wzm V -r.. Si I f ,,., i.iu.-. t-iniriuriiiwi1 --il.i i- W SMET METTE jfm- - . iii Fri& , K . Iff & Ha?" M j Ph '. 1 V Ik "1 ' Mii J "WotT"" w jjWEjBBBLy 3TMpv Qt i MPS?! H HJW i I ? I I I ft I WILLAMETTE FARMER. closo juxtaposition and a sulphur spring ex ists In tho mountain noar by. No doubt thoso tlln'urcnt strcauis Bro forced upward from undor diflbrent strata of rocks but tlio unsophisticated beholdor flndR something to ponder ovor hi this uilxturo or waters. YONCAI.I.A Is tho homo of tho Applegales, and especi ally of Mr. Jefcso Applogato, whobo name Is p."oolnt'd vlth Oregon history and will lo pArt of v, hatover history Is written. Tho old Kontleinau has cllmbod high up Yoneal a illll niul on aHtuiny bnnch hat planted our a ylnoynrd of 12,000 vines nnd In btiildlnc liomo bolow It, whoro a priUK makosglud tho hill sldo. Around hi in nro grove oi majostlo oak that may truly bo railed primowil. Ill soni occupy tho vallovs around, and tho lainlly of Lis brother, Charles Applgate occupy otlior portioimoi Yoncalla yalo. Tlio namo H tun most uoau tiful of all our Indian uainos and tho valloy dcsorvoH no common placo doslsnatlon. Tho tIow from tho South an tho railroad curvei up a rather heavy grado Riul gives you h look at tho valley In bold relief Is Indeed beautiful, and romance con dwell divest It of Mdllsh alms and onds and Itnaglno It to bo "Iho Happy Valloy"of all Ihovabs of earth, leaving tho sago of Yoncalla in his hlll-sido eyrlowocllmbedtothosummltof tho moun tain. 1010 rectabovo tho valloy vso had Jolt, and from that summit had a vlow of other hills and othnr valleys, npread lar and wld. with Hpencor'fl lluttosomnlngly not far oil", and tho snow peaks that guard tho Willam ette, vnlhiy, visible In tho dlstanco. Hnowilnn Springs aro Immediately under tho shadow of Yoncalla Hill, and It will ro rjulrii only ordinary ttso of money and good Unto to Improve tho naturally boautlful sur roundings ro that they will gra'lfy tho sonsos of pleasuro ieekors and charm away the cares of Invalids. Tho mountain air, faith, nd spring water will work wonders, and It In to bo hoped that tho enterprise of tho pro prietors will meet with duo roward. Tho Yoncalla House Is cloMt to tho rail road and offers a very comfortablo homo. It In kept by our old time friends, O. F. Yeaton and wife, In such an admirable manner a to Mllsfy the moat fastidious taste. We have never, In any hotel In Orrgon sat down to better fare than tboy offered na. At the pres ent tlmo there la room tor Invalids, and tho fall months are the veryploananteat In which to enjoy the charms of Yoncalla and teat the virtues of Its healing wateia. H. A. CLAHKH. WKBmm imuid ivaar xhidat, ar CLARKE & CRAIG, rciLiDMu and raoraiiToaa. I. A. flliARKB. D. XV. GitAIU. Trmu .f NatocripUoia. One copy, ono year (61 number) 9,SU One copy, tli month (M nnmbert) 18X On copy, Ibritn month (in number) . .76 MALKM, FRIDAY, HKPT. 7, IB77. I MUU AW IMlUOJluavicgvu, That California la a wonderful coun try no ono can deny. Alntldin'ri lamp in the huudH of tho horo of Arabian Rtory did not produco moro wondern nnd dovolop moro wealth and treasure than has fallen to tho lot of many it lucky miner. Even as an agricultural rt'Klon it producer) wonderful results, reaching, iw ltw coast line docs, from tumporato to semi-tropical climes, with n prolllle yield of fruity cereal t uml VOffolablea to correspond, ulul vlclsdl hides that equal In dlxastor tho won dem of Itrt wealth and productiveness, as Ih hIiowii tho present year In liluMed crops and slnrvlnp llockHiill