Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 14, 1877, Image 3

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Annual Election.
Tho Alka Sooloty, of tho Willamette Uni
versity, hold Its annual election yesterday
(Friday) ovenlug, and organized for tho on
nlng term, with tho following officers:
Chaa. Johns, President: Olaud Gatoh,Vice
President; Geo. It. Gray, Secretary; Adol
hus McClaln, Treasurer; F. M. MeCully,
.Librarian; Al. N. Mooros, Cousor; Goorgo
Prlnglu Hughes, Soargont-Rt-arms.
Very D9eirablo Property for Sale.
Nlnoty-throo ncios of land on Salem Prai
rie, near tho Fair Grouud, will bo sold ata
groat bargain toa cash purchasor. For terms
nd othor information Iluqulro of S. A
larko, at tho Fahmkr otlloa, Salem.
From a l'lirslclan.
Hyde Park, Vt., Fob. 7, 1876.
Messrs. Soth w. Fowlo & Sons, Boston.
Gonts You may perhaps romemborthat I
wroto you sovorat weeks ago In regard tp
(tie uao of tho Pe no vi an Stiicp fot my wife,
who was suffering from gonoral debility, the
sequonoo of Typhoid Dysentery. I had
tried tho most noted physicians in this State,
and also in Canada, without relief. At your
recommendation sbo commoncoa tho uso
ot the Syrup, tho first four bottles mado but
little Improsslon, but while taking tho fifth
aho began to Improve rapidly, and now, af
ter using six of tho dollar bottles, she has
regained her strength, and Is able to do
moat of the work about the houso; and I
feel that I cannot speak too highly in praise
of tho Peruvian Strut. I havo prescribed
It to several of my patients, and havo pro
cured the sale of several dosen of It here.
You can make any use of this loiter If you
see fit, Yours very truly, H. D. Bbldikv, M.
'Its only a Cough"
has brought many to untlmoly graves.
What Is a Cough? The lungs or nronchlal
tabes hayo boon attacked by a cold; nature
sounds an alarm-boll, tolling where the dis
ease lies. Wisdom suggests "try Wwtak'h
Balsam or Wild Chkurt:" it baa ourod,
daring tbo htst half of a century, thouaauds
upon thousands of persons. As long as you
eough, tboro is danger, for tbo cough Is a
Safoty Valvo. Use 'WisTAn" and bo cored
Sold oy nil druggists.
JP. .AL. fltaxULtlx, Artist,
RaJctn, Oregon, dealer in Btoreotcopea and Btoreo
ooplc Vtowi, and Scenes of Balcm and thj nurroind
tag country. Llfs.slso Pkotograph , In India Ink, Oil
arWator Color. sell
-.?. Offlen hours from 9 a. m. to B P. m.
Willamette Nurserr.
Oswego, Olaokamas oo., Oregoa
Tho Itulluia l?ruuo,
And the best varieties of
Nut and Shade Trees,
Send for Dosoriptivo Catalogue.
Salem Flouring Mills,
CoiiKtmitly ou I2iiii1.
IJJtflieHt l?rIot in OASJS
Paid for Wheat
HDt lStf Accnt 8. P. ii. Cc
Ijilciul Tornw!
lW l'HIOKs!
Tae Oregon and California and Oregon
Central Bnllroud Companies
OPPRK their Laud for , ale upon the folhwlni; libe
rat term: One teottt of the price In cah; loterett on
the balance at the ra'.o of rerun per coot, one ycai
after tale; and each following year one tenth ofthf
principal and Intereit on the balance at the rate ol
wven per cent per anna o. llolh prisclpal and Inter
art payable in U. H. Cnrrmcj.
A discount of tea per cent will he allows J fur caih
r Letters to be addratted to I. HCilULZE, Laa
attest O. A C. It. It.. Portland. Orccon.
NOTARY PUBLIC. Heal B'tate Aseat.
and Collector ofClalaas. will promptlt at
tend to in bn-nt entratted to bia care. MAKING
roet 0ce, T !" wnrtTI, Or.
bLibbbbbbbbbK aaaae aaa
aaHMaVatiafeaaaBairfir (ataialaaV
The Confsrenco at Seattle adjourned on
Monday evening. Following are tho names
of Ministers and stations to which they havo
been assigned for tho coming Conforonco
P. M. Starr, Presiding Eldor.
O. V. Anthony, Taylor street, Portland.
F P Tower, Salem.
a Laubach, East Portland Circuit.
