Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 24, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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'tlfamtttt Murmtt.
roautBRBa Ain rsonuiroM.
Term f Nabs-crlptloa.
a copy, onoycar(53namben)..... f3.60
ncopy,lx month (Wl numbers) 1S5
Ono ropr. thraa rnnrithi- (IS nnmbcru) .TA
Powkmh VajjIiKY, Aug. 9, 1877.
En. Faumek: 1 linvo liourd much
mid and bcoii much in newspapers in
regard to tho treatment of diphtheria,
yet all of them full. I havo had con
nidorablo cxporionco with tho disease
both in my own family and out of it.
I havo been with tho diseaso ovor since
It mndo Its nppoaranco on this const.
In 1851 1 helped to attend, and sat up
with Romo of tho first children thut
died with it in Portlund. Tho doctors
called it malignant cr:up and it baffled
all their skill. It raged fearfully thro'
tho winter of I857-G8, and G9, and tlioro
woro but very few families whnro it
did not leave its mark. Tho doctors
charged so high for their services that
tho poorer cIuhhcs resorted to many
contrivances and experiments rather
than to employ a physician, many
thinking it was only to dio anyhow,
and ono of tho best recipes that wo
tried is this ono I send yon, written
by Dr. Hcott In an Iowa newspaper. Wo
secured it at onco. Wo havo seen it
tried in n great many casos and with
but ono or two exceptions whoro it Is
followed up promptly has it been
known to full. I will stuto in regard
to thu virtue of tho medlccno, about
two .vara ago tho diseaso was very
prevail tut this place und In tho ad-
Joining ncigntioriioou. There wore
about H'xty cases in all that wcro treat
ed by tlis remedy, and with tho ox
co;. (Ion of two, they nil recovered.
When ' rend how tho disease provails
in other parts of tho land I heartily
wish that every housohold had this re
cipe, and would faithfully follow it up.
I hapo you will publish this for tho
iiako of suffering humaulty, and oblige
oaio of your many readers.
Miuj. S. J. Lakh.
Tha fallowing wan publlahod In tho low
Rial lUaUtcr some time slnon, and we aro
Infornea by aavaral einarienoed narsas that
tbey bate rrtqusntly tested Ha affleaoy and
found Raa Invariable aura. In view of ton
.IMUBWma'uiiiauaaiiiwmat w.iyaia quite
prevalent lflUiieTlalUy,wa rapablfali the
"Plymouth Book" Fowl.
Tbia fine breed or domestic poultry, whloh
baa boon steadily Browing In favor amuug
farmers and small poulterers for a few
years past, has now oomo to be a general
favorito with Rnelers and breeders In nil
directions, If we ean form an opinion from
tho numorons letters we are constantly re
ceiving, regarding the intrinsic merits ol tbts
popular modern varloty.
'they havo proved very hardy, easy to
keep, are excellent layets, ttoey do not in
cllno to trouble tho koeper with thu Inclina
tion to nit, no persistently ait 'do tho
Asiatics, thoy aroarnpln in i-1.o (when s1eo
bomettnng about Apparitions-
' Salem, Ang. 16, 1877.
Science baa found that rays of light aro
bodies of matter, each ray has three sldfs
one beat,-one magnetism and the other Hgl,
or color. The solar spectrum dlfoloses thtt
Tact that the Hun, a lldbt forming body,
rays of light Infringe upon eaoh other by the
maunetlo Bldoand thus farm tho color ol
bodies, as a floneror a tree, or grass.
Bpfrltual Bolonoo teaches that each ray or
light hi a world in microcosm, having prop
ortleM, sensibility, soul and choice; and In
plrlt llfo' ttio cluihlnir of tho form comes-
from Hit) color 'or Hunt of the mind, lb
The Nation and the States.
ml from tbo Uostntraln'-) and aliogellior llisv' 'ulhtlous port ma nianlled nrmnfibe gather
l. ... ..' ' t ..". I lit.. 1. ....,. ..!.. 1 . I ... .!.. I.. ..,t. tin
Vistula pabllah the following treatment of
alpktlrer. linaaDtea ai by Myself and
otbera'to wboi I have givto It la over one
thousand eases wltbait a failure. It will at
ways cure, If tbo treatment is eoMinenned
before the dlptlierla utaibraae extends Into
Uaeelr tdbs, wbtoh Is known by the great
dlalnty of brea blug and raatlaasnaas. In
auca eaavs, no remedy yet discovered al
ways (Tents a cures bat If the patient la
waioiitul, and this treatment used la lime,
Ibero Is no danger.