through Bouthern Callfornlii, whero drouth has trmiHforincd tho most fertile regions Into deserts. Hut even in these regions where rains frequently fail, that wonderful country has an amaislng resource in Irrigation, produced bometimes from natural streams and uometimes fnm artesian wells. Dul oven here wo do not hesitate to institute a comparison between California and Oregon; be tween tho laud that rivals fable and the plain region where comfortable homes nod relUblo products welcome the new-comer, without any oxtremo of mineral wealth or productions of soil to create excitement. Mr. A. O. Cook, formerly a p-actlo-ing attorney t Vancouver, V. T., with whom we were well acquainted, found his he.dth t-erloutly ImpnlrtHl by unre mitted labor, and three years ago was obliged to M'ok chango loth of occupa tion and climate. lie lately returned to visit bin old homo and wo had the pleasure of a long talk with him atxmt California. Ho has resided In I,u Angeles county, in the South, tho laud of the orange, flg, olive and vine, per haps the mint delightful portion of that great State. Around htw Angel sthey iihi the natural streams for irrigation purpoicoaud have beautiful Mirroutul lugs unit prolific crops us a consequence. His own home i nearer the mm, where, In tin xteiitlvo reach of rich laild, formed from sediment, ho has forty acres that equal a largo farm in proline tlvono. An artesian well, less than 100 feet deep, Mink at Mitall expete, raises water six feet nhnvo the sin face level and tilfonls enough to Irrigate the forty m.re. Ho can put his land Into barley In tho spring, corn In tho m uier, nnd raise a crop of potatoes after ward, all within u twelvemonth. Three prolltle crop a year. This land Is known to vleld twelve to fifteen tons of alfalfa per annum. A 1 the semi tropic 1 fruits produco well there. One would think that such u laud uh this would possess tho greatest possible at tractions, but Mr. Cook nssurcs us that tropical fruits do not equal thoso of our climate; that ho prefers the climate and soil of Oregon, nnd Oregon hoeiety nnd surroundings. Ho says tho Immi gration docs not stop In California now but comes to Oregon nnd will continue to cotno here. It is his own intention to clo-e out his inteiests there and ic turn as soon as his health, whhhls greatly Improved, is re-established. We quoto thco facts to show th it tropical Itixui lance cannot satNfy ! e de-lies of u man raised in a temp' -ite climate, and that Oregon witli its all- able productiveness and genial el I in ite hns moro attractions for tiioso who seek permanent homes than any por tion of California It is truo that such a region as wo describo oxlsts in Los Angeles county, but It is limited in ex tent nnd does not nettle up with rapid ity, as it possesses disadvantages, with all Its capacity for production, that turn those who como from the jorlhcrn States away. Mr. Cook gavo us another picture Hint represents more correctly tho grentcr portion of tho agricultural re gion of Southern California. Through tho whole San Joaquin valley, throe hundred miles in length, which con stitutes the great grain producing por tion of tho Sta e, there is no produc tion tho present year except on a nar row strip that has boon Irrigated. For this thrco hundred milcH tho valley, sometimes producing tons of millions bushels of wboat, Is as dry and hard and barren as it brlck-ynrd floor. Its farming imputation are ruined, nnd oven their live Htock haspcrlslied with famine unless driven away early to dis tant ranges. Tho hills nnd