-fro """ f,w -"kr O W1LLA METT E FARMER. ll Steamer A. A. Ma Jolly Can'aln Coeliran'a n steamer, the A. A. McOully, Isoxpeoied to arrive on her flrtt trip up tho brlrfiit Willamette, next Monday, ibe 3d Inst. It Is the calculation lo arrive here about 4 o'clock In the afternoon of that day. Upon lior nriival (Inn. A. A. MoCully whom ibn vessel is tiarmd Tor will present the craft with n ett of colors, consisting of Enltm, Union J vk and Kit r gen, which will bo flung to the hwiM ntid properly saluttd by tooN't-am whin1 In or iho new boat. Very Desirable Property for Bale. Nlntiiy-llirpo feres d laud on Snip in Pral ;io, near tbe FatrG'Oiwd, will be i-old nta treat bargain l'im inb purohtsor, For termi and otbur Information , luqulro ot H. A Olarko, t the Faiihkii olllce, Htloiti, 1'roiii n l'l)hUluii, II ill- I'mk Vt,Fel. 7, 1870. Messrs. 8'b W lWt &SiniH. UfUiii. Gent You ma perlmps rein, tuber that 1 wrote, sou several week ego In regard k tbe une of tliH I'FiinviAN Tiur oi my wife, who wu sulToring iroin ieneml debility, tbe sequence of Tpliold DiMttittiry. I bud tried iho niot timed pbveloianti'lu this HUtto, and also In Canada, vvltmiut relief. At your recommendation hho rnajtllOt'CMt the tmu ot tboBvrtip, Hid lirht four bullion mndo but littkv lmpreMlnti, tiuiHtillii taxing thu bfib n1uh.ikian tit Imnmvo rniildl V. end now, ef tor Urtliik" ix ol ho didiai lio ilea, shn ha6 renalmd her eireng h. unci In iiblo to do most of inn work 11I111111 the hotiBo; nod I fth that I oa'himi sneak too highly In prln of tho I'iHtuvtAN SYiiUt I have prescribed it to seveiai ol niv pxtuntM, unil Iihvii pro cured thoMlo ot roveral dna'u of tt horo You otto tnakrt any u-itnf ili.u lo tcr If jon bw fit. Yours vary truly, H. I). Buuhh, M. D. BY TELEGRAPH, FOREIGN. "its onir n cough" has brought in in v to untimely graves. What Is a CntwliT Tho lungs or Tj'onchlsl tuboH lmo beoti attached by a cold uature sounds an aUim hull, lolling where thu ills ealies V.iotn RiiirufKiH "try Wihtah'b Balm am op Wu.n CiiKiunri" It hKB curwl, 4urluu to If' iikIi ot un-niiiry. tbnumiuds tinon ilinoNHiiriH of pMrHons Ax ionn an you eoauh, thor Ih dHKiT, for Ibe oouuh In foty Valv. Uho 'WiTah" and be ourefl Sold by nlldruKKlniH. BaKiBi, UreKcn, ilulrr In Htvrcoooy and Btcreo (ooulc Vlw, aud 8cou(i of Halcm sod tho Mrroand Wecraouj. Llf.lie Photosrph, In UdU tok, ot, arWAtor Color. " Dr. H. SMITH, DENTIST, riALEM, OltEUON.. OAee Mored orcr OrtRTMAN BUlhJ.' HW BTOE7 UfllMboani from 0 a.m. loB p.m. ABXIflMl 1SCK. Willamette Nunenr, 0. W. WALLING & SON, PKopKiKTOKs, Oiwfo, OUokamat oo., OrvfOB, WALLING ;PJEACH PLUM, Xlio ltullun Prime, And tbu beit Tirlellct of Plum, l'raae, I'cncli, Applet, lcar, Cherry Nut and Shade Trees, IN rULt. ASdUKTMBNT. 3end for Desoriptiv Catalogue Saiem Flouring JKLilla. 3BT IfAXlLV FtOUR, llAJCEIfS RICTIU, Z3CX. Sin'KRTIKB AND GRAHAM, UUiDLINOH, BRAN, AND HllUia. OouMtuoitly ou Hand. HtffliONC J?l50 in OAWI3 Paid for Wheat It. C. KIPiNBY, rxjHUU AiiCPt B. K. M. U EAILROAD LANDS, Xjitril Tormwl LOW IMllfllCt LONG TinKI LOW INTKIIKHT Tie Oregon and CtlUornU an1 Orrgoi t'eHtrnl ItullriMd L'oinpjalea OVKBlt their LoU fr iiiaop) ins rolttwlairllba rtl ttron: U ItuVi of tho pri, c In cL; lutervrt o the biUneoit lha ra'o nf eian per ct-uu ouo ir' i(Wriil; ai'l fch fo!liluij ytr file tenth or thi srloctpil nd lntrel ua t'm twljucd it U rto ol ivnp-rcint persona . Uolh pnuclpilan4lntr Ml pjyablu lo U. tf. Carrncy. AVliicojnt of ta per e ut itl toltvr e l SW LtUr 10 tw ldreM"d ft P. nUUULKB, Lan Aetal O. 0. It. tt.. PottUod. Onifoa. S. H. CT,AUGHTONf NT4RV FIJMLIO. Kl Blal Kat, and OttllMlor orrial, will roMJr at ta4 to in la-iM:ff eulrutU 1 10 bu care. M-iHlNl IIONVKVANCH A KP flAl.'V. 0C at Uw feat OBca, Xaobaxtou, Vienna, Ang. 28 A dlnpitcli