Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 31, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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JEtoft Base Ball Club.
This floe club which has never yet been
bcalen In a match Kama, re-organlxed last
Saturday and will soon commence tholr prac
tlce games Tor (tin parpens or contending for
the first prize ($200) In bo given In tlia obnm-
Sinn club at the coming Slntn Fair. Al It.
roastnan wai ele od President; Johnny
Rigg", Vlco Prldenl, and G A. Peebles
Secretary nnd Tidsurur Tlio Captain and
aret nine ttio j ei 10 do m'uipo.
Very Desirablo Property for Sale.
Ninety-throe seres of laud nn Salem Pral
ilo, near the Fair Ground, will be cold at a
great bargain to a cash purcbahor. For terms
and otbur Information lnqulro of 8. A
Olarke, at the Fahmku oillon, Salem.
From a l'liislctsn.
Hvde Puik Vt., F.h. 7, 18T0.
Messr. S'h W Fuw le A Sntm, 11 atou.
Gent Yon may perlo.pi renumber that 1
wrolo jou nov oral wink sgn in regard to
tho ho or the i'siiuviAK Sritur 101 my wife,
who was suffering Iroui general debility, the
equonce 0 Typhoid Dysentery. I had
tried tho most noted pbj-Hlcinus Inthls8tale,
and alau iu Canada, without relief. At your
rtcoi.iineiidiUloti slut 1'ojuHeiiiir.ij tlio use
ot tho Syrup, ibo first four bottlpB nisdo but
llttlo linprfhNlou, but while taking Ibo fifth
Bhebeuou tt Improve raploiy, mid now, nr
ter uslug nix ol tho diilinr hollies, sbo bus
regained her strung h, and Is eblo to do
moat of the work ubut tho notion; nnd 1
feel tbnt I 04uui)i apeak too highly iu praise
Of thu PlUlUVIAN SYltUP. I have prescribed
it to novetal or my patients, mid have pie
mitod tint tiilti ol several doan of It hero
You on tnalto any uonf thin lo'ler it jou
boo Qt. Yours very truly, II. D. Bku2N,M.
"It only n Hough"
has brouuht mwv to untimely grnvPH.
What. H a Uotuli? The Itniijs or bronchlal
tnbn hnyo been attacked by a cold; nature
sounds an alarm boll, toll 1 11 where thn dls
ensitlien. WMnm mit'isfHiH "try Wlhtau's
IIauiam nv Wii.n Ciii'uhy:" it Ima cured,
during tin last naif or a ointury. thousauda
upon thousands of persons. Ax Ionic as you
oough, thoru 1h danger, for Ibo cough la a
Safety VaIvh. Umo "Wistaii" and bo on rod
Sold by all drugglalH.
3P. w3-. Smith, Jjxrtlmtf
Salem, Oregon, dealer In Stereoscopes and Stereo
aeopic VIowi, aud Scenes of Salom and tho parround
!ng country. Llfcplxo rhotographs, In India Ink, UU
orWater Color. etl
Mao moTod over BKBYMAN BK08.' NEW BTOBf
Offlce boon from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Willamette Nnrservr
Ortrego, Olaokamai 00., Oregoa.
Tho Italltin Prune,
And tho bast varlelltu of
1 Prune,
Nut and Shade Trees,
Send for Descriptive Catalogue
Salem Flouring Mills,
OoiiMt-untly u Iliind.
XUHohl Prloo Iu CA.SK
?aid for Wheat
jLTiLEjii 'smnis.
tkn l&ti Al'eut 8. V. M. Oo
JLiltXii'iil I'ornii-T,
VQtfti TI.11KJ
Tse Ortgon and California and Oregon
Ceutml Ualiruad t'orapmilen
OK'BIt tholr Laud far talsopoii the folhwlne libs
rl term: Unu tenth uf tho pnru In ca,h; Interest 01.
the balance at the ra'e of roviii per ciut. one teai
after fair; anl ech fullowlii,' ypiir one tenth of th
jrioclpal and interest on thu balance at the rate o
aeveii pjr cunt per anna n, llotU principal and Inter
jt pajabld in LI. H. t'urrfnej.
Adriuntof un prcvitt, ill c allojr)l frcib
&r Letters to be addreJ t l. hCUUI ZB, Lan
Acent U. a. U. II. K.. Portland. Ortcon.
