Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 24, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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A Bntiih JBtUmata of Gen. Grant
Tho Edinburgh Scotsman, May 30th, ban
the following notice of Gen. Grant, who bail
Jost landed in Britain:
Although Britain has had uo lack of Royal
and other distinguished Runstti of lato yearn,
few visitors of greater omlnonre liav trod
den her shored lor a long tlinn print than tho
plain, untitled prlvuto Kentlumati who, with
mall display of ceremony or parado, landed
at Liverpool on Monday. Ho lms never
worn a crown, but ho has been tho rnlor of
ono of tho greatest und tncf-t povmrful a
tlons on oarili. Just now, ex I're-Iilmit
Grant is probably n greater umn onihlnthun
on hln own Hide of tlio Atlanlio. Wo do not
moon towiy that hi; rountrynipn nro Ht till
disponed to undervalue hi public sorvicni;
thoy aro too deeply ongrnvod on tho pago ol
American history to ho lightly possed over,
and thoy nro too recent to havo b-como In
any bbiibo traditlouarv. Hut Itepubllciui
human nature iu tho United States la veiy
mueh like banian nuturo under n monarchy
constitutional or otborwlfo. "Tho King
in dead long llyo tho King." General
Grant no longer occupies tho YVhllo Iiou'o;
for tho time, I'rcsldont llnyoi la a vastly
naoro important and Interesting porsonngo
to ninoty-nlno Americans out of ovory hun
dred, oven amongst those who aro not olllco
oookors. Tot if it had boon jKisslble lor
President Hayes to visit this country nlong
with his prodecessor In olllco, bo would not.
havo aroused so much Interest or havo had
so universal a popular wolcomo n-i will cer
tainly bo accorded to General Grant if there
la any opportunity for it. Of nondrronn ntft
clal receptions ho would no doubt have hr.d
thn lion'suliaru. That would havo been bit
right, in his capacity as head of tho Ameri
can nation. But It win bo xhIiI of General
Grant, a of no oilier President Hlnoo WhkIi
ington, that his tltlo to dlsilncsion doi'i not
rent wholly or even cuielly on tho fait that
ho hnm been for eight joins tho head of tint
American nation.
Aflr a clear and Impartial statement of
Gen. Grant's civil administration, the Scoto
man continues :
Bntafterall it Is not tho fact that bo hat
twlco been elected to till tho President Ul
chair of tho United States which gives our
visitor his oiultinnco. It is impossible to
forgot that ho hud achieved urimtuiiHH bufori)
it wan thrust upon lilm. If ho was chosen
as a King of men it wns boeaino ho litxl giv
en proor of his klngltneit". Without enter
Ingintonny conidenUIm of tho merits of
tho quarrel botwonn North Ami South, or m
Btltutlug a comparison boiwriiti tho d'grnu
of military capacity dNplaycd by the diller
ont loaders who (ought in that great and
momontblo American olvll war, oyoryouo
miw. aounowiittiqo (hat tho Hubjugiiitmi if
tho Southern Confediintoy was one ol the
grontoat nolilevomt-nls In modern history,
and that Goueral Grant did moro tlinu any
o'.hor man tuncooinpllsli It. Tho Iwlotnlu
bio oouraRo, tho stern tixtty of purpose, the
doggod poriuVtfrauco which enabled blm 10
triumph over obstacles that bad folUd .o
many other ciniitnanderfi, areqiialltles which
always elicit in u peculiar dtiitmo tho sym
pathy and ttio admiration of the ilrltlsh jimi
pin, bocausn to theso very qualltlei ro due
most of their national triumphs, and their
commercial and liidualrlul pruumineuce
among tho pooploa of tho wnrb'. Utou
those whoso sympathies woro with the oauso
against which General Grant fougtit and cou
querod will bo ready to glvo him n cordial
greeting. Alikouaons of tho groatost liv
ing citizens of die Unltod States, kh ono or
tho most distinguished Gonerals of his time,
and as a Ohio! Maglstrato who uniformly
displayed a friendly feeling towards KoRland
during his ionn ol oul.'o, General Grant do
nervoa honor at oar hands.
Atrocitiei of the Eauian-ToxkUh War.
