Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 14, 1877, Page 8, Image 8

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Tho Wheat Market.
Wu nrc- plf Ritd to iiiiuounco ft flnntr lono
to Urn wheat markr-t. both at homo and
abro'nl, nnd an Advanco of prlco to corroH
pond. Snloin Mills advanced to 91.09 por
bush"! n Monday and thut prlco Is now
paid both at tho mllta and by V. J. llorrcn
at tho Farmers' Warohouso.
A glnnco at tho condition of Iho KhijIIhIi
markot as doscrlliod in tho cablegram from
tho .Mark Lano Express of Tuemlay, will
uliow iho grounds for tho Improvement of
thu market. Throughout Ernnpo, and on
poclnlly in tho Hrltlsh Islos, thoio Udisap-
polntment In tho crop roturriM and harvest
prospbcts, to whloh add tho Indollnlto pro
louKAltonof tho KusHO-Turklsh war, and wo
liavo tho causos that Influonoo tho English
whoat markot to-day.
Tho profipoct In bottor than wo conoldorod
It two weeks ago for prlcos bolng hii.stalnod.
It Is claimod In woll postod quarters, howov
r, that clrcumstancos may arlto at any
tlmo lo more or less depross tho market.
Whllo this may bo truo lo nomo oxtent. wo
till oo no reason to foar a dUastrous fall of
pricos, and thoro may not bo any great ad
vance. Wo think pricos arn huro lo bold
good, and may bocotnu sjitculatlvo townrd
uprlng, but our producers can roallzo a good,
thing this fall, at prosont figures. Many nro
soiling at prosont ratoi, holding thatthoy
lavo a suro thing and arosatlifled with It.
Tho whoat market Is an luoxpllcablo rlddlo
and no man living can pronounce upon its
ut tiro with cortalnty.
Tho wet weather that has prevailed for
tho past few days promlsos to puss off and
Joavo pleasant sklos, which Is to bo hoped
as much wheat Is uncut and thoro must dam
age result from tho raliiH as a croat oxtotit of
wlui.it has boon beaton down and will bod If
ilcult to savo. Mr, M. Jj, Savage, near Sa-
loin, has 'iV) acros of whoat yot uncut, and
tho greator part of It has boon thrown down
by tho lato rains. Wo hear tho same com
plaint In rognrd to othor localities.
Tho rocolpts of wheat up to Sept. 11, at
Snlom warohousos, amouutod to over 110,000
buxhels, which Is more than tho luceipls at
this same tlmo in any previous year. Dur
ing tho wot days a groat dual of wheut has
been hauled to town.
The harvest will last two weoks longer In
innuy localltlos, and oonslderablo lo will
xosiiltfrom theMlii,nsmuch wheat Is uncut
and must bo more or lefts damaged. It Is
evident thnt many farmers havu more ground
in cultivation than thoy havu machinery to
aavo well, or so muoh dond-rtpo whoat would
not be standing In the Holds.
As near as wo can ascertain, Liverpool
quotations for cholco Orogon wheat tiro about
5s por quartor of 600 lbs., whllo ordors for
lilpmout horoaro mi a basis of 684 fld per
quarter, thin dllloronoo bolng maintained aa
a fair margin for Lposslhlo depreciation of
prloo before tho cargoes shipped hero can bo
dollvered thoro. This shows that Liverpool
buyors lack oonfldunco In pricos bolng sus
tained , whllo some yours outers are for high
er prlco than ourrout Liverpool rates, owing
to oonntbtneo In rIo of .prices within tho
four mouths necessary for tho vessel to
nultti tho voyage,
Within ten days urdiirN for Oregon ship
nimit havn iuIvmkhmI from 66s to 68 lid ut
Iilvorpool, but current rates theru have
equally advaucod.