NOTARY PIIMLIO. Heal Kate A (eat.
and Collector of Claim., will promptiv al
tend to itx bune. eulrntted to Mi care. M.iKINt
OONVKVAMi-k.i a nrit;iAi.i'x. iime. at tii
reat oaoe,
Of. Potoroburff, Ak. 21. A "peela! to tho
Gnln, reproduced bv ibo ofllnlAl HuselHn
K'nfy, Hilmltx that tbe KiiIhii Inshra In hn
two bunion '-Ktlnre Plevna were 8,000 to 10 000
halfofwhom tvnrekllled orBHroulv wound
oil. About 6 000Hre In the hnopltalH Ht SIk
torn, SininliM nnd Turna Margurella. Of
the 200 neirt-nna atlalohed to tho Bed Crnea
atubulHrcn 4U wero killed whIJo collecting
the Mounded.
London, Auk. 22 A dtapatch from Bucha
rel raya 18 000 Furco Ktypttin tioop wro
Htietnptlnn 10 cut tbe railway betwreu Kuv
ifiidji and Tcturnavoda, and I but troope
trnopa In m Sillwtrin. are maklug an attack on
KtiNtonr'JI from the other Rtrio.
('onsiMiillnnplf, Ann. 22 The orKanlza
tlnn ol the now Tutltlah ten d'armln by Gen,
Valentino lUker la now completed
London, Auic 22 KuMan ofTlelnl (Dm
pftiolidM of IIih 2It aiy f.irty bttatlunH undfr
Suleiman Pusha renewed the RttHck UiIa
iiH'rnlni; on Hchlpka PaH, nnd weiongaln
repulsed Tim Uithllntr contlnncH, althnuub
darknesH ban pet In, Thu oiiemy advanced
HltniiltMneously from Loftcbn umardnHHlvl.
Kllle flrltm bfgan at noon at polnln .iCoupUd
by our advauod guard; tbo reiult Is un
known. IluebareBr, Aug 22 The Runso Kounanl
an oon vent Ion, residing HnuuiatiU'H uctlvn
participation In tho Anr,lade(inltely conolud.
ed. It Ih said tho coudltlotiH are lavorahlu to
he pritinlpallty.
The KumiIhus are strnnnly fiHtl'ylng Knn
lentljl with heavyarllllerv. Nume nun lltm
xlau roltift rcemonti tiruurrlvlng iu Dibrudx
1 "onilanttnnple, Aup. 22 Tho Govern nr r
ThIoiIh, In rtieMsaly, lolMuwphs Aiifiuxl 2)ht:
Tho furka have oirrled b iiK-itult MiiiiHen
troiiuhuieuiauroolud atLlghena by Ibo Greek
Ostimii Pasha, under di'o nf Anoint 2Nt,,
rnpnrtHonoountorri with the Ku-'Uu cnvulry
atNeronlHk, Weal of Plevna, him at Onlek,
on tbo mud to Grobntilo. In bothoaes ltus
tlns wero repulted,
Conituiillnoplt), Aug. 22. A dlripitati dat
ed the 23d, contains I ho following: Tho
KuMlniiH have been deleated and driven
buck with ureiit loan in an Important battle
ut-r Kkl DJitma.
LatksT A lttiHxIan ofllalal telegram dat
ed Uoriiy Btuden, 23d, Byn: Our troopa In
Solilpka Pats have behaved heroloally. A'
torttioy ropuNed ten attacks on AugUHt2Nt,
tho Turka only kept up a desultory tiro.
Throo ttuna or a Turkish battery wero dis
mounted by our fire and fell over tbn ollfl-t
TheTurkUh lorooa do not diminish. Our
relnfoioementH arrived lait nluh, aomo hav
ing tnarohod forty aud Nome fifty six veratw
In one day. Our losnes aro ooiuparattvoly
lluht, but unlortunately we hvo lost many
tiftlcera. Turklnh loicct aro enormous
Genu. Dorskuklma and Ualkekoff otimmaud
the ItuhHlans In the pass.
Loudon, Aug. 23 A Constantinople dla
patch nays a telegrnm from Mebomet All
claims that tho Turka captured two guns,
many prisoners and a great qmntlty of am
munl.lon and rifles at K-kl Ijjuma. '
London, Aug. 23. Advloea from Ruxalan
hoadquartea at Oorneysteedln, dated yater
day, Htato that a battle In Suhlpht raas la
now nroceedlog. Tho onetny ban renewed
tho attack many times with fresh troops, but
eaon time uas neen ropuiaeu witn Heavy
Turktah loss.
