Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 07, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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illirrndft Jfarmtt.
immo zrxnr rniiur, bt
rtnjMnKTia ASDraorjUBTow.
H. A. OIiilftKK. D. W. OKAU1,
Terms of Ktitiseripllou.
On rj,ne von-CJ namhcriO..... .St.60
On ' v j'j ir;i.rt!i (M nunh r) 1.25
Oil'i' hut. HitHK -rnMtiiMBtiitmtir) .76
At u faceting hold at the Court ITnuuc
In Union, Union county, on Baturdiy,
An;. 18th, 1B77, for the purpura of organ-
ly.iiie; n Greenback Club, tliu following
resolutions nnd platform worn adopted:
WiiKiiKAH, Tho oplnlon'nf tho people
onn only lio effectively expressed through
organization with definite cud and means,
and whereas, tho question of what flnan
eial system snail be adopted by our people,
through their government, being tho
moHt vltnl to our future nrosncrltv. Ih se
lected anthebiudoof union until Its uo
compllshmcnlH shall place somo other
toplo nt tho head of those things moot de
voutly wished. Therefore bo it
Resolved, Thnt wucomhlno nnd nrgnn
lee ourselves Into n nolltlcul nnrty. adopt'
lug tho name of Independent, and the
dihtlnotlvo title of Greenback (Jlub : The
object of our bunding together in both
combined nnd individual nctlon, to no
euro monetary reform tin nliall free un
from tho flnhnulnl c villi, which hnvehecri
tho ruin' of our 'country and thodegrcda
tlon of labor. Wo hereby bind ourselves
to tho declaration of principle herowith,
for tho successful prosecution of tho work
f organisation and education, promising
to uso onr Deo endeavor to accure ino emc
ees of ,the Independent party In control
I theaffslnioT oar' town, county Btato
nd Nation.' 1 ' "' ' ' -
J'jtATvoiui: 1 'The 'grot-back dollar
must be legal Under for tho payment of
all debts, and by the Government issued,
retorted and received at par with gold,
nd. The greenback to bo tho legal ton
der money of thd country, and to bo In
mod by 'tho Government. 8d. The gen
ernl Government alorie to Issue money,
and thin lor the benefit ot all, and not to,
through, or for tho enrichment of tho
"National bankers.. 4th All kinds of prop
erty utvbcd by individuals to be Uxod
alike. Mb. Payment of the United 8tateH
bonds in lawful money of the country.
6th. Honesty and economy in tho admin
titration or puinio affairs.
Tho abovo platform, brief and to tho
point, having been adopted bv tho Na
tional executive ureennrnoK uommitieo,
tells the bhjeot for which wo, working
men, oltiaenn and tax-pave nt associate
ourselves lor tuo purpose oi scouring me
greatest number, bringing capital luto
syiupnlhy with labor and carrying out
uio priucipica as above proclaimed to (no
control of politllal aud financial itflklre In
the UnlteilHtiteVi. ,
To this end for tho abovo purpose', re
gardless of color, previous condition of
physical or political a filiation In tbo past,
we, oltlteiiH of Umoh, Ualou county,
titnto of Oregon, enscrlbe our names for
the Immediate purpose of owmUIbc a
n-jnbkClBb. ' '
David Ml.chaeJ,
J. W. BarBOtt, .
Tho Wllklaaon,
i)ottlet) Bete mitt,
J. Wilkinson,
Andrew Wilkinson,
W. F. Davis,
a Watmin,
John Wilkinson,
JO. P. Ashby,
imvui uaira,
Mutt JoJibnon,
K MoCoflkey,
"W. Hathaway,
Vt. A. Catcs,
.1. H. Hams,
M. Wilkiiwon,
W. II. Ilookor,
Win. Wilkinson,
O. W. Frailer.
'the follnwlnu persona were eJeeUd to
Mirvo for tliu rlrkt quarter:
lVosIdent, W. Hathaway; Vlco Prel
dent, W. K. Davis; B'cretary, A. W.
t?utes; TivAHiirur, M. Wilkinson.
The club will meet at the court house
every Ha turd ay at 7:30 r. M.
W, A. Catkh, B-o.