' London, Aug. 15. A Bucharest oorres
nondont telegraphs: "I have written thu fol
lowing as I received it, and from tho terrible
account which fugstlvrs continually bring
oyer tho Iialkanu, I tear it must ho only ton
truo. July 31st, tho duy tho llu-wlana qvhcu
ted of Eskl SaRru, tint Turks nrdored all
Christian men, women and uhildron should
bo shot H4 tboy letc their linuxi. Those
who remained within .cm burnt ulhc. An
order was given to burn down and destroy
ovory panicle of Ciulstlan properly. Many
lead Inn Turkish morchauts toik pirt in the
utTalr. Largo uumiern of ISaulii Hazouhs
wore dUpttched all over Tohlrpun district.
Til's dlbtnot tsouocf IhorJciiofit In Wwl port
of Turkey. It did contain a ery Jsigo pro
portion of Christian; over 30 ehnielns and
600 HohoolK;nd colleges, all of which have
been burnt. The !rMtiie.Ioii extended in
the vIlNgtsof lJoglulun, MriitJM, Haul mid
many others, in al! about 00, i.oiiinlulng Iruni
W) to 200 fnnllies cKOli. hVarwil v f0 pt-rrous
iiicaped allvo. but liipllivn m Gsbrona mid
ami Silvicstimatothat from lt!,l)00lo ir.,(KX
Christians havo been massacred iu Ktkl
Sag lira and Tuhirpan dlbirluts alone.
New York, Aug. 15.Tn Turkish leun
tion complain of the llusslans near Kara tir
ing upon a tlag of truco snd wounding Us
man Etrntll. Twelve uuarmrd Muul
mans turriidrMl to tho ltiisul.ms nud 7
of ttiem wore ii.tissjiod by litilgariaim und
3 by Cossacks. At llatuk, a village esclun
ivoly MohammodBn, in thedWlrlct of Histo
va, 100 bouses were burned nud 100 men and
300 survived. At Calovan, a Munuiliiian
village In the district of Tirnova, 1!J0 housos
wore burned, 700 men nud 1,"00 onion per
ished: one person, It is believed, f Heaped
AtCababodlls 100 houses were burned aud
300 men and 300 women perished; 2 persons
escaped. At Kestammba! ISO houto wore
burned, and .100 men and COO women killed.
At Chains, n mixed Village, XI ot tho Mils
ktilmnn houses woro destroyed and lao men
and "00 women perished; 1 survivoi. At
Tundjn.n mixed village. 100 houses v.oro
destroyed, 260 men and 403 women perished;
'J stirvlnrt. Villages abandoned on the ap
proach of tho HuHbians Mro given to the
flame, and nesrly 5,0C0 boues wore des
troyed. Tbe legation concludes from tbe
Information received that the Jtiisxlaus have
adopted a uniform system to try to aeleade
fooeoleis vlllagvs aud after destro lug Diem
with cannon shot, to uinssacre the unarmed
IhholittantB and cr.rry otf tho oiuen for the
purpoo of outraging their persons when
they are not killed ac first, fho Husslfins
threaten Christian vlllspcs with tue tamo
fate if they do not surrender and if the in
habitants refuse to bo reconciled.
Officers Installed,
On Friday eveninir, August 10!h, John
Karl, U. G. W. O. IVmipUr, liiBtalled the
following ofllcers of llosa Iodge, No. 39, 1.
O. G.T.i located in Polk county, about two
nilloa from tbe Salem Ferry, Franuls D. Pret
tvtnnn. W. C.T.; MIim Luola Hosford, W. V.
T.: Mrs. A. Winslow, W. It. H,; Lewis Km
roltt, V. F.S.; Daniel Finley. V. T.; MUs
Luln Vandervoort, W. M.; P. R- Wlslow,
W.O. and Mrs. Annlo Hauville, 77. 1.G.
A New Process,
H. M. Dougherty showed us yesterday a
sample of dried potatoes dried by a new pro
osm. Tbe dryer upon which It was prepared
la a sew and simple ono tbat can be used In
every bousjhold. Invented and patented by
Mews. Cole fc Kelly of Portland. Mr. D.
will eiblbit thla neat Oregon Invention at tbe
coming State Fair,
A prodigious amount of laziness, false
prido and greed nro concealed under this
phase. Many thousand hands nro to-day
Idle, waiting for something to do. And
In spite of commercial depression the
count. y hns work waiting, enough for a
million of hands. The farmers nro cry
ing for help, the trades nro deficient in
firet-clnss workmen ; our kitchens are
poorly bupplled with domestic service ;
and yet tho ninrket-placo of the unem
ployed is full. Why ?