A Ouobarost dla patch Bays tbo Turka at
tacked Tlrnova yesterday, but wero repulsed,
rbe engaaeraent was reoommenoed today.
0mnn Pasha's troop 1 have made an at
taekon Selvi with thn intention or advancing
upon Grabuya, but Prlnoo Mlrcky repulsed
them before tbe arrival of the dlvlson which
be aked for aa a reluforoement.
Deialla received regarding the battlo In
.Scbipka pass a tale thai the K&asiana repnla
ed stio'ee.ivo!y ten vigorous attacks made
by the Turks, the positions of tho Russlaua
being very strong.
An Insurrection baa broken out In Crete.
Two engagements have been fought, In
whloh thirty s'x Turks and sovoateen Ohrla
liana wero killed. Tbessaly Is reportel In a
aiaieof brigandage which must end In In
surrection. Teleuranis from tbe seat of war aoem to
show that tbe Turks have at laHooiameuoed
xerlous oporaltnuH against Ihe Russian post
lions from three sldos simultaneously.
A Onaharest telegram says Oxman Pasha
camtusnds pi person a strong ruoonnoltering
forvo near Helvl. This reoonnoUauoo mav
account for tbe previous roport of the attack
on Selvi.
1 Russian olllnUl telegram dated Gnrny
Studen, Aug 221, in the evening, eaya: As
well as the attacks In thn direction of Sohlp.
ka and Selvi, tbo Turka have made attempla
tobreik In upon the Russian outposts out
feldoof Ituitchuk.
London, Aug, 24 A Dally News oorre
spindentat KussUn headquarters ex plalna
thomysllflcatlon whloh baa arisen concern
lug the reported capture of Balnkal Pass by
tlio Turks, Ho eays on the I81I1 Inst, a col
umn of Htilolman PmsIia's forco attompled
sVri'nuouNly to forro Ihe pa-o. It has been
reported they wero hunoesHful, but though
t'10 column did Indeed force its way Into the
defile It was ho roughly hand.ed by ibe Rus
slan artillery and by a regiment holding the
piss (hut it was compelled to roilro,
Alexandria, Aug. 21. A correspondent of
Ihe Dilly Nhwh eays tbo French transport
Correee, with 130 cans of cholera on bnurd,
h not allowed to pws through the Hutu m
nal or oommunlrain with tho shore. She
will b) qitnrunllnoil 100 mllf below Sues.
Uarlln, Aug 21 The plamie having bro
kn out In Ittuslan Poland, the Gr-rmau
frontier has b.-ea eloued by a stiong military
Vletina, Auir. 23. A crr wpoudent state
atolturnm Iroin IIuclmrf-Ht mys M. Itrallatiri
and thnohlef of the Itouminlan stall" l)v
r ituiii'd from tho or' ItoilqiMrterM. Ne
gotUtlons reP'o'.ing tho ooncluslon of the
military convention fell to the ground. The
Grand Duke Xio'iolii ileaUrad Dial tbo in-
aeenuontaoiion or me iiuuuunun srmy
wtti not permissible. Meanwhile the Hus
rilans haye Incorporated tbo R umanlan ill
viln with their own troops. It U still be
lieved some rompiomlf'0 will be Teeled.
riiieaRO, Aug. 21 Tlio Times' London
xpeclsl i-ayt-: It Ih believed the attack of Su
leiman on Hchlplca pans was a datnonstra
ilon to divert attention from tbe real move
ment, wh-h Is through Irangate, about 30
mlleH eat of Uohlpka,
There Is a feeling of great despondency
among TurnophllUte In Koglar.d over the
unsuccessful result of the Turkiah move
ment. They think tbe termination of the
combats ominous of a seriea of Turkish dis
asters which may annihilate the Turkish ar
my. Tbara la renewed clamor over daager
to Britlaa lateresu, codoeralat wklek Uttlc
or nothing has been said since tho battlo of
Plevna. '
Glasgow, Aug. al. Tbo town courcll un
animonly resolved io prceent tho frerlnm
of tho city to Gen. Grant on tho ooensiott of
his approaching visit.
Gen, Grant's visit to Parle Is ullll delayed
to avoid tho possibility of atlcntlnns retlcct-
ing Indirectly upon President McMahon.