Urighnm Young Is ocad ; aivlwlthlilni
dies tho Chureh of tho letter Day
Ba lilts, while tuo ovlla of Mormonlsin
will linger for many generations. He
wii u remarkable man. aud held his po
yle under moro nbsolutoaad posltlvemib
uhkwi than any king or despot. Ills
will wui alwaya the will of his followenti
lie was uiHUeMlonably u .bad man, and
the country at largo will not bo any wonm,
otl'liy his removal tq tho next world. Ho
hiui Ikhu ImpllcaUsi Ih many of tho
ntrodtles whlcii have been committed on
the Oi utiles, ami no doubt was tho Insti
gator of tho Mouutalu Meadow Mnssaere,
for whUli he was before thu courts at tho
time of ht death. No matter what his
slim may havo Iku, be unquestionably
p(MMHi one or u iKriuucsi uiiikih oi
any man of thU age. Ho was boni In
Wnlttlnghum, Vermont. Iu IhOI, In'tng
Vt) yuirn of ngvi. 1 n 1K12 lie was made Die
eUUr of tho Cbureh of tho letter IK.y
Kalnt.v, and tx-gan to n-tvaeh to tho Mor
mons ut KlrUunil, Ohio; In 1836 ho was
apiKunttMl oik of tho twelvo ajwtli's;
after tlto Mormons hud bveu driven
fimn Klrtland toMl-vourliuidfroui tlu-rv
to Illinois, and thu murder of JoH-ph
Bmlih In lftM, Young was etniMii l'r
lileut, which poelllou ho held to tho time
ot thehlsdeath. Ju 1S15 ho was driven
from Nuiim, when ho took hLs march
for 1. tih, wiierothoy nrrlved on July til,
IhiV. On thoorgaiilrntlon of thu Terrl
toiy( Vniiig wwi iipiMiintrd tlovernor by
IViimiIi nt Fllniorv. Thu follow lug yiur
he w.ts removcl, owing to tho fact tint
tho United Htau Judges had bivn driven
fforti t!ie Territory. Ho rvfuasd to give
way t his hUoot'Kesir. IU Mild ho was .in!
vuuid to Uoveruor, 'and no power out
lilnJer It until tho I.ml Almighty on,
'Hrlhnin.ioa iusl uolheOoveruur any
lotiger.' " The Lord bun raid It ami tho
pe'phi goucMlly will tuy niaen.-l'ort-liunl
Cltu t.amHtr,
Mr. O. 1", IVninls nnulvdl four tur lovix,
utotil tMettiy-tivn tluKwiind foN, ondur lura
lr, yritMdHy,(lViliHsd.sy)froiii UinliMii)
Iho WlombUxtver, luilow f!i, Holnn.. It .m
to tvi t.ji1:m1 up Into Mh, 4b ore, IiUiuIh, un)
tntlW tinb'tmiK. for waloh tmrp9.v) It it
ud:t J, ts,u t:(M fruai Xtt ta.
ItcliOUXi TcAilllNG.
Perhups no branch of business suffers
more, for tho want of efficiency iu tho
employees, titan school teaching. Tho
people In nome of tho Eastern States tiro
holding meetings ami protesting against
tho employment, by tho Public School
Directors, or Inefficient teacher when
good talent can bo procured. Borne per
KoriHhavo i. natural tasloand talent fur
tcticlilnir, whilst with others It Ih purely
mechanical. Ah in other profefslons, tho
best talent should nhvnys be employed,
and the parent who tngleet this nro In
Meting a llfe-tlmo Injury onlholrcMI
ilrn. On thlsHuljic't an oxohango j;na
olfrhe the folloivh g :
"Theiolnu world wlrio dllTeroiUM be
tween the fnab, honest liihlruotion of n
true tenrher nin! tho dry mid prosy dic
tations of a wooden one. A man of little
memory and (cm seriBc often mnnuceH to
drag through his term andget IiIh money,
no one wiser because ho has taught, and
no on3 sorry becauso ho hss gone. He
'naked the questions exactly as ttiey were
printed, and required tho nnnwer In the
author's words, JJewosa teacher hecnuno
ho wanted eome money, nnd tho commis
sioner, whoso duty It wus to examine
him, had not sense cnnuirh to deny him
n certllleate. In tho Doge's parlor at
Venleo there nro two wells One is filled
witli water brought In barges from a dis
tance, and a few enmo for lis Insipid
contents. Tho other Is a refreshing, nat
ural well, rnol ami dellclcu.s, and tho peo
ple contend for every drop of It. Frcsh-rn'S-r,
naturalness, life will always attract.
