Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 21, 1877, Image 1

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    3Aljs , ,t
$2.50 por Year.
Wo congratulate our frlonds and patrons
ontbo prosperity that rowards tlio labors of
tlio fartnora of Oiegon and Washington, nnd
wo solicit their continued good will nnd
patronngo lor our papor, promising thorn
that wo will ruako tho WiM.AMirrrn Fahmku
all that lliolr support will watr.iut.
Wo havo purchased a largo pros?, copablo
-ofdoltig much moro rapid work, with tho
lutontlon of enlarging uud Improving tho
Faumiiu whouovor our circulation sIihII In
crenso to Justify It.
Wo huvo many friouda who rcalizotho
groat uicosslty and ndvantiio In having an
Indopondont nud fearless Journal dovolod to
tho Interests of ngricjlture, unci wo solicit
tho friendly services of ull termors to In
crcasu our butluws and go cnnblo us to work
uioro succetsfully for their intircMn.
Thoro Is a largo Immigration coming Into
tho State, and wo bopo to reeclvu Increased
support from nil such now comers. If our
old n lends will liolp us to muko now ones,
wo will rownrd tlioir eorvieos 07 u liberal
commission, nud thank thorn besides.
Thero aro many who nro in nrioara, bouio
of thorn font long tltnn, nud wo rcspoctfully
urgo all Htioh to remember uu now (hit pios
porlty Is so gonoral. Wo dlsllko to bend out
duns, und hope Hint nil those will ronpoud
without furthor roniludor.
Tho prosperity of this papor should bo on
indication of tho prosperity or tho region It
represent. Now, that our patrons lmvonn
nbuudnul ylold a nil llrst-rnto prlcoa for
coreals nud all other products, wo hopo to
recelvo tho goncral patronngo nud good will
wo hnvo always tried to dcHorvo.
Tho Pncllla North West Is nblo to mipportn
nood nnwopaper In lb" I up: rot t of agricul
ture, nnd It In our ambition to provo that fact
boyoud u question.
Onco moro: Wo need nil thn liolp our
friends can glvn to secure un lncrcnso of clr
culatlon, uud wo nrod nil tho money that Is
duo us on old account, Tlioio who owo us
for moro than ono year nro Informed that wo
do tint wish to bo forgotton, or tohavoto
ft'.-ud them partlnulur reminders.
Tho Labor Qu:stion.
Ciii:ii.u:m Mountain, Sopt. 7, 1877.
I havo road with amiiRomout frlond Liw
on' account of npparltlons, nnd hopod to
And something that would oullghleu ino In
roforoueo to tho spirit world, but ho loaves
us as much In tho dark ns over. I think that
Ito will havo to glvo up his present tlioory of
light, nnd In to doing ho may bo nblo to givo
us nu Idea how spirits, If thoro aro any, mny
communo with thooarth. Light la not mat
tor, Ills simply tho effect of motion, tho
amons sound. Iiutonouiru of this, nsl do
not Biipposo tho farmer wishes to discuss tho
plrlt subjoct, but thoro Is n subject that I
suppose tho fanner may with proprioty dls
cuss, that h tho labor quostion. I havo scon
much written on tho Mtibjoct, but no reinody
- is suggested that would icloaio labor fiom
tho coll that capital lau fetterod It with. I
liaye hoard It hinted that tho bustiiei-s of tho
noxt Congress will bo to inoroasa tho army
no as to keep tho laboror lntlmldatod. That
would only bo nddlng moro weight to his al
ready ovor-tnxed muscles. Tho better way
. would bo to glvo tho laboror plenty to do,
-and pay him woll for it, so that ho may lay
something by and havo htm a Uttlo homo to
protect, nnd then ho will havo no tlmo for
rioting, Now tho quostion Is, how can this
bo doiib? It surely canuot under our pro?out
system of loanln;; money at l'J or lit per
cdnt. I saw a statement last year that tho
L prosont wealth of tho United States amount
to twenty-tlx billion dollars. Tho annual
increase on that is but 3 per rout. I also
saw a statement allowing tho rapid incresso
of ono dollar put lo Jnttresi at 10 per cent,
lor 50 yturs It would lncreas lo $711,000,000,-
OOOthrt-titinifs morn (baa Hit tho we.nh of
tho Unlird State-, now It I- plain that no
lKJOphu-nn psy iiiich Intore&t for money to
canyon their btitlnpeswitbiultliuis what
wo havo got to striho M If wo remedy tbo
ovlls now exiting in "ur nation, 'tho que.