nani In eor ril churolie ot (lunfrtry tho To Detim hHB h(in rulnbrmtod and praynrn off Tnd tor for berTurklBh vlrlorlea. Tlio Vatiolan hH Inttructod tbe blsbopo to prevent this In fu turo. , A correnpnndent at B1rde toUgraprm TurRday f lliw: Tho corpi oouimandtd bv llio ei-tnlnlsier of war, losnihfr with othor oorp", will npnratn on I hn Tlmok. Thev Hrn onlt-red to b) in rcndlucH to march In ihn-ocHya. Lst n'ght thi vvhr n cniinail of tho mlnlM'ry, laxilni; till 3 o'oiock In llio mnrolnB. I'ritico OorUuhki)ff kfopi him Rflf dully informed of what Impptni linru ThoHirvlan p)v'rnmnt inqnlreu whtthpr (hh LxdinfTHhoultf reoxlvo tho conimnDcl, but tho ropl v wa In tint no.jatlvo. London, Aug 20 A-k result of Sntnr diy'n flitbilnK llm IHirWUh advancai on Ibe ht leries MtiniMwhat muiiaiu'o the Ruidn flankt. Tho Tinka are cona'moilnit frpah haitmlot in Toiji valloy. Tho KuMnlaiiH have boon ndiquntuly rt'lnroreed, and there In nnibliiK In 1 ho prr-w nt ltnxiki lo alter tho Imp-iiHblon that Ch.n. HvdlUky holds bin pontdonn. Hafviit LMha lias been appointed mlntfttar of JiiHiloa, i-ucciullng AHyin I'aiha, who la nominated ptosUlentol the e.miutit. AdvlrxH Irom "HiiHliin beii'qiiarter fit Oorny 8 inltin August 28ih, fay all Ih quiet 1I1IM mommy, viur irnnp' uininoiin ineir pit hIiI'iii. ThxTnrkH riuuilii unditr rover lie. hind tho tiolhbinliiK liflnlit,mit nrriiKool our htitteileri TIiiiIoIhI tiuniherof wonndod from Aui'iist UlMtto AiiKUMt 27th fu 2 480, In eluding 95 olllwrt. Tlo numlH-r killed ih iiuknuwn Everything la qmtit in 1'lbVl.n and Lot'chti. A o-irriHDntidont telpifrHiihR! Afier tho en- vere OuhllnK Hunday Chit Tuikt rnfralned from renewing tho ittUrk on the ItiiHalen poHltlona in yclilpka rHn, mid up to this morning tboro wub only au occiuduiml rlilu flro. Ixwdon, Anp. 30 A apeolaldalfd Onrney Sludenlef tlie iMili hhh: The uliIoT of Huh klan htatr vhdied Hohlpka Paox, and repnria troops aro well suplllwl provNlMin and very dxtoruilnod The Turku are Kulnn wearied Hovr-I tlieuaud unburhd dead ciiuno an unbearablo Btonoh around tbe hill aide. Considerable relnfnroetnenta arrived at Oib rovaonHuudiy. AooriiapondeoteatiroatiM tba Ruaatan garrlaou In tbe paaa at 80 batta lions, London. Auz. 30. A telfKrara from lbs oeat or war mates Hulelnun Paaka ooualdera thoUklnRof Hchlpka paaa rrotn tbe rront hopelena, and will .conwuuot fnrufledoampB in the villaitiM of Sohlnka and Henkoraaod croiM tho Balkan llirnagb other pauses. The Porta hunrdnrM me eonoentraiion ofSiO.Mt troona on the Tlitioka frontier of Hri and resolved lo denoae Prince Milan, irbervia beRina war, ana appoint a rnrKian governor for tbe principality. Tho Time military cnrroitpondent at Da rharext aava: Fir the moment tbe In tore t ooaeeotrateitelfairalnon Plevna where Oa matt Haiitia U atrongly reinforced by men rrum rJulelman Pxaba and RUiia fram Wld dlu. He la now credited with 200 and ntaght 10 make a Kid ilefense, but If defeated the Turklnh .e will be Irreparable In tbe Taoe of tbe immenaely fcuporlor Raaalan eavalry. O-maa Paaha'ri defeat would moreover, Im mediately kIvo tbe Rn'alana foree enonub, even without the oomtSK gnard, to path again over tbe Balkana. Keliriadft, Aur. 88 Many engineer offl mn him lfi for the frontier. Ptiatoua aarf brMita miMlt , tUo -MumvaaBcT and Tlmok rvera and Klldora. BlRhtbatU linna of reKiilara leave for the frontier. r.nnrfnn. Auir M Tim Roumanian brldae at Korola aaa ready the H'.ti of AukuhI, and a whole dlvlalon eroded. Two othera have imihablv irned hy tbistlmo, tegetber with tbe prtoee kiroself. Nil u ci-tvo aciton will tako plaee atSohip ka tiniil Iho arrivalof ruliilorcemunta on 0110 or both aide. London, Aufr.SO-Oen. Grant and wife haie arrived In K .Inliiirif. The editor or the Madraa Time, a. ment brof Iho rtllnf