Harrowed learning Is flutnnd Insipid. An
artificial teacher is Mho one of thoso
wooden images seen In storm, nicely
nresse'i out woiuny wanting in Drains. A
liltlo Independent, hnncft thinking and
ucling Is vory refreshing tlieHo hard
A shrewd Journalist glrea this business
Who would regard tho news columns
of a newspaper which dealt only In tho
broadest generalities, reporting day after
day facts that tho public were already
well aware of. Of course, no one would
reiriftunh . a paper. It la the fresh noss
and striking character of the news which
drawn readers and makes a newspaper
sought for, and Just the same principle
applies to advertise montn. The business
man, to benefit fully from them, must
mako them contain something that the
people want to know fresh and detailed
Information. Hold and Ingonlousdlsplay
will never alono effect tho object.
In n Innti and observing experience
we havo noticed that people pay liltlo
attention to generalities. A dry goods
dealer mav advertise from now till
doomsday that ho keeps a full lino ol
cotton, linen and woolen goods, silks,
velvet, ribbons, laces, eta, and observe
scarcely any Incresse In his trade, but let
him aunoiinoo that ho has opened a ohku
of coshemeres which he has marked at
2fi cents u yard below tho previously cur
rent prices, and see now ins etoro will lo
In other 'departments of trade there are
few advertisers who do not have some
thing In thelrtoflk that, graphically tie
scrllted would draw hosts of people to
their stores to Inspect If not to purchase,
aud Itivpt'Otian commonly leads to pur
chase. Tbo aim should be to interest, the pub
lic. It uo doubt requires skill and thought
aud study, bat this positive news features
Is essential to the profitableness of the
advertisement, and can always I de
pended on to pvr handsomely.
"No man will over prosper who has
the curse of a ruined woman upon him.
The murderer of tho body oan be tried
and executed by the world's laws but tho
murder of tho soul Is tried by heaven's
laws anil the execution Is sure ns Dlviuo
Justice." Aunt Iktsey said this as nho
folded tho white hands of n beautiful girl,
and put white tlowers nnd groen leaves
about tho marble cold forehead. There
was n tiny bubo beeldo the girl mother.
Tho hniiso was hushed, and there
wuh mourning such as few know. Half
glad that thu mother and child were dead
the rest of tho family must perform tits
Inst sad ofllco of burial and boar tho
family shame. A haunted hoa.se! A
ruined hom.'l Uod tho nrchltoot and
man tho spoiler. The curse Is there, and
tho destroyer eaunot escape Woman'
After all, what particular advantage
does a man gain by living to what Is
termel u good old ago 7 In niiifty-nlne
c.'tK'H out of a hundred, ho Ouds that he
litus Itveil'too long. Many young men as
biime that old men have had their day,
and Hint It Is tiino for them to mako way
fr tliotHi who aro pretlug on tltelr heels.
If the old men onn he thrust aside, well
and good; It they decline to be removal
from their placvN lKfor death takes them,
the ehniKeM urv that they are regarded as
iiiilKMices. and their transmutation Is
xtokeii of a.s a thing to bo desired. On
his side, tho old man is not blind If a
wealthy man, ho that In most luslanivs
ho I treated civilly U-nuifo people hope
to whtedlo him out of some of his prop
erty lie has the dlfttrlmluktiou to tl Meet
thai he is luughtHl ut, regarded tvs being
part f tho past, put ujvon one side as
If he weru nothing, lotted as If hu word
a ehl' I or permit of wea-k Intellect, and in
othe'. uiiyn, possibly uiilutentloually,
mortltU'd and Insulte4t, Can It bo wou
ileivd at (hat he often mnkori ihmivIsIi at
b nijit'i to ret-ei)t tho triMtmeut which he
rn'i vs , that lu is induced to tako mis
i.i throji.vil views of life and his condi
tion? Wily, man must havo nwoudcr
in I u utal mid phy.sloal constitution If
he e.in rriimln cheerful, hearty, frank
and -tMNbnaiured during tho peilod in
wbuii In n waits the wilting of iltils to
tho 1 1 :ipter of Ills life, homo mtuitigo to
ilo UiIn of eourse ; tut they nro bruvo
t-vu'ix, who are hugely favored by excep
(lo tal clreumstauets. It Is to bo fcurtsj
that it l:u"g pii t km of humuulty uover
an, (MtH to fit llitk udvaiitugeiu It dot in
thoovi-plpgof Hie,
5. it! 0.r"lliu hvs psld for fertllUirn
h.!iiU(u Ust .wi'lvs mouths JS.OOO.OiV),
lkmrdU i?,Q60.:C0, MrglnU ptvUbly uiuiv.
