y?3&jCtyiK..a. wiwhwwiwu iiaMaj.amlgrtiiWM wwwui n i im i n n u wwanwi J!" aWrVllaVV . ... - nH, II r-rr fc- I llll WWII ' M . V'WW'''"'J'Ww''"Wl','i'glw ..i ai i i'" """""" - cmIarJLJJ 7Z- V, -, i ' 1 'I lit 1 : !f i t' i i tli f t . il' r' i ft I f fi ' IsaSwwWWs "W1L.LAMETTE FARMER ihosd trtnr tbioat, bt OLABKE & CRAIG, rCBUKIIIRR AHD IftOFnllTOIU. J. A mAltKK. D. W. OHAIO. TormK of .liihucrlptlon. Onocopy, oTioynf(51nurabtrf) fa. BO Ono copy, fix mnfitli (VI mimhi rf) 1.25 Onn rotiTi tnrri month" (11 finmhnrfl 7C HAI.KM. KHIIIAY, AUUUST 81. 1877 THE WHEAT MARKET. Tho hnrvcst Hi lough tho Stulo is fully half gathered, and while tho ro anltH nro dlHiippolnthiK in hoido instanc- es,fitlli tlio uvorage yiold l mitlafuctory and tho eurpluH wo will Imyo todlaposo of is in oxccHKor nil former year.-. Thnro was an undoubted Hcnrclty or bread HtnfTr) In Europo up to tho com nencomont or harvest, hut that no longer exists, and whether or not tho production in European countries ahull fall below tho uvorngu there will Still bo lit lh eloKO of harvest an Im moiiHo amount of lireadHlud'rf on hand over and above all Immediate demands with an Immense erop In the United Stilton, miltl to exceed that of any for mer year, to dr.tw upon to uupply uny deficiency that may appear to exist Liter in the season. Tho war in Europe is localized with no present indications that other na tions will bo drawn into the struggle. Turkey is not u wheat producing coun try to any great extent and has littles or no wheat to export. Russia will prob ably have her usual harvest and If the men are off to tho wars, tho women who aro used to Held work will save the g a u that is ready to harvest. Tho pi(H n war will not materially ailecl the grain supply, though its iiiflueuco miybo more felt another year. We huvo, lion, lltllo to really depend ipon to sustain prices more than tho known fact that the world's granaries were cleanly swept to supply tho wants of Uio.natlotiH tip to tho harvest time, and If tho yield hIiii'I prove average, as u fonoral thing, (hero will be no great fear of scarcity, whllo that fear will in any cuko bo removed us far into tho future as next Hprlng. Tho bread crop of tho world amounts to such an immense quantity thut no apecultitlou can wield it or control it, ntil tho Htocks in hand are greatly diminished, which will not bo before lato In tho winter at best. Ho that our conclusion Is that tho foreign nmrket which is already weakening, may grow weaker through tho fa 'I ami our local market bo lulluunced thereby, unless wo shall have local causes to make an active demand. Wo have this in our favor: That there will bo plenty ,f tonnage to carry nlf nil tho wheat rais ed him and in California, and that insures a prospector at least leaHouahle and perhaps low frelghis. The oppo sltlo i steamship line gives us cheap freights