Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 24, 1877, Page 6, Image 6

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    WW "! WtiefW ha
Matter .lolm T. .rones. Barton Phillips, Ark.
Ocerto.r J.J. Woodman, I'aw I'aw. Van Uureii,
Arcturer. 11 Btncdley. Croeco, Howard, la.
tfftiMnf-A.J.VauKbu, Memphis. Tpuo.
.Im7 o'teinmi Mortimer Whitehead, Mtddlebutb,
Homir'et, N.J. . . . ,
C'n'oii-H. It Bill', Hp'lnnhironnh. Warren. O.
TrtatitrtrV. M. McDowell, Wayne. hientieu.N. Y.
ti'trttnry O. II. Kolley, i.ualsttitu, K.
(lale-luqKr O. Diuwlddlu, Orchard (Jrnvc, Ind.
ftm-Mr. John T. .fouee. Iliriou, I'blilltii1, Ark.
7iri Mrs. Hamnul B. id-tint". Moiitlctll". Minn.
Jftimona Mrs llarroy Ontdard, North Orliiby. CI.
.vilv Atlttint Mttcard Mli Carolina A. Hall,
IiO'imlllu, Ky.
0. Wyntt Alkun. (Chairman,) Okeebury, H. C
K. tt.Hhank Aia,I)iihnrina town.
Dudley T. Chase, CUrom-int N. II.
Alonno ( .Ukr, Hock Kails, Whiteside. III.
W. It. Chambers, Oeweichec, Knseell. Ala,
OlUcorn or Oregon Ntato Vraace.
Vuttcr-Wra. Cyrus, Hclo.
OtiTMr-s H Hluplay. Oswego. ,
JUcfurcr-Mrs. K N. Hunt, Hnbllmlty.
nkcrttaru-H W. Ittndatl. )ron tjfty.
HUuartf-W II. Thntna. Walla Wnlla, W. T.
Uifstanf fiUward-n W. Itlddl, Canyonvllle.
VtaplalnW. II. Gray. Amorla.
7Vraurfr 8. I". I.co. Portland,
(late'Krtptr-lHnM Clark. Hslcm.
Orw-Mrs. II. A. Millar. Jacksonville. ...
J1tmon-llr.H D. Dnrlitiu, McMlnnvHio.
AYra-Mrn. K. A. Kelly. Kam fort and.
uy ,ls'( dtcwanl Mm. (Icortfla Hmlth, Hood
Hlvur, Wiaciicouii v .
KCHltt CbmmUtre-Vi'm. Gyrus, 8clo ; B. Clow,
all; K. I, Hmllli, Hood lllvur.
tftaf llwlntit Aimi-H. I' l.ee. Pnrllasd.
Stato Grango Doputioo for 1877
Pott njtot. Kiprtu.
A Holder Corvallls CoiyuIUs
nnncli Mldrviau Hullo Crook
U Wlttinrtall Oregon Uly
t W Hajui MyrtlaCffek
U M Uaulnar Drain's .Station..
MULTNOMAH. . . ..... .1
I'lywpton Kelly Bad Portland.... Kat Portland
M AlttflM.
1 l't.'Ai-tlDllMn...
1 W Hunt
If A l'atlerao
.Sublimity lm
..Jtehainvlllo Jacksonville
..Itltkreal Halem
....(loose Lake Tacksonvillo
a uiinniuu
Daniel flutter..
. .KerbyTlll Jacks onvtlla
JantOH W Matlock doabtn
U A Irvine....'. Lebanon Albany
w9o, , ,.
John Knd Tygh Tb Dallta
DO Durham MfMlnnvllIJ
J Happlnclon Oatlon
D II Itliieliart Canyon City Canyon City
WW Itoiyrr Ookimbla City
a V llulden Tllhroook North YamhUI
1 8 Whlto WtHlon waaton
JIItnryHtuoodor.... Ott
M W Itrown Vaocoiuer
UPHtuIn Dayton
LBlUnt-r Oolfaz ooirax
M'A Ooodtlo ......Klma..,.
no. . . .
HH Ma kham ChahaMa ro.nt
to Abbott Olympla OJyuplA
LodKuiIre Tclin.. ....