That tho young havo rights Inherent
in themselves aud perfectly distlru-t from
tholr parents, Ih In this ago, conceded by
all. To this principle we oe, In no
hiikiII menHtiro. our public school system;
together with the ninny Inws that have
I'oi-n enacted for th3 protection ofyouth
Thus wo have In some Btate.s what me
ealleil compulsory educaliou slatuies ;
laH relating to tho nj?e at which dill
drcti miiy be employed In mints and fae
ci '.h, and the hours that they nisy he mi
i i p ".veil In each day, together with
' r pruvl Ions for their nriiteu' ion.
Dot hero Is niinlhr itu-nn why tin
'.r Bliiiulii receive the protioiloti oi
ti '-ttUi-, hesldts tho jot ibit' ihoy h'tvi
ruMitfi which they thomselvis are ininbli'
to ii)iTt, and which li becomes the duty
of tho Btuto an their political gutvdlitn to
mulutulti forthem. For. It depends upon
tho early education mid trainim: of these
children, whether they will become good
cIllzeiiH benefiting the country, or wheth
er they will grow up outlaws nnd crimi
nals nt com taut war with society. Thus
It becomes necessary thnt wo should con
sider whether It Is not a matter of true
economy, to educate and care for the
young, rather than bo left to provide for
and punish the Indigent and the criminal.
Wo aro constantly pained by seeing
young children brought up In dens of In
famy and iniquity. There are, we regret
deeply to say, Instances ot this in' i 111-
very oily. Children taught and trained
to commit crlino ; tsught that it Is smart
to swear, lie, cheat aud steal; and taught
these things not merely by precept, tint
by that stilt moro potent Instructor, ex
ample. Aro weouiotlv tolook on and submit
to this? Aro wo to allow the nurture
nnd training of these young criminals to
bo carried on in such hot-beds of vice?
If wo do so, there will bo no fear of our
prisons and penitentiaries becoming va
cant; nor or our police and omoes or jus
lice lacking employment: and every cit
izen may rest content with the consola
tion that the rate of taxation will have
an UDward rather than a downward ten
dency, Protect will not avail as a remedy for a
preventative against this growing evil
Wo must act, and act promptly and flrm-
ly. It la Useless, or next to useless, to
'WW kb . - w viiiiiii'iij
compel these children to uttend the pub
Ho schools. Besides, when they arrive nt
OVJII, IUI ,7. tuvj am Iklll.'HIIJ' Ml bUllllVU
with the fearful malady of crime, that
their very presence In the midst of other
children might prove infectious. A fur
moro radical remedy than this must be
adopted If wo would prevent tho growth
of lioodlumlsm ; tho children of those
who live In open infamy and crime must
bo taken from them, they must bu re
moved from the evil teachings
of tholr parents' example, and sent to
somo institution where they will bu in
stmctedly properly, not only In knowl
edge but nlso In morals. And this scu-
.kl,.l A ..A tin.... h ., iil.ii.it.. ai. InlMlnil
arntlon should bo rendered as thoroughly
impossible; tho children of such pareti's
being removed at the earliest practical
age, nnd tho knowledge of their criminal
oesccnt oeing as entirely obliterated as
oan bo.
Wo have befora urged the building of a
State Reformatory, and wo urgo It again,
nor shall we cease e do so until some
thing Is done In the matter. 13ut we want
moro than this ; we should havo laws
passed making tt'MesJbo to.remove tho
children from r the .evil ' Intlucuces
by which they arc surrounded, aud secure
for them an education and training cal
culated to turn them into good and useful
ettlscns. And this can be accomplished
whether we have a rttuto Iteformatoryor
Let our preuohers of religion and mor
ality turn their attention to this matter
nnd duvoto their clfiirtB to secure legisla
tion on the riiibject.liy so doing thoy will
deliver thut kind of u sermon ti.at will
last long In thu memory of their hearers,
and that will neverdle In tho lives of the
future generations.
Tho residents of cities where river
is Imbibed, may read with Interest tho
spisjlal reports of Dr. Charles F. Folsom,
tho Secretary of tho Masaohuiutts Btnte
Board of Health, concerning the pollu
tion uf streams, tho disposal of sewage,
nnd tho relation between health and
drainage. Light Is thrown on the puri
fication of polluted water by exposure to
tho air by the reported analysis of the
water of thu river Bel no iu Its course
through Paris. Pure water holds about
10 per oent, of oxygen In solution. When
Impure matters aro added, this oxygen
may all, or nearly all, disappear In the
destructive oxidation of the Impurity.
