Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 07, 1877, Page 8, Image 8

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p H
A. BBl
r i .
i. 4
IHoving Sheep to Eastern Oregon.
Ed, Kahmiih: Soma tinio ngo I jravolbo
n adorn of your paper tho bonoilt, or bore
dom, of somo of (ho Improsslons and obsor
YHllnns "of 'lASaloinllo Abroad." That was
a flint visit lo tlioland of bunch tfrass, 1 may
ny, for, (liotifrli Icrosnotl tho tilnlns in 1811,
owing In thn facta Hint heavy Iokh hung over
tho Qrnnd Itond nnd Umatilla vulloyc, that
Pal), ri I crossed ovor thorn, und tlio emi
grant roiito tlion following tho ctorllo sagu
and Hand bulto of tho Lou or Columbia, I
had llttlo trtto ldoa of tho interior of tho lat
tor vnllny, ks n wholo. So, In tho Interest of
my son, who doilrod to try IiIh lortuno with
nhcop husbandry In that region, I wont to
" vluw tho land," nnd llndiiisc what I doom
ed oxcollont opportunities fjr hcourlng t;ood
locntlotiH, I roportod accordingly, and Hubso
quently roturnod to hIiow Jaipur Minto and
otliors Homo noted localities. Tho mult of
thoso two visits to rSastorn Oregon wan tho
purohaso of a flock of whoop In Western Or
egon, to bo taken as quickly bh posslblo
(having duo rogard to tho well-being of the
flock) across tho Cascado mountains. Tho
first consideration was to movo them bo bh to
keep thorn freo of contagious diseases scab
In particular. Tho socond was to movo thorn
o that tboy nufler tho loast Injury and get
tho groatosl boneflt from the change of cli
mate To oflnot thoso two objects wo had
eholcoof, llrst, shipping by tho O. S.N. Co.
laollltloi, Hoooud, tho Hirlow road, third, the
Lobanon road, and fourth, tho Moltonlo
rotd, Tlio.HOiHoiH, spring, summor, autumn
or wlntor. It may hooih htrango, but 1 have
hoard men who claim n great deal of oxpor
loncoudvocato driving whoop aoroos tho Cas
ta ilo mountains on tho snow, so that they
might gel tho advantage of tho very oaillest
spring grass on tho iUst sldo. Tho gonoral
Improislon Ih, thatHprlng Is tho best tlmo to
elluct tho ohnugo of climate, and other condl
tloiiH. I hid not prepared to nay tho gonoral
Judgmont Is wrong, but I bollovo It is tho
vory worst tlmo to movo a flock, whon tho
llrnt objoot Is to avoid tho scab, Men who
aro so unfortunate as to own scabby shoop
com to vie with oaoh other as to who shall
got their dlsoasod flock Into tho public thor
oughfares tho oarllost. So that, aeloot which
you will, tho chances aro greatly against get
ting a Hook of sheep from Wostern to East
ern Orogon without Its being oxposod to tho
contaminating, costly and Injurious dlsoaso
of soab, Take tho expeditious and oxcollont
facilities of tho O. S. X. Co. Thoy, I am In
forinod, wash their boats and dust them with
aulphur after o vory flock ol whoop thoy ship,
but thoy cannot do that vory well with tho
ears on tholr railroad portages, nor can they
wash nnd sulphur tho roads which loscl to
their wharves. Tako any of tho mountain
roads, and tho corrals and pasture lots, not
to say tho road ltnolf, aro Infested with tho
contagion. Tho Hook that may have JuRt
prooedod your may have dropped whoop all
tho way across tho mountains, and whether
you will or not, thoso strays will got Into
your flock. You may and ought to bo
watchful, and as thoro Is no adequato law to
protoct you, you must bo your own Judgo us
to whether you wilt lot them remain In tho
flock. If thoro is reason to bollovo thoy aro
diseased, I think tho flock owner to whom
thoy come under mioli circumstances, should
hoot them down and movo thorn off tho lino
of travel, That Is tho host way I can think
of to dUvoso of snoop dropped out of scabbed
Aur taking a vlow of tho entire situation,
it was decided to wait tho dull houhoii of
travel across the mountains, and thon tako
tho Hook ovor via tho Lebanon road. Tho
movement of tho sheep was commenced tho
first or August, and tho flock wan taken over
tho Cakcades very feiK-urhsfully, counting