W D Nichols, Oregon City.
JohnFlInn, CloHr Creek.
C Aldorson, Hock Croek and flewell
D L Spaulding, Jeflerson,
J T Wolfe, Albany.
N Clark, Sbedd.
J W Miller, Dallas.
T Ii Jonos, Sheridan.
N Doane, MoMlnnvlllo.
T L Sails, Dayton.
8 8 Vandorsnl, Forest Qroro.
William Dutt.tUlllsboro and East Tualatin
A C Fatrohlld, Presiding Eldor.
I Dillon, Seattle.
A Atwood, Olympla.
M Judy, Tacoma. ,
John Parsons, PortTownsend.
Thomas Maglil, Whldby Island.
O Dorrlok, Skagit. '
Thos Goodpasture, Whatcom (supplied)
BJBbarpwblteRlver. rv '
J H Allyn, Chebalis.
W I Cosper, Mound Pralrlo.
J Matthew, Oowllta.
A K Jedklns, Dunglnees.
N A Starr, Oysterville.
F Elliott. Astoria.
T M Reese, Lowls Rlvor.
O Day, Vancouver.
h u Kri, Powell's Valley,
J II Aoton, East Portland.
, Powell's Valley, (supplied.)
J 8 McCain, Presiding Eldor.
J F DeVore, Eugene City.
I D Driver, Brownsville.
II Patterson, Corvallls.
II C Jenkins, Monroe.
Springfield and Creswell, supplied by A.
Drlvor, and nno to be supplied.
Sllelz Mission, TF Royal.
Empire Cltv, J O MoOormtck.
Wilbur, J Howard.
Roseburcr, soppllod by D A CrowelL
Grant's Pass, O U Hosle.
Jaoksonvlllo, W Uurlburt.
It M Nickorson, Presiding Elder.
Ij M Nlokorson, Klamath.
Goose Lake to be supplied.
G W Roork, Yalnax. ,
J II Rsork, IijBkvllle.
Silver Itake to be supplied.
Thoro had never been a Teachers' Institute
hold lu thoSocond Judlolal District previous
to that organized by Dr. L. L. Rowland,
State Superintendent, Aug. 30, atSnowdou
Springs. lie was determlnod to at least lay
tbo foundation for future work and has dono
so most Nuoooiwriilly. Tho Instltuto was In
session morning, altornoon and evening, and
tho day was passod pleasantly and profitably,
lion. Josso Apploitato was Prosldonl: Miss
Marian Clark, of Roseburg, Vioo Prosidont;
Mr. IlandsakorofGosbon. Uno county ,Soo
rotary. F. II. Grubbs, of Wilbur, who has
many frionds in Salom, his old rosldnnco,
and Mr. Watklns, of Oakland, late County
Superintendent Sobools, Douglas county,
and aomo others wero appointed an Eiecu
tlvo Committee Tho persons above named,
as woll as otbors not residents of the district,
took part In the oxerclsos. From abroad
wero Dr. II. tlarvoy, tho soleutlst, who took
up, vory ably, tho Hubjoot or "The Correla
tion or Forces," whloh ho handled at length
in an Interesting manner. Dr. Payton was
thoro with his microscope, and favored thoeo
present with boautllul Illustrations and ex
periments, beat of which was tho circulation
ofbloodlna living frog's foot. Dr. Row
land was happy as usual and oxorolsod tbo
tact for whloh ho Is oo ronowned, Prof.
Marsh, of Forest Grove, took part In the dis
mission or many tonics and Mr. Clarke and
his daughter. Miss llattlo Clarko, wore also
present. Quito a number oftho neighboring
citizens helped to fill tbo handsome parlors
of tho Yoneolla House, whloh wore kindly
thrown open for tbooocaslon.
Good music was furnished by tho ladles;
Mrs. Yeaton being proficient, and ably as
sisted by bor lltllo daughtor. Lnln, Miss
ItoNsle Payton nnd Miss lUttio 1). Clarko.
