"- 82 50 per Year. SALEM, OREGON, AUGUST 31, 1877. Volume IX, Numbnr 29. BY TELEGRAPH. FOREIGN. London, Aug 2S Ibe lurks til el muz foieo violently u lacked Ni-liijiUn aa IIiiiih dni tin tho three aides All it slxiigiti wore reunited. At nhioo'ulni 1; wi tl.oteiitngthe rlllooorp rolnforcuiuenihinrmnd too heights on tlio Huhslan right uud do-poraio tlUtltiic unfilled until midnight, when an ecllp-o nl tliu moon etnpped tlio flhtlug, Tim Huh slan maintained their pinion nottnvltli stBiidlug the Turkish uumerluil superiorl y and cros tiro. I'lut Russians hove now fouiihl luurdaye tbo whole of Suleiman Ii slia'H army without partaking of immi or warm nourishment. Flintier cotn-idorabin roluf'ircuiiienia ero expected (o-iilitht, Tlio lighting on Friday whs ponlluud to a lively cannonade Thn Turkish loll wing, threatening the Russian rear, hashon drlv. en from Its position. All quiet at Loftticua and Plovna, Suleluisn Pasbii telegraphs o oillrmlng (bo report df Wednesday's dospera o lighting without a decisive n-eiilt. Tlio fighting waa resumed rhureday. Tlio RusUuh aro coin filoluly surrounded. Wo command ihelr Ido of retreat, in GobMna. Tn-tnnrrnw a do olslvo assault will bo mtdn Ah tlio RusMans havo not profited by the darkncHs 10 retreat they rink nil ny b-lng captured. Nw Yuik. Auu 25. -ATlmesspoelal from London km tlio TurkH have been binned for not follnwlnu tin iliolr recent mice-use at Plevna. Their Inaction m not lliy re-ullof apathy. There was Mime waiting and ilion an attempted movement en mas.e.sud finally deciding not tnatlr mull mII tliolr forces warn In poHlilon. Tlio present iimMty shnwa all tbe TuikUh armies acting iindMr 0110 hup romo direction. A o irrwp indent of tlio Times at Runharresi, writer: Their forrw now number 60 000 iiinn at RiKrd, 40,000 atOaman Bstar, 40,000 with Si.leiinatt Panlm and fib.000 at Plevna and Lfiohr undtir Os mau Pasha To day 'hoy arn fsod by 200, 000 Uusslena. Report of tho oniraireiiiouis In Hoblpka paaa have been iuiioIi exagger ated. It was only one feature of thn genor a advance of thn Turk. Tim village In tbo Immediate neighborhood of Sohlpka pass aro now In Turkish hands and heavy fighting la'golng on at various poltiia with evidences of brlllnnt ueneralahlpon thn iiart of tbe I'urk. The iiiutomMit.ls lending In thn lnovf,mntl tending In Hn, illrrHHlitu nl Tunova RsliifnrcemwikH f r the Russian army are itouilmr In ami many mme kuiix peeled. Tho Turks ,inut send SO 000 men from Pljvnaio mentihe R uiuanUo unity. The Kuaalana arn mwm Mroiiitlv no-led at Tirimva a, tbe I'urk wiro at the battloof Plevna. London, AiifC. 2fl Mnk'Har PhhIih telo jrraplm from Quedikler on Hturday h fol low: VV havoualmxl a ureal vloiory, liav Inn carried thn lillm nf KizIUhm) durluit tbo llirflit, uud rejiul-cd tliroo Ciii-hImii at tempiH'n retHko ibem. Two liundrril on non w.to brouidit Into antlon. Tlio oiikhk ment I)"uiiih a iircut b title, IhsiIuk until 0 o'olouk Hitiunlay dveulnu. ThoeiiMiuy wer routed alnnit the wholo line, with a Insa of 4,000 killed and woiiod-d. Wu nxpttuod an imiiieiito qunntlty ot urum tind munttloim. GoihuaI roooiioiiowHHHuiI, oomtnaiidlniz thn Uusalati cavalry, wa killed. '','.. lost l,2o0 killed mid v.uuuded, liijltidiiij, aeveral OffllHiM. Ddrvluh Pallia, teleerupbliiK from lUtouin Friday, claim lo hau tuptureil thn rrdoutit of DJlaiiRuer. Ouo hundred