cmirwiiyHHUbJlirasSStt MWBBBBBBBBBBBBsflsilBBBBBBWIMM a""""" NT" -i-1Tj'-"" '" ""T'-tT kSSwt f-e' N j5K jvssg;wj"wi sH nm- ";; WILLAMETTE FARMER N.B.!N.B.i!N.B.ii! AS THERE 19 NOW AN OPPOSITION STEAM (hip line from San Franclico to l'ortliud, I will deliver tho folloln(? stock, nt price phen, at Port .and, Oregon. All orders to b accompanied with cash: Thoroughbred Live Stock, All with pedigrees from beet breeder. Berkshire I'lgs, Six weeks to 3 months old. Hoars, $10, 8ow, f 43, each. Estcx, Suffolk, and Poland China, at the samo prices. Short Horn (Durham) Hulls, 10 tolO months old $150 to 3no each. C'OlSWOlsl, LctCCNtCt', Southdown, or Merino Rams, ('elected) 'M each, bhrobthlro Kami, lGOcach. Angora Goats, Men bred, nearly thoroushbrcd, f 30 to I0 each. Hills over $100. sixty dajs' time, Interest nt 12 per cent., with cood endorser. ROLLIN P. SAXB. Importer and Breeder, nth and Howard St. Aur. 81,- w I. San Francisco, California. PLUHHER FRDITIDRYEES, Premiums: I will pay n OOLD rilF.MUUl ror ino mn icii samples r Fruit drild by tti? I'l.WiriIKI lItO!ENS"' of flvo pounds each te bo dcllNirid to mo In East Portland, In tlmo for tho OrcROU Mate Fair of 1877. 1st PREMIUM 80. 2d PREMIUM 820. 3d Premium 810. 4th Premium 85. 1ST" Thco Famplcs will bo exhibited at tho Fair marked with owners name. NEW STEAM-SHIP LINE DKTWKKN San Franoisco 'and Portland. The P. C. S. 8. Co. w ILL UKUKAFTill RUN A LINK OF STEAM- ships rcfiUiaru, every une unvvu .- Francisco andTortland AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Tho ANCOU will leave Monday September 3d. J. HI. JWcCRAKKN CO, Agent.. For Sale. QOr7 ACRES OF TIMHRIl LAND, 8AW-MIDL, OZl I lllacksmlth Shop, three houses, two barus, fouryoko of OXEN. Situated on LONG TOM, In Lane county. Terms sasy half cash, balanco on time. TltloROod. For further particulars, address an2tm3 Cbetht'r, Lano county, Or. 1004. 1877. Tho Oaljr Btrlctrj- Wholesale Drug House in Oregon. T. A, DAVIS fc CO., 71 Front Street, HORTLANU, OREGON, OFFKIl TO TI1K DUUO AND GENERAL MER cbandlso trade a completo assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture, ami Druggists1 Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all sires aud qualities. WH3TE LEAD, Of nil the leading brands, In tins and kegs, COLORS. IN CANS and DRY. Putty, Lampblaok, Rod Load, Gluo. VARNISHES, Including the flucst brands for Coach Falnlcr' nie. Paint, Whitewash, and Varnish Brushci, MNKF.i:U OIL, In barrels and cans. Turpentine, Coal Oils, Castor Oil, Lard OU, Xcat'nToot Ojl, Fish Oil. v AlooHol, In barrels and cases., Blue Vitriol, Sulphur. Castile Soap, C'oncenirateil fye, iotUHn. Blttox U ltlxxcia. Quioksilver and Strychnine. In Quart, Half-Gallon. One-Gallon, and FlTe-Qallon Caps and Barrels, etc . etc. We are Acents for Oregon and Washington Terri tory for THE AYERILL PAINT. THE DEST MIXED FAINT IN UBB for Kalll.rkrr larbo'lc Hbwp rip. Wliele Jtkeep HaA and Hqul.rtl FjIsod. '" Mni X3T We buy oar coods from first bauds, thus en. abacus to compete with any market on the Coast, as a comparlion of our prices will prove. ay9 A. L. STINSON. Book and Job Printer, rfVinl JBoolrtliuler, olman's Block, Old Senate Cham ber, Salem. Artwlntst.rator'e Notico. . . . i h