committee, wrltea uudei AuitiiNt Ihtl Tbe population of touihirii I nil-, morxnr IfNHtTea ed by finloe, num her V4,000fl00 Under tho mii favorable nirnni,ikiiiiii-u ut laalOIIII alxtll will die. Ham has lallen in lorrenlH all over the north of Scotland alinnst without iiitermla slon elnre last night. Tho barveHl rojioriM f'tim all quarters ere moat det'iidlnp. The fl mla bavouauaed Krt'at dumK oouth A hIhn 1'arlx, Auir. 80 The publlo prnaeoutor bat lodav. Issiifd a HumiuniM which will he arvd on Gambotta. Wltne'-Hea will be neaid bv a maumtrate charued with the pre liminary examination. KUtlvo to Oaiu. ttta'e trial, tho Frauonle eaja the oh-rKt of hatred and contempt of Ibe Rnernmenl h a leen ahandonod, aa ll Mould Involve a trial I. .rin h J'lry. when newnpapor reporla oould not have been prevented. ChieaKO, Aii. 31 The Trl'iune't London aolal t-at.; At Kufsitn hcilquartern It is hellt-ved the nfiuient now nt hand for dull. HlveattMCfcHupon the Turkiah ariiilet nor h of the Itilkana, AsKaul a upon Plevna i rerttlnl v only a iitHiter of a f. w daya, A Ih ftMlnfO-mm I'aulia 1 regarded by Loudon paperee UitviiHiie: in imoi mav mis wif .Trtl lsn-oU(l Hiinn 10 rtM rout without uxht Inirloa pohlttnn w here he will nut be ex piiMt men attack fiotn tbo Korvian army, which is t-ald to l -10,00 etront; and ready 10 march at a moinent'a notice aoroaa the frou tier Confttantlnopln, An 31 A Hhnmla dla . aifit aiiiK'UiiceH the column nf tletno 1'h na lorn advancetl from K-ki DJtuna and rrnkst-d IIih rlycr Iyim near Oannar, drlv h'i'k ihe Hukfiano, who, alter a hhnrt rmUl ance rtre'id fit 111 the river .Mn lull Plaint hasuilVxiiOH I from ItiHirrail tovvimtK TormaW, rf iul-inn ihe Ilu-hUm and laptiirlni two kui a. A Kreat faitlti ia b lievtdtoho liitnilnHOt. Hut Turks ureas .timlnp- tho fifffnaivo aionir the whole lino. KHiff I'anha IihvI'-K refusm! to attend u millittrv eoiini'il lor trUI.it has beeu dioid ed to briiip him hi fore thnoouivll by loroe Lnudfiu. Aii? 31 A Russian olil tlal dla ptoh yesterday eyMtho Ris,laoiroocon initio lobdvaitce lowtrds mi itiin Kilth. Otin. Alcliasotra crus-ed the river Kelea -iirttrnihe 8 h litat, lUaadvancaKuard oo CUliUd AKine-obao-a The ndv.inutt olumn of Otiii, Rlbltch,e fmitn from therivir Mirnrht airlveit OU the U4Hl at the villnue of, l.lldln-k.-r. The I'urka h.ivlni; r,e-ivcil relnf.r uif nta uro Jortlf tnu Hukum Kalbti and thu ukIkIi borini; hfightH, A it'iHchim nt nf it column iiiulerCol Is malleff at ladwar aa auaoked'hy a Hiipxrlor I'liiklch force; ublohwat. however repulsed Uillie'nli tlireeirKlsn eoliimua mane a frteh atlatk up?nu out iroop, trout and lUnn, but notwiihhtandlnK iheir lmuinn.o numerical Miperkirity. Ihe Tinka were re pa Uud a'ler five bourn' enKai infill, with a io6 ol 400 men. The Kutalau loaaea weie invlKnl&caiit. l'rluoi Tohrrkaaaki haa been removed from the admluia'.ration of liulftaria. The Turkish ambawador at Vienna baa delivered a note reminding the towers that Turkey, m tbe conclusion of tbe lsu Servian warreK'e ted no opportunity of renderiutt rvlakaimleas attbelr lequett.siatlu in case Servla abould again take op arau Tur key would not coutldur theuielvea bound he'rearer to treat bar with moderation, and would only consult5 her own military and political Intototn. ' It la expected a Vnille alone tho lint n' tho Lmn, from Auat-hlar to Torlake, was brgun ytaterdvv and eon intted ell day. Meheinel Alll'atha o unnanded tbu I'urKs in ponton, hiiiI attnuked tun ltlasivimat Uirro Hiltila. So far tho Turku ant t.ii-p-fn Dei Moines, It , Ana UJ -U .