I cunt tho treat uinnt to a frlead of m'ne In
Wlsrnntlti. and ho uard It an hlatixeir and
family and nt-tglibora with aaoh wonderful
aui'cxH-i tlmt tin rtriuwitn.il wo to soud It to
you for pulilloailou as this linrrltiln dUeuno
Is provnilliijrextfiiHlvHly.tn parts of lown.
Ooldim teal, puvMild, I ilmeht hnrax,
pulv , 1 itriiflliuit bluiik i(pier, pulv ,
driiuliiiM alum, pulv , I dmutim: nltra'o pot
a.ih, pulv,, I drmiliiii; halt pulv ,'Jdraahmi,
I'm all Into it ciunioonntK'd toa ruporven
acl wblitli IioIiIh h bout 4 uuiins and pour
bull' Hill ' f Ixillli'K water, a Ir well and then
All full of guild vlneuar. Kit fir iiho whin
ItMllli'H. MmKuh hwmIi bycottlui; a uli
atluk about ttui vljwof apljHi ulcin, notith ono
and und wrupaHtiluif of cotlnii ariouud it,
jpiiuikiiiii i'ioui pri'juuv niHiut nan ai inoii
havo turuod out n ynlunlilt) Hcctsslou to tin
list or Arnnrlcnti standard tiniMlH.
A slrgulitr fict hits li'in deinoilftralwl li
tho InManeo of tlin(aI'l; mouth Rock " In
known that this fowl In a r.ro'S of tbo Illnck
As'ntio (or Java) with tho Dominique varloty.
For sovoriil years aftor their orlulnnl r--dpollon,
tho color of these birds, both male
anu iouiaio, was urosriaui ana irregular.
liy a judlclons mctlioJ in Mating and select
ing, In the handBofthoraojtcareful manlpu
latorsof this stock, tho last year's bird
woro on tbo averago much better In uniform
ity of slue, and much mora eyon in gonernt
color and marking of plumago than hither-
This year's fowls, maturing this spring,
nro an improvement In these rnopeots upon
all forsnor hatching within our knowlortge;
and we now know sevoral yard nl thou.
birds, where both cricks and hens aro really
bty flno, In 1877. Tho Plymouth Hocks of
tho pnwnt day protulso to rqual ihn bpst
varieties for all tho desirable practical quail
UoHMOtiKht altor in n tlrst cIshh vhiIhIv
either for fancy hwodlng nr for inarkutlnir,
Stoddard's "l)ultri World."
Ilowers for tho London Market.
Kowof onr pcoplo arn awarn of lliolm-tuon-n
extent to which flower gurdoulriK '"
rarrieu lorino Lionuon omrket. one extou
hIvo thtftbllhbiiiPUt noinnrlMiis fortv-tv.o
Iiounos, meahuriog from 100 to 250 foet In
longth. Tin ro aro more than seven uillos or
Iron piping, and Hourly a thfiumtid tons of
coal und rolco lined vuirly. Or llitt polargo
nluuis alone, from 60,0(1010 00,000 aro font to
market yearly, Quiaulunis urn hIho urown
liy llioand: of hyacinths, from GO,000 to
u.uuu lire iorceu yuanyi iiioso are poiinu in
theautunn III foiir-lucli pots, and covered
with four luchoi of old decayed Iohvom nr
Ulihtsoll, and aro brought forward from
limit to tlmo bh they aro necilod and full
twenty ilcs-a nro sent to iimikut the Ih v bo
fore Ululilniav. Tho sIiikIii Duo Van 'i'lioll
tulimuro aloo forced In (irimt nuHiitltlcH.
Idly nf tho Vnlloy Is extonslvely yrnwnt
Ihnynrnpliingmi In light coll id a ttiliknt-ts
nfhix or eltfhi IiicIidh, and this covioingiH
irriuiimiiy ruinnvmi an soon ai tile llnivor
splkea begin to pusli. Iluildes tliiwt anil
ninny other plant, 10,(00 Hegnnla Wellon
li'imlHiuid 10,000 Clueiarlas uro giown, nnd
ms many Kuuht-lau. In anothur oxtunslvn
marker. Kardmi IW000 tulliw am aiinnxllv
furred Homo Idea may bo formed fioui this
oftliolmtiiuimoHopply rtqulrod, nnd of the
vory gnuond tnitu for plants that could keep
up so groat a demand.
