Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 31, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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r?-ii.i-r 'T.Ti"T'
Hrpmmvi mmimmf hrrtt sf 4 " kafcjg
A TRIP 10 10UNT HOfifiB.
Moham-ilsjustbolltho Junotlon oftho
North tfirknm! thoIJUi,, North Forkofthp
Santlam rlvor and tb mountain spur thi
endi at tlio Junction, 0tot()B buck, wttli in
croaslun; boiubt, until li ri9es ftt n distant or
ten or twulvo mlWs Ew W1W u, B t0WerniX
summit that Capt. Uvlr, smlib, the velorau
humor and explorer whc, nV0(J noar l9 i,aso
has named Horiib, brcati t10 Wnrtj mmlg
"destruction," and wbon )l0 i(,okw, ovor tll
almoMt vcrtlcwl plioli Iroe i. summit ou tbr
Nonb -lil" lu t'' 11 i1i t '"uo.,wnri.rtlc,ii .,r
deal rum Ion vii'ii'l utisw r Ut p,it-fni.H
Tlio repcr' nfiliH iiihJ-i Jo iBw lliutircMt
tlio tyo trftu ttio summit ol'tbln f;roat mnnii.
tain Hpur had oomo down to us who wero rus
Mooting "Pr Mnhm nnd rot nil ml In an ex
pedition compimed of Mr. J. V. Weatbnr
ford, w Ifo rvnil f ou und tho wrliorof this, and
his wlfo, who uoroootiMlKiiodlo tho gultUnco
of Mr, J, J Blair, tnorohantaud postuiaMor
at Meliaum.wliono bolter bulf attend atbo bus
iness at Huoh times aa tho aplrlt of adventure
calls Mr. Illair olawbero, for bo bay two ox
oellentaud duello mulon and will pack them
for j on on oJcpeillllotiH to Mt. iloreb, or Mt.
JofJureon, far Into tho recoiies of tho vat
oiouniiiiu ranp). Mr. illair is an excellent
man hiiiiiiilc tlio lnnunlnltia and carefully
and pluiiiHtitlv duet h11 that ho undertakes.
UntJND VH Till: I.I.Kit UN.
Tim ou tU tor Mx pnrxuni and a inmiy ani
liial-.f'TH iiioiiiii)lt) xctirslon includes (red
for bo'b mini mid bant and plenty of bed
dlnir tor man, and n certain amount of kilob
en llx tireH. Wo wero well ouill'lod and
ataitiltor wb.it Ih called tliti ISikborii to
wards iiodii on a pli'.iwint Auwiat day. Tlio
road In all mouiitalnniio, with only n pro
tennu ot a wagon road for six or bovoii mllm,
and nt'or that a trail.
Tho brsnuhm that ittil'o us tlioWnrlh Fork
about SaiMi' ferry, run parallel fiom tho
Kant for many a mile, only about tbreo miles
apart. Our rou o was for awhllo up tho
South elcl'J and tlioti crossed tho rldns, alwui
a thousand feet olotntlnti, and tools us down
into what Is known as ''Tho H'kliom," a
mountsln basin at tho upper vxllov of tho
Utile Krk, which widens nut lino n brmulU
ful and spirtotiK mountain amplthrater wllb
tbre.i f.rand iim uninlii points look luir tin n
upon It from the Kistnud waited lit by high
rMu'H en every r-ldu.
The trulls and roads wo traveled rrqulreil
alni' at two miles to tnnko onn of eastward
progress. Packs had to bn iuljU"tpd,Hnddlo
girths tightened and the ladles eased over
tbo steep UHcenta and de founts us gradually
as possible. Wo thought, as wo travolod
towards the Klkhnrn that tho road was
rough and, tho mountain ways particularly
ateep, but later experience had tho effrot to
make tho return trip svem amootb and easy
byoomparlson. We bad constantly occur
Ing Inuldenta that did not ripen Into acci
dents, to llvon the journey and give upper
tnnltyffor exnroNo of good humor. A covey
of ground sUirmd upas wo crowed tbodlvldo,
and gave Malraohanco to earn us a frunper
with bis rills Wo found oblnflvsnd clearings
in various placed two of th'em being on tho
eleva'od aummll on rich roll and In available
situations. Part ot tbe way tho "continuous
woods" roio into grand for. eta "forests
prlmsval" where the giant flra towered beav
enward and made it solemn shadow beneath
as If to nichII to our mind thai: "tho giovos
were Qoil's tri-l temples," In many places
there was deine iind-rjrnwth, and at times
tho heavy foni-tliad been killed by tiro and
the chsrred bodies siond as mementos of a
flame that must bavo bcon Howe beyond
Tin: ki.kiiohn nAsiN.
