WWli IMIWIjUllWniHm lMIUUIlimii nl . At. k fTf "! l mil F1 r,r. i iMr 6 WILJLAMEriTE FARMER. 'V r, A 4 s ' I U j DIItEOTOlJY. OPIUClSUNortlie NATIONAL UUANOB. (to-JuhnT .fnoo, Barton Phillips, Ark. Oi-triHri.'U Woodman, I'aw Paw. Van Buret, Midi ItclttrtrS. II Hmi-illey. Crcrco, Howard, la. Sttwnnl.J. Vaughn, Meinuhlc. Tciuj. ... zfM'f tttwint Mortimer Wlilliuoad, Allddlehntb, iJoiniwut, N.J. . . , ... C'lin'a'rt s. II KUK "p Innhornnith Warren. O. TrtoturerV . M. McDowell, Wayne. "tiuiieu.N. Y. Secretary O. II. Kclluy, .oulavlilv, Kv. Onte-Kuptr O. Dinwiddle, Orchard drove, Itul. CVrM-M.K. John T. loiirH. IliriDii, l'lilillui, Aik. yii)ia - Mr. ratimel I! ulunr. Mmitlcrllo, Minn J)nnna Mrs Harvey On clard, .Sorlh Oranby. CI l.til AmUtanl .Slwiril Mine Caroline A. Hull, Loillivllk', Ky i:icutivi: committee. D. Wyatt liken. (Cnalrmaii,) keebnry, 8. C, R. It. Shank aid. Dtthvino Iowa. Dudley T. Chase, C'liri-m nt N ll . AlonoH .Ider, Kuck Khx, WMttMlrir. III. W. II. Chambers. Uswcichco. Kurtill. Ala, Oflleora of Oregon Slato Grange. .JJiilff-tfn, Cyrus, sclo. OwTMcrA ll Hiupluy, Owim. Ucturtr Mrs. I! N. Haul, tjiiulimlly. nfrMryN VV. Uindall (liim tjliy. SUiiartf-W II. Henna. Walk Walla. W. T. ilnManl HUtmrJ-n w. Rlddlu, CanjonvlUi. VKaplaln-W II. dray. Anuria. Trtavirer S. I' Lew. Portland. flafa-AVejier-DinlclOlirk Hnlcro. r.VrM-Mr. II. . Mill- r. Jickmiitllle. ytinoia-MM. S I) lUr'um, MeMmnvlle. wi-Mff. IS. A Kctly i Port n,l. Lady d'l KleiMnt-iXr. Uourlt Smith. Hood lllvrr, W sen conn y . . ,.,, KueulUe VummltUt-Wm. Cynif, Htlo; n. Clow, l)alli;i'. I' Hniith. Il"l Kljer. Ulali HuHnUt ,f-r ' !.'. l'rtl.iJ. Stato G-raiifro DopuUoa for 1077 lUt Hffle. Jdrre.il. ..UorvJlltr Ciifvallli. ItrNTON. A lliiMf CI.AUKAMAh. Knoeli sLirvlaii Unite (.rrolt.... N IV Randall Unon . Iiy.... IKIUIII.AX. J W lliii Mvrtlo Creek... 1 il iM-dimr Drain' HI ition. MUT10ill. In Memonam. To the Worthy Masitr, ofucers and mom bora of Jackson County Dhlrlct Pomona (Jrang: Wboroas tho Ureal Ovoreeer bH called our sister J. E. Ish, Worthy Pomona nl ths grange, f om the woll-gloAtied IIoIoh if llmo lo tlio guidon harvest of eternity, thoroforo bo It Ke-olved, Thill. In thn death of ntntor Ish, tir fraternity loo4 a zealous and onlnnt iippirir. nd ihn (""'K" " flttirj olllcor .ml inenibtT, m d thn I'.ioilly nroiir ltArMV-d hro'hxrti riovotcd -nit oanilsttint Uhritlan aITh mill mntriftr. KHxtilvid, Trmt Hi tho bxroivrd nnd nor rowlnt Atnlly wnoff.riiiiritiriioitaiid hear Mit, Huiiby, wJillo around thwtn wo tx find the tniii clmlti thHt utiitut in limit rfU'loiiMBtid wht)MMlotrl(i IIiiUh In nvnry tmur of fll in Itul hIihII rr&w moro cloioly tli" ti h tl at I) d in this ten ernliy. It n) vi (I Thin In ih-! io Itio mrmnry of our dme-i'O'l t-lNUT, tho I'oinoim plmlr b- ilrrt.ml In inournlMtf hihI rcumlii vnnunt lor Mitt nxt ihlriy dij'M, wMIh tho momboro wiMr tl e munt IihiIkm of mnurnltiir. ItfNOlv-ii. Thnincmpvof ,liiKirnoliillor.H iinJcr tho cnl of tlio ;riui8i', bo forwarded lo ilio lit tit II v of thn dtri'H'ed, and tlutt rnplca bi Hcnttu l'u county iapnr and tho rVii.r.AMKTTK Faumkii for publication. Mits. J. N T Mll.LKU, Mum .1 I N ri.YJi.M.15, Miw. J. K. Kosh, (Mmtnltloo. Orloff Horses in America. I'lyinpuin Ktilly , nAiii'in. 1' I'lM'tliinuii.. a w Hunt JACK'IIM. JN TMHlu ., rm. ii. PA l'attarnoii... ....Ktit I'nrtlanil. ...Ka.it I'ortland llnttcvllM ....Miihllmtly allln . .JtcUa nvllla UckKonvlllo ....lllekrel Bihm .,..ooi Uko 'acknxivitle ..KurhjTlllv JackmriTUIa LAX. J J C'harltui joKitrniNB Dmlil flei-iur... i.m . . Jamca W Mllock (lonhcn ijnn, ... RAIrlno I.ubanon Albany Jnhn HnTl"...'