tria nnr1trll?ned. N of the of Oieaon. pa Ih .. Ih Itf a rnnrtr nithln six months from this date, cald county, w"wnft$.COi,j.jjR, Administrator. Dated, August glth, UTT. SPECTACLES, SPECTACLESI For Old and Young. Far-Sighted and Ncar-Sighted, 8hoollnc-Ola..e Wr sportameii. STEEL. SILVER, AND GOLD FRAMES. T AM prepved to PPWP!SJftSVw,, 1 Prl"VeeV 0P.0,"ust. Si'.em, Jlayl9.1S76. FROM OUK ALBAKY OCCASIONAL. , Septnmber 10, 1877. Wheat flru, nt 91. It will requlro from elfrlit to tin ilbys tiilr weather yot to enablo (ho farmers in t.h Is vicinity to pot in ml the Kraln, yet the balk of It Is now s.afo. A trro.U many' Initulginnts have located In Albany this summer. Empty houses very carce, notwithstand ing many ii6W onf, have been orected dur Ihr tho season, Nearly nil our merchants Bro nlrundy open lutr out Urgo stocks of Kail goods. llii&ine3 onlUenliig up, hikI everybody Is cxpectlnir a cood tlmo. Mr, Wlswoll, forineily of tho Capital rlty. ht, within a fow days past; taken charge of tho K.xuhRUgo hotel ol this place. This is nufllolont to lntiuro success to tho houo. Under the tnsuijrtunfMt of Mr. Wlswell and his accomplished lady, this hotel is bound to bo popular. Dr. Jrviuo's church liava mado very great improvements to tholr house of wornlilp. fhey lmvo expended about 1,500 In onlnrK log nnd making now lmproveinenlH. When completed It will bo the neatest and most commodious church iu the city. ltov. Howard W. Strattou, Pastor of the Presbyterian and Concregationftl Ohurches, of this city, who wont East early last Spring, to attend tho Gonoral Assembly of tho Old School Prosbyterlan Church, nnd also to ltbor in tho Interests of tho Albany College. Is expected homo shortly. Ills oeoplo will welcome him back. ltov. J. F. Devore and family, who have boon bo micccHiful during tho pat your, In building up Method Iht Interests hero, leaMi during tho prosont wtok, for Eukouu City, their new Held of labor. Their many frleuds horo wish them iibnndaut succoas. Wo aro Informed that the Albany Collego has oponod quite promisingly; every one seems plnasod with tho present management of thin school. Tho district schools hero do not open till tho first or October. With tho present corps of teachers thoy bid fair to be successful. The various churches wero emptied very uucerlmonlously last Sunday by a fa no Are alarm. Our Are boys don't wait for the dox ology orameD, when there Is a chance to shosr their mui-clo. The synod or the U. P. Church, for the district of California and Oregon, will begin Its annual session in this city next Thursday tho 13th Inst., Tho Rev. Mr. Gibson, from California and other distinguished mlnls'eri will be In attendance. A. O W1U aot Rotarn. We learn with regret that Sister Mary who has been the lady Superior for tho past four teen years of the Academy of the Sacred Heart In this city, and who went East last July for a visit to her early homo In Canada will not return. Sho has been placed In h higher chargo, bolng now one of those who have nndor tholr control the general icovern. mont of tho "Sisters of the iloly Names" throughout tho North Araorlcan continent. Slstor Mary ban Indeed "been faithful over a few things and is now ruler over many." Tho splendid