JtUua II rton BaU' BtU
I. J rior'on Claqoato
01 Coou Rllanabarff
In any county whrro tho Deputy a, painted la not
Uo mot auluble, acd Uia Ornit of ho toeallly will
firopmly liidlcalu to ma a ehdcr. I wilt ba plra ad, for
n many In.tanrea I hao twian ohlUad to make ap
IololmciiU without knowlodj; ",JVIB,5YT,i
Maater Orecnn KtaUi Orange, I of II.
If sating of Subordinate Orangi
Hope, No. 21, mnotHln Albany, on tholat
ti(l3HttiiriUvi ornaiih mniilb, at 10 a. in.
0k I'UIn, No. n, In f laUoy. Uml unci Uti
IfatiirilHynat II a, m.
Jltnnor. No, HVk, lit Orawfordavlllo, lit
nml 3rd Hatunlaya. at 'J p. in.
HyrauiiHO No. Wl, at Mlllura Btallon, 4th
laWturday, at I p. m. s ,
Lobauon N. 21, nt LoUnon, 34 and 4th
saatimUy. at 10 a. in.
Orand I'rnlrl.i No. 10, th Hatonlay.
Kuux Huttu No. 22, ltd and 8rd Hatar-
Hitiitlam No, 37, 2nd aud 4th Balurdayn,
at 10 a nt.
llrowuavlllo No. 19, lat and 2nd Satur
day h.
TaitKout, No. 7, lit and 3rd Fridays, at 10
a. hi.
lUrrUlturR, Nn. II, 1st and 3rd Sattir-
uaVH, ut hi a. in,
Hhoiltl, No. (I, Ut and 31 Halimlayo, at 10
m. m.
Happy lit m No. 40, lat nml 3d HAttirdayN
a naoii ntiintli from DoiolNir In Junti, ami on
(In) UtSalunlay llm li.Uunit of tlioyaar.
llitrinon v No. Z, 3rd Katiinlay, rrKoUrlv,
xonpl In Nov. l),o , Jn l'eh ,aud March,
wliPti ttioy intuit lln Ut KrUUy.
Aitp Crook No II, IntHnturiUy at 10 i, nt.
Wlllamntto No.nl WtTlmrHday, t 10 a m
l'lilouiatli, No 12,4 liS.tttirdy,ut lOa.tn,
tlrniiwoll, No III. 4 h Sntunlity, 1 p. in.
Kiwon, No .'i0, to KuKmo City, 3rd Hat-
4iV. nt 10 it. Ill,
UiiirUv, No 7d. 21 turdy.
(i.Hluiii, No. 101. ltUumUy, it lOo'olook
Jiiootloo Uliy, No. 43, 2nd riatuuWy, all
''Uokunalo, No. 107, 0.tiup Crook, 2.1 Halur.
0.vk l'olnt, No. 3, lat und 3rd KatnrdayH.
HUoin CJrHiim, N. 17, Itt and 31 Haltir
4yi In iiaoli month, ttxoxpv In Aiuoh', Hpa
Liuturtr, kiiiI Odtolxr, w Into It iuh.-Im only on
tho tSuirilv at ttixlr li'tll In Stloru.
Ali(iH, N 1 131, 4'U Srtiunluy.
UW I'.ilm, N 44 3IStnr.ly,ntl p. in
llnlt.i Crook, No. HI, 3rd Saturdty, at 10
4. in.
llowHiton No. 100, muou 1M, H.tUmUy, at
Marioa Couuty Fonoua Grange
WIU ntH)t ob tho aocom) Krlday lit b'ttptetu
bar, 1H77, at tea o'clock a. at K4lem. It
it dwlnd that member of other Pomona
arrange In adjolulas; eouuttee be presanl, II
posalhle, as the bajsiaeMof Ihla mealing will
to of ImporUna. O. W. Hurt, Master.
Maturity of Boeds.
Therxparlmont of your correspondent, A.
E. I!., doKjrlbod In your paper of July 12ih
In d morvlng of especial attention, at It showi
ho lmportanco'nnd Ihfluenco oj yood wed'
Upon it lltllo nlleollon it In very obvioue,
itiid appears ti lnnal nnd philological, thai
f,io vigor nnd prodtictlvtneas of a plant de
pend very much upon tho porfoot maturity
and vital condition of tho used from wlilob
tho plant prln?s, and that no manuro or
(erllllty ofthoBoll can mako a woak plan
mx vlorotiH and produolHona antron one.
