i iiiiii r- ii lilV" Tf .....j.-.,. 0 1 'i i -Vf v) x S i If1.,, ? " "" r 1 V $2.50 per Year. SALEM, OREGON, AUGUST 24, 1877. Volume IX Numbor 28. BY TELEGRAPH. FOREIGN. ', Vienna, Aup. 20. Khmmi'Ii hn lsuod n proolatlon lo tho Hungarian uniloir Austro- v Jlunttary to come to an uudorilniidliig with ' tbo Purlo us In tbo extent of tho concc-slotm ,'' or tho Austrian) which can bo mado without , compromlPlnc tho Integrity of tbo Turkish ,' empire Hokr.vh thatnn tho basis or this arrangement hn nil Unci with thg Potto otiftht to be concluded. Russia should llinn bo otlled upon to Inrinlnatn tbo war. London, Auk. 20 Telenrame from Zra and Colllii) Mate tbo Moni'Micurlim hao carried tbo last outworks ol Nlo-ln, mid nro pushing through thn (own lowurds tlio Air tress. A strong TitikUh form, mnilv ir regulars, ostlinated by onn nccount 01 10 000 are battening to relieved (lio besieged, Fire thousand Montenegrins havo gone In the dlreotlon of Kostao lo oppose tho Turkish advance. A correspondent telegraphs: Independent ly of a retreat being mdn nects.ary by the disaster at PIcvdb. General Gourka' lorcoa "woro overwhelmed by a superior forco of Turks, and although the Russians gained a brilliant viotory at Yenl Hsr.hrn, Joly 80'h, General Gourka wasounpelbd lo re'roal tho following day, altbouRh In sight of Eskl Saghra. whore be wa obliged to leavo Ibo Bulgarian legion, oporatlnir br a separafo body, to their fate. Of the Bulgarian legion, which was originally Hlxteen hundred strong i only four or five hundred managed to retch 1 tbe 8oblpka Pass. Rtoluslve of tho Ilul t, jrarlan Iom Gen. Gourka loot 8,000 In fltiht I logon the SOib and SIhI of July. During Gourkas retreat through tbo narrow Dolbo i ka and Dalnkol parses, which wan aeontn pllahod on the 24 Inst , many wounded died j from the Jolting of their conveyances and ',v exposure. Halo men succumbed trom fat i . igue and nnnatroke. L The Russian cavalry Is now all on tbo north aide ol tho Balkans. Tho Hchlpka pas 2 JB strongly rortlBed, armed wnn i nuns ami aarrisnnea ny a regiment or mo ow aivisinn Two regiments hold tbe Halnknl ps, which prvsenla a series of formidable defenses. The m solemn, consisting 91 mo nuiKarin iston.two hat inr Im and thro regiments of cavalry, wtrelp tnaroh from Eskl 3sghra tbe oontrai column under uen. uourxa uitn aeir, oona'NtlnK of a rlflt brltrade, n rest m.nt rt r!AAanlrB .tirt fniir halfurln. murnll t ed from KaMtillk. Tim Uftooluum of dm five battalions, of Inranlrv. iwo bAlterleH and eonae Cooonoka, marolied from Uih Illn kol laa, tbe objeoilvo point of all lining Yenl Sgh ra. Ttio rexuU wah tho iIcni ruoi ln of the UulirarlanH and rnuloof Gourka, who had however provloutdy tirno'i'd Junction with the loft column. Gourka marched Diaranll,on tbe road to Eakl KHgbrn, Ikitor ant of tbo fact that houim thirl v thonHand Turks ooufronted him. Tho Turkish bmtnr lea awppt tbe road. Novorlblea Gourka camo in action, aondlng forward II vh battal ion" of Infantry, covered by orllllcry. (In had 48 horse killed lu one battery and 8 in another Tho Turkx notdo dowpttm'o at tempts to turn bin tNriks, btit wr repulned by thoa8iritanooot IVItion LnvechUn 'iw' cavalry, who had cut their way nut fiom EtklHaichra, whnro tho ItulgarUnH wtru b aet by 20,000 TurkH. Gotirku, hiiiuII m ws hla furco, ruaolved on an atttmpt to nuooor them, and In the meantime diitennliiHl to maintain bit portion, but bU rfH'itutlon quailed boforo thtiaporHncoof two lnho COIOUini Ol 1UTKH, IIIiroillllK .Ml 111'. 