mer
ino hero. Tlicro has never been more thnn
100 to CC0 thoroughbred Morlnos kept In
this vicinity, yot that pmnll number, and
tho grades produced by them, havo always
sold horo at tho highest markot rntes, of.in
several cents nbovo tbat of ordinary wool.
Tbrcoyoara ngo this wool was oil'trod to tho
hlj;het bidder, In tho streets of Salem, by a
eommllteo from Salom Grange, and (ion. J,
V. Miller, in behalf or Balmn Woolen Mills,
and two of our touting merchants, In bohalf
of Philadelphia llrms, woro tho competitor.
Mr. Miller got tho wool 15,000 pounds, at
live ceutsnbovo the goneral innrkot. That,
tho latolllguut reader will understand, la
paying a groat deal hlcker for tho Merino
wool scourod than this (luro indicstes, for
tho full blood Merino loses much more by
waibing then ordinary lleeco. I cniRiihr
when I sell my full blco t unwnsbo I tleeco
that has been ve-ll kopt nud slicdded in win
ter at Um full market rales for common wcol
In like condition, I got fully ono third moo
for the Huporlor quality of tho rral wool In
tho Useco. Intelligent buyers know this and
to such I would recommend my friend
to sell his vrool in tho future.
J.vo. Minto.
Eatcs of ilcensc3.
T'orlho IntotniatWu of all Inlerostrd wo
ttvo belov tho mim of lleoiiRes that tho o
elfdv husndoptrd r.wJosiiliihiin', votidoiaul
mcrelUiiUifO, uanii'"."'-', " "i ""-"i
hto. I
TwoHiort-o rwotw msi:oii or buck S 12
I'Vnir Vorsn' pjoiiji'rwnKonurltacl till
IJitlnir K.iiiMorMtHtiraiiti:
I tiililev.or MSHtfOK 1 pif'om
', '
... t,
ii ii
Intl ik
1 "f
than IS j.rMna ut n (.
I.nTi r b iv
IiKr ln-er. o.itor MtnlHgarn
DiililP'tui Iriiiiw......!
t'ldar ctid doiuojtti' 'dill
D.unpstlo fruits, ei It'', cIkhi
eaae" f
lAtiolt tnli (no h:' ) void nitfals,
Ip.i unit ill'ro
ndl'ii", pipiiwul o'i"i
riJer. IriiHs.t-lKsntiiiMl.ei'
, ji'.ex and
caKei, cluar,
lllll (.litltiO..
Oi'iioral lirotiHO,
lngor beer, rider,
Plot) and en lies ,
Oyaiera. eaker, plos'
Oy.Mer stand '
f-i,,iil n j,itilii.Iiir
Circus nor Roiion...l.
Mit'tMim under CiiinM (w llvo imlmaN)
Mntinuorlo under o-i v", .'IU:'."
Kxhibllliin of sluglk nnlinnl, under cm
van, Km 13
MlnMri-1 troupe
Itiok el" II ,
Hook, nut) aud pluiiro veiulr.
Steam or horpn uwth', per irrm
Hand swim;, nor tdrui ,
Smntoseoplo vlewM.ymeil iiitriinunt "0
ricturo gallery (esciusivo ot groutui
rent) S PJ 00
'-'inio with largo Instrument SO 00
Food ttails per ko'on ltd 00
Mont malls 1 10 00
KIro works each exhibition l.r 00
Amtloneer, per staon 15 00
Stencil plalo (Hitters PJ 00
Hurber shop, Hor ixorti chairs 15 00
Hirbershop. 1 chair 8 00
Soda fountain 12 00
Candles and nuts, P2 00
Pry goods and clothing 40 no
Fancy dry trood HO 00
Fancy store, paper, pens, and lll.o ar
ticles !i" 00
TM" rhliKK not enumerated, dlsorottonaty
with Uteoutlvo Committee.
aitOU.NI) llKXT
Ground ront will bo rharced p.tlilbllions
&j,, under ciiivbh'., tor tlm Fir wnk, i'.t the
following rntts, distance reckoned Irom the
outt-iiKi sin no':
Canvass 10x15, .10 conls p.r loot $
Canvass IBM!!) or over 1015, .".0j pur It
Vov tho Stftto Tniv.