Omahn. Vim 22 A boat rontaJnin.r ilvo
perenns was Atriiek by llgbtnlt-g while near
tho Contra! Pacitlo bridge jeslerday, Oo rge
Sljdun wan Inslantlr killed. Mm. P.wl.,.u
lell ovenroattl nnd diowrnl, and Ihe toil of
I no crew two wrtmen unu a man narrowly
Chicago, Aug. 21 J. MadUon Wflls and
T. O Andert-na. of Ihe L'Miltlana returiilttg
board, arrlvi d hero this morning. They nrn
lndipoedo talk en political matters, ix
(opt 10 say that IiiilalHualHin no better con
dltlon tinder tbe Nicholls envernmnnt than
It was leforo. The criminal prnvcuilnu
aualsNt them forpcrjurvremilii in statu quo
They will loavo fur Vu.,hlngton to nlgut.
Now York, Aug 22 A World's well-In-formed
London corro-pot dentssyH Henuntt,
nt the Herald, In onds to llvochltfly in Bug
land for eomotimM 10 cemn.
Now York, Aug. 23 Thurlow Weed
riles h long letter 10 tbe Tribute tlerondlug
the double eundod. Tbo Tribune b'.ivn, dl
tnrlally, tbe laol we can not accept hit con
oluelnn ninkim his communication none tbo
le-s welcoitiH.
WaliliiK'oii, Aug. 22, The governnrn of
West Virginia Hlid Marjlaed Iihvo notillrd
thn iir (leparttiiHiit of tile United H'niPHllmt
tro pt are no longer iinoiled, and thoy will
Lo ll'driiwti
OuKvtrd, Auirn-t 23 -Tho train vrlth the
PrcNldrnlliil ntty, Itioluillue Vlen PrOHld.iit
Whiol r, wsh heartily j,.r'Mt.d hh lti-ameu
from N ir;'ill 1I1I. Tno Pr-mdiui. iititnoiv
ledutd tho falii'iH with uncovered Iii-hiI
The Ma.vnrtif PlUalluld lemlerrc 11 welcome
lo tho (oupiny, who were lurtilalid mr
rlauen and rode through tho H'reo'.i), bluh
wered-coraiod, and ornwd;d with people.
Alter dinner at tho bo'cl the VeitorH held
a reopion In the rotunda of thpSlnle-houso,
where eome 1,000 pereotia shook handa with
tbe Presideui, who euleequo' llv retunioil
thanks 10 the people of W.w UimH-blre Ur
the cordiality nf tholr conduct toward him.
Nashua, Aug 23 Tho slrvota vero throng
ed upon the arrival of tbe presldonf, and the
eiithuUm was great. Mrs. Haveireolvt-d
the ladles of tbe city nt rosldenen of tho
mayor, while the president and party moved
In pirwwsh 11 lo tho City Hall. Tho president
having been piesenlod to the peosjfu, by tbe
mayor, a geueral band shaking followed,
alter whloh there was a banquet aud tho
ptrty started for Worcester.
Richmond, Ind., Aug 23 10 p. at. Sena
tor Morton passed an uneasy night, and suf
Terod from constant p4lu In thu right eldo.
csused by Impiudonoo In oatlng, and at 4
o'clnok to-day bis condition was ootiMdered
oritloal. Two bcurs later ho rallied and up
to this hour Is resting comfortably. Dra.
Wood burn and Thompson had a oonaulia
llon at 10 o'clock to-nlubt, and decided thero
waa no Immediate danger, and that there
was good reaaon for hopes.
Ohlcauo, Ang 33. The Journal's Washing
ton special sayi: A prlvato telegram Just ro
oelved from Honauir Morton's brothor-ln-law,
s'atos that tbe Senator Is very low, but
tbero Is hope of bit surviving. His mind Is
perfectly clear and his will strong, but his
digestive fu notions are Impaired, Indicating
waning life.
Rochester. Aug 23. A seoret oonfarenoe
of greenbaok men was held to-day and tho
Indianapolis platform adopted. A state con
vention will be hold at Buffalo, September
29 h.
New York, Aug. 23. The Herald's Lon
don special says: Gov. Tllden and secretary
of state, John Blgelow, of New York, arriv
ed yesto.day from Scotland, both In exool
lam health. Tilden proaoi-eHlo visit Cante
berry, Ked, where annul XilUteiMl tiranebeH
or the Tllden family reside He .will re
main In the neighborhood of London for
two weeks, and will afterwards visit Paris,
returning to America about the nilddlo 01
Nlaiiara, Aug. 23 John and KUrsheth
Harvey, old and destitute, wero burned to
death In their houee last night.