edifice that adorns and boauli lies our otty ih almost ontiroiy nuo to nor exertions and will long remain ft monument of what ono good, truo woman can accom pllsb,whoio heart and soul havo entered Into tho work. Many kind wishes are wafted from tho Paoltlo sboro for tho health, pros. Sorlty and long life of "Sister Mary, of the acred Heart, of Salom, Oregon." Aa Old Map. Mr. H. K. Davis brought to us yesterday an old map of the United States, for Inapec tlon. It Is called "Mltchel's Travelers' Guldo through the United Stateeof America." A map of tho roads, distances, steamboat and canal routes by J. H. Young, of Philadelphia and publUheu in 1833 by S. Augustus Mitch el. fbornap.lsa veritable curiosity, the estern country has but here and thorn a town. Michigan Is a Territory. Wisconsin Iowa. Nebraska. Kansas, etc.. aro unknown aud tho Pacific CoaM a "terra Incognita." No network or railroads covor me lacooi tuis map, but In lieu thereof aro zlg zsg county and btato roads, impcrirct oxcopt so mr ns their torminal polntH are concerned. Great ohanccs for map nwkors since thli map wits tout out 41 years ago. Nonpareil Mining Company. At meeting of tho incorporators nnd stockholders of this company , hold last ovoning, tho following Hoard of Direc tors wero elected: J. L. Parr lib, Dr. II. Stnlili. Dr. V. C. Palnii. J. V. Crawford nnd W. W. Martin. Tho following olUcersoftbu company wero thou elected. President, J. L. PitrrlshrSocretary, W. W. Martin: Treas urer, J. W. Crawford. Tho claim of this company is locatod near that of tho uele bratfd Capital mine, nnd the prospects for a good paying mine Is more than good. The ledge is three foet wldo and assays well. Too geiulenen connected with the now company are well known in the community, a guar antee that the new organization mean to do their best to "strike oil." Organi. If you want a good, round, smooth, sweet- toned Organ one that is made of the beBt of material, and will last a lifetime get tho Whitney k Holmes, ot J. H. ltobbins, Port land, Oregon, Knee Cut. A young man worklug for Mr. N. Robert son, near the Prlnglo school houxe, while chopping wood yesterday, cut himself se verely square on the knee pan. Fortunately the blow waa a glancing one, otherwise ho would have mado a serious Job of it. As it was a stitch or two and good big sticking plaster Uxed tbn cut up all right, but lift will be "on the limp" for a week or two before ho entirely recovers. To tlio -AJIlioteil -LilieH In piirticiilui'. Wbynoedyou suffer with Paralysis when you can be cured ? Why will you suffer with Rheumatism when you cau be cured? And why have so miuy aches aud pains when it Is within your reach to be cuied ? I am cow established In Palem, prepared to treat all Chronic Diseases, such as Ithcumatlsm, Neuralgia, Consumption, Kidney diseases, and in fact all disus es that bumaa flesh Is heir to. Special attention paid to Female Weakness and nervous pioitration, which Is to common to Ladles. Children's diseases cot ex cepted. In connection with my practice, I bae one of the celebrated Medicated Vapor Lightning Cream Baths, which aids vastly In removing all chronic dis eases. It opens the pores or the skin, and throws off the slimy, morbid