-! rf ty MMfeMfeuaM , -. ( - J J0. WIIJLAIV1ETTE FARMER. 3 . - ,.,, wtw' """JPKS""' if . 1,000,000 BOTTLEB or tics CENTAUR LINIMENTS. Te bcon foH tbo last year, and not one complaint has reached ns that they havo not dono all that Is slalmedfor them. Indeed, scientific skill cannot ro befond tho result reaehod In thco wondcrfnl prepa rations. Added tn Carbolic, Arnica, Mentha, Hcuc-a-0ll and Wlieh Ilazel.aro oihcr Ingredients, which nakos a family liniment thst defies rhapy. Rheu matic and bed ridden cripples hasc by It been enabled to throw awiy their crntchos, and many who for jcar havo been afflicted with Neuralala, Sciatica, Oaked Breasts, Weak Backs, Ac, havo found perma aent relief. Mr. Joslah Weatlakc, of MarysTllle, O., writer: "For years my l(hoamatlm has been so bid that 1 ha?) been nnahloto stir from the houso 1 hsvo tried erery remedy I ennld hear of Unally. I learned of theCcntaitr Llnlraont. ThonMttlirtcbjttlcsenahM na to walk without my crutclit-s. I am mending rapidly. I think yonr Ltnlroont s'mply a mart el." This Liniment cures Burn- and Hcalds without a car, extracts the nolsnn from bite aid flings. Cores ChtllliUlns snd Prusted-fccl, and Is very tfllca clons for Ear-ache, Toothache, Itch and Cutaneous Bruptlons Tho fleutaur Iilnlincnt, Yellow Wrnp per, U Intended fur thu tongh tllircs, cords nud mdcf of horses, innlut, and animals. HEADI IthADI Kot. Geo. W. Ferris, Manoiktll, Schoharie Co., N. T says: "My hoMB was lamo for a year wlrt a fetlock wronch. All remedial tit.rly "ailed to enre and I eonldvred him worthless until I commenced to uio Centaur Liniment, wnlch rapidly cured him. I heart lly rcconmciid It. It make very little difference whether tho caebo "wrench," sprain, spavin or lamcncf s of any kind, Mm effect aro tho samo. Tho great power of tho Llalmont Is, howflTor, shown In Foil-evil, Big-head, weeny, Bpavln, Blng-bone, Galls and Beratchcs. This Liniment Is worth millions of dollars yearly to to Btocxgrowers, tWorymcn, Farmers, ana those serlog valnablo animals to care fi r. We warrant lis fleet and refer to any Farrier who has ever nsed It. Laboratory of J. B. Roan A Co., 44 Dxt St.. Nbw Yosx. Children. A complete tnbstllnte fbr Castor Oil, without IU ogpreaatat taste or recoil In the throat. The rosnlt f years' praellco by Dr. Bam'l Pitcher, of Uasaa strssetu. ritcher's Oaatotla Is particularly recomsaossdil tor children. It destroys worms, assimilates the feed, and allows natural sleep. Very efficacious In Croop and for children Teething. For Colds, Fever kthocee. Dlaordera of the Dowels, and Btomteh Com plaints, nothlnn Is so effective. It Is aa pleasant to take aa honey, costs but 3 eenU, and can be had of say Dranlsi. Tats la one of many testimonials: "OoBXWMX, Lssakok Co .Pa.. March 17, 1914. "Dear Sir:-1 havo used your Castorla In my ptje toewaomotliae. I take great PleV'iuK.rTri' ZSUbta Uto tu prtftukm aa a safe, "liable. nd JrretatlU medicine, It Is arileularly adapt to Jfilldren wnere the rVpuirnaot taste of Caatorull ron-r.Heodl-lltoadm1nUUr.gNDBB(li M D Mothers who try Cast ula will And that they can wop nights and that 'heir babios will be healthy. J, B. Bosa A Co., Mew York. X.UOZUS BKaZs, Bsecoesorto J. M. Kiius Ocs, S Meetly at., - - KW 0M Commlmlon Axjent TOR BUYINO AND FORWABDINQ FRO FlTew Vork via Isthmus, Paclflc HaU.ro; d, and Oape Uorn. all kinds of Merchandlae. and for the rl r rradocu from tho Paclflc coast, for the coIIocUob of money. e- 0C,8U ATTENTION Jheep Growers it A BDUK C'UltK FOR Scab. Screw Worm. Foot Kot, AND ALL Parasitoa that infest 8heop. TT IS 8APER. BBTTKIt AND VASTLY CURAT. TOAJI ANY OTIIEltEFFECTOAL UBMBDY FOB TnBTRK.VTilKNVOF3nKEP. IT Bmprovcs the Health OF TnS ANIMAL. AND THE QUALITY OP THE WOOL. CSV" One gallon to enough for one hindrcd to twe Vinired sheep, according to their age, etrengtu, ajid eadltlon. It Is put up In FIVE-GALLON CANS-Price, (19 jercan. Scad fir circular, to T. A. DAVIS &. Co., PORTLAND, OREGON, (Vholeoalo Acaiitu tor the Mate, Or to vour nearest Retail DruivM. mv4 Mrs. Rohrer's New Romedy FOR THB LXTKCrC IS XSBTINO WITH WO.VVEttKUL 8UCCXS3) THIS POTIELY BO?TABLB REMEDY HAB no equal In the relief and enre of Oousrh. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooplnc Coash. Mea es, Ac. It has produced some remarkable enres. SoIdbTdruffelstseenrsllT Prepared only by J0IIN V. .nUKPIIV, Houmootb. Or., 1 whom all letters of business (boakt be addressed. JT. A. STRATTOIf, Attorney at Law, BALEM. OREGON. QARBOLICSHttpXJ 'OflHMlUtiMiNt,;pMlM theleaMltBi BY TELEGRAPH. FOREIGN. Now York, Aatt. 15. Tho Herald's Loa don rorrospnndont Bt KaMiaallk tolonrBphs under data or yoslnruay n. follow : utumy nlktht, Htilifintn Pasha enoitmperi with n foroe of Infantry and cavalry near thn pns of linrHn Bokiz, with the intention oruttnokinK tho Rufsltim thn noxt (Uv. O.i tho follow. Ing morning one brigade ol infantry, two squadrons or cavalry, ono oaunryoraruiinry nud a dotaohment coiuim-eil of lUsli! D xouka and CannupBlans Hdvancwd to nttaok tbo village of Kalafer. Tho lH of tho at tarklnR force inarohttd tlirouuih Kilnva, Tho brlu ado of Infantry movwl thrcu rolumnn to ward tho RumiIhii noaitlon, which wm pro tected by earthworkti. The Turks debouoli oil upon tbo front of thn vilNo to tbo rtjti t, advancing throogh DJIek In tho fxoo of u terrlblo artillery fire from tbo Rua!Ati posi tion, the Russian Infantry bulng well en trenched. The Turks took ndvanlneo of eyery cover tho ground nlTorded Hnd nd vancod In skirmishing order. Thoy gnlnod g round steadily, tho loftund con tor pushing forward In tho faoo of tho Russian artillery flro, an Sulioaaan himself operating on tho extremn right. Httddonlv at a given signal tho Turks rushed into Ktlafor, and afior a despnraio hand 10 hnnd fight and struggle with bayonota, succeeding in driving outthn Ru"-irtnB, and pushing them In thodlreotinn of Roialia pass. Unro another Hinnd ai tnndti, but after a shnrp fight tho RujhUiim wore driven through thupw, whtou wan Immodlatoly ncuunlod hv Suliinati rawha, Dim engagement lusted two hours ontlroly Hlniultaneoitsly with tl)BCa)lnro of the pnM ol Uoh1Ih by Sulletnsn, Huron II r.z ns wn carrlmi by Stmksr I'asltA. Dtrlugtho retreat st Kolnfer tho heavy urn or the Turks exnlodfl I tho nawder mgi7.lue. killing many RuhmIiiuh. Tho total lltt'slan Iohm Is mild to bo M)0 killed and 1,000 wouttdul, tho gro itr number being dun to tho oxtuoatnn, wtilcti, toa grnatoxtent. dmorallz9d thn Ui'Uui. Lindon, Ang. 15. A correspondent nt Kiirauuna writes: Appautng accoun'Hron tmuo Income in, of tho inliory of fugitives from tho diHtricts devastated by tho lUshl Uisnukii and Ritlgaritna. Thousxnds of women and children aro homolesaud per lulling lrwBOt of shelter, medlosl attend anco and food. Immedlato help U sorely neoded. Tho Pasba proposes to dlxtrlbute the fugitives sbont Constsnilnopln, Adrian nple and Phllllpopnlls. Tho corresponded' suggests too rormation or a oil' or reiugo on an Island near Constantinople under tho pro tection of nontral flag and neutral from belligerents. Crops aro rotting In tho ground and no provision Is mad 1 for tho winter, ine correspondent speaks lavor ablvof the Turkish regulars, bat wwurelv blames tho Kovernmont lor etuploylngor not controlling the irregulars, who commit tbo worst exceesos. A Constantlnopln special says the alllanoo reported between Ron mania and Servla was expeoieJ. Tbo Ru-slans and Roumanians will almost Immediately enter" Horvla and be j dned by tlio Hervians, whoaroiotiHtruolIng strong works upon Tlmok and Alexanlil. Rvmptoms of uneslnes aro apparont in Russian Poland. Many Inhabitants bayo arms. Constantinople. Aug. 15 The Turkish army In tho province of Bagdad, numbering 35 000 men, Lave boon summoned to Con stautlnnnle. They will onmo by tbo valiey of the Euphrates. It will be replaced in tbe ttagaaa district dv militia. London. Auk 15. Prom reports concern ing the msssacros. It aoems as if such affairs continue many days longer not m single Christian will beiert alive 00 Uie slopes 01 tno soutnern uaiicans. Bucharest, Aug. .15 