Professor Tripp, with his Arabian horrs,
lea Iloipburs TuiUMlay momlmr, ab.VM the
Independtitrt, bound Tor ihoSmto Fair, wbero
tho poopla ol Oregon will have nn opportu
nity of wliHii'iliii; what, woniloruil Iratsu
liortto will pet form, whin undnrisueli skill
fill hands ns Profi"or TrlppM. Theso lior'i-i
exhibit a knmvlt-dxo of word's ind i.lgns that
npprvnr tn bo almost liuiuan, p.nd Iho man
iiniuulrgntid ln-iuctli trleks wbloh thi-i
pBrformr.ro well worth the ndmt'slon Irn;
hoeddos vli'eh homiuBn und otbois v.bl
Iimdoii oi'iirtunlly oi't'iilnlns! on iiiKlgbi
IntciM e'ear imd o imp-tmuslvo -ytdnm of
hor.;. iralti'titf, txliloh fluv Monld i ot r.itl
to l.iuu"o.. Prr.ri-ster Tilpp '"HI nlo t.nn
In a f"'v I't'niii'". I of.ir yont men, any wild
or vleiiius Hir'H thai iia bo brought to lb
tfliit. frmi of ebar-o. 'I hooo Ainbton l.orw
Will bit exhibited nt the d'tlninnt town. I'O
t'vecii Into end Silcm, uud wobespoaUior
thorn a eordlil rccnntloii.
A Ear Loom.
John Snilth'n black bsr tint )n boon
clial'uid ttpMtverel mnnthupiutln tho roar of
Smith t Tb"iiiP"oiri moat market brnko his
chain iihoni InVlook thin morning and "IP
tint." Ho is known to liavo jw.wl throuiih
tiio low ground back of tlio Chemhltrln Ho
tel headed for South Salem. It Is probable
thntbomudo tho brush bseli oi A. JJusIi'm
residence, and litHo boyn will be npt to glvo
that part of our (lonnnouwpnbli a wido barth
for tho next week or two unless Mr. Petty
john can In Indupi'd to bring In hla bear
dogs und go for tho vnrmlut.
TIjd Ker SoiioKio.
Tho now lighter spoken of foveral
I 50
ii 1)0
8 00
10 50
15 00
U0 00
till 00
05 00
-,:, oo
M tO
Narrow Gunge Bailroad.
1'nnnvnAi.r, Polk Co ,Sopt. 13. '77.
Tho hauling of firm products to murktt cr
a bhlpp'ng point whero tho distance U ilftueu
or twenty miles, is both expensive and
laborious, and might bo ayolded If ibo farm,
era would combine and build narrow guage
railroads. A railroad having two feetguaga
which could bo cheaply built, and extend
ing up our yalley fifteen or twenty miles
from some point on the river; could do nil
the carrying, as (raveling could be done on
it at all seasons of t'te year, aud produce
could bo carried away at any liuao from
warehouses aloDg the rcute.
Isaac Hall,
('iinv.iM 'JOx'.'o or over l."xi:o !U j
nam ass 'J.'MIO or over Uix'iV ;!Vi
('anvil's roxU'i or oror WxJO, I'JJio
Chu vumi It.'ix'IO or over :li)s,1.1, 5") i
Cmivdui 0k 11 or ovnr aix lit, O-.io
CtinyaKS 15x50 or over Wx i 70j
CiinvnsHf.0i55 or -vor I.'nM, SJj
I'linvtiKH 53x00 or ovnr f OxM, U'j i
I'ltciiM oxoinpi from tlutr rio.?
Ground Milneti d v.'ll tint bn isousldercd as
Bcmirod until full piiyniont lor thoKamn lias
been mudu, and arerelpt given, Variation
of ground rent, oti account of location, dis
cretionary with tho JJJKir.lverCouHiiUlett.
Mecnro c.iu bo hud oil application to tho
lly ordor of Iho board of iimuau-prs.
W. P. Watson, Prtslpcut.
K. M. Vt'AlTK, Secretary.
"" StcnjJorJr. T. Church.