Cioaslnp tl.e divide we cume down upon a
bald hill nlnt that loaUud b.iek towards the
West until ttieejo rested on dls-ant wheat
fields ami E "award upon the 12 khorn bantu
wltu Its wnodxatid streams, ami upon the
frowning crm'e of thrro groat heights that
looked down upon, them: ohlo't among
thetui giants being tbo cloud encircled um
mltol' Mt.iII trb.
Tho rikborn baaln Is protoated by ao many
towering walla that tho climate la mild,
even Ju the winter, Qnltea nnmberofpor.
tons bavo takeu boineateads and com
menced linprovomeuta there, but only Cap
tain DavIiI Hraltu remalua tncro perma
nently. In time much of this basin, and a
groat portion of tho land along our
route thlthor, will "oo occnplod and cultivated
to advauiotfo, and tho time Is coining when
schools and other booUI privileges will be
well aupported thoro. There Is room enough
for many ponplo, and the Germans aeora to
take tho l"d In settling and opening these
mountain lauda. There Is land to homestead
every othorspOtlonU railroad laud and for
aaleou aooommodatlng terms, andtheHtato
owns also aouiu aatiool land there It seems
dlUlcultfor pjoplo to njako much thereat
presen:, butt he oieuing and successful work
log of tho gold and silver ijuirtz minpadh
covorod a'x mlleaubovoDtvid Smith', will
create a quick market for all available
lands, aud create a market for all that can
be raised there. It is one of tho most health
ful spots to bo tound in the world, and will
become a fvoritu resort for invalids,
Winding down off tho mountain Into tbo
valley bdow we soon reached the ranch of
Capt. David Smith, who has acouifortablo
log cabin and Mime Improvement, but does
not cultivate the earth, except to save little
hay, as ho depends on hlsritlo for support.
Heaudhls wifjaud a young man named
George Brooks were the only dwellers in
Elkborn at tbe time of our arrival. We
made our camp beneath tall Arson tbeaborea
of a little branch that cornea down from tbe
mountains close by. The evening was spent
by a camp fire and we listened with Interest
to tbe varied experiences of Capt. Smith, and
ILnally weut to sleep upon bis bay mow.near
t7, as the gathering clouds predicted raln
?he prediction! "& unfulfilled, however
TwoMt us caught trout lor breakfast and to.
wwds noon wo broke camp and started up
the mountain i-ldo to roach by many a dovl-
tm wuy, tho summit of old Hoiou.
It was a surprising fact to. And In this
mountnlu recess, persons of truo cnltlvatlon
such hr were our h lends 0pt. and Wm.
Smith. A oketch of him will buow tho
changes and chsnccsol fortuno. IIo was
liorn in Malnostid iicuotnpanlud his fiither,
who was npea. csptiiln on timny voyatjo
wtmn qnhonycutli. Hefoie he KiiselguUie.il
ho n tiav'gu itifj the nlmfe of omli Amur
I'loi hU i.vsii act'oitiu lie titislly leinoved
to kn lower .Mlss'ssli pi and went stcamlnat
liu foruyer thirty tears on thoo waters un
til the clvw war, whon lio was prised Into
tho confederav, sorvlco for two years, Biid
lifter ioveral tin.uccossful efforts ho tlnally
tnado his oscapo to tho union tide, where ho
rondored valuahlo sertlco until tho closo of
tho war. JUow bo dr!IU4 to Oregon, I did
not learn, but bore bo came with shattered
health, which boTegalned, and remains thero
(roni pieferenco. Uo has a marrtad sun liv
ing three mllea over tho mountain on tho
North Fork, but his own homo is Tho Klk
horn. IIo has a most ardent devotion to Na
ture, and bows down to worship tho sub
lime and beautiful among almrst lmiccrisl
hie nuwe-", where chaos rules and ono seems
to bo amidst "tho wrtck of mstter and tho
erath of uorlds," There Is no portion oftho
range from Ml. Hood to tho Thren Sisters or
which he has not more or less kiioulidKn,
anil Willi tho nearer mountains ho Is us f.uull
laras irtlmy were eally nccexslblo instead
ofinnstdlinmt t. Ho Im hunted deer, elk
and bear all through thto remoto mountain
lastnesoeH nud has it luuit vivid sense of all
tho uml'irlty nud grandeur of tiaturo around
him. Ho nude tho trail we traveled In
Ufcendlug the mountain, for tho broad Mini
nut of Mt. Iloreb urn! Its lino pastures
were a favorllo Imiint for Klk and deoraud
becsmo li's most reliable hun'lng ground.