11 tun and ri-ar. hn bad ui leave tin HuIrimIuiii in t ' thlft. for tbeaiaulvta und make Uo)1 lilt own 5 retreat. London, Ane. 10. Tbo fourth otvalryril -rlklon of llie Rui-hiHU army liu lienn ilninll. ed on an Indep1 rulent t-xi 'il Inn fir iho 1 purpose of stopping Turklab onminunica. tlon wlih Sophia by liiookHd ug UichoitiH Pans, the main llioiouuhf-'re and ib bhIhi marchlnitroutHover iIih HlkMnn. It ! el bore that thlHihou1d Iiuvoimvi) tloim earlier, but If uucoeatful now, it will boar good remits. London, Annum 10 Tho ftitnro Rihhuii army ontl Imjwrhxl hendqu-trtoiii will ro -main united, which enetu lo implv thu the Emperor will onemirHpofOldiers by hi ho tual prfAAnoM on ihrt b-ttlH ll'ld. rtio Km peror l pleaHnlly qimrternd in h t'i.nd bouNH onlhlitu of SchHiiehhHt.hla, and utin1 Inexcollent beHltli and hplrl'N The Kir i purti In rontri.t to that of Hieia, himI th Bealtboftho Hiiito N iiiitIi liiiprnwd, bit) General IkhhiMI I .hi II I aillnir. Prince Go laxln hai I 11 oIiIUmI to 1i-ho for Purl-bd AMrcamot relnforcenii-niH N tlovlnn In 1 throtiKh ItouniHiila, snd I' i eipcud ihu W botti tbo Ouxrtl erui Ormmllero ps sl)l I f In lluluiirU bv the Htmi wek In ,Sfitemlr It i olfulatd that 1H 0( men are n w i.o tually on ib munb 10 remieira ii prtny Tbo nfXt battlo nbnut llevn l meant 10 bt- a iltolMMi 1 pi', I'Mico 1L0 dtluj U for the Kikn of infurlng micp. Parln. Aug 10. Dr. Ilen'l 'oneu, plijul cian to Emperor Nioh'nlIr iariend. VlentM, Am.', lb I'oliMcol 'on-ppd enrehH liuclitrnn 'fljMiiitvlni: Gen. eralUourkh ili-rUreHtbat the ltu"n o SItlQHH from Ihrt DtllUhn to th- S,j kt p 1 aroMOSirootrthutliM I'm k will nut entuie au altaek. Hnth annle are entiauntlv en I trenching tlim.lv-". The Torks e-p oil ' iv hold a wnudnrful'v t-troog oUiiiii Plevna, but O.mtu Pxlia N, nner IihIo-h, I In a dltUoult aliuatlnn, bou- iho nuinenm oVlry attached 10 tho eluhtv thoiiH'iid l RusliHonnfroutlng hlui (v.mpletel.v cut nil hia communication' itlt S a and ctp'ured hfdoouvoya of aintnunbl'tn and provision Th HiiH,Un will not nneruk- oprtrtlliiOK until th" whole guard arilvo from St. Po'er- burg. TbU MguiOtaa piuaoota lonuigm or three weeks. The latest naws from the front la t tho ef feet tbat tbe belligerent forcea are aiandlntf ace to face, and ansloualy awaiilog tin word to engage in a general battle The Saaalaa arasy la Ulleved to ba favorably !( untcd for thnMrtiiiulo ntirl nil urn ooi)tl(lnt ot PUCO'Bw,oxcpt therztr, who, Ihough ovl ilently despondent, really hiizIouh tor an mtnediKto una Hup'ume eirort on ttio pnrt 01 hi lorofH llnilr. Piinbn Is roporUtl marching on Ibo yhlpkn pes wllli asrotiL' forco of TurU 11) troopi. Tiki nnH ii Ktlll hold bv rotnuniit. ol tho KillHiit dUlKlon 1ml by ?en. fiourkhx, winch mHdit t-otnotlmo Hlnco cuohit bnllinni but Heeuilnuly frultleHH raid aero tho Hil kann, Gonrkha'a firco' nro rortatnly In a inoHt critical pnsltlnn. Sullfman Palmand a Hirntig army to tho south, nnd Hatlz Pashu to the north of them, they run hnrdly tacapit capture, if not tntnt nnnlhllatlon. A PtiliHlt ItiKiirreoilon I momentarily ox Pc(mI, nnd aliogothor tho outlook for tlm ltuNilan ompirolabyno meauna onoourug ing. Mldhat PMha' reconciliation with thntul Ian is looked upon a entirely unfavorable to an early putoe. A prt of tho Dnbrudcha force has already paHaed thrnuyh Rouin n la and again crosoed the Uauubo about 10 miles above RuRtchtik But operations on tho other aldo are delayed by rain, which ha rendered all tbe roads practically Imputable A great part of tho lino of communication with the army Is over a mere cart track, beaten into duat In linn woutbor.and churned Into mud when It rains. Word la anarcn In tho country now