to Han I'Vauelnco and much wheat will bo sent there lor leMilpment to Europe. Freights aro already reas onably low and will continue m hi all probability. Any decline, in the European market will bo felt hero, however, more or leas. Our readers iniit weigh all these facts to decide if they will Mill hooii to rcalixo u fair price, or hold on to try for a hotter one. If i man is forehand ed and can alford to take thu chances, ho Is ull right whether wheat rises or falls, but the most of farmers cannot do that, and it is more than likely thut wheat will drop gradually lower be tween now and ilm tint of January. Wo have constantly held tho matter ap In this light for u mouth past and we now feel Inclined to take a more positive ao.-fltlou with regard to tho wheat market and urge the points wo huwiltcro inub to niiow that unless tho pr.iducercau well all'ord to take tho chances and staiai any pMnlhlu loss his mvc.it course is 10 rc.ilUu at prc.iitot prices and uiakentiieoi a good thing, .The FItunmer Fruit Dryers. Mr. PJnmmerls meeting with groat and dfflprved success In tho Halo of his fruit dry. ora, having nlroady sold sixty, with more onion? ou hand. This success in bawd on tho fuel thut Ii'h fruit ranks with tbo very boat put upon tlm market and tells to tlio Very best advantage It can bo shipped to any parlor tho world and claim to bo a llrt rato article. Ton of thefo dryers Imvo b"n sold In Walla Walla; fourteen baobfonput Into operation In tbo vicinity of IJiittt-vlll". Tho fruit crop soetm to bo good throuch tbo State and tlio scarcity of fruit In rviforn!n, whoro vory llttlo linn rlprnsd, will rnuto a demtmd for what wo can inn urai luro ami Is a riwon wliv fruit Krownrs nhould imtkotho most of Iholr orchard- tbo present year. Homo parlies aro vory Industriously circu lating reports that Mr. I'iutninor In Infring Ing somoothrr patent and bus nopatoutnf bin own for his niachlnoH. On tbo contrary Mr. PJuinmor ha tliroo difleront piitonta on Ida machines that oovor every part and mln ulio of his proceed and It in hardly possible that tbo commissioner of Patontn linn granted theno patents In conflict with tbo rights el any other pntonleo. If ho ban, tbo proper way is for Ihoso Interested 'o enmmeneo suit to show the fact. That lliny do not do m 's h hiiro Indlcatlnn that Mr, I'lummor I rllf, and as Im bus tlio Patent ofllco on IiIihIiIo thoso who want fruit dr(rs reed Imvo im fear In purchasing. Ho Is n very enerertlo and eii'orprhiiig man mid law certainly h HoiiIiim tnr luvotitlnti. As will bfiMifii Irotn lift caul ptiti)ll'i1 elHOwhero, ho riffnts sperlal primlumvnf f75 for tho best displays of dried fruits nimbi liv IiIh mnoblnos. Ho Informs us thut bo Is do lormlned l show at Ibo rouilng Stalo Fair tbo finest rollpotlon and display (ifdrlrd frultN riiHilo by bis mnoblties, that over xeni In IIiIhSIiiIo, and