If a merchant luivertlpeH for n hook
keeper, u bundled persons step forward
at mice. If nn nuilior seeks for an nmiin
uensls. he must chooso between ns many
eager applicants. Every government ol
llcer who controls the appointment of
clerks has more names on his list thnn
there nro detnllH In n mouth's work. The
demand is for something that will not
soil tho hands, that will not start prespl
ration, that will eecuru it livelihood with
out involving much exertion,
Qenulno hart! work is regarded ns only
semUreHpcctable. Men do not seek work ;
they look for a "situation," In which they
may avoid work. They do their best to
maintain the appearance of enjoying ele
gant leisure. Hut if an absolute sinecure
cannot bo found, they endeavor to give
their employments unnlr of dignity, of
repose, of freedom from homely fatigues.
In a word, they seel; it "light" business.
This fnlsu Htnndaid of respectability
Indicated by tho word "celiteel."' tie
graileb inaiilinotl. Young men are
nslitiuieil of that which bhutild be their
glory. It Is not ho who doeB the least for
the most money, who e;in wear the best
elothes whllo at his dally avocation
whoso business involves the least display
of .strenuous eli'ort ; It is not he that Is
the most to lo respected. The salary
without real labor is a disgrace. Partial
Idleness, howovor concealed tinder u tihow
of business, Is a misfortune, and if pur
posely Indulged iu, a shame not to be
countenanced. Clean hands that will
not engage in genuine labor, arc already
covered with a stain that water will not
wash out.
The rellneinent that draws back from
inanttel employment, and prefers mental
dawdling Is a nlinin, und should not have
social recognition. Better bu u grimy
blacksmith, doing thorough work, than a
titled olllcer enjoying n large Income as a
return for nominal services. Better be a
day laborer than a pensioned loafer. Hot
ter be earning a eotnfortablo live
lihood by tho sweat of one's face upon a
farm, or In thu kitchen, than depending
on the uncertainty of desk work In an
overcrowded city. Hotter be a simple
carpenter than a hair-splitting scribe or
Wo wish this evil spirit of 'genteel"
laziness might be exercised, driven outof
common conversation, expelled irom
popular thought, anil cast down from Its
shameful throne of power. Its sway Is
Is anti-christlan. and its cry is the old
one, "What havo wo to do with thee,
thou Jesus of Nazareth?" Thcro Is not
a genteel idler In thu land who does not
wish to bo hit alone. Thoy ought to bu
stirred up.
At Mib Fair Ground.
Tbo Messrs. Plainer fc Co.. from tbo East
ern States, arrived at the Fair Grounds on
Saturday lost, with tho following named
ntalllons, end have -commenced jirepsring
them for contests for the Noeletv's premiums,
nt the State Fair. Tho thoroughbred stslllon
Council Bliitr, iy Vandal, dam, Lena Har
din. The thoroughbred stallion Ozark, by
Pal Matouey, dam imported Sunny South,
(bred in England.) They havo also with
Ihum tliobay uiaro Lolly Moore, by iiu
(Mirted Australian, dam. ICilna, by lexlng
ton, with filly foal bv O.ul: The stallions
nro huge, of fluo form, and huvo dlslln
guUhtd theniM-lve ou ihn turf In tho KM,
tint iih the ownerseonleuiplate piirmauentro
Idniico In Oregon, thoy pief.ir to give their
horses a trial btre, that nil maj know of
their speed and powers of oudtirunoo. Other
bo.-os will arrive during this v.e.k,
Fiootv'd lilts.
Adrttuku man enterrd J. C Adkiu's
hoiiv. yt sterility abeiriinmi and leveled a
pls'nl hi Mr. A- who was ill hi bed at thn
time. Mrs. A. and tho children of tonne,
commenced sMViioilng. whleh .Mr. Adklus
who was In tun back yurd htutlug, canielo
their revciio Tn the meautlmo thr, nisn
Marled np s'icet and after quctloning bis
family Mr. A. went In pursuit. Ovehuullng
bis man Mr A. asked lor km explanation of
his conduct. Tbo man be'ng u foreigner Mr.
