mSm f f !,r?j,'Fwp"'"r?;1 ' ' WILLAMETTE FARMER, ' LUIMW u f ; Strawborviei 1b Soptomberi D. D, Prottyman sends us samplos of the second crop or vory flno Btrawborrios grown on his vinos In tbo Polk county Hills. -Tho only objoctlou wo Imvo is that tho quantity Is loo small to mix with sugar and cream. Visiting Oregon. Mr. Freeman who was camiFCted with the Oregon purveys nt nn early day, nud left for California 'in 1853, returned on the Inst steamer and revisited Salem yostorday alter 21 years absence. Very Desirable Proporty for Sale. Nlnoty-tbreo acres of land on Stale m Prai rie, near tho Fair Otound, a 111 be "old nto great bargain to a cash puicha-nr. For terms and othqr Information ; Inquire of S. A Clarke, 'at tho Fakmi:h mile, SaU'iii. From n lhyloluii. Hyde Park, Vt., Feb. 7, lS7u. Messrs. Solh W. Fowle A Sons, Boston. Gents You may pcrhups remomhorthat 1 wrote you sovornl wvoks ago In regard to tho uso of tho Pkiiuviax SYitur fbi tuy wilt, who was suffering iroin goneral debility, the sequenco of Typhoid Dysentery. I had tried tho most noted physicians In this State, and sho in Canada, without relief. At your recommendation sho cojimeueoa tho use ot tho Syrup, tho first four bottles mado but llttlo Impression, but while taking the fiah she began to Improve rapidly, and now, af ter using slxol tho dollar bottles, she has rogatnod her strength, and is nblo to do most of tho work about tho houso; and I fool that I cannot spoak too highly In pralso of tho PnuuviAN Svnur. I Imvo proscribed it to sovornl of my patients, and biwo pro cured tho halo orsovoral dozen of it hero. You can mako any uao of this letter if you mo lit. Yours vory truly, H. D. Bisluhn, M. Its nuljr a Cough" has broucht miny to untimely graves. What is a Cough? Tho lutiga or luonchlal tubes hayo beou attackod by a culd; nature sounds an iilurm boll, tolling whero tho dis ease llos. Wisdom suggehts "try Wistau'h Baixam ok Wild Cumuiy:" It has ourod, during tho last half of a century, thousauds nnnn thousands of norsomi. As lone as you cough, thoro is dangor, for tho oough Is a Hofaiu Vulva. TTua 1'Wiktaii" and bn on rod Bafety Valve. Uso ''WisTAit' Sold oy all druggists. S. -A.. SxxLitla., jrtlmtf Salem, OrcKon, dealer In 8tcreoope and Stereo fcoplc Vlowi, and Hccuet of Salem and tho earround Inn country. Llfo.ilzo Photojraph, In India Ink, Oil or Water Color. !! Dr. H. SMITH, B DENTIST, SALEM, OREGON. Ofllto moved orcr BREYMAN BROS.' NEW STOUT . ...Ofllco honrt from B a. m. to S p. m. K8TABXIN1IKD 1SS5. Willamette Nurserv G. W. WALLING & SON, FnOPIlUCTUHS, Oswego, Clackamas oo., Oregoa WAITING'S ,PEAOH PLUM, Xiao Italian Prime, And tho bcit varlctlct of IMuiii, I'ruuo, I'cacli, Apple, Pear, Cherry, Nut and Shade Trees, IN FULL ASSOltTMENT. Send for Descriptive Catalogue. Salem Flouring Mills, BUST FAMILY FLOUR, BAKER'S KXTRA, XXX. SUPERFINE AND GRAHAM, MIDDLINGS, BRAN, AND bllOUTt Coiihituntly on Iluml. Illtflioct l'rloo in CASK Paid for Wheat A7AIL TTTVmff. It. C. KINNEY, beUUU Accnt 8. F. M. Oc RAILE0AD LANDS, X.llunil Tormw! low i-iticr.M LONIi Timi! LOW I.STIiUIJST Tne Oregon and California and Oregon Ccutral Itiillroad Companies OFFER their Land for lalenpon tho (dIIowIcr libe ral term: One tenth of the price lu cadi; Interest on the balance at tho rato of reven per cent, one year after tale; and each following yuar one-tenth of the principal and Interest on tho bilsnco at the rato ol even per cent per annim. Both principal and Inter t pi) able In U.S. Currency. A discount of ten per cent, will re allowed for ejih VW Letter! to bo addressed to I. hCHULZE, Lan Accnt O. & 0. It. It., Portland. Orecon S. II. CLAUGHTON, NOTAKV FUHLIC, Heal K'e Agent, and Collector or Claims. will promptly at tend to iu bae-nei entrntted to mi care. It AE1MJ CONVEYANCES A SPECIALTY. Office at th Pott Office, XaofcMKSXon., Or. LLiiiiiiiiiiiiVfLiiiiMLiiiiiiflVViiiiA ESSAY ON MUSIC. Perhaps there Is nothing which causes such varied emotions to coino over the hu man hoart as music; it calms and soothes with Its soft sweet strains, exhlleratos aud onlhons, with Its Joyous notes, or, causes tho silent tear