ThlH Ih trim of ovorv plint, from a radlh
innn onk. Yut how Holdom 1 tho Irnlh ro
Huh It novor occurod to the planier to ask
hltnaelfwhy thoro Is ko much dllforoncoln
tho planU of corn In Iho nanio hill, nil treat-
d allkfT or, why thoro la mcli a d'ffiireiico
in the vigor of a lotof BetdllnH of any plant
when nil aro In tho Bamo hod or drill nnd tin
dor tlio HiimooondltlonsT I could Htato tnnny
fnclH tondlngto show by careful attention to
tlio porfect maturity of atod tho productive
neHRofannuai pliutaoau bo much Incroasod
and thut purnniilil plan tx can bo obta'ned of
quicker growth and groator Iiurdlnoss, but
Itduoi nothonm nucoairy to do Ihlx, In
deid I boliovo tho "running m"." of tho now
u he tin nnd other pliu.tH in n low j oatH niter
thuir ititroduclioii hciiUNod by tho prtnm
turn gathering of tlio crop to avoid tho tvmi'n
of Nctdj nnd yut tho plant from onn huuvy,
well inaiured grain, would tiller uml yield
inoru nt InirvoHtfthrtn llvoNhruuKon korunlH
with tholr puny aud yellow xtalkH. Ho, too,
ofcorn. It ofton rolo in Iho ground, or
uoiiicm up fdoblo and yellow, mid tho plan'nr
fieiifaya in oxplnnutlonof thin, "UmI thn
weather la loo oiii;ino grouuil In loo wet;
then) It too much manuro Initio hlll,"ntu
Oo inquiry, 1 Imvo generully found In huoIi
InHtiuiui'", that tho iHrnibr went through bin
field buloru hurvimt In Holeat hit boed torn, or
il Htilecled at Iho hulking, moro nKenliou
w'u given to tbortlrnof too ear, than to tho
ilponosH ol train. Ouo of my nelghlnrn,
however, lollowa tho practli;oof hla grand
father, and KeleclH for feed only tho ears
whluh havo limber but to iho cobs or earn,
though the earn may boHtuall, or metro "nub
blnH." llodoea not know why ttuiso earn
wero preforrod, but IiIh corn always ripena,
and yealdH a good crop; and It la evident,
from tnoconuttion oriuocou, tuiuinocruin
iaripff, and rooolvlng uo farther ttutrlmont
from thn root or leaf.
I think It would pay woll for ovory farmor
loleavoa portion oi Ills Hold to stand tin
gathered until the grain Ih perfectly ripo,
oven If aomeahook out; and In thocaao of
oorn not loout tho top htalk, but to leave
ovory part of tho plant to onmpleln Ita appro
prlato function in the perfection of tho need.
Oko. IIahkku., In Country Gentleman.
Travelora In Tiirkoydeaoribo two dlfforont
waya of ehoolug horaoa in Tarkoy and Hu
ala, which may aoem vory awkward com
pared with the almnlo mothoda of tlio Amor
loan amltba. In Turkey and Sorvia the
horao'a hoad la held by ono man, another
holda the leg on h la arm, n third opcraten on
tho foot. In Russia tho homo la placod In a
fqaarocagemado of rough plankaof wood,
aud la atrapptd rouad tho belly with wide
leather straps attaohod to oroaa bars of the
frame work; hla bead la also tied aalely; the
footlaflxKl to a stake In the ground, and
held by an assistant while tho smith plaocej
the shoe on.
When the people ot Ruuo want any one to
Imvo town tlioy aend him a latter signed,
"601." Ho la tho "I" to oboy tho "COO.'
It In a fraud to borrow
not ablo to repay.
what wo aro
Kntrloa Tlooksopenotl ats A. M., but entrlra
o in h made un per rulo 6, on pk'i 0 of niloa uud
nunntmc Ataoelook r. m., niinlnr, froo for
all. diwh of nun mil-, pimnlum 1100.
Tnlllg. Iiiimoillautly uller.ior uprrailum of
43'0, for lii'iiblo tiamx, ftco for nil, mile beata,
ttiroe lit five,
Opening sildrfaa at 10:30 A. K.
At&y. M to-day itll entries oloae. Memhera
if MwunlliiKOoiiunllU't will i0Mrt tlipmlvra
at tbo (.rnco of the iiealdnt ut t'J m. lu-dHy,
when all v mode will ntt mien oy inn vice
lirraldeutsHUdaupcrluU'mloiilaal tho roecllvo
lliniiilnir. At I:) v.u. rmmliiK lor a pre
mium of of J.VO. mil hiiitM, threo lu five, free
for all, 1(00 lo urt, IIOO lo m conit.