Wu think tho miukot wcurs a safer aspect
than heretoforo, so that thoro Is less rink In
Jiolilliig whoat, though at present prices
waiiy will sell In preference to taking any
cbaiutin ,
Wo venture tho opinion that broads lull's
Will Hours fair prlco another year, and that
tho Inducement for raising good crops con
tluiios, IfKurope hasni-caiit harvest this
Toaraud tho Kiistorii waroontluuo'f, wu may
look for a fair market fur our broatlatulft for
Roiuo tlmo Ir tho future,
European Grain Market
London, Sept. 11, Tho Mark Lane r
prni suys tho woather the paxt week was
more favorable. Tho cool lemperaturo and
keen winds dried much of tho lato corn and
prevented lUiiuge from sprouting. During
ill it past fnw U) a n u:nshlerable (juaulity of
Kralu Iuk been s'lmred, though It Is feared
not lu prime condition. Much Mill remains
In tint Melds, hut there now appears a reas.
ouiiblo hopo that crops In England have suf
fered their worst from weather. In Hoot
laud, a Hi Irs are qulto tlltl'orent, as a Urge
proportion of the oeie.il crop It yet uncut.
Oats In some illitnu'.d nro mported qulto
Kroou, The l.Uounin of iliu auwi.il eausio
great anxiety on this account. On lighter
aollssomo ipumlty of btrloy has liomiout,
but tho greater itnittnn of llinerop la jet tin
oourod and will proli.tlily (urn out course
and dlvolored on threshing, even If no
Hjninitliiu' tikes pl.u-e.
The crops whloh apposr likely to turn out
best, as f.ir as tho yield Is ooucornod, are
oatH, ptit and beans, all opinions couourdug
that whiMt Is laruely douVloui. Potatoes are
utl'ivted by dliosio In tho ninth (u every ills.
Irlct. A hurvu-l prtigrnssct, tlio convlotlon
Is forced iipiu us that the yield o( agricul
tural or iduitts geuemlly will bo far from
aluimUnw To this fain tiiuy bi miluly at
trlbuti-il tlio linn tone which has prevailed
In all lir.iuuhes of thu gram trade. It Is trua
otlVriiu's ot English whMt Imvo lsn tslr,
both at Mark Lino and tit tho country uur
kots; but a very small propoitbn of the sum
pies on oiler liave lutui In good condition.
The known KreathiMtvl'y ol old samples and
large autlclaiod dellitleuoy of this year's
crop of EuglUh wheat havu forced buyers'
atteuitou to foreign grain, which has Im
proved Uto Ui Hr quarter under luore.ied
demand, and thU lu tho Mow of largo stocks
in granary, tho heavy Imports and an abun
dant American crip In the background.
Should, however, EuglUh grown this vear
not o.vvod .60J,lXM tiuhrtnrw, tit which It has
Leon recently ostltnatoil by vtll known
agricultural authority, It tuny not bo too
union to say that, after ull, when brought
forward to meet the requirements of tho new
cereal your, tho American surplus may pos
alhly be absorbed without unduly depret-a
tug price, as was tho cao Ut spring, when
tho California crop, which was the largest
ever crown on tho l'acltlo slope, was ao
rantdlv absorbed that its dUaitiwansnoo
eemod almost unaccountable. Certainly a
large quantity ol foreign wnuai will ho ro-
?Ulrod to meet tho country's needs, and with
tttlo prospoct of a cessation of tho eastern
war trade presents a healthy appearanco,
and tho prospects of any immediate altera
tion in prices either way Is not to bo looked
for. Tlio fall cargoes of wheat which havo
arrived at ports of coll havo boon dlsposod
of at advancing prices, and now only ono
cargo represents tho usual arrived fleot.
There has also bfon n good demand for
wheat on passago and for shipment at Is to
". tw,r iiimrter inoro money, but tho rebates
check too udvanco, Malzo off iho coast has
found buyers at an Improvement of Is per
quarter, whllo for shipment thoro has been
nn activo Inquiry and prlcoi closo nearly Is
0d per quarter over those of last Monday,
Ltvr.iii'ooii, Sept. 7. A loading grain cir
cular savs Mnco tlio boglnulng of tho week a
tinner tone has been apparent. No altera
tions In thn value of English whoat, old
Eurono being practically exhausted, and
new from Its inferior duality t)rotutlm: few
attractions to buyers, but tho value of foreign
is Improved, and shows still an upward
tendency horo aud In tho neighboring mar
kets. Slnco Tuosday business has been
tolerably active. Fair buslnoss transacted
In whoat at oxtromo ralos, Whllo malzo
has commandod an advanco of throe ponce
por quarter at this market to-day. wheat
mot with an aotlvo demand, and all good
qualltlos both red and while aro a penny to
two nonco por cental dearer. Flour la held
at fully previous rates: malzo in good re
quost and roallzen an advanco of six pence to
nlno ponoo per quarter.