to tlow, when doep grand chortle are struck, thrilling our boing through and through, speaking to our hoarts, tolling of deep feeling, strong passion, or longings of tho soul tint tho tltnld lips noyor could ex press. You who havo this latent should bo truly thankful, and cultivate It well. It Is a gin divine, one which not only subdues and on nobles evory aspiration or your own heart, but gives Inexpressible pleasure to thoso around you. There Is uo way in which wo can ontortaln our friouds so pleasantly us by good muslo. Tho day has come whou to go into a houso and llnil no reading matter is to immediately conclude tho Inmates are Illiter ate and Ignorant aud tho day will come when to Unci a homo without a musical instrument will force us to tho samo conclusion. What makes homo more attractive than FLOWEltS, mOICS, rtCTUUKS AND MUSIC? There are none with "soul so doad" but can appreciate some kind of music, in tins art tnoro is prouamy moro varionco thau lu any othor. Though so many kinds, yet all can charm, from tho carrol of tho tiny bird, when ho trills forth hisswoot warbllngs, to tho soul-stlrlug sounds of tho Orchestra, with lu hundred instruments, all in perfect tune, or tho glorious To Doum by a choir of many volcos, carrying us In imagination far beyond tho kon of earth, to tho Etorual Tiirono all gllttoring in its golden light, around whlcn crownod sorcphs slug with lyres and volcos attuuod by tho Groat Mas ter, u To Damn of hoavon's mlnstrolsy. Thoro is music ovorwhoro. A light and airy stylo Is playod by tho whispering bree.o and many a polka, waltz, quadrlllo or schot tlscho Is porformod by tho eddying, dancing brooklot. Nature's grander, doepur chords aro struck when tho wild waves dash ovor tho ruggod rooks, scattering salt spray far nud near, or deop toned thunders with awful dicord proclaim God's wrath. Thoro was music of a gontlo kind iu tho Saviour's volco that stilled tho waves of Galilee, with tho command "i'oaiol He Still," and again mu sical and all vory swoettho yearning tones that said "I am tho way, yo weary onos come unto mo." Nothing oxalts tho mind moro, lifts our souls upward to higher, holler thoughts than soir, than to hoar sacrod music. Go Into u church somoqulot Sabbath morning, a still ness that can be folt rolgns, thero Is a feeling that wo aro lu divine prosonco. Suddonly tho full round tones of tbo organ fill tbo sa crod odlllco. Tho organist plays on, forgot ful of nil else, his soul lain bis work; tbo olnuors catch tho inspiration, and slntr a prayor of thankfulness, of supplication, of uoiy joy: a looting ot awe comes over tuo walling congregation, their hoarts aro open to rocolvo tho good seod sown. They better understand tho sorlpturo road; tho minister's firayor is moro forvont, thu sermon moro m press! vo. In a church in this city last Sabbath morning, tho mlnistor said: "If you want a dull, soulless, sormon from mo, glvo mo poor music; if you want mo to do tbo best I can, let mo hoar good, hoartfelt muslo; it sots thowheolsof thought In mo tion; It causes divine lovo to wall up in my hoart; It helps mo to bottor understand and explaiu Christ's teachings." A110VK ALL THINGS, Lot church muslo bo of tho host, lot tbo or ganist, tho choir, all fool oaou word, each noto thoy sing, and you can bo assured it will wield a groater Influonco for good, causo moro breasts to burn wMh lovo Dlvluo, to fool their entlro depoudonco on and ucarnoss to their God than all tho doctrine I hat can bo tbundorod fotth from the pulpit. Musicians are apt to nlay.or sing all kinds of rauBia tuo tamo, luoreuy losing mo pleasing offecttho author Intended. When a waits Is played in a sweet dreamy graceful manner ono almost unconsciously UoaLs round and round keeping time with the dollghtful strains unmindful ot everything but tho bllssrul prosont. A polka playod as it should bo, makes ono merry and rockless, chasing away the "bltto devils." Some ono has said "On tho muslo of a nation deponds tho suc cess of its armlos." Just bofore a battlo what Inspires tbo soldlors to face death so boldly but tho wild, war-llko martial muslo, whloti onables