Norlhvllle, Ky., Aug. 22 Al CamMton
this evening flvn men were arresU'd for the
murder of Carrie Anderson at this plan
July last. They wero committed to Jsll
without ball. Among them wero a Sheriff,
bis deputy and ono ex-sheriff,
Rlobmond, Aug. 21. By request or a rep
roseutallve or tho Associated Press, Dr. BIImi
Senator Morton's Washington physician,
mado the following written eUtomont at 10
o'clock to nlht: "Tho senator has been
rapidly Improving slnco yeetorday, making
rapid and satisfactory reoovety from tho at
tack of Indigestion whloh occurred on Wed
nesday. He is cheerful and hopeful, occu
pying h easy chair eeyeral hours to-day
reading and discussing tbe morn promluei t
toplcH pf public Interest." This physician
says: "I feel warranted In pronouncing
him out of daugor, aud should no unex
pected compllotttoti occur, speedy reouveiy
will bo insured." ,
Washington, Aug. 21. Gnn. McNeil or St.
Louis having declined a position on the Sit
ting Bull oomuilaskm, tho secretary of Ihe
interior telegraphed tbe appointment to Gen.
Francis A. Wslkor, er Yalo College, who do.
ellned, Anolhor not named has boon re
queued to servo.
Now Haven, Ang. 21. At a meeting uf
greenback men last night ro-olutlone weie
packed culling for thu unconditional repeal ol
ilia resumption act, and the full luoiiotlet.
Hon of silver; the passagu of uu set making
gn enbacks full legal tender aud Interchange
able with builds; oppadltlon to subildltaand
ciiidemnlng Secretary Hhermuu, and call lug
fur his removal,
New York, Aug. 21. Tbo World's Wash
Ingtnn special says Gen. Lew. Wallacj hsa
pro poet (I to tho aeoretary of wur thu employ
ment of it corps of frontiersmen for bordtr
duly. Ho vtould, In fact, cruuto u lot ol
predatory white bauds tootf.ot tho thieving
Chicago, Aug. 21. Tho Tribune's Wash.
Ingtou neclal tays gentlemen from Ohio,
who aro iufurmed of tho uolltlcal situation
there, hay tbero Is no doubt tbo Republicans
will carry the state. Secretary Sherman
will come out as an avowed candidate for
senator, both agaluU Stanley MaUheea and
Oeneral Garfield,
New York, Aug. 24, Tbo Presidential
party arrived here this morning, and after
breakfasting at tba Vifth Avenue, took the
train for Washington, arriving tbaro In tba
The Indian War.
Salt Lake, Auk. 22 A roport this morning
from Hole In ibo Keck station, Idaho, re
cently ecoupttd by tbo hoMlles, says the In
dlaiis have all i.otio In the dlnoilon of Hen
lyV Lske, or Teton leln. Howard was at
toe bead of Cama ureek yesterday morning.
Captain ltalnbrltUie, from Fort Hall, witn
trienuly InrtUns, left tbo Atagn station al
t'aiiiaH rroek yttiiday. Howard harl a
slight skirmish with the Indians day before
Vf-t-lfrday. One man wn-s killed and seven
wounded. Tho Indian stole two hundred
hem) ot Hnwnrd'ri horeos nluht before last.
Thu Montana volunteers nrn returning borne
distrusted, many 011 loot. Geu. Sherman Is
at iLiluua, Idomana.
Virglul.t, MnntttiiK, Ang. 3 Two scouts
from Fin Kills got here at 0 this morulug,
und report u eqimw camp iu Henry lake, but
they wero brtaklug I'.iuip aud nuivlug to
wsrd Gejeer basin when thoy Inf yesterday
uiiiiiiing L'eut. Leary, Howard's commla
eary here, ssys when bo left the front the
Indians wtro fortifying at a place celled the
lavAbeds. Ho thinks Gen. Uoword struck
them .vesterday.