FrelghU and Obarten.
Tho San FranaUca Commercial Herald,
Sopt. 0th, says:
Wo noto groator activity In charters than
for so mo tlmo past, but at extremely low
prices for whoat to Llvorpool. Two or moro
ships largo earrlors to a direct port secur
ed at 3837s Gd, aud still lower rates ex
pected In tho near future. Arrivals during
tho week havo been vory numerous, adding
largely to our fleot of dfsongaged ships
many of thorn largo earrlors. Wo seo noth
ing encouraging for tho future of tho freight
market, ns tho surplus tonnago Is too groat to
bo handled with profit. The Euroka previ
ously roportod for Callao soeklug now take
wheat ut alow tlgtiro.
California Market.
Wo romark a decided Increase in tho ex
Kirt movoment nl wheat and at advancod
nnces raios now current uiuuer man at any
previous porlod since tho Incoming of tho
iiarvest, and woro wo to express any opinion
as to tho future of tho markot we should bo
disposed to toll our friends to sell at least
ono-lmlf of their surplus grain now, boforo
tho Southorn and South-wostornStatos begin
lo pour out tholr immenso crops Into tho lap
of Ureal Urltaln. Our rocolpts of wheat since
harvest, two months, as compared with the
samo porlod of last your, show but a meagre
quantity. In round figures thoy stand thus,
wheat and Hour combined: July and Au
gust, 1870, 2,700,000 ctls: 1877, 1,000,000 ctlsj a
decroAo of 05 percent. This largo falling off
Is to bo attributed to throe causes a partial
failure of tho crops, a very gonoral desire to
hold on for higher prices, and Iho expecta
tion of an unusual homo demand for Hooding
purposos. Tho abundance of money, easo of
procuring It upon warohouso receipts, cheap
storago, and a feeling porvadlng tho minds
of many farmers that crops horo were short
er than many woro willing to admit those
imvo till had their wolgbt, and now wo find
that by reason of this vory gonoral holding
back of wheat aud the lessenod quantity ex
ported, that grain freights to Liverpool di
rect havo follen to tho vory lowest notch,
say 37s 0d38s, and at thoe low figures two
or moro American ships have been charted
to load whoat, end this oxtromo low freight
and tho advancing londonoy of tho English
uiArkot has ouabled exporters to pay more
for wheat and to do an increased buinesin
thollueofshlpmont of Mroadstulf to Ores t
ilrltalu. Our exports for two mouths of this
year, July aud August, comprised 11 car
goes, ngalust ill cargoes sumo tlmo In 187')
This Is truly a vory poor exhibit for tho first
two months of tho present harvest year, yet
wo hope to nvorcomna good part of this wide
dlsorojuiuoy nro long. Of oourwo, tho great
d I tie re n co in values between lastyoarau.l
this goes a good way tow rd equalizing ac
counts. Wo havo now on tho U. K. berth
Homo lift eon or more ships, of nay &!,000
registered tons, exaluslvo of four or more
now under ongagement horo lo load at
Astoria nnd Portland, Columbia Hlvor, It
should be hero moutloned that, owing to tho
very low freights ruling betweou horo and
Oregon, considerable wheat is now being
tent to this city In transit for thn United
Kingdom, aud whloh helps out tho export
movement honco not a little,
lau Francisco market.
Inr Tiuururu.l
Ska Prsneireo, Sept. II.
Flour City miller nude u iilvaneo of tajic yea
tertlay, sml another of tho ratuo amount tlila morn
Ini;,, raiting jublilng, sliver price, for extra to 7 2i
M'lirat Markvt itvaily, with free aalua 8hli)lng
f 97.HQ 30 lullllni;, at ft 'MQi T,S.
llar)vy-tl t3l U).