Tbo prosenco and kindly Intontof Josso
Applogato whh a very pleasant feature. The
"Ssko of Yoneolla" llvos in a "groon old
ago" and an honored ono,
It Is Intended to hold anothor Instltuto at
Bnowden, July 2J, 1878, to whloh tlmo there
an adjournment. After two days session it
will olcto with a Nation's Birthday. The ora
tion to bo delivered by some woll known olt
Ison on homo ubjoot klndrod to the ouno of
education. Snowdon Is very well adaptod
to such an occasion and If tho matter is well
worked up In DoupUs and Lano counties It
ought to booomo popular and result In a
great success.
Articles of Incorporation.
ArllolcHofinoorporatlnn were filed this af
ternoon, Incorporating tho Nonimrlel Gold
and Stlvor raining company. Tbo incorpo
ratora aro, J. W. Crawford, F. O. Palno and
IlHrrUon Smith, nnd tho capital stock was
placttdnt (200,000, at f 100 per share. This
mluo Is Mtumed on tbo North fork of tho
Santlamandjuit abovo tho Capital mlno.
Tho company havo already aunkashaftof
Home fifty feet and havo excellont prospeot.
A contract Is about to be lot for tho Hlnklng
the sliatt fromo tllty feet more. Tha company
have a meeting this evening at Di. Palno'n
ofllco lortbopurpohoofolootlng five diroo
toia. Efforts MaltiuK for tbo Fair.
K. M. iValto, the enorRetloSooreiary oftho
State Agricultural Society, informs ih that
hoiismiiHiled slnco Auiiust 15th, two bun
dled and thirty letters and postalcardt;, eluht
hundred posters, beNldes eircularH, etc. This
Hhows tbo ftrorts belnt; made lor tlwHucco.su
(if tho grtat Auuunl Ksbiblllon of 1877. Mr.
Walt,) estimates tho revenuo from the com
Inir VMr if tho weather hhould prove ftvor-
blt, at Twenty Jive thousand dollars. From
the prottxnt outlook every tiling prnmUet
iuccod lor tuo oesi j'air ever in urexon.
Her Firat Trip.
Captain Cochran's now Meamer,tho "A. A.
MeCully," arrived on her first trip to tho
Capital city, yesterdiy, Just before noon,
with her colorn llylug. Nhn remained about
an hour at the Farmers' wharf, helntr visited
r.v many of our altlzsns who coiiipllmouted
Csptain Cochran Uxin the neat appevrauce
fif hln oralt. Tho hteamer thou lbfl lor Wheat
land whero she bad a full o.rgo engagod for
tho mo'.ropollH.
Arrested for Garabliae.
Ofllcors J, A. Baker aud John W. Minto,
arreited, upon the complaint of II. D. Wag
ner and others, aomo Chinamen last even
ing, at one of the Btafo street wash houses,
for violating tbe gambling law. The cause
la pendlt g before IUcordsr C. W. Bowie as
we go to press; Geo. H. Burnett, Prosecuting
Attorney, aud J. J, Shaw, Attorney lor the
Chloago. 8ept. fi The Times London social
savs tho battle of Plevna hnd a soothing
effect upon tho Greeks. Before thatoyont
thoywero pushing their preparations for
war with commondablooolorlty, Since that,
although their preparations for war continue,
they aro proiocutinn them with great delib
eration. Whethortboy will hereaftor aocel
cratoor retard thorn, will dopend wholly
upon tho result of tho next heavy battle bo
tweon the Russians and Turks.
Tho Servians aro also very much less hur
ried than Immediately after Gourkn crossed
tho Balkans. It scorns. qulto certain If the
Turks do not beat tho Russians within tbo
noxt week or Ion days their opportunity will
Havo passed. At tho end of that tlmo tho
itusslans will have rccolvod their reinforce
ments and will bo ready, If over, to crush
out tholr opponents.
If the Russians do not vory soon secure a
defeat of tuo Turks there aro excellont rea
sons for believing that they novor will, The
flnanolal condition of Russia alone almost
precludos tho Idea of anothor yoar's cam
paign. Tho Roumanian forces aro disgusted
at being forced to cross the Danube. They
ox peeled when organized to remain on the
defensive They aro badly armod and pro
visioned, greatly demoralized aud hated by
the Turks, who will not tako any prisoners.
