vi t-..ii ' r- 0 ' I' . VsTILUAMETTE FARMER. 5 N.B.! N.B.I! N.B.!?! A 8 TI1EUE IS NOW AN OPPOSITION STEAM- JUL. thlp line from san FmucIico to rormnil, I will deliver me loiiov, mi? mock, ai price Riven land, Oregon. All order tu be accompai at 1'otl. accompanied will! cn;n: Thorouglilirctl 1,1 vc Stuck, All with pedigree from best breeder. IIciUnIiIic I'lgN, Six weeks to 3 montb old. Hoar. $10, Sow, f 35, each Etiex, Suffolk, and Poland Clilua, at tbe same ptlce. Short Ilnrn (Dntliaml U-ill. 10 n-M mntti oU $130 to $TW each. Cofstvolil. lLclcoatar, Honthdown. or Merino, (selected) $50 each feh'OD'hlre Ham, 150cic1i. Aiigorn ont. Hlsh bred, nearly thojonshhriil. JS) to $40 each. Illll over $1P0. Mxty day' time, lntcrctt at 13 r cent., with koo.1 endorser. ROLLIX P. 8AXC. Importer and Breeder, nth and Howard St AtiR. 31,- w-l Sau Francisco, California. PLUMMBR FRHITIDRYERS. jPrcmliiiiiH: U 1l ay a OOt.D PItEMH'.M for tho hft trn i "iMjim.iiKit I lamufea of Fruit ilrKd by tho itiiSH.N'' of five noumH each t bo iloliuwi io me In Eat I'ortlmd, In time lor the Oregon btsto Fair of l&TJ. 1st PKKM1UM 840. 2(1 PREMIUM 20. ilil Premium 910. 4th Premium $5. CW" Tbee Sample vplll bo exhibited at tho Fair marked with owiici name. NEW STEAM-SHIP LINE BETWEEN San Francisco 'and Portland. The P. C. S. S. Co. TIL riLL HEREAFTER RUN A LINE OK STEAM- T (hip rep Franclrco and 1 ularly. every Ave day between San roruanti AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. The ANCOIl will leavo Monday September 3d. J. M. RIcCIUKEN A: CO, Attend). For Sale. OOrY ACRES OK TIMBER LAND, HAW-MIDL. 0 4 lllackrmlth Shop, three hon.c. two baru. four yoke of OXEN. Situated on LONG TOM, In Lane county. Term ary-half cah. balance on time. Title Rood. Kor further particular, addrci O. b. 1 UTNAM, auStmS Chehtr,Lano county, Or. 10134. 1877. The Only Strictly Wholesale Drag House Id Orcgoa. T. A, DAVIS & CO., 71 Front Street. HORTJ.AND. OREGON, OFFER TO THE DHUO AND GENERAL HEB cbandlte trade a complete a fotuaent of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture, and Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all Ue and qualities. WHITE LEAD, Of ill the leading brand, In tin and Uv, COLORS. IN CANS and DBTT. Putty, Lampblaok, Rod Load, Glue. VARNISHES, Includlnc tbe finest brands for Cosch Faln.ers' wt Paint, Whitewash, and Varnish Briuncc, LINSEED OsX, In barrels and can. Turpentine, Coal Oils, Castor Oil, Lard OU, XeatVfoot Oil, Fish OU. AIooHoI, Iu barre.a and cases.. Blue Vitriol, Sulphur, Cant lie Soap, Cono'in rated tye, i'OtUMil. tlttox-ai All Quicksilvor and Stryohnino. ?:., Iu Quart, flalrGaSlon. One-i.a!lori, and yjTe-uallCL Can? and Harrelt, etc . eve. Wear. Ah'cntr tet OrtEon acd WajtliyrUin Terri tory for THE AVrERILL PAINT, TUB WEST MIXED PADJT IN U8B for MalllArkrH!t's ( arb iir sbep rip. Hakelee'a Nbeep Bala and Kqaitrtl fMnos, and sjer'a and Jayse'a tTJfrlftiry Medltlaes. ry We bny enr jooJh from flttt haadi. tha en ab lng u to ronptte with any market nn the Coait. a a cnmpar!ou of onr prict-1 will proTe. iar9 A. L. 8TINSON, Book and Job Printer, .tVn'd J3oolcliiulcr, olman's Slock, Old Senate Cham ber, Salem. Administrator's Notice. TkTOTICE ! htreby cUen that the nndertltmed. i wa by order of the Co-inty Conn of the county of Marlon, la