Trotnu . 'uiuifliil telyefter tho above moo,
t n ilng r pieiiilum ul $M. mile heuU, three
In five. iricforMli.
Annual meetluu Tho uniiual mr-otlueof tho
aoe'ety ut7l'. M.
annual election. At 0 a. m. polls orn for an
t unlelecHloo 'f oirtoora uml eloo ut4 l". m
I'lowli g mutch, l 10 n'oliio a. m.. nlnwlni;
mttflli on tho .Miuut at tlio uaal aldo of tbo t n.
Clnuiil par.idoof horxoi AtO A. M. parudaof
nil hom(n e literati 'or premium
Ituniiluif.-.U liJ) l. M mnnliiK for three
vrurioMi lirttd In nrrgin ami Waahlninn Ter
iltory. pior.il m.S'rt). ilOOto rlnt, 8!00 to arc
mill, in In netl". two In throe.
Tmillnc. lininetllttely alt r the above raoe,
ImttlnitfurhnrHeH.inurea uml Kelilini: that huvn
not lieatxo tlirea uilnuttx, ten mioontlj; mile
lio.tU, threo lu live, premium $-A
1 inula f hortM Av a. h: pniiorhnri
uinlt rtllreiitlon of uie luleiulent, in tin Wed
n.iiy hut I'XHUtliiMllnti to eoutlnuo until
l.tinnlnc IllOi- t., H't Uk pivmltim Ur
two yiviruttU rr,t.l In Oregon aivl Whliulou
IVrrli rv, uremluni 4-MJ, tw) to rlrHt: ao.-omt
pieiiilum tw i-1 Irt of li-ltii e. remiliultir lo
Ihlrtl ihtuhur ono mile. Immnll tlely nfler.
rrittuic KirtliretteoroliU pottkUke, mile
Iih.iU, Ibrea in live, for honea, mari or Haiti.
in., brtvl In iirtwon or Wuahlntioo Terrtioiy;
ItOO in ttrat. two-lliirtla of h it men to aecxiud, ro
main r in lua third liuniedhtioly ull-r.
rqnctlrUiialp ''rlul or itpualrt'iiuhlp for
httfollowli icprmltuu: ,
M -t vruteiul ami tHVompllahotl lady rider,
IV jlJuntl $T.
Mutti gr o-ful and aeootnplllnHl centloumn
il vr, uuilerllfteenjoira. I5, IIJ aud J7.
Annua H.Mre". Al tu oVoIck a. u , annual
ailtldira In llm tark opp -tto iavltiu
P-rtdtit f prrm inn .ttie. l 0 'clock A. u
iMrHiit. tif ctti e aw trued prwinluma, wider
illrtotlon'f itiKr.h-tl.
i-riml iailei lioraei, lack anil mtilea. .l
I0li A. M , pn, tin of ull hnro eoleretl, whvn
Hie premium will ba nwurdetl on ull ilia stuck
l IIV Klllll' , " ..,.,
Ihiimliif.-Hl I U u running, free lor all,
wtimlle. h'til : premium (Mxi; I0) to Aral,
ildttoatxtlitl Immediately oiler.
Tmt liw Kor p iimliim tf fo, two mile
lieu; lieiHonnl.f'luitiikecoml.
To-tly premium will ba paid and all bast
ue,nf thafilrriiuoludetl.
N. II Nnarilcteor nuuiai can ba withdrawn,
under lorfailof praulum. bere l n'oltvk A. M,
lo-iay, nn.as by sptolal paimtt frosa the
Cpn for Conpatltlon nt tke Oregon
. mtf t'nlr, ominonotaR at Saieaii
October 8th. 1817.