. Trail The Oalka rAiuii.t. D (J Durham M'MlnnvllU, J Hapjilnnlon (lamun iiutlff. D II Jtlnitharl Otnyon Olty Canyon City COLUMBIA BW ttoi yr Colombia City II P lloMan Tillamook North Yamhill UMATILLA. .... ur , J 8 Wlilto Wculon Weaton cooa. JHcnryHbruodcr.... OU wainixoton Tiauroar. ULAIIB. ti W Itrown Vaatonrur OOLUMUIA. HPHtutn Dayton WIIITHAM. L8 Hliu-r Colfax Ooirax OIICIIALI. XZ (loo-Ule ....... ..Rim HSMa kham Chehalla Point TIIUMTaX. , , -, ,.,. LU Atibott nlympU Orypl ILonKmlru Yclin Jollii II rton Htatt'a Health LI1WH. LMPtaraon Claonato TAKIMA. OP Coon Kllenbarit lnnycimntwhore the Dcpnty a. pointed It Bt tho moil anllahl. auil thn Orjiwe; of be "Kallly will firiiiirly tnillcU to me a cMer. will be pK l, for n many In.taiire I haeNin ohllned l txake ap olntmonta wltlmut knowlwlco "'jjj"''",,! Maf lr Onvon Htato Uranxu, P. of II. Meeting of Subordinate QrangeB LINN COUNTY. ilopo, No. 21, luoiilHln Allmny,on thelat tuidaS'tturdayx of anh month, at 10 a. ui. Oak PUlil, No. 0, In II UMy, 'Jnd and 411. Uatunlayaailla in. Humor. No, Ittt, In Orawfordavlllo, It anil 3rd Miiturday at 'J p. in. HyramiNo No. h3, at MlllorH HUtlon, 4th Baturday.at I p in. L'ltiiiuoti N i, UI, at Ii'ilunon, a I ami 4th Baturday, at III a in Grand I'ralrhi N.i. 10, I h Kalnrday. JCuox liuttti No. 'i, lal and 3rd Halur- Haiitlaiu No, 37, 2nd mid -itU Halurdayx, Brownnvlllo No. 10, lt and 2nd Hat or lUya. . , , . . .TaiiK'Otll, .No, 7, i ami am rrniayw, ai. iu M 111 'llarrNburi;, No. II, 1st and 3rd Hatur tlhv, at 10 a. in Hhedd, No. (I, lat and 31 cialurdayH, at 10 at, m. lUppy Uftiirt No, 4(1, lotund 3.1 SaturdayH In naoii mouiti from Ooiohcr to Juiik, ami on the MNalurday Itm tiilanoooflhii yuar. llarinunv No. 2.1, 3rd Htiinlay, rtKn'f'yi xonpt In Nov. Doo , Jan.. PVh ,and Maiuh, hon thoy moot, tlio lt Friday. HKNTON qOUNPY. 'rloap Of fliiU No 14, lit N iturday at 10 a, m. Wlllamotto No ri'i IttTliuroilay, at 10 a m l'ltlloiiutti, No 12, I Ii Saturday, at 10.1 in. IjANU I'OUNIY. (Jroiwi)ll. No til, I 'i uirday, 1 p. m. 'K Ikoii", No Ml, in KJK'ii.i City, 3rd Hat daY,ul 10 .. n. iJliirlty, No 70.21 Hilunlay. OoIihu, No. 101. ntStiirdy,atlOo'olock JiiiioiIoii Olty, No. 43, Uinl Hattiiduy, at 1 p. in. MoKontlo, No. 107, Oainp Crcnk, 3d Satur. day, POhK COUNTY. Oak Point, No. 3, lit and 3rd Haturdayw. M.VUION COUNTY. Malovn Omiiim, No. 17, lit and 31 Ha'nr. dayi In ooh niomli, nxoji In Aiuna', Sop. lambitr, and Ooiobur, whan it nntaonlyon tlio latHatiirdav at lhr lull III Halotn. AbUjua, N 131, I'll -Utunlay. Hik Polni, N 4H SlSiinrday, at I p. m llmto Crook, No. rtJ, 3rd Siiturday, at 10 a, m, WASUINOTON COUNTY, Hdiviutou No, 100, uitjuta lit, rUtuuUy, at 10 o'olouk, Marion County Pomona Orange Will moul on (ho hocoiuI Friday In Septem ber, 1877, at ten o'clock a, m., at Salom, U la diMlnul that member of othor Pomona granuM In adjoining oountlaa b pitmant, II poMlb), at Iho butlnaisof thla moatlnic will tt of ImportAUOfl. Q. W. Uukt, Matter. II wiiH not until tlio Irl lOxliihtlinn of 18"7 Hint liuropo jcoiu'riilly v:w iiiiuln acquainted with the merits of Orloir lioirti'H. During Iho rai-cH which lidded in tho oxcllcinciil of llntL fcwtlvo M'HHoii in Ilio ny cajiiuil of Franco, a Iliisilan hor.if na'noil lkiilouin, lie luiiL'iiitr to the Orloir family. Htarllod all, except Ainoiiuan villoix nilntlfnl oi mo HpoiMi oi fiur own raitiorn, ny irollinir n mllo in 'J:;!0. Ronio year.s iiiru, Mr. WinaiiH, thn B llliniiro mil lluiiiilro, wlio IiikI iniido nnut of lilrt wealth in Hmnlit, importutl into thin country hoiiiu Orloff hiirncH, unci iat , our durluK our Centennial bigHrinw, an additional tintorost wan nroused in regard to