tde Stnte of Oregon, on the37lh day of n., intt. dniT anDo-cted rtdmlntMiator of. the Kttato of M. J Ktiml. deceaied. All person hav WM COsl'fiH. AdmlnUtrator. Dated. Ansnt 27th, 1S7I. SPECTACLES, SFECTICLESI For Old and Young. Far-Sighted and Near-Sighted, SboollBSfGlaatc. tor SporUwen. STKEL. SILVKB, AND GOLD FB-VMES. I AM prepared to (nppl f Pc'lc! i0.5LlLeye' ' price to salt. W. MT. 3f ABTIW, Jeweler OptUUn, Uank illock, bute 8 fiAfcm, ltyJ9.10. to b5ame,wtth the toucherf, to the nndled at tbo office of J. J ebaw. intne cUroi ba'em, In aild county, ltbln .Ix momh from bU da.e. STATE FAIR OF 1817. Waldj HiLTi, Smit.3J, 1877. In pnssinp over tho Stato Fair Grounds now, persons cntinot fill to perceive the en orgy and tact of tho Managers and tho Exec tittvo Cotnuiltteo, In gonotnl ropilrs, nud In tho erection of now btilldlnpsoutho grounds. Tho new gtnud staud In 00 feet loncc, mid mantis opposite tho Judges' Maud. Sundry now stables nro In process of erection, nud great Improvements nreniadoupou tho stalls f r sheep, cattle, stvlno and poultry. Pri sons nro etoctlng now booths or catnp3 on thn erunplni,' ground., and there is a upw walk and plRtform at tho Ittilroul deptv West of tbo Fair Urnnmlt. Tho letting on" of tock at that point will be SO yards i?omh so as not to aim y persons coming oil' tho Mrn nt that point. Hut tho grand lniprovo tnouton tho grounds U tho lar?e thoatcr now being erecied, about 100 yard E stof tho pavilion. Thin siructura is 3fls.l3 feet, high bor constiuctlou, with 1J41- Inch iilank, of first qtndity stripped with three luoh laths, and tho wholo to bo strongly built, and xafo for tho audience. This will accommodate thousands of tboater-golng peoplo who would doilro to attond and yet aro not willing to leavo tho grounds pay back hlro etc. Froinhlng will also bo kept up on tho grounds during tho Fair week, At tho prlco of tho ronts for tho booths, restaurants and shops on tho grounds, wo can infer too estimation made by tho busi ness men who rented them, of twarito attend ance thero In 1877. Oregon was woll advertised bv our ss'.eomed Commissioner, Ilou. A.J. Dufur, than whom none could linvo been chosen more popular and fitting. At Philadelphia, tho great world saw only n mall part of our products. I ssw tho wholo In Portland In February, 1870; and Iknow that we can and ought to ocllpo that collection at ourStato Fair near at hand. At least 25,000 persons will be present, if therols no groat' drawback from unforseen onuses. And this has boen a most fruitful year here, and all cereals, fruits, gardens and grasses are excellent. New discoveries have been made In our mines, and fabulous wealth from them are at band. Our forests aro furnishing vast varieties o superior timber and lumber, and our fisher ies and stock alford tho best meats In tht world. Specimens of all these, and from our floral kingdom should be brought to our Stabs Fair in good order. Thousands of peo plo will bo there from our remote States; from Canada and from Europe Tho Managers of tho Fair seem to antici pate all this, and aro aiming to have all tho ? rounds and walks put in good condition, t Is to be hoped that all our manufacturers will bring up their fabrics and that our no ble Oregon women will bring their handi work and their beautiful flowers