Kuropo Is now taking h surprlxlnt; quanti
ty or American fruit. Tho puruhaNos havo
aiuoanted to ovor 2.fiO0.00O worth since last
'June, compared with 000 000 In the auie p
rlod tbo year beforo. Dried apnlts tlguro
largely In this movement. This country
hat exported over 12,000.000 poondi or them
alnoa last June, aa compared with 622,000
pounds tha p rev Ions year. This new addi
tion to the trade or tbo United H'ates la due
-tvt,ntun, -wkuih- baa, oupUa Ua( atl ltU3 dlrj'tloa were given where to Audit,
lata wltb Ub proved aaethoda fur drvlnir and
Pteservlag trulU TIM graalMt proftreM baa
been bade In tha way of dryers. Within a
year some notable Inventions In this lino
havabeea perfected whleh are a great at
qnlaltlop to the leaonroea of the country,
i An fruit dryer bids lair hereatUr to be as
much of anecoaapy to every farming com
munity as the older-mill and tbo cheese IVu-lory.
Tho United Htatea ooruples tho third place
in tho Hat of hop growing oountrlea, Ormn
ny taking tho lead and Knglaud ranking
beoud tliiieiu'.of HioKtlrk so as not to
th a
the iihiuUi mid throat, and fusteu with a
Hwxb the mouth and tbrnat well every
ball hour, if thooiuw be bad, When lbs k
llrnt ptitM heltur, every twa hourat then,
wln-ii U4ter, every four hours, and when
still beitnr, two or thriHi tlmeaaday till well,
wliloh (wlU Imi freui tHD to aaven dayH,
Touch jiviiry atfrcted spot, tho uvul, tonsil-
fauiVH, tliMwhuleof the back rt of the
mouth anil top of tho throat, and let the p.
tltuilHWlovv o lUHiiof the ah Moh limn
you Nwab. Hwivbtdug cuufcas no pa!a,thouKii
tho utl-nt will ug and woitMilliavs voealt,
but tiwab well, and a fooling of relief will
folloiv euiih w)lilug,
lint ovory Mtiuui nave a separate swab
and tvuali, as the dleaM) la iinifoubtedly In
fcciloun. Ki'op thu wali puro by pourlui;
what vou uo I'rtiiU Unto into auatner vhu
and alMinlNnif any inallar or hIIiivo that
nip.r bo mi iltNow.tb ovury lluio you take II
from the uiiiuih,
Itiibtho lolkiwtnK Huluient on the throit
oiiiciilt. miiNieiry llinoor four hourK, and
kop i IImiU' l)litliimiiilthoiu'tktilwoll,
T-l.,1 epirlix of luristiuliio, I onuro,
Tuko ii e.-t oil (or fiim.v- d (ill) I ouuno.
'fuKu r-qu 01 siuinouU (mix) I ouuvtt.
J.-p I no uiiweii-, nuiimr wiiu eanior oil,
Ki-tp thti iwiih'iit In tint houtifl, but voutil
a!i will, Tho iHpllhorlit wh and Ii I
an nt ill I ii fmi n I Niiitlc'ent for all rmtrn it
tkiti In iliiiv: in d si uuld on ints'sknuny
on tliuhti fn illpii horiu, vou will efl'oiu
coin k'hhhi Mivvmhly, aa I uso thiw for ull
coitim- u (i'ii ilinivs I li'ixn noMir h'H
oi--t j Hiidnurv inivntold mo tlmt no ni' noy
vo-il'l In inu llu-ii-, III thoMi 'Mlph'.t'oiu
Kin,.." in I o I'll-. in the wii.li mid IU Itil'
in ir,Kid hrn HtreniuN ill th- throat ik
lol ,ti " u ii I ui'-l a tir ulwuvo elt'evteil,
Un A V (5'C-iTT.