fourteen head mn ut tho end than at tho be
ginning or tho Journey. Thoforco employ
ed was two grown men and throolKtys. Tho
flock consisted of oonddernbly ovor 1,000
head, young and old. An Indication of tho
skill In drh Ing acquired by early training, I
will way that Jasper, Douglas, und Harry
Mluto took tho flock up and ovor Seven nillti
or Iron mountain, Willis lirowu and Prlnco
ltynunt having gone back In wouroh of a few
ttheep left ut tho Toot of tho mountain,
Mhoro wo hud Injudiciously wtoppud for
broikf.tit. This Is by Inr tho mo.t formld
ablodrUoon tho road and tho I lock of 1,1)00
which preceded us, with ten men driving,
lost 100 luud on tho saiun drive, Talking
with a gentleman connected with tho road on
this subject or skill In driving, I received
information that until to Mnnr Inn Mispl
clous thvt hud prut lutikly entered my mind,
uatuely: that thoro Is llltoly to gro up it
system of sluop catching, or bliwp utoaliug,
In connection with drh lug uvtotn tlioCaa
oadiH. Tho gentleman aboo tdludod to
till! mooiiooxpliiiiUloii of tho Icm of tho
100 mi Seven M lie hill was thai two of tho
driver gao out cause, ho believes, too
much w hiokoy, Another otus.i, he h id km
on to believe, was one of tho driver, who
claim i to boaud hires himself out as nn ox
pert driver, Is In iho habit of dropping
fcheepotit of the Hock purpotuly, ami return
ing, collects theui as Htragltrs and Delia
tin m. This man, ho Itiformod mo, was
helping Mr. Saltuiash, vho piece dud us
about ten days, and as wo pathod, a fellow
luiuo to iih Inquiring fri .sheep branded w Ith
tho llguro b, (tho totter S w as tho luEcutlou of
Iho brand) ami ollerlug, whon he touud wo
had nohlieepot tint brand, to foil u oiue.
Tho lei low should bo watched, mid the
brand 'S. IV (State t'rlaon) put on him if ho
WoMight. 1 learned from l.afaetto Will
lams, whom 1 mot at Upper Soda, that there
vero many shmip In tho mountain, In that
vicinity, gathered in small lotsaiul rooming
ly milking their way across tho niouulaliis
to tho Wlllametto alley. 1 found tho In
dians on tho llAbt atilo were beginning to
pay ntieutlou to dropptsl sheop, and front
young Mr. Taylor, who Wat Upper Soda, I
'le-irnod tho bear In that icgtou aro bug lulling
to prey upon sheep. Ho was dressing the
skin of ono he had Just killed, as I came by,
tho stomach of which ho found to bo weli
II nod with sheep's wool,
Iloforo concluding this, peahaps, too loug
paper, it might bo worth whlloto say for tho
Information of thoso who liavo not yet takon
but mny tnko, shcop oyor this routo, that a
wlso policy to pursue would bo to drlvo slow
from Lebanon to tho foot of tho mountains,
a dlstanco of forty-six miles, and as fast bs
tho Hhcop can bo kopt together, up tho Seven
Mllo and Nino Milo mountain; thoso aro tho
trying drives. From tho top of tho former
to tho footof tho lattor nt Fish Lako is eight
miles, not bid travollng, nnd down hill most
of tho way, but it is ono peculiarity of tho
Lobanon rond. that by tho necosslty of pass
lug tho impediments which havo to bo over
come, tho engineers havo often had to go up
hill In order to go down again. I do not say
this as speaking against olthor tho construc
tors or prosont owners of the road. Tho for
mor earned a good land subsidy by construc
ting a good road through such a region, and
tho lattor, If Inclined to maintain his fran
chise, has plonty of fault-finding to contend
against; somo of It from settlers along the
lino of road, who havo found out that muoh
of tho way up to tho foot of tho mountains
proper, thoro is ground for a more level, and
oven suortor road. These do not seem to ro
lled that tho franchise cannot be moved on
to now ground now, and remain yalld, con
sequently thoy are contending for what can
not bo ofToctod. Hut, as I am asked almost
ovory day my opinion of tho north Santlam
routo as compared with this, 1 will say no
more about it at prosout. J. Minto.