occupied by tbe RualHn, and the ennrmoua foroea about to bit encamped in the heart ot Uolicarla will probably luavn it an bare a the alllo loft the plains before Hobamopol, Dur ing tho occupation of Dobrudacha lately tbo hick were ant baok at the rate of 330 per day, and tburo aro aigns of Increasing elckneaa within tbe lino on tho other kldo of the Dan ubo. Every detail of tbo preparatlonanhowH tbo Rukelans have made up their minds for a long war and aro preparing great deposits ot tire wood. The Roumanian government la also asking tenders lor applies of great qnantlllea or olnthlngnd stores. . Rln of less tban twelve Joara deration rendered! bo roads at HUlnva, over which the Roaatan anpplleaara wxBfpOrted;oaviuM ed with mud, with gaping boles at frequent Intervals. It will bo very difficult lor tho (lua. lans ever to maintain their armiCHbe 1 ween tho Balkans snd tho Danube when tho summer Weather breaks tip. KustendJI, Aug. 18 Tho Russian army Iim oocupind this pla-e. Tbere am no elutis of either the Tuiklsh array or fleet. Tho RuHslan army occu plan In force tho line ex. tending from tbat town to tho Hohlpkn pass. Tho Turks aro a oouslderabln dlsiauoe off, and do not nuk- any demonstration, Ii I Nsld the UiiHfclans intond to blockade Plovna, but will not atiempt lo take It by as sank. O-raati Pasba'a suppllea aro begin uingto lall. At tho special rf quest of the Grand Duko Nlaholasthe tnoblilistion of two morn dl vibloiia of grenadlera and ono cavalry divis ion has been ordered. Indon, Aug. 18 Tho Egyptian contin gent in Turkoy will bn Increased. On Saturday tho Russians, numbering .15 000 Infantry, 10 regiments or cuval-y and IlOguiifc, attaikid Mukhtar Paiha along the wiiuln lino exiutiillug from Maragrojik to Yakinlar. Toe osnnonado begun at 7 In tbo morning, and at 6 In tho evening tbu Rua xluoN retreated in good order 10 their en UHtnpment, pursued by tho Turks, The TurkH Iohi 1C5 killed and wouuded and tbe Kuh'Iuuh 1 2C0 CopHnhaveu,Aug 18 Ex President Grant has arrived hero. I1h will hit Ills bister, who uurrlcd Dr. Crutnor, tho American niln inier Madrid. Aug. 18 King AKonxo received Low. II, tho newly appointed U. a minister mi Hpaui, today. Loo)l npoken in very tUiti-rlug lermsof bpalu, and the knit; re piled in a elinilar friendly tone. Noalluslon Mil inuilo to Cuba UhliMgo, Aug. 20. Tbo Trlbuno'a London apicinl Mtya theio is lndlcttion that 0inun P.ishu will hooii take the ominslvu. tin Is hiliig mado veuy uucomiortablo before I'levna by tho RussUti. Tho work v.h'ch li.isbieu assigned 10 four rltlo battalions promwe lo become Kworo boloro tbo tlmo uppoiiHtd Inr h'-noiiH operations basoxpired. I he KiiskIho poxillnn hernrtiPlevnulHMrong l mitreniiheil and an lied with arilllery. Che Turks b-f no l'e tiuarotnsklngoivalry reointi(i.Kanieulu vktiOUs (lirtfionH. They tied iheir coiivoye of priivulonnaiid atniuu iiitpi' oip'iiro'l in Uiolr resr. An Inilepeud. tit Rusxlun cuvalry uxperiiilnti, con-lstlng of tbo lourih divi-iou, has heeii sent to cut II' iho i) iininiiiilcriilon of Usinati Pasha's irmy wltli Sojihla by tho earlUulaud mo.t imp irisnt routo, rite Turl.H aro p.liowlng fnmoHctlvl.y, and (Jen ', mniuruiaii's cori a U alout to ho hi iked 111 Dnh'iiiJsuha. I'ho landing of tho V.A) ptluu brludH mar SoIIiih losdsintho In tutmico that Zlniniermau la In Dnhrudxcha islthn larger iom-o than w-na intended to b Pfi tljire anil shows tho 1 ITeut of bolder ooiili-elH wt Cfisiantlnoplo, I' Is likely Ve may shortly hearot heavy lighting hy ilil'. (lit Lion of the nrmv, which has hither 10 been noinpsrsllvHly dUengsged, New Yoik, Aug. 