both war-horse and rldor to reck lessly, fearlossly, faco tbo tlrey cannon's mouth. Nothing can stir tho heart of tho Kronen soldier moro than tho Marseilles hymn, and on this master composition alono has ofton dopondod tbo succossof tho Kronch ariulos. In our own country probably as miioh of our success could bo attributed to tho graud old airs, "Marching through Geor gia," "Glory Ilallalujah" and "Star Spang led liannor," as to gunpowdor and bayonets. Our defeats, and homo torlous onos wo sus tained, werolargoly duo to tho llory, Imnatt hlonod notos of "DIxlo's Land," for or all compositions It It moro full of boutborn lire. Lovo ballads and sontlmontal muslo, how plaintively u carrios us uacK or taxes us for waru to a umo wuon tonaer words aro spo- Ken auu iuuhhuui. OLD, OLI bTOItV TOLD, For such times havo beou or will bo In tbo lives of all or us. Young ladles and gentlo mon, such muslo causes you to think ten derly of tho abnont Hwootbearts, and old maids aud old bachelors, it makes you wish you had oue to think of. Lot two playors perform tho name compo sition on tuo samo Instrument. Ono is a true musician, tho other anerrormlng machine, the ono will play, yloldlng to tho abandon of aweot sounds, there Is pootry -as well as muslo In the graceful ilngerlnc tho tones ripple forth clear, even aud unootb, Bonding nut a spray of counds, filling the room with melody, or tho deep, full chords fall on tbo ear with a thrill bf gladness, this one gets imuloout of tho instrument with perfect oafo, maKing it soiiuu sweet anu Harmo nious. Tho other, with shorn banging, toundlng,aiid throwing tho hands and body in distorted shapes, as tlinuch thov would Mirrmuul and lane tbo Instrument, Oil tho room with nolce, causing Win i.amo Instru ment to hound old, dull and metallic. Thero are moro bangera than players, and tomo persons ram to think when they havo pounded "Sll very Waves," " The storm" and "The Mocking lllrd," a certain loimth of tiuiH they aro full Hedged muslo teachers, and should any ono doubt their ubllity to If sell, thoy can at least prove they under stand raising "ThoStorm," on short notlco. "Tho Mocking lllrd," poor thing, put It In us Jiuiocais'o, its wiuginaijgnyitsHKiosauiy dlabled, it has boon "baiiRod" nt fo much. We havo never yot been ablo to understand why music teachers should not be as thor ough as teachers of mathematics, tram mar, orthography or any other branch of educa tion, yet very many persons seem perfectly willing to trust their children's musical edu cation to any person, whether they aro able togiveanoxatnploof what thoy protend to teach or not, Just so they can mako u confu sion of noises or teach accompaniments to some simple ballad; never once realizing tbo fact that there is a dlllorenco between tho cultivation of the voice, giving expietsion in playing and singing, and merely being able to go through tho words and notos. Hat the subject grows upon us and we will stop for tho present, but will refer to this Import ant accomplishment, particularly as to how to cultivate the musical talents given us, in future communications. uilbkboabde, BY TELEGRAPH. FOREIGN. Paris, Sept. 12. Inlolllgonco has boeti re ceived bore that tho Turkish forces on tho frontlor have boon ordorod to enter Sorvla Immediately If she takos part In thu war. Loudon, Sept. l'J. A Bucharest torres poudont tolegraphs that tho change lu tho weather Is exceedingly tryiug. Tho ther motuetor has fallen & degrees during tho pust tlvodays, and there Is now a sharp frost at night. A VIoiiub correspondent says It Is an nounced from Galatz that from Aug. 21th to Sept. 7th 40,000 men and 0,000 horses to rein force tbo Russian ariulos, passod the Umbos cbt bridge Flfteon batteries are Included In the abovo roltiforceuiouts. Half are already at Plevna. Uucharost, Sept. 13. A now brlJgo ovor tho Danubo at Nlkopolls was completed on I Monday. Athens, Sept. 12. A council of ministers during tho last few days has been discussing . tho Russian proiusal for common action lor I Insuring a dotlnlto agreement has been ar rived at between uroeco and uussia. Vlonna, Sept. 11. It has