Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 07, 1877, Page 7, Image 7

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TljE o$e Circle.
ConJnc'.ftl by Mine Haiti II, Cuiukh.
HALI3M. Pill HAY, SKIM'. 7. 1S77.
Building on tho Sand.
TN well to v.-no, tlt v.ill to wed,
For i-o tho world linlh ilotiti
Slucti ntjr ls rou n 11 J roin blew,
And lii"Nli j; limit m hi tin- miij.
Ku llrlVtMl C.tr. , 0 V'lUllt: utiil filr.
15 hum n 1 p -(I 1 ttii'l ;
Eo!"r . .' 3 on p 1' v- will wrnr
IV till (' "'ll t Of MI'l'M
I'ur ii i' ijiv.' o 1 1 hi ii 1 in'irl,
A w'oll hji ! 'l '"" hiid,
Yi.u'M (liul ou'vo ninyiul tho uuwL"o part
Ami "tnitlt upon l be mind."
TIm well to nave, Ms woll lo liuva
A K'xxlly Ktil.'oor Rolil,
And luilil oikiukIi or MilniriR fttulT,
Pur (,'liiirlty lcold.
Ilui ilco nut nil your hupen and trut
In w 1 1 ut (Iih deop initio OrliiKx;
Wo cannot llvu nu yllow (Hi a.
Uiiitiland wlili purur things,
And ho who pilot uj) wculih ilone,
Wilt olton Iiijvb to utaud
KpIi!(-m Hut cnH'er c)to.t, and own
'Tis "built upon tho Bind."
'Tin f:ond to speak In frlemlly iulse
And sootho w heru'or wo can I
FUr -pTjti hIiouIiI biud the human mind
And lovo link itmn lo mri".
But ntip nut at iho k-"'1 words;
Lot ilfodn wlib lnnii!" duMi;
Th nni wlirt pllltm starving hlnls,
Should miallor crumb a wnll.
Tbo moruy Ibmt N warm hii.1 true
MuM, lind u holplng hand,
Vvr iJjnsHlliatlrtlk, yot 111 In do,
But "build upon tho mud."
Woman's Influence.
Then nro inuny kinds of Influences,
and wo do not licliovo that thosp which
nro mo3t dourly perceived iu:d moa'
nudly procIlmcd an ol" ncee.i-ity tho
fragments ol dlatomueeic. ll hears ibo
greatest analogy to tho Uust previously
collected by tho professor on tho snows
of Grennlnnd, tuid desirlbcd hy him
under the nam of knlokonlto."
Tako Timo to bo'Eappy.
A tody writes for tho JPum Journal
niO't potent. However, It Is interesting
to read of Iho outer inlltionee. Wn
(111 1)1 ( tl fwu' u II inrnkt !.! ,,tl-iliri-!iiitiu frnti
Mrs. Livorrnoro's roconl u,idres ' ir hojio pointed truths on tho observance
there la anything which lionornbJvdIs-'"r which many ma And huppluc-s.
tlnguMics our Mire from the Dreced!.,!? She says: it is tho falling, uf many of
nire.i. il l tho number and m iinitude ' he buy "Marthas" of,lh(i day that
Ob Dover a word ho anwnrad
Aud uevor a word upako elif !
They lurrfd tliolr faces each from each,
Aud looked upon I bo tea.
The humla that onnnot olap for life,
Muat quickly wivored bf ,
Tbo lovo that Ih not largo onough
To live eternally.
In trueloYft'a name, for fair love's &,
Muai dl?lHforo It bloom;
for I', in all Gud'a tarth or boa von,
Tbore la no garden-room.
ThooKb all the wlno or llfn lo last,
Try well the rod itrapotf huo.
Holy tbn soul thai canuot toxta
The ftl"o lovo for tbo truo.
And blonuml ayo tbo falnllnf? heart
For buoIi a thlrnt xhall bo,
Yv'- never a word limy spoke, and looked
Upon the bitter Ma.
IKUsabtth Stuart Pktlpit.