For tho purpopo of encouraging Ibecnl
i tiro nnd lovo of flower!), I nuthorlr-9 the olll
ceraofovery Hwtonnd Territorial Airricullii
ral Society In tho United Btatoa (nnd iv litre
thoro Bro two prominent WocletioH In one
Slate, bo h) and the Froi Incea of Canada, to
Hfer, In iny behalf, Ih.i following pruiilunin:
Kir tho bo-it how ol liowerc 4"
For Iho beat collection of cut Howere I'O
-Second bvi'l 10
Third biet 6
Fourth bui Klotal Ulnoiim
Thordl'ir la iiiHiletoamai ura only nnd the
HriMerato bo mhlhlled ht their rei'tilHrAn
nuiil Falra. The nwHrda to bo made by the
regular judgen, or by any otimmlttco appoint
eel lor the purpose. When only ono colleo
lion Ih exhibited, Iho ndg"a may nward Ihn
first, or any other premium, according tn
mill., but iho exhibition inuct bnncredlut
IiIhoiip, and if tint bo, in tho opinion of the
ludgcN, no premium to bo awarded. The
tlowera not to bo mitdi up In boqiiela, but
exhlbtiod aonaratnand nauiod. The ol hot
being to nward tho premiums to tho UoweM,
and not for tasteful arrangement. A Iho
For tho best Ornamental Floral Work
(nUher Roquet or Floral Ornumont )...?5 00
Ofllceraof State Hoclfitlea will percetvii that
mir object la lo eneourago tho culture ol
ll-wora among the people, and wonsk them
to aid un by aeelug that tho Premium!! are
awarded to thorn who honcatly earn thern
Tht) 11 iwera muai lin uriwn by tho oxhlbltor,
and not bogged, buroived or bought. The
oxhlbltor tntiHi. bo au nmatour, nt:o who
tfrowatlonora lor pbamirn and not for pn lit
The commbtto will eeo Hint this roi-trictloti
l not avoided by hiving the llownra g-'o"'!
by Gardenern or PlnriMa, exlilhlted III tit.
iiiiinn of n child or wife or frltind. Wo haw
linn complalula on this plnt.
Under Iho hoad of Cut Flowors any flotvpr
miiv boixiilblied whother grown from tuud
bull)", orplimlH, but tbo t-ommltlco ehould
lako into conalder tlontliecaro nnd hi: II I rn-
quired In their cuHuro, Fir inafauce, n per
son may puichuao it (loz.n or two of (lent
ultima and other bedding plant, nnd cut a
good many llowora for exhibition, with but
llttlo trouble. Another in iv ehow thoaime
number, or oven n leaa number, that thoj
havo grown from aood with ngnoddGal more
aklll. InNuohcaaoa oomml.teeH abmild ex
erolso a wlao dlocretlon JAME4 VK'K
Heedaman and Florist, Kootioster, N Y.
Peter Carrol Killed.
Information reached us through hie shier,
Mrs. Ward, living on Fugot Mound, of the
death of Peter Carrol, formerly a woll known
young man of thin city Hn waaklllod last
April oy mo Indiana In mo Hlnck Illlla. Iho
panloulara of which wo have not learnod.
Tho deooasod was a brick msaon by trade
and workod, whllo hero on thn Capitol, Broy
man'a atoroand other buildings. Uo wah
alao an aoilvo member of the College base
ball club, whon that organlutlon waa In Ita
senlth, and ono of Ita best pi ay era during Ita
content for tho championship of the Hiato
with tho Arcadians, or Portland. Tbo Intel
llganoo of hia death will bo heard with re
gret by many of his former aasociatoe In this
Wfcat U iBkt HaTe Beam
Last Tneeday a little Houth Hslom lad
aboatalx yeara old, while playing about tho
oars at tbo depot with a number of led
abont hla own ago, tell and slipped be lore the
wheolsof a freight ear. lie did not groan or
ory oat bnt Just crawlod nuder the car, eanie
out on the otbe other aldo aud went right on
with bla playing. But If that car bad been
going at tbe rata or twenty miles an hour
instead or standing still nn tbe aide track,
flrty miles from m locomotive, what a dread
fu I fate that lad might havo mot with, and
what a heartrending lUim we could bare
given the public
Daageroualr Ktoked.
A messenger came Into town at throe
o'clock this afternoon, for Or. Reynolds, to
attend to John Hhaw, son of Mr. Annua
oiiaw, living aoui two miles beyond Tur
ner's. It appears that youngSbaw waa driv
ing tho team that waa running a horsepower
toathrehberabout noon to-day when ono
tbe horses became entangled In tbo single
tree. In endeavoring to extricate him, Hhaw
waa kicked In tho left breast knocking him
seuHolnRa In which condition bo waa when
our Informant started for the physician,
Body Feand.