been ascertained that simultaneously with tho Ka arua mas sacro that tho Russians committed actrocltles In II villages of Eastern Bulgaria. Iu the vil IagoofSiiekln, Inhabited by Greeks, 150 houses, were burned aud 300 Inhabitants massaarod. Ono hundred corpses of woinon woro discovered atGamaela. A lettorsays these facts nro vorlfiod by tho consuls. Ragusa, Sopt. 12. Tho Montenegrins yes terday at Jesovo, dofeatod Ualiz I'asha, who was marching to tho relief or Nlcslc Six hundred Turks woro killed and 100 taken prlsonors. Chicago, Sept. 13. The Times' liucharost spoclal says thoro is a rumor In Bucharest that tho RiiBsiausyostorday stormod and cap tured the main central redoubt. If this is truo, tho key to tho Turkish position Is In possession of tho Russians, and this assure tho fall of Osninn Pasha, unless tho Russian attack Is dlvortcd by tho advatico ofMo hemct All. It is ruiitorod horo that Mo liemotAll is closo to Ulela, and that tho Turkish advance yosterday encountered tho Russian outposts, driving them In. It Is thought a groat battlo Is lu progross thero to-day. It Is also affirmed that Siito'nmn Pasha struck on yesterday tho left Hank of tho Russians near Lovatz. Paris, Sopt. 13. It Is announced from Ra- Susa that tbo majority of Bosnian Insurgonts avo submittod to 'Turkish government of Bosnia. A Russlati official dispatch from Porodln Wednesday night says. Wo dnnonadod Plevna from daybroak yosterday uutll 3 p; m., whon an assault was mado by our troops. By evening throo Turkish redoubts bad boon tnkou by Gon. Skobololl, whllo Gou. Rodtonotr had carried the Grlvlca redoubt. Gon. Rodoonoff was woundod slightly; Ad jutant Scholltar, commandorof tho 17th In lantrv, and Gn. Dobrowalky, chlof of tho 3d rlllo brlgado, woro killed, Slxtoon Rus sian battalions and ono Roumanian battalion took pari In tbo assault on tbo Grlvlca ro doubt. Wo capturod two standards and flvo guns. Our lossos In woundod alono oxcood 6,000. Tho numbor klllod is unknown. At daybroak to-day a vigorous artillery flro ro commoncod along tho abovo lino. Ourtroons aro in front of tho Turkish fortltlcatlons, In tho positions takonyestorday. Paris, Sopt. 13. Tho Gaulols says tho Judi cial decision sentencing1 Gambetta to throe months Imprisonment tor outrago, doprlvos hlmofolvlt rights for flvo years. Should, thoroforo, Judgment bo conflrmod, ho will be compollod to political retreat, which will bo a mortal blow to his ambition. Glasgow, Sept. 13. Ex-President Grant ro celyod tbo freodom of the olljr to-day. Re plying to the add rest "of -Lord Provost, he said he would ever romember this day, and when baok la America, would rofer with pride to his visit to Glasgow. He was so muoh a citizen of Scotland that It would bo a serious question where he would vote. Ho thanked Lor Proyost for his kind words and tbo audlonoo for Its wolcomo. London, Sept. 14, A Russian cfllclal bul letin dated Porodln, tho 13th, says: Yester day (Wednesday) we mado no furthor at tacks but bombardod tbo Turkish foitlnca tlonsand tho town of Plevna at short rango. Toward 4 p. m. tho town began to burn, and two explosions woro obsorvod within tho for tifications. Tho Turks made llttlo reply and dlrocted all their offorts against our loft wing which threatened their rear. At this point Gen. Skobeleu" ropulsod 11 vo furious attacks, but was compelled In tho oyontng. after the sixth attack, to ovaouato tho fortltlcatlons, which ho capturod on Tuosday. During Wodnosday night our troops ontrouohod themsolvo-s in their position. From tbn be ginning of tbo battle up to 1 o'clock Wed nesday aftornoon 0,000 wounded havo boon brought to tho Hold hospital, Tho 101b Is now mentioned as tho dato whon tho Servian proclamation of war will bo issued and Prlnco Milan will leavofortbo frontier. A correspondent boforo Plevna telographs that In tbo attack on tho Grlvlca rodoubt tho Turks neither ran away nor asked quarter. The tlrst Russians who ontorod thought tho redoubt was abandoned but tho garrison had only retired to tho casemates and galleries, where thoy stood at bay. Tho fighting was all with the bayonot. Tho Turks Immedi