,Bf ijpr "-wrawiWw :l- . . rm i i v- - jahx.. c , -..mijKTT i mwauBatSMCwwiuiiw tUfr L. h") r e-v 1 2 ttlbnuttt Ifaniur. 1MUKD KTEBT NUDAY, BT CLARKE & CRA.IG, rcBUPiuns ahd rnorniBtow. S. A. CLAItKE. D. W. CltAIO. Term of Subscription. One copy, ono year (53 number?) fU.GU Oriecopy.'Iz inontlif 20 nnrabcrt) 1.U5 Ono copy, thrco mnntbr (13nnmbert) "ft BALKM, FRIDAY, SEI'T. 21, 1877. Tho Grange the Farmers' Literary Ex change. Ono of tho most useful features of tho Krango moremont Is Its tendency to produce confldonco amon),' tho farmers In oach other. Tho average fai-mor Is too apt to look upon his neighbor in tho light of a competitor, as a sort of business onemy who only wBnls nn opportunity to takoadvantagoof him. Prob ably this Htato of fooling grows out of tho iso lated Wo on tho farm, and tho mfrequency of Hoclal or buslnosB relation bolwoon farm on). Farmers vory ralddm havo dealing with oach othor, bonce thero has naturally grown tip a distrust ono of tho other. Tho grango inovornont brings tho farmers, as a class, together, and tho Interchange of Idoas concerning tholr agrloultural operations and calculations, by a. relation or tholr miccossos and fallnrec, by n inoro thorough under standing of each othor's feelings, their hopes and funis a mutual sympathy grows up and a mutual coiilldoncols cultivated. Mem bors of tho grange aro led by degrees to ro- gard each oilier moro in mo ugnioi nroui era, as thov call each othor In grange Ian giiRgo,Hud tho old notion that each fanner Is a sort of competitor soon woars away. Wlion all these changes havo falcon placo, tfco road Is open to that co-oporBtlon so do slrablo among I armors, not only In tho cul tivation of their lands, and tho Improve ment of tholr agricultural knowledge and practlcos. but In the sale of tholr produco and tho purchaso of their supplies. The grango furnishes tho matorlal to bring firm ors togothor by mutual confldonco in each othor, and this must lurnlsn tho clue to co operative succoss. Whon farmora can bo brought to seo inoro fully tholr mutual Inter ests and mutual dependence, and the simi larity of tholr relations to alt othor elates, that conlldcnco will naturally grow nnd bo corao stronger. Col. I). 1). T. Mooro, tho foundor of tho Jluml jVcic Vorkcr, woll known as ono of tlin foromrifct agricultural writers', says tho jV. )'. Mail Isahout to lako the platform again, mid propose doliverlug addrosxoH at various agni'iii'iirai lairs in me .viimuo nun miw KnglHiid States during tho ensuing autumn. Vests pgo Col. Mooro was among the most cllectlvo and popular speakers at the fairs and meetings ol prominent Agricultural Societies, Clubs, oto,, In tho West, and wo predict that his return to (ho rural platform will bo hailed with pleasure by thousands, while his added experience and maturity will ennblo hi in to achieve greater success than over before UNIVERSITY EFFUSIONS. Tho past.woek has not dovolopod anylhlng startling In tho lino of news. And tho only thing of Importance that has transpired was the Krnat Interest taken In tho subject of a uniformity of dross amongst tholarger boys. Wo understand that tho cloth for 20sults and 0 caps to go w'tu tuo bU"8 urtV0 Doen ordored. Tho University Rlllos (or munkots) has boon suggested as an appropriate name for our now company. Tho Oovornor has "smiled kindly" on our appoal for arms, atid wo aro now looking forward to tho time when wo can havo tho pleasure of carrying a 11! pound shoaling iron and squelch any outbreak that may occur in this neighbor hood, to our hearts content. The unllnrin will be after tho stylo of McCluros, of Oak laud, or like the one II. M. wore tho other day. Thosovcral young ladles Societies mot tills afternoon and had a vory pleasant and agree able time. TheAlka and Hesperian' meet this evening. Tho olllcers aro very able and we can look to a prolltablo and entertaining Winter season. Tho school Is receiving new recruits every week, and the total uumht'r of el)olnts