Girl and their Treatment
From Inlolllpont phyalclana, having
extoiiHivo pnu'ttco in tins city, wo team
ifaut of tho women of Now York em
bracoil In that clana whoso clrcamctan-
eos raiso them nbovo tho necosaity of
labor, nlneteon twentieths who have
reached tho ago of thirty are flerlnualy
disoutied, nndoftholr daughtora nlno
tenthH have Irapnired health at tho ago
Bf eighteen. In thia class or Bocloty,
br tho luat ten yenra tho deaths havo
exceeded tho blrtha, so, that, ir it wero
not recruited by acccHHlona from tho
inuntrv or from tho lowr claw, it
rould disappear in a single gener-ktinn
ThlH may bo an exaggerate' sUte-
ont, ana we care nu to irwni upon
0 llgurna, nut tnero is grouuu lor
arm. Tno uiaeaaea aro cnieuy uya-
pia, nervous aflectloiiH, .spinal curv-
urea, etc. tiio niusea nro eapiiy
tnu. uuraniuciai uie, want 01 prop,
exercise, Htlmulatlng diot, emotion-
excitement. Our younir ladles feast
Itho sauiotaNoas their narenta, uning
.samo luxuries aim atimuiants.
oy onter into WH'iety ooioro iney
or Uieir teens: uiey lane nui uiiio
rclne. and UiHtKtKusnuxUcally and
ho moat injudicious kind tho oxor-
of too lower limns, wimt la rem-
Exercise in tho open air, tho use
i 1 no oroom, upuuuug wiiuui, mu
Hh-tun, wiucn wouiu uoveiope tne
aclea or tho arms anu cnest, expanu
1 lungs, and pump thu blood vigor
ly through tho veins.
ut. noxi 10 u propeny rumiiaieu
rcle, girls need a properly selcctod
1, both physical nna intcll(cturtl. It
ulu bo well to let mom Know mat
ro is adlstlnctlon botween cms and
men itnd that the fiocial enloymont,
late hours, anu tho emotional ox
raent which can be endured by tho
can not so well bo oouureu by tno
er. Ail this may no nine noeuea
w, but tho time may coma when
ngraen in search 01 wives wm doom
igroom in wio nanu 01 a uiuy more
namental than u curve on her back:
i' knowledgo of nmlhomatics bettor
nan an ucquainmnco wiin romanctvH,
md a group of healthy children more
acceptable in a nursery than a council
d eminent doctors.
FuiBNDdUir. Friendship Is tho Hol
ler of hbare, tho bond of spirits, tho
ibwoI of life, tho charm of social ontor
ourse, tho mystic chain of sympathy,
ttioso links like tho sweet influence
vfaich binds tho stars, unites us at onco
things tho meanest and most remote.
Sow exqulslto la the pleasure spring.
bc from virtuous friendship with kin
Ifed souls, from tho delights bestowed
t$ an interchange of fcentlraont, by the
Umh of wit, tho flow of reason and the
lights of imagination. At theeo do
ifflitful momnntH it Is when mind
onimunicating with kindred Mind,
infolds its hidden treasures of intellect,
inlocks the sealed fountain of passion,
Kcathetjout at ease Us warmest aspi
tlons. expands its noblost sympathy,
d spreads around with lavish hand,
b hoard of mental wealth and tsensi
Mlty which it reveals to n othei
rthly being that man may truly be
tld to enjoy the most refined and ele
cted ploasure which his nuturo is ai
resent susceptible or.
Wm. B. Ogdon, who died recently,
eftfS,O0O,0O worth of property.
or its pliil.iiithriipitH; tho geniu" of
nu'it'n eivlMxation N liuniiini. rfdia
n.s'ers fall upon any portion of the
earth hy lire, iloud or famine, the re-a
of the world iNes up (o (-end help in
never before In Its hi.Mory. Nothing
has been m marked in historv iih the
cIiui.ro in thu estimation in which wo-
ihey do not take lime enough to make
Uifusi'lves happy. In tho hurry and
ruh of overy-day duties, I hoy are In
Uiiinus and pilns taking for every
body's benefit except their own. Now
tula Is a great error and works a grat
mi-ifhlef. They wear out too boon.
They break down plisically und men-
man Is held, mid the advance In the'1 "'. and llfo becomes 11 bundle of In
advanlages offered to her. Thirl v
years ago wo had in all New England
for Iho higher education of woman only
Mount lloloko Bemlnary. Now wo
havo Boston University, giving wom
en superb advantages. Then wo havo
Smith College with tho very highest
standard nf scholarship, Wellcdey Col
lege, und other Institutions for women
only. Hut, outside of New England,
wo have tho University of Michigan at
Ann Arbor, Cornell, and In almost all
thu Western States colleges, profession
al schools are opened. Theologians
still call woman's precenco in the pul
pit sacrilege, but in every church wo al
ready find grout bands of women stim
ulating the church societies to action.