21 A i-pt-clal has tho fol low tin: A London epeo al dUpatch from Kurnkosra saia the army of General L iris ikntl, divisions of hlch were coin minded by (JttiiM. llevmsn. Dsvel and Kuianiir, at-aakt-d the ToikUh Hon at three illtlVrenl pofiita on .Sunday, 1 he iiht began hy a lu rlotiH c4iiiionnsde from tho Riuslan ostler irk ull along the line, the Turkl-ti arilllery rpllnu with vreat vhtor. Thn Itut-sUn lire ss ery well directed and did great execu tion among the masses ot Tuiklsh infantry minted behind Ihelr works. Umlor cover ol tnlsMrtlllery tire the Russian infantry mov ml out and advanced lo lh attack ol tbe lurks. Advancing, the Russian column Aero objeded lo terrible fires from the lurkiab batlarie, but tbe men moved brisk ly on, lakJng advaataga of every aooldeat ol ground that afTirdiul covor, and Iholr hklrnilshnra kwping up a lively fiiHllido When Ihey otino wlihlti a s'mr' distance of tho lurkl-h lino, they distniil forward und Hwpptlo n (h 11 KHto'nUlii'd Turks with an InipciuoMtv that oviuo'tniti all re'la unco. Al er a Hliort 8'iirp etruglo tho Turks were ilriveti out of their entrnnohmont at the bayonet's point. They rslluul aiiildenly on their fecoml llnfltindor cover ot a brisk cm unnade, which kept the Ituti'ins at u re Hpcdtstiio (llslnnco. Tbopi-cnud Turkish linn l)Hiigintrem"h etrnugaud complstely doiu I initio by heavy bntlorlea on lomn helith's lu tho rear, the Russians did nut uibKh any ntlotnpttn on pi urn thorn. Tliofttta-k wa ro ally 11olnl intended lo, kneplhti nl'entlon of tho Turks ouotiplcd whllo ninveiiient ot great e.iaiegiu luiportance was being rsrrlid out In annibor direction. A constant Ore wiih kept up during tho grnater portion of tho evening, hut toward nightfall the Rus elans retired to their former position record lug to plan already determined on. Tbo en gagement lasted eight hours, and Iho loss on both aid) was heavy. The Russians had 801 men killed; among Iho latter am four oltloera. Tim Turks are reported to nave bad 1,600 inon killed. London, Ang '21. A correspondent of the Dally Nws at 8adem, the kntdquartora of Grand Duko Nichols, rrfsrrlng 10 tho dls patch 1 f the fourth csyalry division on an In dependent expedition for tlm parpo-io ot Htopplng Turkish oommunloailon with Ho plila by blockading tho Orchard Ik Pass tele graphs as follows: It Is felt heio that this hould have bean donn earlier, but If sue ceksful now It will still have good results. In iho event of a crushing Turkish dereal tit Plovna, It would no far to make It another Sodan. The expedition is obvloaaly hsxtrd oub. The oorrospondent say he nuderstands that Servian Intervention la now 'certain, and i ay a the activity of tba Turks at' Plevna iu sending out cavalry recoBolaaannaa Mtna as thouvh they bad son latentloa of taking thnoffensivj. Mew Yorf, Aug. 31. The Herald's rorrra pondent wlih the Turkish araay In Bulasrla uili-craphsttmra Juko hw,-vaan iaTso-A by all the foroea uudefMls)UMyTa:ll and Bulelman Pasha at Siarlarger.i ThaTork'sh commaader has reaolven to otter bajtle M tn( Russlaus, Grand Duke Nicholas bWasoum ed personal onmiuand of the Itaa.lan fnn-oa. and altogether thoro will be over 300,009 men ongegeu. London, Ang. 21 Tho Times' Oalrntta correspondent telegraphs that iho prospects of auiumn crop mav be regarded aa b" wi les In Southern India, most critical In Wes tern, uenirai und Ii irthern India, ana lair ly Hood In Ksslern India New York. Aug 21 The World's London epeolal eaa'Grant has sent word toGaribat di that he should be very glad to visit Gap rera during tho autumn. Now Yoik. Aug, 18 The Tribune