2aSS2EB!5jfciwm -i t . " III IWIIIII 111 hi mm in nrmmmTTiii u.m.m.i i f ,i- r I i v v s . , "' "" ' '.7 Y""' 'W T:-1"-1-'." ' S WIIXAMETTE FARMER. if J I - WJ Lm A TRIP TO MOUNT HOBEfi. I started from Salttu on Monday, Aug. 171b, Grossed IhoHnntUm at Smith's Ferry and wont 12 mllrH Imyond. Loft tho wagon at tbo ranch of K. IlHnti.HH, Hwnm our horen auronn tho rlvnr nnd H'ali) overnight at tlio ranch or "Djn"Hinltn, ron nf tho Crip laln, of whom morn liprr after. Nrst tnnrn Jug paokwl nil our Iiiuesko on ono hnrnr, moiinUil Iho o hor nnd Htarttd ovrr the mountain, Iho remainder of tho party, including tho litllen, lrulnlnpr alotn; thn "pack trail" on foot. Thoyoall tho illnlunco from "D-iii" Hmlth'H (o hl fathpr'tj, about JIJi mllf", but It Hciinifd iiiuMi imnW'r to tin "J)iui"cin inako It on foot In half an hour, whllo wo woro thn o liotirn. Tint thrn ho cm go over tho mountalna llko a ill or. I mado the arfjiialn'anoo of OntMln Hml'h flvo or hlx yratM ao, and of ronrao wh . ry glad to mi'Ot him. IIo haa brrn tliwrn four yoarH, and yot not unill within thn iHt-t monthhariliodt'cldnd In remain permanently Jloncc, ho haa only improved n fow aeron liavlnnapont moptof hla tlmo In hunting. II o him Hiippllnd tbo mrn at tho Capital mlnn with elk nnd vf.nlnon nt flvo i rnts per pinnd. dollvnrod nt tho tiiluo. t n" d offer no other ovldoncn that (I'imo In pi ntv. I went proparrd to llko tho rountry frmn what Cnplntn Kmllli had Intd mn from llm to tlmo during tho Ina' yarnm! a half, bnl I wan not prepared to nnd muili r.n I'.ni'.N of rniti'i:frrMN, Bo faraa what, Naturo haa dnnr, aa Rreetfd mo In ill dlnctloni. At ilils hnsonn, tho inot of tho ftmilnir land nf Oreiinn hrtr-bo oomplilaly lost lit mnlMturo and bfcorno no "baked" Hint It onuld bn plowed only with groat difficulty, nnd then drydnn would lo found at tho bottom of thn lurrnw, lint horo Irould Ihrnatinvnann loin tho foil a foot, while not more than an olirhih nf rn innh from tlyimiifioo I found Iho fo'l molat, Whnro Captain Hini'li It, aro rinvral lli"ti Hand nrroH of land, lying In a batn nf tbo Cacidn Mountains. Thn plaoo where wo oroaaod from Hmith toHmltb, ia ft low gap, with an elevation nf not inuoh mnro than 1,000 foot, whlio other porllona ranun to flvo or alx thousand fitit abovn thn lovel of thn Wantlum. This btaln, then, mirrnunded on all hI.Ioh by tho Caseation, la thn prnttleat, sunn lout npot I have over aron on our planet, and henco I have oallud It "Thn Holy Land," booAiiao, "ifellna" In tho Greek, wan the cod who dm vo thn chariot nf tho aun, and bo- oamoNO Idontlflitd with It that hla nanin ofton incanathoaun, tho mmn BN'MIadea," Iho Kd of boll, niton means hell itMf. From "Holloa" wo hvn ''holy," whloh means tho ann, notwithstanding thn word "holy" I also derived from thn Qreek " Ha Kio;" an, too, In oontraat, thn Oroek "A Ion" la MomotimM rondornd "world," and unmn ttmoa "ago" or "dltpoii'atlon." Having ahown that "holy" niona the aun, tho reader will readily oom proband lbs n'nM of tho namo whloh I havo given to thla boaatlfnl and aunny basin, "tiim