Wx e TPIf. I -.1rT'. iHMi I " V".'Mtj i ii im ' w ' 'up nrmr-:z ...,: rTvwiPHHHH if I '4 WILLAMETTE FARMER. 'f f SS?fWrwg Ito.. PtoUflSao P Ii SW' kS"i. 'Aft miVi: wownnromMr.jiji. wiu-,ra-. TffnTinTTflTrRK.ET) JHG t' Yt. .V1 rtv.7.r.lI?JIK.V.it ii 3 jmmmmm . ! ' :" Ejl' 4 Bkffi. i b".t "v. , I M i ,K ' i i! W"' PSUEI) KTE1IV rniUAT, OXjA.ZSIE1i3 v; riiBLrf urn? axd raoi'ntBTor.s. H. A. UIjAKKU. . Vi'. OtSAIf;. Term or Mihacrlplloti. , Ono copy, tmu ycir (ti2 Iiura1ict') " ,' Onocoj)y,'2 lannltiMMtintahera) l.U. Onntopy, llirfn montlo" l.'lriunil)rl yA Ll5MKi DA V, H l-:i"l ."al , 1377. Eastern Oregon Wool. Wo havu lonrnt'fl Homo Interostiny Tacts from Mr. .Seymour, of Portland, Imbed on Ills experience In pneliliiffund Krudlnj; wool the p:istsenoi). Ho h:i packed heavy lot-? of wool from both Eastern and Western Oregon and as sorts that, the dlireronce In grades Is greatly In fiver of En tern Oregon wool. Ho says there Is five times the proportion of fine wool there as com pared with this valley nnd the quality or Eastern wools Is year by year .stead ily Improving, lie considers that the oirorl to produce combing wools is chief ly a failure with ns because not enough eare is taken and the .wool is tender and frowsy, whilo the Miorl wool.-, heavy With yolk, can Miincl both the wot of thlH valley and rinpmia, and the Alka li of Eastern Oregon better than the CotHwend.H or lilcce.ster.s. The best grades furnished this year from the Kitst are 1 Merlnoj on common stock, which makes frequently n good delaine wool. While Eastern Oregon wool crndcM well us to, llnoness, its value is lessoned frequently by tho amount of sand and dirt In the fleece, so that It brings less than Wlllamotto wools ol less fineness, but Mr. Seymour .speaks very emphatically as to the Improve ment or Kastorn wool over past years and the flnenesS or fiber being Hiipor lor to i.ur Western wool". , m'ljiu i-rtitini iin Ktu iian y, ns Koine utiior IniluitrUu eon ictnlilci: Ib'rt, liowvir,U;ih miff .. o'r fct'iiiii-'Miop; unvor- Tho Wtcat Crop of tho United Statea fctnto ot tho Mtirkut. Onoof tlio mo-it rollulilu Journals In llio Inttirostortliofcralii trailo, publWied In Now Yurie, fiMliiMtos thn jrotiililn wheat crop of tho Wiiltid aiiitoa nt "f.0,(;(iy,W0 bunl-tla, mill nn IIHiioIh paper ilovoloil to tlio lurniu.-.i' In turost unyjit Not only Is tlio wlntor wheat crop ol llio country onu of tlio lari;ost ovor Iiarvcitod, nail of minorlor quality, but, tint aprlug wheat crop h lininonr, unit of a quality ah Nuporlorui Is tlmylolil. It Is dry enough to Krlnd or export directly f.'om tlio llnltl. "Iisl vc.ir our wlioat crop aiunuiileil to 2fiO,0(Kl.