editori ally snnamarlsee Its Washington dtspstcli as follows; Major Poaoll is preparing a report as director or the geological survey ot tbe territories, showing bow small a LOrtton of our government lands aro dnsiranio to nhi Here. Thla roport will bo nrnhajly a more elaborate presentation of tbe vlow up-in that sutjHot wnioh bo tool; in an ov iioitvormi delivered last April beloro the natlona'i acad emy of sciences. Pouell'uooticluBlonH eoem lo bo somewhat arbitrary, aniigivoaan ox tremo view of tbo ram, ulihougb ho pro- sentN msuv faolsand flrfuree. It ia not to bo disputed, however, that a largo propor lion of the public lands have been ruthless lyt-quanderad In gllis 10 railroad companion. Deadwood, D T., Aug. 18. Tho town ol Gay ille. two miles from this pUce, wa al most enilrely destroyed by lire this morning. Only one or two hnnsea were snvd. Vh tiro started iu Varner'a reMaurnnt, Therti being no waior for liro purposes, tho fHmo spreud rapidly, and 111 tlire hours ii amuuuted to the Jestrucllnu of aiO hnusrH, ranging in vslus from $50 to HfiW. T:iu to tal Iom4 Is $00 000; no insurance Windsor, Vt., Aug. 18, Presldnnt Ha.ui and piny were Joined at ClHreninut by Messrs. Key and Doveu, Judge Hoar, Kenii tor Morrill, and SocroUry und Mrs, Kvartri, and brouuht to tbo rtwldenco of Hocrelary ICvurts Hero a reception was hold on tho iriounils of Evarth' resldnnco. Home 2,500 people panl('lpltd, end muuh etillnihUfiii wa manifested. At Iho nlo.it of tbu f irtnal lles of the riceptlon, tho Preslihnt aditress. ed iho assembly in a abort mhi.cIi. BtcrotK ry Kvarta alo mado u short and plei.satit t-nech, Introducing IVstmssior tlt-iuirl Key, who, on coming forward, HaiigreUd lna most enthusiastic manner. Iloeaid: " My Krleiuls: I ehould not (ell jou tho truth If I should s.iy tint I appear before you without feelltigsof emhsrrasstiionr, hav ing room from a hiction ofcDiin'iy remote trom tniM, ror nils 1 u urge country. ivi tween It and New EnuUtid It always appoitr ed lo mo tbaflhero was a strong auuoulsiii. 1 t ought I would nntno up Hint help celo brute tho battle of Hunulncton In mem hired (hat Iho people of New ilatnpsiilo, Vermont, nnd Sooth Carolina mot siilii b lil 11 nn Iho hsltli field and lu tho convention 10 Ir.imti IliHiioui'liutloii, but Isvery led lo dlktrsotlug cotn-equeiicos, New Kttglaud wa iho cradle of librriv, tho citadel of liberty, while the South had au intertat lu tho or igination of slaverv. That question Is Kit- led.' To day New England id mis prevail in tbo South, so that ail tho moplu of trio Houth aro mh tree as you aro, und that gulf which koparaietl us Is clotel, and I bono tho time lis arrived when wu shall no longer feel tbsre I any North or Mouth, but that we have one country which U inseparable." Loud cheers Atohlnson, K., Aug. 21. Sunday evening Bill Ucroggs a worthless fellow, shot and klllfd J. Olipbant, a prominent citizen of Oak Ulll, In this county, was pursued by a parly. One of wboaa ne shot dead and tba surrendered himself to a Jostles of the petoe. This moralag a saob wast to taejall wharw he was coutlnud, took hint ont and hung hlui Hasnlton, Poun,, Aug 20 Tho ntrllters ltit night lorcedout Iho tfoncybrook miners hut the prosiinoo ot vigilante proven toil fur ther lutcrfereuco with 111011 willing to work. Illahmoutl, Aug, 20 Poputy Collector Ohko II Vadln lies been ha hi en belt! In $.i,0G0 bill, chanted with timlxa'prnent of Kovernmeut tunn.s, wuluh no fctatos bo lost In oambliug. New York, Aug 20 A Urga numbor of St. Ijoitls morolianta aro now ptirctiHslog uoods. uiot of whom sta'o tho prespeu a