Itut-HUub wuro " . . ... The HoHHian bulletin roUHvo to the battle atKohipka P-Ht Hxv tUlnli-t; oouiIihihI ell of Friday. Our iriion reaiu h1 tliMir imihI tlooH. Our lnVui durliirf lint four iIhjv' UKbtinj; have been ooiihidi ruble 'J(K) wound. ed Attlrora awl 0(M) men, whlnii live bunii broutiiinOrubiM. Tim iiuiiiLer hi killed i unknown. Hi" iMunoiinilM In the pth.i was ri'iinl u'urdy mnrnh-K Cointantin'ple, Am: 'ill A dhittnh diit od.Sutiil i.v Ha i to ei th in fi in Suleiman iiMiu uniioiinCMitliHt lie liaa taken tbo tvw Kuaii.kii wurka In tho pH, A t4-lt)iriii from Adrlnunpln htys novss ban oi'un rtovHl that 8iiIIiii.iii I'.isIih run) taken a third work and was iituokm-.; Ca bman. A Kustlaii bu'MIn ilatfd (VJorney -Slu dent, jumUy, hjh tlm tlcmlni; tmuiinur-ii on Hrtiuritay In ilio f.a-h ulih terrlhln vlo lonC'i. Our .roops intntHlned ihelr toiitiou and havo n-piilexd RHveml powortul ittlsik' to dny On Mtndnytlrii. I)i rovhl'ieky.wbn couiiunuileil t V imc t.(IdiK t-o pais lor tbe drst tbno dai, met a iiemVilHii. Iy)ndou, Aiiif.27 rbaTirks'ook IC 7,'m a biitiu ai(oiiiilui; to lake Kurk nl.ua -rn enilrely dtfieil Tim Hiin-lan ;eiiHrNl Koruarollattil Tchivlsolibviulzj were nouurl ed. It U alleutid OUd-touH lms wrlvfln lettnrs toaUroek inertitiaui lu CoiiiUu li'pl ur InK tUu Gruoks to unite with tho H tvn in an stuck nn tlm Turks, Loudon, Auk 27 From the mannor In which the Uuail'ius ar.t pushing f irwurd m inloicinoiiiM toSithlpkt pdvi, it Hums thrv aroivjiitl'tn'ii of bltiK able in re. 1st auv ml vnntv froui Mm river bini or Oiiimu I'aiha Hurvlau dl'triit iiltliiula Iivd roueUed or dera nv to ulve panpurlH to iiiilHU. Tiiv arn iiniu Hiruiiteil dsllv omimuuloi tlons with Rulinbe4diiiarieeH. A uollmon sun it oc-iur.-rd at Nlkopolla buivstxiii tlm H'"in and HiumanUn lrcH Ini'onse'i iHiioeof the itunUu aoiuuund40i b&vint: eiuitid RoumauUu boldiera to be dOkTlU'd. Pi Inert TcberkakU removal from tbo admlulitrttlnu or Bulgaria la Immliif ut. A reaeual of Bliilnnln AU is imminent. RiiHsiso rdlnforceineuu continue tu arrive at Alexxndrnpol. Twelve tbouand men and 93 nun reached Erivan for tbe reluforoe BBeniofOen. Terukaoff. A Time-' Tberepla dliptcb, Huoday.saya the KOVnior of Adrianople and Pnillipo polk telegrapba thai BuUlmao Pk baa llHH tHkeu Hclilpka I'unh, No newa of thid uoimi dlreu.li trom!uieimaii I'aiha A correNpiitideiit t hen '('mrters of tlie Plovna army teleurtpln-: 0iinu Pasliu lies reu'ulvttl a ri'liitiirci'inein of 1D,0!)0 hi-uIwh f nn yiiiMlu.Hii Pa-ilia y'riRv. I'lui I'levuaariuy now iiiiinnera 7A.O0O iiimii nlili aoo utina. Ilvlttriulo, Ann. 27 An exlranrdlnnry if--hIoii of the Nkululiiiia lll lie couvnked in decide hotnieu ar iiiul a coiilUt.iinco ot iieutr.ility. All isiiiiiimntlfiH liuvii been called ion 'O'ltiL'll of war. St. PetenhuriT, Auk. 27. Thn notva from CoiiHtHii'luojilo. Hnuiiuiiuliii; tho opinio oi leverul f iris In So dolt its, Hccordlnir to iro-tinl lulortiiitllou In uuloiiiidod. Tne lot loiviuiroillclrtl llltelllKcnce Is piililhtlieil. At) nnrdiiiK lu the latent no- from heailquiiriere our troops have nut y It-Lied an luoti ol their po-ltlon inHhlpk't pasx. Connuntloonlo, Au. 27 Up to tbU morn Itlirilll (ilUclal dlHualull has bnon r(inK.,rl coii&rmliiK tbo uuuouuoeineiit telegraphed veeterday by tbo Kovornorof Adrlanepto, thiitSulelni.m Paaba had captured Muliliika pane. K