(HM) bUNlinN. Tlila ynir It In fairly ih tlmatotl nt nvrr .'C. ,000,0(10 luihliila. Ttin larwat aiiinnni liver i'xpor(nl Inonoynnr fioin tho UiiltnlHliitiM win UO.OM.OIH) bush kN. Tlio iiviiihkii export tanli'iui i.D.W'O.COO liuHlmlt-: liutlBii .viinr only ii()(io,lco hiixii (iliorwiiiini was ixitortiiU, owlnj; ton (hurt vroii, IJiiilorordlnurv iilniiiiiiUiicrH, lliorororo, vn nilclit imlur.lly Kxptut ioitii tin prlcux (ifwIiiintK' uiilow IIviiik rutOH. Wo IhiIIovo Unit liirirn in N our ulioit crop lor ItiTTs It innyull let ulihorliul m lCurnpi'iiii niu.kolN, iitcooil prlciN, tliN .1 cur. Tliorii Im now no proHi'iioilliiit tlio KiiNilmi TurkUli wur Ih In do iiiiilt'il (liN uoiihou. If It oonilnnis noxt yi'iir It will init.tntto ll urli'iiltuinl m Hoiiriivsor tlio U')lnii llmplrc, m fur uh Ihoir export of crMn Ji cniicornril. If I hit .tinpiRif llio wnki wuro In coii.Mllon lot-o- oorft!c. U"-y m'ylit erntinl tl' Rralii liiitlu i inn c; limry not tliolr M'i cult, nn r.i'.'onn tlioH'kH, imicii inny no uono ny iiiiiiviuuiim mill ciiminuulllfs ly wnliililiiK H'o nmrkol unit UiioukI) inutnnl iwhIhIiuico 1 ii kIuu mil. iriinihiUriiMiiil lulo nmrl.nl upon u iHltliiKptlcn, spin'iiliiUitH will mkoHilvnii lauo In lorni prlti h lower, nnil thru holil f.-r u rNo. Tlio dllUeiilty Ih too inuny t-oll nt llio dill, mill iluiM col mliilimiiii. whim they fchoitUl r.ot iimxliuiiin prln n." allien thonliovo mih wrltlru, Micro Win IhIIIkhiu'ii fo ilcasttir fro:n Nturuis to crops In tho llrltUli IhIauiIh mut nnwrf iinfHVorMblo to lliuwhitit crop In ninny of llio Uuroponn HtntiH. Slneotho early lUyii ofSuptombor tho lirrailHttillVi iniirUet Iim Krown tinner mul hIiowh hlt'iuly nilvitncu. tiuo fuct Unit limy Um.l to iloproKt prlefH, thoiivth '.I Iihh not yet done mi, U tlmt the Mhldlo mul WoHlern K'.sUm h.ivo uu Im mouKo wheat Miri-lui IhN yeur mul nro hurrjlnt; Ii forward morn rapidly th.in r.er heroru, whiuli will h.ivo a leiuliuiey In do pit hs llio niiiihet In t.lvcrponl unlim llio Kinopian deiliMiuey U vry niai'ied. ItiiKsUnud Turhcy h-o hupplledi::i; Iii'id, litiherlo, with ono-fotirth of herdo r.oumey, nn.t ll.o fnlinl Mntiw overlmlf, hut llio procpccl of riiiillnuuneo of the I'll lopeuu war wilt curmll tlmt mipply In nifiuniriMiiul very likely oiun9hii nctlvoilo umuil lor all the miii plus of llio Unite ilStnloi. The propnt Is lor pud pilivn tlironijti llio year mul U U not Inipioh.iblo ihey may eon-1 tliiuoiuiollii r juir. Wnoii ViMtrs. Mr. A. Preseoll, wluo pumpfiictory iHtUtholuiuherlnKiuill hem in NultMu.hm uu mlvitrlWenient of hUwood jiuiiipH In thU Ihmiu, TIih i-rial niiuiliirel itno imuips im Iuim tuddlhrouiih llieeonn try npeal ir ibeumolvoi, hh ihiy ulvo unl verml