Tho Methodist Woman's Board of Mis
nions sonds missionaries to tho remo
test corners or tho earth. Women aro
carrying on the.so conservative move
ments on u scale exceedingly grand.
"Tem'porance women aro already
widely organlzod outsido or politics,
yet In .direct contact. Tho woman's
Temperance Union, In this city, num
bering 12,000 momlMjrs, is ono or 27 in
tho Union, all or which aro banded to
gether In one great National Temper
unco Uuion, whoso membership n tho
aggregate is 200,000. Tho amount or
mental training, orpolltlcul Information
of social training, Is immense These
womonarostudoulB of legislation, Inlor
ested in tho success or defeat of nubile
measures, and all this In tho growth of
a uozen yours. Tho power or Miss Wll
lard, ut tho Tabornacle, is an illustra
tion of tho work women can do.
"Yos, woman has become 11 powerl
Look at our grand women In such va
ried Holds or usefulness: Maria Mitch
oil, of Vassar College, welcomed by tho
leading astronomers till over tho world
Is a poor in scionco, wields her Influ-
onco In behalf or woman's sulforaio.
Look at Anna C. Brackett the nrlnei-
pal or tho first school Tor ladles in New
York city, who oponlyspoakanrtheold
prejudices as n nsonse; a JJr. Mary Put
man Jacobl, who won tho Bnylston
Erlzo from Harvard physicians for tho
est treatise on Dr. 13. II. Clarke's own
specialty. Theso physicians did not in
their invitation to competitors exclude
womon, and when thev had uiiitni-
mously awarded tho prico. Ignorant of
11a autnorsnip, anu tho envelope was
ononod, which rovoaled tho namo or
mo author, lol it was a woman. In tho
law, Mlas Alta Hulott, or Chicago. Tho
legal profession orthat city piiHieda res
olution nno orouJogy-upon her char
acter and career, which was no empty
compliment, but only n recognition or
ability and worth whleh, whllo she liv
ed, they had hewn glad to help and en
courage. Going west from tho Missou
ri river, tho traveler sees liitlo Indica
tion of nny Sunday, in the Now ling
land sense. In San Francisco you know
It only by tho louder noise of revelry,
the lurgor attendance at public, amuse
ments. Buttit Laramlo City they havo
11 New England Sunday, and it Is ul
moit the only place In tho far West or
which this can bo said. Tho right to
voto wafl forcod upon tho women or
Wyoming, precisely as It was forced
upon tho negroes of the South. Thorn
they were ut onco drafted nnnn hi
grand Jury. Thov said. "Our i-itv N
curseu wnniiquorsaioons, which mako
even ino naunain mucous. There Is a
Sunday law, which orders thorn closed.
iot us enforce it. Tho 'gentleman of
me jury snuu Mxstter not tho men iv
disfranchise you ir you do. They ro
Hlod: "Wo nevor ask ftir tho ballot,
and wo will do our duty. An ordi
nance has boon passed by tho men com
polling tho liquor saloons to cioso on
Sunday. Wo will onforeo It.' They
did ho, and the women stand by it still.
Let mo say before I iloso that ir ev
ery advanco ruado by woman Is it gain
rorjnan everything wo can do for tho
olovatlon or woman reacts for that of
man with ton fold force Like tho di
vine bird in the Persian fable, which
was originally male and female, tho
two natures separatod; It cannot fly;
combine the two and thoy become one;
togolher thoy cleave tho sky and soar
united to tho sun. That bird l-i humanity."
flrmities, when
nnou-day prime.
to be in its
Now hannlness enn ho mado to turn
on very littfo hinges. The world Is full
of small pleasures which skillful glean
ers can pick up If they will but observe
them. Of course our tastes vary, and
what is pleasing to 0110 might be a mat
ter of utter IndifTorcnco to another.
You 111 ight care nothing for this spray
of "spring beauties" which Ho on my
table as I write, but to mo they nrellke
an open page In tho pleasant book of my
childhood's history. I will tako a ind
incut's time to rejoi 'e in thorn, lo look
at Iho delicate (racing of ,ilnk on their
pearl-white petuN, and to recall tho old
delight I used to feel In overy vein
when tho April woods wero all carpet
ed with their blossoms. I shall bo the
happier all day for this small bouquet
my little girl has brought mo. And I
believe, too, that people are bettor for
being happier. It is so hard for unhap
py people to be good or mako other
good with whom thoy associate. Tho
worry gets into tho voice and tho
words, and thoy sound snappish and
rasping, und wo all know how that af
fects us. Did yon over pas by a house
and hear u mother scolding her child?