-.ih of ihe railroad accident nil C.KIAP it It at the eaet branch of Four-mile cicfk, mncn iiiIIih from ihlselt,irolH'ilnnlnK to arrive. TIim number of killed is cvilnwttd frnni 10 to Bt) All the train lint the nleepins car weutdown Into the stream, tho emilne cutiiptetoly out ofeluht. Hirnum'n iihov car wen' down nmnni; tho real, uud It IsaaUl all or tho 11 occupants hutnnii ore killed, It Is lrnpo elbluinuet f.ill pitrUculaia yet, aa the iicnt dent ocourred eeverul miles (roiu a(eera,ih otllcii. Arr.tnunut-nta uro bMin; made for toloymphlo cottiinuulcatlott dlrtct from the beetle of tho Hcoldent. Anpitclal to the Sh(o RiiUter from the iv reck eaja that there are 10 killed ho f.tr aa known. Twelvo !o'IIim uteotit on the hitttk, hh folloWH : Billy Itike'doan, onplticor ; J K Hull Htid daughter, toone, In Win Hum tulniiH, newhOov; Mra. Riiiiia Iltbcook, schianl teaoher; Rock lalamlj 7 of llirniun'e men as follows : V It lltknr,,! , ItrtiBs, A. Muck, O R kwell, r. Tooinp-n, J. Ir cell. Four deail hotlieH are will In the wivck, iHltciiutiolbegtil utlt at pnefllt. Mra. Holt wIioho hnhband nnd laiii(hior are unions iho klllid.ta hadlv lijur.c! New York, Au.iW rottvil Oriieral Hi dean writes tt letter denying ihe 11 coril n made bv Mimnnf the Aimr'oin pipers, linn ho wont ihe order or Cincinnati while Ht'coin panvlnuOHii. Onnt. lie t-avn he Is not a inemliKr of llio order of Clnoliitmil. hiiiI nnver wore tlinena'ijiila nftheonlar uliher at homii orubroao.or any d kui rat Ion what ever, excKlil thoo tndt'Htluir his minimi Ion with the U. 8, oluuioer nrmy during tbo rebellion. New York, Aug. 29 A Vablo eporl.tl rwyn ihe freedom of tliocltleuof GIasow and Ayr havo lieen offorod Grant. Nw-hvllle, Aug, 28 A dUpilcb from Wobli U. Hayes at Waahlnftlnti nnnoiinota ihe President and several nuniliera of ili cabinet expect lo vltdt Nashville on the 10 h Sep1.., In reaponao to an Invi'atlon of the municipal au'horJties, board of trade and ellfzetiM generally. t A train on the Missouri PaolfJo road, eight miles woat of the city, tonight ran Into a wagon containing W. T, Rltchey, wife and two children. Rltchey and wife were killed and tho oblld ratally Injured. Marshalltown, Aug. 38. The Deranoratlo convention reassembled at 2 p m. and nom inated the following ticket: Gov., John P Inaht Lt. Gov., W. Jameej Supreme Judge n. E.J Boardmani bap. Public InatruoUoui O. D Collom. Rlohmoad, Ind., Ang. 30 Hon. Iaaao Johnson ol tbe Rleomond Dally Palladium was among tbe attendants upon senator Morton last night, and this evening the fid lowlnu editorial was published In that pa pen General anxiety abiut Ihe onndl Ion nf (Senator Morton and the contradictory report afloat In regard to It Jostiry as In saying It, and we sprak from personal nbeervation, that his Improvement In tba last 48 hours baa bees most remarkable. His real last nluht was alasoat unbroken, nleeplng the greater part of the time aa calmly and natu rally aa thoush In Bartat health. Mobile, Aug 3 Admiral Hemmea died this morning at Point tJaarv . -" '"- -... " " .. la Informed by telegraph rrora wen. -at'""! "' tne oroMtng 01 mux river oy mwiBK and bis enoampmaai between Milk and me Miaaourt rivers, in me neiguonrnoon ti uiv lie Rooky mountains, and about M mile- southeast of Fort Bentou. Hfling iioii'a firetajnoo again In thi Unlh-d BUlea with a arge foree will oauaeadditloaal ao.lon at tbe war departmcut In dealing wim tne inuiaii problem. New York, Aug. 3Q A Pot WaNhlnglon dlBustoli )B Oeu. Terry does not credit ibe r-port lha' Hilling Dull and his baud haa re iiirued to U 8. territory, ami thinks the In diana M-eu aud reported aa being Suiirg Dull'u band are a r-uiall part wblub nevni weutauroaa the Canadian bmder at all, but remained within our territory. A diapateh hta been sent to Ihe Canadian autuorllles asking whether Bitting Dull haa actually re turned to American noil The Hilling Hull oommUalon will nol leave until a reply tu .he dlaibttoh la received. Siorelary Hohura la confident that BillliiK Dull laHtlli in