nll'iictlon. Wo Imvo ponoiit x psrluncimf tht-lr wok, nn ho put ono for u hi a well IH leet d'ep, mul lhiMiii;li wot and dry neiihpiu it worhn wlih unfallliiK rcitularl ty, mul UioukIi tht woll U deop Itdiaa watur w llh ee. Having (tied other puinm of tet umUo,wool and Iron, wo uniiealttt Inuly preiiouni'rt In laor of Uun wood iiuiupaN tho hfxt for ordinary uw on tho Nun, as not llnblo k tt out of onlirMiid Morklnir with compamtlvo e.xiu In dttp veil. of the Oregon Stato Agricultural hocIo ty, that tho Executive Committee have made all tho Improvmcnts ordered by the Board and also have had somo oth ers made on their own rojpoiwlbl.lty. a'-Hhc need of them has become evident. Tho grounds will be In good order and the Indications are Hint wo shall have tho finest exhibit and tho largest at tendance that wan ever known. What i3iuod'id moro especially Ua full ex hibit or our Mute products and we urge tho fanners f Oregon to tvntri'itile freely and fully what they have to show, not deterred by any fear that each one will not get the first prize. Let us Imvo a full representation of all tho products of this Stato and Wash ington Territory. The llrowno Sulky Plow. Mows.FMiik Hros. & Uo.,oi Portland, olldr for Halo tho Iirowno Sulky Plow, nianii ftclurod by Jluford it Co. of Itock Island, HI., concern liitf which tho Davenport Iowa Jiiuvnul says: ' "Iloek llnnl hivenllvo skill novorcimo noiirorreachim: perfection Ihan wliPti Itti.ok llio shape of tho already uoIdiiRlfd llrowno Hulkoy 1'low, iiiunufuiiliirrd by it D. llufird it Co , oftho Kock Island Plow Wotks. This company wim yoHtctiliy In receipt of mils pHtcli from I!urllni;lon, whiuh sliowtd that thi bust Iowa lormerH hold tlio samo oplnlnn oftho llrowno Sulky Plow llmt Mera. I!u I'ird A Co. Ihurnhulvts do. Jrtut sprltifr tlio llrowno whs victor In a preiit numborof plowing contcstp, but this fillltii tho llri-t to tHko the lirnt prl.t, and that In ono oftho lariat trials hold. It took placo noarllur lhiKlon on Tuceday lant, and thcro woro rt-)-reunited In tho trial nlno companlos whoso p'owa are In popular uho ihrough tho WohI. After a vary lull mid Batlcfactory trial, llio comniltteii Niltcled by (ho Mrinora lliom- Holvo, vol oil iiiiHiilinously that tho llrowno OKI inn next wura nun waa ino chhiuhi innii aitutl. TliN opinion was rcllictcd by somo two liundrod fuinnrs present, lleroro tho verdloi ol' this Irlal was known tho company wan 11.10 plown bnlilntl ordora. Tho (Malls of the Irial wo let tho Ihirllngton llatvkeyc tell as follow: A Held trial ofhiilky plowalook placo vch torihty afiiiriiooii at tho farm of Mr. Illlt Uiirdiior, In Union township, hovitn lullca woitof Murllni?ton. Tho