Did it mako you any happier or better?
What do you suppose the effect wus
upon thu child's nature?
Another mlstako Is to keep tho best
rooms shuc up in gloomy stato for
chanuo guests whllo you conclude (hat
any room is good enough for your ev
ery day use, provided It is ' handy."
Don't do it. Nobody deserves the luriro
airy front chamber m much as you
iiolody needs it so much. Mako it as
cheery und inviting us you can. Make
it cool aud shady and sweet with flow
ers all tho suininer-timo, und warm
with a nlco stove In tho winter. We
all of us nee seclusion ut times. It
makes us letter und hannlor lo rest
nlono for a little breathing space, when
ono can tako ui a book or uauor mavbe
and havo no curious eyes Khincing In
upon us. We can many of us plnn
work twice as well when all by oar
hoIvos. Hivu your one room, tho heat
you can affjrd, and its pleasant as you
can mako It. Lot It be your kingdom,
whore you rule supreme, and take up
your apples to pare there, if you like It
lietter tnan thq. hot kitchen, und ask
nobody's leave, either. Tako tlmo to
be happy and mako yourseir comfortable
Otiikr, Wohmw than Ouits. Tho
color of tho sky is said to bo duo to the
transmission of rays of light ,'through a
cloud of dust which collects above tho
earth. Professor Nordonskiold exam
ined tho snow which covered (ho Ico
bergs ns fur north ns olghtdogroes, and
found it Htrewn with a multitude ol
mlnuto black p.irllci03, spread over the
surface, or situated at tho Imttom of lit
tlo MK a firroat number of which were
soon on tho outward layer or unuw.
Many or such particles wero ol.-c
lodged in tho inferior atrata.
This dust, which becamo gray or
drying, contained a largo proportion o
metallic partlclos attracted hy the mag
net and capable of decomposing sul
phsto of copper. An observation mad
a Utile later upon other Icobergs provei
tho presence or similar dint In u Inyo
of granular cystallinn snow, situated be
neat a stratum of light frcxh, itnnthe
or hardened snow. Upon the analy.-i-this
matter was found to bo cnmrnfi
of metallic iron, phosphorus, cobalt unc
To Bkkakokf Bad IIaiiito. Un
der stand tho reason, and all tho rea
sons why tho habit is injurious. Study
thu subject uutlll there is no lingoriui;
doubt In your mind. Avoid tho places,
the persons, and the thoughts' that lead
to the temptation. Frequent the
places, associate with (ho persons, In
dulge In thoughts that load away from
temptation. Keep bu y. Idleness is
the strength if md habits. Do not
givo up the struggle when you have
broken your roM)lutIon onco, twice a
thousand times. That only shows how
much need there is for you to iitrlve.
When you have broken your resolu
tion Jusl think tho matter over and en
deavor to understand why it Is you
failed, so that you may bo on your
guard against a recurrenco of tho s.ioio
circumstances. Do not think that it is
an easy thing that you have undertak
en. It Is folly to oxpect to break off a
habit in a day which has been gather
ing long years.
Kx-Mayor Fitch, of New Haven,
who died lately, Ion an estate worth
$200,000, with a request that after tho
death nf his wife It should all go to
Yalo College
rootry is tho flour or literature;
proso is the corn, potatoes, und meat;
satire Is thu aquafortis; wit Is tho spice
and popper; love letters are tho honey
and sugar; and lettors containing re
mittances are tho apple dumplings.
Manners tiro tho shadows of virtues,
the momentary display of thi?so quali
ties which our fellow creatures lovo
and respect. H wo strive to become
t -en what wo strlvo to nppoar, man
ners would be rendered useful guide
to tho nerfornunco or our duties. ,$&
ney Smith.