at present are; Mr. dutch -HI, Miss lloldoiuoss, id: Miss Chaiiiherllu, Hil. Wo will endeavor to keen you posted on tho current events, tie , as they trunsplio. Yours truly, Hah Hah I sounds rnoH Lebanon. SlMTKMllKII, U, 1877. Harvest has been suspended lor several days on account of the heavy rains. Thero is a great deal of grain damaged up to the present time. Many farmers haven't threshed a bushel yet. W. II. I Km lea was badly bruised up a few days ago by being thiowu from a wagon at the heels or a runaway span of horses, A Mr. Hrueo living near Waterloo, who had his arm badly mashed last week, In a threshing machine, I recovering rapidly un der tho oaroof Ilr, lUllard, A imrty of four men from Portland, pa sued through hero to-day en mute for (ireeiihom mines. They Intend working the Duitlea H,i r. V. Klklua will soon open a largo hard ware store liete. l.argHiiuinbsr of plewuro srocer are re turning I'm in the various springs above here on the Lebanon Mountain Head, The ueuerul health of this locality was never hotter. Hon I'Ki'ito, Bold RobWy. I.Kt ulghtjust before dark, the uo Chi lumaii working lor Mr, ThelUeu near Pixie, was robbed In this manner: He was inn wagon loaded with provision, going from Mr. Thellwii's mddeuco to where his men were giuhblng, u distance of about a mile. About midway a man lumped from "lie hriii.li alongside of the road and xller tlrt Ukliii; a dead isiker fiom the wauou ami throwing It Into tho bruih, "went ilnoiu-li" the iVIOHllal and got away with $100, tlvt fill Kohl piece.. The country tiiiuoduiu In elia-e, ut up lo the lime our Informant Itfi (early this morning) the thief had not been caught. Acquitted. Kll Neal, O. F. NeaUnd Win. Hrown, who weroei.unlnnd before Justice. Jomes Coffey, ytutttday, for akssulliog one Simiiel A l'iftco with n dangerous we ixiu, near Auum villa trivnlly, utler n patient hvtrhig ns honorably dKcharsed, Not a single witness for the ilitfeUHO was examined, the proMcut lug wltuetH proving that I'lerce was the aggrevor. Taioan ThUr. Ou yertr rday, bi t eon 12 and 2 o'clock v M.tlie SuiidjyM otlerlngs fovor f II) were hieKii fmin the plaie In Si, rn' ni urch, during the lemporaiy abseuoe of the It dor. Wo uiuh'tMiwui the thiol U known and will beglMii tluie lo n-jKUl. California Elootion Notes. The Taxpayers In Han Francisco elected tho city treasuror by 2023 majority. Pretty full roturns mako tbo Democratic majority In tho loglslaturo on Joint ballot 41. Fivo MurphyH have boon elected lo tho legislature in California. All but ono aro Democrats. . Tho count of tho voto for Sborlff in Han Francisco shows 15,718 for Nunan and 15,r03 for Rogers. Apparont majority for Nunan, 212. Novada county elects tho wholo Democratic tlckotj yet tho Novada Transcript says Iho county actually has a largo Republican ma jority. It was Sargont. Tho voto on Mayor In San Francisco stood thus: Hryant(Dom), 17.22J: Asbury(Tax- payor), 15,011. Majority for Hryant, 1,013 Forchlofof pollco, Klrkpatrlck (Taxpayer) had 032 majority. San Francisco Chronlclo sbj-s: The 1-ed-oral ring, by controlling nominating conven tions, put forward In many counties candid ates not to bo trusted, Rathor than be sold out, Republicans In clo&o counties voted for Domocrats. It was a question of party with thorn, and tho oloctlon Is In nosonse a Dem ocratic victory. Han Francisco Sent. 14. A doloxation of men from tho Clay streot employment offlco to-day requostod pormlsslon to march In or dorly procession through tho streets for tho purposo of exhibiting lo tho buslnoss men of tho clly tho ilumbor of men out of employ ment. Thov wish to call on tho principal omployos of Chlneso, and fonder services nt the same wages. Tlioyfiitliernioreannounco tholr intention to hold a quiot mooting oi un employed worklngmon In a day or two. Tung Pak, a pronilnont Chinese inorchant, leaves for Hongkong by tho City of Pekln Ho goes to carry out tho request, mado by Col. Jleoand ondorsod by tho Chinese com nanles