I. S. My position on tho above trio was
man of all work, mostly assisting my wlfo,
who wont In theory as an invalid, but who
drovo tho toam hauling tho corral, camp
oqulpage. ifcc, most of tho way, whllo I kopt
up three looso colls, tho camp cow, and nut
my hand to tho wheel in baJ places. Wo
both had somo now experiences,
Undor n mtsuudorstandlng of tho inten
tions of Mr. Mart. V. Drown, wo notified all
porsons not to purchaso a uoto given him by
lib for tho purohase of tho Cultivator. We
now havo a satisfactory understanding with
Mr. Drown that the note has not beon on tho
markot, and is not to bo on tho market pre
vious to maturity. We woro ourselves part
ly to blamo for the misunderstanding that
has occurred belwoon us, and which no
longor exist. Claiikk fc Cuaiq,
Salom, Or., Aug. 21, 1877.
Hyrttt'at XjIXo Balaam.
As n conquoror of Ithoumatism. Gout, Neu
ralgia, and cure lor Scrofula and all dlsoaaos
arising from Impurity of blood, tho old and
roiiamo I'umuy itiouicine, 1 1 yawn i.ijt Hal
mm, stands uncqualod, an proyen by over
300,000 great euros during the past 30 years.
Is a radical vogotablo Compound of Sarsapa
rillu, Dock. Gualacum, Ac, and a permanent
euro. Sold by nil druggists and country
grocers. Tnko nothing olso, nnd If thoy
haven't It wo solid by oxprets, boxod, ovory
where, at ?l nnd $1.25 per bottlo; f 5,00 and
SU.G0 hairdoz. Hyatt A Hyatt, '210 Grand
St., Now York.
The Wheat Market.
Thoro la tuoro aotlvlty and a firmer tone to
the whoat market. Quotations at San Fran
olaco and 1'ortland havo advanced some
what, porhapsduo to a weakonlng of freight
nnd competition for cargoes and no doubt
somnwhtit from tho bad nows concerning
tho English harvests, which aro being
damaged by continued storms.
At this point whoat oontluuoH to rule at
ono dollar por buMiel, the same as for weeks
past, but of Into our Salem buyers havo beon
a trifle nbovo tho Portland market. One
dollar por bushol, with 6 con la storage, 0
cents sacks, and VA couts freights Is equal
to $I.07Jf or cental at Portland tho highest
llguro paid thoro fl,07 cents per cental Is
1.09J por bushol, which Is Just what tho
nbovo foots up.
Our renders must understand that when
wo quote Iho price lit Salem, per bushol, wo
rofer to wheat alone, untucked, ruu through
the oloanor and iKiured Into tho bin direct
from tho wagon. Portland quotations, pir
cental, rofer to wheat sacked, und delivered
there, which of courso Includes charge for
storage and freight.