Oen Knidener, who oommannsq at nevaa, nas ooen auooeeaeo by Otn. Latsfl. A rumor from a Russian source asserts that Bulgaria, while remaining a vaoal of tbe porUt, will be placed under a Mussulman. Prmeo Hassan, son of tho Khedive of K,iy pt, la spoken or as the loturo sovereign or mil garla, tie was educated in Germany, and tho suggestion of bis name as thn prlooenf Bulgaria m regarded favorably at Borlln and win no suppnriea ny Kngiana Hullenian Pasha's vanguard has passed for ward as far aa Nnrrilm-klJ, on tbe road to Elena. Itseemsaalf tbe Russians wish to abandon the pass. It Is rumored that Gen. IgnatleiT has fallen into disgrace, and that thn vantage of tbe Halkans was mainly resolved on in onnse. quenoe of bis assurance that with tbe Turks anything might be ventured upon. The RuHslan government says, moreover, It has been deceived on certain other points con cerning tbe state of things In Turkey. New York, Aug. 15 A spnalal from Lon don says a correspondent with the Turks at Ersoroum, telegraphs tinder the dam of luesuuy mac uen. MenK'n nss receivod largo reinforcements, and that the Russian center baa commenced a general toward movement. Mellk-ir attacked the Turkish ou posts which are malnlv composed of ov airy, on tho 13tb Inst., and a sharp engage ment followed. Tno Rusulan a tack was kept up with groU determination for con slderablotlme, but the Ottoman cavalry bo havod with remarkable bravery, and after a s'ubborn Mugle the RiiMHUns wero 00111 pel I ml to withdraw, isinult Pasha Is still on thn frontier. A rorrespnndnnt at Vienna rennrts (he news from Asia unOtvorablo to the Russians The Kurds at Ardahan defeated tho RunsUiis twice; In Ihe second eiigagement tho Russl and Ion COO killed and wounded. Theso trivial succeees havo so worked upon the Turks as to lull them Into tho delusion that tho Russian campaign in Armenia Is ovor for tho vs inter. Chlcugo, Aug. 10. Tho Times' Londou Hieolalb.iyH: tho opinion seems to bo guln Ing ground thit AuHtrla proposes to throw her Intiunnco, and if need be, sctlvosiipporl with Itus'iia In exu'iaugn for tbe extension of the Hungarian froiitltr. As t hi might In volvo FrancU Joseph In troublo with (Jer many it Is arranged that Triesto shall bo i Itildcd to that power for support. Alexandra, Aug. 1C Tho Greek volun teer movement is increasing. A further de Mchmentof 120stnrted yetordav forGrteoo, rnoKUiiioriiKH imtoitetatneu uo voiunteern Intending to (ravo on tbe ground of their bo ing stibjbcts of tho I'orlo. London, Aug, 10, There have been num erous arrests In OalioU In oonsr quence of tno fcrot enlistment of volunteers to sorve against RntsU In Poland and Turkey, In tbo 15lkiii' fragments of Gen. Gotirko's rorps aro outrunohlug Ht the Hlilpka pass, Tbe 8th oorps appointed to support tlim U echeloned between Helvl, Rrsnova and Tir nova. A division of the llih corps occuiilns Koyaralvlix. Against thoso troops, which form thn bulk of the Russian forces in west ern Bulgaria, the Turkish army corps Is steadily advancing from ShuuiU via Osmsn Bixsr. Suleiman Pasha, with a portion of ins army, is anvancing lb mo direction 01 K'.ena, and, lastly, some of Osman's mon are marching from Lovata on Gabrova, The Russian reinforcements aro more than counterbalanced by tbe troops which the Turks are receiving from Asia. Tbe sanita ry condition ol tbe Russians Is so much worse than that of tbe Turks that tbe gaps occasioned by sickness In tbe army of the former almost establish aa equillbrlusa of forces. Gets. Gnrka ku gos (a St. Fatenbturg to take command of the guards going to tho ironi. Tbo siege of Rostohuk la virtually rals- OU. v London. Aug 10 Tbo British rlfln team have sailed for New York. The names aro Henry Uallord. Col.Follon, Msjor Waller uapi. iKimoy, lu, ronton ami Messrs. Ar inltsge, Evans, Ferguson, FrHr, Glider, Kreiinhlll, Humphreys, Mlluor, Piggott, Rigby and Thompson. Berlin, Aug. 17. A speoiat says It is re ported Germany Is remonstrating against Franco creeling fortiflcMt'ons 011 tho Hwlss frontier, which