to visit districts from whence his poo- pin emlgralo to California, for the purposo of checking or limiting any rurthoromigration. Kuroka. Sopt. 12. Thero vas a light fall or snow hero last night, and It has been snow ing at Intorvals all day. Tho weather Is cold as In mid winter. This cold snap Is unpre cedented In oastorn Novada. Wo seldom havo snow in this section before tho first of Novoiribor, and as a gonoral thing wlntor doos not sot In in earnest much beforo holt days. Of rourso tho prosent storm Is not tho inaugural of wlntor. A month or two of fair woathor will follow. Oswego Iron Works Sold. A salo has takon placo, of tho Iron Works at Oswego Including the smelting furnanco and works nt Oswego and all tho lands and initios of tho company. The oxtremo low prices lor Iron havo mndo It Impossible to manufacture upon tho basis of operations pursuou uy mo oiu company, inn pureuas ors are Mossrs. Hooloy, Hrown .t Croighton, Ihreo young mon who are Intimately ac quainted with Iron manufacture, having boon brought up In tho buslnojs. Mr. Seoley was formorly suporliiteudoiitof tho works. Mr. Ciolghtoji has boon used to'lron manu facture all his life and Mr. Hrown Is ono of tho firm of U. H. Scott it Co., owners of tho stonmors City of Halem, and Ohio, as is also Mr. Heoloy.ii Thoso gentlemen will probably rocommonco mnuufactuio of Iron In the Spring, and from their personal acquaitauco with tho trade wo mayexpectocououiy,good management and reduction of expenses that will suroly onablo thorn to succeed. Tho purchaso price of tho property was less than fifty thousand dollars, while tho cost and outlay of tho old company was probably four times that. Tho excellent quality of Orogonlron will Insure ready salo, nod lu tho hands of mon of practical export, oneo and thorough onorgy wo may look to tho dovolopemont of an oxtonslve and profit nblo manufacture of this ,mont Important sinplo. ' Death From a Kick. Wesley Fowlor, a now comer Intotho State, diod last night at Wm. Greenwood's rosl doueo, on Howoll Prairie, from a kick, by a innlo, recolved ou Wodnosday ovonlng. Mr, Fowlor had commoucod work that mornlug and had boon givon n mule team to work, lutho ovonlng about eight o'clock ho went to tho stable and ontonid tho stall of one of tlifi ntilrtiulu ln tltft ntitnrtuii iif liAi1llitf lilm down, whon ho rocolved tho blow that (or-1 initiated fatally. After being hit (the kick I being recolved upon tho lowor abdomen) ho walkod lulo (he house. The following morn. Inu ho was nimble lo work but would not consent to havo n physician sent for until 3 o'clock In the afteriiou, when Dr. O. II. Hall of this clly was called. Tho Dr. after exam ination found tho hurt of such a nnturo that he could not survive, and shortly after ho liaised away. Mr, Fowler was about -l.Vye.irs of Hge, and loaves a wife and several chil dren in Napa, California, The sad news was telegraphed to them this morning. Nonpareil Mine. This initio Is located near tho Canllal mine and tho Dlrwilors havo mado a contract to uliik a shaft fifty feot dooer than it Is at pres ent, which will mako it over ono hundred foot deon. This company Is made up of mhiio of our host oUUmis, and it Is their Intention to push tho work to a solf-sustalntug point at tho earliest possible momout. Assault With Dannirons Weapon Kll Neal, O. h. Neal and William Hrown were arrentod this forenoon b3 Shoritl'J.A. Haker. with assaultlnir, last Tuesday. Sam A. Pierre, near Aumsvlllo, with a dangerous weapon (suing hiioij. i no cause oi me attack wasan"old grudge." Tho case is being heard I h$S Twur'1 material of Hie color iMjroroJames Coffey, Justice, as we go to.Sbythra '"" I this m-urf illtnncllni' thn vnrlnua nxhlhlllnnu A Correction. In our Wsuo of Wednesday, wo spoke of a visit to this valley of Mr. L. H. (leerof Walla Walla, and mentioned the fact of his pur chasing somo choice sheep. The flue sheep be iKumht were from the flocks of Hon. F ,r0lu ,Mr" M"-"" "" MARRIED: Mc"XY-HAMMOCK.