thla breed by an oiTor of prizes mnountlno; to ton thouHntui dollars Tor it race, in tnko place, in October, he twoen Amuriu. n nnd Orloil' trottern. Am clrcuniHtwneeH prevented thin con teat at tho ditto mentioned, tho offer iiiih lately a en nonoweu lor next ue tober ly tho original donorrf of tho prlxo, tho Turf. Field and farm, our inoit trustworthy authority on turf inatlerrt, and tho paper that Iiiih been foremost in cnllh tonir.MT tho public on tlio iiimnry una qualities or thinro iiiarkable race. A few week no nov oral of tho wore brought into tho country, and aro now In training, and it ii not Improoable that wo Hhall hikih bo ablo to itMcortalti by competition tho rei ttivo Hcetnetw of our own boaatcd tlyordiind IhoHtrangorn. But although wo aro by no moans dlapoied to under rate greater upuod in tho equino nice, any moro than accoin .llnhmeuta mere ly ornamental in tho human, yot we aro vory decided ly of opinion that tho development of Oils Bhnuld novor bo Huffered to interfere inJurlouHly with that of far maro valuable qualities. It WllH not from ihrlr fleetnenn nluno 4Kui tho Orloff-t gained tho colobrlty, hut for niomblnatiiin of thla quality with it powerful display of bono, hIiiow and rtervicnhlo hIzo. Smot nkH, tho pro genitorof the race, wan aixteeu hundn high itid poasunsod of atrength of bono that hoiiiu have doubted that ho could have been an Arab, and the.ioqualitled hitvo been Inherl ed by lila (ieacond nutH. It la unfortunate, perhnpi, ex cept in tho light of anudvertlHcment, that tho importation of thin breed into tlio United St.tten haa been uied to en courage contcHtri f r Hpeod, which in our opinion aro too much in voguo. Although, on tho ground of their de iiiorallniug tenduuey, wo tiro not d la posed to approve of theae, as nt prod out conducted, atlllour chief objection to them la that tho uiiuiio regard for fluetnoM to which they givo weiirht, cauacrt breedera and othera to neglect or undervalue more Hcrvlccnhlo proper tit'H. It iw. therefore, hi the light of possible progenitors of a largo, endur liiirand powerful race of roadatera, tiorvi.'ablo also boforo tho plow, that wo welcomo tlio arrival of tlio Orlofrs among if. Tho Norman-i'orcherou rttalliima have already greatly improv ed our equine Mori; for farm purpose, wherever their aervlcea havobeen om ployed, ami theao foreigner may ho ettially benetlciul, though posaibly moro uuioiig carrlatre horses than among tho.se for tho cart or tho plow. Wo never could seo what vico or de formity lay in a howo'st oyo that should niako it necessary lo cover it up and bhut out its owner from at least two IhirdH of his rightful fluid of virion. Tho poet 8iiy lliut old ago looks back ward, but we never heard of Ktiuh nn id io-yucnifly charged upon horses. Tho rneory tnatn ho rue ta leas apt to be frightened when shut out from every thing behind him weatinptct to ho n fid lacy, el.so widdlo-hotao nnd war housed ahould be duty blinded. Every horse is familiar witli hij own carriago ab with liia own tail, mid as Hir its his oWu "peraonal," fortitudo ia concerned, lA no moro disturbed tit being pur ueti by ono than anothor. As for othor Bcarecrow.s that como behind, they aro mostly familiar to tho animal, and tho mro fully tho liur.se can perceive thorn the more quietly doea ho submit to their approach. Then it ia uuch u nitv toeovorupono of tho most brilliant features ot thi3 most brilliant creature. Tho liorno Ints borne such n hand in tho civilization of thia rough and tumble world that it Kcems not m much as cruelty iih ii dlhcourteay, as Weill's n. disgrace to hido hla form with ombarraasiug toggury. No won der wo estimate tlio force iu the world as liorno power; no wonder tho Honrins and Gurmaiiri, eadi iu tholr own lang uage, designate l their arlstoi-raey iih ridiTd: no wonder their de.scondaut.s matte chivalry a. H.vnonym for their highest vlr tie.". Let the Iiomo bo given his duo, and tttihllnded. JCiuj tfoh Journal. 