The Independent epwlal from FortBluiw,
Moutans, Aug 20, says news from Fort lieu
ton states tbero nro Indication ofnn out-
break Hinon the Uroswintros, Asslnlbolues,
anu I'leitatiH. tsittitiK null is hi fort I'eoK
The Nie Pt-rcea on Mary's river have sixty
horses sioleii from 28 iitilu springs nnd the
Chios in, Aug 23 A eorrofiinndenco bo
ivvnen OenotalH Mit rni'in end Nheridau. tin
der daieol ihe 18 li ibeeribeh Giblion's tight
a -1 u Suvoro lilov to the Nes I'mces, nnd ox-ino-nd
a ho'0 that llowiril will pttrsuo tho
ItidiHtiH till 1 in nun Is left, (llbboti l.s In
uroat iiM.nl tfc.tvalry. Gnu. Mherldati re
piled In this dl-pau-h, tie ailing tlio tiiiHtis
iskmi ttinsHlst Unu. Howaid in his pumull
of tbn aivagos.
bait Lake, Aug 21 Many of tbo lUnnitok
Indiana that went with dipt. lUltibfltlgo
Iroui e"ort Hall h wo returned with quite an
amount nf etooli which they picked up that
won used up nnd loft by tho hostlles.
A repor. I10111 Virginia Cby, Montana, thin
inorolnn i-hjh llm Indiana are reporUd on
Msdlsou river, 40 miles bslnw Henrv'a lako
Most nf tbe famliite In Madison valley came
to Virginia during tbe night. Tbe Indians
have gathered up many bormis and killed
one man on Wolf creek.
Gen Howard arrlvod at Virginia Cllythls
morning at 10 o'olock. Ills command la
waiting nt Henry Lako for supplies. Homo
of Geu, Mlles'soommand aro moving op tbo
Yollowstone In fmntof tbo Indiana.
Tho report or Sitting Bull bolng at Fort
Peck Is contradicted by a Uolena dispatch.
Ho Is still In tho British possessions.
Lieut. Win. M KoglUh, wounded In Gen.
Gibbon's late battle, died on tbo 20th. Ho
waa a son of Dr. Nathaniel English, of Jack
sonville, III.
Ghhvaih, Aug. 24. 1877.
Moelng an account or a cutting attray In
your paper ol tbe Ust Inst, at St. Louis
church, I take the liberty of correcting the
same. Iishould have been at St. Paul's In
stead. By making the correction, you
will greaily oblige ihooltlaonsor the quiet
llttlo vlllasnof Sc. Louis, as there are no
liquors or any kind kept In the place, and all
the iubaoltants are quiet and peaceable.
A Festive 1 la.
The Teanhera' reunion last night, at the
Chetmk-ta tint was a UMuuuat alalr. Pro
vlous to enjoying the bsiunllful leneh pre
pared by S. F; Mathews, mine host, tbe
party enj ed a feast of musin tn the parlors
or that spacious bnsllery, under the dlreo
Ion ol Mrs Win. K iglaml and Professor L.
G Adair. After supper, toasts were drank
and neat res teonses msd by several nf those
preeent. Tbo "good time" lasted until about
We notloe on Commercial street, many
familiar sunburned and freckled oounle
nanooe, belonging to friends, acquaintances
and others, who have enj lyed themselves
rambllog among tho follillls, or strolling
along the sea shore, during tho past fow
weeks, have returnod lo their homes and va
rious avosatlons. But few or the many
"ruailovora" are yet lingering behind. Two
weeks more and they will all be "lu town."
Charges Preferred.
Several farmers from tho I'ralrlo oame In
this morning and preferred chargts sgalnst
the "clerk of tbo woathor" lor conduct unlo-
coming a genlletiiaudurlng thu past few dsys
A Cominllteoof IiiVHstixatlon, eonsUtlng est
.everal persons known in this o iiniuuuhy a
neleg "up to siiUU" lias Imicii sppnluleil. slid
thn looduot or the sfire-ald clerk will be
dlllgeutiy louktd into and repurtud upon.
Dangarously 111.
Dr. R, II. Flsku U lying dangerously III at
his rusldenno an Court struct, having had
thlrti en spasms since twelvnoVlouk yes'er
fay noon. The Dr, has long been n Miffnrrr
from ahthtuv and throat dUease, Hit re
quires inuessant attention, end ilium, who
mivii hieu iu attendance the last t went vfour
hours are about worn nut, and should liu re
lit vnd. Who will voluii'eur their aldT
Hust iu WUont.
Mr, Al MoIksii, who owns a finofrui 111
the iieluhborhiKid uf Brook's Station was sur
prised day bel'oio jisterday 10 find itml
a Held onutalulng forty unreft of bis hst look
ing wheat was utterly wurthlHHS. Usiuex.
ttuilrilnx It previous to cutting he found Hut
thu beads bad not filled At all and were like
so much (ihatf. Yesterday ho turned bis
sleek into it having decided that It would not
py to cut.