I'llnivr-i, W.iriou Co, Juwiv,
Kmikniwuip and Civility. iu
civil tmtl iibHu'iig to till, dutiful whetM
tlml npil n.iur coiTiuinni) you; but
frii'txt to mio, null thut frleuiiship koip
i-tu i I'd us lhi gri'iilest upou enrlh, it'id
" bi euro Jo ground It upon vlrtiK; for
tin other I i'IiIiit liappy or l.tMing,
Marwtttliy Uu1y J-Uuthnwe,
Do not Hand away from homo for a bill or
any oUojoti want, undor tho mUlakiui lilm
tlmt you cm do better. Tho Lest Itmt imv
iimu oaii do la m linlii build up hl town iin'l
ism lily, mi li none iiv pairnnltln lioino
mini and liiHureH, You h-ikI your mnnov
wlihahoiiiiiiuoruliant, ho 1 1 vex) k-en olerks,
they live: ho liupniiui, ulvos euii-lormeui
to men who aUo live, and the nibMilem-n
rur all lluo-o inon mum ouiu 'nun tlm K wo
and country and bring prellt to thu pro
duueror lUkkHr, You patmulao your home
iiianufacluriH and helphiilld them up, und
ax they yearly exMiid their bordrin, and
empluv inoro men, they bone tit town and
oouutry, and thuro.iro moro mouliis to ImhI
Hond nway for your pinch ", and you
aUirvn your lunrol-ant and inaniificturiirj
he moves away, takes hia clerka and hand",
and vour uroduoo and work la a druir. And
aboo ull things do not go away from home
to spend your money, and leavo ncoonuta
unpaid at homo. Your merchants aro vour
ueluhbor. your (rleuda ; they atami by
you lu hlukiiea are your naMorfatea; with
out your trade lhy oauuot do himluois.
No atorna, then no bnk, no ono wnmlng to
buy property to aettleou and build up yoiu
nlaco. Merchants should do their advurtla.
lug at hoiue. They should get their bill
bmi'lrt, nliouUra, canla, eiter-ne.ida, envel
opes, and all their printing at home, of their
own newspapers, who, aid tlmrn In niuiy
ways, and udvertlio them hundrodaot times
without any pay whatever. Meirliauls
nhuiild Motan examnto to their euNtoiiiHrabv
pitrouUIng liberally their honMMiowaru)rh.
iiioii aim women are iiiouuve auiiuaiN, anil
am prone to follow examples set (Iihui, How
-an morehania expeot their neighbor., to
tndo with Ihom If thny set the example of
gotim away iroiu iiomo (or laeir priming and
Lott Vritynra.
Next thing t-i walling lor i railro-id triln at
aooe-lwiiMi way station, tho nio-it tlreon
thing vii know of la to Mtu to long und
fir-Me'-ed pwvor. All olllrUl of one ct'tlnt
Hilom Hiimtiiy tflliol ignored for hli ptcu
Itm- w ivof Htioiohing i prayur.uud IiIh audit-
oioaroof oplnk'ii that if ho would shorten
hliMippliiuilnuH In their boha'f his fu'imi
l-fii uuuld l tnunli brl,dituriiid luppler, Im.
oiii'O liotMiiiUl uoJlnxsou yuilly isuimjloiun
iiMiihlinc lilni about tho cruel Mipeuouiid
tnr'UM Im had Inti'Cid upon U stitl'.irin
faM-'w iiior.tels, Thli KiitiilMn-in's priyera
aiiuodlVMi lorn; that ho lui'u.illv tirtd out a
i) i; llvSii)d'H W;o riindniinqmalloii
'nil A.d rt youiiR Wily Into iiivl.vy johool,
unllnin; nvety Inielllgen minliio, hea
miiiumIh Kneellnc portion dnrlucttho pnner
Af :r I bet.i ayu fill geullenun had kiut III
lisirfra In inT-Miy alutHuieiitluioaa'loug
a-t heahonld have done, and tlm Ivoya brn
euatiplug i heir watoh (urwa, ivhllo tha girls
went MslillngoiTtoM'ep, thidtrpraiisup,
LMVoa y-iwn timlayelp and struck for the
oeiinillr. Nuivncif liaeholaiN will prol'A
hly f-lluw IhovWnr-xump'ijiMtneilajr IfUiU
pr-ij tof; torturer conlluuui lilt cniolty.
Ing hiiHtH of thej'jdetuontday In whlto
"For I nlwnys did bulleve and I nlway ihall
Tbnt tliey'll wnar Itiolr loag white rotes In
thut MioiulDir."
Poets am spiritual a;tonlifts without their j
proois. .ignt is ibe organising ubho oi inn
Ideas have color so have thoughts, and sptr
itHarooasllv known bv oxoerlonced snlrlt-
ualltts by tbo oolor of their apparel und ul
tbolr surroundings. The lowest spheres nro
quite dark; murdor Is red) purity and Inn
cencowblto; Intellect Is of drumond light.