OaU-choIro Oregon, for mlllliiK, t'i; other lot.
ft W, dowu toflft),
Local Market.
Sai.k.m, Thursday morn lug, Sopt 13, 1S77.
Market quotations for purchase of country
produce aro as follows as this point: wheat,
$1.05 ptr bushel; oats, I .'mi potatoes. i'UQi
60o pr bushel; apples, 37H0J.Oj per bushel;
pears' 6tHjil'J)$u per huhel; tomatoes, 76o
per bushel; cabbage, 60(75o per doz; onions
11.00 per bit; butter, t!5o por pound, for
cholco rolls; oggs, ti5o por doz; hay, $ll! per
Mill feed undo, at Salem Mills bran, $16
per ton; nhorts, $30 per ton; Hour, $G(G 60
per barrel.
Wu win It to make n thorough canvass In
the intenot of this pamr through this State
and Washington Territory, and would like
to have, after hatvct, or dining the winter,
ixoti.ve rauvaosnis in each county, and If pos
sible In Mich precinct,
Strong iV Haiti, of thel'Jonoer lUkory, will
havo atand 31, opposite ibo Oraud Park aud
riivillau,ou tho Fnlr Orouuds, during Fair
Campers will llnd at this stand fresh
brvnl, crackers, CAkes, nles, and a general
tuhortment of grororle, that will be sold at
olty prices,
W. L, WRde, of North Siloin, the popular
and loug established merchint, Is recelviug
his fall stock,! for city and country trade
ftud Is prowred to tult the wants of all cus
tomers, Mr, Wade Is a liberal dealer and
about as honest aud straightforward aa mott
of us, and those who know him need uo en.
doreuient from us,
Under a misunderstanding of tho inten
tions of Mr. Mart. V. llrown , wo notified all
persons not to purchase a noto piveu him by
us for tho purchase of tho Ctillwalor. Wo
now havo a satisfactory understanding with
Mr. ftrown that tho noto has not been on tho
markot, and is not to bo on tho markot pre
vious to maturity. Wo wore ourselvos part
ly to blame for tho misunderstanding that
has occurred between us, nnd which no
longor exists. f'r.AitKE it Chaio.
Salem, Or., Aug. 2), 1877.
Hyatt's Xjlfo 3Sn.lsa.rK3..
As ii conqueror of Kheitmatistn, Gout. Neu
ralgia, mid euro for h'crolula ami all dlseares
arising from impurity of blood, tho old uud
reliable Family Modlclne, llyutt'i Life UaU
nam, stands unequaled, as proven by over
300.000 great cures during the past 30 years.
Is a radical vegotabl Compound of Sarsnpi
rilla, Dock, Ouaiacuui, ito., and a permanent
cure. Sold by all druggists and country
grocers. Take nothing else, and if they
aven't It wo send by oxpres, boxed, every
where, at $1 and $1 25 per bottle; $5.00 and
$0.50 hair doz. Hyatt & Hyatt, 'ivi Grand
St,, Now York.
Visiting Cards.
Cams with any namo neatly prlntod thereon
lent to snr iiMn-ia nnnn recclnt of 2 Cents.
and a S cent stamp. AddrcM,
W. J. cunii, eaiem, ursffon.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the
. . Conntyof Maion.
In tho natter of the Knutuor A.F Waller, duccatcit.
To Klopha Wilier. C. U Hall, Mary K. Hall C. C.
Bttstton, .T. E. Strattoii. O. A. Walltr, K. J. Walr,
V. L. (). Waller, nnd CUcon Tibltcttf. euarllau ot
IT. I.. U. Waller, and all unknown heirs of A, F.
Wallor duccatcd.