Mehemet, advancing from the captured
positions on the Lom, is fortifying llko Hal
feck titer Shlloh.
There Is a conformation or the abandon
ment or the siege or Schtpka by Snlolman,
A telogram rrora Bucharest says It Is roared
tho Turks are about to send a force north of
tho Danube. There aro rumors of hoavy
Hunting on tho right wing of Osruan's foroos,
resulting In a substantial Russian success.
Constantinople, Sopt, 6. Ahmod Pasha
yesterday repulsed tbo Russians' attack at
Kadikol, near Rutaohtiok. The Russians
lost 1,000 men. The Turks have obtained
still further command of tho Gabrova road
toSchlpka pass. Cannonading was going
on botween hostile batteries In tho pass.
London Sept. C A correspondent at Sohlp
ka pass says the Rusilsns havo mado a flno
road up tbo pass for tho passage or a large
army. In Roumelta new bridges and othor
Improvements on tho road are still being
Chicago, Sept. 0. Tbe Times' London
apeolalsavs London was never ooxoitod
sinoo tho Rnsatana crossed the Danube. Tho
oity Is Inundated with rumors of battlos In
overy direction of the most sanguinary char
acter, all asserting Russian successes. Only
offlolal reports can bring order out or the
bloody chaos or events between the Danubo
and tbe Balkans. Plevna was oarrlod by
storm after repeated desperate assaults and
Indosorlbablo carnage. Thedofoat or Me
hemet and tho uttor roulo or the Turks out
side ot tbo Shumla Rnstohuk line aro among
tho many contradictory and Imperfect re
ports from the soenoof operations. Tho oo
curronoe of tbo ovents and tbo immlnenoo of
otbors ol equal importanoo la tbooxousofor
ronewod domands by the English press for
putting an end to the war. Tho war has
boon so bloody, Inflicting such enormous
damago and suffering, and which, If con
tinued another yoar, will bo sure to ruin one
or both bolllgorents and drag other Europe
an nations into It, that It ought to bo ended
without further saorltloo. It la not British
Interests that are endangorod by the proba
ble Russian suoooues, but tbo war should
bo onded for tho sako of humanity. Frantic
appoala to tbla effect form tbo burdou of tbe
most Turkophilo Journals.
London, Sopt. 6. The Russian success at
Lovatz makes O-tman Pasha have a hostile
force on both flanks. Either dofoat at Plovna
or attempted withdrawal may result in tho
destruction of his army unless tho Russians
are compelled to weaken their foroos on that
sldo to oneok Mebomet All's advanoe from
Rasgrad. The latter seoma to plaoe tho euro
witch's army In a position very similar to
Osman Pasha's, If Turkish accounts may be
trusted. A Turkish roroe has orosserfthe
Loin and reached tbe neighborhood of Obor
tine, whllo another force has crossed the
Kara Lom to Patomarka. These foroos are
understood to bo operating against Glela,
but they Jeopardise the wbolo Russian cam
paign oast ofthe Yantra as woll as commu
nications with Tlrnova.
Ruoharost, Sept. 0. An Important engage
ment took placo noar Rustohuk yostorday
morning. Soon afterward tbo ltuislans be
gan tbe bo ra hard m ant or tbe city from Slo
bosln, whloh was replied to by theTurka.
Tho cannonade lasted all yostorday, and con
tinues to-day.
Tho Turks from Wlddln attempted last
night to roaoh Camporchonl, noar Kalafat,
lu boats, but wero driven back by the Rou
manian battery. Tho garrhon of Wlddln
has been rained to 8,000 men, In ooiiHtquonoo
of tbo threatening nttltudo of Sorvla.