The Illy- oelor Is a oross between sliver anu
gold and is exprocstve of a goodness, sweet
ness, troth and grace.
John Klntr. tim moat nownrful nuinlfcwt
Ing spirit that baa returned during tho pres
ent rovlvnl of spiritism, or "occult forces"
known an modern spirltuallim; ho who In
earth Iifo was thofinglhih Erl Morgan, and
mo pirato captain In the west indies; In in
maulfestallonsat Prof. Crnoke's seances l
London, and atsoveml circles In the UnlUd
Sums, haa manlpulaltd balls or cakes ol
light. They arn Hourly whPo light and ap
pear to bo combined of pho-plina ( o colli n
word) nnd oily le, iiHUdl.v gatberfd from I hi
mineral elorxenta of tbeclrulo nnd medium
The lights wear out slowly nnd could bi
oirrlid for mile). They aro very luminous
In a dark room. In rac of sudik-n or vlolete
dea'h thot-nlrkhnH oitlvtoadd tho rod ox
Idn In the blood, aa Idea, and the darning red
lantern Hunt I produced.
Tho action of tho river ghost Is thai of h
person drowned. Thu I'renuh Prnlrlo uIiomI
of seeking somelhlngor homebody to com
uJUiucHto with Tho ghost In the haunted
iiii,. i.,Mr j fftnnu appoared to bo hnstlfe
and dJiigorous and would overuoiue many
liorsoiiHut otii'o with lear. Numbers of the
rullrojd men worn dl-comiUted by It. Ii
appearod to bo iicotiKorles of ovlls, or pow-
The great German tclcntlHt nnd scholar.
Htron Hlchenhaek, the dhcoverer of Od
xiid odlo light, relato-i ii mh where a mail
Haunted tho place of hli Morel burial and
dually bail his body found and given a do
uintsepulchor. It was '.buH wine, n blind
Htudoiu was In tho habit of taking tho arm
oiHiiyouoHH HiUuidnntHnd pausing out of the
olllou at tho b ick door, and go through it lunii
lot to a train and thu gain aMreot. It was
noticed by rjlstnttemlants that always at a
eeriiiu spot in tno pitn too oor blind man
would tremble, mid being lutorrogtiHd,niiiil
ho saw a light there and that sometimes It
hud lhusliaMtofa mau. Finally fcom per
ns concluded to dig there and they found
tho oormo of a mau. On boluir exhumed
anddooently burlodno further trouble was
exiierlenoed by tbocniclilvo.
nometlmea tho properly nf n person ud
dotily dylutr, is not illspooed of to suit him
sud ho returns to procure i-ultable adjust
ment. I have known several cases ol that
kind in my experience of KplrltualUm, for
aomo 30 years; ono whoro a will was made,
but could net bo found. Through a writing
mmiioui, in ny room, a nan rrancuoo, in
ThelNashvllle (Tenn.) American, Is
much struck by tho " vast change '?
which has como over tho country in
tho rjast twenty years. In an article
referring to tho helplessness of the.
State governments, as displayed in tho
Into labor difficulties, it says:
"The popuntco smilo at local author.
Ity, and derisively throw stones nt tho
Stato military. There Is no difference
in the lighting qualities. Indeed the
rltizi'ii-Holdlorsaro equal to tho regulars
In thai respect, anu oiten nuponor.
Tho ono part of reality Is present with
both. Tho United States troops are
armed with tho other nlno parts tho
incorporeal tho idea oi overshadow
ing and Invincible pjwer that which
has shown itself unconquorablo that
against which Leo and Juckson huled
tholegionH of tho tiouth, tho bravest of
tho bravo, for four years of almost in
cessant victory, only to end at last in
disastrous, llnal, ana irreiriovttoio ao
teat. Tiien tno united atates govern
ment acquired tho idea of great power
which is of so much moro value than
oven power itself. Half tho foes of
such a power quail before the idea, and
tho blow has never been si ruck. It is
(his idea of tho invincibility of tho
United .States which causes mobs to
melt away before tho advance of a
handful of regulars, when they laugh
at militia, and derido tho efforts of
armed police"
Patented April 1877.