A. could not utidert:uid blm and eiurled lor
i ill cor Mluto in have lilm arretted, when iho
huuibre caught bold of him. Mr. A. seized
aiMiinfrom a by-iaiidor and kiiotiWrd lis,
iv--allHi UoiWi. Iloth lurtbs were urrtat-il
and brought beloie Hn.-oide.- Howie this
afternoon. Adkius was dbohsrgtd and tho
othor trail tlnfd for disorderly conduct.
The Glorious Home.
"A home In Heaven I what a glorious
thought!" As w think of it In connection
with the earthly homo, never permanent,
bow great the contrast! Around that borne
Is thrown the eternal light of reality; within,
firever, thn" decree" of Ihe liilliilte God
TV.rtV shall bs no sin"; Nothing that die
illeth eholl enter therein ": " Theio shall bo
no death." No clrulo of friends or of fain
Hies shall ho broken. Home! Homo f nil
homes! a home. Indeed! No ansKius thought
for to-day, no tear for lo morrow. Then
thtre ! such a saorc dues. I havo seen pic
tures In words, but never ono like ttiis. Tbo
Treasure of treasures to tho heart K thoio.
We speak of the realms of thn hlet,
Thai, country to bright and so Mr,
Hut what must It be to bo therel
OreRon Itlcda Twlno.
Mr. Kdwnrd Akin broucht down yffder
duy, twenty-four pounds of tv.uo for Ihe
l-'armorsj' wnrehomo and Kinney's mills, for
hewlni: Kuck", hoing tho limt twino nmnufHC
turttd by tho uewenterpiiMtofil, M, CroiitiS
at Albtny. Thn twluo brought Is Mroug,
rrmiof knots, and pronouueed by tlioiowho
use tho article, of superior quality. A ham
plo neslly lubuled insy be hbiii at Iteedtb
Cox 'a Heal K-Ih'.o und Insurauco Agetito, in
tlioOfera House building.
Aa Iaportaat Foist Settled.
Judge lioUe deolded the mandamus suit of
Burnett va Heeretary Chadwiek iu favor of
Mr. KarueU. TliU dtoinioii U quite import
ant Hlnco it make It the duty o( Dlutrlct At
torneys to appear on liohslf of the State,
when tho commonwealth In a party.
Nature turns over a now leaf in the spring
Waldo Hills, Aug. 19.
Havo bron rusticating in tho harvest Held
slnco noon on tbo ISIh lest. Caino out hero
for a rort nolghbors wanted help so I mus
tered In with a Heador and Thresher crow.
Havo made a full hand so far both iu tho
Held and at tbe table.
Grain yield hore In tho Hills Is good and
the quality of tbo wheat is most excellent.
As soou os the rush Is over hero I will bo
In tho lecture field ngain.
Thl week will wind up the harvesting In
tho Hills If tho rain holds off Y-mim In haste,
W. R. DujtriAii.
A Hntidiome lllg.
Gen. J. W. Nesmlth, of Polk county, ro
OdWed on Saturday by expros, on elegant
iiiddlo aud trappings from PresldontH.lt
Hayes, agiatlmt thn General can well bo
proud of, iiutl that n hundred year from now
will bo shown bv his posterity as a mat kef
the esteem and" frlondshlo that existed bo
tween tbe Prn-ddcut of tho United States and
our prosont distinguished fellow citizen aud
pioneer. President Hayes Rooms to bo re
versing tbo ordor of prosoutmaklng from
the lato administration, by giving memen
toes instead of receiving them.
An Elccant Diploma.
Hon. Geo. P. Uolman, Secrotary ofthe
hltlon at Philadelphia. Tho medal Istlml
lartothoono rorolved by Mr. T. ,, David
son for tho bet exhibit ol wool The illplo
uialsa beauiifnl Npeolmeuor the art of en
graving aud wnsexactitoil bv ilm Itink Nn'e
Company or New York. Mr. Ilolman should
hsvo It framed and exhibited wiili samples
of oil pilntlngs at the coming State Fair.
A Now Iniluitry.
Mr. O. Dlektusuu has a small ptrcoof
urouud on which hemp Is growing Hits year.
It Is tho lira', so far its ho Is Informed, that
has been tried in Oregon. The stalks aro
now nearly ten foot high, Hnd If Mr. Dickin
son's experiment of growing hemp in Ore
gon urovo a aucoess a new Industry may
spring Into existence In our Stato.