iinr.T land," , Bovnn tnlloa distant Captain )nlth pointed lo a pok In tbo Cascade, morn than 5,0(10 feet high, w.tloh ho had named Mt. Hnreh. II o had mado a pack trail to It, for hla own eouvoiilonoo, and goo thern often tn hunt elk, door and boar. Finding that I onuld rldo thn moat nf the wav, T aooepted hla Invitation to uinkn a .trip to theaummlt of Jloreh. Ho loaded hla mule Nlngor, railed "Nig" for abort, with blanket, provlalona etc., put him on tho trail and atarled behind him, while I mounted "old Dolly" and fol lowed. Now "Nig" la a moat wonderful mulo, Mounting to undoraland nearly avery thing thn Captain naa In him. If thn Mnnho HlaekniiH, arthnaaddlo allpaoutnf pUoe, or anything dropa from tho pt.ik, Nig Instantly topaaud walla until hla master oamrt up. Tbo Captain walked the entire dlalancn, whllo I rode fully six mlleanulof thnanven; yot during my abort walks- I would boonme no fiillKued I that I had t etnpaud rwl. Then thn Captain bulng an old aallnr, tcaik a rope, mado nun end fait to Dolly' waddle, paaed tho other end tn mo na I xat on n rock behind hor, and xnld Hint xlin could "tow" nut up Uiutrop plaeea. I lied a "ataudlng bow. Hug," forming u loop for my hutulf, and then we nturteil. Thla oiutilid mn to keep up, and I found It very olly, although the mam did not aimm to aeo where the laugh caiiin In, ON THIS HIM MIT 1 found Novural aorea, level ennuith for aul vatlon, and covered with a luxuriant grnwtb of prnlrlo grat, mill green and growing, and whloh wax highly upprooUted by Nig and Doll. AIho in thniuldatnf a tbloketof aldera aapilngof the purest wnter,n cold that neither man ncr loNt can take but a fn awallowa without paualug. Old lhtlly ap rxurod greatly hurprlid, and waa evldniith tbanklul tint ah w u o fxr rtinuved from thai looullty whero they do tint cover up their llra at nh;ltt. SiM.mIio wta not xatlc. tied, the ungrateful brute, fur utter tatlng her till, aho htattod do. vn tho mountain u IIioukIi alio waa going lor it d rtnr. Hut (iiiorKU llrooka, a prlucii of good ft llowi, wai. kind enough In tr.unp baric alter her ami return next morning. Collie Captain and I wanderod itbout, picked hnoklthrrU, (the llnett. 1 ever hn) 'Spun ytrna" (fori mn, havo biouuMtllor,) until dark, then nlreloh od ourkulvoajbeforu the tire, mid llpta mil,) tlioaii vau aloiip who am mur to hi avi n. Next morning, beforo it wa lht,llie Cap Ulu alartod on a hunt. To while awy t) e time I whittled out a wooden fonii, wlurh may be aeeti at thoatorenl Mr. Mirtlii, te Juwuler. Thla l my tlratelf irl in Iho Hponu tjultieca, luliig boon undrukeu on Mt Hindi, while Hen llulUr rnttaed In the name line down at New Utletna. Gei'H ar rived with Doll before noan, and afwr dinner aocxmipanletl the Captain, who went for loek teberriea; and thla time Inateadof waving a epooit, I quafled at the fountain "Hjpoa ue," (aprlng of lowaUr,, The Capuln usually aauotida Mt. Uoreb in threo hoow, bat owing to my agreeable mn.n i 1L.1, . ...