and shrub beries. And let tho raisers of tine slock of oil vari eties bring such up In profusion. All may not obtain premiums but a discerning pub lic will only appreciate such stock. The btd rock farmors want to soo a little army of the Percheron stock of Mr. Myers' on the Fair Grounds during Fair week. And spec imens ot well sawed and woll dressed lum ber from our saw mills, of such timber as Hsh, maple, alder, cedar, laurel, oak, hem look, spruce, pine, balm and flr should be on exhibition at our Fair, and premiums awarded them. And last, but not least, the best of order shonld be observed; kindness extended to all, so that the multitude may have a pleasant ween; old acquaintances re nowed, and new ones formed and.altogetber, the State Fair of 1877 be a decided success. Veiutah. Roll of Bomor. The following-named pupils having attained an average of 00 per cent, and over in scholarship and deport ment, their names have been placed on tho Roll of Honor: Lizzie Gates, Nettle Jarvls, Burnet Cusbmau, Otis Gates. America Turnldgo, Jnley Hester, Ktmer Hester. Richard Tin nidge, Mary Cushman, Hlen I'armelee, Hdlth Parmulee, Ann Hester, Susan HeMer, Arthur Smith. Lincoln Henness, Georgo Dodge, Martin McFeron, James Nelson, Annie Drury, Joseph Tnrnldge, Ashby ElPHtor, Divld Smith, Mary Parmoleo, Adda Cushman, Carrlo Spier, Belle Gates, Willie Spier, Tho following have not boen absent or tardy during tho montb: Nettio Jarvls, Atnorica iurnid(;e, Kictiaru lurntdRo. Bkllk Steklk, Teacher. Kings Prairie. Marlon Co. Rather Mixed. There Is a strong Immigration coming Into Howell Prairie Jnst now, and if there's any tbluK in names thn peaoo of tbo community may be in dancer. One single house on the prairie, is occupied by new-comers named Wolf, Hear, and Lsmb, not far off is an old resident whom name Is Lyon, and our luformant csn howl (Howell) a little himself. Garnlsbeed. The judgment against W, C. Grlswold for ft,000, owned by B. F. Dowell, was gar nishee!, yesterday, (Tuesday) by the Slalfl Department, to satisfy a judgment obtained by the H:ato of Oregon against Mr. Dowell, who wad one of the S. E. May's sureties. Organs. If you want n good, round, smooth, sweet- toned Organ one that Is made of the bst of material, and will last a Uptime get the Whitney v Holmes, ot i, H, Uobblns, Port land, Oregon. To tlto Allllorl LiuIIom iu particular. Why need you huirVr with ParalyslH when you can be cured T Why will you sutler with Itheumatism when you csn be cured? And why have so mwny aches and palm, when it Is within your reach to be cured ? I am now eitabllibrd In Malem, prepared to trctt all Chronic Dlie,e, (achat Jtbenmatlfm, Neuralgia, Coniumptton, Kidney dlteaict, and In fact all dleaa ei that hamaa flerh i heir to. Special attention paid to Female WeiVueu and nervoas proitritlon, which it to commen to Ladles. Children's dltLstet not ex cepted. In connection with my practice, I hare one of the celebrated Medicated Vapor Lightning Cream lUth. which aldaTattly In removing all chronic dl(. eae. It open the pores of tbe tlcln, and throw nff the filmy, morbid matter, which If ono of tbe great cauitt of to much rufierU?. When we once think that two-thlrdt of all we take Into orr tyatem panet off through tbe pore oftte ikln, we need net ttop lone to wonder why we