-Near Itroohk' SIMIoii. tlilmiiiiriiliii:,Hpi l.ttli, thJ7. i,y It. A. Joimton. t-M)., JiuU.-MOf.ili.) IVuce, Mr. I. S. . McCoy, of llciliel, and Mus Mary Jauo Hammock, ol M.i tlou county. RAISING THE WIND. Two gamblers wcro in Leavenworth, ivim., sovorni yours ngo, with about $30 in tholr pockets, riioy desired to got iiiuuoy eiiuugu m go u Ltuiioriiiu. rnov wont to copamto liotols. Ono registered it u phyhloiuii, mid mtvortlsod a reined v forotioloni. Tlio other put up n large quantity of yeast powders into uatnplo puuknp-H, with a llttlo oroton oil in eiudi, uiul hiroil a boy to distributed them. Soon family afler family, a Hooted by the oroton oil, foil what thoy believed wore Hymntoius of cholera. Tho salo of the cholera remedy was enormous, and tbo gamblers wore enabled to go to Oilifor iila. Thoy now tell tho story through tho NMrginla City Knternrlse. Assistant U. S, Treasurer Wynmn has recently, nnd very quietly, married into of tho clerks in his otlUe, Mrs. Uoosii. "WILLAMETTE FARMER Lost in the Mountains. 80MEWHKnBINTnE ROCKY MOUNT'S, Aug. 10th (I think) 1877. J If over thoro was a lost boy,;thoro is one In this "neck of limber" Just about now, hs sure as thunder. I am lost all over lost clear through, know that I am in tho moun tains and that is about all I do know about it. 1 left tho battlo ground at Swamp creek lu Big HoIo valley last Monday morning, alone, to overtake General Howard's forro of cavairy, who had started about an boor before and wbs pursuing tho Indians toward Bannack City. I took a short cut scions a strange country, got Into a swamp, got lost and havo had worso luck than I did by ink ing Sam Johnson's short cut to tho Malheoi Acoucy. Then towards night my horMt gave out and I had to catch a lamo and abandoned Indian cayuso, that could but just walk. I cimped on the trail that night (hIIoi I .lis (I fiundlt)nnd .started early next morning. Lost my nag several times and at night fotcbed up hero (but haven't any idea where "hero" Is) m a kind of valloy with high mountains on ovory Bldo. Thoro is a copper rnlno hero and I found a miner's cabin which had boon ransacked by the Indians. Every thing was turned Insldo out but I scraped up alittfo flour off tbo floor, found eomo raw cofToo and roasted It on tbo bottom -of an old giant powdor can and as I had had nothing to cat but mountain wator for two days, 1 was ablo to get away with rt square meal. When I got ready forastartlho next morning I found 1 had about 915 worth of lamo hoise, loo lamo oven to walk. So here I am 100 miles from no whore, on foot with no possi ble show of getting to any whlto settlements in tlmo for tho next SundHy School. Yester day afternoon six Indian!) rode through tho valloy and disappeared up a canyon lo the west. As I bad no lettor oi lmromiciion to Ihom nnd no gun to "stand them oil" with, of course I didn't hall thmii. I shall havo to lot my cayuso rest tit loast a coupio of duys longor boforo he can mo his lamo foot anil thon I will try and "limp" out or horo and find Howard's army or a settlement. I expect tho minor who runs this cabin will return horo "whon this cruel war is ovor"aud I am going to loavo this lottor In tho cabin with a nolo asking tho first whlto man who comes along to send It to some post ofllco. If you over get this, you will know that I was healthy and hungry whon I wroto It. If vou should never hear from mo aealn.vou can hot I've bcon "scooped up" by ibo "no ble rod man" and if I am gobbled up by thorn and havo any memory loft mo after tho oporatlon I shall always romomber with lovo etc., my manvSalom friends. J. W. Rkpinoton. Hour to Mako a Town Squirt. BY CMIUIAM HI.KEK. Oblan about ono hundred and twenty pounds of bones Including a kull six Inches In circumference, Joint all touothor loosoly, fill tho skull olthor with mud or calf brains of a vory poor quality. Cover tho wholo with a soft whlto skin porfectly whlto or copt a coupio of bltio spots thoshapoofa half moon