Tho condition of tho murkot may bo con
sider! d homewhat improved mid this Im
provement, or fttcadines of tho market, it Is
thought will continue through tho preMM
mouth. Thoso who aro getting ono dollar
ler bushol havo n safe thing and quite an
uiuouut of whoat is changing hands at that
llguro. W. J. Herrni Informs us that ho
has takon In atxiut (10 ,000 bushels at the Far
mers' WarohmiNK, that he has bought M.OOO
of It to All ordeia, mid that over i!3,000 hiuli.
els has u! ready beon shipped down the river,
Mr. Kinney, ut Salom Mills, Informs us that
ho has tHkou in about (S0,(K.H) bushels. It
will bo stoii thntn largo amount cf when
has all end y loon hauled to market, and tho
proportion Is probibly us largo oluowhero us
All things considered tho prom?i IooKh
somewhat more rellablo for tho maintain
hiico of prices than a week ngo. It Is not
pmbab'.othatHiiy Immediate rrnotlou will
occur. Wo llud that maiiy aro deposing ol
their whoU on tho prlnulpln that iv good
price It n safe thing. If tho prion holds up
it w 111 U) a golden sea-on for our tanner
whoMUun to bo reaming a libural degree of
prosperity nil over tho laud,
European Grain Market
LoNnoN, Sopt. 3. TIio .df-Hcn Ultra f Gu
:tto says; Wo huvo n.turns troiii Yorkshire
mut Linrolushlro, from Norfolk, Sutlolk,
Cambridgo, ItiHlfonUhlro, from Kont.Sui.
Hex, llartawlUtauel IKret, mid from Slier
wltlro, Staflordslilrn nuel lanoMiIro sen irate
ly, and returns thus rout lu separato lots do
nothing whatnvo; to diminish tho gloomy
ohir cterortho prospoot. In Hrat of tho'.o
groups of 31 wheat renorts, 'Jl aro below
uvenigo aiul only ono Hbeivt'. Of 30 barlev
reports, 15 are average uml II umler. Of
' oat roHirts, 17 are average und only two
over. In tho eastern county group, of 41
wheat reports, as aro under average. Ot3)
oat reports, Ut am average, 0 over audi)
under, In the southern county group, of 33
wheat reports. 0 aro average mid ull tho rest
under. Of 35 barley reports, !2i are average
aud 0 under. Of 3t3 ou oaU, 10 are average,
8 over, 11 under. In the wesfern county
group, or 10 wheat reports, 12 are under
nvorago. Of 17 barley, 8 are under nvorago.
O118oatn,0nre under average, 10 overage
and 2 over.
Tho Salem Markets.
Salem market quotations for country pro
duce bought of farmcrjaro as follows:
Hay ?12 por ton; ipple? 40 to 50 cent;
penrs "Go to fjl; potatoes 4 to 50 cent; plums
7o3 to 51 per bushol. Ejigs 25 cents por doz ;
butter 25 cents per lb. tod Mimethlng higher
for choice rolls.
GrocoilesHnd provhlons remnm as for
weeks past; sugars hold their own at the
sjuiohlgh figures horftoforo.
Oats. Thoro Is a large jleld of oats nil
through this vnllov. and a large area bus
,boen (-owed to oats the present eea'on. Wo
hear of 45 cents por bushel bolng offered for
largo lots. There will he a large surplus and
wo may look for an active domand from Cal
ifornia through the entire season as the
drouth has seriously alluded the feed sup
ply of that Stato. Thoro will bo an active
domand from Oregon for San Francisco, of
oats, hay and mill feed.
Ban Francisco market.
San Francttco, Sept. 4.
Whet-8tromrj ihlpitng, H 80ffi 71X; milling,
Klour Silppln j ex'.rn t li1' 6"; bikers nnd family.
Jobb.uu 7a7 60; (np-rflnc. fttVUS SS.
Brley-$t 80 1 83.
Totatoc $1 .lol fo.
Oold-1067j Greenback, 0IK03, Silver, &26'
Albany Collegiate Institute,
uSLXve.A.3xrTxr, or.
M., Prlucipnl, and Professor of Mnthemnticg
Portland Produce Market.