are tick, when we pay to little attention to the mott important emuncUiry of our bodlet. Baring the patt nice months I hare had this bath in operation, and many can tcttify to it efficacy. I trtatptticntt by tbe week, or by tingle treatment. Ladles will do well togtre ms a rail. Retldenee, loutbeait corner nf Cetttr and Summer Btreett, ba!em. 31US. D. W. CBAIG, H. D. y nn A GoU Ylold. Wo learn that Mr.T. H. Hubbard, on tho old Kelzur place below town, has Mulshed harvesting lliO ncrosoi wnsai, anu uas -i.-isii bushels, machine meas'iro, which If wolghed will probably average 30 bushels poraere. Ho sowed last of March and in April. On" of 21 acres of oats ho got SSi buhols. Tho neighbors prophesied tnoy would starve on this ground, but It was summer fallowed to benln with and hns yloldod more and tnoro each your. Thov plow tw'co and nultlvHto well ami nro maxiiiR gowi prom on oi lauu that was lottl and was considered worn out, Another thing they ship their win at without 'oavlng tho IVuld, as iho river rem- oi.este, with convent nt plnco (o ship irom. IIo c it. thro'hrd and shipped tho 100 neiw of w'u in six days wotk and claims a bluoribon from somebody. Half nMllloa Short. For tho past row months every ono in the valley couutlos has been expecting a lanzor grain crop than ever beror. But slnco liar vostlnghas comntoncod, their hopes have faded. Tho fall grain turned out very woll, and no also does thoearly sownSprlng grain, but that which was sown lute In tho Spring is vory short. Owing to the rains a great doaloflato grain has been sown and t lie rust linn affected It to such nn extent that some Holds will hardly pay for harvesting. From what wo can leatn irom uiiieroni pnrts or this county, we think U probable thai our crop will fall iu ly ono-tlilnl short. A short tlmo ago wo sent 'down Linn county's wheat yield this year at 2,000,000 bushels, but j'tdglng from what wo havo heard tlurlutr tho last fow cIrvh. wo will do oxtremoly well to turn out 1,600,000. Albany Democrat. His First School. Master Sumter Craig, or tho Willamette Farmor olllco, agod 14 years inado bis debut this morning for tho ilrst tlmo In his life in a school room. For tho past tlvo yoars, Sum ter has worked steadily at a cacoand Is prob ably the fastest compositor of his ago on the coast. During the past few months he has published as editor nud proprietor (doing the publishing out of regular work hours,) the semi-monthly Argus, a very credlta'ote llttlo paper. Even before he could wrlto a word himself ho could sot up a manuscript artiole neatly and correctly. At the age of about 10 he surprised everybody In tho oulco by setting up a long article with but fow mistakes, from Don. John Mlnto's pen, and that gentleman's "hand write" is not as plain as theSoencerlan svsteuibvanvtueaiis With Sumter's oast experience In a printing offlco wo prodlct for him a lino scholastic caroer. The) Yaquln Railroad. Daniel Bringleof Linn county, will leavo on tho Elder and proceed eastward to purchase railroad iron for tho Willamette Valley and Coast Railroad. Tho Gazette, re ferring to the road, says: "Work is stemlllv and constantly progressing on tho rullmaf. West of Corvsllls, and tho graders aro lv- yonu l'nwomatn, wun an too gaps mien. Tho nervn and vim exhibited by those In chargo of tho