under oach eyo and a quantity of red bumps ground on tho Jaws and chin; add a pair of sldo whlskors a ghost of a moustacho and a pair of eyebrows In tho sbapo of a tri angle, tho linos mooting nt tho root of a llttlo narrow pug iiojo. To crown tho wholo envor tho pato with a mouso colored coat of hair, not very (hick, and parted oxactly In tho middle, to avoid overbalancing tho brain. Ho vory particular about this, as I havo fre quently known young dandlos to forever loose tholr balatico of mind by gottlng ono sluglo balr too many on ono sldo. Now, that you havo tho skeleton of your squirt put togothor, assist him toassumoa perpendicular attitude; novor mind about muscle, flesh or blood, as you must bear In mind that a tqulrt Is of no uso whatovor, ex copttowear good clothes, and thatnskolo ton sorves every purposo with tho aid of ono pair false calves, a well -paddod choet and sovcral other llkoatllclos which you will of courso have on hand. Assist your squirt to assumoa fashiona ble uttltudo by turning bis loos In opposlto directions, bonding his knoos back about six Inchos from tho porpondlcular and pro ceed to dress: nover mind tho uudor cloth ing, nobjdy will seo that, It is only tho out sldo you care for. Clotho with coat, panta loons and vest of tho finest matorlal and tho vory latest out; add a shirt and cravat of spotless whlto and other small artlclos of ap parel lo numorous to montlon. If your pleco of mechanism has a No. twolvo footbrowd It Into a No. night boot ono of thoso long kind tho toos tilled with cork and tumod upllko a Norwegian's snow shoe. Now that you havo got so far the finishing touches still remain to bo added, This Is ac complished by standing him behind a coun ter or employing him to tho proprietor of a hotel as a "flunkey." Stick a pen behind his ear, put a goal ring on his linger, hang a gold chalu to his vost, 1111 his pockets with tooth picks, candy, cough troches, bad tobac co, cigars and clovos; his purso with coun terfeit twenty dollar pieces, and his person with forty rod whiskey. Thicken his tonguo so that ho may be ablo to artloulato In squirt fashion, viz: huttab, waum, eta , and train him to havo a particular dlgust for" fawmors and all trades requlawlog sweat of the broaw and musculaw foawco." Perfume to tasto, placo a ratan cauo In his musky palm and clear tho track. Fair Ground Polioo. For several years persons havo been In the this scarf attondim: tbo various exhibitions on thn grounds, This Imposition has boon practiced so much within the last two years, that groat complaint has been mado by those who pay license to exhlbt. To prevent this Imposition lu future, Mr. Waito. tho Secre ro;, inr s T ,,u vi ?iiiif1'?Sli-K state Agricultural Soolety," eucraved there- tary, has ordered of tho Haskell I'nirravluir on, In black letters. These will be worn In front on tho sallies of Marshals, In the em ploy of tho Society. Dangerously Hurt. Mr. John Phillips, living near Bethel, was thrown from hl buggy yosterday and dan gerously injured, It appears that htrnudf and wife wore In a buggy and in the neigh borhood of Zeua, whon tho team bocame frlilifnnn.l n,nl fan iwav Mra lihtlllr a Jumped out.whon herluuband lookhnr back. i t . . i . . -. . xaw uis who tying in tne roau, aim tnuiKing her killed or seriously hurt, lost his presence of mind, dropped tho reins and leaped out hlnitelf, striking upon his head and render ing him Insensible When our Informant left last evening ha was in a delerloua condi tion and strong fears were entertained that tho accident would result fatally. A Lively Spin, OneofDurbin, Smith & Co'a teams en deavored to getaway with Sheriff J. R, Her re n, of Linn county, this forenoon, but Igno mluously failed. When he found he ould not hold them he commenced turning them lu a circle near the corner of Commercial and Cheuieketa streets, and alter "playing circus" and snapping off the tongue of tho vehicle, the animals were got under control. A more nervous and