aro Mattering for an unusiiully heavy trado this lull In Ihokontli and west. 1 Ibodot! lux thus far has brought tho oltv a revenue of f2J 1S3H. I be Woriii esys Morton is a vory iclc man if not lu nosltlvo peril. Ho laxed his physl nal powera unduly In his lata trip to the INoltlo coast, rnpeolally In the matter of eat Ing a sofi-shellorabcsUd, partaken of at Ban llolladay'ii, being adlah that brouaht on paralyais In hla left arm and side. Ho has Hereditary londeuoy lo paralysis. His fath er and nncle died of it. Porilsiid, Me., Ang 19 Stephen Hall, Wei dell Hmall and Krank Houston were drowned In Hobago lake. at. josept), ono , &ug. iv a loeonniiva on the Hannibal A He. Joe road exploded at the depot hem this morning, fhr fireman was errlbly aaldud, and died In alow hoars Tho engineer was badly c tided and the foreman if iho ard blown 20 feet, but Is not datiKereus'y hurt. Detroit, Aug. 19 The propeller Ohio was burned rl tho dock la Windsor Ibis moralng. Laws, 910 000; insured Wasitiaguin, Aug. 19 Offioos discontinu ed Hummer lake Lake couuty, Oregon. Now York, Aug. IV. The sleroury says: Hhorinan wilt leavo the cabinet, owing to the exposure of bis connection with the syndl catering. Hohaia with retire oa aeoouatuf niaeleotiOBeerlBK bills, general impraetlBll Ity and persoaal hypoorlay. . Devest la an urgent candidate 'lor the supreaaa, gat TitaoD Hoase. Monot Waahlarton Aug. 99 Tbo prealdeutlal party arrived here this sfiernoon. Point, ol Interest were examined and an hour spent here. A;reoeptlnn was bold ny the prestiient aim wire, ana a goner al hauilshak ng Indulged lu, Nf.w Yoik, Aag. 2l.-Tho World's Wash. Inirion siileclal Mtvs: Wells and Anderson. of iho Liulslaua returning board, will arrive here lo. morrow In the bon of doing some thing lo Vaui-o tbe Indloimenls pending aualnat them fnralleirnd fraudulent ounuuot connected with the returning board, to be dismissed, Meyer, district attorney from Alabsma, la nere ana win uoor nsra to retain nimseii in otfioe. Gen. Gsrfleld Is hero (or a day. Hs does not qulio like tho look of things In Ohio. Fountain school hoya ooinpeird for the cadelahlp at West Point in Nicholas Miller's district, in this cltv, yesterday. Tbe prim la said to be oarrled off by a ycung negro named Minnie. This createa e-mslderable excitement and comment, considering tho personnel of thndlatrlct. Cards olncoly rcMimbllng U. H. ohlgailnns and aeeurillua aro ho frequently "ed as ad vertising mediums hy uuslnesa firms tbat tho yovernmnnt, Inr the proteotli'ii ol the peoplo, ha determined to atop tbo practice iiy provocating all ongagvd In the work iu fui urn. Chicago, Auc 22 Tbo In'er Ocean's Wash. Ingtoti hpeolal nas: Glnglo a elluhl III lies of Gen. Terry tho Hilling Bull cotnmla sion will not sum bef iro next week. H.111 Francisco, Aug. 21 At a mte Ing of tlm Hoard or K location this evenunr, a pen. Hon whs pre.nnted I'min a nun bsrot prnml ueiit tJulniHO firm aklllg Hist prnvNion bo titsd'i lortheeducallonof (Ihlina-clnlilrui In Iho public suhnula and that a building be furtllHhed for lliat purxis The (solium recltiH In elfrct ihatastho Chlnesn biiartsxa tlon cqit'illy with other (Mieple, ihelr children arooulltletllo IIiohiuio privilege or public Instruotioti. Tho petition was rofered to ihe propor committee, The Indian War. rialt Lake, Aug. 10. I'ho Indians on 'Ihe Moniana Htdg" rM'l,.'