tion Is, bow Mull wo do n Cupltal will not
toaso to rMoit while it U tho I owor. Nov'
thero would havo b-m n;n'pital If labor
had not creato.i It, ami It h uud iut)t(dly tin
Jutt lor tlio crfBUun to "ippiees iiHriealor.
ja. 'ruon laoorbuoiiKi eonirci (Mpnai nuu iiiuko
Ktfitlt o servant in:ead of tlo uustur. iluw
Wn hkaU this be done without Menct? It Is
m simple aid My, it xtu,r wUhcj lodo It.
IiOttachMato In tho Tiilon javs u law by
wbioli each county may collcet n muhII tax
lo bobtt npsit lor couimurclal and umntifa -
turing purrflseb let this b loaned lo enter
prising Indlviiluols that ran the good iecu
rilv.at not moro than ii-j per rent, per
"annum. .Thc-n all the Indutirlcsof tlo coun
try can bo developed, nud labor will have
plenty to do besides rlotiug. Let us try
cheap cipltal awblto, slucj we cannot 6tand
cheap labor. A, O, D.
London, Sopt. 17 correspondent telo
graphing from bnloro l'lcvim, recounts n
visit to Urlvlt7n redoubt, showing thnt It Is
almost untenable, tho npproachos to It bolog
Hwapt by-Turkish tiro from n rodoubtonly
'J0 yards dlvtnnt. On Wcdnesdiiy thn In
terior of Grlvll7.it redoubt was stl,l piled with
do id and wounded In n txhnstlv. Indlstm-
gulshablo nias, tho tiro of tho Turks hnvlmr
nrovemoa tlio approach or surgeons nud
litter bearers.
lluoliarest, Sopt. 10 A corrnpondpnttelo
graphs as follow under (Into of Sunday: A
dlsp'dch reached hero this morning Irotn
Imperial hradquartcr."". stallngthnt tho Turks
had tnnilo deperato tl'orts to reennturo (Ira
vlisr.irodoulit, mnklng "oven lubll'ec'.ual ns
sutilts, ttud losing 10,00c) men.
CotmUnllnoiilo, Sept. 17. A dispatch from
Suleiman I'lixfin cnnilrms tho report of tlio
i-np'.uroof l-'orlSt. Nicholas In Sohlpkn pnsH.
It was lubfiii at 1 o'clock Sunday morning by
usault. Kltlnliifr continue.
London, Sept. 17 Tho following wnsro
rnlved from Ituelinnt Hnnday nluht: Col.
Woilcly has just arrived from tho Itus!an
heailquaiters befnrol'lovnn. llo icports all
quint except luturmlttiut tiring around tho
(irlvlcn redoubt, ell II held by Hilled loicco.
Military operntlons really closed Wodnesdny
ovenlug, when thn Turks recHpturod tho
double redoubt taken by Sltobelfff. Tho
HuaMnn commander In chlof could not or
would not f.nnd rolnroreemontM to hold this
redoubt. Urn. SltobilelV lnt 'J.O'W nun in
nltacktng tho redoubt. Threo thousand mora
in holding It. An linmcnso projnrtlon of
otllcorM was killed or woundml. Only ono
uomnidudcrof resknoul isnllvo nmUoarcely
hear uf uu nlllcor or battalion who la left. Two
olllcurs of tho hlniraro killed.
London, Sept. 17. An olllohl UtiKsInu bul
letin dated l'orfdln, Saturday, ssys tlie bom
bardment of l'luvtiH continued yisterday,
ThoTurkNh bitterIoscaicelv repllod.
MoJortituiendH Skobel(l)', Drncomorr.ffand
ImorlnlKky havo boon promoted to bo lleut.