Canada. I)es MninoA, Aug "A Tho body last taken nuiwaa lliaiot Mia Crow, wlfnof a work man al the Park lloitae bare. Her head, which waa crushed aud maahed between twa cam la now pulled nil. Three more Ix'dica havo been taken out, all men. One Ih aiip pood, by the papers on him, to be Cogeii, a oninmoruiitl traveler from Peoria, Hi. Tho other two are uoidentUled. The body nf t lady Ih now lying lu the wreck, making IH pemons known 10 be klllbd. The o her cr are en llrmly tnluiuopvd logethir that it w linpoasiblo ho ftr 10 pry them apart with blo-K and tackle Tben-tiutiof IhtilaMt man tskell OUl v.hB ThoH. DilllaWA of lis a I l)te Moinea. who reonlitly mil away I10111 tho luaoe aaluin. I tin aoutiwu was oocaaioiieu uy inn warn ing muni tntt brldue, aud occurred aliui4 o'cloik thla uiorulng. Tiieatreutii where tbo aocldont ocourred has imvor boii knoau to resell Its pteaeul height. Ttieohauuel was 40 or W) foot wide and lnnk.sM feet high. Tbe looouiotive, In ita wild daa , landed at the foot of the wont em hide and half hurried iuolf In tho earth limnim' ear was next aud dropped Into the ohHtuiflj the baggage and tnall patxod ovm this, thu otcupauts buliu uiihurl. 1'htt Uri-I Nttieiiger pliohed lieaili'oog IliUi Ihe Hlre-nu wliere the water was 15 ft 01 deep The m x car plunged under 1I1U, teleacoptng wlih it. and the m-xt telfioipeil hall llirouh both jirtcediiu. The Hiteplug ar did not go into the wreck, t-lmply trmauae thero was not room for It. Its oecupanta wert Jirrril, tint nnuii eerloualy Itjured. Tim hceiie al the time of tho ttO.)idiiii la de-turihed as ter rifl t tho ralu falling in lorreiitw Hecoriipaii l.il hy wind, llghiuing and violent thunder, "ihouraah put out the llyhts mid thu .ceao of tenor iiHiilng may well boiui.igiutd Bin Prunuii:o, Aug. W llio fullnwlng d epaioli fioui Halt Iki was ricolvtfi 10 ilav al4 ti'oloik: '(Irigliam Ynumi died at 4 p.M TuefltkH of ih city am at half-matt Malt Like, Aug. IS Tlia opp iklllon to Ihe hlioceksitiu ol liber Joseph Yminii or Hru ham Y luiigtolhe prealiienuy 01 Ihe ohoruh Ih ou kliokeii mid In very many cairns moki bluer, J it'll VV. Young la the only one ul all litte.i by nalnrsl or a quired anility fir ihe jan. loo. He Is iloaucially a bankrupt, snd has iititll the Us sis mouths been hum ih-iciI of aixMtasy. Hsli Uke, Au 30. The funeral of Uric ham Youiitf i aiiioiinod to take plaro on .Sunday next. The , fags upou tho publlu iiuildliiga are at half mai-t beie lo day, and orpe upon Ibe doors of places of Iiiiih-hs n 1111 at of the prnmiiit Mormons. IlrlghamV iteaih raiike sincere regret 011 tho pan ot motnf Hie Mormoim.whlletliegentlltM view ll aa likely 10 cause distension and a gradual bieakuiK to pleceh of the Mormon uhuroh As rrgards Hrigham'a uo'eaoiall is luipoa Mtble 10 .ay who mar attain to his pnalilon Now York, Au j. 30 All the papers have obituary arllslt oa Brignaaa Yuung. His death tuftiie a profound eoiis-a Ion. Xht Timea saya of Ins Mormon state and the great problem of Itsexlatenea, it tsdilllcuh lo8ay what will bo tho te-ult nfhl death bill It doee wem that lt tvlll bea flnal blow wlilch ehnll r.hatter tho monstrouH fabrio ol MntmnnlHRi Ltwrenne, Iv., Aug. 30. Kx. Gov. Wilson Shannon died at mMnlyht, PlUhhurg, Aug 31 lu the U S. olroul' this afternoon A RrlBCJS, ll'tnry itln donherif'Titnd Dtvld Wsand wi re tantenefd to paj $10,000 end eoeta and ninety dayH Im prlMiumeiit tor contempt of court In atopp Imc iralnH on tho Central road, whlon was in ilin hands of a receiver appointed by tbe court . M CtnVnUnd, Aug. 31. Tho Grand Knnatnp uieui of lCulirbia Templar of Ihe United States sdiiiunutd tlitn forenoon. Grand Mae rr llurlhnt, nf Chu'iigit, w.h Installed, and appointed ofTWrs to till vscanoliH Tbe n xt crawl nticsiiipmmit tneert 'n Chicago tho third