Wo copy tho following from the Oregonlan
of tho 5th:
Wheat No large sales are noted; market
quiet; holders claiming f-', buyors offering
offering fl l)5al 07Jf.
Flour Best brands ffl GO nor bbl.;
outside and country brands, f() 00; fine
and superfine, 5 25a5 GO.
Hay Oboico timothy, balod, $12il3; looso
Oats Best 50c, common, 47.
Bacon SIdos llallcji, hams 12allc; shoul
ders, Oo.
Lsrd Oregon-mndo, fresh, In lOtb tins,
14o; In kogs, 13allc.
Chickens 13 OOaf 1 Zr por dozen,
Buttor 18a20c; Checso, UullJc.
Eggs 25o pr (lo..
Barloy Cholco browing 1.07J4; food, f 1.50
Wool-Dnll snlo at ,A?Ji23o,
Tho Fall Term of this SchoolwilU)cgm Montlay, Sept, 3d, 1877,
Itnv. II. W. STRATTON, A. M., President, and Professor of Montn.1 nnd
Mornl Science. .,, T
Ilnv. L. J. POWELL, A.
and Nuturnl clenr. ProfL.saor of Ancient LnnKunges.
miss CLAltA PIUCJ3, H. S., Preceptress, nnd Tencher of Fi
AIiss DOHA SALINGEK. Tencner 01 ueniiiui.
Miss NETTIE PIPEU, Teuclier of Instrumental nnd Vocal Music.
Mks. W. S. PiSTJalta, aeacnor 01 umwum uuu iuiiiiiiK.
1- '
Special attention gives to Elocntlooaty drill ana
Oratorical tralnlrg. Superior advantages offered In
this department.
Mn. JOHN A. nniGMAN. one of the bct wrlluiff
Teachers in the Htatc, hat been engaged to Rko a
thorough conrto of Instruction In tjetcmattc Pea.
manfhlp daring the f ccond term.
ArranpcmcntB have been made by which girls and
younu ladles dcflrlne to attend tho College can be
boarded either bv tho Principal or l'rofctnor Hewitt.
Every caro and attention villi bo given at to deport
ment, health, moral, etndy, etc. l'rtcu por week, In
cluding board, lodging, fuel, lights, etc., (ft 00
Albany tccmato booneofthohcalthlcit localities
In tho State. It baa thu far been comparatively free
from thoro much dreaded ecourgca Diphtheria and
Typhoid Fever.
Already a tnbcrlrtlon paper has been rtaitcd and
liberally puhtcrlbcel to pttrchare a thosrand dollar
riuiofopnicaianui;ncmicaiAppraiuiior inonencnt
nftbo i-cliool. it la connucuiiy opiiciiiino will
is euch as Is ccttircn lo tetrolsjof this grade. V
Tirmabeuln September. ad.NoTembcrlSth, Janua
ry Wth. and April 8th. Vacation of one jicck during
tho holidays. Commencement day Juno ISth, 18.8.
Visiting Cards.
Ca d with any nvni nei lir i,rlntol llicrcon
ut tonnv nelilri-r in n ncclni eif lii Ceiila.
And 4 ileout i.i ii. c. Aildrt ,
J CLtiiKK, falcm. Oriijon.
In tho Couuty Court ol tho Muti of Ore'uti for tho
County ef Marlon.
In the matter of the Ettttu of James ltlckoy, deccas
vd, Jauca M. ltlckoy, Admlntttrator.
To Henry ltlckey, Thomas II. Ittckey. James M,
iiicKey, ana an unknown ueir ri saiu ucceueni:
and i
t persons intcreitcd In said Estate.
In the namo of the Stato of Oregon :
XTOU and each of vou. are bcrebv cited and ro
X quired to ippoar ocforo the above named Court,
ai thu Court Uouto In Halem, In Mid Marion county,
at 1 o'clock p. m, on the OU) day or October, A, D.