ately tried to retake I be redoubt and poured u large numbor of mon into the adjicont on tronebmonts. Tbo Russians bombardod thorn but auffdred soverely from tho rlllo flro at only 200 yards distance. This attempt to retakotliH rodoubt and another dosperato ono on Wednesday, woro repulsed. This correspondent, who Is apparently unaware of tho recapture of tho other redoubts by Goneral Skoboleff, estimates that tho ltus slans, up to Thursday, lost 7,000 men killed und wounded, and the Roumanians 3,000. London, Sept. H. Various accounts of the lighting around Plevna concur In showing that tho Turks, up to 8 o'clock lu the oven Ing, repulsed tbo continued assaults along the whole llno, Tbo emperor had loft tho Held wiiou an aido-iio-camp Drought tho news that twelvo fresh Russian battalion hud carried the cential salient redoubt and thus retrieved tho day. Tho capture of the rt doubt changes tho whole stl'-tlr, and con verts the bloody mpulso into llnal and per haps permanent miuwms. In any case sub-ht-queut attacks must be by sspaud tronch. The experienced military corresjxindent of the Times and Dally News, alter wliuosMug fho attack on Tun-sdy , urrivos at tho con clusion that Plevnn must bo taltwi by gradu al approaches. Tho former writing from tho Russian headquarters Wednesday morning, appears to havo beon still unaware of uuy decided Russian successes, for ho says the omporor aud Grand Duko Nicholas were on tho battlo Held until 0 o'clock last night. The emperor returned to headquarters hero (Poreden) last night. Tho battle field of tho last II vo days is silent this morning, There Is talk of submitting the Turkish position to regular slogo aud sapping up thu redoubt, while a closo blockade Is Instituted with tho Intent to starve Ostnati Pasha's forco. Tho vlllaaes enclosed within Ouuau Pasha's line sreiull of supplies for tho simple wants of tneTurKisn soiuiers, anu fields groan wltu heavy crops of maize. Vienna. Sept. 14. The mobilization of all tbo Roumanian reserves has been ordered, There have been no collisions at other points of the theater of war. The Rustchuk column Is concentrated In fresh positions half day's march bohtnd the Kara Lorn. Bucharest, Sept. 14. Tho Czarowltch's army has withdrawn complotoly bohlnd tho lino of Jantrn, Unfavorable rumors nro current concern ing thu Russian position lu Schlpka piss. Tho now bridge at Nlkopolls was still un finished on Wednesday, owing to scarcity of boats. A Vienna correspondent telegraphs that a dispatch from Slsloya sas Ills ascertained thai Plovna Is victualled lor two months. It Is said that Servla has postponed declar ing war for another week, ponding tho re sult of operations at Plovna. London, Sopt. 14 A Bucharest correspon dent savk the Roumanians report their loss beforo Plovna at lOoflloors and 200 men kill ed, aud 30 officers and 1,000 men woundod. Loudon, Sept. 15 A correspondent 'olo graphs' aH follows from Bucharest, Friday night: I left tho battlo field before Plevna at noon yesterday, Tho two redoubts laken by Skoboleff Tuesday ovonlng woro hold twonty-four hours. Wodnosday tho Turks mado six attacks, and finally about tl o'clock lu tbo evening drove him out. Ho lost tbreo cannon whioh ho placed In tho redoubt. Ho nskod for reinforcements sovoral limes, but Gon. Lovltzky rem sod them, thinking Gon. Skobololl' had ouough mon to hold tho ro doubt. Finally Gen. KrllolT,on his own re sponsibility, i-cnt a romnant of tho regiment which bad attacked tho lower rodoubt noar Plovna, and whoso ofi'ectlvo strongth was ro ll uccd to 1,000 mon, utterly unfit to go Into ba'.tlo. Kvon this reglmont arrived too lato, and another reulmout sent from headquar ters of tho stall' to rolnforco hlm,arrlvod whon Gen. Skobeletl' bad already rotroatod. Tho loss of thoso redoubts Is disastrous for tho Russian attack, as It scorns by Russians In possession of these two redoubts and tho Grlvlca redoubt had beon rolled upon for re commencing tbo offensive Imtuodlatoly. Whon I loft the battlo Hold all was qulot ox Copt tho light artlllory lire. Tho Russians woro still In possession ot tho Grlvlca ro doubt, add It was