ho Is tbo man to do what ho umlorlHkon. Tbo following testimonials hIioh' tho sur cssm of IiIj iriauhiiif s: Wiikatlanii Feb 1,1877. Mr. Pit: m mer, linirNir: With tbo Fnin llyUryerl bniiuh o ion at UioS'uiii I'a'r my tv(i llitlii I)(hhv'i Home help from iliolr innlhnr have ilrlnil Kuril liundrcd lrl Ihtsw trib of fin It world iv'i (ines -or noiind, hal'l by uoi.UniL'nn u uinul iii (KlllpltMHlHlHlnI'lilr. A. P. ItOIII.KTXI N Mr. W. .S IMuiniiifr, I),ar sir: In re ly InjOtUH of R.li. Kill, I would Lay i hut I liiivn hamll, d n larjjo nmoun'. ol Plummer Dried KuillH mid In no Irihtanru Imi It failed obrlnir ihn crv lilubint innrkel inluti ol uny Irulthohl In iliWaliy. Y uirn, eio W. K I.hVKIIItlUK ,t CO. Wboln-alo Qrocori una Coiniiiltniou Mer chants 118 Front Htreot, Man I'rutioUoj. Visiting Cards. ijna' Wtft t Rtnn. W. J CuaiKB. Hnlcm, vngon. m o .1j wlih n noi no'lv nrlntwl thereon 'Jl I fiit to any addrei- npon receipt of 35 Csi l. aoa 3 cent rmmp. nuarrrr 18 NOW AN O1T08TTION JTHAM a from .n Frncl ci i raniiu.i nllowinir Horn at prices k"'. ' ; ii. All orders u tt uecouiiianltd wlili N.B.IN.BJIN.B.!! A 8 THEnR XV fhlp lln v nvcr mo ri land, Orccoi cam: ThutoiiBhbied Mn SlocU, All tllll pcdli!riei f-imi liutbrccit r. Kl'tllSllIlT t'll-'N, K'l'vefltstoamnrilhsolil, I! n", 5)'. Sw, ?1" cucli Kftea, hniroll-, ami Polan I Cbui. bt the Hiimi price". Stioit SIoiii (Bnrham) Hullo, 10 to 10 montht old 1E0 to J300eaeh. C'OlHWOlfl. I.clccHtcr. Sonlhilown. or Mi-rlno IUm, (telcctcd) $50 each. Sb ounhlro Haul', $IU)cacb. Angora Goals, Httrh hrcd, nniirly thnronahhrp(1.30 to $' Orach. Kills oTirllOO. flxlyday-' time, Inlirut at 12 pel cent , with kockI imloraer. ItOUINl'.HAXR Imports and ItrcoSir, 0th ami Ilmvjnl St Aug 31, w4 HiiiKnUirl-cii.C lif"rnla. PLUMMER FBHIT DRYKUS, 1'im'iiiIiiiiin: f HAWIEY, DODD & CO., Port lurid, Oregon, Offer for Sale, at the Lowest Posaiblo Prlcea, a Full tine of AGR1CULTU RAL IMPLEMENTS. WE AUK SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED OP 7 jgte v mmw.TTTaT! ATza.H J.i.M Jli9 IJLIu. r "111 nny nflOM) I'KKMI'M I i n in ii r- ii' Vtu t ilrl il Ii, ih- r flip hit trt MOIIKSS" t.r flvn imilliiLimhtilllU III In tTl'll I- me tu KiPt I'urtliiid, In llmu lur ttio UnK"" ltii Kulr if 1677 1st ntKMIUM $40. 2(1 1'KKMIIIM $'20. ad I'rtDilum $lu. 4i h minium SB. TV" Tlirfo Mimplo. will bo rxhlMutl at tho l-'uli innik'il wltlinwneiH mine. itnrr:mrl Whlth fiimlilno tlio LM-ontost PtrctiRtli, extreme lightlies, mid (lumbllity.--OKKItR Is thc-ole Piilontco of tlio Wrought IJIoi-k uiitl Weldod I'Voj,', and thoir Plow IsthconlvPlow.sDmiule. The Plow's niould'vuril sintl Hliuro are hurdoned hyu Patented Process L'FAWLIAR TO TUB UJOEUE PLOW. mi: ii:i:iu: sulky aivd gang plows, With or without Breaking-Plow Attachment. tfftSWM.'IM&t'tol?- -v&tzmm?