Constantinople Sopt. 0, Mehomot All (ol
ographs to-day from Kochoka that Kyoub
Pasha's army corps whloh was divided into
two column, to day nttacked tho l'-th Rus
sian army corps which whh suportod by a
dlv Ulon, on this bonk of tho Ixm, Tho
Russians were defeated, and recrosHod the
Lain In dfeordor. They abandoned tholr
forlltled HHtion near Koohloka, losing
3,000 killed and wounded. Tho commander
of their cavalry was killed. Wo lost 200
killed aud 700 wounded.
liucharest, Sopt. Otb. A correspondent
sayx; " Peaoo Is Impossible until tho TurkH
aro completely crushed. If tbo Czar enters
Moscow after concluding nn unsatisfactory
peace, it would bo at tho point of tho bayo
net." London, Sopt, 0, Tho Ronlnns havo on
tlrtily dismantled Ardalian, which is now an
opon town. Gen. Cornoroff has withdrawn
most oi urn troopH iroin more to tno main
body of tho army, loavlug only nlno rifle
battalion In tho placo.
Btiuharest, Sept. 4, Tho army undor tho
Grund Duko Nlohnlas will resume thnoffon
slvti shortly, while tho troop under tho
Czarowltch will remain ou the defensive,
confronting Meheniot All Paiha.
.London, Hopt.4. A Vlonna correspondent
telegraphs that the Uumlan Gonnral Rlchler
hax (inured the purchaao of bulldlUK mate
rial for barracks for 21)0,000 men, nno half of
wnlun are to no erected in UiilKarla,
The Russians nfllRlallvontlmatfl their loss-
ch at Sublpka at 1,100 killed and 3,000 wound
ed. Jindon, Sept. 6 Tho Kunslan olTlolsl ao
count ol the lighting at Kadikol, near Kuatn
olmk, a.iyn that on Tuesday a Turkish forn
from Utittchuk nnd lUKrAd o-tptured Kadi
kol, apd oocupled it forn time, but wero nub
fcquently driven nut with great loss, The
GiiMilan Iohh was 30 killed and 160 wounded,
An official dispatch from Prince Merit-Husky
hys Lova a has been taken after 'ii
houm' tiKhtiug, despite its natural strength,
its hlrong fortllloatlons, and tho etubborn
reHlatauce of tho Turks.
liucharest, Sept. 6. Tho battle at Lovatz
wan commenced by the Turks, who, disqui
eted by tbo great increase or tho Rabslans
Ix-foro the town, attacked them fiercely. The
KutsUns repulsed nine sucoesslvo Turklah
aaaults, and Anally drove Ibe Turks back.
Tho struggle continued In the streets until
tbe Turks were driven out from tbe other
side or tbe town In great disorder. They re
treated, followed by Gen. Skobeloff'a caval
ry brigade, whloh had, by its gallantry,
largely contributed to the Russian sucoeas,
The slaughtor was groat, ospoolally among
tho Turks. '
Constantinople, Sept, 6, Rodlf Pasha and
Abdul Korlm Pasha, with the ox-command
ants or Scutari. Slstoyn, and Schlpka. and
ton othor officers, havo been banished to
Lemnea until tho termination of hostilities,
tho commissioners appointed to try them
being nt present ongaged in othor dutlou
connected with tbo war.
Now Yo:k, Sept. 5. Tho Horald has tho
following nn the attack on Plevna yostorday,
datodat Peredlu, Sept. 4th. al 10 p.m.:
Fighting began this morning about 10
o'clock. Tho advnnco hod bogun about 0,
but thero was considerable delay, owlug to
thelrregulnrllleaof tho ground at various,
points along tho 18 mllos of front. Tho
Turkish outposts wore encountered almost
Immediately by tbo Russian skirmish line,
but they fell back without any hesitation
after soolng that tho advance was made In
force. When tbe Turkish outposts had fall
ou back upon their main plokot tho lino of
tho Russian army was at once strengthened
and ongaged the enemy until tho main body
began to arrlvo. Tho regiments as they
came np wero Immediately formed in lino
of battle and at once becamo engaged. The
artillery Are along the entire line or the
Russian advanoe was steady and destruc
tive Tho Russian gunners by their rapid
praotico admirably covered the advanoe or
their infantry as tho latter pushod forward
seeking closer contact with the enemy. The
Turks In the meantime wero fighting stub
bornly but entirely on the defensive. Tho
fighting that onsued as soon as tbo entire
movement bad been fairly unmasked by the
Russians, was of the moat terrlflo character,
both on tho part or the Turks and their as
sailant. Almost every strategic point along
tho whole lino of operations was the scene of
desporato charges by the Russians. In near
ly ovory I nntanoo when tho Russians readi
ed tho Turkish positions they suooeeded In
carrying thorn, despito the Irregularity of
tho ground occupied by tho movement or
tholr forces. Tho Turkish positions, though
In tho main well ohoosen en hilly ground,
wore stormod with an Impetuosity that
swept tho enemy before It, though In many
Instances at heavy loss In killed and
wonnded. Tho dofenso oftho Turks was de
termined and desporato, but they were un
able to withstand tho onslaught of their op
ponenuj and wero compelled to retire sulloa
iy from position after position. Before noon
tbo Turks had been driven Into their last
lino of intronohments. Meanwhile, having
boon Informed by spies of the existence of a
by road, or sort of spur or the main thor
oughfare, between Byela and Plevna, tho
grand duke ordered a division or cavalry to
make the detour necessary to It and to at
tempt a flank movement fom the northward.