On tho loth tho,TurkH.paced threw nimbly
Souua-inanara oeiweeii ncmpKa nuu roiim.
Ilclolas nnd bombarded tho fort. Wo lost
b0 killed and 107 wounded on thn 11th.
A now bridgo Is building to replacothoouo
given up al I'yrgos.
Tlio Czarowltuh'ti hnadquartorM is nt Lower
Atotiastlr. Tills poulllou from Mnntrn to
lliiilcu on tho Loin Is cut up by gorge?,
ravines and Htiiull btreamx, nnd lias been
further strengthened by formidable enrlh
woiks. It has ovldently beou belected as tho
host cover on that side for tho Slatovu com
munication. London, St'pt. 17. Tho Telegraph publish
es a dlsjntch Irom Stanloy, tho African ex
ploror, dated Knibouunn In Congo, west
coast of Africa, AugiiHt 101b. Ho states ho
had completely navigated Lualaba uud uuo
ooedod lu proving It lo bo idonllcal with tho
Tho batllo reported at I)u brick, In which
tho Russians wore said to havo been dofat
od. mubt havo boon, If nt all, a vlllagotlvo
miles nortbwoitt of Vratzi, on tho ltahova
Itoporta av Osmnn Pasha has fortified a
position, ulmost Imprognablo tinlurally, at
Vrutxt, upon which, ho will retire If driven
from l'lovna. Anyhow, thn Houininlan at
tempt to out hli communications teems to
havo fulled.
Chofvot l'aslia, a loader in tho Ilulcarlan
massacres, has been nont to command Osnmu
I'asba's reserves at Orkanlsh and guard his
oommuiilcatlon, probably, also, with a vlow
lo keoplug nn eye on Servla.
Tho main bodv of the C.irow Itch's nrmy
IsconcentraUd botweeu Tirsienlk atHlola.
Tho headquarters of tho 12th corps Is at
Vablanu or Jalyabniuava, near Itttln on tho
Danube, wbtro a lorry has beon ostabllshod.
Vlonua, Sept. 18. It Is reported that Gen.
Toddlobou, defender of Ssbastopol, has re
ceived orders to proparo plans for fortifying
winter camps at Malohln, llorzeovo, Slstova
and Nikopolis. If It comes to tho worst,
Nikopolls, where a strong teto du pout Is to
bo established, will bo hold at all hazards.
All 'fresh troops, moauwhllo, are dlrtcted to
the Jantra lino.
IlucliRrost, Sept. IS, Tho Itusxlans at
I'loyna nro moving up tho mortars and slego
guns nnd locelvlug roluforccmcuts fjr their
CettIngo,Sopt. 18 In coiibcqucncooftho
surrender of JUltk tho Turks mu&t bring ull
their supplies by way of Klek as Ulltk en
tirely commands tho road from Itaguta lo all
tho luteilorofeoutheru Herzegovina.
London, Sept. IS. A Conslnntlnoplo cor
respondent uiys It is stated Ismail I'dshahas
arrived bel'uroKrlvun, In llubdau Armenia,
aud U about lo uttack (hat place.
Thn tlrst detachment of thn llusslan im
perial guard pained through llucharcst this
morning to tho boat ut wur. Uen.Uourko
accompanied them. Tbo men presented a
splendid appearauco, but have eeon lHtlo
bervica. O.her regiments aro taiiis tho
paiallel roads ou'f-ldo Uucburcst'ull con
verging on Slinullzi.
I'ho Agtuo ltussla, commcutlug upon tho
arrival of tho guard and thoorderlo tho llus
slan troops In Poland to ln tho ormy at the
seat of war, btates that these facts uro a suf
ficient rrply to the rumors of peace and ar
miotics circulated by certain Journals.