matter, which Is one of the great causes of so much suffetlte- When we once think that two-thirds of all we take into orr system passes off through the pores or the skin, we need net stop long to wonder wby we are sick, when we pay so little attention to the most Important emunctory or our bodies. Burlng the patt nine months I have bad this bath In operation, and many can testify to It efficacy. I treat patient by the week, or by single treatment. Ladle will do well to give me a call. Residence, loutbestt corner or Center and Summer Street, Salem, MHS. B. W. CBAIG, 31. D, OREGON STATE FA1H. For tho Information of our readers nnd tho publlo genornlly, woglvo tho names or tho olUcors und porsons having chargo or tho various dopartmontM at tho coming Stato Fair. It will bo observod that tho Soclotv Is peculiarly forltinnto In tho soleetlon of Its Managers, bjhI tho names glvea below nro n sine Indication tht tho coming annual Fair will exceed miy of Its predecessors In iho tw tent. rlclmcsH nnd variety of display. Wo I noto from our soveral Statu exchange's that preparation! aro bointt MMiw in all poiiiona orthoSwto, by Block men nud othors, to atteuil tho grand festival. With good woaUi ordurlugtho week wo pro.llrt the i.iwst gathering overseen In tho State r.f Orecon. PixsUlcntW. P. Wntsou, Wasco county. Vlco ProsUhmtsJituies Ta,om, Polk county; C P. Durkhart Utm csuuty. Secretary E. M. Wallo, MHrl'in. TVoiMHirr LmIiI & Bi"u Marlon. i;xiM of Managers 'tho. Smith, Douglas souuty; Win. Drown, Dk"r; Win, Dlghain,! I). W. Chuosnman, Ltko M. Wllklns, Lano; A. Luelllng. Washington; S.LuollIng, riackatnas; O. W. Hunt, Marlon; S. G. Reed, Multnomah; O. J. Uaskett, Polk; Jas.Kelsay, Denton; Jos. Hamilton, Linn, E. Stewart, Grout; J. T. Mlllor, Jackson: D. (' Stownrl. Yamhill; W. J. Suodgrnss, Union: William Wilson, Tillamook nnd Jnob Frazor, Umntlllh. Chief Marshal K. A. Irvine. Linn. Chief Marshal Jwilio)i-V. D. Prettyman, Polk. General Superintendent Horse Vtpartmtnt -Win. Hicham, Wbnco. Executive Committee K. M. Wnlto, John F. Miller, Delos Jetrersou. .Fiikmcc Cumidirrrc C. W. Hunt, Jos. Hamilton, Wm. Dlglntui. Publishing Committee T. L. Davidson, John F. Mlllor, John Mlnto. sm'KMNTKNDKNTS. Division A Horses, Wm. Illgham, Wasco county. , , Division D Cattle, J. T. Apporson, Clack amas, Division O Sheep, Jesse Parrlsh, Marlon, Division D Swine and poulty, Nelson Price, Benton. Division E Farm products, E. B Dufur, Waao. Division -Plowing, Robert Imbrle, Washington. Division G Oregon Manufactures; John Kellv, Multnomah. Division 11 DomesHo manufacturea; O. W. Hunt, Marion. Division Dairy Products; Mrs. G. O. Glenn, Marlon. Division Woolen manufactures; Mrs.G. W. Hunt, Marlon. Division A' Bread, cakes, preserves, olc; Mrs. Dr. Warrlner. Polk. Division L Millinery, sewing, knitting etc; Mrs. B. F. Townend, Polk county; Mrs. W P. Watson and Mrs. J. M. Klnsoy, Marlon. Division MVor articles made by Misses under H years of ago; Mrs. 0. Ilockorsmltb, Marlon. Division JV For articles mado by MIses under 12 years of ago; Mrs, George Cook, Marion. Division O For articles mado by boys un der 14 years of ago; E. K. DaLasbmut, Polk county. Division J fruits; iionry uartor, Msrinn. Division Q Garden