IK tho name of tho State of Orccuu: Von and each
of you aro hereby cited and required to appear
beforo tho above named court, at tho ( ourt iloaeo
In Ualcm, In said Marlon cunty, t cloven o'clock a.
ra nn tho tilth day of October, 1877, then and theru
to rhow cauio, If any rxlit, uhy an order should not
bo mado by raid Court, authorizing J. A.Stratton,
thn ndmlnlttrator thereof, to (ull tho real citato or
raid decedent, for tho payment of tho charger, ex
punrcr of administration, and claim agalnrt raid
ertate, at petitioned for by raid odmlnlrtrntor. tiald
ru'ti uBioiu is Donnueu anu uurcnuuu ar iukuwei, to
wit; A part of Dorntlon clilm No. -1U. Notification
No. 77. ui T. 7 8. It. 3 " of Wlllamctto meridian,
bounded by beglontni; on tlio roathllneof tho county
road leading eaitorly from tho eaat end of State
street. Id Balcm. atlon county, Oregon, at a po.nt
H. 70 dcg. 00 mln. E, 12.50 chain from where tho
routn lino or raid county roau lnicraccta tno west
boundary of tho Donation Land Claim of A, F. Wal
ler and Klcpha Waller his wife, and rnnnlng thenco
H. lu deg. 30 mln. W. 33 chalnr, moro orlcrr. to Inter
red a duo cart and wert line dividing rnld claim Into
two equal parts; tlicncoiart 13 S3 chains more or less
lo Intersect tho ensturn boundary line of a certain
tract of land deeded by A, 1". Waller aud Elcpha
Waller his wife, to Arhhel U. Waller, by deed
dated tho suth day of January, 1bK), and record
it In Marlon county records. Hook or Dcvdr. volume
No I, on piKoMl: thenco N. 10 deg. liUmln, E.
along raid latt mentioned Hue, about 30.50 chains to
the south line of raid county road, thencu N,7Udes
30 mln. W.alontrthu south lino of said county road to
tho placo of bi'Rliiuiiig, and all situate In Marlon
county, Oregon 'litis citation l pit'dMicd lu thu
Wli.LAMKrTc Kaiihkii. ty ord'r of thn raid contt,
madu beiilumiTJili, ir:7.
JNO. C. 1'KKIIf.iS, Ceuuty Judge.
Salem. Orcron. Sept S, sn. )
Ill the County Court ot Uio Miitu of Orojou for tho
County of Marlon.
In tluinutterof the Krtate of .Inmcs ltlckcy, deceaa-
cilrJames M. IUckey, Adintult trator.
To Henry ltlckcy, Thomas 11. ltlckcy, James M.
JOckcr, and all unknown heirs or raid decedent;
and all persona liitcr.'ttcd In raid Estate.
In the namo of the Stato of Oregon :
YOU aid each of von, are hereby cited and re
quired to appear noloro tho above named Court,
at the Court Homo i, Salem, In said Marlon county,
atl o'clock p.m. on the Btb day of October, A. D.
177, to then and thoro show cauro. If any exist, why
an order ihould not bo made by said Court authoriz
ing raU Administrator to sell tlio Heal Kttatoof raid
decedent for thepa ymcnt nf thu administration,
charges and claims attatnst said Estate as petitioned
for by said administrator, ealttroM esltte l describ
ed as follmvi to wit: A part of tho Donation Land
Claim of said. Tames ltlckcy and wife, lu T. 7 S. H. a
W and In T s H. H.3W: Uezlnnluu at thu 8. W.
corner of Claim CI, and tho S. E. corner of Claim 64,
In T 8 S. It 1 W, nnd running llience N. 0 deg. IS mlu.
W. 4, 04 chains; thence N. Iddeg. aimln. E. 30 40
chains; llience N. 4 dsg. is mln. W, 1.44 chains;
tluiicv N. 49deg. fJ mlu. K. 2-l.l'i chalus; thenco N.
71 do.' (O mill. K 6..VI chains; theuco N U dcg. 30
mln. W 1.50 chains; thence N. deg. ) mln. E. 3.60
chains; theuco easterly tolnttm-ct the south lino of
said Claim HI, at u point S. 4i deg. 6 mlu. E. 0.09
chains from an anjlo In said south lino of said claim
SI; thencu S W ileg. tfi mln. W. KM) chains to the
p.nco of beginning, containing about 3ii acres And
that service xX this citation be mado on non.resldcnt
lulls by publication of tho ramo In the Willamette
1'auhkii, n Miukly newspaper published at Salem,
Oreguu, once a cek for four weeks successively uexl
preceding said fith day of October, 1877.