lea reliant man than Sherlft Herreu would made a "way up" ruu uw y Hem of the affair. THAT COLORED CADET. It is a noteworthy fact that Congress man Mullcr, of the 5th New York Dis trict, who hns Just nnpolntctl a colored boy to acadetshfp at West Pointby com petltlve examination, lsa Democrat. Tho success of young Minnie is very credit able to his scholarship. Fourteen boys competed for the privilege beforo a com mittee consisting of Dr. J. N. Merrill. Jacob Gross, a well-known lawyer, and Mr. Samuel Ayers, the experienced vice principal of ono of tho grammar schools of New York. The possible number ol marks was fixed at 000, and Charles A. Minnie, a colored boy from grammar school No. 20, gained 6S3, or 08 per cent, of the whole number, which was a hun dred marks above cither of his competi tors, and 23 per cent, above Ueorgc i Ahenrn, who gained the njxt highest number. ,, A Tho successful competitor will be twen ty years old next month. He was an in fant when his father tiled, and was placed by his mother lu the Colored urpnitu Asylum, where horenmlncd until he was twelve years old. For the next six years he enjoyed no educational advantages but worked In supijort of his mother. Two years ago ho niailo rapid advancement, nnd twelve months ago he became a pu pil In grammar school No. 20, Now York, from which liu was graduated with hon ors. He next became a wnlter in a New port inn, and resigned that position to compete for the cadetshlp. WIFELY ECONOMY. If a wife values her own and her hus band's ease, she should let her expenses anil desires be ever within the reach of his circumstances ; for, If poverty should follow she must share tho evil. Let her bo very careful never to give him nny cause of jealousy. Shu should not lot many days pass without a serious examin ation Into her conduct as a wife, and If, on recollection, she finds herself guilty of any foibics or omissions the' best atone ment is to he more careful lu future. BADLY SCARED. Waldo Hills, Sopt. 17, 1877. It Is certain that wo have not had such hoavy and continued rains early In Septem ber In Webfoof, for a score or inoro of yoars past, as wo hnve had for tho last wcok. Tbo Fall grain whs all threshed out In pretty good ordor and tlmo. Hut iv largo amount of Spring grain was lu shock, or staok, or yet standing In tho field, whon tho rains came on. This can bo accounted for In different ways: Thoro was not ono-half as much grain sown last Fall and Wlntor hero r.H should havo been sown. And owing to Importoct draining In Fall anil Wlntor plowing, muoh of tho grain was sown late this Spring. This kept tlio harvest back to a lalo soason, Again, there was much carclessnoss In let ting tho rdiocks remain in tho Holds till tho threshor should come round. And aaln, tho folks who dopondod ou tho boadora waited to their hurt for tholr turns to como. Uenco thoro Is largo acreage now to out, which la badly leaning and strawfallen. And thoro Is much grain In shock, now in jured, and in somo cases spoiled. It would bo woll if headers were dispensed with altogother. Tho late, splendid harvesters Introduced horo should bo ownod to such ox tont as to cut all tho grain. Tho solf blndors aro an admlrablo Invention and should be on all tho largo farms. Tho folks are now badly scared on account of tho late rains. It la to bo hoped that tbej will bo bor.e Uttcd by their lato scare. Hut tho great dan er now is that grain will bo unw threshed beforo It is dry. The down bundles sra badly Injured and should bo ox eluded from the sound ones. Damp, swelled or sprouted grain will not bo rocolvod by buyers or on slorugo. And such will spoil In the grsiu-rlos If bulkod. The rains h,io done groat good In laying tho dust, purifying tho air, and putting tbo ground lu line order for (.coding. And the host of all N, that tho Fall growth of grass Is starllug finely horo. It Is to bo hoped that farmers will improvo this present ohanco of set-ding all the Summer fallow, and of extensive