xr W hcr.for UrjInR or Fnatrriog Probe sad
!-'.!." ?f.n k!nd' "rd aro CTJitroded an far
nuned complete Inonr different rlxci, namely:
Tfe?T0,mi. '& ryer-apcItT of x
bnehel of apples per hour prlcfT. 7$
budhelBpirhoitr-prlco . iSM
Tb?c&riIprri?o?.p.;.cr.c!!f rf 9
. Jh.c.? ,,)rJcr were awarded On Ceutcaulal 'ilnaa
Mid I lp ama at Phllndrlphta In 1868. Alw. U OoM
M Ial ul t ha Ktnlnnr flr...,tn r. imr ..'",. rr?
of flivor, clor and condition ',7f Frnlt '"r """-
Mfmitico" con'Un"jr oa hani1 aotl farnbhet! ou (Jjort-
rutin nnd County Itlghtu tor aalo.
Pit further partlcnlora anil defcrlct re aaialasae
,,,. Fatentca and M itiufacturi.
JoWt' Xait furtlanrt. A Sma.
Iln'f thofoolHln the United States
thl tk they can beat the doctors at curing-tho
sick; two-thirds of thorn aro
suro tbey can beat tho ministers preach
ing tho gosocl; and all of them aro
suro they can beat the editors printing
tho papers.
Tho prPMint population of Kaunas Is oyer
hnlf a million, Tho total grain ciop nf HiIh
year In expected to am unt lu l'.'O COO.000
timbols, nl wliloli about HO.OOO.OfO will be
corn, nearly 20 000,000 win ul, and thu re
mainder oats, hurley, rjo, and other (-mall
uralus. The value of ihe nirrleulturiil pro
ducts In 1876 waa over 31 1 000 000; this year
It la estluui'nd t tWI.OO'i (100.
Half Brother to Caledonia Cfclef, tk
fastest TrollInK Tallinn in Canada,
Hlrea by H"we' Rnjal GcorKe Dam t oU nrV.
SaToii. ClubraU'd if"h U!tM,d . wlllatilafc
5a8t Portland,
At the PtaMc of JOHN BltAVKIt
oJiily In, 1877. 40 to liMur.
from April iBIh
the MEru lkmmn to he In .,V, S? ".!
aou, payabluat ihcllmoof eirvlle. """"
MareU M, 1G77.
I will mv $75, In nold, premium for the
best "MauIi Mtr-umor" coll exhibited at tho
s'ihIm Ktlrthlx fill. J. W, Nkimith.
in a double-aldrd drawer of a bureau. The
estate waa in Illinois. Wames dates and ev
erything were elveu, The will waa found.
upon tha lev.as,l wrote lo tbe parlies at the
aplrlt'adlotatMa.and hla estate went aa fan
wanteu it to go. Tbe testator bad dlod away
from home, saddenly, and had not told any
cue where hU will was. Ha wanted tore
ward the servloea of a young woman who
had helped for several years to raise hla
motherless little children, and he could not
ret until ho had dona her Justice, which the
will did Ho waa descrlb'id by the medium
as a lull, flue lookli'K man, or a vory noblo
ox I ren-don or ouunlenanoo.
l'en-ons that havo been mnrdored have
ttrent power to return to earth, and If re
vmoful, am haunt their murdereranud
brlnthem InthoaoNffold. Hence tho trim
svnii "murder will out". MeduimUtlo
piinou, und s'inNltlvea should never kill any
lerheu, unjui-tly, nr they will never aeo any
mure pie on earth. Tho lt look of the
03 ea are as an open door, through which tho
wrmiKsd spirit can, and will, IneniPintly
re urn,
Hut It MnotnlwitvN fur wroniji tbatsp'rlts
return. Tho shot or the old servant that
for :10 vcars ruunted the bouso of John
WeMey'rt father, eamo bieK lor lino of tlm
taniiiv. no would raltln tbo furniture and
ertoRery, roll wnnnn ball, rk tho bed
vloihesiitfthn ehlMreu and mike hlmneli
well ktnwn to the ulrN and lhold door, end
urovoke the old man to abjure him smii
devil. All of which had the effect to oon
vines John and make him ever arter "refuse
to kIvo up to materialists the neatest proof
of manM Immortallity. tho return ofsplrltH,"
aim niwuvn ii.nruw-aiv nunrfft i aii.i n,n
(rood Methodist friends ahould not forfretthat
tho wealthy and pbllantliroplu MI-h II. won
court man led Hhv. Fletcher, John Wealoy's
ureal aHoelato, under spirit direction.