products; Jos Hamil ton. Linn. Division ii-Flowers ; L. W. Morgan, Multnomah. Division S-Natural history, mining pro duels and arts; Dr. E. Y. Chase, Marlon. Division T Works of art and fncy work Mrs. J. DeVore Johnson, Clacaamas. Divisionll Equestrlanshlp; James Tatom, Polk. Division V Wild animals; Wm. Elliott, Clackamas. GUsm Yobp .Wtsat. Dr the Portland papers vro we that two car loads of wheat have been rejected at that nlaco on account of it dirty condition. Our larmorH ahould see to it that tbl doei not oc cur Raln. We now Kt aevoral contn moro per bushel in the Liverpool markot for qur wheat than California (loos, (or tho simplo reason that It U oomn better and cIoaii r. Let a few vutroh of dirty wheat from horo ?o to that market nnd tho prices will fall on Orogon wheat, And tboconsequoncos will bo that our formers hero wll' loso iu proportion. Tho way to remedy this Is to storo where your whoat will bo oloanod, Novor eoll In tho Hack Just as It coiuos from tho thresher, for liiKt as sure bs vou do you will looo. The buyer orcourw will 'dock" you on account oftho dirt, aud lu ulnocsset, out of ton ho will mako by tho operation. Of oourno h buyer can pay moro for your whoat If ho oin get to dock vou Jubt as much bh ho wIkIiis per bushel on account of the dirt, but do not let this oder alluro you. Uavo yourjrraln oleaned aud In nearly overy caio you will bvo nionoy, and at tho satno time koep up tho reputation of our State, and thus keep up the prices, . PACIFIC CONFERENCE. From Rev. Samuel Ilelnlnser. who hoa Ju.t returned from thu Puciilo conference of the Evaneonnellial Church which cloxed Its session this forenoon at Albany, at 11:30. we learn oftho following appointments tor the oomlng conference year, and other items. Presiding Elder, Joslah Ilowersox. Albany, Joslab Ilowereoz. Salem. A. W. Bower. Yamhill and Portland, Samuel Ilelnlnser. CorvalllH. W. O. Kantner. Buena Vista, Jay, Croasman. San Francisco, F. W. VookIIu. It was ascertained by roforts made from tho savoral Districts, that the clear gain In membership to the church during the paitt year, was ovor -10. The Conferenco adjourned to meet In Sa lem tho tlrst Thursday In Septemler, 18TS. Athouasnums Election, Tho AthcDiouino, of tho Willamette Unl vorhitv, met Friday aftornoou nnd elected the following ollicors for the ensuing term: President, Kmllv Parmenterj Vlco Presi dent, Lizzie McNary; Secretary Nllllti Hallj Treasurer, Sarah Jonea: Librarian, Mlnnlo Cunulugham; Censor, Kmma Ilovondon. Large Land Sole. Col. T. II. Cam), agent of the Board for the tale of School Lands, sold, on Saturday last, 0(10 aero, lying In Umatilla county, to Im migrants who are inaklug permanent Im provements. Two deeds call for 210 acrta each. Tho money paid for this land is dc posltod with the t'ouuty Treasurer of Uma tilla county. Election of Directors. The stockholders In the Mount Jctlarson Pass Wagon Road met on Saturday, Kept. 8, and elected tho following Directors for the ensuing year: Frank Cooper, T. II. Cann, John B. Cann, T. B. Jackson, John Hughes, Q. W. Hunt and Setli It. Hammer, Tho dnpot at Jefferson Station was entered last night, and several trunks broken onen and plnndered of valuables. Mr, H. T. Join son tue agent, lost a suit of clothes, an Odd FelliwM pin and several articles of minor value. The robber or robbers aro thought (o be the xsmo that recently broke Into the depot at E 'j gene City. T. CUNNINGHAM & CO., Salom, Portland, Albany, Junction City, and Walla Walla SOLK, AGENTS FOIt The following FIRST-CLASS Jlnuhitios, which wo aro nowZrccoiving for tho' Scosioii sot 1077, J. 1. CASE'S TH11KSH1NG JMACH1N ESJ Both End and Si do Shako Tiglit-Goarod. Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines, TiaiIT-CtI3AltJD KKD-SITAKli. J. I. CASE'S THRESHING ENGINES; 8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 J?.orso Power. """ Treadwell Manufactured by With Now and Valuablo Hlaines' Illinois Hleaaer, SINGL.lS'GUMl, Wrought-Iron and Scrow-IItib Wheels, atljustnblo Jteol and Truss Frame. jcx3nsrTo:rxr . WROUGHT - UION HA11YESTERS. Wrought-Iron Combined Reapers and X1.X7SSZIXJsXj1S Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single A Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes. Johnston Mowers, one size. ADAMS AND FRENCH HARVESTER, ' Oonctueror. runt A Bradley Inlky kei, O&MTBKZriAXs Bulky Bake, iclf lump, She Best In Uie. Thimble Skein and Iron-axle Frame, nnt! Freight Wanensj, all nIzcm Newlon 4-spring Hacks, made oxiircssljjfor tho.OrcRon Market. 0NTo-vrtoX Tbrcc-Sprlnjf, I'latform Sjirlntf, and .Bcrull-Sprluu XXnoXsjm siail BtKlCIRS, Crardou Olty Flowai, Harrow and niiltlvatnrat (lardcn Cliy Unlkr nnd iinnit l'lowsi Farmer. t'rlrnd UIIA1N DHIIiLNI Vstsi Hriint & lii. ITIONlTOIt llroHd-ra.t KKKUKIt aiiid CIH.T1VA1TSHI J ?APlTAIi IHIITIVATOHSJ llllNNINUIIAftPN OUI.TIVAISMIS. llio Hot In lliu World. Leather and It libber HBtYMNU, Tlachliie Kxlraa, llarduarr, Iron, and ftferl. W Hpcclal Circulars, Illustrated, wltli prices, sent to any address, (rco or cliarvc. Wo aro MANl'KAC- TUItnilS' AOENTS, and will sill at umi-hock nucas. " u may7 KrontSt., rOKTLANI); Commercial OXXX20-O3NT SWmil It E COMPANY. Capital, $300,000.00 Assets. - $568,547.45 Income, 1875, - $465,90429 Losses paid out since organiza tion, - - $1,137,367.50 HAMILTON BOYD, MANAOKit. an3tf 74 First SI.. lOHTIi.ND. NTOftTH SALEffl STORE. a T TS BRICK STOKE, HAS JUST UKCKIV IX. ed a full assortment of G-encral Moroh.indiso, Dry GoodSj Grooerxes, Boots & Shoee. Hardware, Clothing jatealatcd for the Cltyand ConntryTrade. Iloncbtae ow.sndwlll bu sold at a HMALL A I'HOKIT. as .hos who 8KLI. AT COST. tWHooas dBllvered to .v oart ol tho cltr tro of charue. Novhr -wn.y Second-class KetvlliiC Machine., whru you can Get a Singer! Of the GOOslRICII IlKUDIIKHs, lor only f 15, and npwards. r Offlco In Armstrons's Shoe shop, State street. Snlom. auDml BOOKBINDING In ronnectlon Hh mr I'rlnllns Ituoms Is rem rv. 1'sixr Ittillnr. liUnV II l ,)lel ItookblnJer: nsnufsctnrlnK. Massitnes an 1 IIikiL. U.uikI In aio fvl. llA.LlnillCir nestlrexscntrd. Ontrrinriiiiibt 1 attemlFil tn. Saai for e.lluuln. J'lltea lun isanr InUiDliute. AdJren, K. M. WAITK, Ntcssnt Printer hsiiI Houkbliider.1 Orsr's lllock. Kttot HVLKJI.OIIKOON JOHN G. WRIGHT, Dealer In FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobaooo and Cigars, COMMERCIAL BTREET. Balem, April SO, 1875. dftwtl BU. K. Y. OHASB, -DBXVIT U. Col., UU Bonteoo D.S. Yoluttsn. - OMcs). OuMa'i.Mock w alatoa. fjom F I Wroilfiht-Ii'OIl SiiiKlo-Gonr J. I. Case & Co., Improvements for 1877. p. nrrNriMTMniTAiisT . nn 81., HAT.KM: anil Clieailio'a lllock, ALUAlY, Olt. Tho P. 1. T. Company's temuor McMINNVILIE WILL LKAVB Portlmul ir Salom Kvory FRIDAY, rotnrnlus on 8ATURHAY, POH DAYTON-On MONDAY and WK11NKS DAV; rcturnlutfou TUBHDAM) and THURSDAYS. 