-... i..... Za i, company it took as ovor four houw, and bad Itnrlbeon for Dull, I thltik my company woold havo proved eo very ngreoabltt that It would have re-iuirod about four wceka, Alonn, ho would mnlco tho docont In n littlo moro than nu hour, but won no fanolualcd with mo that it took over two lioura. TIIK OATIT U ItINK, lanoven mllea bHyond tho Oaplaln'a hooso, anl I waa very nnxlom to vhlt It, but oould iiot.parn uio tlmo However, mo nearer l aunt in It thn bolter I found Km reputation, and thla nave me ur-ntotitidHnrn ill Ita true north. I mluhtaddiieo many facta In proof of HiIm, net' mut ho eon'oiiled with a alnuln one. nruelv: One of the men working In ho mine InipMx all hit wnsea In the atonic nf the mlnn, fcavo a email portion which la rn- ?uirHfl f irrtirrent exp-nna. In conclusion nl'lrikih predleilun that thorn will ho imlfn doznn ntnri7. mdla running In that re. ginu In Uvejeara, while the "Holy Land" will con lain thotiHandaof Inhabltania W. U. 0. GARDNER BROTHERS. WonToglad toll am that Gardner TJrolh nra, proprietor of tho new miif-lo atoro In Otiswidd'a block, Commercial alrcot, nro ineeilug wiih hunceaa that exceeds thnlr moat MtiKUlrin oxpeotatlnna; their salon Htiiouutlng frtqiieutly to threo or four nnd oci'iihloually too git or ton liiatrumouta pr day, Thoy havo Deeii oompeliid tn order their woi kly ahlpinontH fr-iin tho Kist noar ly doubled, in ordor to ineotlhla utiexpectod demand, null thulr liitnuilou la to kuop on hand the lariio t atork of I'lannea and Orcana In OrcKiiu. Ah it In n well known fact that tie who Iiii.vh inont from maniifiio'urorH buya olin.ip?-!' itud ha who anlla moat fcolla cheap eat. Wo feel confident that Gardner llrni, ran vivo bfttlor hirgalua than can be pniJiiied elewliorn and wo takn pluaHUroiil ricninmendlngthem to our friends. NotkoStam.! n DifA' I'lio noted irot tlng eiHliinii, II Ifouiiilnr, ouoo owned by Wui. lligham of Waco onunly, dlod In Walla Walla valley on the Nt luat., aired 123 eaiR, II la beat tlmo waa 2.12S He add for fKIOOOnnco At thn time or hla doalh ho imlonged to Dr. C. II. Mack, who haa had him on hla mock ranch for the pant olgbt yearn. ItKTUitNRn. -Hon. John Miuio roturnod Mat Saturday from Katorn Orogon, whither ho went two or three wooka alnoo, with a drove of ahrep. Ho aroaatd thn mountalna, tuning and oiming, uy tn bunou route, nd promlaoa u a an article dtsoriptlyo ol hla travels. DlKD fi K Hlewarl,Kq., who, It wlllbo rini uibernd, wan Injured a fw daya alnco In Yamhill countv, died thta week from tbn '(Tecta thereof. Tho limb waa ampu'alcd JiHtatxivn tbo knee, and hla condition waa aiiob that ho waa unable to bear tbo opera Hon. Charlea E. Fhllbrook, Oakland, wrltea ua that Wm. J. Patleraon, recently from Penn aylvanla, dliMl In Douglaa oounty, Oregon, August 12th, 1B77. tfARRTEn: At the rnildonon of the Widow Dt la, Hit var'en, Oreeon, by Rev. T, H. Bmall, Mr. B P. MoClnre and Miss Mary Luolnda Da via. The Wheat Market. Wheat la quoted at ft 00 at tho FaraietV WarnhouaeaudHalem Mllla. Wheat la com leg In lively at both of thn akoye place'. Die Farmera' Warohonae baa shipped 0,000 aanka during the past week, to Portland, to load for Kovland. 