enterprise commands tho con fidence of our peoplo and fully insures the success of the road, tho completion of which Is only a question of tlmo and that tlmo not far In the future." tolaa Goods Foand, Friday laat a search warrant was put In the hands of officer Mlnto, requiring him to search the premises of Lu Marshal), for cer tain article of wearing apparol stolen from thn residence of J. Qttlnn Thornton. The command of the warrant was executed and the articles found at the premises of the courtesan Marshall, who ssvs the? wero brought to her house by James Wilson alias I Matuow a, Tuornion. THE CITY SCHOOLS. As heretofore announced all of tbe oily Public Schools commenced tholr Fall terms yesterdity. Tho attendance was muoh larger than was even bsfhre known nn tho opening dav. At South Salem there were Til scholar: at'Kast Salem, 120; North Salem. 62; Central School, 84; and the wen small children's sohool taught by Miss Marin E. Smlt.i and Maria D'Aroy 70, making In all a total or3S children on tho oponlng day. Bitten by a Don, Mr,. Tames X, Smith, thn proprietor of the town silo of Mehnma, was hdly bitten by n dog last Saturday. Thn animal was n pntol Mr.Smlth'ip, and had lust been run over by a wason. and ho watendeavnrlnirtoozamlne tho Injury done when the dog. In tbe agonies or ueatn, seixeu tuo nanu or its owner, lace rating it badly. As "dog days" aro over, Mr. Smith will nroh.tblv suifer no Inconvenience from tun nun otherwise man conaiuorauto soreness for some time to come. Incorporated. Articles of Incorporation were filed this morning In tho Secretary of States' ofilco for the King's3 Prairie atid Quartsvillo Wagon Road Company, The road will start from near Hennls' and go to QturtsvIPe, n dis tance of 18 miles, Tho Incorporators aro Dr. n. Smith, D. 8. Greenman snd Dr. J. W Meridetb. Capital stork 910,000, shares, $1 each. Principal place of business, Salom. A Trn. Woman. Most everybody In the course of their life time have been irresistibly drawn towards a really homely, plain unassuming woman, whose soft silver tones and quiet ways, have made her positively attractive. In the social circle, how pleasant It is to hear a woman talk In tnat low key which always speak thn true lady. In thn homo circle linw suoh a volco soothes tbe fretful child and cheers the weary husband. Arrests tor Anrjnat. During thn month Jun closed John W Mlnto, Chief of Police, has presented to lie enrder, (J. W. Howie, twenty-eight cases. Eighteen for drunknness. ono for vsifranoy, one for robbery, two for asault and btttery, five for larceny and one for peddling without llceuso. Silver Kluc Minims Company. The Directors ot this Couiptny held a milling las' evening In Stb It. ttammer's otlice. By-laws wernsdnpted, and Dr. S It, Jessup was elfcttd one of the Directors. The Company expect to push tho work uxm their initio vigorously during the present Fall and coming Winter. Ab Honest Tramp. A cow belnnglug to Mr, entries Wllklns nf North Ssleiu cine home tlio other morn ing with a bit of pspor fa.s'iim l to her horn, cocta'nlng ten ceiiti and this onto, "enclosed rind 10 cents for one ijuurt of milk txkeu tbU morning," signed a trump. Pkachks Mr. John Martin, Salem Prat rle, a fow days since liinught us somn Cue seedling peaches fr(miies three years old from