under a continual heavy II ro from tho Turks. That rodoubt was visit ed by Col. Wollesly, who says It is heapod full of doad Russlantt and Roumanians. Constantinople, Sept. 15. Tho graud vizier Informed Mlnistor Layard thatOsmati Pasha doteated tho Russians Saturday, killing and wounding 8,000 and capturing sovoral guns. Tho fighting beforo Plovna Is still proceed ing. In connection with tho foregoing, a Constantinople spoclal ropoats reports cur rent thoro last nlRht that tho whole Russian army had attackod tbo Plovna lines and woro ropulsod after dosporato fighting, losing ovor 5,000 mon. Thoy then abandoned their positions, retreating upon Slstova nud Tlr nova. Moanllmo, tho Roumanian corps on tho northeast of Plovna woro completely routod with heavy loss, leaving nluo guns and n largo quantity of arms and ammuni tion on tho field. London, Sopt. 15, Thoro is hardly room for doubt that tbo week's opo rations about Plovna did not result es favorably for the Russian aud Roumanian army as It was ox poctod in vlow of reports from Russian sources. Tho brief Turkish bulletin about affairs at Plovna reads that since Friday tbo Russians havo mado continuous assaults, but havo beon ropulsod. Wo havo recaptur od tho two redqubts on Lavatz Avad which rocoutly fell into tbo onomy'a hands. This colnoldos with dotallod uarratlvos recolvod and with lator Russian bulletins. Frlonds of Russia havo reason to foar that tho capturo ofthoGravlca rodoubt is muoh less signifi cant than represented. If so, Oamau Pasha may await his rolnforcemonts without fear of further Immedlato molestation. Thoso re inforcements are. according to a Vlonna dis patch, already on tho way from Sofia, whence tho most of tho reserves havo been sent across the Balkans to Orohanl. Mehemet All Pasha telegraphs that 10 bat talions of Turks on Friday ropulsed anat taok by tho Rusalon 12th army corps on HI nana. The Russian loss was heavy. Grand Duko Nicholas lologranhs to St. Pe tersburg ttndor date of Poredfn, Saturday, that on Friday ovonlng tho Turks assaulted Grlvlca or GrWltza, but with the assistance of Russian and Roumanian rosorves were ropulsod. To day wo contlnuo shelling the onomy'a fortifications, and tho town is burn ing. According to reports recolvod up to Friday 230 wounded ofllcors and 0,482 mon passod through tho hospitals slnco Septombor 7tb. Tho numbor of klllod Is about 3,000; total loss, about 300 ofllcors and 13,6(10 mon. Up to tho morning of Septombor 14th, tbo Rou manians had lost about CO olllcors and 3,000 mon klllod aud woundod. Tho spirit prevail ing among tho Russians and Roumanians is excollont. It Is notlcablo that Grand Duko Nicholas In this tologram makes no montl'on of any furthor battlo Saturday. It tooms probablo that the Grand Vizier's announcement to Mr. Lay aid was nioroly a recapitulation of tne gonerai rosuu oi operations oorore Pleyna; particularly as tuo porte uas sinoo Subllshod a telegram from Ostnan Pasha ated tho 14th, and giving tho Russian loss throughout the operations at 7,000 or 8,000. Jacksonville, Fla.,Sept. 11. Tho fatal ter mination of tho two fovor casos at Ferdlnan do latt night and reports of new casos to gothor with tho advlcoof physicians tooltl zors to loavo that city, has thrown the whole community Into great oxoltement. Quaran tine has been established attaint Fordlnando In all tho principal towns or the State. An extra train arrlvod at Baldwin from Fordlnando wltbt wo cars crowded, with fugi tives, and many will leayo In tho morning. Only two severe cases aro roportod io-iilght. Ttio total numbor of deaths thus far Is seven. Physicians claim tho dlseaso has assumed a milder form. When the train on tho Illinois Central ar rived this evening, ati officer at tho depot ar rosted Father Grogan, who according to the story of tho oouduotorund passengers had, without provocation, thrown from tho oar windows, during tho trip, two of the blblos, placod In the racks, by religious societies, lie was admitted to lull, aud his case will bo heard to-morrow. Haltlmoro, Sept. 12 Two men, giving tho names of Win 11. Nolson and John Howo, were arrosted on