This operation la now being carried on. Aa
I wrote the last sentence a courier dashed
Into camp. He was reported to say that the
troops or the loft wing were doing grand
work before Lovata. and that the town
would certainly be taken before dark. A
stafforrloer high In rank said to me a mo
mont later, "If that be true, we shall enter
Plovna to-morrow." loan only aay that
overy thing sooms to Indicate such a result.
The oattle still oontlnnes, and from the artil
lery firing whloh I hoar off In the distance to
tho northward, It seoms probable that tho
flank movemoat has boon discovered. Up
to thomomontthecourlor departa with this
dispatch the Russians have not suffered any
serious cheok. and it seems vory probable
that tbo prophooy regarding Plovna will
prove truo.
Dundeo, Sopt. 0. Tho town oounotl voted
to ox-President Grant the rroodom or tho
London, Sept. 7. The oounoll or Aber
deen yesterday unanimously resolved to
confer the freedom or the cltv on Gea Grant.
Gen. Grant will receive the rroodom of
Wiok this evening, or Inverness to-morrow,
and of Elgin Next week,
Jt la said the pope, who la Improving In
health, has definitely resolved to restore the
Roman hloraroh In Scotland. Cardinal Man
ning will shortly go to Rome on a confiden
tial mission In that connection.
Camp Robinson, Neb., Sept. flth. Craav
Horse died at midnight. Ills people took
Ii Is body away this morning. All quiet.
Memphis, Sept. 0. The army worm Is de
vastating cotton In adjacent counties, Many
Clantera state that tho fields look aa If Are
ad awopt throngh them. I- la bolleved se
rious damage will result to crops m this vi
cinity. Now York, Sopt. 0. Win. M. Tweed to
day, before tbo committee of aldermon in
vestigating ling frauds, testified that tbo
ring formed in the board of supervisors lu
I8tt9 for passing oxoosslvo bills, cnnslstod of
Roaoh, Brlggs and hlmsolf. In 180.1, Henry
Smith wasaddod; In 1805, John Fox; In IBM,
Jamos Hay oh: and In 1809, laaao J. Oliver
and Andrew J, Blakely. Tbe last two did
not know all going on, bnt they got their
rako. In 1870 tbo board or supervisors was
abolished. The Tweed ring had nothing to
do with the supervisors' ring. The formor
was under Hoffman's administration aa
mayor, and was oomposed of witness, John
T. Hoffman, Comptroller Brennan andStroot
Commissioner Cornell. They mot only for
social and political purposes. Some of tbeso
men wont out of office, and this ring then
bcoamo cotnposod of A, Oakey.Uall, Comp
troller Connolly. Street Commissioner Mc-
iean and nimseir. Adjourned to Wednes
day next.
Salt Lake, Sopt. 0. A mooting or apostles
was held to-day, Dan lol II. Wolls and John
W.Young, counselors to Brlgbam, being
present, to tako stops for tho future manage
ment oftho Mormon Church. It was ar
ranged that tho quorum of apostles Is noxt
In ordor to the president to assumo oontrol
of the church, Wolls and John W.Young
acquiescing, Tbo mooting wasamloablnand
tho urranKuments satisfactory to all present,
and doubtless will bo so to the Mormons
generally. John Taylor, tho first of tho
aportleH, Is virtually the head of tho Mor
mon Church, A committee was appointed
In manage tbo finauolal affairs until Ootobor
0th, when tlio Komi-annual church confer
ence will bo held und a trust) elcctod. Two
of tho twelve apostles. Oron Pratt and
Joseph F. Smith, are In Europo, but will re
turn to Utah Immcdlatoly.