ttno, Aiir. 27 A bull romrdlna; tho pro oml tiro to be olmorvod tiy tbeoonolavouf oar dlnals on the death nf tbo pope haa bo-ll completed at the Vatican. It empowerN Cardinal G'amorlliif o to either summon the conclave linuiedUtoly, or await the arrival of forelun uardiuata. Cardinal Josopli An dre HICEtnt umIoaiI. Madras, Auk 27 Tho famine alone has nlready ouat the Indian irovorninnnt tf ,000, 000, ami la oohiIok X500 000 per uinntk. Chloacco Auk23. A rimes Loudon apodal aye: The ieuU of the flvo daya bard flKht Iiik In that tho ltuHxIami nave been driven lnok from Ihelr tu Halloed poaltlou on Kara Lorn to tho UNtova, and Trlnava line. I'lio next move will protiably bo by Mebemet All and Uuloluiau Peha and tho dliumla ix)luiuii8aKliiMi. Tlrnova. Up to the pie-ent there la no coiiflrmatloii or thn capiure of Sohlpka PaSN, alahoiiKh Its eurreuder eoema only a question or time, Oorny Studwn Auk. 27 Sinoo yexterday afternoon and during to day tbo Turks have milntalnod a feeble nre aKalnat tbe defones Ih 8 ihlpka paaii. The Rumlans nttintaln all tbolr roiltkins. Tbe Turks hold tho nelitli borlnit heluhla, continually relieving taoh nthtr In flKhiluK. They jrln up euppllex on boaeiaol burden and wnore the ritada are Impaanablefnr tboaulmaJa, compel BtiUar laue to ilrK He Inada. A U'irresonlvHt at Kuruk Oara, telegraph inKunUunday kIv-h luller details of rUiur dayV bittles. Ho wtNHiho belKhia of Kiel Itepe, captured by the Turks fere only lioi I by one Hu-aUn bit allon, Tbo Torke n warmed upon iIioiiiouuimIuh, protected In lenoKUtis, wblon they io-kI wit i terrlblHef- leoi. lliey uiHUe aiieeporaio uiuk move ment from tbo direction of Kara in otpnirn Kuruk Dara. The Rm-alans had ihelr tetite loaded on wagons ready to move, but the ported dlclplne ard admirable management of theollicers, together with florco nhtliiKt Hived tlio day. Tlio infantry couteat a. SniilialUn Villon and tort waa lenible, (lie Turk- retlrliiK atiiuudowu with lioivv loa-ew. Tlio RiihhlatiN loslbefiiro Kuruk Dnra to uenemls and otuht omoera killed, mid 237 eoldlers killed Mtid 712 wounded. Dcsoriori. May tho Turks lo-t 3,000 men. Bucharest, Auk- lii A correspondent states It Is naid thst tho bllla around bohlp ka aro covered with Turkish bodice and tout their Inn baa ulremty liieu as ureataa that oflho Rm-eUimnt Pmvoa Hhumla Auk 2 YeH'enlay, Kulelman Pnnha made an hsshiIioo HihKiiisUiis p i. lions in di'hlpka puis ni 0 o'rli-ck In the mornluK. T n Initio, whlo'i uh enKulu ary, Imteii until elx lu Mm ovenlnK. The enemy who were Mi(d mi both duk, Wer nimble to rohlht tlm n ttick, end the rurkaumiied p"i.i-htnn ot hII tlio earib works .it iboopooliiir id'iho delllo ljoudon, Auk. 28. DNpatuhes in Paris pa pera lenort that tlieizirl 111 and hue heon iidvlied to leave for u hea.thler locality than tuuini tuo Ktiuer.ii unit iqiMrttrs. Hurliuc. Auk, 28 A inrro-PonJont tolo- Krupb: I have lecehed a hneclal teleuram irom tne uoiuoe. iinunuicinK that tlio IiIl-Ii. et perxonauoHi iuj.mii iiiMiiqusr'erN luivt. exploited en OHrno-ii desire tor peace on eon ill ion that tho protrull-ll nf Olirliilrtiin d Karoiitoed, and the refoiiiMpruuil.sttd by tbo ioiio carried our Loudon, U4 28 A tolersiu totlioTlinns Irom tjiiiimla iy: KiiI-Iiimii I'hIih h-s (Mpturnl uoirly ml li.e HuUii po-PloriH, I'lio I'.iiH-lim Iomi3,(K0 K lilt J f.od wound d. The ritaiiiiurd'a dlsp. 