1 1,000,000 JJOT'I'JL.EB OF CENTAUR Sl'ONTANFIOUH (JKNKItATION. I'ro- fessor Tyndall closed u discourre at tho I.oynl Institutinn, with tho foPowing jiosltive language: "I hardly think It necessary (o sutnmiirixc up what has neon Drought beruru you. in Tact, tho whole discourse is hut a Humming up of eight months of Incessant labor. From tho beginning to tho end of tho inquiry there is not, as you have aeon, a shadow of evidence In favor of tho doctrino of spontaneous goiiomtlon. Thore la, on tho contrary, overwhelm ing evidence against it. Hut do nut carry away with you tho notion some times erroneously ascribed to me that I deem Hpontuneous generation "im possible," nr that I wish to limit tho linwor nf mil florin mint Inn tn 1 1 fit. Mir views on this subject ought to bo woil known. But posnlhlllty Is ono thing and proof is another: and when in our dayleeok for experimental ovidonco of tho trnnsformut o i of tho non-living into tho living, I am led Inexorably to tho conclusion that no such ovidonco exists, and that in tho lowest, na in the highest of organizod creatures, tho method of nature in that life shall be the issue of antecedent life. A Haunted Home. Slnco my article on uhoits, lately publish cd Iu your oapor, In reply to the inquiry of 'North Salem;" Keveral pirsntiH have npo ken to me regarding tho Jt-Dnrgoc bnttnifd Ikiuso. ArnoogHt them, Julian J. Qulnn Thornton, who being nn modiirn HpirliuallM but a Rood oburoh mombur, I quote bv win of obtauiluK credit and ohHmuier to mvclf iiud the cause 1 am simple enough to believe In. Tho Judgo has given mo qullo a hlnlorv i f (lis notable bullillnjr. He Hya ll waifl'xi built at Santlam Cliy, that Iu January 1853 two men were gambling In it, and thatlh'i.v quarreled over their ouds when one hi fond a luitter maul and bent tho other to death. TlMt tho tnurdertr whs tried In IiIiiiuIoh In .li. -... .u u i ..- e-..H... ...... and "tVi1 sontoncod'te'n year. Z tli"p-nT Mm?Z TZt.tuuT '7 r entUry; that on account, the houo iiH'nrt'oa it was movea into too LIJOMENTS. J At a Ruatlan hoiel you are oblld to attp ulito for bed liuon, plllnwH, bUnkotu, and towelH, or oImo ay extra for thorn, as tho landlord UMUinr.1 that yon oirry these artl olea with you Till ha boon Iho ounioin of ihuoountry from time Immomorlal, and haa produoed among certain HushUiin a omloua klndot laattdlouaneoi. They atront(ty dln llko Qilm uhnoU, blanket, and towels whloh aro n noertaln aenao pnbllo properly, JOMt as we should atrongly object to putting .ou oiativea ivii4iukwialri-iuty-bn worn by other pmipln. Our roadtn aro cautioned Kalrnt aendlog miiiuiy to tlio Wei tern (tun Workaof Cbloa K0 that Inaillutlna having failed, rud ItH uro prlntor haviug madu a hurrltd exit from the oily. THE OREGON STATU 1817. Programme. .FAIR FOR HOT SPRINGS. Tbnro aro M-ven but Kprlujj" on thn farm of MnJ-irQ. A llnxiliN. iunr Lh kville, Iko ootuey. t'ulliiu Iok (n tin caiMflity and ti m porituro of tlio f.mr prlnoliil hitIiiuh: No 1Ti'iuifaitiru 1U0 diohirnlng OO,. OOo illini p-rilnv. No 2 IVuipcraturo IS2 illi.oliurgIu.-(I,("0 gallon- a-r dy. No 3 Tmratiiro ISA" dlaoharnlng .'K, NH) i;nlloii isiriUv Nt 4 Tmiiratiiro 100 ill-ohiirfilnR 31, 6(H) gallniH pr day. 