Theoxldatlou being complete, the ab
sorption of oxygen from the air gradu
ally rUx's the proportion to the normal
standard. It was found that tho Hlero
above Purls contains 0 per cent of oxy
gen; In the upper part of tho city 8 er
cent; Mow the city, hut above thu out
let of tbo main ewcr, 0 per cent.
From that point tho proportion falls
oir rapidly, until below all tho sewon
the oxygen U reduced to 1 i-er cent.
Thenco tl ln:ren,a until seventeen
miles In-low tho towers It Is 0 per
cent. twemy-Mven mllen further, 8.6
percent, una thirty-five miles turther,
10.6 pcrocut. flhort occouuts am given
of various experiments iu tho dl-posal of
Miwaga by dry removul, irrigation, etc ,
lueludliig the intentitig report of the Ir
rigation work at OeunevllllerH, where
thu surface voluntarily irrigated by the
furmers, to whom sewage was delivered
free of eo.t. has lncreus-ed from 60 sores to
760 acres, the amount iimsI for each acre
annually MngabouU'O.OOOoublu metres.
It is nllcgcd that no iiiihealthful lullueti
iHs havo been caused by the irrliatlou.
InotdetiUlly tho valuable oiloot of oxida
tion upon tlio impurities carried into thu
will by hewugo is rtferred to us un estab
lished fact. For exumple, ''by gradual
oxidation this animal contamination has
bet'u so faros unalyxls oan show, convert
ed Into Innocuous Inorgiiuio compounds
wherever tho water was submitted to In
vestigation." The lat KH'tlon of Dr.
FoUom's rojott cites uumenius instances
where epidemics and typhoid fover havo
ben clearly trace!, In sotnu oaeh to air
k)Iwhu.I by sower-gas, ami In othei-s to
dilnkln water ooiitnmiuutiHl by oxcro
mental poltuttou.
A biacub oameru Tha limb of 4 tree.
Tho following
Is taki n from tho Vnnoou
rirtesrfent:::.HSd .. few
Hood river lins more of a populntlon then
'hnoutfdrio world knows of. A flnurUliliiK
soliool of tblny pupils Is toupbt by Mrs
lUndorfonor Portland. Anionic IhiiM) who
tutvo luruo frt.nis huromonllon miy he made
i ' Hon. E li. amlih lonnerlvol OlvmpU,
Dr W. fj. Adtnsofl'orilnto, Usury Ton. Dr
It.rietf, L.iiihu Smith. Mr. IKrolintiH, Mr
'i-rrlhon and otters. Dr Msisli president
PaciUu Unit ernv and runUtln Atutlcuiv.
Potent Hrmp. hiis br'Utflit aiimsll trac
nil httrs, mid I- nn !il ut fr hihcibli
w'i I'll U much, brnlun nticli-r iho yeais ol
'.ml wmlc hi lilx i roImM M.
1 hero 1- a wo d r'-Hd 10 t'o lt 'n.ff. ( ""l
r ,i ta are ilioiulu 1im ; they aro alajs
triod both siiiiunririind w tutor.
Mils inotintKiii elhnnto In f.ir heid of the
ya eotist for iiernons w tioaruil-billtHtid from
iltnoit any term o'dlsowe. Tim eeaaldfl l
it i!ood plarnfor robust Invalid, but Ibe
iiiountaltis Is the plftco fortlio rheimmtlc. the
consuinp'lve nnilall w jio aro fllltotsd with
Hi rout troubles, or dnSllltated from fnvors
or other causes. Hood river nflords every
lilng th.it c.ui bn deslrfd Id a mountain re
irpr.t nnd ore an other year shall pass awav
un lact win bo universally loojniaou sii
ivnrOreponsncl WHshlntftotiTrrltory. Dr,
AdaiuH1 Mrdlcol Inslhuie, which will bo
conducted on the Gorman and French tno'h
oils of treatment, which con blnoi tho good,
nnd reject tho htd of all tho i-ohools, and
riMob chronic dlneusns of nil kinds when
other means fall. With the ndvHiitHzes of
iIih Hooil tlvnr olimslo, the cures that will
lis made tliKO will IoiiIiIhh niMlin It a popu
lsr sort for InvMllds Tho hotel, wuloh i
ilino slnrlrn high with niRtitard roof snd
observatory on lop-nlnn fel qunre, with
nhIs lor visitors where Mounts Hood nnil
danis. thn nno to tho i-onih nnd the oilier to
tho north of you, o Men through tho crys
tsl almisohero to better advnntneo than
hey can be sesn through thn smoke and
fog from any point In the Wlllsmntte vslley.