In this world tho man who, riding
over gory ileitis, trampling on the dead,
moves onward to victory, Is welcomed
by tho multitu Jos with loud acclama
tions, and they place on his hrow the
laurels or triumph. But tho man who,
in tho quiet chambers or his soul wlth
tut Haiti or arms or smoko of battle,
ichlnves tho thorough conquest ol
nlmscIf on his brow, amid tho hallelu
1 ih of heaven, God shall place u royal
Lot us comblno etlquetto and good
less of heart, If we can; but if wo be
img to that unfortuuuto class, who nr
lot abio to cultivate more than one ex
client trait, lot us by ull moans cultl
Aile gnndno3 of hear:. Tho convon
lonalities of etiquette aro wrong whei
hov exclude from :t man's nature tbi
eepngs of benevolence, and from 1
voman't. Iho h"l v attributes of rellglohi
tenderness, and love
iHaCE nrAJU'.c.a,
Soft Ginoeh Bkkad. Two cups
mousses, J cup water, J cup butter or
lard, 1 touspoonrul od.t, glngeraudbalt
as tlesired; mix thin with Hour.
Indian Mkai, Pudding. Put a tea
cup full of meal Into a quart of hut
milk. Add three beaten egif, J tea
spoonful of ginger anil cloves, butter
half tho sixo of an egg. Boll 2 or 3
h.urs in a boiler
Buowm BiiiiAD. Mix threocups or
corn meal, three cups ryo Hair, $ cup
niiiliiHes with a tiMponiifiil of sod 1
disMilved in it with a .stifhVltiuw of
of cold water. Bake in a covered dish
about three hours, in a flow oven.
Baoiikiiu'h Ponk. Stir well to
gothelher 1 quart sweet milk or pour
milk with soda, 2 tablespooiisful lard,
eggs, -1 teacti)s white corn meal, or
enough to make a modcritely MM" hat
ter. Baku in a loaf in a quick oven.
BAKint'a Graham Bkkad. Mako a
sponge as for white bread with wheat
Hour, Miyonn quart of compressed yeast
to two quarts or water, when light
make up tho dough with Graham fl inl
and ono-hair u teacupful uinlasics, let
stand to rise again, then m ike up the
loaves with tho hands and when light
A Good DAuaitTmt. Thero nro oth
er ministers of love more conspicuous
than a good daughter, bu none in
which n gentler, lovelier spirit dwells,
and none to which tho heart's warm
requitals more joyfully respond She
is the steady light or her father's house
Her Idea Is indixoluhly connected with
that of his happy ilre-dde, She is his
morning mm and evening star. Tho
grace, vivacity and tenderness or her
sex have their place in the fuighty
sway which sho holds over his spirit.
The lessons or reeordod wisdom which
sho roads with her eyes, come to his
mind with a' new charm, as blended
with the beloved melody of her voice.
Ho Bcarcely knows a weariness whloh
her song does not make him forgot, or
gloom which Is proof against thoyouug
brightness of Iter smile She is the
prido and ornament of his hospitality,
the gentle nurse of his sickness, and
tho constant agent or those nameless,
numberless acts of kindness, which one
chiefly cares to havo rendered, becaio
ehey aro unpretending, but expressive
proofs of love
Home -Made aud Baud-Mado
b o or s .
L job can bo aero mro Intnl by cilllnjf
Al Armritroiig't SJiop,
onsu oHir-rt,op,uftio Wll.l.10'8 HOOK STOKE.
Ml Work AHWANTrn ! tc-o IO-ammahix.-Ilrpiilriiiii
titiy uivt t-rvrrtv ilim. Oivk Mk a
' I HO
Good Wokdb Auout Womkn.
"There are but two Hue things In In the
world," says Malherlie, women and
rosec." . Leaning exclaims: " Woman
Is the mastor-pieco of the universe."
Bourbon says: "Thu pearl Is the imago
or purity, but woman is purer than the
pearl." Thaekoniy writes: A good
woman Is tho loveliest flower that
blooms under heaven." Balzac says:
Even tho errors of woman "bring
from her faith in the good." Voltaire
declares: " All tho reasoning of men
are not worth ono sentiment of wo
man." Lninurtino asserts that wo
men have more heart linaglnutl-n than
men." Otwuy oxclulms: "Oh, woman,
lovely woman 1 Nature made thee to
temper men. We had been brutos
without you."
Ayoung man named Blauchnrd,of Sa
voy, MassachKUtts, has boon paying
itttu lions to tho daughter of a Mr.
Stark, contrary lo his wishes, llccoiil
ly, while passing from bur house, Blan
chard was (Ired at by some concealed
party, lie bided his time, met the el
der Stark at church, shot und killed
him, shot his brother, and was Ju.it
about tliiMiiug tho oxlHtonco of 11 lady
standing near by, but she escaped. It
was all done for lovo, und ho now
awaits tho consequences in prison.