A later dipfitc'h from Constantinople says
the Russians iu SchlpUa pass havo been re
inforced. Gon. Hadltr.ky's otllolal account
of tho fighting does not admit that tho fort
was over occuplod by tho Turks. Ho says
after fivo days' bombardment tho Turks, at n
o'clock In tho morning, made a suddon at
tack on tho fort. Tho attack tubscquontly
oxtondod along tho wholo lino and was ro
pulsod with onormous lofs to llin Turks
ntler a doiporato light, which lasted nlno
Constantinople, Sopt. 18. An cfllelal dis
patch published lioro denies tho correctness
of (ho rumor thnt thn Itiirslnus had com
pletely ovocunled Schlpkn puss. It U stated
on tho contray that tho two Turkish brigades
which captured Fort St. Nicholas ro'lred to
tlioir former positions for tlnttrglcnl rersons
aflor hnvlng occupied tho'iort tor six hours.
llucharcst, Sopt. IS. Xho Itucslau nrmy
from Poland begins Its nciroh through Itou
inaiiia to-day.
Chfoigo, Sopt. 18, Tho Times' London
npcclal says unless thero Is a special Interpo
sition of proyldoneo tho lttnslnn luviihlon of
Ilulgnrla Is substantially nt nn end. llotico
forth defonslvo movements will bo're.sortod
to to oocnpo annllillallou. Kuglnud Is un
easy, fearing that nnothor cnnipnlgn will in
volvo Germany. Kltorts will bo mndo In lit
duco tho l'orto to oll'or fair terms of pence,
but (ho cutorprlsu Is probably ho)Hleis.
Kusfln, after nil her appealing lo?.os, will
bo forced to ennuuonco another campaign
whoro it bogan tho prosont Hoason.
Itoston, Sept. 17. i'ho monument to
Charles Sumner wn Innuuratod today. It
look (hroo hours uud twenty minutes for tho
prouesolon thli afternoon lo pass a given
point upon Slnto street, whoro it was moving
without Mono, ItOHton has never bofnro
eon such largo nndjinthnidi'Clla'-urnTrilsC
Tho dlstlirfrtitsbril'mon in lino wero every -whoro
groeted linartlly, nnd nono received
kucIi nerrect ovation as did Gons. AlcClollau
and Ilookor.
Now York, Sopt. 17. Mall ndvlcca from
Paris show that Theirs' midden death was
untiiiioxp6cted by his moro Intluiatn frlonds,
who claim that It wns promntiirely hastened
by Ids portonal ili'ms In tlio Intmesl of rn
piibllcaiilxm, for which hUpliysicnl htrougth
wan far Inferior to hN menial vigor.
Sacrnnionto, Sopt. 17. Qnl'o a train load of
pnoplocamn up nu tho Valltlo train thin
morning much larger than usual on Ibo
opening day of tho Stale Fair. This promises
woll for a moro successful work than homo
anticipated. This forornou tlio entry dorks
worn at tho pavilion. It has boon a busy
day for tho opening, which occurs thlsoveu
lug. Kntrlos for Mock at Agricultural Patk
may b mndo up till noon tomorrow.
Washington, Sopt. IS. Tlio Prcsldont will
Kond only an Informal messago to Congross
in Outobor, announcing tho resons why tho
oxlra session was called and giving roports
and estimates.
It Is said that Governor McCormlck has
boou electod to roproeont (ho United States nt
the Paris exposition if Congross makes pro
vision fur such representation.
ThoTribuuo's Washington Rpoclal says:
Tho Indiana commlHstoiierbhlp has beou of
fered to K. 11. Hoy t of New York, nnd ho
has accoptod.
Galveston, Sopt, 18. A storm struck this
oily early this morning, prostrating tho
wires, covering tho brldgos with wator and
damaging tho railroad truck badly. Tho
wlros aro all down aud communication bnro
ly possible Tho wind reached a velocity of
&'.! miles per hour.
JelTersonvlllo, Iud. Sopt. 18, Tho Pros!
dontnrrlved from Loulsvlllo at 3 P. M. nnd
was greeted by a vast concourse of onthusi
astlo psoplo, to whom ho msdo a brief ad
dross. Ho was entertained hospitably du
ring his fetay nnd exprossed hluibolf woll
ploased with tho trip.
The gndlan War.