-' NEW STEAM-SHIP LINE IIRTWKKN Franoifico and San Franoifico and rojtland. The P. C. S, S, Co. Wllili llKKRAPT'lt 1UI.V A UNKOK HT1!M alilp- ruiniirly. uviry to dij b-Ucm Smi Kiiiiiciicu aim 1'ortUiiil AT ORB VTI,YRKnU(!E BATES. 1 ho ANt OK will leavo Mnmliy SpUralicr ,li!. J. .If. itlcVK.tltKN A: TO, Audit. i.SJ"V -?, Tho Krcatri-t I.alvr S1inr ItnptrniMi' ypi Tnvontfil Vh-'1v hnprrvnl for Fall of 1877, COO Sold ixx Orogon Ixx Ouo "H"ox. par Rvprv l'.niiir iniHii'hiHil. 'I Ik l)Hrn Sulky N tin only Nliiulu IjMvor Plow rnndo. E-MY OI'EUAIKI) ,n nnnntmrti 1 ilmt by a lb:ht nimlmi ol ihn Lnvnr tlio Plow It uri out of ih uroniid nml rUcd clenr. bv Imrfo- inntrml of luin.pnnar. It Ih Urougoraud I cm complicated tbnn nny otbnr. Solo Aihoih for tbn ui..uinvn SOUTH BEND GHIILEB-imON ILOWS, BUCKEYE DRILLS and BROADCAST 8EEDER8 The most .succeasfiil in iibe. Too well known to need coin men t. W. H. l'liitiiiiirr K-ij , Hoar Hlr: HkItus inn pli'MMiini lo Inlnrin ynu tlii tho fiuliM In my euro at tlm (Vnttiiiiihtl Kxbibltlon In IMilUili'libiH, 1H7D, ptcpindliy ynu dryer proochH nnu pixccii uy no on (ixiiiuiuoii, Have ibo b-Hlof hKt(nlHi!ilun hiuI woro pai UnaUrly adnilrml by vlnbors from tho old HiHton and especially by tho Coniinli8luiurH from Germany, Franco and Italy who pro niiunwid Iheui superior to tbo mmo kind luiportod from ihnlr own country Youm Ao . A.J Dukuh, Commlionor from Oreuon. Portlauil, May '2fi, '77 From VumiVU llrporltr. Yv) IHth 1877: "I wIkIi liiKive llm laimerNOlour ixiuuty omo of my ezrlun o In trull rNlii, For HMverrtl ynirn 1 tmvn had a lariio amnnnt of fruit Out It wmh ol very llltln value, no tlmt I bad about diolded lodlK up tlio lr-rt and bum Ihn land. OniMiuir ao I would Imvo uIvhi nny until ibo iikoof Hih laud, (IOuoii-') firnim enr, l(itlcrlt of fruit Hum Ni, oiinollirt'd lo d ih mid -l yenr I cnii I'linliul in diy imv fruit, hiiiI Mfmr hIiuiiI O'ic IihII' iIki oriip Iii-iI ikhNIimI, I j-oi n l'iuiMiir Dryiir I ilrifil $MHI nrt ,, unit in, ili, llirilllll. K I'llI'llll.H vfl .1(1 1 i l UfJTIO x IihihIh, iihluu I'tii' I'hIi cord nf vximl, -a, (In fcUiy liiihlu l nf piifM in u-n limirH I pioptiMi iii ihhi : i (Ni pruiio 1 1 (iH In ilu sprliiu I b lmi, we out tin bcilir lliiui'o Im niir fruit Miiltt I like m ilrxer ii iiiiii'Ii, nml am iniw IhiI I itnl tint iliir np inyoivlitid V I. Ai.hkiiman " TO SCHOOL D'll 'CT0HS AND OTHERS. An exmilillu!,'tl liuulierwUllON to ini;i(jo f.ir Ibo Frtll and Winter. Il In coiiixiteiit to leaub (Jrek, l.ttiln and Kn'imb, hi addi tion (o Ibo UMiml hludleN. AddrexN, T.J. IIi.akk, 8!em, Oregon. Administrator's Notioo. VrnTlOU 1h burebv ulvcn that tlia nmlcplfftiPil ll tTB I17 nnler nf thu(nnlt Oinrtofihe countt or Mitrlun. In tlo Hlttii of Oregon. nnlhe7lh rtityei oi;iii't I8T7, (1 a y appo uteri lulralnlnt'alur of lln IC-lAte of M J ithatvl, ilccrnml. Ml pernuna liav liiK clalmn Hf 4lnt raid e taio