Finn Specimens.
Mr. Frank Cooper rolitrnud yitr
day from Southern Oregon bringing with
him the finest lot of mineral spuduiensover
brought lo this oily. Among tho sample
limmrlit am aold. silver Conner and tin ote.
Persons Interested In tho mliilngof preelotm
and valuable metals In Oregon, should ex
amine them.
Arm Dlalocutod.
On Saturday last the 18th lust. Owir lten
ulo, ngrd nlno yenr-,srm of Jans Kennle,
IC-(j , ol South Hilem liad his left arm din
located at the elbow by bnlug thrown from a
horse he wis ejiorclilng. A physician whs
sent Tor and the Joint replaced. T'io young
Mor was eomfori.tbie this morulug, and In a
wcok will bo as good ns new.
To tlio AJUIotcd H.iKlicN in
Wliy noed you MUir-r with ParalynlH whrn
you can bo cured? Why will yon miir-r
with IthoumHtlHrn whon you osn 1m cunslT
And why havo no niKiiy nchos and pallia
when it la willitn your roaoti to uo cured T
I am now eatablUhrd In Halem, prrarcd to trt
all ChrooleDlicaie,tncha HIieumatltm.NearalKla,
Coninrnptlnn, Kldnoj dUraac, and In fact all JUvi
ci tliat human flerh i heir to. Special attention paid
to Female WeikneM and nerrona pteitritlou which
ia ro common to Ladle. Cblldren'o dlf rate not ex
cepted, la connection frith my practice, I bars one
or tho celebrated Medicated Vapor MrIiUiIbc Cream
Uathr, which aid vaatly In remenrtog all chronic dl-
cater. It opena tho pore of tbe kln, and throw ou
tbo filmy, morbid tnatler, which I ono of tbe K"'"t
canres of t o much rurTnlrir. W'htn wo onco think
that two-third of all wo take Into orr nntem par-
off thruDKh Iho pore of thu f.kln, wo need litt nop
long to wonder why wu aro rick, when wo pay mi
littlii attention to tho mail Important cmunctniy ol
our liodlun. llnrlng iho a-t lilnu month 1 bavo hnd
thlr betb Iu operation, and many can tt-llfy to IU
clllcacy. I treat patlvut by tin week, or by elnutc
Ijidle will do well to giro mo a call, ltot.lcneo,
aoutbvait corner of Crntcr and Hummer Street,
rtalcm. .Tills. I), IV. IIC.IU, ITI. .
tixja'AUL'anrncixaJ--ya.ivwwjf wi-jhum itw raxi
Book and Job Printer,
V.1K1 OolclIlUlMt
ttfolmau's Slock, Old ilennto Cham
bcr. Salem.
Heconil-cUfn Mewluc .Tlncltluea, wheu you can
U a r!
or the anoniuclf UIIOUIIKIU, lor only
f J.r, and upward, t'tf OUIco Iu Artntroni Hhi.u
bhop, (Statu rtri'it, Ejttxloxxx auHiul
In tho County Court ol the -Utn of Oregon for tho
County of Marlon,
Iu Ilm nutter of thn KUte of Jurao ltlckey, deceaa-
i,.Iaoeii 51. Illikey, Admlubt-aUir,
To lleury ltlck.y, Tbnmaa II. ItlcLfy. Jitmc M.
Itukey, and ah unknown belr f nK decedent;
4nu an ptT'on inicreMca iu ram r.'iaw.
OIJ ant each of you, ar eerrhy cltKl und r.
nulred In niinexr bloro Ihe a!oi) lucird Court.
M th 'ourt llo'ite I i-alem In mid Marlon coumr,
ni i ii ciocK p, m. i.n iuu j my oi ptiiiciqiiir, A. n,
1T, tu tbcu and Iht-ro li'iw -Aa-n. If say ex t why
an order rhould not bo made by Mid C.mrt aulborU
iicrtlj Aitmlr.l-tratiir to.ttlttiu Jtiul K.utoof raid
rlects"nt for thu pnymir.l of tbo adinlulntratlon
r.lniuv and claim luuiutt etM Kunto. a pctltiomd
fur by raid ndmlnUtratcr. -3U!rml i.tatti Irderrilb
citan f.l'ovrr to wit: A pirl tif Uiu Douatlnn Land
Ctatm of Mid Jeie lltcker and wife. In 7. 7H.lt 2
W and In T h H K 1 V: beituulr.vt at tho H, W
Kimir of tlalm Ol, and l.'is S, t.. Cirnrr .f Clitin '
lnTHH.lt U V', an1rannlnj'hencN Odo tftinln.