Hut when others found out tho oxcellenco of
tliu hituilnu tiny brought hounds Into this
moun aii barrier nnd clmsiil nil tho game
away; thev ued his trail to climb to the
happy hunting ground- on tln empiroil
hlght iitwiVH tliechuKN, and bounded away
the noble e'lc mid tilmble deor and oven
csiishI the Mirlv hesr to s-ik another lair.
Hut in tho win er limit when other hunt
erw d m earo to venture so Ar awav he has
theadvsntsue, for the gatmi comii down
rrnm I lit hlwher mnuntalns to winter In tho
K khorn btsln and thin ho saves his meat
Ho Is so chivalrous this hunter of tho Cas
ohiIow that no elk cow or doo falls by his
Towards noon tho next day a small com
pany of eight might have boon Been wend
ing tlirou'jli the wooded slopes am ollmblug
ihn mountain sides with a slow and devious
regress. Wo had added Mr. nnd Mia
mlth to our company and had the advantage
of his guidance and pioneer skill. Only
one woman bad ever adventured to try this
mountain trail. We oommonoed almost Im
medlatoly toellmb, and from tbo start the
asoont was atosp and difficult. About thirty
yeara ago a terrible lire rushed through
these mountains and lelt charred stumps to
mark a vast area, where was onoen malosllo
forest. It must bavo been a holocaust of
lire, llorcur tban tit flrr-foroirco nf the
Aiiyrlsns. Ages will not obliterate Its marks
oroomponsato for tbe ruin It has wrought
upon tho lanilsoape, though a amaller
urowili has oomn to shade the hill sides,
huito fallen trunks strew the earth and Im
pedo travel. Dio trail winds about those,
and where It cannot avoid them ttiov have to
bo oniNStfd, which occurnd every few rods at
times, and utsualtles were eonstiintlv occur
ring, ladles thrown from their saddles, and
HtraiiKti to my, not hurt. Many or theHe
Imildents g.yo htimortu our prouross. The
way waskiuw nud t-eeined long. Wo ollmlvd
for six tedlmiR hours 'ounkoMS many miles
Tim hills were frightful, abrupt, ulinoxtpre
uliltouo at times,
Wo stopptt at snrinsB that wero delightful
hii. I found bliNof psNiuro that tempted the
homos and mules. There was one htrelch ol
foiettlio devKHtatlon had spartd. Where
Hut lingo trunks stood perfect and their
bruinhtiM lelt ihn world far below iIihui In a
iullihinf shstlow that was hoImiiii and
pesoofol ennimh to belong to auothfr world
One of tho ladles said that the whole da
was to her like a tianco almott a rapt lire
irnm wutou sue was rutieiy siiskoii at inter
vals, ho a ever, when the mule Jumped some
of tho larger lous. Wo lolled upward until
we made arqualntanco with the clouds. It
wmn tiresome and not a trillo dangerous, but
the ladles eioml It bravely, and at last, aa tho
sun was reaching down towards tho Western
ocean we found ourselves near
We camped under some great spruoe trees
South of tbe highest point near which a
spring rushed from a thicket of vine maplee
and aider a spring that might have been
accepted as nectar by tho gods, if its birth
place had boen their homo on the Mt. Olym
pus, for Its waters were as pure as tbo moun
tain air and as cold as if they flowed from
a glacier. Casta I la did not furnish a more
tlellolous d ranch t, and It la not remarkable
that all wayfarers Who reach tbe summit or
iloreb carry away aremembranre of ! i-nld,
refreshing wators. Wo dipped it and quaff-nl
it. Standing on a summit above tbo clouda
that drifted here and there, lazily below us.
We were by the Aneroid tost over 5,000 teet
above tho sea level a tulle llfiod up abovo
ordinary terreatla! allalra, breathing nectar
In the air, and quaulug It from tho moun
tain spilng.
From what source did this fountain flow?