Fall plowing. I would liko to urge upon my fellow farmers tho groat benefits of deep, Fall plowing, and a thorough system of draining, nut, as your readers prefer short articles to the point, I will closo this. They may hoar from mo again. . Yeiutab. Orator Lake. Gov. S. F. Chadwlck, whom wo mot a fow days ago among tho clouds ou tho rim of Crater Lako, was wondorfully enthusod with tbo grandeur of the sconery, as a man can not help being who has a mind capable of appreciating the grandest aud most sublime of landscapes. In a lotler subsequently ro colved from him he expresses an anxiety to havo some of tbo errors hitherto mado by writers In describing ibis great wonder of the mountains, corrected. This Is Important aud wo shall, onoofthe.se times, undertake to give as correctly as possible, from the data at hasd, tbo dimensions of tho lake, height of the peaks etc. This muoh may be done, but were wo ever so expert In the use of lauguage, wo could not hope to glvo any one the faintest Idea of the grandeur and sublimity of day was or tho oloudland of tho Klamatbs aud Modocs. One day when the world shall have learned mat we have a veritable wonderland at our very doors, tourists from all parts of Christendom will throng our mountain roads every summer, en routo to Crater Lake, O. O. Applegate in Ashland Tidings, Attempted Arsoa. Last nlgbt the buildings occupied by Chi namen on State street near Mr. Wm. Arm strong's shoe shop aud uear Mallory's brick were ,coal oiled" uud in the latter place aet on tire but fortunately discovered In time to prevent damage. Thia la not the work of hoodlums but of thieves who aro bent on plunder. It behooves every cltlzeu to keep a close watch upon his property from now until after the State Fair fa over as our city will be overrun with bad and desperate oharsc'.ors. Should anyone be caught in the act of committing arson, the nearest lamp post would be the place to conduct the individual. A Dreary Outlook. The London Spectator in a romnrkablo nrticlo shows, practically that England is on tho road, ton drenry condition, nnd looks forward to the tlmo whon her factories will eloao ono by one; Iron nnd conl mines will bo shut up like tho tin mines of Cornwall, tiros in forges will bo blown out, tho ships will be laid to rot, nnd so forth. Tlio only suggested remedy is tho dis covory of somo now industry to replnco those already wanlug. The writer who Is certified as ono of tho shrewdc-t ind ablest men of the day. speculating .. am tho social nnd political future, says: tax ation will bo light, for the debt, the cause, will bo gone, shaken oirus beyond tho new means: the throne will be trotm its too expcnslvo nnd ube'ess. and the country, organized liko Switzerland, will be thinly peopled oy n race with tho hereditary habits of education, hut few desires or opportunities of excite ment. Tho Inherent conservatism of tho people will; havo its fullest scope, tiio ambitious nnd thoenergotic w 11 go elsewhere, there will bo nothing to uo here. The Channel Tunnel. The asso- elation for constructing tho sub-marine tunnel between .hugianu nnd Franen held n meeting in Paris lately to hear n report on tlio geological explorations nnd ioundings executed last year. The account given stated that tho surveys wero made throughout the zone 'in which it is proposed to pierce the tun nel, and which consists of u bed of day perfectly continuous and homogenous, and that tho excavation may be mado between tho two shores through tlio samo chalk system. Tho engineers aro now us cortnin as possiblo that the ex ecution of tho tunnel is quite practi cable. They have already fixed on the exact ipot for the shafts for bringing up tho chalk excavateh, nnd tho dirceaion of tho gallery for currying off tho water infiltrated. Tlio; construction of this gallery for n short distnnco will permit them to obtain nn absolute certainty of the conclusions drawn from the geolo gical study of tho surface of tho chalk. The