V. i, Cd rh.lnii: thence ..'. Mdvc. .ItMln. K. ) TO
ctalnnj then' u :t 4 (I g. 15 ' ll'l V. 1 -H elisinr;
tU.iico N 40dt.' Mruln, U, Utl'icbUi.: Ibinen N
7lde la) mill. K 5 6) ill.!'. lb.ri U tf d tr JO
itilii. V 4 W chain.; I.iru i N. M ilat. .'.'I ir.ln. K. a M.
chaln: Mimic . ei'ttrly to'nt-rin-ct thuoutti llusul
ilil t'UlmSt.nt a point H f Jen- ! iilu K it CO
chain from an anido in ritd imuili lino f raid cfalui
ttlitbeueeM -t'JCiv t'tnin V r:.'.!! cii-liw to Ilia
e.ace of bcKliiiitujr. ronulnlny about "'. nrrr
JOHN I'. VUliautii, foumy Judnc.
Hflota, Aug 'il'. )hT7.-Kl.
Estray Isotice.
At Wra. Taylor'r. 7 wile m-' "C Kiri, Id tbe War.
do HllXJ, U n CUV ui'd CAlii TUv-C'iwIaa rpk
lid or a nan Ijuiham, ilvuir r)s yr old. 7heealf
lr tbo rarjio rotor u tru r.w. Nud 1 ft heifer The
row Ir not mtiktd or bianiKO, except a "dewlap."
ALrf), ono rut hTlCl.lt, two yuarr o i;ei hull crop
ai l a rlU In tbo rljji t e r eid a tilt Ih tls l-ft ear.
Taec-w CHnio ui my place aooat tte di) aso, and
I fuppwwl to tx) IruM kxlmu. The ter linn to
nv farm about a Yrar airo. '1 he owner or ovner will
pica tome and take tbe in awsy, and iy for tbl no
.. OM. 1AILUU,
Pioneer Oil Company oi iniscity, on aaiur
day. received tho medal and diploma award
ml bv Hie Centennial Commission for tho
IihsI pxhtbll ot'olls at tho International Kxhl
Salom, Portland, Albany, Junction City, and Walla Walla
Tho following PIUST-CLA89 Machines, whlcli wo nro now. receiving for tho
0canon of HOW.
, Both End and Sido Shako Tight-Gonred.
Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines,
8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 Gorso Power.
Manufactured by
With Now and Valuablo
HIalnes' Illinois Hlead.er,
Wrought-Iroti nrnl Scrow-llttb Wlteols, atljiiatttblo Ileel ami Truss Frame.
oroxx wjst o3r
Wrought Iron Coiulbined Reapers and
Combined Keapers aiid Mowers.
WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapers and Mowers.
WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes.
Johnston Mowrs, one size.
Conqueror. '
rurat dt Bradley u'lty 24nkru, oWttSlUIXCrAIi Sn'hy Zlako, Scirisunip,
'.rh Most tu Use. '
Tlilmlilo Mtvln niul Iron-nxlo I'ranu', ih1 rrolitlit V3'stroiiN, all slzvn
Newton -i-sprln Hacks, made express. for tlio Orcon Market. .
Newton Tbtcc-i-prtn, I'htform Sprit:;?, nad Scroll-Spiloi XXn.c2nrai and IiU(2C!S
Grardoix Oity Ulo-vtraai, ' , ,
Iliirrownanil lltillU'ntarnt Ciirtlvn '!
C3IIAIN Ultll.l.xi Vim llruiit A: Hiiii'm
(JUkTiVATiiiii i,rir.ii rui
TOItt !,l'IT.Ii
I I I.TIV.l'lOIS, till
Leather Hint lttibbcr llltl.'l'IM, Iiicliliui Itxtrau, llarttivurt', Iron, and Nteel.
iff Hpcclal Clrculara, lltiutiatnl, ii prlciv rent to any addrcr. froo of clurpc. Wo aro MANIIKAC
TUitfiltS' AUENTU, and iu. lll at ukiiiock miicc.
ma7 KnmtHt.. POllTl.ANDj fommnrrlnl Ht., rAt.RM: and ChiodloV. Illock, AlIIaNV, Olt.