suspicion of being confi dence operators and dealing lu counterfeit bonds and checks to a large amount, and a lot of bogus gold 20 frano nieces. Thero woto six or night well ongravou counterfeit thous and dollar U.S. gold coupon bunds; two check), on San Frunclsco banks and a check on tho Metldeu bank, Indianapolis, for f.2,500 Diyablo to Win. 11. Brooks, und signed G. K Maiming it Co. Indlauaiiolls, Sept. 12. Advices from Richmond at noon to-day, says Senator Mor ton is resting very well, and thero Is no cause for alarm. Richmond, Intl., Sopt. 12 Tho occasional pains in .Senator .Morton's loft hide this morn Ing havo been controlled by his Physicians and he Is talking easily at 11 o'clock to-night. President Haves' visit to-morrow mcriilug is to booxcluslvoly private. Boston, Kept. 12. The Labor Reform parly had a convention here to-day,Geo. G, -McNeil presiding. The morning session was spent in discussion, many dolegatos showing a disposition to amalgamate with tho green back party. Camp Sheridan. Neb., Sept. 10. Lame Deer's band of Indians arrived here to-day. whloh complete tbo surrender of all hostile Sioux, oloaring tho Black Hills and Big Horn country. Now York, Sopt. 13. A Washington speolal says: A dispatch was rocelvou to day from Mansllla, Now Mexico, undor dato or yostordny, by Van Buvor, Indian Inspector, giving an account of an outbroak at San Carlos. "When I left tho rosorvation thlrteon renegades woro trying to como in, I agreed to recolvo all on good terms oxcept Pinnae, who must surrendor as a prlsonor. Richmond. Ind.Sopt. 13. Prosldent Hayes arrived at 10 o'clock this morning, was driven In Gov. Burbauk's raldonco and im mediately ropalrod to tho resldenco of Sena tor Morton. No change Is roportod In the ' senator's condition this forenoon. Upon arrival ortho presidential party thlaf morning they woro driven to tho resfdonco" o-rex Gov. Burbank, whero Sonator Morton Is lying ill, and tho president ontorod th6' sick room. By order ol the physician no ono was present at tho lulervlow, which only lasted a fow mluule. The presldotit was deeply atleclod upon beholding tho condi tion ortho senator. Ho found him, how ever, much belter thau ho expected, and Dr. Thompson ss tho Improyomont In tho sonatdr's condition Is very marked for two days. Goneral Butler, passing through Richmond to Chicago, btopped ovor a fow mlnutos to call upon Morton. Chicago, Sopt. 13. Tho Journal's spoclal from Washington says a letter from Kemper county, Miss., states that at tho regular term of tbo Kompor county circuit court on Wod nosday last tho grand Jury recolvod a vory able and olaborato cbargo from tho presid ing Judgo who called spoclal attention of the graud ury to tho assassination or Gully and others and tho attack mado on tho county Jail by a mob. Tho Judgo cautioned tho grand fury that Tor tho honor or tho county aud stato that thoy must luvostlgato thor oughly all tho clrcumstancos and porform tholr duties conscientiously. Croedmoor, Sopt. 13. At 11 o'clock firing was boguu In tho International rlllo match, both teams in admlrablo form. Tho Ameri cans won tho toss for cholco oTtargols. Eight hundred yards, tho American!) scored OiW, British 653. Mombors or tho American loam mado tho following scoro: Dak In 73, Wobor70, Blvdonbtirg 73, Jowott 72, Hydo 71, Allen"), Bruce 70, Jackson 09. As tho firing rt 800 yards progrossod. it becatno rea sonably certain that tho Amorlcau toam would win tho initial rango. Tho oloaant shooting or tho Americans, soveral making continuous bullsoyes, causod tholr admirers to fool all tho tnoro conlldont. New York, Sopt. 13.