valleys of Oregon slilno in bright contrast with California, as with any other spot of earth. Wo veil- turo the assertion that no other area on tho face of tho eartli oilers tho s?mo solid advantages and Inducements that wo possess In tho vulloys of tho Cas cades and Coast ranges. Eastern Or egon has equal advantages In many re spects, though not yet favored with transportation facilities to make tho whole of that wide region available much. It Is a wonderful country, much liko California in climate nnd re source: h of an agricultural nature. To that roglon of vast nnd productlvo prairies many have lately tnkon their way nnd It will soon becomo an Impor tant section of tho nation moro so than over before A friend shows us a Jotter from a rclatlvo living thero who has leen twlco in Oregon nnd writes that ho Intends coming hero onco more this Fall to stay. Ho says Oregon is equally favorablo with Toxns nsn stock country, and our productiveness Is far moro reliable, while our ellmato is im mensely superior to that of Texas. Ho wants to disseminate Information thero concerning Oregon, for ho represents that many thero would come here If they really understood till our circum stances. Wo frequently rocelvo letters re questing information, which wo hesi tate to give. Wo do not wisli to glvo highly colored doscrtptlons to Induce immigration which will result in dis appointment. When wo say that this is a good country, and averages well, wo say it all. It certainly has many advantages that aro permanent and reliable. Its soil is lasting, and production is unfail ing. Our ellmato is healthful in the maiu,and our social structure Is fair and Improving. Salem much resombles a Njw England or Now York town or ,(00 Inhabitants with good schools and a dozen churches. The great udvnntago of our Stato Nthat it "averages well;" neither in climate, soil, productiveness or health fulness aro wo subject to great vicissi tudes. There are no storms hero that spread destruction. There are no ex tremes of heat and cold. Slimmer N now over and there have not been nriny days perhaps a week in ail that were Inconveniently warm, and we consider W of heat rather uncom fortable. There have been but few days, indeed, that the thermometer has stood over SO' in tho shade. Har vesters have had cool weather and many cloudy days. Our nights are al ways cool and sleep delightful, for ono always needs ono or moro blankets of a Summer night. At the samo time our Winters are tenijwnite little snow or Ice, and frequently none of any con sequence, so that stock require little feed. Wo know of a sheep rtUer, in tho foot-hills of tho mountains, who h is never fed his sheep in Winter be etiue they prefer browao. When there w.is snow on the ground, one Winter, lu got hlsbheep up liud fed them hay, which theysmelled of and then stinted up the mountain to browse. Tho most wo can say of Oregon is that wo have a country that averages well. Thoso who want nn earthly par aklse hnd better go to Texas or South ern California before they cotno here. Is Your Life Worth 10 Cents? Sickness prevails every whijrc, ard err-r b jdy corn plain of Mmiorii-en-e ri in mm ' Ifo. When sink. 'Iio object Is to j.ui w i now to say pluirdv tint no prnn ir world that Is .urf-rliiglth Dyspopsh, I w l otnplalut and isill'ects, such ii" ! ' nn, notlvpHN, ''I. llt-Hdn'-lie.'- u ' '', Fienrt Ui.rn. IN pi "tl" -'" " ' rjf IpiUftit'jdJaplri,y, Jt . ilJO S, i' , "U -1 '.iieunN At'ot'ST I-iowErt ul'hon' i l llof and cu.-p, It 'mi iliiiuV u'. .