.tfut for tbo Wtllaiarttc Farmer.
Al&HOy ... ...... ............... . . m B tlftCBflO
Aialty . It I. HIiiod
'otUea Uruvt) J 11 Hbortrldtfe
ll!lU" J I'll 1)4 v Ik
llurim VUU Wm Well. J W llob.rl
Urouvul W It Kirk
HutU-TUlo JW lUclicltlvt
l.'niiyon Ultjrj oil Itiilurbin
OinjimTlOe W T llrl
(VxiiUlt i.'ltjr... KK Mnllnnn
C,luV Vallvy w ll CUrkc
Ulattop K-TMorri'iu
Crawrr.tnUviia- K..beft Olt
Cot , U V KemUll
Curtail! KWoodwtrd
Ore well ItOMOtf Knoi
eUcWamnn W AUDI
CjnpCrek. (I K llmmrlejr
OaljM J D Lm, 11 M Outlirle
Oixtcr, ...., ................. .......a llnndi'Akf r
Drain' , .....Krnwion & Drain
Dniacim.. ,, KKoibr-
lU)liw ,K O lludaviT
Klktou....: ...A It llalurr
Kurnv .John ilcClu-y
Vox Valley A U Uardoer
Ku.ntOruvt) Hllofihcf. WLCurtU
Otivlten .. J nuU-akcr
o?rval. ............................. H M ualDcf
llo!oy TJ Ulark
lUrrUtiiUK lllraui Hmllb
IllllcUiro.,,.. A l.uellliJK
llcjiner , .Morrow A llcrrru
lnUiuilrnir W 1. IlO'lvlo
Junction Hiuftu, llri-dild A Co., W L Lemon
JsckHinvllln , M I'rtr-ou
KlnvVally ...C-miier Al'r. ido
JelTtr-on , Jlni W Itouti d
l.uwUvllld. 11 O Mcrimmooil-
Lnfjyctlo Or PopjjUUiii A II li'enry
Lubanon.. ...S 11 C'latnttitori
M'inru' .....Jo Kt'l-vy
McMlunvllle JHMoirln. A Itt-lrJ
Moninoutli , W Wattrliou-c
Mil I'laln, WT tiaiMHiarop
(Sw.ly , Win Mnrelanu
Moiv KrA... ..................... ......J eafTo
iwv'111I)b , , I' y OAtk-iiiari
.Vortli Yamtilll ...DOHttwir'
Oakland , H K Ittyiuouil
0-wun-o All Slilpli-)
Oil...., i.i.i. .......... . ........ J 11 Silirdvut-l
OnuonOlty -' M llacon
I'm ik-Uin W A WMtmai.
I'ooria ,Dr J It Irrlni
I'llnt Kick K Oailaui
PunUnd S I Lc, Aint Statu Orani-i
."rlruwlllti OMrrlDKli
Prrydal McOn-v-V Mom
It I ck real V A Hattioni
K.iMjtKirc TbfwHmlt)
Slo ,.,,....,.r 0 Jon-i, Tbn Mouker
s b-urtoa , T K llilbrii
SlicjH WM rower. OIUheii-i
JDOnirAekl , AH (lovi'.i
Sihllmltf. John Dowulhi
wet llamu , .....Ikii Marli
ncriftan....... ...... .............. ..................
.JDl'ni VH Uarrw
Th llalkw s (, llpk.
."onKJf,,..,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...W 111''
yn1"ar... S W Ilroui
WllUrni-tt Forkt M Wlkln
wall Haiu J y itn-wfr
J?Wo- JO Eldtr
Xoncifl j H OlUoa, KB Apyliate
raioutrtl .1 jirll 1877.
v "W .r,,r J.)f.n8 r l,fiii Hull.. itl
.-B.tbiff of tilklndf .a-rtaroc-iniiinclnl artlfur.
tilflK-ilroDiplt-t.MnriMiriliai-p-ia Hrm.jmtuely:
h f-otii , Tliuniti n.j'r-csMdty of w
lm-hil of ..pliF ,.ir hnur-prlrt .7$ 75
IIioHMinll I'ntally Drjcr-onlty of lkf"
biriiei p rbon'-pilrr ......f!$t?3
Tim Piiiiilly Drier-mpHclty of bnnhtl
p.r liuur-prlco jjj
TUo Factory- Irrr-ciaclty of buibois
per liour-ptlco ,.,...