0Im are in i-mall demand and aro only quoted at 40 to ib oenla. London, Aug, SO The Aurleultural Ga aatta aayn It la plain that 1877 wlllprovono exeepllon lo tho auccomleii of unfortunate harvrata whloh have lately been ex perlenoed. rho wheat crop la certainly vory generally and very laritoly bolow tho average. On tho other hand, It ban been and la a great year fornrmlera and dairy farming. Caliornia jfarketa. Tho Kan Frauclnoo Commercial Herald of Aii)iul Iflib baa tbo following WeanikUrfelted with a tletofdlengage tniiuago with no biialueaa lo otfer. No wheat ohariera oflVrlng opon the market even at the low and nominal rntea of -(0 to ii ahlllliiH to Ihe United Kingdom, From delalla annexed It will tNinon that two llrlt lab Hhl.'SHre ordered to Columbia Hlvertn IimiI wheal lor Cork U.K. It ladlllleulttn arcnniit lully for tbo nreent apa hello (relght market into mini xuppoan mat rar mera holding Inrtinq'tatttlllea of wheat and yet unwilling tn are pi ourrent hli;h prloea would at leaal ohner alilna at ourrenl low rule, ulvlnit ihout dlMloh and at tlio a.imo ilme tie In it rendition to takn advantage nf any rUe in thn lCiwllh grain market ditrlns thncurrnntyear, but no, tbo Qmngeraeoeua tt have Iimi their grip, and prelnr to hah f r llllltrn ueveiopmeuta nt inn nnuin unit ior UnmirkeiH At pievtnl a alurp compKit dnu haa hetm inaugurated betvteeit tlval Kieaiuahlinaiiuaiile4 running lint. eon thla i'Ii and Oreunn The result la In rdiiio iieight (rem y average down lo t 60 per nit Thla iirlk competition will nave the if ot in htlnt: a vmhv amoiiut nf Oregon pro lueo lo thl maiket to ha uhlppul hence In forlgtt nmria rainor th.tn from Astoria ill reel. Wo mndlatppolutid at Hie continued tn lotlvlly In tho mitir nf Wheal end I'lour xporK, Six wrrka of the pre-eni htrvenl year havo pitned nnd only Jive ehlpa havo Itiared heni wlih Wiet and one with Flour to the United Kingdom agalnat anme thirty xttlp lully latleit w u liriMdatulf in i ivirroiponditu er od of last year. Thl ia a tory great falling nt) In ehlp iirtitta In thU brief period, yet it nlltl not bo mNrnnmru hi! to it puui thai per o-ot. nf crop detlo iHtint tie, br no meaiia but it la oieg In he ureet abuudanoti nl idle inonev and Iho m with wliloii rtrmere n d now money up-lit Wheat in tinre, and Ihe pretnlliiik: opinion nmona grain pioduoera thtt prleea iniikt UKaln rally in Ihe extreme ratei attain d upon ihnbrkluKiintif the Htun Turk ihIi warattheolotent April, Hut of thla wo m on likelihood, u supplies of Grain ami Flour can be more cheaply and quickly oh. allied from tbn Atlantlo H'ate and le where than from the Pacini. Slop-. At thla writing there aeetna to be ureal apathy maul fted in all branehaa of I be export trade, tllhottah grain frelhia am down In the low t no'eh wlthauperb'indnt tonnaaeanp ply. Within a t-iw weka an active ateam hlp ooBnplltloo baa aprung up batweea thla eity aad Oragw, ctvaalag exiraaialy low rates or freight to prevail, and thn rosul' will bo (o bring a vaat amount of Wheat and Vioar to this olty that would, undor other 