Tuesday lu AllPUt, 18JI0. The tevereet rain storm ever known, hore pse-od over the cltv thi- forenoon, accompa nied jy Huhtulnu',' lnd a-d hall. Several roor were blown off and truos broken tuid unrnntnd. Wu-btneton. A tin. 31 The eynaKCguo ef tho Hebrew congreuation, reoently rebnllt, waa dftlioated this evening. Many prom In ent persons were In tho eoiioreualion, Pres Idem Haves promised to ntiend,httt waa pre von I od from il-iliift so bv ollliilal btlsltieits. lie Hont a measage expiessieg tegreie. Tho eiipotlnteniKtit of ihn uoveromnnt printing oflltM Iias kiied n circular to arna tora en teiirrmnialives unurvtltig tl em me tn lend Inlltieiiot In biiliHll or hov perHOii si eking en iipiiulnlmeui In the got rruinttii printing cHI'", im he lnt mis in me filler" 10 run the olllco according to ills own Judg m tu. . . NtJvYiirk, Ain. 31 Tho Trlhitne'a Salt IjtUitspic.Ul eVHiheie la I nt little exnlio ipeni theio Over tho tlealh of llrlh'Hn Young The pipera upiicivrcd In mourning end eome Iiousch aero draped The tuneiul occurs on hiiiuUv H ime autlnlnalo 11 ouarrel over hl- elafi by Iho heirs, Involving the rlghte of hla poljgitiioini uhildien. It la probable tint', hla Hiirct-fenr will never achtevo the power wielded bv Young. C-awittmide, Kaitesa, Aug 30 Ten (hull enutl pmiplo responded in the nail to-dav to wltne-H tho OHrnmonlea attending tho dedica tion nf the On! John Drown monumnnt. Senator ImraMs, orator nf tho day, made a speech an hour lung, being nnnsiently ap plaudnd. After dinner, Charles Langdnn delivered a speech, formally dedicating the montimnnt. 3hnrtsDOnhoa were made by D II. Uaakell. Col. D K. Anthony, and oth era. A jotolutkin was adopted rtqutstkig tbe legislature of Kansas in mske an appro nrlstlon lo procure a statue nf John Brown, in brnnse or marble, to be plseed In the hall nf atatnary of the national oapltol aa a gift to Iba Halloa. Many leading .men of tbe B'ate were present, and the meeting wai pronoun oed a grand sanoess. FROM POftTLAXD TO X0SI1TJB0. Tnesday morning, August Mb, party eons'stlngof Oen.Tanaait, formerly of tbe U. B. army, now visiting Oregon aa civil and mining engineer, la tbe lnleret of ibe O dt O. R. R. Company, Mr. Ooggawel I, connected with tba Independent Htateaman, Concord, N. II., now travellag la Oregon; Oapt. Rlek er. of Bsleai, MasSj, who commanded a ve yird'lfVeaVgto at Vancouver, aocompsnled by Mraars. Hohulae and Brandt of tbe R. R. Company, went up tbe road ss far aa Rneabarg, yoar oorreepou dent having been kindly Invited by Mr. Nebulae 10 Join tbe excursion. It was a da- lignum day, not 100 warm mio oppronsive, and aell calculated toshow to advantage our li rnparate summer clime. Aa wo passed up the Willamette and left the hills and woods of Clackamas for tho prairies and wheat Ileitis to iho South, our visitors began to re alise tbo extent and value of tho Willamette valley aa a wheat producing region. Leav ing French Prairie wo swept past the bills nf Marlon and lu sight of those or folk, need lug no other proof than ooulsr demonnlra lion to show that the bill sides rival our val leys In the prodaotlon of cereals, It la a beautiful sight to view the golden Held, piled with glittering sheayea that crown Ihe hills and are bung opoo their sunny slopes. It U not less beautiful to read the story ef the genuine prospetlty of our farmers In the vast fields or grain on the prairies, seme of which bavii been reaped while others wait with bonded heads f r tho reaper's coming. Kvery where, as wo passed on leaving Ihe lower valley for Ihe biosd prairies or Linn aud thu diversified landscape or Lane, wo saw buy harvesters at work, Tho harvest was then about half coucluded in the Wil lamette valley. The geiitlometi with ua who visited Oregon for the first time, woie delighted