At your feet ono mile away rolls the mJtic
Columbia. All around you aro ton Cot hills
oi me catcaae range, uennara or timoer,
except In spots, and covered with gnu,
where sbsep, goats and cattle bask In the
-unand grow fat. Houth of Ibe hotel tbo
Kround rises In a gentle slope till It reaches
snsonllvltva hnndred feet higher than the
ODwrratory on the hotel.
O iwn this d. cllvlty pours a streana of water
trom a spring, ooald, el"ar, and as sweet and
Invigorating as tbo fabled sprlnics of the Pa-
wan Muses. This spring, which is strong
i enoush to run a flvn.lnah torhlnn. whnnl. In
v-mim afniinaitB. iii-m Hiirinir. wiiiitib ih airnnir
I to supply the buildings, water tho gardens
I and empty Itself through a fountain Into a
Ilh pond, where tbe celebrated Hood rlvsr
trout am to be kept, fattoned for table use.
rreos loaded with dallniou fruits aro to tho
right of you, to tbo left of you and In front
of you every whore j covering arros. Peaoh
es, apples, pears, quinces, plums, cherries,
flit", strawberries, raspberries, blankborrles,
Mild and lame, grape, chestnuts, and snlt
shelled almonds, taual t thoo In Bt ulhorn
California, seem to havo found In this little
coin In tho mountain their na'ural home.
Beyond the orchard Is a largo pasture wbero
twelvs mlloh cows aro kept to snpoly tho
tablo with cream, milk ami butter, from an
Ice hnuan standing hard by.
Tbo hotel will stand iu the center of a
omirt, flunked by rows of dormitories with
uio carpeted rooms and clean beds for tho
crowds who come alter the hotel Is full.
Horses and carriages will be kept for thn
convenience of such as wish to rldnovsr the
smooth wide roads, to see tbe scenery In thn
valley and angle for tbe troat or shoot gams;
both of which are abundaut only a few miles
The doctor has a mineral sDrlna- on his
frnt 'which contains Iron, mSKsanla, rods,
l..i ;V- Ti r"""" '- ---s--"-, '-",
ami the ohlorlds of odium, with nerhaus
two or three otbtr'tosraUcAnrtrreSinKfT3!!?'
sfeais to lack to make It as good If not the
beat mineral spring yet discovered, Is car
oonlo acid gas; converting It Into a soils
Hprlnir. Tbo doctor has sent to Boston for a
gsneratnr,wltb which he wlllobarge tbe wa
ters of this spring with thn cat, also a soda
fountain In the hotel, aud older and wine In
bottle, made on tho place, imivertltig It Into
ehsmpsKno. Hwlngv, a bill alley and other
Minvtintsnccs to amuso and please will bo at
tached to iho grounds besides a piano forte.
In tho iiarlor. Three of tho but Minus are
tlready up ami will bo completed hi a few
day, 'flinirf-, with what were there before,
itud what will mjiin kj up, glvo thoplacn thn
rtipcaruucii of axiualt villaiin. Ills intended
toulvotliOHiHlioiCHOittheronlro clean beds
and set such deliiMcUs before the guents ms
will In) roll-hud by tho mokt fistldlous and
ilhllcAtc. NotHciit to make things gttudy,
tbuhyand g'miil, hut a steady eyo to noat
utiHH, oomfort snd rial excellence la evfry
ihlnx. The plain U estimated to havo near
ly three tbousjuil biuheU of peaches on it
ilils soanon. Tho doctor will soon have
twenty thousand bearing peach and almond
ireea Hy tbo door runs the (reatsuto road
from Tho Dalles to Portland, to oompleto
whloutUH statoof Oregou has already ap
proiirUud one hundred thounand dollars.