iscsusingau tinsAsy feeling. London, Aug. 17 A dUp.itoh Irom tin viceroy cf Inillu fciuios thoro is gonernl Im provornent in tho crop prospects In Madras, Mysore, Bim bay nud 1110 northwest, multi laud during the past woek. IUIn Is still much unedod in Punjatib, Hijpootnaaud the western part of tho northwest provinces. Prions of grain continue exc(cdlng high throughout the fatnlnu district, but In Mml nis it Is slightly easier than tho week pre ceding, and still lower In nvory part of the presidency than iu tho worso parts of Bom bay and Mysore London, Aug. 1? Tbo 1'rlncu or Monlon egro lias bron obliged to raise tho stego of Nlcsio and to march sgalnst tho Turkish iniops who nro endeavoring to enter Monten egro. Tho Russlnuo officially acknowledgo tho loss of 11,150 killed uutl wounded to Aug. 0 h. Thn Turkish massnerea awaken horror iinil Indignation nt Athens dlltlcult to de scribe. The Russians evacuated Elena and Rnbro vaatul nearly all tho country up to llrnn- VII. NiiHmrm Pusha'andvaiico guard Is nloin InGuliMVit. Ho has ret'elvid licavy roln forceiiiHiits from Coiifctantltiopln. The lV.tr lias Joined Grand Duko Nicholas ut Gurnv. Now York, Aug 17. llspatoh from llu chttrest reports the favor oplduiiilc In the Rusxlan army In Bulgaria Inoieaslng. Tho troops nro also In want of lond, and they refuse pay unless thoy" can receive It in tho coin or their own country. Thoythrotten to surrender tn thu Turks unless tliey are paid lit coin ns demanded. Tho presont state ol h flair of thn nrmy is very alarming. Hi. Puturrbunr, Aug. 17 ThoGrMndOuko Nicholas' headquarters aro now at Gornstou dono. It is officially stated General GourklioiTs entire loss from July 14th to August li". was 10 ofnoers and 181 men killed; 35 ollloers and 700 mnn wounded, and 57 missing. The Itulgarlan legion also loat22 oUloers and 000 men, ' E sernum, Aug. 17. Tho Russian center la huavlly relnforood, and has enmmnnoed serious ofTHnsive movement. Important ovnntH aro expected. Brtlgrado, Aug. 17. Tbe ministers have tendorod thnlr resignations. Prlnoe Milan has accepted only those of Btioichs, presi dent or (be council, and Mllolkovltoh. Rlstlos hay been appointed president of the counoll. Bonnlngton, Vt., Aug. 15 The constant arrival of troops upon tbo centennial Colds and of peoplo In the town mads the day quito animated. To-night veterans and others held a monster camp are meeting with speeches and music. Don. E. J. Pnelps will dnllyertbe welcome address to-morrow to Vermonters, and the day folios? Ing to the d 1st Ingulsbeu guests. The presidential party to arrive to morrow, will consist of Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, tbe attorney general and aecre- laryofwar. They will be soorted tothelr quarters by tbe troops. It la regarded sa a (teasing oolnoldeat t bat on the dav President Hayes and his men atertBtd the crest of. room unpawn, a prHiaae or veraapaiars, unner uen. uaiay Hmun,WBois nere, ear ned Crampton's Gao, a prelude to Antletan The ohlef and several subordinate eommau dersof the Grand Army of the Rsaublio are presi nt. The sudden death of Prof. A. B. Croabv, of Uarmnutb, makes a break In tbe speakers for the banquet Thursday. Crowds of people aro here, and everything blda lair for Imposing oeretoonles. Helena, Montana, Aug. 10,- Tho following is just received, rroru Virginia, Mont., Aug. 15 n: To Gov. Potts: New from Bannack. Just received says tbatasooutlng party baa jusi returned, unnging wnn mem me doo- lesoi moniaguo. James timim, rnna, ana Farnswnrtb.aud tberaaro more expected to 001110. Thu Iii'Mana wore 35 miles south of Bannaok yesterday morning, and had taken all ihn homes on upper Hono Prairie, and wero moving slowly. Deer Lodo, Montana, Aug. 15 Gon. Gib bon arrived at 10 a. m , aooompanied by Lt. Jacobs. He was met at the botol by all the cIiImus who did not go to tbo front and also a number of ladles, who desired to give tho hero of Big Horn Pass a hearty reception. Ttif General Is feeling excellent, but a little stltf from his