with tho agrlouliual qualities of Marlon county, thoir views broadened au they rolled over tbe one great prairie nf Linn aud past the thriving (owns along Ibe road in that county 1 they admired the charms of Lano county, whero we looked ahead across tho prairies, at tbe clear cut outllues of Hpencer's llutto, and reaching that charm ing bill-guarded town, Kugene, passed 011 thenoo through ever changing vistas or hllbj and vales, through the npper portion of that county, looking hack as uoolluilxd thu easy grndt) of the CallpooU mouuialiis at the clustered snows of (he Three Hlsters. TllltOOH TJIH UMPUUA. Wedluod t Odeneal's excellent table at Albany and supped at Oakland. The Coin p.ny taku care that pssneugrs Hliall be well used and well fed, as Is very proper. Over the CallpooU's Is not along ride, for the mountains are uolther very rude nor very wide sprtad, hut consist of heavily tlmhoted rlduus that look desolata in a statu ef nature, and are being desolated by Couutook' steam nw mill, planted close by the road. A short run lakes us down an easy grade, alot.g tiio waters of Pass Creek, until wo curve and glldo among llio bnautllul and ploturequu valleys of tho Uiniqua, pt Yoncalla vslo aud hill which sppear In most charming re kiho sud retrospect as we follow (be long sweeping curve to tbe Houth of It. The Ump qua looks Its best In spring time, for tho hills that are brown in Auguitareeuierald In May, with a world In bloom to deck them for tbe summer greeting. I saw them thus In May IHol aa I wielded aa ox whip over tba nnaaade Umpqaa roads, and made moiUr or is almost aalrcaidsn black mndtaat baa slneo then beenmo hlstoilo. Tho vales aud hills of Umpqua looked like dream land tvonty-slx years sgn, for tho footsteps of o vlllaitlon wore few and far boiweenjtba stge of Yoncalla wan a now coiner, or com pratvely nn.and the valleys beyond were tn tally tioolalmud and tiuoonuplod, and thero were rw cattlo upnti the thousand bills. There bus (time n change over that spirit of drmtii'laiid that the ebrill ecrcwm of tho l coato lie I'etre witness; aud nld Duck und Hrludlo have lieuled thoir last load and turned their Inst furrow uti ago ago. Many a furrow has been In mod lu tho Uiupqun, aud some few Imvo been plowed tu liin lace of Iho boy of '61 Wo wend our vvy mid wind our conrse on through vale Hfer vale and sweep tbo baso nf many a hill, elth now and then a cut through rocky point?, hiiiI Just as the even lug begins to mluglu with the day and twi light ortcps with drowxy step 011 day's threshold, wo btxi tho lually di lly;litful vll- lagoot Koeeburst (tliHl will probably rencnt being called h vills;a when It knows that it Is n lively towu.)arndlod oomforiably among tho hills on tho laud claim that uncle Anron ltot.0 locit'ed over quarter of a CMilury -liice slllis Iioiihch netlcd 1 here lu cnmfiirtnt.li) con trast with the rudestirioundlm h of the enrly aelHera tn thosn years of loim auo. Thero wire nlwas mineral sprlncs pour lug fort li nt Snow ileii, ho shnioas nt preeont, hut their healing virtues w,inol nppricln led, whllo to-day m NiiowdcnV place In Yon calla vslo, a lino hotel In const nmtt d end the comr.iencemeut msduof whatmua; In Unto hn a lavorlie watering plnco. Already Inval- tda go away relieved of discomfort aud ills- oaeo. linHriiuiia-roAi. ukdh, At IlnMihurg the rallioud ends "lid tbonvcr Itiitd Htauo resuniiH Its uilsslon nf mercy aa onuveyr of the United H'ates tnall. As tor minus of the road, Ko-eburg posneascs con siderable importance, bealiies wlilch it ban a aataral loeatlon that gives It an exienstvo trade, Here we mot pleasant friends, spent tho cvonlug mj'iyubly partly lu beating, tbo Congressional reminiscences of Mr. Lano, who nveels as a story teller and has a deal of pride In announcing that