It. Worden, who Is now working about
thirty men. says he will have It ntiUhed to
tbe Lower Cucades this summer, Tbe trav
el on this road will be Immense and pour a
constant stream of oaitom into the Hood
Klyer Hotel. The road will bo oue of the
iuot delightful to travel on In the world
running moat of the way along toe Coluin
bla, with mountains to the right or ycu,
towering In rouio places three thounand feet
In abrupt and awful grandeur above your
heads, i.ktrtod with nro and cot tou wood a that
shads tbo road much of the way, and with
hundreds ofoaicades daihlug down iho per
pendicular btsalt from a dluy height, and
almost baptising your looks with their spray
s you pa along tho road.
Funeral Okaeqalea.
Tbe femoral uf tbe lam Dr. E. It. Fihke look
plsce from thu Methodist Church this fori.
noon at leu o'clock. The attendance v. as
Ur.eaud Iho mrvlos imprststvo aud In
Mruoiive, Kev. g. p. Tower olllelatlng at tbo
alUr and Mb Vleti J. Chamberlm leading
tho choir. After tho servlors Ibe reui-lus
wero taken for Interment to the Mlnnlou
cemetery, a Dumber of our physielans acting
as pill Donrfs. Although laid away iu tbe
lotubtha hearts of many of us will always
cherish a kind rciuutuUiranco iof their la'te
asiocUto, trlaiid and teacher, Dr. E. U.
Mr. Marlon Taylor Informs us thnt a re
port readied Melisin yesterday that the
rlo-euifctriko that htm over Ikwii niads In
qunrttvllle, wss mnde a hor: dltnos from
tuo White Hull works kr-t week. Dr, H
Smith Is nteted honw from Qu-rlzvllle
fcarlv next week when full partlcuNra of the
strike will be had.
A Good Appotatneut.
Mr. L. O. Adair of ml olvy. hfis been an
jHilnted A sent of the O. A O. It.Jt. Com pan v
at Kuene City. Mr. , u if eld U. It.
mau, having been ougaj-ed nhio, veara on
L wtsrn nvuts, as wall as bahig a flrat class
lelf graph oiwaior. Wo eoiiKratulate Mr.
A.ujon his appointment, and the R. R
t'umpanv for havlnt- Bf.oiirr.1 ihu.i
a rooJ, tellable mw.
Mure fine Ore.
Parties from thu Capital mlno cams in late
last ovmlnic, brluhig with them a hall' ton
of ore taken from a Noaf. snnk on tho load
st the turther end or tho 311: fo'.t tunnel.
Tho ore Is Iho bm that has yet been brought
out. It will be on exhibition for a few days
at J. 0. Wrlithi'Mnner which It will bo sent
to tho reducing mill In Han rrsmlaoo. The
company havecomnir need sinking a shaft
Iroui tho top that will Mrikn tho end of the
tunnel, thun ulving good venillatlon as woll
ns revealing tiltiden otes.
Alb.iuy Colltt.lato InntUnto.
Sc Hio tiiuiiiliiiiiiciit of tbo Albmy Col-
but' In snotbflre luiuti. This Is rn of the
very lieit 'e'lnola In iho S'r.te, fid 1 Umlr
ih "'int-i ' ilitl jijnHinm"tit t.l' l'r V "nor L.
J 1'. iti'it'nl on oblo urnl com iiietii corps
of inii'iii'--i itje seti'Ml 1" Kupiilifctl with iuj
nlmi'Dui co ol ix-ollont acpiiiuins, uud the
rarllli'r.i f-ir !ni.rilt)t;lu "Cllounro i-seoiid
to none In tho '-tale.
An Oregon OriScr.
Tho iliclno, Wis., Journal nays all tlw
msnnf.ictorlos In thot city havo rseoived
moro orders lately than thoy oan fill, and
overy shop Is In full blat. J. 1. Ca-e A Co.
havo put on extra workmen and work 12
hours a flay. An Ore on order ciilla for fl fir
threshers, Tho wbkoh and funning mill
shops aro also working to their utmost
Kendy for the.
Looks CommlssloMnr, Allan Tsiker telbi
us that tho repilri on thn old P. T. Compa
ny's liasln Ht Oregon City wern crmpletid
laitSi.turdni, snd that thn wainr v. fa let In
on Kniiibiy. "l tin w ork has been done In asttb
Htuntliil mannor, and will stand the floods
for wmrs Tho lumber tiaed on tbo works
this summer cot ix thoussnd dollars.
A Ohontrhntn Nnfded.
Tho Vancouvor Independent says: "If
thoio Is any ono thing that iho city of Port
land needs moro than anything elve Just at
this tlmo It Is a tirat-elats hoUl in tbo central
part of town. The man who will build and
run such un Institution will be a public ban
efactor. Why don't Portland havo Its Cfae
meketaT" The following letters remalnln In W. V. tt.