urc rcqulnd tnprrnlii Ihu rame, Willi Iho Touchir. tu tho uiulirilji eit ul tlio offlcii of J J iaw, In Iho ci; o' sacin, Ii nld county, ltlilnlx tnon'ha from thin da r. WM COttPttlt, Adinlnl.trator. Dated, AoRMt 37th, mi. Oil tlltl nilllllliMl m billl ill tho IIUII. I biiih." n-t) priiu'iplo tbm ''a i wo. in iwu In the IViiKONxu r Ned ,ui. ii im bo iliu in ii .In, il In uur iii" kit v i. to-oni'iiii ti ! i m . k f, ma thai l lK ' liiniibhiix ! -otliirio - ow .1, NOUlt lllllllM-l oini'(NMii'- bt ii itiid o i k lujliui M.' lv I CrK)kor wo Ii w Ii m t'.u.m ol t u u. If J (HI Wrt toned lik'o in.ii'ii.il, WhUnej .V II .imlllN.itl, if 1114 IIIIM-I (O ,,k I I! ItlcK, 17 . '.I'd bllit .k i .l lhlll IH.ril tu iiiiiblin i; mi-t r mill i ii" i,.,.rti- i ul, i inn ur mr viow", ii t tl HI -Il ! Hi.' III!' I lOt 1(1 . 'tl Il N 1. 1 N l A CARD. Under a inlftundvrstaudlnK of tho bilon tlonx of Mr. Mart, V. Itrown, we notltUd all (MirMOUH not to purohiwa a unto tlveu him by un for tho purohitHti of tbo Cultivator, Wo now Imvo n NatUffiotory uiidrktandlu with Mr. Hrowii that tbo nolo lua not been on tho market, and Ih not to ho on tho market pro vtiiot to maturity. Wo were oumelveH iurt ly to blamo for tho inUuiidiirxiHiulliiir ibat lua oivurred boVwoon ih, and winch no biiiitor exUtH, 'i,hki: .t Uiiaiu, h.Kuii, Or , Auk 21, 1877. Bemiblo Advice. You aro aNked every day lliroimb Iho ool uiiiHiif iiOAHpapora and by jour IlriiKxIxt lo ih kiiuihiIiIiih lor l)ypipfcU and LKerCom plHlut Ilmt ynu know noibluK almut, ynu mil iIImuumkiiiI NHiudini( money with lint II -In tiioi'eH N'-v in irlvn o i Ha'Ufioiory lr -f Unit Oiiukn'n ,M'iuit I-'l-vi:ii w 111 euro on ni' 1) 1'iiihU HiuI l.lvor Coioplolui ih'all 1lt i llioiN, kiieli in Hour .HUiumnh, Slik lliuiloli", Until nil (iHitineH, m(i ailnti uf tlio llor', tliMiriliurii, SVuier-liraMb I'll Mm s-i ol Ibo pll nf the Slmiliioll, Yellow hklo, t'imied 'ruot.'Ue, t'liiiilnu up nf food ittier eatm. Inv Nilrl h, ,V i , wo Mtk you in Ku in jour UriittulN .. -ml i'oi ii Ninp o Hullo of Omuhn'h .Mi iur I'l. mi fr ID ouiH and iry !, ora It ulll,i Sijo lur T.'i ihiiiIm, two vlu.oa will ro lle you SS- .jjftMHiama, lSf; EVEHYfiGDY Swicll Of 10(11'. TIB HATCBLF. 8 FIRE LIQUTER ! tint in i.irTtiv: MAiouofh Ktiiu I.toiiTtui arii immlim In ililok and IkI, nl tboyiMte mii.,rl Hi'UViitlim, I.Il-I'In JU''lmiiir lias iinut I tin iiHMitf a niololi Will last Hlo Hum In. i MiMihliu; for 0Htuera or travel, uia l'rlot.75(enta. A-i.ii, II II. im.T.Or-K, O iiortl Aucin, S.iltiin, Orvgon. For Sale. QOI7 AOUKH OV TISiBKIt LAND, HAW-M1DL OA I lllack.inllh Hhou three hin.o. two bamn. rourjoho i HXKN. Hltaaled on LONO TOM, lu Lane county. Tirtna nrj -half earn balance on tluto. TlUtfgotxl. ior lu.irterpartlcalar. addreia O. H. I'UTNAM, aaSlma Chethir. Ltneconntr. Or. 1004. 1877. The iiy Btrlctly Wholesale Irag leu ! DregoR. T. A, DAVIS & CO., 71 I'rnnt Street. 