--Sonator Spencer, of Alabama, was marrlod yesterday to Miss May Muuor, an actroso. Detroit. Sopt. 13. Tho train bringing tho Cat hollo bishop, O. H.JCorgcss, from Rome to this city, ovor tho Canada Southorn, this aftornoon, mado unoxamplpd tlmo, a run of 111 miles in 109 mlnutos, booting tbo best railroad tlmo ou record by throo minutes. Georgetown, Dol., Sopt. 13, During a thundorstonn this afternoon, Gld. B. Hutch Ins, with four sons and two daughtors, took rofugo undor a troo in a Hold noar horo. Tho llgbtnlngstruck, and throe of the children, two sous and a daughter, woro Instautly klllod; tho lathor and remaining children aoriously but not fatally hurt. Chloago, Sept. 13. Throe men, Isaao Rum soy, Clark Cuslok, and James Sohoflold, while cleaning out a woll at Nowton, six mllos from Stroator, woro ovoroomo by foul air and died. Tho N. Y. World's spoclal says: Dy Clork Adams' boak. tho now Houso will stand 11 Domocrat majority. Thero is said to uo muoh suflorlug in the city of Washington by thoat displaced by tne uovornmeni recently, a nnanoe ootn mlttoe Is endeavoring to amelloaato the con dition of tho poor. The Tribuue's Washington special says Randall Is full ot hopo of being the next Speaker, letters havug been recolvod lately from those lutoreatou in the Southern Pacific road favoring hint. Tho Massachusetts Democrats havo nomi nated the following: Foo Governor, William Gaston: Llout.Gov., Win. B.Plunkot; Sec aotary of State, Woston Howland: Troas., David N. Skolllng; Administrator, John E. Fitzgorald; Attomoy General, Chales P. Thompson. Richmond, Intl., Sopt. II. Morton is somewhat fatlguod to-duy, but nothing un favorable Fremont, Sopt. 14. At ono o'clock tho 23d roglmont proceodod to tho city park whoro over 16,000 peoplo had gathorod. Thoro was a largo and promlnont throng upon tho spoakcrs' stand tho Prosldont, Mrs. Hayes Sheridan, Rosocrans. Chief Justice Walt, J. D. Cor, Uonator Mathowa aud othora bolng thoro. Allor prayor tho Hon. Homor Ever ottdoliverod tho reception speech, recounting nnlnil liatflnu ftf llin rtflitwmt Washington, Sopt. 14. Socrotary Evarts will loaVo Washington to-morrow morning for Loulsvlllo, stopping at Grafton, W. Va,, whoro ho will remain until tho arrival of Socrotary Sohurz aud Postmaster Gen, Koy, who leavos to-morrow evening. Tho post master gonoral will accompany tbo presiden tial party on tholr southorn tour. Secretary Schurz expects to leavo tho party at Louls vlllo and return hero. Seo'y Thompson will accompany tho party as far as Chattanooga, from which place he will proceed to Ponsa cola for tho purposo of examining thu navy yard. New York, Sept, 14. Tho nows this morn ing Is very moagro. All tho Journals but tho Times publish tuo diagrams of tbo targets and scores made by competing rillomoii yes- terday, and muoh space is given up to details of tho match. Bulletin boards Illuminated by calcium llghtn last ovenlng woro sur rounded by crowds till midnight. Thero had been somo pool selling, but all hoavlly that tho Americans would boat by 30 points, Tho World says oftherillo match: Though tho match was closely contested and tho ad vantage of thu homo team not vory great, they had thu distinct lead ut each range, though tholr lead was tho greatest at the shortest rango and decreased with each In crease of distance, This has been tho caso atovery International match lu which tbo Americans havo taken part, and Is so constant aa toHUKgost that thoy need moro practice ut longer ran no. Such matches as that won by Sclph on Wednesday at tho longest rango only, would glvo our tlllomoii tho training they need. Cincinnati, Sopt. 15. Prosldont Hayos and party arrived this evening, and wero mot at tho depot and escorted to tho Gibson Houso, where they wero welcomed by tho peoplo of the city, and by Dr. Llliou thai lu a brief address, to which tho Presi dent responded. Omaha, Kept. 10. Tho Sitting Bull com mission, consisting of Gon. Terry, Gen. Law roucoof Rhode Island, and Gou. Cnrblu of Ohio, secretary or thu commission, wont wostytstorday, Thoy go to Orfdou, theiico to Fort Shaw, and from FortKhaw across tho country Homo 150nr200iiilloHtnSlt!iug Bull's rendezvous. Probably nothing will bs heard from them for twenty or twouty-fivo days alter their departure from Fort Shaw. Washington, Sopt. 15, Postmaster Gon oral Kw. Secretary Schurz. uud 11. L. Gos ling, oiTeiiii,. left to-night for Loulsvlllo. They will bo Joined at Grafton by Socrelary I'-varis, sou and two daugnters. At Cincin nati thoy will Join tbo President to-morrow, Tho general average In the cotton report Is 80 percent., or live less thau Septombor last, V tl 1 a !