It is easier to ask than to ansuer. While
we hud daylight we ollmhed to tbe summit,
the way being heavy with boomer hole and
spotted with whortleberries, to be bad for
ttie p'vking. Those boomer holes tortured
us all the way up and mads tho journey per
ilous, for the Industrious little animal bur
rows ou the mountain aides In all directions
uiid honeyo.uibs the aurfsoe with pitfalls
that threaten the safety of man and beast.
Roachlng tbe crown of the mountain ridge
we had a vlow that was magnldont. Around
us were tbo i-ur rated spurs that made West
ward from tbe heart of tho great mountain
range s'lll distant moro tban a score of miles
to the Eastward. They could bo counted
and tbo 1-ngth or their rugged outlines
dearly traced, one past tbe other, both on
the North and the South, indicating aslbey
ditl tbe courso of the various streams that
bt ad on the Wes'rn slope of the Cascades
and rush down to swell tbe volume of tbe
WHUinetie Here and there the mountains
assumed ftntwtlo shapes, and roe to more
than ususl grandeur. Weatward we could
ate tbe roofs of towns glinting In tbe ann
light, and the golden hue of wheat fields
chequered the dUUnt and faintly visible
plalu and showed us the harvests of the
WillHinetie Milley. liwasouly a lalm Im
pression that man's labor aud genius made
at thst distance, and tho gleam ol clvlllr.i
tlon that patnn ut tta wnt so nothing com
pared to the wild and terr bin (hsulstlon til
t he wnln spread mountains, the M-nmd for
ests, tho eternal slletico that rrsented tin
Hound ot human voli'os or the tread ofhu
man feet. Whllo mountains are lib mt its,
' Alp on Alp" we must turn Kisiwsnl toth
hxartof Mm ramie to see the eiiinluiilnit
iiimJcs y of the snnwv posks. Hood sianih
like "Osa pllid on Peliun," rlnarriilngslns
the nvniltit sky, looking at u" from a leit
nod heluh but wl h Itirren'ed elt'.ct, I l
iio vn ih'n a d w tile, v ' ' IV rnn I
r tincd lth deepoiiiiiina nnd bli ! tlllj A
Idext' at con'rnt with l'H H'i a r'.-.
and it wn Ninth of ti't bit' n nfi
ueliihhorN to nppu'iMtire, am iho T! ronitx
fers, ptrtM of tin mountain, liii'ioiixoil nml
linked togethor bv ridges of snow. Fr lo
tho Korihunrtl, beyond tho nliiiiibui, art
lUler, St. Helens, Adams, dunly lslb&t,
lorming with tho others a chsln of moun
tsln sentinels that guard tho ramie for
throo btindrid miles. If ono had a pf ncll to
paint or wrllo this vlow as it strikes thoseu
Bes. that pencil must needs bo Inspired.
Uelow us on tho right was tbo Elkhorn
Hns'n, on tho lelt at tbo bead of tho North
Fork, whs King's Prairie, anil wo ttiomtht
wo heard tbo faint tones of a, cow bell como
from tho depths In which tbco vhIIojs aro
burlod. To tho Westward wo saw tho Polk
county Hills. Btid further West thoCoist
ItsiiKe throuuh the low p'tssesof which the
sea fog was p.iurlug like n river to InuniUie
the slteplng valley. It was a heanilfiil ultht
losi'ft tblxsea nil-' xtieimlng In with thnes
hreizo Turning Kutwsrd aualn and lok
Itiu tieyoiul tlm Oiiiemlo ltni;t', the Hlue
Mountains of Hts erti Oregon er plain' i
vIm1iIo In oil" ilmeiloii, wlin-'i "III eniirey
mi Idea or tho olovatl u wo had t tulned.
Wo turned our llr-il aiilniat-outon n pral
rie, hittidreilstii aeiosln tiS'Ott'. hoerlrh
griises maiiu ihem uonlent. Wo gather d
whortleberries nnd supped bountifully. Wo
made our beds of spruce boughs under it
wldo Kprtiadtug tree, and then salami jios-
Hippoti oy u rousing camp lire Tlio sea
tnlstsswent up around us hs wuslint.atid
mo slept well tu iwtlitt iiuioug the uIhiiiIh, but
t ho sun soon drove thru: n way nud i linn u i
lonkeil tliiwu on u sea of silver while, hll'
louynii'l tl 'eev, piled In laiiiHKilit i-hHK-,
moro delluhtful than n tlrotm, as glnrlMis us
a romaiu'o of Arabia and more beautiful than
tine tun lell. Wo wro nhove ihn clouds.