wound. Virginia. Mont.. Aug. 10 To Got. Potts: Gen. Howard's command at Bannaok the night of tbe 14ib. and would leave for Horae Prairie next morning. All the Chinamen nu llorso Pialilo aro missing Buppnusd to bo kilted. Tho narguard or tbe Indiana was still 011 Horse Prairie. PJssRant Valley, Idaho, via Rait Lske, Aug, 10 A largo party of Indiana crossed thn stage road going east toward Henry's Like th Is afiernuou, about 20 miles south of this plaoe. Thoy aro siipowd to be the bos tiles. '1 bey did no harm to sny nnn. Tito stage cannot pass to-night, but It is thought it will go through tomorrow. Thoy bad to dosert tbo Holo-lu-tbo-ftocks ctugo station, uut got tno horses away, wo navo sent a messenger to Gon. Howard, who Isonoamu nd at Red ltock station, forty miles north of nere. Fort Hall Agenoy. Idslio. Aug. 10. At thn council hero to-day by tbe commanding offi cer of Fort Hall and Agent Uanllson with ho head men of I ho lUnuacks, many young HsnnackH signified their willlrgiits to en list as scouts to tight tho Nee Penu-H. who aro their natural enemif s. This Is ooimtder ed f ivorahlo for tho lUnqaoks, snd dlspols all fears of tholr becoming bimtllo, A dispatch to night from Pleawaut Vuttoy snyH tho hOMtllej crostd thn Montana stago ntatl at Big Dry Crrek, ubout 100 miles north from bore, ubout 3 p, m.. in apparently large force. It Is not known that any damage was dono. Tbo stags company roraoved their ntock on tbo approach of tbo Indians. Bennington, Vt., Aug. 10. The procession moved ut thn sppolntcil hour, and was over lour miles long. The prlnolpal torture 01 tho psrado wis the President and accompanying members ol thu Cabinet. His ricoptlon In Vermont and the rldo In tho proeexslnn havo partaken ff a triumphal maroh, Enthusi asm ran wild, and deafening cheers from tho assembled thousands greeted him lu one continued roll along the entire route. The President mads a few remarks, In which ho congratulated Vermont upon tho felicitous beginning and progress of this centennial ocoaslou, This was seconded by Hecretary Everts. Secretary MoCrary then introduced Mrs. Hayes (Molly Htark), Great enthusi asm was eliolted by this expression, After the review, the exercises of tbe day com menced with prayer, after which tbe address of welcome to President Hayes, Rartlett'a oration followed, and William Collen Bry ant's poem waa read. President Hayes waa then loudly called fbr, and be mad a aaert speech, eonoludlag asfollowsi "But store touching thaa all taa toag Braaaam war the veterans of the Uulon army, survivors of tho twolvo hundred battles tbat saved the nation, and madn liberty throughout tho world forovor possible." Hoorotarlos Evarts and Key and Attorney General Dttvetm enoh said a fw words, at the conclusion nt which th? banquet was served. Thn presldont of tho cnntnnlsl commis sion then gave, as tbe first eontltnont appro nrlateto tbo nco.islon: " Ueslth and long 1 1 To to Rutherford It. Hayes. Proeldoutof the United States." Tho Presldont tnado an ap prnprlato response. The health of Queen Victoria was rospon ed lo by Hocrotsry Evarts. Alauy other ndtlnss-es wero tnado. Brattleboro, Aug. 17. President Hayes rsvo n rccoptlon at tho Brooks Houo to night, nnd wns enthusiastically received by a largo concoureo of (sxiplo. Tbo President wnigo totno wniio Mountains nnxtweoK, leaving on Thursday for Washington. Outnborliind, Md,, Aug 17. The work Ingtuen'd parly organism! today. A plat form was adopted onpoMntr tbo niillonsl bankeystom and advocating tho Issue of nil money uy tno general government; oppos Ing legislation for unrntial taxation: favor lug legislation making papor mouov tqunl In valuo with Bpeolo, nud favoring n tarliTto protect. The Indian War. New York. Aug. 15 The Times' Washing ton special hitH : Tnistuorthy Montana dispatches ol this day sny tbo hostllta tiro on thu L'inhl rnserva lor., not mors than 200 fiom here, and mnrnhlng In this direction. Howard Is pressing on at least three i!ah In tho rear. Uwlngtothu very lingo number of ludlium here, nntl their