coiiiiiiIIIihi to do rld iiixiii tho merit of tho dllloronl plowa enterod wasHoloeled urrlrely bv llinf.iriiiorN, iho innniiiauiiinr's KL-euiHiiiivinKiioluini: lo do with llio chooxini;, Tho coinmlMo wcro J. Illakiily, wuihiii ..Jnvi'i. . u.uivixou, .Iuim iMo'rcaiul N. It. ljuiino. Nino plows I'rom cliinircnt (aolorlei wero lepresontid, and tlio (viiuiiililro worn lo detildo upon durit hi Itv, Hliuplleliy, rnsii of mitimxumoiil, HihiiiesM if drilt, mut ipialitv ol work. After llio Mai the (Iih'UIoii of the (udKes won In fivorofthii llrowno Sulky, tumiufiu'lured by Itiil-uil A- Co., of Hook Island, Illinois, lorthnlifHt plow fr Kineral work. They nlMi rip irml In favor of tho llrowno for cnH'j ot iiianuKmiiont." J. Br Connie, of Portland, wholosnlo and rolnll dealorln haruovH and .vtldlnry Ih thn oldtat morchant In that lino of Initio In llio Stato. Ah ho la alao tlio largest doalnr and tho host extablUh od,po;iplo will naturally Infer that ho Is popular and deorviH tho laro ciihtoin ho liashocurcd. Ilia advertisement npponrs In tho l'AiiMi:u this wunk and di.BcrvtH alien thn from nil nur frlonds who expfet to visit Portland or order ;oods In his lino from thoro this fall. Ii. A- K. IIipcIi havo neolvud a very largo pto'l; ol poods, mid tholr friends will llnd tluimoii Commorolal St,oppoilln Cnntiln:: Imiii'h hanlwaro iitoie, ready to khow goods of all kluda nnd detcrlptbns. riiwi mMjm Groat Seduction I A1DWA1B ih:taii.kd at Wholosalo Prices, for Cash My Stock oiiihlH'n orsiIKM' nnd IJUIM)- KUS1 Hardware, Mechanics' Tools, Shovels. NalN, Kopo, oto. joiii bTfosthr, n".Mm:l tor. Btaik A I'ronl :'., PUIS Ul.AN O roD flfiD mm) hi4UltJrUf, gl41li l'rrnrlU. trriuirbtiiMJf Mbl. d4frl K. A UlUNTACO, Z, I, C a llvu hi . Ciu.uuU. o .JOHN GRAY, I'oraicily la DurMu' H'otH. Ii Jiifl nj'omil a Lari;e uial cuuiilrtu hiDikoi fc$tf2S$ii furits OiU'lUilis, Mailings, AN II Homo - FiiruishliiK Goods. Next lo D dry tuple v. Drown, KTAittCIA's lll.OIK, SAMHI. Oil. X. Ill II Mill. T.K HU.K AT Lowest Cash 'I'SIU Rates! SfiO ATllVU. A(!l'ntv.uiilo.l, lliiij. iKVCleiflllmi" I'.irilrutanrn'i. jjr.j onT'iJseo.aiuiiii.u fey Ml m$w ' , ii r. r t 1 4 Vv C.01..' - FALL PLANTING, iS ifyvl. fc v 1.1 r ' -- Wv wy I Ett?.t w 1 trSTfV- M,r Ii bi i t.ir VJ'JS'i FOR THE HOUSE. The A it Hi m ii No. of Vlck Vlornl (iulde coiiUlp'i'i'il'U'rliillpiuof ll)ilulb, Tiillin. I.lllc, mul all llulli mul ScM for Al l 1'l.iNriM) In lhi l.r. Ltl-i, iul for W'intkii KunvK la llio lloae--Jul il'llMl. ll "l irf'll !!., IMIf, r3ll 4 IJIISH VICK, Ilorhvttrr, V V fiOtnrL.VrRDWATC'IIKH.rheifct nbi known nrM. Jvx iini.-.wrj u ltlt. A'J Jt-J, A. CoULTtB ft CiS CUUfiO. 