This linnd-ioino Hicainer biilonglug lo Iho
Peoplo's Pro'eotlve 'I'taiisjiorliulou Cum pu
ny, look lOuNiclcHcf whert at Hie FarmorM'
w'lirohouco, then life having 1,000 saiikseu
uiipred at Lincoln, and 100 e.ieks at Whnit
land. Hy Iho wnv, If you want to trovel
"down tho rlver.lt tills boat Is n romfortablo
ono nnd Dan McCitlly In tliopuror, nnd
whin wo havo tuld that, wo havo said
.ViiUDii.Hopt. 11, 1670.
Ki. FAUMf.u: Will you, or tomooryour
many leaders, plecsu tell mo through tho
columns of your valuablo piper, what Is ll-o
mailer with my nhtnp? They Xlrnt lakolo
nwelllug under llu Jws, and tho swelling
extonds hick on neck, nud gets qulto largo,
nnd runs along that way lor two or thrco
months. 'Ihoyge very poor, andtakotho
ucourii and dla somodis without taklmi tho
scourc If some ono will give inn a remedy
for this disest9, ho will confer a favor.
Jlhii: W. Puon.
slnro its bi'lmt built bv V, li. Seott ,V fo. lor
'lotlnu" wiiint nvorfboal wn'eron tho ?V11
Ismetle, wim brought up n Wheallund lust
Sunday and lotdml with 1S0O bu.liels of the
parent. Tliouitv of Salem with llOOHaiikson
board tlien took the barite In tow and started
for tho metropolis wiieio thoy arrlvi d safely,
Inllv demotiiiitatiug that "somo things can
bo dono as well hb othors."
A Grnud Elr.bt.
Tho Sin Fniuulson Journal of Commeren
epeadlng of Oregon's dlstday at tho Mechan
ics' Fair, ksvhs "Ono of tho grandest sights
at tho Pavilion Is thatnuordad by tho Oregon
display, which Is Immediately to tho right
of tho main outraneo. What it has shown
has surprised many of our pooplo, who did
not exti-ot to koo Wcbf.-ot show up no well.
Tlmy nro, howover, wldo nwske, progre-tdvo
nnd vigorous, and hnvo In them all tho ele
ments of healthy progress.
Goon YiKi.n. Mr. Henry Kleun, living
In tho Waldo Hills, obtained -It bushels to
ttioaoro from his whont crop, Ihlsmaieii.
Pretty good lor hill land.
To tlto AlltU'toil Xtiultus ii
Whv need you Mtll'-r wltli Paralysis wtin
ye'ni enii b cured? Why will you sutl'.r
witli UhuuinatlHin wlien you imii boeured?
And whv hnvo so ninny nolies nnd pulnw
when It Is v.iihluuur iu.icn tubocuiud ?
In tlio County t'mrt if Pie ita'ii of Orojon forth
timntv of Mn I -1 1 .
In tliff mitt r ertlic Kttateor s P. Waller, ikcraicd.
T Vlni'lii ttMlf, O. II Hull, Jtnry It. Hull O.O.
hi. i.tti a. J, v. Mrattmi. O. A. Wiul. r, H. 1. Waller,
I!. J., o. Wallor. and (HlPOiTilihett, cnsrllan ol
U.I. ii Wal'or, nti.l iill unknown holes of A. P.
Wnller ilsceiptil.
SN tin' tiime or tlio Plate of Orpna: Von end carli
a of m nrB hen i j- cited nnd reiuilieil lo hpiiear
nrniii"' tlip i.'iovi- iminoi court, at fnu ( mitt Inntfo
tn v.liiii, In ulil Mafinn c-'Hi.t v, "H oli'vcn o'cl.ir'4 n.
. nn Ilia ltli day or ect. lur, 1SJT, thi nnd Ihcru
in -I,i at outii". If nnv lt, wliy an o.vor rlionld not
lio liinili' lif ililCu'ir:, antliinls'Dg J. A. Htrntton,
the i1p4niitr. ior iWmir, to roll iho real elnto of
aM dis'-i.-i.t f.n H vaynii'i't rr Ihi) elyvmtD. ex-
,i n- f nill .ii ',n i, nn i ili ngulii-t falit
-"it . ;-i!t 'iv " ' r tiv ntl n 1 tr P.l.'ialnr. Salt!