'Ul I ANU, IllG'N, OKKBK TO TIIK OIlUO AND (IKNKItM. 1IK? cl-aiullte trade a complete aMortnicnl of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture, mJ Druggists' Sundries. A I.HO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all rUand qoallUe. WHITE LEAD, Of the lcadlnt branda, In Una and kegr, COLORS IN CANS and DRY. Putty, Lampblaok, Rod Lead, Gluo. VARNISHES, Including the i1uel brand for Ooach l'atn:era' ae Paint, Hiltewaah, VariUh Srwfcci, I.lNttKKB OIL. In barrel and catr. Tur-eatlar, Coal Oil, CastorOII, Uri U, Nrafa'foot 811, Flia 911. AlOOHol, la barrv'ia and caeet., Illuo Vitriol, sulphur. CanIUc Miiup, C'onc'nrttlve1 l,)e, lUUMli. 331ttoxsi n.XX iKJlxxdM. Quioksilvcr nnd Strychnine. lu tuarl, llalf Oall.m. ()uo-i alios, and V'TU-OaUcr Can aiU llarrel, vie , etc Wo aro A(jnU for Ureumi and Waiblnston Tcrrl Wry for THE AVERILL PAINT, TUK IIKSC" MIXED TAINT IH UBS for lUIII'rkr di'a arb o bees f If. Walelre'a bwi Kaih aa qui re I e iioa, 4 ' as Jajaea ir.jrUi rjr Mrd Ulrica. IV W buy ait aroilii from flrt hand. thn en ab Inif at iorouixto wilhaiiv market on tte foaai ar a comjia'Wou of our ilrei wPI prove. mjV A. L. STINSON, Book and Job Printer, .Ami UioKliiul(r, Qolmau's Stuck, Old Seaato Cham ber Snlrm. UH, tv. . MAMkC, BltKVKT U.LMI., UtrKBrxoa U.S. Volat OR1r. ltNl" tunrlt.iii tUlm. IV jixymM'jnojrrPic' " '' "!o mil ! it -aTQl Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. PA KM GHISI M1LUS, ull Mjlm and prictH. FAN MIM.s. hM,d torSptcial CliculHrs. USES T 3E3C ES IN THE WORLD! Be not Deoelved! See that our Trade Mark is on eachPackage! ? 9 5 0) o Ss'nt Co. vitr o xn & B. o 3 PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK' Wu iau. , ana flhli UUiiOKS. jrL.GetcLy for AND EASILY APPLIED. For Sato by the AarrntN: JOHN AND HUGHES, Salem, 1MJVUH, SWELL & CO, Wbolermle DruirgltH, uuil Ucalern la I'ulr.m, oiim, and I Gl. -' aJJAW PACIFIC TIIKESIIlYGi!!MCHljE MANUPACTUnBU OP VViUI , -j3Bt-' . :V! - -frT-WC tarf-izv: srrrs5Vii' -ii.T?3H? c' sssS, $p 1. 1-c 1.1 un . trar.-v -jr ' JV SV', 3fW PATfFfffS. C.IH7J ' V -- ' ..e : . -a:K..i:' - taaaT'if; 5n.jl f--.r- t rl ICr -lil." JT" a. .-.."'. I5vjls?--r 'f -VH&S-aSr,ut'W V-Ntf ir- NS!SKi?Via?T!vA. w . as-r- - "'y.-JsrtCr-, z. PELTOJM S1X-F()LD HOllSE-POWERS INon0?lII!HitLwM SUA,,,,J'' "WonhllT. J0W S. rhkluN. PRKSiriFNT; ii2i,iL.'e"'J2i! ll rNTHB, Bvcrvury. igr Bunorlor to nor.o.powov ,r-"'rri. ""J?"?: . 7 m. . . . . F rm mm. mi m s. av .m. mat 1.1 111 k .l AM 1 UK HKl'iltil tud forclivulan ui(ikit.,ri. 111 iip.iii i,.n. .... ..... j... .. ... ..,.. ill.' uvun. im iiiL.'miu P. ."."-" " """' uir .............. ,u u.,o lun uiuu, J. PEY- to axx-st in. uaio. ManuUo- 'IllK i,V . iii.mIaj l.IKk. 1IUEL ro,- lurtber parUculir. addrvt the officrra nan rC boTe. or Uiua, Marcaat-t 'V ' tm ''' I