The gorues mdiI oIik-iiis and the Immiler vsl
leyn wero pthd lull to tho brim wph tlio
winders of cloud lsntl, ami all the world ex
cepl tint bsulii.otio of e'oli lilolinlsln ?.j-tt r
waa hidden from us. Of the hki IUngM
the iipiurereM of MatyV IValt itlunn was
vUlble. it whs loriuna'o Unit ueionKour
vlow oftho vallojn Ihodliy lidnre, and foHll
iialoiigalii that this shetn nf silver was
Hprpnd out for our dullghtthat mcriilng, 1 r
llrnmpleted the vision of wonder aud repaid
all our toll.
Wo picked whorilbborrles nfier break fst
Illair killed griiuso ihalmsdo agrsiid pot pie
lorsiipiier when wo readied tint valley iigaiu;
the Isdios picked wild Honors that grow In
beautiful profusion oi Iho muiintilu KIum
belts blooitied overy wh re uiid towtrdx
iitMin we broke camp, paekod and mi.tdloil
ami tuado tho iIichiiIms bot wn could
Only a few mlliiH from the base of Mt. ilo
reb aro the mines in whluh euro llzsiia are,
anmo of tho-o Interested. and which are being
developed with hope of mucpss. II they are
success'ul the Eiktmrn b-sln will become.
Hipulous and wealthy. We hope that they
will prove so and that our frlondflivld Smith
will reap the boniU's.
All who wish to view the world from an
aucssslble standpoint can .dopeutLUbon If
that a irip'to Ml. Unroll will repav iuhhiI-
venture. If thev ran H(s;ureour friend illair
to take chargH ot them.at Mehiimit and Capt.
amitn to ueineir rompanton iinttiemouu
tain they will lie fortunate. It is po-slhlo
that a much better trail will eventually be
made, but tho present one ran do t-aveled If
ono im-BOssos good grit, good humor Mini u
good nuilo, H. A. t'UMUCK.
Campltii; ntthe r'ulr.
All who eont-mpUlo ounpl'ij: ut tlinHtnlo
Fair abntild rcml tlui lillowlni:, uliirh N
quntoil from ruli'-l, jwro 0, or ilie P en lum
Llt for 1S77: "Kcli Irinlly UHlInwi'd, on
till) Wl'Nl (MllinlllL' L'fdlllill 11 HMII'tif '.'() ItH
front in Him h r hi, miki IK) U ft nek limn llm
fltri'Ol Inr uillip'nK mill lillllillnu iIiKihii,
lint IIiIh prn ihlnii 1 only iHinp ir.ry, unit
HllllJ-Ct lit (lllHIU'D HI I 111" IIIMilllItt nf lllll
llimnl l'.irtli-H ili-Htrliiij liuumI, will iinplt
to Ciller MHr-lml "
rlr Gtouutl Wutni- Worltn.
K. M, Wnllii, Secorplary of llm Htato Axrl
cultural Houleiv, InfnruiH iih that lin Iihs
panaed over, wltli n pluiiilrr, lli( lino of tbo
plpo frnrn tlm Penitentiary lo llm Fair
Oninnil", and llnila evprytliuiK In completo
order. Prapartlons an beliiK maJo to water
tho track In n day or two.
A Fair Oroaad Thoater.
Tho Uxeoutlvo Comnilttoo of tbo Htate
Agricultural Booloty decldod, Monday, to
Areola largo bulldlDnn Iho Fair Ornuniln
foruaaaaa tlioaler. It will Im 30xK0 fpi,
wliu hUko room, nlo. Thla tylnof tiutldlnw
liaa Ioiik boen in dom-unl, and two or thren
itroupos aro doalroua of on nag Ing It,
fleorKO ZlRler was arrcoUnl by oflJcor
ohn W Mlntii, thla mnrnliiK and brnuulii
bufo "H Ilo'irdHr I) iwlo oliar'roi with t-lMllpu
a watch from a rnarled I'llnirn, of Polk
county, atthoCnintunrciitl Iio'hI laat night.
Afinr examination ho waa bound over to
await tbo action ol tho Grand Jury.