9 Patrouizo Your Own Boat! Protection nun I list High Rules tjinuaniceii. XOIICE TO PKKSONS I.NTKNDI.VU KMHJKATK TO 0KE00.V. TO Direct Passage from New York to Portland, Oregon. Land Dkivwitment 0. A 0. It., i I'oitTUNK, Jiinuta, 1KT7, t spilR ORKflON HTKASIhllll COMPANY HAS JL iiKreod to carry on Its Iron rtcninilp,now bilnj: built at ('buster l' , liy John Koatli Sun, uon her completion, on or about tho lath day of January, IhTS steoravo passeuirn from New York to Portland, direct, via the Straits of Maellaii, at iho extremely low rate of 75.00 currency, board Included. ThU steamer will be the best, strongs: aul most comfortably arranged ship ever built In tho United Htau- Nueed, IHV knot". Dimensions: mi feet In leuutb; Iti feet beam; !T1)tf depth of bold: cafurlty, x.yu ions; uju cauiu anu aju sieerave pas The Bittnir uu of the .teorsire will receive tuecUl at lMIPLI. tention; If will beiimildM with all modern linpiore mentsand Its ventilation will bo perfect Kvery at tention will he jiulJ to the comrort of iiasienvera, and thu fare wll) be of the best quailtr. Vart or tL. deck r. om will be fitted up lor lefrlKeratlntr purpos es, wlthavlew to furnish psssenver fresh iniat du rlutf the w hole voyai-e. The voiae will ho made In about slity days. To assist persons who desire toemlurate toOreson, ai;rlcultural and other Implem-uts will bo takmm very low rates For persons here who hae frleuds In the Atlantic Slates Hl.lilnjf to coituto (irtou this ofttr a rare opportunity, as the aiiuoyancrs and fatluue of tho ourluuU route hyrallaieaolded, aud lhoparafieU coi.slderably less. Porpattlrular Information address V. O. B(tmldt, 1 South Wllllsm street, New Yolk, or Jm6) V. SCllULKK, Laud A tent O. & 0. R. R. Co , J'urtl.nd, Vyp r ill in Administratrix's Notice. NOTIt'K Is hereby (,'lxn that Mary lloyt ha tit's day been appolutid by tho 1'r.ibate Court of Ma rlon county, State of Oriuon, as administratrix of tho estate of Joseoh lloyt, lain of said (ouuty, dtrtand. All pel kiiis havliiK claims UKlnt said (State will present them tine at my rtstdencv In haleni. Or ci:on. within six months from date, or ihry will bo forever baned. MllY 1IOVT, Adui'x of R.talo of Joseph lloyt. dertasec'. Salem, Auk. t), 1M7. il Established 1840. Original Liver Medicine. FOR ALL DISKrtfiKS OK THE LIVER, SOUR- NE-jS OF THE STOMACH, LOHSOFAIM'E- TITE, SICK HEADACHE, ETC. ETC. 1'ltlCK, One Dollar, T, A. DAVIN, CO. Wholesale Dra(UMs,71 FroutSt. I'ortlaid, ira)3J-4m. Acents for Orszon. For Sale! Hi'! TIIR TIVR HRHIDKNL'K corner of Cntr-ncr- clul and Division streets, In desirable situation, .ultli house lurve. well finished, and couvement- ly arranged, and itro uids Ustefully omauiented. Will be sold very lowr and on actomirodatlkiK terms. Appfyto' WII.I.I..' setitl l'alton's Block State St.. Sauw. 1 . I I K I I 4 bA.'-V