Ib77. to then and there show cause. If anr exist, why
an order should not bo made by said Court authoriz
ing said Administrator to sell the Heal Estate of said
decedent fur thepa )ment of the administration,
cliariies and claims acalnst said Estate, as Petitioned
for by said administrator, bald reil estato It describ
ed at ioi lows to nit: a part or the Domtlon Mnd
Claim or said James Itkkey and wife, In T. 7 t. It 'i
w. aim hit 8 u. it, swi lleirlnnln at the . W,
corner or Claim 01, and the it. K. comer of Claim 61
In T 8 S. II. S V. and niiiulnir Uihucj '. 0 dcir. 15 mln,
v. 4, C) chains; thenco '. -todeg, aimtn. E. .10 ao
cuainsj inence . 4 elfg. 10 mln w, l chains
thence N,49deif. SI mln. E. 39.14 chains: thence N
71 ilty u) mln. E 0.5U chalm; thence N 6 dec an
mill. V 4.S0 chains: thence N. 43 dor. iti mln. K. .1.BO
chain: thence easterly tolntrrsect thu south Hue of
"in iiaim oi, ni a poiui a. w oeg. oj nun fc. a vi
chains from an anglo In said south lino of said claim
M; thence rt 49 de-i;, 3J mln. V. M W chains to the
iiiaceof beglnniuir, containing alout S) acres And
that son Ice rtkt citation be made on non-resident
helrt by publication of thu same In the Willamette
Kaiimkh, a weekly uvwspaper published at a!em.
Oregon, once a week for lour weekt puctessivvly next
I'lviiuiui; rniu ,1111 ii u I'Lliiuvr, 10, ,,
-N f
Salem, btpl. -I. lefTT.
1'EEIILtb, County Judce,
In the imtterof the Ouardlaushlp of Eduard Dou
lllot ane Alfred Uoulllot, minor heirs of Augustus
Doulllot, deceased
NOW. on this day. September 4. A. I). 1S77, came
I O. bill livan, Kiiael!au or raid minor heirs,
nnd presented hit petition prnjliu- for an order to sell
the rial enttu of said minors In .Marlon contt), Ur
i iron, elitcrlbeil In his vnld petition, and It appearing
to the satl.ractlon nf thu Court thlt It Is iiecetrar
and for the hot Interest eift Iih ik mluois that th
sn'd real oftatu should bj sold, te Is t erebv ordered
aid decreed that thu next of kin ot raid u'ards, and
all erron liiteresteel lu slid eit itv, nppnir before
meat tho Court House In the ell) of sa em. in Marloi
roiintj.UuDiu, oil the-iiih ill) eifOctoKr, IsTT.at tho
hour nf 4 o'clock p ui and show eatin, if t,m lh
imie, ith) allctiin'thniilt not be emu Hit lor Iho mil
of said ertate. r-erMce of thl onKr shall bo inseleb)
publlcailou iu the Wiliaxlttk FAitMtn for threi
wit' ucce.ilul) befoto raid tfi ela of October,
A. 1) IsTl JOHN O 1'cEHLEs,
Count) Judje Mirlou Ce Ore.'on
Silem Sept I it:?.. aiu.l
XoMcetU lierelygeu tluil w
l.oilrik nr AillulnUlriitlon uixiii iho estieio of
Unreinkou cut
l luetic llitt Kvr elecni-il. lVr n il i Inv'el illiic
......., ,, iniuu ill fll'DI'lll llltlll iuikiuuv
pn ciuti the I.hw Oilleti nf Ijvon A (.'iitltiii.
ms Ue in, within hlx iiiiiiiih-iKiiu tola Onto nnd
ltrousowlus tue eiiito-l I nihki 'iiiUHilhite
l'U)ineut. HXTIII-'M liowiCEft,
Ait.' i)thh7; Ai.,lkUtiiiiON,
or acrlcultuml use. Frrei to anjr Aildrvu.