'i f nin Shun la eay: It Is roisirurj tin-It'imUu-. It ivoulim. Honed their wo k ,unn lusliJulelmiu t't,ba ii pursuing (Hem. ChicuKO, Auk. 'J a Jainml' lni)lanpo lisepiOlaaiH2 A dlUl0'l from To Jul liw.tVHHv tutor dor m) ! In. m extreme ly critlcU eoiidiilou. Dr. 'I'liomo-oii who l--ft veMerdty for tho east has been tele Kfvplitd to return at once. At noon Mr, Morion uaHii ir I iloi Ills death Is Uonily x,c'i d b hi frlnd lir. Ituhiiixiid, U 2i U nlno o'o'm-k to night Dr Hii-m m.kes the fullouioi; htale ment. "I hiii willing to lu-o my m.ujicul repiiiailon up in i Ik. avHurance thst the itruio pain In Sunstor Morton' rliil eld" will not mturu " Tlie siMior p-hMd u very fnvor. aide day. recliniut; duriiiK the Hfternoon on an Invalid Ionian in iIih iiaek parlor, cnut rlriK uitli mii ! friend and several neigh borHfroni Ceni-rville, wlillo his hick room waa belnK aired Maor IJurbink arriieii from Ksn-a to iiIkIU. The ioIqIiik dis patch was Ht ih! evening lu rospoi he to an Inquiry aa loSemior Murton'- yndiiiou: IticiiMiNu.8:30r, m To President Have, .senator Morion rent ed easy to day. Indications lullv as (anra bloaa we could exmct. Uciiuank. Mew York. Aug 2$. Hamilton Fish will ed to dv for Europe. The New EOiaoa ulepboso wu totd to- dsv at the Western UllO'l liillldlili: over iho a raordlnury lllftntli'O of 210 iinlles. Ten wiro iid ws a loop to Hsrir.ird hikI hn k lurwblch uiiisia wits traiiiiiiitieddiaiiiiui Olnetnniil. iik 2", Tun Anmr ut An-lirniMiloKii- 1 v.s million, whh.n iisoru'iin z d nl Mm I enteiinla1, uud Ims OKiniiHrx a-iil Iihn mniliHiH fAitit Maine tuOilltnriila, tiolila lie lintHuntiil meetioK heroS-pt nh, he nbjtit bxinutoluvH I mi o thoprelilntorjii raoesuf Ainorh-i. Prut' 0 O. Jones, of Aintustn, Ot , la president, end a. F. ll.drd vlee proitdotit Silt Like, Aiitf. 2f A feiirful wind nud rain orin p,o..ed over ess ern NolrHks sod Kiimw I, si iiljht. I' liUiv a hii'rtiMiii hi Oiioilm Ai hlf tmH'. a hi looniliif io pin ol -0 Pet CrtCll nf Him M s.iiiiri river hrldKoa Omaha went down, i 'In Mippnsed tr.un the loicenf the wind Tli pier ero sll h andliiK. Pawonirrr and f-emhl will b, forrhsl thorn Ht present. Tlie etatiln of ilienmnlbimnompsiiy at Omaha whs biowu nowii, which ih ait tne other dauisun report ew. The telegrHph wires which oroaed on nip of tho brldtfo Bread broken, hut It Is ox peeled eome nf them will be oonnoated Mornss during thn day. The brldin la a total wreck, uud lur the prnarnt all tmlns from Hi i coast will probably have to trsiixfnr paa ongeraand Irolghi ar I'laiKmnuin. on the Netiranka and Mlskourl Vsllnv Rillway fhero are various hurinises aa to the Immo I'laie caii-o or the acoldent to the Union Paslliu brldKe, but the ueeeral opinion waa that It whh aovelune whloh Mruok It. John Plereun, nuht waichtmtn wsa at thn uusnl hniiMi at tbe eaut end at the lime the accident iKjniirrod, and had ft narrow caeape from death, Hn waa penned In Ihi. river fir hall an hour before belnK nble tooxtrlove him eelf, Tbe loss Is oiuimated at abou .U0 000 (t will probsbly lake two or three months to rebuild Hie structure Nw York, Auk. 27. Capt. Ktds.onalnoer of tho Mlkl-nlpn Joiiy eelieme, has prepsr ed plana for bridging tho iliwporua.thua con ueuilng Pera with the Aelaile ehoro. The tirldne la to he i-lx thousand leal long, entire ly of linn mi graulte piere, wlih a roadway