'Total Hinitunloi water dthchitrnid per day, I2S, lOO gallons. Tim uateianf lliHo aprlng have hecu uq (".ifnlly iimiI In tho euro i olirmlo and Iu ttmiNinry rhciiiuaiUm, iHiirallH, imiulyxi, dropiy, Valarfli, irn(ilU, e'll Vliero Is a tilth hnilMtnn iho iln-, Into bloli hut and odd waier ! imiveved In wo lu l, and iMIl'itoHO with thn bin 1 1 rnnio Ih a nieaoi or vnporbath Independent nf thn bathe. urt biinettt t'H ht-flii derived fnm drloKuiu tho iter hoi it a ii'iiii'Hra'urn of about 110, 'The man thl Kiutvids In ti.rloullunil piir-uiiM Ii iheiiKii of thought. Simn far mer IIvopiiIv t" III1W0 thn end meet, bare. Ivgctiiiiu a llvlmr, wlilln othnrs with ro:n blued bnd and brain l.lnr, mveed both In Impinvlntr their farm end Iu otJ iilng thn iriiltinflh-lr toll, Ttiaman that fill'ivr-i In rnlaor old liraolltsi without keeping pace th thoitreat aihanco In agilculiural pro una l IhM man that neither enjoy hit but luta nor mk- ll a tlnanmal Miicceai, SOTICK. I will rv li ,n b1(1 premium for the tMMit "BUrk Hi rnw"ooU exhlhliml at tha Htat- Fair tola fall. J, W, Nixmitb, moiuiy iter. 8. Kntrln nookaopenoil at 8 a. m.. but eotiirai o in tm mu "I ii an per rule 6, on pig) 0 of rulca and revnlii'lnni lljiiniiw At 'Joclook r. ., nnnln?, froo for iiII,iImIi nfoiiK mil , pieinlum 1100, Tr in . Iiiinio llniely afti'r.for a premium of lo, loriiunwrt Irani, lieu loran, iiiiin noaui, three la avo. TUKSDAY. OtenlnzudilKasnl 10:3) a M. At ft p. m Ui-ilay all mitrli-K cloae. Mfmrxra nf wwaidlni;coiuinlltea will loport themm'Ut'a nt ItM r.ttlcu nf the piealdtMit at 13 M. lu-(,.y. wlinnall v rancle will lie rtllnl hy the vco prtnUleiiMunitkiipcrliiUfmtoniitortlie rv.poctlvo OlllwlrN. Dtitiiilinr. At 1-3) r. M. rtinnliiK (or a pro muim of nf iO mile hmiti, thr-o in flvo, freo lor nil, tfJOlo Hr-t, SIOUIon coml. Tronic . iiiiue.il lelyi-trer tlio kIioto race, lo loir, ir ii ineinlum in 80 mllo hnut, ttiriHi In ll. Ine fori.ii. animal iniiellni; Theiiuminl meetltuoftbo Hcic'ciy ,17 r. u, lfKDSilAY. .iniiuil elfflilon. t9 m. oltaop'nforan l (jilelfO'lon f ottldDM 'i'l cto.il i.t4 f. II I'lourl g niHtCll. At lO'i'eloo A. M,. Ii nwlnc mutcM on Uih .niimWnt U,a lUslhhto of tlio n cln.uni. Or net prnilenf liore. At 9 A. u. p.inuleof ud hoikiMetitoroJ 'or premiums lliinnlniT. -At liW c. m , riinnliix for thrco y irtuliU iiro.l In Oregon vet sVuhlncon Ter r)'ir pi.'.-.il m.JVX), JtXHn Qr.t, 3 00 to c nn I, in ic in- it-, iwo In tnie. rmltiiiK lliloimltitely .Ul r Ihe iituvo rA-e, lnulliii:((irlirii h.iiiuivi mul urld n ih.it iihvd nut lirnt-o lliren ml. ute, t.oi eivinU; mile titl( tireu In live, P'rml'im j'3. TIIUItaOAY. 1'iru.loi'f tioiNim A 1 9 a. M'. ptrnttdiit hnri.', un.ii rillriolioi of ku-'ii liiliiiuluui, a on Weil u' lay iml ix.nui.iaitcu to ooiillnui until t: u l.,inunitf. 1:0 l M., i't tlkn premium for iwo y.mroul iho.i In ir.'kion nn4 W'iilii ton 1'irrli r, nrrinlnm $& 4HW to lift; ne oml p inmni tw 'i .tdii of h luu o, nmiiiul-i io llio-il Ui-li nf ono mill'. ImnuHllnt.'ly ..fi r. rpitt'ii Pirihroiirolil poiit at;i!i, mile hmt. thn c in live, for lmr. iiiar or uelil- iiirj, iirea tu roii or Wunlilncion Turr uny; ffOn flint two-lhinlaof lul moo lo fiooml, ri iiuun'lrr lo I io third liniofitloiely alter. I o.iu-.irUniMp .I'rUI of xiuratrt'tiiil lp for III" lollimt t pr loluinO: .M' l vraro ol nnd urcomplUhcd lady rider, UV eiinntt 37. Mill cro-iul ami HcconiilUhs kTi'iitloionn rl rr, uiulorlirieun )iiii, (15, $IJ mil J7. CKIIIAV. Annual m'dic. At 10 iVolek a. M , anuual iidiltiri.. In inn oik opp i-lio p.vt tou I' r tin f prrm mo iHitle,--t 9 '.'look A. M ptrtit. if o.uu uw rjoa pruulum, iimUr Ulitcuon f iiiHrlil. iir.inil pi' Mil" in lu.rHOi, lavki and niutea:, ,t I0:i a. , pu dii or all hor eulirtil, win n the