Bo It known lo nil moti that nro nsplritiK
br tho Unltod Slateii Hoiiatc, that no vattant
sIhivj xliti. and thoroforo I, H. Krictltuin,
01IA.Nl', do hv and warn oil iwrponB from
puioliasltiK until all my mocit of oothlu,
DryUoodantid Bonta and Mhooa uro nil os
daunted; 'and I turtlmnuoH), opnnly and
iboyo hoard, aay that I havo osainlnod otro
fully Into thn "InvrvatlgAiloD," and therefore
LbarotAln liii)MMt'in-4lit United MtntesHMi-
I xorHin I., ii". i.rnviT unci iinrnunu inai
atti; but boforo tloparllti it Ih nxpoctod In
will buy liU nrilf jnn of S". Frlodiimn. Tnki'
warning by till and avoid litigation by trud
liiK wiili H. FrlHiiiiun, und you won't l"
Ml Ind upon tooxplHln how you Kotyour
Docu know HtllonT Yosj havo known
'aim nloriK tlnio, und I uovr haw him Iihth
Jit ovnrcortt. Now, .Mr, HII!h, you can Imv
iR00dIJi:AVKltOVUI'OA,V or Krlnl
mail lor 918, worth O'ii, und you uni jrot leml
flUMCI LS for 6 coiiih. No .v. as 1 utii In nend
f nidiir.y, I -.vr.nt all thoM wlioir:(lll'.cil 10
tlio lion. Mr;. Silcdi' liad oliaraotor to piy tu
3. l'rlodinan wliut thiiy urn liulnhict to hitn,
arHomtboiiy will nay YOU A KB A lfi.D
Now, ono inoroniinoti: I want yon to ttll
Unow that I din no p:llttctrtn, and li.n'i.
want an otHwi, mid wind;!), nut Ilttli ohW
,o mo which oiii Ki" " thn trMo llr.", '-'
. lionuti-r yotr imiiiiiihiiCij vith inn I wnn
you todoiitliio jniir-!t io t'i" THT? Til iiniv.
ir you miy nx;Hi(t I i.m n fttts!un w co
no'v fining Tnrkny.
Tho 1'J.st omiuoii: T:!;o tl.l-r.dvlo: L;.v
wiint icxas yon can lli.d uu Jj. i"rlo'itiiii
bicvns'i lin h)uihIh iilu raiinov hanit hn'tti-i
ho Mill h u!uii; uud lj(icaui iiiijivoi ot:(.
Yon i:au buy it t;oinl plr of bttvr.r ninti
!br $15, a baavur to.il fur fltlj h kooJ cu-tltiii'rH
iijlt rur lt It ! vour Inti-rwl io tr"!i
wimiti you Kut llm hi'HC. tiartruliiH. "J")nrf rif
;ruiio with K. Frlodniaii, You will (hid him
ubxt door auovo tho Cofil Oflici, at Xnloui.
Why iu It I'rlDdmnn caiiViill clio.tj)-r tlmii
otlKiiMT' KlrM, tin ItinutHldti thn Inixirpomllon
mill Imu no city lux lo pay. Host, lib rout Ih
low, Tlioi) im Iniyu on criuli'. novorpHju far
IiIhwo'iiIh, and hxh fur UAHIi,
dKiin(iiiiberlhtipluto nuct. door to tho
Post Olllc... H. riUKDUAN.
Uouu atB&'.ers, July X, A. I)., 1377.
OITL333C3-01W Z3XlJ2k.T0-OH
Some m1uI
f i a k
Capital, $300,000.00
Ao3tg, - - $560,647.45
Income, 1070, - ;j54G5,90-i 29
lioasoH paid out alnco orpnnia-
tioa, - - ftZ,I37,3G7.B0
anfltf 72 I'lrn ni . I'tntThMW.
J'rom my paa'uiv. r lll0'A'HVII,l,i:, atrot
thn wlddlu ni .Mm. tdT?. a li.Vi lIlllt.HK, i-lmul -tic-leeu
naiid hli;l; 1 Ihtok ro Mt ji.i nn blii. 'in
liira l aeven yiar old, und i.a iik-1 rlx imltn
imrtlitjf ).mjritto Aoj p-r'-on irleliiif Itilnrmi'l-n
wliorn thu h'.r-c cri h luiiwl ft i iviiiIiik Mi'i ui
near lliiowM-miLi-r, v-M bnliiiCini yr iriiril.