one hundred and twenty feet above lbs wat er eurftcs. yuluov Dillon, preeldent of thn Union Paoitio'R It Co, oonttrms the s'nry thst I'm principal ehops arn to h iraunfermd from Omaha to otmi point lowarils the wetern eiid.of the road. No ploe la sfHsjltiotlty in d letted, butillaauaioolHdJiltMnewnl'owlU be convenient to the iwmpany'sooal tielda. ChloiKO, Auk. 27. Oen. A U Terry ar rived from Ut. Paul this af t-runon and ten in night lor Washington, when, ho will re celve liiHtruotlons regsrilliiK tho Hiding hull coiumUxloii. IbecenjnilM'lon leexpicied in start from St. Paul on Monday, provided the additional memlar iuoeasry Isuhiulued. iviuiimauu, iiioitna, auk J id p in Col. Uolloway informed a awanu of repor tora that U ivemor B.irbank's residence would be ulOMt-d fur the remainder or tho night, utile the Menatnr'a condliloii shotild grow worse, when they would he admitted, I'liia Is probably to allow the fsinlly and a IMiriliiH nt the attendants the muuii needed opportunity for rest. AreproMtniailveof iho Asoclaied Press, howovnr, at mliluliilii watt luritrined thesenauir was Hlooplog well witii no tinftvoiablo aymptoms. The pro feMsloual uurMUH are hoeful for it oniitiuua lion of the Neuator's favorahlit condition, Indianapolis, Auk. 27. A teleuran from Col, Hollowayat 12:30, says: Minutnr Mor ton ooiitluiios to improve, and if no imiiipli ou loiH otrour, wiliaioh reoovor Phlladolphla, Aug. 28 The vl-lllni; uov ornorH were forinslly wiiliunuod lu theft.iio by (Inv. HarlrHiitt at liolepoiiileiico Hall this Hlinrnoou. His addrt'N vna reNiKiudeil in by Onv. Antbonv u( KaiiBSk. Uovernor Brdie, Axn-ll and Porter hIm iimdn addrrs es. Hut. YuuilKOf OUloiliadu lint idoslnu epeech. New York. Aujf. 29 The Hun Hiys the work ol replacluu the brldKo over the Wis souri river ha HlriHiiylieun. Tlioexi'Oiu-o will bo ebiut OOOO The inteiruptloii to freiuht by tin, auoldeiit is estliusted to amount to about one day hatueou New York and Sail Frsuclico, It will r quire two mouths to psnuaueiitly rotulr the nrldKO, Itluliiuoiiii. Ind Am 27 An ili'ilsl bill le hi Irom Oovernor Burlunk.Ht Ihls hour (oiiiliiltthi), reports Hentor Morion nbeplng Dr flil-s nN nethliiK lo cummunloste, ex cpi a repetition of lormsr ii-Hursuces that 'huSi-imor Is pnureetuK very ftvorslny towarda ooiiviilmoeiiitH. No new oombtiu llonorhympioiiiHaroappirentorspprjheiiil ed Hliico iiildnUlil li night tho .leimior'e condition iias boeu more Kiiiinrally fuvotable iMrtii at uny like ptrlod hIiiim hi urrlvai it. Itlchmoiid. Iticiimoiid, AU;. 2d 1 a M. Tlie heimtor ut 1 oloo' n woke Irom u rolrrnhtug uaturul Hiuep. Rumor f llio roturii of Hie pains ol the uliest or any lid w duiker, am iwitlroii iiiifonndoil in fro', WM-hlugiou, Auk 28, Tho Piorideiit anil uiblnm urn iiimiiiiiious tint congress should ment in Octoher. Too U S. eniiHiil at I.iverooi Inform Iho Stale ileptrliiieiit that ueitlur elillltd or mi aklll-d workmen who come irom ubioid can flud eiiiploiiibiit III lCuglaiid, Sail I.,ke, Auk- 28. Hrigham Young Is Hilfrirlow t on) eholeia iiiorbtia and lull una lion or the biwels. It is claimed by til IsnillV that Ids condition has Unproved in Uy, but iluiHe who Ntioiild he limi luforintid do uot think he will Ive2l hours, OfiSoera Eleoted. The following paiaoiis wero elected last Saturday afternoon, otllcera of tbe Silver King Mining Company, Dr. J. A. Richard mii, President; Setb R Hammer, Secretary, and Col. Tho. II. Canu, Tret'nrer. The prlneipal otnoanf the Company la looaUd in ihlaoiiyt the location of the mine la In Soathara Oragon. Tne Indian War. A dl.pa eh by waj of a.ill Lake, Aug 25 H'ty Oen II .i, ( uitii prei-Miii on clooU tfier Hie ho-illi s to llio Mcinhy ol lleur)' lake, Miiiitiiiia The bnllis eio bmlly il iifritl r.