3 J S? Xa BLa SS3 S iOI'KKH, ltpu11!,M'',''''l,',lttl'J'Mc"ar, of my hctd of TlIOUUl'OllllUUI) Shorthorn & Devon Catlie. $3- This sain will take plarp at llio Cattlo Sheds on ihnSTATK FA1K WmL'Niy, ou THQIt'lDAY of Riir wok, el 11 a. in. I will thou cirorabont thirty head of Thoroughbred IViHs, rows ami Heifers for r.!i oi 1 1 eioti! -' "in" cm la pi-r cci.t. l-tcit"t, t Ii I'Mitt'ii it urini''.. 'I M" li)l crlvn lliftn v.-hi villi to mnll llii'ai. It oi Ii niniji.'irtanl y tnlwj oil' 1'iivo until ii,,..,. i,n t)l- niil iinilcvl nimtli r uroa t'l'ir i'iM-ni i.' - . n hI-mI :tr niK : i ii ii -. '-' '-'.v run y t in CllOt'XJI cli'rli.j.- I rvmk wen itnv Itjlormctiuii llb nffioiicu to juii ,.m.'n ii 111 liu mvi-ii ftijiw.i c v. mm inc. NEW OBo Mammoth & Turn-Table Apple-l'arers, FJclchpr I'ost-IIolo Aimers, nlcat-Cullers anil Sliifli'rs, Blacksmith Brills, Tiro-Bondors and Up-Jottors, l-TuuiDg-'-'awo, Knivos, and THOMPSON", WllODEflALE .INO ItBTAII. DEALKIH IM Hardware, Bron, Steel, & "Wagon It'll r.irriajro Material 420 At i:il (IK Abb Fruut St.. KINDS. I'OKTLAIRD. Oldest House in tho Trade. J. B. CONGIjE, MANl'I-'AtTUKKU. Wholosalo and Kstall Doalor In all kinds of SADDLES, IlltlULKS, WHIPS flashes, Trunks io. T'.l Front Street. PORTLAND, - - OREGON. Wholosalo and llstall Doaloi Harness, HAWItBT, BOBB 8z CO., FortliiiH!. Orofyom, Offer for Snlo, at the Iiowoct Possible X'rices, a Pall Lino of AGRICU L T U R A L IMPLEMENTS, W K AKK SOLK A.QKSTS l"OU T1IK CT.LKtUI 4TICD 3l a I raBJ.sn!sth 1W mrm L ..-flVAv 03Ua -ji59 .W MssiLmm, lai n.,1.......r....:;.. inlilni' ll;p jrronlo-t 'IrctiKfli, ij:tictji( It tlw. ..iti. T'.ifmilcd (if thn U'muL'lit J'.lorl U lii" cimIv 1'Iow so nnulc. Thn Plow's ni'iiiUH'oinl ttml bIiiii-o tiro U9 ntiH"j, tird (iiiriil'lltty. nnil oltli'd irotr, ami k.?.V vm 5Si Whll Ii ( DKKU3-: I flw.il. I'li.V iiiit iw.3f. t..t - ...-, . . it nwi tin 111 uiiMtm ir t Imnk'iicit lyii I'lilonfcil rrorc-s I'I-ajumai; iu nil', jjv.ni.in n,un. TWE SKJaE SULEY AKO AWG PSjOWS, With or without 3roa!rins-3?lo"w Attachmont. jjpSJyS Tt a M3l V-rKj?S ;teM5 VS&g&Ss&s r Vw -.n ir. u. "W.a H6f- v-r ck- 3?? fl gBfiirwmrrj n vytWm few-wr Tho groatcht lhnr-Uivlnp Itnplf montN yot Invented. Vnntly Improved for Fall ori877. COO iSioZcl lax Oregon Sao. Cno "5To.x-. ffiil- Kvorv Ifiirmor Inlcrostod. Thn Dooro bulky In thn only SltiRloovor Plow mado. EASILY Oi'KUA'IKI). So couMrncttd lliatby nt-HBht motion or Iho Lnvor tho Plow It run out or thi prniiud and raised clear, hy horho-InMiad ofman-powor. It Is stronger and lusH couipllcatud than any othor. Solo AkgiiIh for tho woll-known SOUTH BEND CHILLED-IRON PLOWS. BUCKEYE:DRILL8 and BROADCAST SEEDERS Tlio most successful In use. Too well known to nocil comment. Aho, kcrp cnntantl im I nnil a br(jo ni rnrlmcnt of AND SADDLERY HARDWARE. fUTSoln Apotit Iti Omuon for thn Cnruollsod Uoen, at Sni I-VanoMiM nrJcea, with Krclnlitiiddtil. Rvpalrlim I'roinpllv Atttit7el to k m 9k iVlTk Zn 3rV0 iarf!