To llio A1HIm1-XiuIIcn in
Why need ynu t-nff r lth 1'aral vN hn
you boriirwIT Why will you aulfi
Willi lliifiiimnllaiu wiifti yon o-iii im. curulT
And why bavo no tiiKiiy nclieH aud paln
when ilia within jour roaon to bo cured T
I am now eitatillihf d In halcm, prepared to treat
all Chronic Dlrfc. inch na libeumallam Neuralgia,
Conaumptlon, Kidney dlnattf, and In fart all diaraa
ea that human no h la heir to Hpt clal stti-btlnn paid
tofk-malo Wetkaeraandnrrvi'Ua pio-lrtlon which
la ao common to Ladlea. Children' dlai-anee tot ex
cepted. In connection with my practice, I tare one
of the celebrated Menlcated Vapor LigMulnj; Cream
Datha, which aida vatly lu r'nioTli.gall chrmlcdl .
eaaea. It opeua tbe irra ot the tln, and Ibrow iff
the allmy, morbid roatitr, which la one of the great
caawa of o much utTtiliir. When wu oncu think
that two third of all we take Into hit teta pataea
on through tbe porea of ihu akin, wk nied n t atop
loii to wonder why we are tick, when we pay ao
little attention to the moal luipoilaiit en unctory of
our budlea. tmrtng tbe pa t nine uinntha I have had
tbla bath In oper llou, atd many can tntlty to IU
efficacy. I treat p.Ueuta by tbe week, or by alngle
Ladlea will do well toirWerre a call, Kealdesce,
outbeaat corner o Center aud Bummer Htreeta,
Ulea, JHBa. . W. CUAIU, M. .
Salom, Portland, Albany, Junction City, and Walla Walla'
Tho following FIRST-CLASS Machine:),
ScftSIOM. of lOVV.
Both End and bido shake Tight-tioored.
Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines,
aiOIlT-uEAin i' bN. .silAKli.
8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 b orso Powor. "
Manufactured by
With Now and Valuable
Hiaines' Illinois Htoader.
WrouBht-Irott and Scrow-IIub Wheels, niljiiafublo Heel nnJ Truss Fmmo.
Wrouglit - Iron Coiulint;cl Reaioers and
Combined ReapeTs and Mowers.
WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapern and Mowers.
WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes. t d
Johnston Mowers, one size.
Oonctueror. ' y
rart & Dradloy u'by B.tlt s, OLWIBMNIaIi btilliy Rrko. Sclflntmo.
"h" ilest in XTto. rt
TtiliiiblusUvIn anil li-itn-sixlo 1'rnnif, ami I'rolftlu tlniroiiK, all nIc
Kowtnn 4-sprlnR Hacks, miido c.xprcsslj for lli iircon Markrl.
INTo-wtoiX TUicc-SprliiR, I'lntfdrm Mprtiifr. ami McMll-sprliii; XXlxclnia nml HtXUaRM,
C3ro,veloxit Olty PIo'wm.
iiiimHniMi i iiiiivai.ir( nrni'ii t iiy
nil tVMtor,; fjnnli-ii Ml' Snllt v mill muiU (iu'ni I'm
I.I.M Vim llriml c llun't JllOMIoil llr I tntl lK
Illll.rlVt IIMIN. Ilit llx.t in II... .. .i.;" '"
I.CKlhcr nnd llubbcr Hltl.TIMJ, ITIiicIiIiki I'.xlran, ilurUtar.-, Iron,
'if iircla' Ulrcutarii. Il'uttinlcd, ul h prlct-p font to uny nildri'ri, ln-a ol clmrirr. W i
KroutHt , I'OUTMyi); Commercial
ortBOON janv.iNroj
tonxt mvittml
Capital. $300,000.00
Aat, -r ftO 68 547.45
Iaoome, 1875, $466,904 29
Losses paid out sinew organiza
tion, . - $1,137,367,50
anStr Tl Klrt M . IiHTI.ND.
"7V23L3T 33-UL3T
HucnnJ-tkf huivliiK iTIurlilui'M, mIh-ii you can
Get a Sire!
Of IN) :IMtlt(lf IIIIOIJIIKUi, ir only
IS, and iipTnnti. Hf Olllo- In Ariintrunu'iiHi, u
ilu ,p, l.lt flruit J&nlojtt anl'iiil
In tbo Circuit Court of tbo Klnln of OrcKon
fur tho l.'ounly of Marlon.
li. it. Mjcrr, pUlnllff.