JOli: C. l'KEIILES, County Judge.
Salem. Sept.l. lt77. Mm
In tho matter of tho Ouaritlanshlp of Edward Dou
lllot am' Alfred Doultlot, minor heirs of Augustus
Doulllot, di-ccased
NOW. uu this day. September 4. A. I). Is77, csruo
P. C, SceuYAN, gua'dlau of said minor heirs,
and presented his petition pra)lng for an order to sell
the real estate of said minors In .Marlon couuty, Or
t-gou, descrlbeil In his said petition, and It appearing
to the satisfaction of tho Court that it Is necessary
nnd for the best Interest of the said minors that the
sa'd real estate should ba rold. Ills hereby ordered
aid decreed that tho next of km ol raid uards, aud
all person Interested in saHl e'tate, appear before
me at tho Court House in the city of Salem, In Marlon
county. Oregon, on tho illh day or October, le77, at tho
hour of 9 o'clock p. ro., aud show cause. If any they
li.ie. why a license should not be grunted for the sale
of raid estate, Servlre of this nnl'r shall be made by
publication In tho Willamtttz Kauuzii for thre-i
weoks successively beforn raid t'.tn day of October,
A I). 1S77. JOHN O. I'hEllLUs.,
County Judge, Marlon Co., Oregon,
Silem.Sept.4. 1S77.. 30w3
.IMI.CIS irirurkliru llini -r unicuinrui u
l.oitora nf AiliuinuirtUI'iti Uou Hie estate of
Cliarlea II iwlterilecaseil, reiMOUsliivlnfeliiliiik
miHliutsu'tl est.ile will rroent the in to u limy
prnvu t tlio Iiw Oillco f Lawson A Cultliiif
in Milein. within lx moiitlK iron) this date- uinl
persons nwlug the tw'uto will make liiiiiio.lltilo
iii)ieut. HVITIR 11. IIOWKEIt,
,u. ):h h77. Ailiniiitstrittora.
send for oor Ke
. Catalogue. It con.
tains vuluablelnfor
nuilon for rvsry
lierson contcm
platleg the pur.
chsM of any arilcla
for eronaI, family
or agricultural use. Wrr to anjr Address.
Ortstiul Oraiure Supply House,
S3 4 sa lda m, cuicauo, lit
The Liglit-tlraught Steamer
Will leave Pacific Wiunr,
Portland, for Salem,
and Intermediate I'oluts,
Oil Mondnys, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
At 6 o'clock A. M.
Tho Llgbt'tSrniiKlit Stcmucr
Will make Trip to the uper lUver.
U. B. 8COTT & CO.
X. J. HATCH, General Manager. aulT
Alky Collegiate Institute
A.:ii,:e.i9LisrY, or.
Tlio Fall Term of this School will begin Monday, Sept. .3d, 1877.
IU:v. H. W.iSTRATTON, A. M., President, nnd Professor of Mcntnl nnd
Monti .Science.
Rev. L. J. POWELL, A. M., Principal, and Professor of Mathematics
nnd Natural Science.
H. H. HEWITT, A. JL Professor of Ancient LnnRunges.
Miss CLARA PRICE, B. S., Precoptress, nnd Tencher of French,
Miss DORA SALINGER, Tencher of Gorman.
Miss NETTIE PIPER, Tencher of Instrumental nnd Vocnl Music.
Mns. w. S. PETEK8, Tcnciior 01
is each as Is common lo schooli-Jof thlsrade,
Tt rma hecln September, 3d. Norember 13th, Janua
ry 28th. and April 8th. Vacation of one week during
the holidays. Commencement day Jnne 12th, 1876,
Primary Department $ 0 00
Common English 8 00
Higher Branches, Including Preparatory Latin
and Greek 10 00
Collegiate. Including Higher Latin and Oreek,
Advanced Mathematics, Mental and Moral
t-clence 13 00
Modern Languages, each extra 3 00
Instrumental Mii'lc 13 CO
Use of Piano 3 00
Commercial Department 3 00
Incidentals CO
During tho second and third terma. a thorough
course of Instruction will bo given In Book-keeping
and Iiuslncss forms. At a comparatively small ex
pensc, students mar secure, here, what would cost
them a largo sum of money to obtain at a commercial
college. It Is Imposslblo for any ono to become a
finished accountant without a thorough knowledge of
tlio principles of Arithmetic, Ensllsb Grammar and
English Composition; wo, therefore, recommend tho
study of those In connection with Uook-kccping,
It Is prepared ready for Immediate use, and or
It Is easy to apply, and It will not crack, peel or clinlk off.