Human Face. Tho counto nanco of every nntion defines the char acteristics of Its people. Every human fnco indicates a moral training ns well ns tho temperament nnd ruling traits of Its owner, just ns much as ovory form indicates the quality and amount of its physical exercise, Tills Is proven by tlio variety of human faces everywhere visible. Thoso whoso lives havo been, given to physical labor, unbrightcned by an education of ideas, havo always a stolid, stupid expression, oven whilo their Hmhs nnd muscles are splendidly dovolopod. Tho inoro savago tlio peo ple, tho ugHc thoy aro in facial devel opement. Tho very features of tholr faces aro disfigured by violent and un governed passions. I'eoplo whoso em ployments are intellectual havo invar! rbly n largo, clear gaze, n bright, out rnylng expression, ns if from nn inward light shining through a vase. Whero n fino organization nnd n deep sonsibil ity nccompany tho practice or Intellect ual pursuits, often tho features take on n transparent, luminous look. Tho totnl exports of agricultural nro- dtico from tho United States, for tho year 1670, amounted to S 100,009,710. Of this Immense sum grain nnd flour ag gregated S132,0S5,710 nnd ments of all kinds S02,lf)C,223. Cotton amounted to $187,(52,I25. This is certainly an en couraging exhibit, nnd tho indications, nro that the demand for all agricultural products now tont abroad will increaso. A Porchcrou Colt. Mr. John Savage, living near the Fair Grounds, has a colt two years old last Juno, sired by Mr. W. O. Myer's celebrated l'tMchtron horso "Whlto lVlnce," that I? a homily. The animal was brought Into the city last Saturday, and placed upon tho scales and brought down l.Otl- pounds, Ho will be ou exhibition nt tho coming State Fair. Opened this Morning. The III Ind school opened this morning with a slim attendance but most of tho pupils havo slgultled ihelr Intention of being present during tho pressnt week. Lsstterm numbered nine pupils, most of whom will ' attoud tills year with sevoral new scholars . from different parts of tho Stato. f Fortunate Hunters. ' Mossrs. Lewis I'ettjjohn aud Hill Auder- . son. with the former gcntlemon's splendid', pack of bounds went down this morning' near lake Lablsh and In a short tlmo brought; Into camp one good el.cd black bear and two foxes, Thoy will probably send ono of tho foxes to O. H. Johncon for the Natural His tory society, JOHN MINTO, DREEOEIl Or MERINO SHEEP, nriAKES pleamre In offerlnc to tUe Wool.Growe r oi L Oregon anil the aiUolnlnc Terrltorl the chsnc lo imrctiate TIIOltOLHillllKEI) MKH1NOS, and wing prtlc imcrtited tbat they ran, end will en- aeavor 10. feu rneep oi mo tame qc&uiy nuu iud. MUCU CltKAl'Kll JIATKS then tuch can po!bJl ha lmnnrtp.1. Kxamlu&tlon and rambarlMJX! with OU cr Sheep offered lu tho market aro coirilally Invited, f-l . Addrew JOHN MINTO, 7 N. II. Tha Ram and Itam Lamb of the flock cat bo teen on the ISLAND KAItM. adjoining BaHm. Tho Korea can bo teen at tho fame placo, or at UH HILL PAKM four and a hall mllca tooth of tho city. Salem, September 10, 1675. Farms and Land lor Salo. r opprr yon rkxx onk vahm. aao ACRES. X 100 acre in roltlrat'on, cood orchard, illna'ed oa j the l'lcatant Hill road, about !4 mile from Koiren; City. AUo, about 1400 arrca of M1XKD LANP.t lomeof tho bet valley and heaver-dam Land ta tMi county, tntronaded by till and brcth latd. Tbrvot foar very good farma can bo made out of It. Gooif place for a colony. Want to cell tho whole lot tojieoj j er. inia uinaiariiuaieaiD iitne county, aooat t; muei i turn tuL-rue viiy. aon ix irora iTeaweu, Jo8 Addreta P. U. DUNN, JCugn Cl REAL ESTATE LOANS. 0KK6ON AB WASHINGTON Trust Investment Company Or BlUTIilND, miI18 ComDUiT If DrtDtred to negotiate leans' X nm from tUO to t&J.CUd teenret ot IMPRO VED CITV rKOt'EBfy and FARM LANDS, ftr fixed pcrloda of yrair, or repayable by calf.) early ! BiJUvate. x or irfiar, appiT iu WILLIAM ItKlD. Uanaier. hot19t 9 Flri Street Fortiand.1 t