r ( ivtii'i li i.uini'.i'U anil d"-r Hi il a laiiiiwu. to
Mill . pi ' ru ii Ion il.l'ii No I. NnlllbMlInU
N . i. hi T. , S. Ii. .1 W. uf WilliiniltJ iniTldlan,
I'KiiiiOt'd by mvitMiilii tin ti ofoutli lli'cof tlie riiiitily
i-o-ll I'd.'in lu.iinly iVu'n tan ai end of tllatu
tn-nt. In tlm. ! n remit), Oifi'im. n' I.nt
S, V ileit. :U) tc In. K. If ,ii I'cnln mini where tlio
vmlli lino of iMld rmmly r ! IiihtjucI ttio W'wl
tiimndir? of ilie I'liiii'iliin I.uid liilm of A. P. Wal
ler and Klrpli.1 WaMtr his win,1, ntel rtilihliii; llicncn
8. l.i drc. ,'W lulu. W : rlialne, nn.r orlref. to Inter
eirt ii dm-eipi mid wt lino d'xlillni; raid rhlm Into
two oni.il purl f j tlui.rint 13S,ltUlinioruor les
to liinr'.ri I 'o ear'ein liuitKilnry llnu of n certain
tnirt nt 1'iiid d?cdi-d liv A. P. W'n.lrr mid Klrplia
Wilder hU wll,', tu '.lilnl It. Waller, liy dcul
daiid th Ki'li dny of .limitary. lnn. nd record
I'd In M.ulon Count) rccnrdit. ll.ntk uf Drrdf, vo'nmo
No. 4, on pJitoRtlli tlirnro N. I'l drg. aiinln.K.
nlnnjt fiM In-I iii"!nloiHil m.r, ol'out iH.R0 rlialn to
the uoatli llni) ot Mid roiiti'y rond, llirtiro ?(,) deg
:!0mlu W.KlongilmpuiiUi linear Jld nmiity roadto
tlio plai-o of iH'Klenln, and nil rltmito In. Marlon
cinintv, (Irejon. Tli cititlon In pii'ilMird In Iho
WiM.aJtvrTK PituiMi, l) onl(r of tho ald court,
laailu eviituinaer fitli, Is".
JM. O. PKP.M.ny, Connly .tiulse.
Hal-iai. Orccon. Hept. C, IU17. :.0 l
In the County Court ol Iho Plate of Oregon for Iho
County of Msrloti.
In tlie nutter of Hi" Ktalo of .Jame ltlckoy, deceas
ed. .Inkier M. ltlikuy, Adinlnl-trnlor.
To llnnry lilekrv, Tlionin 11. lttckry. Jmo M.
Kicker, nnd nil inikiinivn lielrr of t Jld decedent;
und nil pcroiii bitcr.'tted In mil IXalu.
In tho linmo of tho Htale of Oregon :
-r'ntr nml riH nfimi. ari l.rrebv rltnl and re-
.V quired to tippeirWnro tlm nbovo nit.ud I mirt,
at lint Couit Homo I Halem, In Mid Marlon ci iinty,
ntl'i'clock p. in en Iho (lib day nf Urlolwr, A. U.
Ih77, to thru and thrro Mimv rniiM1. If any ex l. liy
un order fhould mil ho made hy Mid Court anthorlr.
Miir nil t AdmluHriitor lo cll tlio Heal Kptato of raid
iU'cednt fur tlupa )inetit of tlie ndmlnlMrntlon.
ciiarea nnd claliimncalnpt paid Krlate, itctltlonrd
for hy ild ndiitliilptrntor. bald rod eptato In decilh
rdn fut'oivM loullt A purl or tho Donation Land
t.'lulm uf pnld .Unim Itlihey and wtfn. In T. 7 . It. 3
W. and In T S rt It.'JWs lleirlniilnit at tlio rt. w.
corner or CIMm M, and Iho 8. IS. curnrr ef Claim 6J,
InTbrt. it 'i IV, and riiliiiliiirUii'nraN.Odvg. tSinln.
W. s, M rhaln-i lhemo N.-tildcif. 3lmln. K. .TOSO
chains; themo N. A d . l. inln. W, l.H chain;;
Ih. nro N eitle,' r.Jinln. K, Jl l'irhnlcp; tlulico N.