Tho body or Jaeob Timor, of Lincoln,
whose myatorioua disappearance from the
steamer Ohio, wan reported In a late lasun or
tho Daily Rkouiii), was found yesterday
morning, lodged In thn wheel of thn ateamur
Drover, at Portland. He hud probably fallen
overboard between Portland and Oregon
City, and bad been carried by thn current to
wnere it waa lound. Tho rt mains were
brought to Oreguu City this morning for
Wlnfteld Rcott Waiura, formerly of thla
oity, aon of Capt. A. W. Waters, U H. Mar
thai, for Oregon, has rewired lint appoint
ment as a SYt Point osdet. Wlniloiu U Iho
rluhl eortofKluH' out of which pnod lighting
nllleeraaro made or in lima of noed. Uo
pnatd np tho ro4il to day, en routo for that
celebrated military arudemy on thn Hudson
whem ho will b examined ou tho'-SUh iiifit.
Hucceaa uUond yon my boy.
Wholoaide '(halving by Retail.
Knrsuveral uinniha past artlclea ot bed
clothing, napkins, toivota, etc. havo
DeiMi gradually disappearing from tho Oho.
msketa hotel. This iifltirimou upon in
formation rocoved n heaioh wtrraut
was outaiiitftt uud thn bacgago of
Mug Ikhi ami tho "ohamtjornmlit" and the
wah hi liao of Wa Oeo was aearnhed nml
large qiinutltliM of the above named artloua
found, rtoyeml ntrntln mn inado.
Well Healed.
Post Muster, 11. M. Thatcher, is "tell
heeled," In tho matter of ntmp, P. O
ttamps wo memi. He rcolvul from the
HiiriU Poatntlloi n'. Wnahliiutnn, jrterUy,
-Jfl,000MtampiM envitopr.H, 10,000 (vistal cards,
I0.1KX) Ntaiuiied nAwsptpar wm)iori, and
ahoiit l 000 worth of ri'.amps or various
lletwceti nnwaml Novembur, Mrtr.-iiitid
Siiturii will I'ouiotwico iiitociuijuiictiiiii,
tlio llrst time upon tlio 27th of Augunt,
nml the litot on tliolldof November. At
tlio Itrstcoiijiiiiotlon they will rlttout nliout
hnlf-p:itit iiiuu in tho uvuiiing, though
they will he degrees nptrt, while nt tiie
Inst they will be only eleven minute a
tiparl, uml etui Imtli bo Included In the
sumo teleeeoplu fluid of vlalon, presenting
one of the moat beautiful sights Unit tlio
lu'iivonauver ullord. Tlieto two plnticta.
will come Into opposition with the hum
within four days of each other, the for
mer on tliu fitli nnd tlio latter on tho Dth
of Hepteinbor. In that omMMltlon, Mara
will bo nearer lo us than in thirty years
before, a fact that .the superstitious uml
Imaginative may make Interesting In
counectloa with tbe Eastern war.
The Polltlcnl Pnrnrdto iannanlmnl of
thoBmiillpft pof&ible Intellectual develop
ment, but of tho imBtlest anil moat nfTeii
slve nature. Having crawled on to uome
polltlcnl party, bo apeetllly Insinuate
hlmeulf beneatli thoaklu, where ho cs-(.'iIiIIhIk-h
hla headqiiitrterK, Hilstulnliig
life ut the expense of tho lire giver. Uo
m annii Hiirrotiniled by a numerous off
spring equally "S nuaty and quite ns ro
pticlniiHiiB himself. Making Ills abode In
itie party, feeding ofT of Its vory exist
ence, ho never Inrankcs It so longas there
Is any tiling left to hold on or to feed from;
nml great Is his Indignation If it shows
any sign of disruption.