pit inliiin will bo awarded on ad thealuek iinllv ioii ,v " lUuiiiliii;. ul t i'. m. riiti'i'nic. fno lor all, wo mtlo h nt : ptimiiiio jSOn; ttiXI to ftiat, Jlfti loK-OMul imiiKMlla rly xficr. Tml liw for p ooxlnni if 1430, twomllo hoaU; ItOOlodrtl.i'OOtoiieooiid. ATVHDAY. To-ly prvmintm w It bd paid aud all boil Ueaof lh f or iiiiiouileU. S. B No anlolf or u mVean rewih'lrawB, under lorfrtilof pr raluio. Ixjfore ! nVlook a. m. lOMiay, a cat by plal eimlt from lb preldeaL nnntitrr SHU bslng disturbed It was moved agalt'i H,,fj unco more tn Iti nrn-tniil nlnivi If It is etlll standing. lio lolls mo of another incident oonnootort with It that might possibly hnvo had Mime hlng to do with tho dMurbanoe. Many vnntH ago a pneker was killed and robbsd fur bis money nnd a psrtor tho meuoy couamt. Ingofcoln wii3 buried undor that houio by ono panynf thocrlmo, ntidtbb other burled hi part, confuting of gold dust, not far off, on the batik of u little stream, It bulogcou (alnod In two boot legs; thn. tho gold cluat man wiw not permitted from I'eir to ho biok Hiid dU "I' his dus', buliiR madu Jo feol that hundreds of perous wore looking at him II he went near It; that he went lo Illinois, to lilsold homo and fanill.v; thai he could not r-s'. and Mime ywtiM nfinr look ivso of hi Kona and rutiirneit to Oregnii, deOinnlnnil io hunt up the trimiro and i i turn it to too hu'ra of iho murder d man. fouling that If ho uiuld do aa bo wntl.d bo permit (id to hnvo iexCi. Vn-n un hl rot urn iho tmes had in i lit hwhv ind the bind all Iuiick ho had ftni.t, d III culiy Inlinding tho looallty of the biirUil trcasuro. That they tint imrailiIoii nf thn oivnur to cjimp In uticiii, niuiHuro'imi in my duya until ihuirooniluot ixmIkkI ruspiuinii iu tho neighborhood, nnd they wero w.tuhed, but filially found Iho plaeo, lificd the ireaa iirtvand through Judge Tlioiuluu, returned It to tho rightful owner Tlio JiulgH hh.vh that owing to the confidential relation of client und iittoruny, ho la not at, llbnrtv to dlbOlosn tho namouf bis client, tho party who had tho gold dUHt. Perhaps tlio coin man never got his and the dread and fo-r found thore, la tho powar of thoepirlt uxeralied upon all who go In there, because ho want tlio money to go to hts children, tho Mime aa tho rear oxerotaea ovor too gold dual man that drove him finally to restitution of tho money. Perhaps, It In alao tho drat man's Hliane that l unquiet. You ask whyuon'C kouio of ua nplrliual 1st go up thoio and ferret out tlio matter. I nisheomoof us would. Hut for my part, I lost a ghost onoo and huuied him, and be found me, and slnao thou I keep away. I will rolato that Incident as you havo many rod)re who can appreolato new and Interest ing Incident In Oregon llfo, In a future lssuo of tho Daily Kkojiid. Gho. W. Lawhow. P. 8. Tho house referred to waa lat re moved to a amall mound near Mlller'e Hiatlon four miles beyond Jefferson. Afie- mauy vain attempui to ueelt as a dwelling. every ocou pant leaving It after a short stay in It, it went into decay ami last year it waa torn down and burned up - EurroR Rroord. We givo below the mory or adventures of the writer who appends his namo.as a sequel to the haunted house on the Hanllam, pub lished yesterday. We publish theae gbot .IabIas a ikAAeilA aaie km a sl a .mA aa m nvurinn, muu vito nuu iihmi iuqw usvjt Judge for thennelvi aa to the lellabllity of fuene so caueu spirnuat maniieeiaiiona. Iu Portland, Oregonln 1850, soreral of us eplrltual Inyoatigatora visited a haunted housn that stood near whore Oro Pino now stands. Throe coo do fa had it to live in and lold us tboy could not stay there tor noleo at