Port HHIh, Sept. 17. i'ho followllng Is Just
recelvod, datod Near Yellow siono, Sept. 1(1:
Wo have ust had a hard light with tlio Nt.
Perces, lasting nr arly all day. Wo killed and
wounded u L'Ood inanv nnd eantured hcveral
hundred of stock. Iteporls uotluyot; can't
tav vihixl our loss is. but it Is cublderable.
Sevoral killed and a good many wounded.
Nothing in eat for two days' Wo marehoo (10
nines lohiriKoino iiiiiiaus, uurnoiHCi worn
worn cut. The Indians Muck well to tho
reck but wo dro)o tin in cut for n-voral
inius. pignpoj Hiuiiun.
In addition (Iniirrul 1'ioit rciKirtu that tbn
Crows brought In lo tho iigt-ncy nn tho l.'lth
100 bead of Nez Perces ponlo; that fovomI
Crop's started out ut onco lo assist Klni(in,
A portablo s-oain thtodilng mwlilo'i on
glne cxplcdfd with tenlblo loree, halimUy,
ihreo soda half mllaw boiith of Liwronco
ville, Illinois, killing four men end wound
ing four others, Ihreo of whom. It Usald,
can notsurvlve. Instantly efer tho explo
sion wheat Mack took tire, aud burned to a
c.-Up tlio bodies of tho four men killed bo
yond recognition, Threo hundred bushels
ot wheat were destroyed by tho fire.
21, 1877.
Now Magazines.
Scribner (or Soptombor contains nlnoty
olght Illustrations accompanying eight
papors. "Tho Immigrant's progress," "Tho
Pan.'' "Tho land of tho Arabian Nights,"
"Old streots nnd houses of Kugland," "An
Itland or tho Son," "Wolls nnd Clstorns,"
"Microscopical Corals," and "NIuIioIrh
Minium," which will bo llnlshod next
mouth. Mrs. Dtirnett has n uhort story,
"Lodtisky," In this numbor, nnd is becom
ing n popular writer; sho Is ongnped upcu
anothrr borlnl for Scribner. Tho pootry Is
all good, opeclnlly "Tho Pnlso Oraclo," by
Mary Alngo Do Vero. Tho Old Cabinet Is as
Interesting an over. Tho other departments
luvo tho usual variety.
Tho Soptombor Jutht'.i Magazine con
tains tionrly ono hundred ougmvlngH. For
lovers of natural cconory tho pioturcs nud
descriptions will bo very Interesting. Thero
are BOino nrllolos for those who caro to litar
of our educational piogress ns a tuition; ono
Nontlllcd "A (;roup cf ClnMcal Schools";
fornndnrH of fiction (hero tiro four moro
oaaptoraor,'KroiiM,or my fUhorH Slu" by
Illackmore; n hiituoroiis story, (lllualratid)
entitled "Sundown"; "Mu'inhBllu," nnd "A
visit ton country house, nnd what caniuuf
It." Tho Harper nhvnys Iim Its Hhnro of
literature, boI'jihjo nud art, nud for tho tclcu
tlllo trader Is Dr. J. W. Dnipor'ii nrtlolo on
tlicrmomotcra, with tiiimorotis IlluslrutloiiH.
Tho llvoodltorlal dopirliiioiits ninko up, ns
usual, tlio mout Interesting portion ol thtu
Llttlo Giant Grubbing Hachluo.
Messrs. Frank Cooper nnd Win, Uolanoy
hnvo this mnehluo for sslo, imdgUo tectl
monlals of Its oporatioti that must bo con
vincing to thoso who kno'A- tho rcsponslblo
parties who uiako tho Ktalomenls. Wltti nuu
hor.o to work it, this iiinchltio has tho power
of twenty tlvo horsos, nnd grubs enn bo
liaulod out, when tho giound It In order, us
fast as (hoy can bn hitched nn to. Au near
as wo can estimate, n unti nnd bono with
tho "Llttlo Glout" will do tho woik of alx or
olght Chliininou. Thoy will hnvo ono niiex
hlblilon nt tho Stnto 1'alr, nnd nil thooo who
hayo grubbing to do nnd wltih todispoiibo
with Chlnoso labor, should lusiioct Its work
ing qualities for It promlsos lo do wonders
towards clearing Oregon brush hinds.