For durability, heauty, and brilliancy ol color It Is
For sale In any quantity by
SALEM, : : OREGON. may2ti
G-rooeries &,x Provisions,
Buildlns Materials
Myor Ss H.owoiiwtcln'H VuiiiIhIlcm,
SlaXX 3"VL&TOL Z-ilnOLG.
State Btreot,
j. w. wiiTiuarom).
Weatherford & Co.,
Wholesale and Heull Dealers In
Patent Medicines.
JP ey fum gjc y
Etc, etc.
For Medicinal purposes.
Medioines Compounded, and
Prescriptions Filled.
Weatherford & Co,,
Oommercul iUet, SALKSI.
Drawing anu jainung.
Special attention glvca to Elocutionary drill and
Oratorical tralnfcg. Superior advantages offered 1
this department.
Mn. JOHN A. nillOMAN. ono of tho best writing
Teachers In the 8tst, has been cnRSced to Rlre
thotouch course of Instruction In eystcmatlc Pe.
mans hip daring the (Ctond term.
Arrangements have bcoj mado by which girls and
young ladles desiring to utend tho Colicgo can bo
boarded cither by tho Prln(pal or Professor Howltt.
Every caro and attention yill bo given as to deport
ment, health, morals, stndyjetc. Prlco per week, In
cluding board, lodging, fuel, lchts, etc., (1.00
Albany seems to beoneoftlichcalthlcst localities
In the Stats. It has thus far been comparatively frco
from those much dreaded scour; Diphtheria nnd
Typhoid Fever.
Already a sulicrli tlon paper has bcV started and
liberally subscribed to purchase n tiWntul dollar
Philosophical nnd Chemical Apparatus IV thu benefit
of the school. It Is confidently bellevcdro will haye
mo amount scenrcu uy toe isi ui uauuiiryi
Salem. Orogon.
The Old Immigrant Route
Actons tlio Catcade ITIoiiiituIiiM,
ro'T owsri) bt tub
Cascct! 3?.c ' a t Bn o Oonipvvy,
IluDDlni.' .Mi ...r. rt . I, ,t' fute,
IS NOW oi'm ., .. M-iii. list he-
cub, Tho fvwii i ' ,i t.i.-i.'.x' 1m
proTeme'its art 1 i -,.,, r J l.t l.AU-
HEL HI!. " . 'nl'ljesaieonaU
iliu stnaim i i '!" . a oi.rii.iili.
irty. nun ji . Iki, .-, I). t ni.'t tli.'ui-
el i. .- .. ,.,.tiii...i'.r. i)..ui,(o er lue
mout.tuli.f. tt i. In Kiia I'oiimru. over tbe
mouiitaiiis, 78 uillfs. Fiom fakm, 100 wiles.
It TF.s-Vaon, J; SadJUs.SCc; l'acks, 2Jc; Cat
tie, VX: Sheep, 3c
For all uMlnc and coraln? from or luto Slarlon, Vara
hill, WarhlnKton. Lluu, Demon, ar.il Polk cuumlce,
this Is by Ut the bcsi. niaut. aid cbt-apert toute.
S. 1). COALMAN, 1'retlilent.
IUrtet E, Cnoss, gee. lolmt
Carriage & Wagou Makers,
Salem, Oregon,
Wagons, Carriages, &, Buggies,
of their own make,
Manufactured of the DEST quality of Jersey Hickory.
Qlrensa call, ai.dextnli.e oar work, and Judjta
for youiselies.
AU klmds of Sepalrlnj; and General Jobbing dona
t short notice. p
a. ' . .t 1t'i&iiHjy- -ifrl'V.
fe.-.L..,. .&!;