0tcllmlanoB. if nhinnf,d direct to Great Brl'aln. ,..,rl- Wiikat Tho market ia In fullsympUhv with Etiternand Fore'gn mark'ta and our quo tin Inns accord therm th. helm: sorno what lower. Oiounti la likely In antid ua free Hiipptlea thla aeaann owing to tho vory low ra'o of freight Itmuiiirftifd by rlvnl eteam o'Hp linos. TheAJiacfrom For'land brouuhi iir 2,891 t-ka Oreunn. A n'iio nf average" iiw i. .n pinohid for hep omupr delivery h Si 'LXA. and elnnn 'h"ti n lot of 1,000 ton off ted luretilo at 12 20. and for Oo oher de II ory nt 1hi rn'cs without htiyrn. Lxport eta KAicrtiy thnw no dlposilon io untrr oxlen'.lvely Into tho hpplng buslnwa the t)roienienxann, erelne no ohanoa nf prntlt lu iho vonturoand feeling it tbniich thla wman "ofTvear, for the-ii, 'hny preferring tn lay on iholr oar and b" lonkerH on, quite content thermolven with intltlngeurreiii ox ptnoi rn hor than lak t Uri(i rlsk In tlinae pirlloumlnn'HnrdeproM.Inn, dotilitnnd tin ointn'ym o theruuiri. Thuaiarln Atwuot only two ehipa have beenulotred for Kng hind Willi cargoes, ajralnstton for a trrea pondln( period oflaat year. itariey i'uo unpreoednniea low ratea ot irergn now temporarily runntr ue.wceu ini olty and Oregon havobon bringing ua two or moro conidirnmonta from tho North, hot ilii not look for any extennlto fuppllea tiniii that quarter. ThnAJ'X lirouuht 2,083 ki nnd iho Geo. W Elder provliuudy 1J80I. Thoapot inarko. N not nr'lto iih the puroliaaia mado aro confined chit fly to feed ptreela for lool u(l At iho elon alPH it 2fi0 ka Itav Chevalier nt 70; 300 ka 'Oiat Feed, 31 02Ji, HCO aka do, (1 tVA Thn arrlvulHyostord.iy from lltti lovvor conti wern heavy. O its Tlio AJax from Portland brought 817 aka. The market nnnllnuei quiet auhe ht'n dicllnu, ?i! belntr now tho on h'Io prle per p ) for choice Milling. Cnan Feed m fl (flm 75 prold 100 ekH do.0185. sllvor: CC0 .skM tiii,$l "5 allvor, V oil. Ilnpa Thn latnat roporln from Gormtny, Kngluttd and tho oust, are that thn t:rnp it re inruo nnd of good nualltv, whloh will bring prliH to about m'2W i lb. The orop In California will ho h nt the oamo aa last vear, aa yot only a few f-mnplu balea hatn u"eu received, and tlio maiKut priconotyot uataldlshed, Potatooa Tho reoolpta for the wofk have ueen very ngnt witn a gond dimanti at nn vaneed nrlnos We qtinto the preont ranno 1 lfif 1 03. na tn variety and qnallty. Ouiont ThorooelptM are equal to tbo de mand Prleea are steady and now qiio'ahtn nt(!070i per 100 lb for choice Hliverakins. Dairy Produotn Wo nolo a material ad vance in all descriptions during tho wtwk. Oholon Fresh Roll Duller la very fcoaron and prlcfS advanced to 37M'I2K" for tbo beat Thn receipts nf new California Cheero have been quite light for the season, and In gond demand at H'lflo Kaatern la coming In quite fronlv, quotable at 13lRo tho latter a Jobbing price. We quote choice fresh Call fornla Kgn aearcn and in Rood demand at 37J-t42Kc Oreiron lain arrlvaldull at 32Kn Wool Since tha"atrlke"trouhlra Ktsttlie market here nnd there baa been dull with a tondenoy Eaat to Inworraloaon