Salo of Thoroughbred Stock.
Mr. G. W. Dliulok glvni notice lu our nd
vortlslng columns that ho will oiler for snlo
nt public auction, on thn Stnto Pair Grounds
on Thursday of Pair Wook, nt 11 o'clock h.
m., thirty hoad of thoroiighbrod Shorthorns
and Dovous bulls and holfors. Mr. Dlmlck
has a fluo hord oi cattlo nud enn show tlioir
podlgroos; thoso who wish to Improve tlioir
stock will not full to tuko ndvantago nl this
opportunity. Tho Importance of Improving
our brood of cattlo Is hardly npproolatod ns It
should bo, but It Is fully tlmo thnt our Or
egon common stock began to show uu Im
provement to Incrouso Its vuluo. The efforts
ofsluck-brcoJers should bo appreciated far
bettor than thoy nro,
Nkw Pout Hoi.i: Aiiunn. Ono of tho uus'
tedious labors tho farmer Is called upon to
poriorm Is digging holoi for fenoo posts.
Whllo In Portland tho other dny our atten
tion was called by Northrup & Thompson to
something (iitiroly now in tho way of a
digger, that I looms It simplify (ho prooesi,
mi that whoro a man would have been udiiy
digging with a spado tho bamo can now bo
dono In two three hours. They nro not an
ex ponslvo article nnd wo tli'.ii'tl think would
cumo Into general uso, Noithruji .t Tlintnp
son havo urcatly onlnrged und lncreantd
tholr buslno(. during tho past your and uro
doing u largo vhoksalo ni well ai retail
SniiKi' Ham:. Mr. luvid GiiIIiiIp, of
Dallas, Polk county, his latelv sold ten hoad
of thoroughbred French Merino hueki In.!.
O. Iowlsnnd brother, of Watco county, Or
egon. Lowis Lrotheni nio tnterprNing
biucders unci lia-.o u Inigo bind ol eliccp mid
do woll to putroul.o Mr. (luthrlo, who has
bred his Hook for many years with particu
lar caro. Mr. Guthrie iivsan adscrtlMiiiKiit
In this Kmio and liiforms us lliallih siuop
hIiov great linj.rovi n.dit tlio prist nt year,
(lu will hsvokoiiiooi tlitm on exhibition ut
tho tttulo Fair.
Ulploiuiiu nud Moi'.uU.
Tho boautnul diplomas that aro to bn given
by thoStutu AjjrlruliurulNtuioty, mvo been
received by Mr, K. M. Waltc, tlio Sicietary.
Tho Hllverwaro and brouzo irieduls urn ex
poctod to urrlvo noxt week, Tho dlplomos
aro e.egantly and artistically llthegruphbd,
and thooUior urtlelos aro said to bo of neat
and pretty design and workuiausblp.
Volumo IX Numbor 32.
Flax in Washington Territory.
En. I'WitMint: I noticed in your Inst
papor it short pioco nbout hemp, nnd I
will say to you, nnd nil that mny fool
interested, thnt I now Imvo n row of
hemp jrrowItiK In my garden. It la Just
beginning to bloom nnd Is growing fast.
This morning I measured several stalks
from eight nnd n half to ovor nlno feet
high. Two years ago I had somo thnt
I am ittlto suro weto over ton feet
high; nnd wo can raisoas good ilax ns
thoy can Und anywhere, nud of super
ior ilbor. I think u rope factory ovor
hero would be of it great good to tho
country und u good investment to tho
Jab. H. llouxm'itKi:.
Oalcvlllo, Cheludls Co , W. T.
J. R. I'ostor.
This woll known Portland morchant,
dealer In hardware Ao., has a uotlco of re
duced prices of all coodi In his lino publish
ed In this pipor. Mr. Foster Is ono of thoso
moil who niimns "biislntiss" liy such an nn-noiiii'-enioiit,
and nil of our renders who go ,
lo Poitlnud will 11ml It to tholr ndvantago lo
givoliltntt call.