"tiUv HI inln. K f.W clmtiin Mii'iicn N. B dcg. :
lain. W I.Ml c hhltip; tnenroN 4 due. ) inln. K. n.N
clialn; llicticix nrlLily tu lnl rpril lltiwoiilh linn of
paldCliilmtU.nl n pnlnl S. 4'.1 deg. a'l inln. R r..i
rluiln- frntii nn nnuto In paid MUl'li line f paid clnlm
HI; thenroH indes:. M mill. W. KIIM clmliip to I lie
pmoof Initllinl".', i-imt'illilnj.'ill'O'll fit IK'ft.i And
ih.it piinlce i'f iliiPiliailun ha nude on iii'ii-iipIiIciiI
lielm hv jmhltciittnn ol lite pnn.u In 111" WiUArilcTTr?
PaIISI.ii, a "irklv ln'iTPpiprr pntitplii'il;kl Palero,
llrkVoii.oitr'Mi Hik fur n wrwn.kiieeeiilvily next
precidlngiiihl il'h iliy of Ootolwr. 1BT7. '
.idllN v. PKCIiliPH, County Jintse.
Hi-lrm. Hrpl I Is". 'M
Woatherfonl fc Co. uro ready for Iho lal
trado with n ho.ivy Mook of drugs, modi
olnos, toilet goods, palntii, oils, nud sundries!
Thoso who nro Intondlng to build wil
nalura'.ly go to them for paints, nils, glass,
Ac, nnd tholr Wlgsndh, or prcpiritlon of
mountain balm will euro a cough, iritis
Imi now ritaUblud lu t'aleei, pu'paretl to Irelt
all Carontu IIIiiMpcp. fiitliap Uheunictlpm, Neuralgia,
Conpuniillci!i, Kidney dlpinpip, nud In fuel nil iHmu
vKthstliuuir.il deli Iphelrtu. KpiiialnllFullnn mld
toPieiHlu WoiUiiemniulncrvoUK pioUritloii whlrli
ie po comnioojtii LiJloi. Clilldrcn'o dpri.c not ex
cepted. In conni'cilon Willi my practice, I hnvo one
of tho celebrated Medicated Vapor I.tyiitnlng Cream
Until, which a'.dp vatlr hi wmovlng all chtmilo dl-
caret. It open Iho pores of tho pJ.1i), and thrown MT
the p'.lmy, morbid matiir, wtlrh I one of tlm great
dure of to much riificiltt:. When v unco think
that t wo thltdt of all we tike Into oer u'tcin pnpca
off IhrnuHti tho pnrcn of thoukln, wo ncid nil .top
long to wonder why wo nro pick, when wo pay po
little attention to tho mod linprutnnt ritiiiictnty ot
our bodlcp. Daring tho yn t nliio inonths I havo had
th!ii hath In opcrtllon, end tunny viti let llfy tn Hi
rfllcacy. t treat patlenta by Hit week, or by elnglo
iAdlcn will do well lotjlvo mo a call. Ilerlilcnce,
aouthen.t comer id Center and Hummer HI reel p.
tialcm. MISS. 11. XV. OltAlG, ,-YI. I).
KiiifJit.vn: to oitnuox.
Direct Passage from New
Yorkto Portland, Oregon.
LAN" Dr.PAIiTMRNT O. A ('. It., I
I'OIITI.lNll, llMIC'il, IFTf. t
J ngrvi'il In carry eu It. Iron pteauiplilp.iionrhilu;'
built nt Cheiter la , hy John Koncli X Hon. upon hi r
completion, on or nlmiH tho ICth day of .liinunry,
1SW (teeracn pappeiiierr from New York lo Purthiii'l.
dlrecl, .la lhittrnltof Mayiilnu, nt tho extremely
low rate of t7.,OII uirrciicy, himtd liichlilcd.
'nil Hlciimr will I'Olliu hept, utrouiiut uul tnnrt
comfottuhly aitnuci'd Phlp "" tnllt lu tlm United
Hale hiierd, VM knoK. Dhnruplniip: '."M leel lu
lenirtb; ?Q fort Is am; 2W ibplli or hold; cat nelly,
u.'i 0 tonp; dXi cabin ami Ml pteerau popiicnijcip.