- ai im- trXP r l0SSSm- $m-)$i 2WG m ''iWm I oil or for snlo French, Spanish, and American 'X'Jaox'oxxcli.Toi'ocl MERINO SHEEP. ALSO Cotswolds nnd Uow Oxford shii?os. Am. TniniN cK'nIrlng to Imrrovn llinr HocUk from tliontxnu IjicciIk, (irln pruriiro lllililiraio KWKS rriRitlioMinu, arc Invited to rati m:il cxiinlno my iloclc.nt my firm, four mile 'iuihcr I) M.I. ah. c-Jlml.i 1) .if. (illTIIHIi:. WOOD PUMP. Tlio Hcst nnil M6st Improved rumps now In I'so. Tlipy are ntKAi'i'.it acd moro miiiAiii.i: than anv stylo ol Ohln Pump or water ilrawor Kvcry man who has had expo rlenco In tho dlllorent waya of ilrawliiK wntcr kiiowa thero la no way so Cheap, Durable, Gonrenienti and frco from imparllnj,' un healthy olomontH us tho plain wood pump. They aro taking tho placo of all other moans of rauniK water ror iJdiuehi lo pii r poMn. or for II A UN or STOOK WKIil.S. Wntcr l'lpc anil Kavo Spouts Wo manuftu'tuni l'tpo of va" ilouiklzea for oonvpylni; wa" lor from sptlnx, btreama, Ac It la cheap, but Htihstautith For furthor rartlculara. iinnlv to or aildrcBi Kilta.' . A. I'KKSC'OTT ynlcm. Or. Notloo of Final Sottlcmout. Ia tht County Court of tlio Ktn'e of Oregon for tlio rounty of Marlon. I.Vttto of lleiukUh C. Djjtcn, feccam 0. TKWIS O. DAYTON, adraWMrnlorof raid rtte. J luilni! thl day lllril III final sreunnt. mkrii; tliallhorjrucuiiy bo silo vul for rctllcm.int; ituro. fore, all I'lTtoun Inlcrolfil aro Uerfby notldrtl tint iliopourtlmn'i Ihrtlifjrlns of 311 nmi'lcitloa for Moutlay ihu Cfih (Uy of Nnvfrut.tr 1ST?, ot His court. Iioii'o la Salvia, in M county.nl II o'clnka. m. o Mtildiy tlinili)ccllon toml.l mroucl Of ay cx l.t) III li . heard Hint detrnnliW. JOHN C. I'KEllLKS, County Ju.K'0. Btlrm Slot tisn. s-juo 1 'A i Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. FA KM GHISL' MILLS, nlUljUaand prleiH. FAN MILLS". Send torSpeoial Clreulara. TEJ S3 S! XJ 23: 373 IN T WORLD Be 33LO"t X5OOlT7-c3. ! See that our Trade Mark is on eadilPaokae!' ci SI 4 Ci k MHMPJW M O O S. B. H m o o PURE WHITE, FOE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK;. Jot Blaok ; and ALIi COLORS. '"'AND EASILY APPLIED. TJssiGt. D'or Sale ly AND tlte .tRctitN: JOHN HUGHES, Saloon, "KjrifhTrhrT" tTCTSrrir , no WIjoH'huIo DriiffzlstN, nnd Itcnlers an 1'aiutN, OIIn, nnd das, NO. 15 rilONT 8T!KF.T. - , . JFL -rU5n-' '2Z. Visiting Cards. er nn. W. J Claiikk. )alrm. Ororon. A CviUwlth any aaiaeiioatlr rlntnl th croon J 1 1 iiiit lo any .uldror u)oii ri-cclplnf 25 ('fill., lanua a turn tiiiuii. .