-d. i'lioro nro liDi to exceeit 2'KI lUlitltK men of them, t Jt-ll. Hnuatil wh lilea-id timet tl.e Indian ecoti H Um' Capliiln Biinbriilgo in. k to him irimi Fort Hall, mid ililukN they III do him itood horvljo Oen. llotviirilHiid DomiiMtuI oto loivloi; n i-evcte csuiptttiu, bin nil m mud In gnoil einritH, ui II ii till iho liotlle In it short time A (I'fp.uoli fr..m U'hiIiIouIoii aN there Ih no Inteiillou i f relieving Oen. HoukiiI Irom uiiiimiiud ''lieSieretary nf Vh lulnks he ih lining the inmost po-elbln with the fe Irnnps ho ha. Helena, Aug 27 A Herald'e epeolal from Maiiimou h Hot Spring-, or llio 2." h, nsyi-: Our i.-artv wereaitatiked in-day alioiitnoun I am tlie only one en far ii known thates ostNud. I'rolmhly tliev will oonio In 'In nltfht. I will give partlculara lr m lluzu mn. F J P-i tkiI Tbo party oonslMod of, amoug inner-, the following perHou. all rcldeill nf Helena: J" RoberiH, Andy Welkerl, Richard Die trick, end F J. l'11-.ter UoTM-HiNdS Oardner'a River, 1 August 27h, 1877 ) To Ueo Carpmner, U H A-aay olllee, iiiiuiini r.-iiins, jiiaauo museii am ante. Cowan and Oldham are killed Saw Cowtu anil Oldham shot, Too bUniio are mlsaliu ana i mitiK an are hilled, bill don't know, Willeoiid ptrtleulars hm I reach D ih. man. The Helena parly are all gnne ,x oeptnno. AllaroinlmluK. I'he Indians Br ed Into then cmp JoMtph, looking tilaas and White Bird weroohbfa F. Oaiu'Knthk. Thn following Is lust received iruu Fort Kills, Montana. Aug 27 h: Gen. John Uihboii, Ueln: Lieut. Snhn fleid reporia he was on top of Mounl Wali burn yesterday. Indians appuareo lu 0y ser lauln on Hie 21ib Inkt. I'liov struck tho Helena and Radersburg parly, killing imv en wom"n and taking two women an I one man prla.nora. Just an hn lelt Mount Waabiiurn yeaterday the Indiana attacked another party killing nine o' ihem. One escaped, the Indiana release.1 Mra Cowan, her al-ter and brother, who re-died Sahn- rteld ye lerday. The main campena-ed the -j-iiijwjw lie ui juqjo n. tiih warrtora went i tack in HiKl HoHrrt. - rrniMi iwr-i nj LMiklng Olan remained wlih tlm oamp Joseph w.n1. with the warrlnra. They eay ihey aregoiUKon lo Wind river anil Camp Brown lo get sup, lies. Sehoiielrl ihiuka they arn lining in (he lower Yellowstone via OlaiK'e rorcl. They oroHed I he river Iss tweeii Mount Washburn and Ibe Ukea Juholleld done not eay uat whore bs will Hand a courier lo H'urgls. Hh.niiam, t'aptaln 7ih Infantry. StltLske, Aug 31 V report from Bom mau, M.T.miVh Oeu.Suiraia Iihh lxo"m liaolesou the YolltiWMtonu to meet Joeeph'e btnd. A courier arrived at Vlrulnla Cltv, Mon tana, this uioiulii from Howard's i'auiii on Henry's Like. His froo ha been there eioco tho2.J I waiting lor aupplles. He ex pects to move after the h h'IIhs ihls morning. Helena, Mt , Aug.28 Herald special from B zman, Molilalia, 28ih: I'he II- Una ptriy ha I arrived at Mamiuntb HurlnKsatlO A M yesterday, except Keheck and Fuller, who are Hiiti uil-HliiK. A.J weexari is