Ull, what a piiruxnn is ne i nun now
beautifully fat lie grows oy ins partisan
ship. . ,,
'I his is tho animal that always talks
loudly about voting tho straight purty
ticket, nnd who ilunlcs the right of uny
votur to think and act. for himself. Au
Independent voter Is Ills groatist abhor-
etico; sticn men no cans leucers. craw
fish, Dolly Varden, nnd Hko eiiphonloua
tinmoH. Ah for himself, lie always votes
the straight parly ticket, and like moatof
his species wouldn't give nitieti mr h mini
that scratched ; scratcliing helngamoit
vlllainntis oIIlmiho in the eyes of tho pur
alte. Ho talks loudly of hl services, Ills
cotmlHttiucy, a"il his high prlnulplus ; hut
hlsinmith was created for a fur more
useful purpose thmi htownig, and the la
elllly with which he can swnliow every
I hlug that conit-s to his maw iu somuthhig
Tills hoirihlocrcattiio Is (he manufac
turer ol all political lies, slander-., Illicit
Niuillnir. perjury, uud fraud. Illaspltlle
la exccidliig i vouomou", nml nmiiy a
fair reputation Is entirely destroyed by
hla deathly breath,
(jo irnlillc is this parnslto Hint lie Itna
wormed himself Into every party, ami
taken poot-slon of most of the fat olllets,
until tliu life of the nation itself Is threat
ened. What wo now want, Is n mercurial
ointment to kill out this mass of living,
crawling, aud noxious u rruptlon ; and
we appeal to all good citizens to uso their
tnoHt strenuous efforts to secure its exter
mination. Our citizens should remember that tho
object ol party organization Is to enaolo
those having the same political opinions
to proinuto aud carry out their principles;
ami thut such object achieved, tho use
ful iu-hh of the party Is at an end. And
they should learn to view with distrust
all men who arc constantly uppealingto
thorn to stick to tho party Instead of urg
ing them tn support certain principles ;
and especially should they avoid those
who appeal to them by showing what
Immediate pecuniary advantage they
can derlvo by being consistent partlrans
Business men aro continually com
plaining about tho paralysed stato of
trade, aud tho exorbitant rato of taxa
tion, and they have only too great en use
for complaint, vory frequently. But if
men will allow the reins of government
to full into the hands of the polltlonl
favorite, thoy cannot reasonably expect
to bo relieved from these evils
Let uh then examine Into this matter,
aud think for ourselves, and not bo con
tent to bo led by Iho nose. Lot us make
up our minds to atudy what Is best to bo
done: und voto for such men and meas
ures in the future, aa wa may deem will
prove the greatest benefit to the country.
Aud It Is certain that some good whole
some, thoiougli.niid Independent scratch
ing would soon kill on" lurgcquaulillesof
thcao political parasite?.
Gentlemen who aro fond of horseback
exercise, hut who are timid about mount
ing a "real, live horse," will rejolco to
learn that In ingculoua gentleman of
Berlin has Invented an ut Imal made of
Iron, tho motive powor for propelling it
ueing me icgso' me unver. rnu liorso
or machine Ih described aa consisting of a
couple of wheels five feet high ; between
these Is tho horse upon whloh mounts
tho rider. The latter moves his legs "af
ter tho fashion of riding," and iho thing
goes along as fust us a quick trotting
horse. Tho road makes uo diflcrenco
it Is ull the name whether tliu machine
goes gently over tho stones or moves
swiftly on tho high, hard road and tho
facility with whloh the strange steed
excites tho admiration 3f all beholders.
ncrr rtictzscit iwlleves that his invention
will bo of great u-o to porters ami others
for tho carrying of light loads, aud hu
has conlldont hopes that It will bo high ly
appreciated by tho uiinieroiiH clashes who
are fond of saddle exercise hut are desti
tute of the wherewithal to buy and main
tain horses of Mesh aud blood ; hu con
templates, too, Its iipplicitioii to tho
drawing of caba and other carriages. It
Is even conceivable that In this invention
wo have tho chargo of tho future. An
animal that does not eat and cannot dlo
would he of an inestimable value In war
far. There aro one or two rather signifi
cant omissions in the description from
whloh wo quote. Aro not told how a man
of Uesli und blood Is expected to support
the fatigue of moving, by rising- lu hla
stirrups, a creature of Iron, or if It lie pos
sible to keep it going In any pluuu less
Hi t than Berlin, a city which lna level
as a billiard hoard, lu the narks these
machines will prove invaluable. No
running over park Hivurdn by inexpert
cuced equestrians ; uo saddle girths get
ting loom; no frisky animals tos-ing
young men over their heads-all will be
serene uml tliu cavalcade of Joyous horse
men after their morning ride will only
mud to turn their never tired or never
hungry steeds Into the barn, there to rest
quietly with no uttondant groom, or raid
the na box or hay rack, until he is again
wautul Truly tho mllleulum for iques
trluna has a i rived.
Wtdnesday, about 10 o'clock a.m., Mr.
Richard Miuo who was Injured ouih week
since by tho falling nf a tree, as daerlhd at
tho tlmo In the Kailmkh submitted to
tho operation or having his leg amputated
It w.-j the only chance ottered him of saving
hi life, and tho chanoo, aa it proved, w at.
agalust him, for bo died at five o'clock on the
aritrnoon of thu day, about seveu honrs af er
thu operation. Tho operation waa pertormtd
by Dr. A. Sharpies, assisted bv Drs. Rich
nrdon, Roland, D. M. Jouas, Belt and J E.