Minneapolis, Sent. 5. Tho convention of
the htaUi green hack party to-day nominated
Win, Ij. Ilaunlng for governor. Wm.
Melgher for Lt, -Governor. Tho working
meu In the evening joined In convention
with the grnenbarker and the whole con
vention iidop'oJ tint abovo ticket,
Han Franolxoo, Hoot. 6. Returns from
Downlevlile, Forest City, Sierra City, Alle
gheny and six outside preclncta In Sierra
county Klvn Turner, Republican neiutor, 195
uisjoriiy. llylngton, Democrat, fur assembly
20 maorlty.
In Ssorainonto enunty, four county pre
cliiolH ulve Traoy, Republican senator, 3D
majority. Average majority for Republi
can assemblymen 30. County tlnket mixed,
San Francisco Hopt. 6. A Han Diego proas
d It-patch nays tho HHcretary of La Fronton-,
Lower California, and Pedro Badlllo, who
only a few hours ago escaped to this side of
the line by bard riding, report the whole
frontier In a state of revolution. A party or
U) mounted men, armed to tbe teeth, rode to
Badlllo'a ranch, where the secretary was
staying. An Indian boy gave tbe alarm, and
tbey barely escaped with their lives laloom
log directly to Ben DUfo. Theefleotof this
"' " ""-iTnimiMim
is feared for the Elliott boys, who have
not yet been delivered aorosa the line, bat
wore expeoted to be on tholr way about thia
tlmo. . . . .
Eureka, Sopt. 5. Tho coronor'a Inquest to
day, on the dead road agent, rully Identified
him as A. J. DavIs tho noted highwayman
and stago robbor, and lo3tler of the gang that
plundorod tho O. P. express .train at Verdi la
Vlclorla, Sopt. 5.--Tho bark Prince Rnport.
with 20,000 cases of canned salmon, . cleared
for London to-day.
DIspatohoH from San Franolsoo indicate
that the Democrats bavo olooted enough
members to tho Legislature, together with
the hold-ovor senators, to give them a ma
jority in that body, tints socurlng to them a
U. 8. Senator to succeed Sargont.
Bryant, Dem., Is elected Mayor of San
The Washington County Fair will be held
at the Fair grounds noar Illltsboro on. tho
li5tb, 26th, 27th , and 28th of Soptember. "
The following are tho officers ortheBoolety:
Presdont, Robert Imbrlo; Secretary, W. D.
Ptttengor; Treasurer, A. Luelllngt Directors,
noDort imone, w. u. jaoxaon, w. u. ooog-
in, . j. Htott. a. ijuotting, w. u, nuengor,
m. iioeves uen uornonus.
The following are tho Superintendents of
the different classes! Class 1, homes, T. L.
MoEldowny; olaas 2. speed and bottom, Geo.
Thomas; class 8, cattle, Wm. Reeves; olaaa
4, sheep, John Shuto; clasa 6, swine and
fowls, H. Wooley; olaaa 6, grains, aeeda and
vegetables, C.W. Pnrdln; class 7, fruits J. R.
Porter; olaaa 8, flowers, Mrs. Sarah Lenox;
olaaa 9. dairy aad house work, J. D, Rowoll.
class 10, mechanical department, Edward
Buxton; olaaa 11, shooting, I. Butler.
The following lathe order ot exercises to
be obsorvod during tho oontlnuenoe of the
1 o'clock r. m . Fastest running horse
mare or gelding or a mile and re
peat froo for all; ontranoe ffi; 1st,
60; 2d, entrance money.