How I wish our modern churches would
oouin uptothelrNavlor's Kiven commission
andiloihothlncathatbn and his early ful.
lowers did. Why preach that you ladkiyu
In the rommuutou of Hlnts (Uin dead): In
"' rfsurrtcllon of tho dead) that Mobms and
Ulascaniflupon the Mount of traiiMniriira
tlou that the de.td fllWd the s'.ieWof Joru
aalamcn thonlKht of tbe eruetflxlniii that
ranitaiii-btyou totry ihANplrlis.aml yat re
fu) lo let them Into your oburchrs, which,
eirwjiuoi i rem aro gradually drying up
and blnulnt; wy. exteot only where a
Moody or Hammond, or Kirlo comes alone
with ibelr niak'Uftlo ibunderbopa, end for a
tune nlUyunr liHnrhPH, yon need a called
iiilnlmry, Instead of a taimht one; von need
proiohers In unknown tonut healers of
thujlck, by tbo laying on of hands, vnuneid
works tnai eonvlniM the people, not mere
talk llku Ibe old I'harUees Open your
church doors and make ChrUtlan Spiritual
lW or na all, O. W. LAW0N.
Storuxn Room Xtsaaed.
A- NV. Kinney of tho i'alMii FlourlnR anllla
haalrtiwl thu lart;e wood ahed south of the
derotanil will tlt.lt up for reeelvlnij and
khlpplnR whrnt durlmt the rush thl Ml.
The shrd la '.MO feet lontr. nnd will tiirnUh
shelter for sjver.il thouainda sacka of wheat
UaasKl Hand.
J M. Johno his wold one half of hla Inter
'eiln inelartto wheat wandiqnso, at Marlon
Sla.loti to J, O. JnhnoB. nf Selo, and least d
the othr half to J, J. Hrowu of the atne
pUiv. flio naw p,rtloa havo already taken
poo'eeMrm iukI are In tbo market for wheat, at
that point.
Vah Plum. Mr. J. I). Wuilih, who llvra
nonh of Kaleai, hrlntrs uasptclmnna of etrir
plutnlb.it avenue tfW Inches In elroumf-r
enco aud wo a en wltti him In thlukiuK
tbeu bard to beat,.
Choupod into Food,
3Bor Ozxo-Toxxtlx Toll.
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Tarnliifr Ninlr work, llcdsteads,
UurciiUN, MuntlN, Tables,
And all klHda ef Furalture,
At BRD-HO'.K rHICBH Shop at AfHcabn'a Werka
baltdbf . Salesau etf e . BKNN1R.
Farms and Land for Snl.
f hPK, P.0R ,H.,LK ONK PAKM. 330 AOnHi
SHfi-Vrry0'V Um l" be midJ out or 1? (SSS
m!iT H'"' '" lbll u Lino conntv. abouY S
Job Addren p n. ,UNM ,-icwr.
Saddles, -Whips,
Etc., Etc.
Home -Made and Hand-Mad
r,ocWioaot?drOT "
At ArmNtrens'N Bkaa,
??,8l.2Lrc40ppo'"0 WH.LI8-8 book nvm
A.Tf"w,".5HJf wrrompU don. Oirs fiSi,,.
.igeuiN rur tbe Wlllaaictte Farmer.
Albany J E llannan
Amity.... ItbHImpfon
(olUKuOruTo JllHliortrldne
lfll(Ua a ... ...... .... .Ittrt lliaulai
Itucna Vlta Wm Welti, J W Uonari
tlrowiiKvllIu w It Kirk
lluttcvUle j w llachtkkr
Canyon City D Ii Hhlm-hart
Canynnvtllu W T Hrlcva
oqiilllailty KH Maltcann
Cjiljj a Valley w H Clarke
Llataop. , u j Mnrnt-oii
CraaforUavlUa It, bt-rt Ulava
wove.. U Y Kendall
(orTalla K Woodward
CrtJHwell,, ....Uoaroti Knox
Clackainaa W A Mills
Camp Creek O It llarnmernloy
balls J U Loo. 1) M Outhrlu
I)i-iU-r ...-..........,,, H Ilandnaker
iiraiu-a , Krewfoa A Drain
1ainaacua K Potbe
i. .................. .......
............... ...........