Paytou, of this city. Ilia funeral took place
this anernoon, and was followed to tbe grave
Mr CUagotl'a school boaie. bv a numhor nf
ayDsfAtalsiDK friends.
Very Desirable Property for Sale.
Nlnoty-tbreo acres of land on Salem Prai
rie, noar tbo Fair Ground, will bo sold at a
great bargain ton cash purohap or, For lerma
nnd other Information llnqulro of 8. A,
Olarko, at tho Faumku olllcej Salem.
If rota a Jfliyslclau.
Hvde Pttlk. Vt., Feh. 7, 1870.
Messrs. Set h W Fowle & 8oim, B inioti.
Gents You may perhxpi rouit mlierthat I
wroto you eovornl wieka ago In regard to
bo use of the Pkhuvian Syiicp loi my wITq,
.vho was 8li f raring Iroui general debility, the
ipquonco of Typhoid Dyeetitery. I bad
j-led iho most noted pbysloiana In this Stato.
rid also In Canada, without relief. At your
voomtmudallon alio cnjmienced thn use
t tbo Syrup, tho llrst four bottles mado but
iino impression, ouiuniio inking tbo Urtb
ilio bounn to Improve raplaly, and now, af
or using six ol tlio dollar bottles, sho baa
-ogalned her strength, and la able to do
most of tbo work about tbo house; and I
bol that I cannot speak too highly in pralso
if tbo PjtKUVIAN HYltnP. I hue nrnnnpllJ
It to several or my patients, and havo pre
jnrod tbo salo ot several doasn of It bore.
You can mako any uo of thla loiter ir yon
n fit. Yours very truly, II. D. Bblbhm, af.
"Ita only n tlengh't
vm brotiKht iiituv to unilmoly graves.
rMiat Is a Cought Tho lungs or b-oiiohlol
.iibns havo been attackeil by a cold; niiluro
tounds an alarm bull, tolling where thn dls-ja-olles.
Wisdom niiugeitls "try Wihtau'h
Balhah or Wild Cukiiuy:" it has cured,
luring tie last half of a iiriiiury, thouaauds
J pun thousnda of pornonn Aa long an yoa
jouuh, ihoro is danger, for Iho cough "la a
Wety Valve. Uho "V itaii" nud bo cured
)ld by all druggists.
3S1. -A.. jStrtxitla, jSL-tlmt,
Salom, Oregon, dealer In Sturcorropc and Htc.-ao-ciplc
Views, and ticeiipii cf Salem and llm r-urrotind-luir
ctmntry. Llfe.olzo PhotegraphB, In India Ink, OU
or Wnler Color. Mn
&&,snr - Mill,
A New machinery,
and hta ono of Uraku'a r,ow t'lauuia. nd wo ata
iioh-prepare l to supply flaet-cl-M L.Ui..i-lL rough
or diueitd.ut short notice. Prices rango
From 9 to flH.AO per M.
auyton. Or., May 15, 1B77. 9m
Tktt Orfgoa and t'alirorils ant OrtgM
Central Kail road UobjmiiIm
OFPER their Lands for lalonpoa the following libe
ral lerma: One tenth of Uio price In caah; interest oa
tns balance at tbo rate of raven per cvnt. one year
after sale; and each following year one-tenth of the
principal nnd lnteruat on the balance at tho rate of
mven pur cent per annu i. Doth urtnclDSl and lata.
t paysble lu 0. a. Currency. v
A discount of tea per cnt. will "o allowed for cash
Aagtttig It str pM""
Offlco hosre from 9 a. m. to s p. m.
Salem Flouring Milli.
Couwtautly ou IIiiimI.
HlffliCKt Prlao In CASH
Paid for Wheat
Acent 8. P. M.
Willamette "Nnrsevy
Oswego, Clackamas oo., Oregoa.
Tlio Ituliun I?i'iiuo,
And tbo best Tarlctlts of
Nut and Shade Trees,
Send for Descriptive Catalog.
and Collector or Clalasa, will promptly aa
lecul to au. baa-nes entroatcd to bla care. BtdKUaa
funvaiut.1. a orri-iAi i. uaica ai
row wests,