sory restless 0 n illlloii, I fool gii'iii. nnx'iily over our safetv Wo hiivo mi prottrtlon. ns thoro aro 1,712 Indians (yiioslionct-) nud their ulllcs on the resuryatlon, imd no troops within reach, Tho anxiety Is very valid, anil thnappoaranoonf Hie inuiaiiH 111 lorco nt Jjtimni, wtiiuli is in Idaho, Just across tho lino from Montana, 011 lliowoMurn slope ol tho mountains separat ing these territories, would show that In slip ping away from Gibbon's Big Hole canyon light thoy have stolen back auross tho moun tain, nud aio now from threo to four days nearer their starting point (ibnLtpwal reser vation) than when ihey started, Howard, who set out to whip Chief Joseph, has boon led a ioug, crooked maroh of several hun dred miles, and Is now tbreo days In tho rear or the Indians, wno aro witnineasy striking distance or two reservations. Washington. Aug. 10 A dispatch from H10U. 8. minister to Groeoe asserta that the United States can now and benoefortb con trol to a large extent tbe grain markets of Kurope. ut says Russia bos boon our only competitor In this trade, and under tho moat ravoranto oircumstanoe ror rtussia ine unit ed Htates baa bad a great advantage of that cereal producing country. Anticipating the future course of this trade British capitalists aro now building six or the largest also iron vessels for transportation. Albany. N. Y., Aug, 10. President Hayes in responso to an Invitation of oltlaens, says he will tako an early opportunity to Visit Albany. Ban Vranolseo, Aug.10. This sfteruooa, at tho corner or Bryant and Sixteenth atroeta, a German named Julius Ferdinand Beyer, Br ed a shet from a pistol at a obest of glaat powder, whloh waa being used by Hancock A Kelso, contractors for gradlogstrseU. The e beat contained about ten pounds of powder, whloh Instantly exyloded with powerful ef fect. Tbe house or K. M, titration, aome M yards distant, waa shattered and damaged to the amount of 1780 or MOO and Mrs. Btrat- ton severely Injured by Hying plastering aocrgtaasv TBtfgtaaasainae-iliBUOwaof a number of hoasea In tho vicinity waa smashed, and ths Magadaloaa asylum, and elty and county hospital, six oreeven blocks from tbe scene of tbe explosion, had a num ber of windows broken, After firing thu shot Beyer fled, but waa captured In a house wnere no iook reruge on ma corner or uar rlaoa anil .b streets, and taken to the city prison. He persistently denlea all knowl edgoof tbe afUlr. and bis motive Is unknown but from bis talk and actions he appears to Deairuieeracked 10 ine upper story. Deor Lodge, Mont., Aug. 17. Gea. Terry. Commanding Department of Ht. Paul: I have Just arrived. The wounded aro getting along well. They will reioh hero in three days. Howard left tbe baUlfleId In pursuit the day before yostsrday. Only 50 of his In fantry were up, and I sent with blmSoffl oeea and 60 men. I mot Norwood's company of thn XI cavalry on Big Hole, and he Is probably with Howard by this time. Cusb Ing's two companies of artillery parsed here this morning lu wagons, and I have ordered them to push down tbe stage road at 40 miles per uay ir tneir atoea win sianu. Have also telegraphed tbo commanding offi oerof Fort Hall tn start some of the Ban- uaoks up toward Lenihl aud tbe Molilalia asses logo: Information as to which way tho Nes Peroea aro heading. They cannot travel rapidly wlsj tholr wounded, and (he next time tliey aro sirucK tney win na ru lued. Giiinois, Com'dg. Th Steamer OrUaas. A lady tourist who took passage on the Or izaba on a recent trip to Han Dlogo and Los Angeles, closes a letter lo a 3an Francisco paper as follows: "I cannot oloxo, however, without paying a deserved tribute to the ad mirable porsotitiol of the steamer Orltaba, of the Paclflu Coast Company Lino, ou which wo woro so royally entertained. It seems as hough them must be with these ollloers an "usprlt du corps" tbat provents admission among tholr number of other (ban noblo inuu and poifoct geiitlemeu. Genial Captain Johuston can well bo bold up as a moikt communilur. Tho purser knows