!0 mile south of I'leuo ant Vallev, still hold the rna't and tlm leln graph. They turiio'l tho alsgn und tho tele itrapli repaliera back jelerdy. Hut few buck nro seen, though many tqtiaws and cnildren sro romrlo I. This Is not tho mum party, hut iini-uy tho wniunled and ismilfes. Nothing has lieeii lic.irii from any polui urir'li of I tin brink hIikjh the lo h. Now York, Aug. 10. I'ho Tuuia' Chlnago special hajst Dispatches whuih huvo biso rii.iHod itt.Shenilan's htsdquarlerH duriuu tbo piNt two (Isjh from arlnus tullllai H'litrctH In tho far win em counlry, lrao tin d'liilit wlialeter that Joseph, with his band of Nik Purees, I making his way eastward It 1 biilhiMil tho lulelitl'ili of tho chin I is 10 make an at empl lo huIko tlio headwaters nl Tongue river ihrnugli Yellowhnuie Park Ho lully ronvluctd i Hliinlun llal tltl-I'll Is hilt mil 11 that bo Iihm hunt rtler- to rom iiiRiiilniH of po-tpi along the Mttlo Morn suit Tonnun rivers lo ktep a slurp lookout fur tlm lumtlli'M nnd give Ihem n wsrm to'eptlun It Ihoy allow ihemMlves. For till ir h tl.u trnopa In llialieulou will be ooiicsntral ed. Them sro at tin so pests several bun drcd men of the 2lct Infantry, snd if ll Is found ncftstary lo use a larger force several companion will he taken from two or three of tbo nearest northern potts. HooulH have already been dispatched In every direction to gather Informstiou of tbe approach of the Nex Peroea. Iu view of this change In the theater of war tbero Is no Utile alarm fell al headquarters for tbe safety of General Hber saaa, who ie supposed to be at tbe present moment in Yellowetoun Park. Ho hnaonly tlvo men with blm 11s an tecort. Tho (quad Ih well armed, hownver, mid might worry Jowpti and hla men Icurltilly If tho two comp'inlenfbotild happen to coino loxelber. I'ho military which Have been stationed la this city lor tho past month boluKdent back to the wst as fi st hr ptiHilblo. Fort tlsll, Idaho, Aug. 20, via 8lt Lake. Capt. llilntirlilgo, with a company ofacouta enlisted from tlio BnniiRrkti Hnd Hboshonoe, lert Fort Hall esUudiy for Ibemostlin oni at Hulo In tho'llock htatlon, about 90 mtloa north. Atlant hcioiuiIh, jitetday,tho hoe tile but posspi-slon of the station and would allow no 0110 lo pass oiihpr way, end told tbnae who mado tho attempt to turn tmok and tlioy would not ba molested. No onn has been h'irt yet that la known. The telegraph linn Is down and strung In differ ent directions. All iheyounglUnntcksand Hhosnones at the agency who can raise a can havo left this morning to fight tbe hnstlles. Nn other Indian havo Joined the Nea Per cos, and It Is not bellevod there Is danger of It. Thoro is tho fullest confidence la la fidelity of the Bannarka and Hnoahoaes. VaiUa. Agrioaltiral CesgrtM. Mono, Illinois, July Bin. 1877. TheHlxth Annual Hesslon of tbe National Aarlcultaral Conaress. will be held at the Grand Pacific Hotel, In the city ofOhleago, on Tueadav, Wednesday and Thursday, September 25th 96th and 27th, 1877, com mencing at 10 a. M.on lucsoay. All Agricultural Horlelles. Boards of Agri culture, Agricultural Department", Agrloult- H..I ifnllotva iv.lMiillnHl ta r tsA Ia I . Granges, Farmers' Ulabs and other organlaa- , tlona whose nMsct Is Ibo promotion or Agrl on re, lu the unlied Hiates and In Brlilsa Auierlss, are rtqoasted to aend dslegateat and all persons aeslriair to promo e tbe ob- JeoU of tbe Cengreaa are cordially Invited 10 aueaa ana partial pate ia na aeiiDerationa. Ii Is suggested and rtaurated tbat la eaea fUMmm a Wn -wa ., l. - t-wn ' ' delagaie front eaeheftts Ooagreasloaal ells- '. trleta. Hpeclmees of Agrleultaral Piodacts auea aa the Hmall Grains, Corn In the Har, Km II, Nuts, Seeds, Grasses and other Forage Plants. Tobacco, Hops, Cotton, Hemp, Flag, , Mugar, Wool, Dlry Products, etu , are solic ited for exhibition and