-iii'irt r, For jSclIo- 1 t 4 01?1?C ov LNI. mm half rulle l.) J.JIIj!j from tlio l-Mf Oroutnl, on tlio Uii'L'nn ny id d. ultli a IIOL'-i: eud 11 VIlN and ikhI WKIX VV cr In I'moiny, to arn'ii plow. (M and iurr Wllnj; tok water, TKKS1S Half cii, and iho lulauce on naonallo tlror. trpllniS JOHN V. S ITU. Lost, ON THE KOAl) KltOM SALi.M to NrwtooixV llflitjjc. hy way if iiunii.L. i utinic, a morocco liound ItlllLK. marked ou the dark ilyli-af. lu pencil, "C. II. Uck, Mocktun, C) Dec a J, lhW." lit Iurd a a keutiMkc, aud iho rtudcr will receive a liberal rewanl by leailni; Iho lookatttio CiitMkKiTa Hotel, Saum, or aindlsj; tl to cue by maU or vxiuck. ei'll3 C. U. SLACK. E towns AJjymQ 174-ELTVt'STREET. , CESICINJS'ATI. ' OHIO. Advcrtiscmcnta inserted in any pnpea. Before adTertising send for mj catalogue, The Old Immigrant Route!11 TFrt nfW M fin ! (VAn V U(jV4tf VUAiAdjUO xox3:3Cj-ia.3Nnr, or. KELLY' fi.'UfDERVv'OOD, Carriage & Wagon Makers, Salem, Orog AVK ON HAND A CHOICE 8iulu on, LOT OP FOUK Acromt Hie Cuacnilo loiiutulun. 0W OW.H BT TUB Casciuo Slondnvrl B:i3ro Coropacy, Itunnlnsvla andy, Mt. Hood, and Harlow' Gate, IS NOW OI'KN, audtuirl of nil Ktmln hat be I'liii. Ttn-road Uluvo'il repair, cMenv lev prmcmenuarobelcK mado rvtry rr. Tho LAIN ItEL HILLS aro all undid. Miei;.brldt' areou all the ttreamii. This ro.nl ntrr riceucd a uon.m rub ndy, and jet lilt tho aliorlol, l.-t. nr.il tlfin rat ruutu over thn iiKMintalLc HUtanco omt me mountalut, 44 nilVa. Kimn Poulard, over the mountain. 78 milfn. From Falcm, 100 ml!c.-IUTK-Waxonn. f J; Saddltf , COc; Packs, 43c; Cat tie. ID : Shi-fp, Sc for all wins and coratnir froni orlntnJIarlnn. Yam mil, Warhlnijloii. Linn, lUnton, atd Polk couml.r till ta by far ihe bed. ueaiful. ard tbeapett ronte. 8. U. COALMAN, I'ro'liUnt. IlABTnTB. Cr.oi, Stc. lolini &, BuKfties, ot tholr own make, MariDfactared of tho HE3T qnalltv of Jersey Hickory. i Ivor. a call, at.Uoanlic oar work, and Judgo lor oniilvf. All klnida of Repairing and General Jotihlns done r.t thori notice. apli Administrator's Notice. NOTICE Is bmby slvcn that tho nnderl(;ned was by order of iho Coanly Court of iho county of Marlon, lo fie Sinto of Oregon, ou lbe7th day of .MiL'titt ISTi, da'y appointed Aduitnlstrator of the K,tato of M. J libaw-1, deccaicd. All persons hav ing claims Ltnft laid ctate aro required to present Ihe fame, w llh the voucher, to the undersigned at llio officii of J J Miaw. in thn city ol Ha'.em, la. stid county, w Itbln six month from this dale, ' W.M. COSl'iH, Administrator. Dated. Aocntt 2Tth, 1877. I. .tJ&Qfjl