- your druggist and cot a Sample Hnlu for 1 conts, and try It. Hogular size, 73 cents Two doses w'lll relieve you. HAWLEY, DODD fc CO., Foetlmul. Oref?o Offer for Sale, at the Lowest Possible Prices, a Full Line of AGRICULTU RAL IMPLEMENTS. w i: arb sou: agents for the ci:lhbimlTED cut a, o. l). SHOT t'NM, ItnVOLVfiKS ii. rnr exiuilnatlna. all clmrff lalrl No rifle, No htimbiu. Writu for catalogue. Adrift tJront WcHtcrii in Worlm. I'linburtf I', 41111S w nAuixrn. inELW (umisrn. GARDNER BROTHERS, WHOLE UE AMI HETAII Dealers in Pianos, Organs, SHEhT MUSIO, And Musical Merchandise. So. UlfJ San I'ablo St , Potter' Illcck, OAKLAND. CAh. (IrlMvold'a Illock, t"Stfl HMiV.M. EVEHY3B0BY $y?$ wsm, Ilich or Poor. THE MATCHLESS FIRE LIGHTER ! Orders for tuk f atcui.khs Fihk Lioiitkh aro coming in thick and find, and they glvo KtJuoriil bailHfactlon. Lights your lamp or p without the tuo of n mutch. Will lust a life time. Juitt tlin iIiIdr (or enmpors or travel ers. Price 75 cent. Adrtrc H II. IIALLOPK, General Apent, Slnm, Oregon. 4 OIF11 i. CIS Whlfh DEERE 1 heir Plow i hardened I jcKtcKaar'C "a C"Ut' til ho 'Jl sHBife. ,I1jL. . I. , . .1 .1 I Mti . . -. , ..i..i i friiiiiifi i! ir iiiu j4 jiiiii iiiiiTti mil rt t'Wl'L'll HI "l -lll-lllll, i'."".""" h"'" I,,"";- v...,4..l(,, I Patentee of the Wiottgnt io k ni-i weiueii l-rog, and 'ire tlif mi v V ow o milt e. me i'low-t mn'iiti'wuni huh Himre a i'atehtod J'rote-s PECULIAR TO THE DEEltE PLOW. TIIEBEKRE SULKY AiT&3 QAKG F1L.OWS, With or without Breaking-Plow Attachment. Oregon State Fair, ThogrcateHt Ivil'or.Sa nir Impltmnity ytt Itivenled. Vntly Imprtued for Fall of 1877. COO Sold lxx OroRon ixx Ouo Year. sir Kierv Fnruir lntirilf(l. Tho Un-ro Sulky U tho only SlnloLovor Plow made. EASILY urEUAIKD. So cotiBtrtictfd that by a slight motion of tho Lover tho Plow 1b run out of tho ground nnd raised clear, hv hnrto- Instend of man-power. It In utrongerand less complicated than Hny other. Hole AgentN for tho well-known SOUTH BEND OHILUTO-IllON PLOW. BUCKEYE:DRILLS and BROADCAST 8EEDER8 The most successful in use. Too well known to need comment. 1 ST Tho lloanl of Stinacr r of Ihe Orrpon Stito Aftricnltn- rl rioclrty unnnncce tint (tip HtTrntttntn Annuil Fair will be brbl tt Filr ClrounJi, ntir Baltic, Oomiiionoiug on Monday, Ootober 8th, Acil (xintlntilct; fix d), HALF FARE RATES ! For VimrDgrri toil Frtlgbt, on th OREGON ADD CALIFORNIA RAILROAD, ind the OREGON CENTRAL 11AILB0AD, "'- Aha on the boat of tin - - - OREGON STEAM NAVIGATION CO., From WALLUEA And all way point, to Portland, and frotu ASTORIA and all w riltiU , to Portland. 25,000 PEOPLE! IN ATTEND INCE1 THE LARGEST EXHIBITION! Known In the hlstcrjr of the Bocltty. 60 Horses in Training Fortrlilaof Speed, 11 to,tart foronepurte. GRAND EXHIBIT OF FARM PRODUCTS nd HOUSEHOLD IM)l'8TRV Hanilsomo Displays from California I FINE SHOW OF STOCK Of all kind, Inrlulluiimanjr lato thole Importations. For l,rriiilum !.!!, I'roeraniiue, Or any Information lu rrttird tn the Fair, uldrrw E. M. Waiti , tertiary, halrm. BTutrl laulw nn.li) villi tho frtntary In peron or by ktter. cnoinorl btfore th- l'alr. ljitrlm clone TUUDvY, Oct Slh.atSl- x. sCSSX- Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. FARM GKIST MILLS, nil MyleHFnd prlccB. FAN MILLS. Send torSpeoial Circulars. USE THES IN THE WORLD! not Deceived! See that our Trade Mark is on eachPaokage! WOTIOB. Tho ' State FalrTlcket " iwued by the Oregon Steam .Nulk'ttiou Co., la fold at full ratei to piornerra colnc to the Kalr, and la OOOD I OR HIKE RETUItN, 'Tn" iJ"J It la prrnrutrd to Sfcrtry