tbo seed. Tbo tree, this season, aver age from four to live bushels r-acb. Acciiiknt T. M. L'mbo writes us from Yaq Jlrm Bay thst. on thn C-J I of Align!, hi' motno.r, Mrs. Msry Leabo, M and broko hemrui between thiwlbow hiu wrist. Mrs. Lealn fonnerlv lived i't Salem Tho lv.t thlri tUutisloft is bono, i ii i T"--"n; irriiffiiiiTni-nwmiTnnrrii-i "-Bgat-wpa" T. CUNNINGHAM & CO., Salom, Portland, Albany, Junotion City, and Walla Walla SOL.K AGENTS FOU Tho following FIHST-CLASS ainchinoa, which wo nvo nowrccciving for tho Boaaou of 1077. J. I. CASE'S THRESHING MACHINES, Botli End and Sido Sliako Tisht-Goarod. Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines, TIGHT-OK AH 1C1? KNP-SHAKK. J. I. CASE'S THRESHING ENGINE., 8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 Eorso Powor. Treadwoll Manufactured by With New and Valuablo HIalnes' Illinois H ct c3L 1 SINGLK-GKAU, Wroiight-Iron ami Scrow-llttb WheeW, ntljuslablo Reel anil Truss frame. .Toar.xjxnswoxa' WROUGHT - IRON HARVESTERS, Wrought -Iron Combined Reapers and MOWldllS. ntissxUiXi'S Combined Reapers and m Mowers. WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes. &&4 Johnston Mowers, one size. ADAMS AND FRENCH HARVESTER. Oonaueror. " ' Tarst A Bradley luiky X&kes, OUWTBlfltlAL Sullty Mcko, SelfUnnp, The Sost in Use. Thimble Skein and Iron-nxla Frame, nml Freight UiifrenN, all h!zc Newton 4-spring Hacks, made expresslyjfor tlio Oregon Market. Nowtou Throe-Spring, Platform Hprlog, ami Hcroll-Hprlng XXn.olK.rn anit IIUUUIEft, O-nrdoii Olty Xloxxrm, Harrow, and riiltlvalnrat fSardrn 'Ity siilkr anil iJ.nir I'lntvat Parmrr.' Vrlrai I1AIN DIIIL.I.M Vnu llruiit Oc Diiii'm niONITOII IromlTMi.l SKIIUKII and tiUlriVATOKt OAI'ITAI. !IIITI V.VTOItN) VilNNltSUIIAIIVH (IVI.TIVA'IOIIN. I ho llot In thn World. Leather and Itubbcr lIKLTINfl, iriarhlno Kxlrtts, llnrdwnn1, Iron, and Nteel. IV Special Circulars, llliti'tratcd, wllh pliers, pent n any aildrcts. ftcfl or clunrc. Ws aro MANUPAU- TyilEHS' AUBNTH, ana will rill at uid-hock i-iiices. T. OUNNIIf GFAM & CO., " ,maj7 Front St., POIlTtAND; Commercial HI.. KAf.KM: and Chiadle'a lllock, ALBANY. OH. T oxuBooztr BZUUVOXZ Stntmtl K E COMPANY. Capital, $300,000.00 Assets. - - $568,647.46 Inoome, 1876, $465,904 29 Losses paid out since organiza tion - - $1,137,367.60 HAMILTON BOYD, MANAGE!!. auStf 72 First SI,. I'tlHTtAND. K0ETH SALEM STORE, W. I. AVV)ltJ, A T THK mtlt'K TOItE, 11A8 JU8T UXCRIV tV cd sfull acxirtmentiif General Merchandise, Dry GoodBj Q-rooeries, Boots Shoes, Hardvaro, Clothing CSilcalatcd for the City and fcn7fTIde.I "fnirht Ji ow, and will bo told at at BMALL A I'HOKlT. ar Jiose who SELL AT COST. iWUooit delivered U inr part ot the cltr free of charge. Nov4 WHy Serond-elats Mewing jrfaclilues, wbeu yon can Get a Singer! or the KOomtlCH BUOUIIKH, lor only f 45, mid npward. JV OtBca lu Arinrtrunu'' Htno .ihp, HUtnreit Snloxn "uml BOOKBINDING In connection with my Prlntlnt Itoonn l a ton jW iiuoKUinuerr. J i-r nuiiuv, inu ikh. ntnofictur'u. UiK!ailn((nl IIMkloiiii'lHian .hi. ite.blixllognMtlytxtciiM. Orlir.Irromi.t r all'nlel to. txnJ tut t.llmilei. l'ric U iDr in ininun. ,.... Aairri., v.. a. ,ia.. Mteam Printer unit lloultblutler, Qraj'tllUlt, State it., rMLKM.GItLOOX. JOHN G. WEIGHT, Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobaooo and Cigars, COMMERCIIAIi 8TREKT. Salem, April 20, 1873. d-wtt Ult. tc. Y. OIIAHB, B KEVXT Lt.Col., UteSonteon U.S. Volaateerj. (iniCK. uurmn' oiocs. uu iuo mi gome FI Wrought-Iron Singlc-Genr J. I. Case & Co., Improvomonts for 1877. The P. P. T. Compuiy's teAmer MoMINNVILLE WILL LKAVK Portlniid lor Hlaloiri Kvery FIIIDAY. rcturnlnr on BATUltliAY, roil nAVTON-On MONDAY and WKDNKS DAV; returning on TUEI)A8 aud TUUltSllATH. Patrotiizo Your Own Boat! Protection iifruliiHt High Itntes Oiuirantocil. NOTlfJH TO I'KKSOXH l.VTKMtl.MJ KMKJKATK TO OltKUOX. TO Direct Passage from New York to Portland, Oregon. Land Dki-aiitmint O. A O. It., I I' iiinnvs. isrr. i T. VIK OIIKOON HTUA.MM1II COMPANY HAS cried tncarrjr on lt Iron ttcaiiiililu. uuwlitlnir nuiii si rnetiur ra , uy junn ituacn c nun, upon n romplutlon, nu or about tlio IStli day of January, isTit ileeraxu iMenticr from New York tu 1'nrtlana, dlrtct, via tlm HtrulU of Magellan, st tbe extrcnr), lowratuof 75,00 currency, buard Included, Tbt fteainerwlll bu tliu btit, lroiijct an I mutt comfiirtaMy airaiiKid i-lilp evrr built In Dm l.'nltM -talc. NiM-rd, lH knot. Ulmtnloui: XUU Iwl la It-nulb; th feet brain; UH dptb of bold; cavacllj. v.S 0 tour: U0U cabin aim Us) ateerave parrxnsoia. Tbo fl'tlnif tip ol tbo atenraxo will receivn special at trillion; Hull) beiirnvldei wltb all inodtruliupriivo mestf audits vcnillatluii will bo perfect. Kvery at tenllo i will Uj patil t' tbo rum'urt of nairenirera, and tbe (are will On of tin; brut qudlt'. l'art of the deck r on III bo fitted up fur lefilKetallnir purpos ci, with alny tu lurulili ptrreuyer freb meat ds rlli j lli'i Mliolovovai-e. '1 bu v.i) au w III bu made In about ill ty Uj. To all peron v bu ilulro tu emlirrate tu Oreirua. aKrlciilmralaud otbur liupleu utt will bo taken at veiv low ratva 1-or perron li'iro wlio havo filnd In tbo Atlantic Matin uI'Mnr tu coi.o to OrrKou this otTera a rare opp -rtuiilty, ai tlio anriojaiic and fatlxuo of tbe o..r'o(t route byrallaronoled, aud tbu partake U conttderebly Io-k. I'oi iiitilriiltr jnfurimtlon "dilrett 1". C ScbmUt, 1 oJttl William mrett, Xew Yuik, or IJyn,01 1. HCIIUI.KK. Und AaentO. & C. II It Co . 1'bNlJUd, D, Administratrix's Notioe. NOTICE Nhcrehyglvui tbat .Vary lloyt ba t'i'a day been appuluti-d by tbo I'rjlwie Court of Ma- Ion i tjiitr, htntuof Orcvou, atkdmliililratrlx oflbt mtalec'f Jo-iili Ilojt, lulu of nl) (iiimty, iltctared. All pi Him li-vlijif ctalui hflnt raid ti'lalu will present tbem v ino si uiv leriiteuco In hali-ni. Or-r-jou. wllhlu rlx moullM fruni lUte, or liny wilt ba forever banert. jrt.UtY IIOVT. Ailm'x of Ktialu o( Jou'ph lloyt. dtcin.-i; Mem, Amr, (1, 1S7T. Siiwl Established 1840. Original Liver Medicine. FOIt ALL DISBnHBS OF TUB I.1VEU. 80UU- NESS OK TUB STOMACH, I.OHSOK Al'l'K- TITE, KICK IIEADACI1K.KTO. ETC. CHICK, One Dollar, V. A. UAVIS, 4c CO. Wbolcale DroKKUta, 71 Kroutht. I'ortlard, maj-im. Ak'enta fir Orevoa. For Sale ! THB FINE HBHIDRNCB comer of foinirif. clal and Ulvlrlou rtrrntr, In durirable ltoUan, with liuurobirire. well tlulrhed. and convenient- v arr.nued. aud irround tastefully ornamented. WIS be rold vory lo7 and ou actomaiodatlac irma, Apply to I.KII AVILLIN, CPU Pat ton' I Block Stale bt.. Sau. t,itw. aswgfiiwrisssssBswwvj Uft 11 if: i. i V. t