TbiMl)rjrawrronwirdcd Uio Centennial Mrdal
;nd.ipuiaatl'kllaiMihialnj) Aim. thn Oo'd
M ilalo tho SUIb of Or.cou Tor IBTO, for u.xcdknco
uf ItiTur, cilorhnd cunilltlou of Fruit
All ) conlantly on hand and fnrnlibodontUort-oi-tmitlci'.
rXium nmt County Itlelitu for aalc.
K r fiuthrr j-irttcnbrf and dircrlpt e cuvlontio
addreM y. s. I'kU.MMMt,
,. . rattn'.ra anl AlMiuhciun-r.
Ji5t J."3t I'urU.iii'), oiokoii.
3E3C ja. DRLrTESiSSI,,
Etc., Etc.
Iltttlllful rmrm
Choipod into Food,
3Por Ozxo-'X'oxxtlx Toll.
Sash Doors, Blinds,
Turning. Slalr worn, IIciInI ends,
aluieiuis, MundH, Tables,
And nil kind ol Furniture,
Vt tlKlMlOtK PKICXH Bbp at Arlcnl'D-al Work
imlMl., haloai. ,t9 O V. DKNNIN.
S55 8 $77 ittlSjSSgmz
AX&onAuo Shop
B. F. DRAKE, Prop'r.
1 rtaipoia. Pomp, mid aUktndi and atyloii of Ma'
.Slnery mad to order, Machinery ft-palnsl at a rliort
lottco. I'auern-maklnif dono In all lUvariouafunn.
urn uii iuima 01 iiriuv uiu iron l,ling ninil'betl at
'". nuiac;arr or lOTIUtl'lUSK
liort noUco.
i'LNKlt an
MAlX'imit, aud
STICK Kits mid
fru'Kht on (Jralu nnd Kluur liuvn h-cii on.
iiiilli-Unl liy tltln coiiipmy h iho iimxliuuiii
ntf.i iur oncyiurfniui May 11, lun, vat
IVr Urn.
lo rarlhitul on
1 in
Orrenn Oily
lltyloii '
Whmllaiut "
! Ill
folii "
Imli pondHiico '
AtiKi-ny'. I.oihIIjjk
lllUIIK Vlt
A ban "
OorvnllU '
INxirln "
Moaroe "
llarrlibar '
KugtD ClTjr
1 :s
ih y im
V in
, a 'o
'J Ut
, !1 '
:t w
n 10
ltta l TlC
UrtUn and Klor ihhDd from tint nolnm iiimm
meuilone4 direct to Aalorla will bechaiKixl lluu
per ton addlUoual.
ThenoinpAny will enatanot with part'oa who
dclm It.to traoipnrt Urnln and flour U itliovo
ratea for nny apcclfled tlniv, not iicodluc Iho
H O. HEED, Vice PrtaWent W T. A UCO.
PortJuud. April SM.1S77. Muvl-nin
, amln.PiiiurHnd 51 HI Hiuiri, lrirnrlniiil,iM
rMrpubiali.dtHrltriil the (kimpjnv iiin.ir iIhIo
ofjHou.ryMli, tin. will bo iiiu'iilulniil iho
inaxloiuiu rutea uutll May 3Ut, ItHH, u 1
miiwhukio u i-ortiaoa 7 miw
Ul ickitnua
OrCKuii Uity
(took I-Iund
Wood i) um
Ii M'k
A biuy
llin abUM
JllilO ou
liUII" '
Hurlo flald
U.tlo u
Litii no
0 rrifiock'a
Vono lla
No rh'igK tor dra jratit k I'm tluod.
K. KOKI1I.KM, Vlcn !. (I AC.
Poril.l nn,ll Mn
. 7 rt-uU
..... Ill O III H
..II (Ulllrt
II 'vou
M 0-IlU
II I'I'llH
..........,,.11 ii-ntri
,11 conn
.ll t'OlllH
16 run
....... Uf I ri'iit-4
SO oho I i
.... ,......,. ,,!tl ct;ula
......... HTl cnt-4
............... ,.,3) i-iiiii
........ ......(3ccn'H
., H ?cu'a
.....M, fncoiiia
It. Co.
l M
jUAa4.i , iJUl m -iiiiJAiftTfa'''Maii-" J '