Tlio dttlnit up id Iho Pleerneu will reevbn pprclal nl-
trutlon; It will boiirovidoi with all nnmi-m Improve
muiitpand It MiallJtlci'i will ho lu'iiUt
teiiilii'i will ho uiilil tn I in roiniurt ofp
and tlio f.ire will ho nf the hept nit Hit . Putt of tho
Diery nt-
Tho l.ano i'onnty Hop dower's Assooln
lion employ 100 Chinamen I hlivearlo gather
luifis. Mofo imp-, urn mhwl in I. win eouiilv
than nnj ntli-rcotiniy In iho mate, thete bo
Jug butweou :H'0 or 00 uurea devoted tu tliulr
Wo wish to iiidV.o n t1 oiougli canvatn In
tho into.-otof till, paper through thlu S'alo
and Wiuthliiglnu Territory, and would like
to hnvo, r.firr harvest, or dnilnir Iho w in'er,
neil.iecauv.ur.oto lu oaohoounty, and If p
slblu In t'R))i precluut.
.Strong t llaln, of thePlcnosr Hikery, will
lnvortsnd yi, opiiohlte the Graud Park nnd
Pavlllan,on tho Fair OroundM, during Fair
Campers will find at this stand fresh
broad, cracker, otkos, plis, andngoneral
iSNortiiKint of proiorlec, Iliac will be sold at
oily jirites.
V. Ii. Wad.-, nf North Kileui, the popular
and lo'ig eslubllshed merchant, Ii receiving
his fail stock, for city nnd country trade
and is prapared tu suit tho wants uf 1 11 cus
tomers. Mr. Wndo Is a liberal dealer and
about as honeeitiind straightforward as tnoi-t
of us, aud thos't who kuow htm need no tn
do.'eiueut from us.
Tf you want a good, round, smooth, sweet
toned Organ ono that is mado of the best of
material, p.nd will last n lifetime got the
Whitney .t Holmes, ot J. H. ItobblnB, Port
land, Oiegon.
ditkr iiiiiw lllhii rtltid up for nlrlui'inllnir piirpus
op, wlllinilcw iuliiiDlh pirrcii.-irr fr'tli mini ihi
ring Iho w hole voynce.
lliu vomu will he isado In about plt) iUjp.
TouppI-1 tivrpont whndeplro to -mlr.itn In Oretron,
avilctiliurkl ami otlar luipleueiits Mill bu taken ut
vi ty low iuUp
For ptTPOin luro whohaio filend in Iho Atlantic
Hlatrs wi-litnj In (oiolo Oreiton tlds eiterx n rani
opp.Ttui.lty, ii the unii'iymc- p und IntUiiii uf Iho
nvi-r and rouie hy rail are avoided, mid Iho ur uuo l
ipiiplderahly ie.
I'm rilciilar Itifnrmillon iddrrK P. O. hcl mlct,
1 riiniih WlllUta tlreil, New Yolk, or
tJ n.fi P. hciipizi:.
Land Aunt O. & O. It. It. Cn . Penh ml, (leu
W. Tu. WADE,
i T T1IS UltK.it riTOftR. HAH JU3T CC'1V
CX. ed a full arpotturntuf
Gronoral Morohandiso,
Dry G-oodSj
Boots & ShooDj
Calenlated for the Oltyand Country Trade. Ilouitht ai
Uiw. and will l told at as H.MAI.I. A JitUKIT, at
Uioiewlm HULL AT COST. l-VUuoi delivered tc
inv wrt ul U' cltv flee uf rharyo. Nnvhr
EBtabliahed 1810.
Original Liver Medicine.
I'JIIVIi, On Dollar,
T. A. DAVIS, 4c CO.
Wholfule Dr3rgUt,71 Pront 8t. PortUcd,
maytJ-im. Ak'eati for Orccon.