A Lost Mule
List Do- nbor Mr. A. Proncott.orSalora,
lost a bay maro miilo, small slo, 5ycnra
old, branded with "M" In a clrolo on the !'
Iiln. II iumnnit nut nf n nnsllirn about six
mllos from SiUmx on. tho .Iluena Vista road. Hij $
Any iibrson nfvln Information to Mr. VToi -"'
at this olllon will bo Hiiltably rowardod.
Let tho Feoplo Itcjoico,
I'or the bountlliil hiirvcnt of 1877 has now
placed In tho bauds ot thn pooplu tho goldon
until, that thoy may lleo to W. P. Johnson
t Co. nud hOouroMich ploturesas will plcaso
them nnd tholr friends, nnd ho n blessing to
KiineratluiiK locomo. Itemembnr tho plaoo,
oyer Willis' llool.sloro, Stnto St., Halom, Or.
At tho Stnto Fair.
Tho Wn.MMi.-rii KAiiMisn will havo a
stand nt tho Nlnto Fair at which pluco wo
shiill bo happy (o seo our friends, rccolvo
now AiilMcrlptluus, rorolpt fornionoy paid on
old nccoiini. and attend to nil business thnt
shall offer.
Harlon County Pomona Grange
Will meet on tho llrst Friday in Octo
ber next, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon.
HtisltiC'8.i of Importance.
a. w. i r unt.
Notlco of Railroad Meeting.
Thero will bn n meeting nt Amity, Yam
hill Co,, on thottnth day or Ootobor, 1877. at
10 o'clock a. m for (ho purpose of Inking:
Into consideration the building of a narrow
guagti rullioad from Davtou, by wuy or Am
ity, llroad MeuiU und Mill Oreok, lo Grand
Kond, with a branch Uuo lo Dallas, In Polk,
county. ManyCiti.iinh.
l.HIIANOM.tiupt. 11, 1887.
Kn. l'AHMKii: I'loaso suy through your
paper that tho Linn county Council, P. of II.
will meet at Solo, on Monday, Out. 1st, at 10
o'clock u. in. A full atleudaiico Isdoslrablo.
Fi'ANic I'lKi;, Sio'y.
Gardner it Co,, Comiiierclul St., Salotn,
nro coustuiilly receiving pianos nud organs,
niado exprobbly for (heuibelves, nud when
von want anything of, tlio kind llrst read
tholr iidvorlisemiiut uud then call on them.
M. Myor, nt Grlswnld'n comer, Salem, Is
nu bund with his fsll slock or gocd, having
Just loturncd from San Frauolno, und says
ho bus tho largest stock over In that storo.
Dutii. Near Dixie, Polk Co , Oregon, uftcr
a lougHiul ptlnliil lllmiH, or typhoid fever,
mint. 18, 1877. Fredenei l-'raiicos daughter of
(J.J. and Catharine H. lWsl;tl,ln tho tllst
year of her uuo, Tlio funeral services took
plaoH at lioinu Hcpt. It), unil were eouductod
by Kov. T. F. Campbull. Tho remains woro
si thorrquiist ol thn deceased barlod lu tho
Hurnl Luinetery, Salem.
Hlghwaymeii mo plylug llielrlrado. Last
Thursday a man imincd llodgo. who rosldes
nt Study, whllo on his wny to Oregon (Jltv,
wus btdppid by foot puds and lobbed of ?'K).
.(viiral other n blinrlos art) ropoilid In tho
slclulty ofOieyon City.
Kent to tho Asylum,
otcnlsy uftoriioon Adolpliiis Whito was
urii-sbil on Hchurgoof limmiity.aud exam
ined lieforu J. U. Peebles. This Is Ibo ior.
hon who Iihs niado demands upon IboStuto
oflioluls fir ui'inov, claiming that ho was a
Deity uud that ull things bilougtd to him.
The evidence was Niioli thul ho was adjudgod
liiHano. Ho was taken to Ibo asylum to-day
byaherilf J.C. Uaker.
mmG:(tmm 90 k