tiigtiw ami iruui having ilio bed olothlng Jerked off of them bv eomo titueon power. Wo got there about a r u , and went all over tho house, but oould seo nothing out of the way, and up Htalre wt stopped by an old bed stead tho men had left there, when all at ouce I was struck with an axe twioo about my ltfi knoe, and twlcojon the baok of my head. I cried out with pain and would havo fallen but waa oiught by some of toy com paulont. At our olroto In the evening the matter was explained, Tho ghot anld he had boon killed near thore iu 1852, by two wo id oliopiiura and Iu tbo muuner I vas struck, one having hhn down by tho leg, tho oihor iduklug tho axe up to tho handle, Just aa I felt It In tho back ol tho head and neck. They robbed him, ho said, of piOQ, and thee took his bouy and throw it Into the burning, lurid pit of a largo fir Ireu that wiu Doing burned downright und-ir ivhero that room had idnoe beon built. Ho Mild ho could como to that place andoonnbathlnvdlt to curtli again by means of his ihes there in the ground. I uever heard of his haunting iIih placoaftor ho got told of bis faro. Ho didn't want bis murderers hung Do said they wero MillVrlng (oiou:;h. Ho told hi nimoaud tholr nauiCH, I hao forgot all but ono, mat wan .iinciair, ami no had 20110 oack to Ohland waa nevu'r happy or ut ptace. MoitAti If all mou could knov ihu fear- lul punlNhmont tor murder, or In fact lor any crime or wrong, ns found to nxl.il iu the spiritual law, surely crime would oetiso. Out men onlv believing In material putiUhment, tlilnl; they can eNoiipo,iiiHl thureforo slu. In hopes in snmii nunner to conduce lo tho public iiooJ, I ua truly. O. W. Lawo.n. P. H. Toshow you that, tho foole aro net all dead, plt80 inittjrt from today's ills pitches: The Tribune hays tho report U that Queen Victoria, Prluox of Walos and the Duke of Argylouro all invfhtuators of Nplrliuilistlc pheiinmona, and furthormoro it In luld that tho Pi luoaiN lloatrlcd I a verv fine medium, 1 have been roH tho Ia "'' Dt ono complaint baa roiclio n "0'Jey have not done nil that U indeed, rcltntlflc eklll cannot 1 1 prepa- ratlona. Addol to Carbolic, Arnica, Munt'm, Hone- c01land Wllch Ilaiul.aruo her lnr dlenle, whlck makcaa family liniment that difli-a rlal 7. Ittico. matte and bod ridden cripples haie by It b- on enabled to throw aw y tbclr crutehea, and many wko for year tare been afflicted with Ncnralida. Sciatica, Cakud Breasts, Wca! Bacftr, A-e., ham foand paisaa noat relief. Mr. Joelah Wcatlake, of MaryfTtllo, O., wrltev "for years my hhenm.-itt'ta ha bi en to bad that t hanboon nnaliletoallr from the hono Ih vc tried overy rcmerlr I enuld hoir of Hniilly, I l.arnrd of Ihu untanr I.tntmetit. Thoflrttlirnib ttli-DiimhIcd inn to walk wllhnnt my crutclpa. I nn tiifinllnx rapidly. I think ynnr Liniment niply n nmrul." IhlH Uulrnvnt ciirea Hun- and HcaliN wi linnt a car, extracts thu nolsuti from bitei a el rtirici. Carca Cblllblilnn mil Pr iti'd.fecl. Bnd la very ifHoa- cloun for Kar-ache, Touth-.irlio, Itch anil Cntmiont Rniitlona I'lio Ccntnnr I.tiilinrnt, Yellow Wrap per. I liiWuuVd for ttio tmijiti (Abna, Dirda aoil muiclcr of iioreei, muhr, ami niilum'n. IttJAIM nfcADI Kor. Oto. W. Ferris, Mauorklll. Hcholmrlo 0)., N. f rayi: '(y hows waa lamo fur n car wl'. a fetlock irrcnrh. All rmnod u ntrly allrd to cin ana I cnntidtTfil him worthlc until I commanceil ore CvuUar l.tiilmmt, which rapidly (uretllitm, I lnurt ily recommend It. It mUi5 ri-rllttlo difference wl.cthor tho rn'oba 'wrouch " apraln, rptdn or lamenera of any kind, tho effects are tho ramo. Tho grcv power nf the Liniment I, howiircr, ih,)wii In