Salt In Ibiilty.
A V n..uu VII.... f.kau lla. UIa
ft K .iV, aiirii jmK IIVUI .'I'. ,
per. uxm-cca pioper, i.trajcuu may.
too anil 1. Delura Hlajton, delniiilant
To A. Y. CIIAHK and KLUEN CIIAHE, dcfeujaiit,
and Don rvvidmt:
In tbe name of the alate of Origin, You aro hereby
required to appear and anawcr the cumulalnt fl'td
aaalnat you In tho aliove-enlltlrd action, on or bo fort?
I fie third Mouday lu October 1817, that belim tho
flivt day ol tlm next tttrm of thla i unrt. II) ordor ol
if. 1 Holm. Juduuof nil court made in linen court
Junnanth UTI Ard If ion fall to lo ni.awir, for
wtui tberixif the rNlntlrT will aik Ilia rourt for the
re'lef In the complaint piaied, which la lo cirrerl
nl'la'-c In di-i'd and inlet llllo to half of ttiu II. H.
Btaiton and Hlfu'n donation land rialm In Hec.S.lu T
U .. It 1 W , to Uarl'iL county, Oregon tho liact lo
wnicn you I ieiy ciairaen nil" a"o nan iihii paiua,
LAW'BON 4 uurriNu.
July 19, ltfTfMB Atlori.ua for I'Ulntltr.
Eatray Notic e.
1 1 Wm. Taylor'. 7 mllea eaat of 8 . lib, In tho Wat
no lliua, U a COW and C'AI.K Thociw Ian apeik
l.di.rnrnan Iluihara. Ave i r rlx irwp old. 1 be calf
la thnrameiohir the cow, .nil U a hrlfrr Tho
mw lr nut niarkid or braiiKed, excipt a "dew lap "
(to, ono r.'it HTkKII two yearr o at'e: hull crop
I da HI III tho rig) to r and aillt th Ihelefltar.
Tur c iw i aiue u my place about ti n day ago, and
luppo.id t'i ho Irnm eauiM, Iho r'ter lamr to
iriyfn malum' atrurairii. 'ihrowiierorowni-ra wll
lleaaecouieai.dlakulbiuiaHay, and liay fur thla no
tice MM TaYI.UK
The Light-draught Steamer
Wim. i.aara J'anrio Viuwr,
Portland, for Salem,
and Intermediate 1'olota,
Od Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
At C o'clock A, M,
Tbe LlRbtMlrtiulit Nteuuier
Will make Trip to tin- upper IMvor.
U. B. SCOTT u t O.
X. J. IIATCW. Oeneral .Vnai-r. a H7
t. a. suiaXaivAir.
f . B, coesar , at bead of ttaln.
which wo tiro now' receiving for tho
J. I. Case & Co.,
Improvements for 1877.
niiiii) - linn fninu I'lnU'Nt Flll'ltlpral VtlfaA
Ml It It and
and ntctl.
!., HA' VM ami I i,-nit,v ifnck, Al IIANY, OH.
The P. 1. T. Company's
' XofllHnl fur Nalom
Kvery FRIDAY, returning on HATDRDAY,
nfx'f ' ,,M. '" P .MONDAY ami WKDNIW
HAi raturnlugon TUHMI.UH aud TIIUUMUAYS.
Fatroiiizo Your Own Boat!
I'iotclloii nculiiNt High Itute
In the tJonnty Court or lie Hin'e of Orriron fur the
County of llath.n.
T. II Cor plalntlir, 1
va J,
(liruixM) (Inriir, llrfrrittant. I
Tu riAUWiiOli (IIIKhNK. drfrnitant:
In tub Nam or tub hTAT.oi Oaaaon: You aro'
I ert'hy Minimum d and iqulnil luui;a'uiic nn.wer
Ihoiiiiiipliliit rllrI xnloM j. u In the abovo cntltlod
Htllnn In Ihn nliiivii-iiaini-il rouit by the llial tliyof
lliu Km ti'iiihirti rui, IhTf lliciHif. In wit, the & day
ul Mopte'iibor, IHTT, Mid day bi'lntlho Art day orthi
Ij-rn of mln touit lollnwftiv iho riiilratlon of tb
tlniu precrlhi-d In tho order for ptiblfiatlou hereeC
Aid ir you fall not i appi-ar aud auawi r. for want
Ihi-ri-oMiUlnlitl will lake JuilKruent aalunt you aa
prayil fiir In hla cnuinlalnt, lo wit, for the aum of
one hundred ami nriydnllara, lordlier wlih lulcreat'
thereon !uro tho ultlt day of January, lHld. at twelve
per criii. per annum, and for coitn and dlahuraemenU
of Ihla action. 'I hla Mimuona la publlabad by order
of Jnliu V, I'eeblea, Jude of aald court, dated the
U3J day or June, IR77.