3 o'olook r. m. Best walking hone,
mare or gelding flO 6
2:90 o'oloek r. M, Beat aaddle hone. II
Arranging artloloa for exhibition
1 o'olook p. m. Fastest ' running
horse, mare or geldlngH aalle
and repeat, free for all; entranoe
140 pot m
2 o'oloek r. m. Best trotting horse,
man or gelding, 3 years old, mile
and repeat; sweepstakes; entranoe
$6, added to purae; puree &
2:30 o'olook p. K.Trlal or draft
horses IB 5
3 o'olook p. m. Trial of buggy
heraos It S
A, m. Examination or stock
I o'olook p. m. Fastest running
horse, mare or gelding, S years old;
mlln and ropoat: entranoe, 39 I1&0 76
2:30 o'olook p. m. Best trotting horse,
mate, or gelding; mllo and repeat;
aweepttakos; entrance S3; purso... 04
3:30 o'olook p. m. Best span carriage
homos 10 5
' " Plowing by boy un
dor 15 10 S
" " Slnglo carriage horse 9K
" " Shooting
II o'olook A. M. Reading list of
1 o'olook p. at. Fastest running '
colt, 2 years old, i or a mite;
entranoe 10 f'200 1M ft
1:30 o'oloek p. m. Best trotting
horse, mare or gelding, best
in 5, free for all; sweepstakes;
entranoe f&0, added to purae;
puree A &
Sometime slnoa wo mentioned tbo iw.it of a
crtay man having called upon Governor
Chadwlok and notified blm (bat aa he had
made this world aud all things therein, he
would like some rovonuo from that part of
his property known as Oregon. The Gover
nor being busy Just then could not respond
to his visitor's wanlH. Thereupon ho went
to Portland and Indltod tho loiter given be
low to his Exoellenoy.
About n wook slnao ho returned and la
stopping at tho Chomekota, Ho seoms quiet
and perfectly harmless, and ovory day Just
at noon steps up to tho hotel office and pays
ono day's board In udvanco, stating at the
tlmo that ho was unablo to get away, not
having oomploted his business as expootod.
Wo print tho letter abovo referred to ver
batim etllteratum. Horoltts:
Dkaii But I called on you a Monday at
The Capitol And did not get your Attention
but a few momenta I apoko or Land And
State Fare Monoy which is Due mo as I
Hald at tbeTime for that Which I mentioned
Moiling the Makor or tbo Globes and tbe
suns which Furnishes tho Inhabitant with
Light tbe moons for health and light by
Knight as welt as tho first man and, woman
Adam aud Eve which Is spoken or in the
Scripture Old aud Now Testament and tbe
Anamlal neoesaary for tholr support which
we Now Possess I First oame out of tbe Air
High Up in the heaven and soon After
Joluod by aomo twenty or thirty others who
oamo Into Life aud action as I Did wo were
Wingod Angels and prepared a Heaven
whloh as You rovl of In the lllhlo wherein
tbo Ddvil Unboiled Aualnst God Mo llulng
said being and the Devil in lokudAnuel who
was Hilton By Satan the Surpuut Tills had
happened man and Hie Good Angels Cast
tho Devil and Sitaa nut of heuvoii und wo
then mado those planets whloh lire now largo
Globes wo were h week Mnklng them
Druwlng tho CUy Together Out Of
HyaUun After This wo Com down aud
mado Adam and JCyo And Animals
Fowls and went Up to Heaven and gone
one hundred years after oamo down the earth
and changed from auicels and entered tho
buosomsof tho Inhabitants anil wero thea
born out tbolr Children as wo given up wore
tbo wise men and wroto thnan snrlpturnu liv
ed and died nnd panted up to hnavon find am
horn out of the haiijo way ugtln I walkod
from California to OreKim last Hpring ovor
tho mountains homo 8 hundred miles tbey
took all my laud and houses und buru( my
mother und slater to death for testifying to
to my statements about our creation I built a
numhiirof lluurlng iiii'lsaml cIiiucIh-h and
other buildings in California mid Oregon a
number of yuars ago at InvarMhly u-ivlug tho
profits coined by evil mu ilm Oregon oltty
mill was built by mo und and another on tho
Columbia and taken fiom inn it litarw now
Inspection what ovor to 'evusn luouHUlIloent
of money to kow to California ou tho boat
truo I havo a week arm from a pavuge out ou
tho nuokles and being now nomo-10 yeare old
am not able to do no work on ai-ooiiutof iui
weaknoas Pleasu collect and send by Wells
fc Fargo as muoh aa will tako mo back as
for people who are In good circumstances
will not revuse me for nothing but the truth
has bin wrlUen Auk 22 1877
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