Hprlng clip, anil Ralna nnmlnnj at tho Inwor quntatlona The Hook nf California Hprlng remaining here la msll and mnxily inferior with the exception nf a few parkigoa nf Humboldt, Wo vet havn considerable Oregon Hprlng which la held at ld prices and therefore abovn tho views of thoan who mlnht purchase atannh ratea aa Etatorn ouotatlona would Justify. Portland Produce Market We copy tha following from the Oregonlan of thn 23d: W beat-Quo tablo ntfl 00QI 02M peroon tal. Flour Beat brands 17 00 per bbl.: outxldo and oounlrv brands, Pi 60; tlue and an peril lie, f I 755 50. Ilav Cbolco timothy, baled, l213j looso flOiia Ot'a Hat 60e. common. 52. Ilteon aidea Hailed, hatna 12tUo; shoul dera, 0o. Ltrd Oregon. made, fresh, In I0tt tins, He; In kesh, 13Hi. CUIckena-H 00 1$ 1 25 per doxen. Ilutter ISi20o: Cheeao, lualOti. Kgira 25o pr dog, IUrley Cholco browing fl.67Kt food, f 1,50 jier owt. Hops l(Jil7o. m Fraiielaco market. Isr TSLKoiuni. Han Praocmce, As, 3 . WbMt-Shipplng. $1 Kt XISi mUllsK. $J KHH i six. llrl7-l KOt 65. O.U-U75. rtator-l MXt K. noU-10;(; (liccuhck, SW&K; WWer, CQC( dhcuant. Iigal Tendera in Portlaud buying 9lW; aelllng.WM. HllverCom IQ porivutt.dlaconut. SALEM MARKET. MONBTAItY. t.MdiLTiNDia,linjtiiK,hlit Ulnc, 90XC PUHilt, OUAIN Whfl. ht nhlta V Lunhtl.... Ac. (I no at c-i 0i. v hi Corn Mutt. II B Plonr, bt, W ark. (V rurrol) .... iincMruwi rraur, f ,.. Hnn, l) ton ,,,,, rthoru. V ton (Illfaka M'l. Vlon ....... .... ... - .,15 (HXt, .. WlOjJ ., j VJt,c riax fiv.1, fr m V y ,oni "" baled, V toil J1U ! a OltOCKKIKri. Haar, Kn Krintinca roaueii, V bl H,H3 H IoUikI SXftt crnr-litM , nyoi n,i powdrrnl IC', n '-.Titinlitul, , tfxid II elrop, V ' N)iit 00 TV4,Jinn. V M.t W Imtirritl 1 'irqtl JO Cotro, t'o't lltca, V x '-&& .. Klo... ........... ,......,,....... vtU . KOQO ..,,..,..,, .,......... l&A ,. Java............................ .... !tt, .. Rait, Cinoen IrUcil, pur cw.. t.'xiM 00 UTryool,ciro..... , uil eo d4trr HI 73 Hay ti in KUUIT6, VKlHtVAULKSJAo, ApplM M ihii-4. V 6 tn a lmche, ilrti-d, V B) ,. t.Vift IS I'ltuiu, " " ,,,.,.. l(X. 11 oar. ..c pr pa. ......... ,.,,....... .t5 . tt.an, i 6 ... ......,..............., tft ! IViUtiM. V bahi-l... W Onteu, y le ..,..,,......,.,... .. 4& K CabbAKV, V J" TCdl 00 HUlTKItrKilOS. AO. Hitter, nva rolU, ty ta a Si P 40 K Ik! i a a t a Chevto Orjcoa priu, l lb 16,4 ,, 14 ru( y aviiittitttiitiiiit v OUaSTACa UaM OU, boiled, V rtlkQ rmw. ' 1 una tMd Oil, ttnllo i v&il iil 75 t'AJ Oil, 7t Ntroot ou. m mii ,,., i htt aq IwHlWlP ttMttj Q 10 1 WHEN YOU WANT TO PAINT, ..USE AVERILL PAI1TT. It is prepared ready (or Immediate use, nnd or ALL DESIRABLE COLORS ANtT PURE WHITE. ItHis cm to cpplj, and it For riiirablllly, beanly. will and For ealc In any qaanflty by WEATHERFORD & .DKAL.I3118 IN.. DRUGf?, PAIMTS, OILS, AMD PERFUMERY. SALEM, : : OREGON. may2tf JOIIJST HUGHE S, DBALKH IW CSrircooies ctzxcL Provisions, PAINTS, OILS. WINDOW GLASS, Buiiaing Materials OF ALL KINDS. 