In tlir mi'toruf Iho (limillnn-Mp of Inward Dott
llliitnin' Almd Uniillloi, minor India of AurupIii
lloiilllot, decrapiil
N(iW. iiiilhlKitsi.Septcnlier I. A. H. P(77, camo
P. (J, I't i.t iv in. eini'dmii nf mid liilnor helr.
mil pre-uiitid hip petition tiu'tm; fjriituntUr to pell
tlio real iMaionf paid iiilnma In Marlon euiinty, Or
rip.n, ilr.erlhi'il In hi i.ild prllllnu, and It nnpeatlng
totliupii1Prnclhilior Ihu titutl thnt ll I lierr,Hry
nnd lor the IicpI Inlir-pl nf Iho nid mlliorn that Iho
pii'd rinlepti'.o phuilld h fold. It Ip hereby indered
aeddt'errud thi iho in Mnf kin ol mid v. it r.I i , and
nil perpoiiH Inlcte-P-d lu pn'tl 0'tatn, nppeiir Imloro
mo nl Um Court llini" In tlm lily of t-n'eui.ln Marlon
I'liiiniy.Oivuiiii, on Ihu lIlli day iifUclobur, IBTJ.nt tho
Imnrif ! n'lhiel: ii. m . soil hiw eaupr. If.liY they
li.ivo, why a liceit-ophoutti not ho lirunieil lor the paid
of p.ililopintn. 8rivii8iif ililnnnVr plmllbe midc.by
piihtlcilliui In llio Wu.uniTTi: Paiimuii lor ihrw
wvekn pnccipplvily heloio rnld ht'i day of tlctnhcr,
a. ii. isn. John o. 1'r.p.m.iw,
foiiniy Ju.lao, Marlon Co., tirion.
Bilein. 8ctit I. lsrr.. .--a an
In ihe matter rf tint Oiiinllntlilp of Uro W-iplit,
OirWil.'hi, and Kl'n Wilglii. minor Utis nl Jo
iK'l'h a. Wrlglit, diieapid,
SJt'W', en lhl sixth I'ny of 8rpliiiiber. A. D. ltfS7,
Ls eatiin It Itanitlii, niirillnt of ild minor
holrp. nml pri-ritli"l Id. pitlttou pti.yliig lor an order
iiipuII ihu rial i pin i of ald tn'M'i- in Cl.ckamaa
couiiiv, Un-gen. iWrriiicd In hi' pnhl pell Ion, slut It
iipiiiiirini! tti II vpill-l.ii'lloit i.t Um couil Itiiit It In
imii.-ii y nud lorllioh.pt Inlunl ol ti.iiuilil Illinois
lint Ihopull re.il i.tsto h.'iild lo mid, ll Ih lieieliy
onlered uul iki r-'i'l thai llio nest of klu ofiald
waul, unit nil in-r.onp iMnriPled In paid i .late iipptar
iM-furoliie. nt llierniiil IiouppIii ilia i lly ii' hlli in. Ill
Mar.u'i ioiiiiI), liri'uon, on tlm l.lin dty of ilcintiir,
A. ll. ISI7, nt Hie hour of II o'iioi.k n in, nnd phow
ciue, if any they hair, wi-y a lli'riipii shfiild um lio
giHiittd foril.e pain of ii.li! epliitv, Hcrvlco of thin
unier pliall ho mi.tohy pul ISiAtlo.i lu Iho Wit.iN
kvtij riti.ii f.ir Ihrei iieiehui;itk. prior lulho
I3lh day of vc uhvr, A. H. 1T7.
' JiillN C. PKKIILP.rt.
pel lull County .Tuclgo of Mnrlon county, Ouiioii.
Dealer In
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobaooo and Cigars,
Halen, April SO, 1R73.
It 12
Capital, $300,000.00
Aosoto, - - $568,547.46
Income, 1875, $465,904.29
Lossoo paid out elnoo organiza
tion, - - $1,137,367.60
au3tf Ti Klral M.. IMIUTtANn,
For Sale !
THE PINK ltHHIUUNCE corner of Commer
cial and DIvIpIoii ptrcet., In deairable pltiutlon,
.wltli hfiiinilark-o. writ flnlnhLd. and convenient-
v urraimefl. anil uriiaHtl lu.temilv ornamcuieil. will
he pold vory low and on acioratnodatlim"
(vriu. Ayuij u
ce2t l'atton'alllock Htatubt.. Halihi.
UK, K. V. !1IANK,
BHBVKT Lt.Col., latoSurReon U.B, VolttiiUe.
Orncu. Uarblu't block, uu pUlrr, liTT'
3 .
t .Ji
1 H