AU-.'.U. I'IIwS K W. f.tiVK.
1I1VK itlHlnti AtiH LOT THAT I
uli tu Iwde fr lanu l4lb rniM. Tlnu .. d.
y.t ut it. t. J. Hu-iur uitoy. :.
J. I. Case & Co.,
Improvements for 1877.
MllliV iiutl rirtllir I'lotvn;
I'lirmrra t'rleiii
irrilNirolt itroml ciim( NKKDIilt and i
'l)l'riV.T4HS5 4IIN.IIAi11N
rv.r4iS5 4'iiN.ii.iiiN A
!IPt ill tin lVitrlil.
The P. P. T. Company's
l?ortln.nl I'or rltalom
Erery PH1DAV. nturaing on HATUIli)AV, '
DAK; rttamlncou TUKDll.ViU and Tlll)lt8l)AVH.
Patronizo Your Own Boat !
Protection iigultiNt BIIkIi IttituN
KZixn-i mojaiiM.
In tho C'onntjr Court of Iho Kl.i'o or Orvou for tho
County of Miirl'jn.
T. II Coz. plalnllir, 1
(Itt-UiMlfl 1 1 Ml m I iV inl ant I
To flAIIU'tlOI) OilKKN'IC. dcfrndunl-
In tiii: Name or tiiu tiraTiior Oitrnow; Yim urn
hereby uminiincd anil ropilnd tontipcnrainl an-Mir
tiocoiniliit flli-l valn.tjri'u In tint aNnv inilllid
nctlon in tho niMiic-namrd eourt by llm ill.t iliynf
llm Kotitumhtrli nil, Itm. thnienr. to tvll, thu 3.1 day
i Hriiluruber, IUT7, rtl t iliy L11I113II111 llr-t day of tho
tirn or k.iIiI cmiit lollnwliiv tho. exiiliathin nf tliu
It inn procilticl In tint order lor luililiriitlon hereof.
Aid If ynu f4ll n In Npi'r and nimuer, fur want
Ihrrrof iUii-T will likn JuJi-ment rftfaliiKt Jim at
pru) I'd Infill lili unuiulitlui, to wit, for Iho 1111:1 of
onw hundred aud (Illy dollar, together with Inteieat
tlurcon allien lliDltli ilayuf January, 167(1. at twulro
(it cm. tier annum, ami for tout mid dlnbuoetneut
.f iMi nr.liin. 'ItiM uminoiiK iiutillflied hy ordor
of Jiihlil'. lVtblra. Juitu of riatil court, ilitlnl thu
Sltoayof Junn, 1817.
I. II ir.MUV, Atttiiieyrorl'Uliillir.
falem.JulyO.lMrr, SlHlt-T
Adminintrutrix's Notice.
NOTICK Ulierehyi-lren that Mary Hoyt lm tli'a
day tarn appointed by thu 1'r ihatu Couit or .Va
run cwu'itv. Mute of Drevnn, a MliiilnUtiiitrlx or the
d-Ute or Jo.cnli llnyt, lato of raid county, deeeanvd.
All IwIikiuh IijvIiil' cUliim ai(ltit raid e'.'tatu will
preent them ti iuu at mv rnnlili'nce In baleui, Or
neon, within I'll uiontha from date, or they will he
fomvir haried. aiaIIV IIOVT,
Adui's of (U!n of Jo.Diih lloyt. duciaft4.
HaJoTD, Auir. 0, 1H77. '. I
wr C2
L. Will. II IKS 11,
Tto 11IUIIKST market price paid for any amount
of Wool. v.Jnno 1-Uai
Boss Churn
OV Till. CltN't'UKV.
A. Olilld mum Uno It:
Prirea-16 UhIIomii, rlfii 20 (laJloata. titUt
as tialloaa. a5.
Vat leitlmoclal lrou cltlaena of Marion and other
CoautlM, aud lurthijr particular, apply to or addreM
jya.m.1 II, A. UAWatlN.s .AumaiUle.Or.
i 1
tZC&SmsmtJmtt 1 iMmmMMtMM"Zmt'Wi