fur ton oomparlsm of the products of different parts of the ooua ny TheGrand Paolflo Hotel, whloh will be tbe) beaitquarera of the Congress, will turnlsb the u- of a spacious hall for the meet lag and an anj lining room for the dlplay of articles on exnlbltion. The Chicago Inter HU'e Kxpesltlon will be opened during tbo meeting of ibo Congress, and delegalea will liayo tbe advantage of suah reductions of faro as may be extended lo other vUllont, aud an opportunity of visit ing Ibo finest exhibition of the Agricultural, mineral and manufactured products of the Northwest. We earnestly solicit the epotl co-operation and attendance of tho officers of the va rious Departments aud Bosnia of Aurloul turo,Htat Agricultural N. del lea snd Agtl callural College-, and of the Edit-r or Ag ricultural Periodicals throughout tho coun try. On tho ffforlH of those three elassea of educators the advance of agricultural luielll geuon largely depends; aud consultalloa with ono another, aud with representatives of Ihe agricultural class will do much te dlreoi and euerglat Ihelr work. W. O Flaiio, Preldunt. HouaokJ Hktrni Hov. NutKuiciiial Vo learn irom friends of il,.. I ml. Jin, 11 II4VI1. 1'ras lonl.nf lllackMiiiaa miiuiv. wtm mum f iiiud iliisil lo III iirnliarJ no 1 hn fourth msi , 1 I111I il.ero whs not ihe Kliuhtesi grnunu rr tno eitpp sup 11 111st ine driMisnid 01110 in his dial h ny any tuloldal intent. Ilia family was residing In Ibis city, and hn hail gouo lo his place near Iluilaville Inr iho pursiheot bringing buck a cow, some chicken and oilier artlaltM Ou Ibo morning of his drain, hsvil g lltd the cow tonveil IhiilIv In llni luiulliiu. mill iiImi'kiI tlm nlill'k. ens lna box near Iho smo plre, he was w itiiiK for iho Htesiiiiiott 10 coniii aioiiK anil IskHllieill all 10 I'.illlsllll. v fllle Wslllllg IniHalil ho would uo 1011111I tlm ll.-lil w,h his gun and lo k tor hoiiih bird-, kunwli g lht Imixiuld tuilly riMiili Iho boil ahnr Piering ilm wio-iIh After kiiiih llinn isp--i(l the whillebleW,audiiuineil telv Hfii-rllerenrt nf tlm gun was heard N hi t wssiiuiught of all this, and 1111 Ulll ailnhs f-lt lllilil he lulled to return in 1I1110 lor tlm host. Hi arch una then iimite, hut not until the ii'Xi 1 vi ii ing we iho I o l f mid Them we no phy Hioiau 10 ixsmuio ibo rsngo ol the hll hut all llin oiri'uuistalii'ns seem to bulletin that ihodect'SMil 011 lieurnu Ibo IiihiIii of the Iwial, siaried sudili lily 10 reiuni, whin, by - ma sol lent, I In iuu ws illi'lisrnl, Heuiliiig liiicoitit'nti lu o hlsi-hlii him Ho iiiw tnrougii tho hesrt, ciu.lni: Insisntiliaib. (1 uivtw. great psin to hi siirvlvMig Irii-nds lliat rep iris urn In I'ltciil.lii'ii llmi ilm d.i- .,u.til i'.iiih lii lilt. iIhwIIi i.llirul.i, llMll llV 111111I1 in, All Mr tin v Inj, hIOmi in wiving 11 ri'lil-i ion iiihiicu ri p iris sin m-r.in in- qiltH ml 10 pll 0l0 Ilil. I Mill WIVJOTIIUH. Filial ATTIIK. llAI.I.Kl I'lm imt'llln t I lie) wehli-mlwl I'liilil o lent, nccilptHil In Mr. Kiazier and l-ui'li , I ilely I10111 No-v , a l.iuil.rtiiil owmmd by Mr-. I'ltlilln-. I I lins' lanilliii, iV.'l , was, sh Him .Uouuloin ter, totally iii-irotd by tlrlllatMllldtv m lining, tlm lltli hint. 'Iho Ilm I- supposed IU Ii.iVh oiiKluslod III ti largo clnsn , slid when dlsiovtrnl had pio0 to thu crlliug ami loot, Asyolutmsata. Governor H, F ui-iun ha anpo'nied liie following Notary l'ubll'-s not rep.ined before: llo. P Imt, I'.inUiul: R .bcrl U. Wilson, Hateui j W. U. Weal, Portland. III ' "J 'Wl ,Tiift 4 M J I 'I J I " i I 1 i 1 : IF' al "M I1 - 1 1 l . a .M r 1 i:sM!muts&i Jiauxmi liUirW-. . i Jk ,