. . I" 'AKUY, Attorneyforrulnlul
Haltm.Julyfl. IhTT. 8lwB -y
Adminiutratrix'8 Notioe.
NOTH K laliorehyulvni that Mary Iloyt baa thla
day been appulnli it by the I'r ihale Court of Ma
ri;u Cuu.ilv, niato of Orvmiu, a admluUtratrlx of the
eiiUtiMif Jorenh Iloyt, laluof all county, deciaacd,
Allpeiimija havluir claim aalnat raid i3tatu will
prrieut ihem 1 1 mo nl my rea'rtrnce lu r-aleui, Or
rvou. within rlx moutha from date, or thev will be
forever haned. Y HuVr,
Adui'x of KnUle of Jo.aph Unyt. dtn aaed.
Hftlera. Auif u, IBTJ 3w4
In tho County Conrl ol the Main of Orccou for tbe
County of Marlon.
lu Ihn matter or tho Kitalu of Jamea Rickey, decvu
I d. Jaiuea M. I. key, AduilnWt'ainr.
To llmry Illrkiy. Ihoinaa II Rickey. Jamea M.
Ilickry, and all unknown lulrn nf aald ilicuk'ut:
and all person Inter led In aald Kftatc.
YOU aul each nf vi n, ar irrehy clt aril r.
qulnd tnappUHrbunru Iho above named Court,
-il ilml'innl lloiiiol r4lirn In aald Marlon couuly,
ill 'ilnrk p in in tin-,1i day or heptemb-r A. )).
I"TI to then und lliuro ah iw auro, lr aur ex it why
an nrilcrihoiiid nut tin made by aald Court nnthorlt.
n al. Ailiiilnl-lraiJT Inrill lli Ihal I'mtouf raid
licnl lit for Iho piyinriit ol the admlnlatratlon
! ar.tn ami claim aan at raid K-ialo, aa pellliiiiied
'or by raid aduilnlrlralur r altl rn I erlalo la ill rrj.
'daa fulow. io wu: A pari of Ih.i Jlimtlloii l.und
i.'lalm or ri Id Jamea Ith key ami wile In 7. It), It t
A" and in r H It HWi lliKlnnlin at the H. W.
lorm r of Cl.liii Ol. ami ihu h, h u rni-r i f Claim It,
iu'J'8'i. K U V, and runuluir loncN Oili-u ISmtn.
A.-, 00 ilulim; ihuice N (Hdtv. Slmln. ):. SOU)
lamr; tneniuM 4 d K A mln W, I -hi chulnr:
h i.ee U Bdtv M mlu M. Ill li chain; ih nco N.
II diy 10 mill 'A dM chalnr; ilitnini N mlii.SJ
nlii. W 4 Ml chain. j tneijiiib 4'idv. lmln. K. 3.5U
haln.; ilimc lart.rly I, InlirriU tlmronth lino of
aid t.fauuKl.al a point H Vi clejf. b'i mill K flO
nalna fruui an auulv In raid r Uih line of raid cf I it
l;ibeni"H 4Hiktf W mill VS. 1-310 chalua to thl
nee of hi'inil'i.'. iniiulhlni nlxMii jy.Hcrer
JOHN i'. I'l.hin, H. Cou.ny Judge.
Hlerii, Alia 1 li. IK;7,
from my paa ur o i i.uuWNsVII.I K, about
ui di'lxil Mut, Ihn, alui HiilirK, about rlx
vll nmnlr l,l,h; I iI.Iiik l u Willi r I on him The
r-olartteii y r i.ln, ui o la'ard rlx mllea
tn l.injillu ny p. r on triv'ii Intormailan
iir ihi'lo r-i c.n h.i lorn, n ltd luliyl.tm to ma .
ItiiiiHNasniK, villi bobnoi r i''y rewarded.
Aug. 3, IWIaS V. W. (JJtOVKK.
. 4
i Ajrfiiik ta A.. -