Co.'a oflloe In this elty, September 1st. 1877:
Chadd, Itlchard V
Dauahortv. H M
uitiy, Addison
Kimball, J It
Merchant, THO
Merrier, Madame K
8hrum, Henry
Gardner, Mangle
Mlllnnre, Jno P
Moulthrop, Mrs Belle
Warner, Frank E 2
A Xtors Involan.
Snven prisoners with llvn guards came Dp
on tho morning train. The prisoners were
all sentenced down the Columbia, to various
terms in tho l'anltnntlary for various orlmes
and misdemeanors.
TAKKH pkrurc lanffcrini; to tbe Wool-Orowers of
OirtfOn anil tbe rulJulolDc TerrlUir1- the otuuc
toparchsN TIIOKOUUIIOHRO MhltUIOH, aai) at
rnriLjr putlrii lntreUil tliat tbey ran, and ll vo-(li-jtvnr
to. k.'1I Hhetp uf tho mmo quality in J value at
MUCH CllKAPKIt IIATK8 than racU can porelblr
bo luion.U. hxtuilnatlon aud comparlimn with oth
er Siietp oiTt-rt-tt In tho market art coiUUIIr lnTtted.
. Sali-m, Oreron.
N. B. Tbo Jteaa ium! Run Lombi of the fiock cat
be ttaa on the ISLAND PAItU, idJolnltK Haiem.
The ftwtf can bo imd at tbe nui place, or at the
HILL If MM four and a hall ralloa couth of thecltr.
NaUsm, Hcptu-Dvr JO, 1870.
Farms and Land lor Sal.
urri.ii run hmjc onb farm, aso ackk..
1. lUI crs in onlUt en. vood orclanl. Mtuadoz:
City. A lo. aboat HOO arrea of MIXKU LAND,
i ome of tbo beet valley end beavor dam Land 1b Um
"w n v-pi rn-rnt'ii iiiiiip nwtwi.
ooonty, O'roandrd by bill and brnfh .and. Ttirne or
four very iroo.1 farms un bo mads out of it. Good
place for a colony. Want tn srll He who'e lot toseuV
This Land In ultaatvd In Lrue coanty, abon
U U.
nii-f iroui nopenu vny. ann fix imm vrteu.
JoS AddrcM P II. IiUNN. hugmi City.
For Diarrhea anil Dysentery uso i-.
''TBe'a OarasiBatlve Unlaw. As
changes of climate or water, and In
discretions In eating often produce
those complaints, travolers and others
should 'always koep a bottlo of this
remedy by thorn. It never fiUla to
subduo tho most violent attacks,
and It la equally serviceable for
Cramps In tho Stomach or Bowels,
Griping Pains, Ac
For Chttera HoHmw. Chotora t
fturtnw tad CoHc so . tk
Oar-atawtt-f sls. It reaaoTea
all soreness of the abdomen, allays
the Irritation and calms tbo action
of the Stomach. It may always be
relied on to glvo Immediate relief,
and besides being effectual, U a
plcvumt and safe remedy, easily ad
ministered to children.
For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowl
ATTeCItOna use promptly Mm,
JajrneVt OantUraaUve - . 1.
checks tbo Diarrbcoo, suppressos tbo
Cramps which generally accompany
attacks of Choloro, and conquers
the disoaso In Its inciplonoy. It has
frequently boon administered In
neighborhoods where tho Cholora
has boon raging epldomlcally, and It
has seldom failed to glvo Immediate
and ponnancnt relief. Tho Carmln
atlvo has malntalncil Its reputation
as n Curatlvo for nearly forty years,
is equally elTootlvo In idl latitudes,
and as n Standard Household Reme
dy, should bo kept In overy f.unlly.
A. UAV1S X CO.. Wll WAld A.rnlt KirtL.rt-
Trust Investment Company
OV SCOTLirtaa.
riRW CVnwny If preptred to
VKll (?1TV i-Hfiiiurv . a v
nfL-crtitff lfiarn la
VKII CITY i-HUl'-HTV 'aid PAttll LAN'Ils. .-
Al lll. .u.M . n... UUII
flxiM psrlfvV rf t, cr repayable by ttL'-y early la-
kUBeccta. Tor te.-nv. annlT u ' '
cotIJt 8 1'irttSutt Pci-iuU.
"i.i i iimwin,.!