woundeu in i he whnuldor, and J Stuart In the aide and ankle, not eerloiihly, QHii.Mhermau reanhed here Una afternoon from his iiiNissjtion nl Furls Shaw and linn- inn. Ho leaves for Walla WalU, W.T. via Missoula, M T. Thursday next, Noinii Yamiiii.1., Aug. 20. I am md In lulnrm i u ilia my raiherdlid yenlerda (Sundai) nveiiliig, being iho rieoli of the broken auk'le tvui weeks before. In spite of nil that medli-al fk II that could t brought to bi-ar, mortltloillon not In on Hal unity, and on Sunday morning ho r quested that his leg should be amputated. After coiittillHtlmi the pliVHlcUns attending, ylx: Dr. Llttli Hold and Dr. Billey of Hillsboro, Dr. Hiilmt's, of North YatuhUi, and Dr. Col liroth, nl Ltfavttte, oniii'ludeil to comply whh IiIh rtqneut, ttuit being tlie only uhaiice iintvn his lll'o rhnnperadou waiomnploted about lo'oloekt ho rrisiyered coo:loinnee hu wasio.iwik in Dome oiitlrum under t ih inlliiiuice ol tho clilorn'orni and (hn lerrl bin shis'k lo Ills hy-iem, ami ho ued aw.t) without u Hlrugloiiboutl o'clock ihoeauio evening. He whh born April 8 h, lHITi, near Newark, Ohio, In 1817 hiieriiased llio plain lo Oio tern mid hauled In Ytiuhtlluoiiniv.whMi h Ihh reldud nvorMnue, I). C. Sikwaut,- il't;l,tor Your Children. .1. W. Cox, the ilUdeul Clerk nUb is Hch'tol D's'rlut, limy bo fouiul atlliuolllcoof Meer. It'nl ifc Con during IiunIi'ois Hours every dty this week t r (ho purp nh or reglsterio) snliool olilldiou. Parents shoilld not neeO' tits duty, us ihelr uhlldreu will nut bo ad mitted until it Is perloriued. Ilyatt'u Xj1xo 32ln.laan.xxx. As n conqueror of RheumaMHiu. Omit. Neii might, end cure lur.Scrolulaaiid ell iien,e srllng from Impurity of blood, the old and relisblo Family Mediclno, Jyalt'n Le Jlat am, H'ands unwjualiid, aa proven iy over :t00.000 great curia during tlie past SO year, Ih a radical vegetable Compound orSarsapt rilla, Dock, Oualacum. As,, and a psruuiieui cure. Sold by all druggUta mid oounirj urooera. Take nothing else, and If thei haven't R weaaud by eiprets, loied,vor) where, at ft and l 'Ik per boitlet i0J and ffl 60 balfdos. IItatt Htatt, 2IU Urana St., New York.; From Umatilla County. WhhiMN. Aug 2lih. 1877. Ki Fmimkii: I thought tlmt I would drop )ou,: ftw line limn (his piece as 1 waa Hliirllcd yoslordty, while In town of Weston, bytbeehrill whistle of the etoiim inline, tho Ural Unit ever m In our town. It waa a threshing outfit moving Irom one field to another. But o think tho day Is closo at hiinil when wo will hear tho Iron horso siioillng through this country. We me right lu Ibe midftuf cur harvest In this uoumry. I et:ud In one place on my fiirm one Uy laxt week nml eould nount Micn threshera ruuulng and cloven hoadora all within threo miles or eauh other. Now, bow la thai for high," ror a alock raising o mntry. But wo Intend Umatilla county la (Mrry tho banner for this harvest In number of bushel of grain per aoro. Crops are very uood hero. Wo have ust tjulahod threshing a fovon anro ploce nroata for Mr. F. J. (Jal llhir, v.-hloh turned nut 80 buabela ier a era. There Is plenty or wheal hero that will ylold 60 to CO busbela per aero. Mr. Jimlaoa Ihreehed offol 17aariM 1020 bunhoU of wheat. 