Orlsiiuiaranco Supply House. .
ZZMfXi Wutu.a -ire., CUICAUO, II L
send for our cr
Citalomie. It con
tains valuable Infor
matlon for t" cry
pri-Kou coutcm
plailug the pur
ehisoof anrarllcla
for personal, family
Tho Light-draught Steamer
WlU. AlE PACiriC WllAlir,
Portland, for Salem,
ard IntermcUUte Tolnts,
On Mondays, WednesJajs, and Frldajs,
At rt o'clock A. t
The L,lghtIrauKlit Stcniuer
Will make Trips to tho upper Klver.
U. B. SCOTT & 0.
. J. HATCH, General Manager. auU
Primary Department t B W
Common English ,":.
Higher Dranchca, Including Preparatory Utln
and Greek 10
Collegiate. Including Hleher Utln and Oreck.
unm-iui M.ihnmiitlr. Mental and Moral
telence 00
Mcdern Lani;na(rcs. each extra 3 tw
Instrumental Music ' J
UsoofPlano 2 S2
Commercial Department 3 w
Incidentals W
Durlne the second and third tcrma. a thoronph
course of Instruction will be given In Book-keeping
and Business forma. At a comparatively small ex
penre. student mav secure, here, what would cost
them a laree sum of money to obtain nt a commercial
roltese. It Is impossible for any ono to become a
linlshed accountant without ft thorough knowledge of
tho principles or Atlthmotic, unpiitn urammar ana
tniiMsii uomposiuon; wo, mereiorc.
recommend tho
study ol those In connection with Book-keeping,
tho amount secured by the 1st of Jannary,
Building Materials
Mycr J&a Lo-weiiMtoin's "Vui-iiIhiion,
San TTLsStzx Lime.
State Street,
Salem Oregon,
It Is prepared read)' for Immediate use, and of
It Is easy to apply.
For durability,
and It wilt
beauty, und
not crack, peel or chalk off.
brilliancy ot color It Is
For sale In any quantity by
I, w, wnTnsnroiiD.
Weatherford &
Wbnlesitle and lfetall Dialers In
Patent Medicines.
& erfumery
Etc, eto.
For Medicinal purposes.
Sffedioines Compounded, and
Prescriptions Filled.
Weatherford & Co.,
FeJU OonunereUUtmt, SALKM.
The Old Immigrant Rome
Acrons tlio Cuciuo Itloiiiilulu,
CntcU" Jlu'dnrr' B i',, Oontpr.oy,
Raniln. Tii abd). Mi lii. a liirl w'iCatc
IS.idV, ,, ', , , ,! lo-
j. 1.1U . i -,
iiroiHnn.it 1 1
lUX I 1!.' s .,
Hie ililio
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inouiiiaii... ly.
U1 K1- M'axciui, i
lie. 10:: Sh-n. c
i or ull lmIob oml comln? from orlntuMnrlcn, m
mil afhliisioii. Linn, lleulon, ai.il I'olU cOuiitUr,
thl U by Urihcbitt, iicati't. HLdchiaiurt route,
h. U. COALMAN, I'roildent.
Harvev E, Cnoie, bee. leliul
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, - eM'u-lvo ln-
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" ij Irli'jr- are mull
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'. ii i.i i I),.tiio i nr itie
ii.U 'u I'.ml id tltr ttiO
inlli. 1'ioiu fraliin, IdO mill.
fraddlit. Cue; I'nQk, xx ; cat'
NrrTi 71
Carriage & Wagon Makers,
Salem, Oregon,
Wagons, Carriages, & Buggies,
of their own make,
Manufactured of the BEST quality of Jerey nicVory.
UlTenia call, aidezamli-e our work, and judg
for youiaelrea. . , , . . , .
All kind of Repairing and Geneial Jobbing doa
at taori notice. P
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jUllllill'i mn..