Suit of Uootlts
Thn sale of booths at the Hlalo Fair
Grounds yesterday sfinrnoon, was well
attended. H, Friedman, as iuntoneirs nui
old hiiiiKfclf, and uot the largeui. sverge
ever obtained by Ihe eoeletv Fnr'v eight
booths were oH, the hUhest (Louis llvrne)
brought 2j0, tholoweht(A IteaiiMn) f o CO
The aggregate amfiuut was $114, OmIiih
152 above last year's site, end an average of
over 57 per stand,
Penlteutiaiy Viaitad.
Tbo full strength or Messrs. It. If. Price A
Go's Hack and Omnibus stables were
brought out yesterday to convoy members
of the Teachers' Institute to the Perdu utlary,
which plica they had been Invited to visit b
Mr. B F. Baron the Superintendent. The
visit was a pleasant one and eojjyod by
visitors, oslosrs and prisoner.
Wo clip tbe following notice or this excel
lent Institution fromnltto fesuoof the Al
bany Democrat t
At tho mooting of tho Trustees a few days
ago Prof. Powell tvaa given thu management
or this Institution for llvoyoare. This was
but a Just reward for hla labors, as thocol
iexe tinder his maniiKemeut has been Miocoss
ful to a greater extent than ever before.
Prof Powell has gone to work with a will
and will open out on tho 3d of September.
The faculty ibis year coneU's or tho follow
ing persons: Rev. U. W. Stratton, .A. M..
President and Proloesor of Mental and
Moral Sciences; Rov. L. J. Powell, A. M..
Principal and Professor or Mathematics and
Natural Holenoos; H. II. Hepltt, A, M.,
Professor or Anolent Laugungos; Mies Clara
PrliHi, B. S , Procptret-H and Teacher of
Frenoh; Miss D ira Salinger, Teaohor of
Geruisn; Miss Nettlo Piper, Teaoher of
Instrumental and Vocal Music; Mrs. W.8.
Potore, 'IVaober of Drawing and Painting.
Kites of tuition mo nbout iho samo as last
sr. Wo heartily recommend tho Albany
college to our readers who havo ohltdron to
oduoaio.Hsonoot Ibo bunt oducatlonal Insti
tutions in tho Slate, In faotwo know it can
not bo excelled, ttxertlomi aro now being
made lo raise monov to nnrnhns(i u nhlln.
sophlcaliindchomloal appurattm for tno uao
or thucollesand wo aio glad to ho.ir that
thopiiplearo snbsurlblng liberally. Farm
ore send in jour ohlldre.i; an whoat U tip
this evr you on well sff ird It. Wo hvoa
healthy place, rents and board are low, and
no buhool In the State ran suit, you butter.
Thn Misery of Uncertainty.
II mover painful death tuny be, thrreha
compensation in the terrlblo certainty whloh
eltaiiliKii to It. When a fr.entl dies and U
burled, there's nn end of him. We uiNs him
lor aeptrooul of our dally exlsteiioe; wo
in mm for hltu by degrees that bnoomo mor
el fully less; wo ollng lo the blessed hope
that wo sh.tll Iu reunited In eome mote per
tect sphere; but ho ftr hh this earth Is con
cerned, tlioteV nn end of him Hovvevor
near end dear he was, the time srrlvrs whon
he does not form a part of our dally thought;
hoeeasis to be even an abstraction. We go
no uioru with Uu were and tears Into the qulot
eeinetery unly the rain nnd tho snowfl.kos
tall there; wn loava It fur thn fingers of .
Spring to deok the neglected mound. Bat
when our friend vanishes unaccountably In
the midst of a crowded city, or goes off on a
sea voyage, aud is never hoard or again, his
memory hsa a singular louaolty. Ho may
be, lo all Intents and purposes, drad fo us,
but wn havo not lost UI111. The ring or the
door bell at midnight may be his ring; the
approaching footstep may be his footstep; the
uuexiwotod lottor with foreUn postmarks '
may bo from hla hand. Ho haunts ns as las
dead novoroan.