13 THE AGENT FOR TUB BALE OP TDK RUBBER PAINT, ALL COLORS, Myor Jta LowenMtoln'M ViiriilnliOH, HOWELL & BROTHERS' WALL PAPER AND BORDER, -ani State Street, w.wiAwnroaD. If Wektherford & Co.. Wboleaale and ItoUU Dealers la DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS. E r rax ua. ory TOILET GOODS, Etc, etc. PURE WINESand LIQUORS For Medicinal pnrpores. Medlolnes Oompoonded, and Proscriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co.. tVf OnnmoretalMreet.KAI.KKI. m HEREIN & FARRAE, WUl par Ue Highest Market Price roa 500,000 POUNDS SACKS AMD TWINE FuruLhcil. Bnqalroo W. JT. IIKURF.N, FAUU.X1C UHOTHKns. BUew,Miy4,wrn-3m.a Eatablishcd 1810. 1II. A. Q: SIMMONS' Original Liver Medicine. FOR ALL DISKaSB O? TnB LIVKR, 80DR. Ntaa OP THK 8T0MACU, L08SOI' APM TITB.8ICK UltADArUB, KTO. TC. PBIOB, ate aHIUr. T. A. atAVIS, c; MTaoteaiU JXoaUU.Tt Front C Portkod, !-. Aatata tar Oraton. THE. not tffh, jitcl or chalk o brilliancy ol color it is CO. Half lalMJ'lf11aWltisBllllJIrW'L'iWlftJjrwT,fr','l'r1'llF'l TPJfffaT Salem Oregon, The Old Immigrant Route Aoroaa tha Cacade nenatalaa, OW OWNID BT T Omae4e Koad at t B i"e Oonpsay, onnln U anrij, Mi. Hood, and Harlow's OaU, I noK.opii, .nd ' of 'l bssba iran. The roid I. In oi a rrpatr, eitcniltn law KKL 1IILI.8 are all xmdtd. lbHihrldceareonal S 'Uei,a Tnlrir'liiirrfiferta lOLL'M'Bk- Mdy A. A r.a.iu jc.i. ii lui.-in-jricfti, D ami cm t ronw ovrr th aioiinuli r. UUttiicu iTertio nunnuioi, 4-1 mitt from I'nrtnlid. nvrr flva monnioin. 78 mil. . Kiom Mlm. 1IIO ml m. it. Tn?1?',' Ba.'.M)-5 r.clw. Ke; Cat- ill ; NhfiTi zu tie. 10 : ,3c t,mL"n P.'InKaud eomln from orint Utti n. Taat bl I. UahlnKtoD. Linn, Brnt., slid Pi.la com.lUa, Ibla li bj fr tbs bi.i. u. t-t. hi d chisprrt mate. . 1. COALMAN, 1'ra Id nt. lliJTKT K. Cro., Hic. elm KELLY & UNDERWOOD, Carriatc i Wagon Hiker:, Salem. Oregon, HAVB ON HAND A CUOICR LOT OP FOUK Wagons. Oarriagos, &. Buggiei, of their own make, Manafctnrcd of tho DK81 qnality of Jersey Hltkory. Illvenea call, aidcxsmiio our work, and iadare for fimti'lYfi. ' " All klmd of Repairing and Quneial Johblm tnM at hor. notice. apd MORTH S.iLSM. STORE. A T TUB BRICK 8TORK. HAS JUST KKCKIV tX ed a full umnrtme nt of Greneral Merohandiso, Dry GoodBj Grooones, Boots & Shoos, Hardware, Clothing OaleulMcd or tbo City and Coaotry Trade. It.mi-bt no tow, and will bo oW at as SMALL A I'HoyiT Jiom whu HKLL AT COST. urOoo. fieHverti ?o EDWIN AIDENO J 174 ELMSTREET. CINCINNATI. OHIO. jMmtiMBeato IsMrted in any paper, Befoto adrertiaing aoad for bj oataJorasv SPECTACLES, SPECTACLESI For Old and Young. Far-Sighted mid Nonr-Siglited. Mioutint;.niMses lor SiortsBieai, 8TKBL. HILVKrt, AND OOLU PltAUkS. I AM prepved to (opplr Np.cliclrstn dt all vyea.at priCca to oit. W. V. RIAItriN, Jeweler A OptKlaa, tiauk llloclc, ute St. Ha'em. ar 19 lo. aa Tor Sale ! TIIK Vivn HKHIDKNOB curnerof Coat ft.l an.l I1IIIam mtlm In H.irAhlM ftttYlAltafa- JLwIlh hnmalima well flnllhtid. and COOVt'Olee- arrn.'Pil ind aro mda UjtefullT ornamented. Wkl be fold vory lover and on accom uodatiaf term.. AdijIy u fre VIU. epM Pattaa'aBtock BUlebU. Treef. flZZ 8prlat lists fre r. K. nanaty.nL 3k titi. ia-L'aaK