Orrgon Mate Arlcu. tural S.H kty.it Kalr Oroucda, and atainpitl with hla aral." Tlckttanot ao prtfcnleJ, lllDot be raconlnj on riturn, and the holdrr will be rharned full ratra. It la hotnl all lntrrrtid will ii the mattrr Immediate attfiitlon, and ne themarlvra money and trouble, VCiiktomary condition on tickets by Itailroada Stock and Prrlicht for Kxlilblllon Chiriifil full rate itoloff. by railroad or ktramboatv, but nturn frif If ownira obtain certiorate from Stcrrtary that the unit ln bren on eahibition and not changed hand per ordr r Hoard of Manactn, W P WATSON. rrildent. C3ltn.tloxa.. In tho Coucty Court or the State of Or.on for the County of .Ma ton. In the matter of the Sitatu or A. F Waller, drceaied. To Elcpha Wilier. C II Hall, Ma-y It. Hull C C. httatton, J. K btratton.O A V.au r. H. J. W Jr. I' L U Wallet, an I ill teoj Tibbett soarilau ot I' L. O Waller, and Ml cuknowrn hvWaofA. P. Wallvr dci'id. IN the name of the Male of Oregon: You and h of jou am hcrxby ctteJ and required to uppear beforo tho tbe name I court, at ihe curt lTouio tu Mloai, In Mid Marion cuautr, t eleven o'cl.Kk a m., nil the 1 tb day ut Octubsr. UH, then and there to how ciuJo, l( any xlt. why an ix!cr rhoald not bo udo by ald Court, authorizing J, A. titration. th9 adniln'ftrator thereof, la eel the rul eatateot Mid decedent, for th pajment of the rhan:t' ex. pene of adiilnlitratlon, ani claln ai;ilut , evtate, at petitioned for by aid adminltiraior. bald roil etuto it lounded and defcribed followt, to will A unit of Horation rltlm No. 16, Nottncatlon No. Tt. In T, 7 S. It. 3 W. of Willamette meridian, bounded by iHlMiInc on the louth llueof the county road liadtui; catterly from the eatt end of btatu tlrivt. lu MUm, .arton coantT.Urvj.iin, at n pojil b.Tddif. ill uln, E. UWctalnt ttvm uberutbe touth Hue of raid county Mad Intertecta tho Weat boundtry of the Docatloa Latd Claim of A. V. Wal ler and Eteplu WalK r hi wife, and runnlnj; thence 3. IV dcj;. 0) mta, W. : cha'st, more or let, to Inter-ti-ct a duo ett and wett line dhldlnx raid claim Into to equal part, ihvueucatt 3'J3chilLtmoreor let to tnttrtict tte eat'ern boundary line of a certain trad of land deeded by A, T. Wa ler and Kleuha Wili r hit wile, to Athbel H. Waller, by deed dattd the ?Jlh day of January. 1M4I, and record ed la Marion count recordt. Hook of Ueedt, oame X. . u, JuceWI; thtrce N. 11 dt aowln.K. alonj; talJ lst meuilonctl line, about U) so chain to the routh Itse of rant couuiy road, thincu N.Wdej; AJmm, W.alontf tho louth liueor raid county road to the placo ot bectiintnjr, and all tltuate In Marion cnunty.Urecon lhi clutlrm It j.u wirhed In the Wiu-intrri Fan aii. by order of the tald court, made siptember Sih, 1ST?. JNO, U. PEEBLES, County Judcc. aleu.flre(1n, sept. 3, IbU s) 8 0) a I t w Vll III mKalKlalalBBBHL'tV J v'4v m , KrfJU yilm I m anSjnt Co. Xz 9 e TSi ? o s 9 PUEE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE W0R1T - ....j jvjJUVlti. Traoa f Uut. Spring Utu frw. v. u JLiOOl PatMtz, WoomlEston Narwry, HI. Jet Black JitXiscecL Ready for AND EASILY APPT.Ttin ,j i i.r. For Sale by tliu .iprnlN: and JOHN HUGHES, Salem, HODGK, SKLL & CO.. . ..r,.,,,, ii iuiiicrji TJe, NO. TO l'HONT STIIEET. PACIFIC l IMIt.lN, oiin, nnd Claim, ."-ND, Or. TIIHfiSSIllXG iHAClYliECOSjP MANL'FACTlim:i.s OK JLlMJ UVXIMM- X jsS&pPCbsW rri resit. c.is7s J ,rijr PELTONVS SIX-FOLD HORSE-POWERS ivmRi.o,.n m And Counterbalance Soparatora. MndforfirVnUM TUE uKA'J tor further particular, ddret theefflceni narced aboTe. or "" "nuan ' Sautx, March 38 ly