Ast Ungrateful Sesandrel,
OluocrsJohn W. Minto aud J. A. Baker
arrested last night at Hubbard, tho notorious
thief Jim Wilson whose recent career Is not
unramlllar to Iheoltlauns of Salem. Ho was
sent to prison some years since with the
onoe dreadod Shults, but through the exer
tions of Mrs. J, Q ilnn Thnrntun, about one
year since be was parduuod out and adopted
by her. Until recently he has tn'do his
homo at Judgo Thorntou's house, oouduol- .
lug himself to Iho nuUlde wcfrld as a man
endeavoring to lead a better life. On the
Fourth of July last ho attemnted is aoirmk
sulnlde ror tho reason a stated, that he
ciuld not get emplovment. But K appsars
inatonine win 01 last February be stole
from Mrs Thornton clothing and other val
uable articles worth about f3W. Mr. and
Mrs, Thornton did not Imagine for oue
Instant that he took ibe property, but sus
pected another party. Not ao with oMosr
Minto, who from the first suspected him aad
for months baa had his eye on htm ntl at
last ha had convincing evldenoe nt hlagutU.
The sngratefal villain had shearing brbrs
Recorder B iwle this morning and waa bound
nvtr m await las srktn of the Grand Jury.
He had thn "oheek" to ask JudiTe ThnrnwKl
10 go ImiII for hh appearance after thus ex hit
itiug the basest Ingratltedt to hla beufaotortt
Auount20, 1877.
Owing to (he many resources 01 amuse
ment. Ibis out or thu way place Is growing
popular as a summer resort. At onetime
our os tup numoe-red about fifty persons, the
mslorliv being from Salem.
The "Donkey Bovs" aro located hern and
and tholr muslcal(T) braylngs aro lo bo beard
at all hours.
All iho South Baiohors were Invited over
tho bay loaolam bake (tho second of the
season,) the other evening, whloh proved a
very enjoyable affair.
Tho salmon season Is ust 'coining nn now,
the first catch bolng made about ion days
aim. Let me assure you that landing a tlf
loon Iftind salmon Into a boat with honk
aud line, Is one of tho most exciting sports In
lha world. Twonr us in a skiff, the other
day sueceded In taglni; live fine follows In
about an hour
I havo been en cam nod hern for live weeks.
ami all that time luve b-n fl-hlug for a llv-
I ill. Atn veiling fat and sassy nn hulled no.
latoea and fi.h. Hai.kmitu.
Speed of Freif.kt Trains
It Is claimed hv soma rallrnad men, and
men, too. who hav had long and varied ex
Miilence In -noli matters, tbnt It Is inure eco
nomical to run freight trains, st a high rats
of eia-nd, say twenty miles inir hour, than to
run a train at one hair that speed, This will
he one. gloat bunellt M the ruiui elltlnu with
water routes. Tho adtautsves clslinei) for
(bis high s 1 sied hio, that when it train la
once under way lo s fuel Is 1 Miiiied, und
less power W aotuallv exp-ndul than when
moving Hi Ihe low rstn nf s e.-d. Vllh the
fast spend, the train IihiiiIh wimlil Iioi 11 duty
but half us long und 11 nun-iqni nt sitvingnf
wages pdd, and llnully lot helrn many ears
would tie minimi to trausjiurt tho same
amount of Tn IgM
SHvt r King.
The Silver King Gold and Silver Mining
Company, wUh several or our b-st oliUens
as liniorporator, tiled iirllcles of locori illa
tion with the Snretsrv nf SiHte hlerilsy.
The espltsl smok is iV) not), and the mlno M
lis'Ated 011 the saiiiH leilno with the Tellu
rium, near Cetiyiuivllle-, I) uiglas rniiiily.
whlefi Is the be, 1 ptylng iuIiih In the Niau)
for the limnilllt expended, s.iftr, ill ilnVMlnp.
lug The ne eoinptiiv will hooii nrauli,
when lurtlmr ;srtin,ila'H will beulven.
Very Splilt.d.
From preorii who ImvmJu,, riliirne.1 frrn
the Fair Griiund", w ,Hr ti,HI inoblldiiig
nn thelxiiilhs Was very spirllnl, and .t tho
first iihtiico stands rait d bikhti ihuiior .0.
tore In this Slate, owing i t, H ,iut
great exertions am lelng ii'i i ,y ih.. )if0.
Iiirsto iiiaknlhU, Him 17 h 11111111-I Fair, Hio
boss" of State Falr. Wi will wive the
lismes of the lucky perous slid Ihoirlo
lald for tbo uholrat stands lo-inorrnw.
Messrs. Reedot Cox have. 011 exhibition n
the Oper Hiiiism block some Hiih tpeemiHiis,
from thoTellurlaiuutidSllvei KIiikUi In and
Silver mines and tho Oeaii Vho Un iihuo
all or whloh aro located In the rleh iniueral
section In the vicinity ofCauyonvlile. D.mg
las county.
'r Yj