Pnll-oill, Illg-head, Swcoay, Spavin, Rlng-bono, G&lla nnd Ucranhca. rtil. Liniment la worth mill ona uf d dlarr jenrly to thoBtockj(rowt.ra, Livery mn, Panrni't, aim th ie harinjr, valnable antmaJii to care f. r. Wo ariaal ttt lBects and refer to any Farrier who haa ovi-r ured It. Laboratory of J. B. JRosk & Co., 40 Dit St.. Haw Yoax. Children. A cowplote eabttltato for rtor Oil, without lb inplMMBt taito or recoil In the throat. Tho rctt ef Suyeara' practleo by Dr. Bam'l Pitcher, of Maass chaaott. Pitcher's Castorla It parUeula-ly roeemmemdad for chlMren, It dtetroja wonaa, aarlmilatot Ike food, aad allows natural tloep. Very (fflcactos la CroopandforehlldronTeetnloir. For Coldi, Kever lahnoee. Dlaorderaof the Dosrelt, and Htomich Coat pfUata, notkloi; It o effective. It le at plcm-ant to Uko aa honey, cottt bat 8b eenta. and en bu had f any Drenttot. Thla la one of many ttaumonlalK "OowrWAix, Libanom Co , 1'a. March 17, 1814. "Dear Bfr: I nave aed yoar Caatnrts In my prac tice ior tome time. I uk groat pleaanre In racem nunHug U to ths prctfutkm at a aaie, n liable nd aatreeable medicine, ft la tanlcnlarly adapUd a ealldron wnere the ripairiiaotUt'uor Uaalur Urea derl,.dUacalttolianter.KNDiHs ( J)n Mothers who try Cejt'rla will fln I tha thoy'csn sleep night and that htlr bablce lll bu heallhy. . U. Itoes A Co., Now York. MJOTUi BSXaZa, Haecoaor to J. M. Kbklxh &. Ou,, 96 Mk-ertr ., NKW VOHK, OommlNNlon A;)iit COK DDYINQ AND FORWAKDfNU PItOM I? New York vta Uthmns, Paclllc Hal In d, and Cape Horn, all kinds of Merchandise, and for the sals of Products from the Pacific eoul, for the mllecUoa nf manor. Ac. ociitlf ATTEMTIOM bSHEEP GROWERS!! Ovorh.iulud. Messrs. Mauoy llrotncn, is tll'ors and pliimlwrs, havojuot finished giving the Un ion (lai muohlno belonging to ttin Court limine a thorough overhauling and It Is rady for bii-uiiisiog.ini. Thorn Ii no reisnn Kby this maohlno should not fultill all that waiexixcieii or u wepn purcuawd of Mr. Howell, thn agent, und envntwo or (hreo hundred dollars nnnuiilly over tislrg the tifb pr.ced gas furnlihed by tluiKile n U Co. Aiuanhineof the aims klnd.hia been uied by Mr. JoKiph Hurnvdl, nr thrie ears ami ha sed him many a dollar be. l.ls furnishing a good reliable light WinUtr ami Hummer. Retorn of tka Mt. Julio raon Party. Mov,r.0 A Cuting, iin Kelsav, Hniiry States, J. II Lister, John Kelt and bib flout, ifihe Ml. Jftfermn, par:v after an atmouot of nearly llvo wxki arrived at the Cheme keta Hotel at a lata hour last night. And a ay looking party they were too, unshaven, mged and saucy, wl'h keen appetites for the good things or that hotel, but with good rugged health beaming from each fioa. The laiya have bad a good time and will aeon elite down tn their work all the better for their roegh trip, 4 & Scab, A 8URK CU1UC POU Screw Worm. Foot Rot, AND All. Parasites that infest Sheep. TT IS 8AFKU. Dr.TTEIl AND VAHTLV CUKAP THAN ANYOTHCK SPFKCTUAL ItP.Mttlir FOR TUB TRBATMKNT Or dHItKP. IT Bmproves the Health vi vp.i CiU r- hnr.srtdtn two i-i-iiiith, and :'- p.it. tit hin Irci " ., eonUlU I' v, . . -.. . Per can. Ocad for circular, to T. A. DAVJS &. Co. PORTLAND. ORKOON, Wliolevnle Agent for the Htato. Or to your neirest Retail Dnuartm. tar Mra. Rohrer's New Romedw- FOR TSB LUKCHt is UMHTifra with wondrrkul aucaesat TIH8 PDRRLY VKORTABLK RRMEDY HAS no aajial In the relief and rnro of Coaaha, Colds. .'le, Ae. It haa prodnced some remarkable cures. poic nv (imirgtata renorallv. rrepared onlv bv JOHN V. MUHrHV, Mouraoafh. Or., re whom all letters of business, sboald be addreasei. J. A. STKATTOlf, Attorney at Law. 8AL.KM. OREOON. ossss mats wttttjuesaiH hs 1)fldnWu -.