I UO H&llAlvflV
Klkloa... . ..A II llalnea
Kuinn John UcClunc
Vox Valkiy a I) (iarttuer
forcaturiiye B HahB, W L Cnrtla
(Kinhi-o. ....... .......,,. .......... ..J HaudMtcr
vrvat....... ............ .. ........ H M Oalnt-
llalMy..... T J Ulark
llarrUburs Illrani Huillli
IlllUboro , A Lurllini;
Ikjintr .Morrow A llerrrn
Itidependrntv W I, Ilndvln
JnncUmi Hrullh. Ura.flekl Jt Co., W L I.cmon
Jattoiivlll ,M Pfti-rruu
Ktnt;' Valley,. Conner .tVr-no
Jeffornnn.... JcUn W Itolai-d
Lewlnvllle 11 U Mcllmmond
Laftyette Ur Poupleton A 11 bt-nry
L.-liauu ..rt II Clangtiton
Hiiiiro-...... ...................... .....Jo Kftfei
McMliinvllli) JDMorrl A Ittlil
Mnnninnth W Wa.erhnn
Mil Plata, WT Davlit Uianip
Ni-wr..., ...... ......... .............. Win Morvlan-i
New liM... ................... ............J (ai-to
.k cwfll.vtllc p v camleman
Norlli Ya-uhllt nCHtiwari
Oakland H K Itaymnno
ii.wrjj , All ShlpW,
utl J II Henmedn
Orvon(tty Ml lUroi
Pea 'letoa ...,,,W A WhUai
IVoria..... Ur J II Inlm
l'itt Itoek K (llUn.
I'ortUnd H V Lr, AgBt 8utt Orann
Priuellle OMPiIiikIi
rVrnrUlo aic-Grrw'f Hon
ItlcVreal K A latlernn
lo-.jbiirc Thr Smith
&cW ............f r Jonca, ThiM Mnnker-
llfna TKilMrd
sh,vj.l' ,,w m 1'owt-ni. OH 'Vheclrr
JviV! A HoTtty
nibninUr ., John banning
aJTUiJ " ' " ..Ben Jark
"w" KS Bar.,,,
Tamor,, ., ,,,.....W III n
w'-J"! w Bf"n
uMiu-'.n ?0'k' '"
JJ, 15, wall,,,,,,,, ..,,, J K Brt-wer
2 i" ,,,. JO Rider
& JRKll.a,RBApp.KU
For DiarrhcBa and Dysentery uw r.
Jajravo'a OnrBiloatlvo Balsam. Ah
changes of cllniuto or water, und in
discretions in citing often produce
should ulwuyn kixjp u bottlo of this
romody by tholn. It novor fulls to
subdito tho most violent nttacks,
nndIt Is equally sorvltealilo for
Cramps in tho Stomach or Uowoln,
Griping I'nlns, Ac
For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In
. fantum and Colic ubo or. jnaa
GarnilnoUvu Uolaaat. It romOTea
all soroncss or tho abdomen, allays
tho Irritation and calms the actioo
or tho Stomach. It may always lie
rollod on to glvo itnmodlate relief,
and bcsldos being effcotual, Is a
pleasant and safo rcmody, easily ad
ministered to children.
For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowal
Affectlon8 nao promptly Br.
Jajrae's CarmlnoUvo Bataana It
chocks tho Dlarrhcoa, supprMsos the
Cramps which genorntly accompany
attacks or Cholera, and conquoru
the disoaso in its iuciplonoy. It has
frequently boon admlnlstorod in
neighborhoods wliero tho Cholera
bus been raging epidemically, und it
hiu imldom f.illod to glvo Immedlato
and pormunent relief. Tlio Carniln
atlvo has maintained its reputation
as a Cunitivo for nearly forty years,
la cqiiully oflcctlvo in all latitudes,
and as a Standard Houwhold Romo
dy, should bo kept in ovcrv fun 1 1 v.
DA Via A CO..Wholmle Aentl. Portland
Inuesiment Company
TIIIB Compaar If prrptrrd to Bccotlatc Joana ba
?.!.pJ:,?odJ, f J'4"' or "Pajable by haU yearly I.
For term, apply to
a Klrt Htrvt rStU.
apply to
tit AM
KB ID, Kanaeer,
r. a. fuzxnrAV.
8, B, coruvr. at head of (laire. M
ijtft)' " $ Cf ec
v if v 3 JLMfj&L&Jt- i