110.152 bUMheln per cie The crops hot will a vet age 30 In 40 bushels per or. I will oloao or I will havo m y article too long. Wu H. Hamih.i Meetiflg of Hop-Qrowen. KtlOHNH i ll'V, Aug. 221, 1877. Momberaof Lane County Hop Orowera A-noelatlon hold their reaular meeting oat HtturiUv last and after tranaactlnu their reguUr bnslnasa thn remaluderof the tlm waa spent In aaoertalnliiK aa near aa poselbla the condition of iho Hop crop for this year. Aa reported tha vlnoa lisik well and abow an algn ol bllahtor attack rrom Inneota. Tha statement made InKnraet Wei la' Hop Cir cular nf Aug. 3d, lak n rntn the Taooaaa, W. T., ntrald, to the , nVct that Ibe vines warn turning while lef.ue they were' la bltfMe.)in, erroneous for aa far aa known at present, wl h tiTe eioepiirui nr-sino jmrJjh vluisi are luxurlanl and fiult of a uood feisa, whloh la b-gluuliig in nliange oolor and will In two or three weeka be ready lo harvest. All maiiibnr preeiii evinced adeiermla atlon to pick aa clean and care aa nicely as possible aa we am aware It Is Ibe only thing that van Insure uooos In hop growing. Thn next meeting Is Used for Sept. 1st. A. A Smith, Prealdtnt. J. IT. Dh'pwn, Sfcroiary. Kxplanation We receive I word that tha Kan post utile waa dl-ooiiiluued end (heri tor a week or en sent the Z na psckago f Lliioolu, but we learn that Z-nasilll haa a post o flirt and shall hereafter Mend as hereto fore. Wo hope our friend i over there hava not been discommoded by tha nilstako wa made, which wo euiiposed waa on uoott authority. Oaiiokn Vai.lky O'., Aug. 28 1TJ, Harvest la almosi o er and the good tima whlcli the farmers have lis ked firward to, afitir harvesi, I near at liau i, they are hlgb Iv elated In prospect nl'n-o-lvlofc- llr reward for his hard years labor As h xeueral thing crops are go id In this valley, Old Douglas wdll holda her well earmd reputation ol bs iiigiiiiiiorthiilmtt wheat produjlng counties of tbo Sta'e. Tho Omul Templar aro prospering. Clcav hiuil Lodge, No 2MI carries forward tho standard or temperance by a oonilniial In-nri'Miufm-mhitrhlp, Tne olllit-r loeisil ol firths priM-nii terui b F. M (1 od, L I, are: K V Wo id roll", 0 I'j Mary No-iimii, V.T.i D. II itler.S ; Ada B'adly, A S 5 K. liradly, R II S.j Mr. II L vmgine, L If, S ; K LtbriH, F S; A. II, WeodruU'eei'i,, T ; A. II. Wiiodruir, Jon , M ; Nelll (iuod, D, M.;Sirah Orlr.ie, I, 0 : T. Ysib'ough, 0.0, : 11. v drtiiih-.a 11 v. oiitimiH. A Wurnlug, If any nf our iwiimi, akn up retrays they Nhoiild folio a the law sirlrtly.Hiid never glveuplhe animal to any ktraiitier timll bn fully proves the wneiHhlp before enuiu Jus IICOOl the 1'iere Tt-lOe wre IrMllps ti,.v. uo Imrowriho Siale hiimluu o-uay no Ices iiriuled In the comity pa era or iMhteil up, ami gnlms fur Ihe iiiiIiiiIh silver l-ed, sod provleir iiMMiri-hlp ny innledi rali ; ilie lrnir tiiMMooih lUluer'leg upihe pri perty ir Inn In tkoauim, o the nreiendt.d owuor at a reduce l-r Wilt, m.itle Uuiveifclty. The Faeiitty iifiiiH Wllliimelo University for thn lutx; year I uu le upoftho lollnwlng named teaeher-, nit eminent In their piolib !ou: T. M.Oaicb, Preldent end Profei-for ir Meh'al and Moral Milence; Geo II. Col lier, I'loteka-ir of .MaitiHilallcs and Na'ural S'lleiii'efc; I'eresa D Holderno-e, PrecepireM ami 'leaeherol LaiiKuaneM; KlleiiJ, Chan lierllu, Pruieistuf Ai'aitemlesl DepirtmeutJ and li la M. Allen, 'leaubercf ImurumtaUl Mulo. '.fi VJ . t' 1? ill w: taBsBBsSaaal wrrn iau di&uammmmmamm'cmmmmBfmmk aTWioKHSiiiAWiMnil iimlJi.iiaMSaii&r-; -,