liosr lu comuiiiH strict discharge of duty with cotir teous demeanor and dellcato sttontloii to pasiengurs, whllo Mr. Holland Is not only a steward, but u getitlt man, par excellenco, and contributes a liberal share toward thu entertainment of paxsengers by his thought folness and consideration. Dear old Orieabal Excellent ollloers, truo gentlsinen, klud friends! you will never bs forgotten." Tho Mr. JeaTersoa Party. Hon, John Mluto returned this morning from Euitejii Oregon, by tbo Lebanon Mouu tain Road. He Itiforms us that G, A. Cutting and Ben KeUay, or the Mt. Jefferson party, cjiiio into his camp on tho hoad-wattrs of the Matollas, near Black Butte, last, Monday morning, looking as hearty as bucks. They gave a glowing account of (heir mountain stjournlng, All tbo party wero wnll aud bad growu fat on tho game they had killed, Tbey have a GOO pound elk "in p!ekle"fnr H. F. Mathews, of the Cheineksta botol, and they hold meetings three limes a day to de vise "ways and means" to get tho huge ani mal out, The animal Is near Marlon Lake, wheretbo boys camped about two weeks. The entire party were expected tn be together again to-day, wben tbey would commence 'aauaUrlng" towards home by FUh lake, BMW and iowar SedM oa tho Labaaoa road. fNatdral History Rooms. Prof. O. 3. Johnson, curator, baa raovod 'ho collection of curiosities belonging (o the College and (School Nnlural History Society to the looms pot apart for them lu the Capitol building. Tho rooms aro pleasantly situated on tho third floor In iho northeast part or the building. Along wltb tho society's spool meusls Prof. Johnson's Individual oolleotlon. Roth together make n tine showing, aud vat uablo too. Tho sbolls aro arranged in cases, tho bullerntes, moths aud beetles aro In glass covored boxes, whllo tbe birds aro kept In a rarn old chest orcamphor wood. Tho whole collection Is woll arranged, not for show, bul lor tho convenience of tho scientific Bttidont. Tho casual visitor will, however, rind smuso ment for manv nn lilln ImMF r-.,r i....... Is ready whon tn tbo bnlidlnp, lo eh )W visi tors around, and If tbeyshal desire to b oomn members of tho sooloty bo will tako pleasuro in telling how thoy may do so. State TcaohorV Institute. An tho holding of a Htato Toaohora' Insti tute Is tnado obligatory by a statutory pro vision, tho Stato furnishes tho rooms la wbloh it Is held. Governor Chadwlok la now busily engaged getting npnnmnnta ready for thn next meeting whloh wllloou vono In tho Reprosentatlvo Hall on Tuesday morning next Tho 8ti pronto Court consul tation room will b used by thn ladles for a retiring room, ooinmUtoo rooms wlh ho fur nished its riqiilred. Tho ntidlenro room Is seati d with ouiilrs. Tho Governor hns ex ercised bis usual gpod tasto In tho preparnlloa for this mooting. SutoMn 111, Ai'tlstlo Work, Mossrs. Mau.oy Bron. Iinvojust complelod tho plumbing work of tho new rcsldonooi of Messrs. H. Hlapleton and E. M. Plamondoa, and lo tho ontlro eatiBraot!nn of thoso gontlo mon. This llrm Is now prepared to do all work In their lino ss artistically ssnny estab lishment In 9n Frannlscu or Portland, and at muoh less priests. Glvo them a call when oyer your water or gas pipes gotsoutof order. Tall Control. Wo loarn that Professor L. J. Powell, formerly one the Faouhy or tho Willam ette University, of this oily, haa been givea the full control of the Col I eg la to Institute of Albany, for five years. Wo oan easily fore see that at the end of that five years that Institute will b one of tbe leading educa tional Institutions 01 the Bute. It will, la raot, take a position la the front rank from now oa, Bonad Over Sing Lee and Wa Gee, tbe Mongolians ar rested yesterday byoflsosr J. W. Mlnto, fbr stealing bed clothing, etc., from the Cbsme keta hotel, were brought before Recorder Bowie this morning. After examination tbey wero bound over In the sum of 200 to await the action of the Grand Jury. Moiio. Mualot What la It? In vain we seek Ita deunalion through tbe medium of language, whllo tbe lexicographer