ho was one of tho five incorrigible "flllbusiers". Here we also met Judge Tolman, of Ashland, who was organising a company tn work valuable gravel mines he owns In Jaoknon county. Ooal has been fnntid on the Railroad Compa ny's lands In Uiniqua, as well as on other lands, and mtion Inuivstls felt In securing the developonient nfsueh lands, by whoever o vned,' beostts" suoti developemeut will in oresse trafUti and Mild m the business of tbo road, It la Mid that coal I in pro vis In quali ty as It Is found further from tbe coast, end Mr. n ager llerrraan has an unole, long eon ncietl with coal mining tn Pennsylvania, writes blin that he thinks be haa found ooal that po-etnaes logical degree ibeqaaUllosof the best Cumberland ooal. Hucb dlseovery wilt supply a great want aud bnlld upaa Important 1 rade. After enjoying a good bed nt the Ro-tbarg hotel wo took the train hack again al early morning uud aiopp d 1 tl at rKOWPKN hPHIMIs, Where I am now writing thin. There are a ntiinlair of Hprlngs at tbU pi ao. Ab ive tho lintel on the hill side, are o-tld springs of poro watt r ol ibn IIiiomi kind. Acrtai thu 1 reek fnim lite lallrosd and house la a aallnit spring of such brmv alirlbulea thata very sllkht lasto .leavet a permanent Impression. It is not tnipn Initio that the manufacture cTnaU oould hooarrhti 011 here to some advantugo. Ihe spring that has given celt briiy 10 the place comes up In iho valley, a abort dlstaium Irom tint houo, uud I ours forth quite a a ream Its uutiNiliuenta are about tqual parta 1 f uiilorldeaof uugnei lutu, sndluui aud iislnluin Carbonlo auid gasrkaes very abuudautly; thero is also a truce of Iron lu tho waier. Thero la no doubt that many diaoaaiM will be rellewd by par tloljKitlngof tho waters and in fact ti.auy have been so already. The spring had it lo- u il oolebrtty an 1 wssvlaltid by many for years past, Dr. 1) I'-ylon has houghl half Interest In Mr, Hiiuwdeii's 3i0 aerns mill a rather large house has been erected, and bo lero another yiur ln;ra-e( auoomtiiodailoiiM will ho provided. lining llio Summer many have applied innroihnu uou'tl bo mi- cominodated. Thu pace Isaboui fa feet alsiveaea level and the clliuuto of Umpiua Is free from malaria and iho most hialthiul known. This of Iuolf will prove or gnat benefit tn Invalids and with thu areallve property of the water added, and (he good accommodations and uliolni fa 10 lo ho hail at llio Yuuoalla llouso, it will hos-teii thai . t iraciinuH multiply, not only fi r invalid but for pleasure sinkers generally. rlHH ANII (IAMK, For Ibn angler, tn Ul wait in Iho huaiitiful creek that pushes Ita way through tho hills sud ulreles past Iho hotiM. Fir the eporui rutin, gauio birds sro abundant in tho hills mid deer ran at night and crop iheoahhage plants in tbo guidon, Thoj Imvo vi nl-tiii oil tbu table mint Ol tho lime Tin. house and spring are situated in one of the ohnrui- lug vslleys Yonoalla fur which Umpqua is celebrated, it is u ImmiiiIiiiI tuuuiit v , 111a stnttngnf gruslng hills and lovely vallevs, Jo in bled loguther in mlinlialiln conlimioii," poH'tiesliig tlitiulmrinot pstorul llfn, cultua Uel lislds and tiiusmed wildernts-, side by kiiIo, Hill sides utmost Inaoi isililo In coiuo Uejtsnd WO'lded, anil 01 her hill aldrs shltl- Ime with llsldsuf uoldeii grain, Ol course such a land is the natural home of Ihe wild deer, for tils forest rutreata am wltniti sight of tbo cultivated valleys. Here grouse, quail and pheasants raUn their hn od, and the wiudlngsUeaniH must be stocked with speck led trout, rsjxakiug ol the water of Hoowdua oue tauatcouJ'sJtuie as in the aurce oftno varlndsu unit. salt sortiis'. chloride spriog I a&4 pare epriug water are all to be fouuu la )n 'T 4 wr I fl itJtimu'iJtmmmJUUMiartiitwuiinmk S5STJCT35R"IW! 'umm&timM&m , - !