la satisfied with a primary meaning suoh aa the "science of sounds," Inoludiog the lawa of aooustlos, with lu vibrations, undulations, oscillation, sto., while the art-problem remains unsolv ed. Por want or some better esplaaalloa wo will agree with the popular staUment that raualo becomes tbe vehicle by whloh our va rious emotions are expressed with all their elatlons, depressions. tuUnsltlee, and varie ties la almost beyond bumsa ken) and alaea It would Involve a peyohologlosl queatloa too deep for our present ase, we wlllpaaa. ou to the rational oonolualon that rauald means something at least. Muslo Issetloa, It Is aellon to some osnful end If not per veiud and dlstoited by Ignoranoe and super stition. Tbat girl who sings and plays her favorite piece while alono In the parlor, sings mora tbaaa aong. That lonely, little sorrower, hardly more than aobllJ, who alu dreaming at bsr piano, while her fingers walk with gentle gait over tbe cool Ivory keys and glide through a favorite walls, It playing no mere atady or set piece. Her eyes are half closed, her soul Is faraways sho dreams a beautiful dream aa tbo long, yellow light fades in the west, .Mid tbe wet vine loaves trorablooutslde tolbaueslllng birds. Tbe angel of muslo haa oomodosni sho lias poured Into his ear the ulo whlob sbe will oontlde to no one else, and the cup of Joy for one moment seems full. What If ItisonlyadreamTadroamof comfort aent by rausloT Who will say she Is not the belter fur It? Sbe baa been lakea away from tbe rudo cares of life: from the old books In tbo school room; sbo has beea alone with herself, but not fritting or brood ing alone with heri-elfln tbe minstrel spirit. Bloksed recreation that brines baok freshness to the tired life, and buoyanoy to the heavy heart I Happy rain of tears and stormy wind of sighs sweeping theaky clesr, and showing onou 111010 the deep bluo heaven of the soul beyond. Let no ono say the moral e fleets of muslo are small or Insignificant. Tho ooiuge piaao or the oablnot organ has probably done more to sweeten existence and bring peace aud happiness to families In general than all the precoptaon thodomestlo virtues ever yet penned, Thu notion that tho pursuit of muslo,owlng to Its exciting character is prejudicial lo health and longevity, gathers but small weight from facts. Oreatooiniwikora as a rule havo been remarkably healthy and long lived, Pslesirlna lived to tho ago of 70 Handel, 71s Biuli,0.'i; (slunk, 73; 1'ioMnl. 72 lla(Hii,77; llenitiov on, 66; Hpohr, 76; Ros sini, 78 slid Atiher still computed suit was Initio enjoyment of excellent lioaltti at the advanced sgn of 88. On the o'her hand, Mcxirtdiod at the early me of .'15; lliilllul at 'il; Mendelssohn at OS, and Chapln at 39. Henoe, wo conolndn from thn abovo fact that the life of the musician Is above thn average, and that the study and practice of muslo do not necessarily Impair thu mental or phys ical condition of mail any mora than any thing else indulged In to excess. Muslo Is that sM)ntaneou4 outpouring of the soul by which man reveals to man tbe Idea of tho beautiful. Like tho sound of bslls at night, breaking the silence only to lead tho spirit Into deeor peaoe; like a lead en cloud tu morn, rising In gray twilight to hang lis golden mist hefiiru tho furnace of tint sun; like lliHdull,deppaiii of one who sits In sn empty room watching thu shadows of the lire light, full of msmorlfs; llko the plaint of souls that aro wasted with Mitr.trlng snd sighing; llko ono who from a precipice leaps out ill on the warm midsummer ulr to ward tint imncftful valleys below, and feeling himself buo.ved up with wings that suddenly fall him, wakens in great despair from his wild dream, so Is ho who oan listen, under stand, aud appreciate music. HTs.tinn,. Ii.itr.k ff.li Ifm i-rwwl un ifl it I tliw .J win, ii jr, in. tu ,twu iui.i.u i..j f, (luring tho wcokV" mkod it tPitchor of 11 ilvo-yeiir-wld pupil. 'Votli'm." "Well, whut la It?" "Novor to load a small trump when you hold both bow era. 1 i . 1 K&u .1 t mm .,44