""""""Bntiniairmifftiiti wat WILLAMETTE FARMER. ! J ! 8 i 1 1 r IV is WouuiiUUNi Aug. 12, 1877. Dkak Slit: Iii atiflvvor to your Inquiry about tliosuAcedling pruned sent you, 1 would Hay: My father Iiiih never tried to dry them whole, hut they dry full as well its the bent hy splitting them, equal to Coo'h Golden Drop. IIo Iiiih named thorn the Unlduti prune. J. II Bl.TTMiMIHIl. Mr. I), M. Morris, wr'ting from the hills youth of Hnli'in, iiuym From fotn teen bundles of wheat I II died out one bushel and .'t'2 pounds. .Said btuitllos wuro hIx feet. K It- D.'irli'irn, ll-trnm tiiuknr, HaIoiii, Iiiih uxtru liunilt itt work muklnn Imrnois lo HUpply tin nonli of larinoM who nro coin inunultiK to Imrvnftt. Hit Incn thu lnrgHl uuMiiosh In ImrnosH and naildlnry In till part of tlio Statu. B. Frloilm.tti, noxt lo I'imt olllco, Huloni, rIvoh noticu that (IiIh Ih tlio Inn! month i;noilH can bo boiinlit nt him a'. unit m ho Is closing out bis Mock hiuI will op.m nnxt mouth, tit JiIh nhl ntHiiil, opposiUt tlio Utile, In DiuIiIii'h block, with mi ontlro ii-i ''(! r kooiU. AOAttUTiTIIKriJIJ' t '. Jin- Ink fiilinil liii'lMci- t f . r limn we I'xpnpl cil, wiiliiivolii'OM h iiiii'Wliiil iii'icil il furl ck ol liiflrunifiilH, imtlici Klilnii"ii'Hfr in llicfiict riot nro Imiiiii itii tul liiid'ini mil Inn w dike ph-nv iirnhi InliiriiiliiK Mm 1111M11 lovh'K pulillu 'Inn wo Iiiivii mriiiKi'il for isituliy liicriMM'il lilp mi'iili unil ivllllrv luumifior lo l"i rnnxliinily on liiuiil IIhi lnri(i!Nl HUiuk of plrnim, oriturm fihi'd iiinilr,rl(!.. In tlin I'liy, Hint uur tii-.t t lic. coiili'inpl.illMK iiirrliHNliliiKirn(lirii Inlt-riwH il. tonill iiiMli'xiitiilnuoiirfcliii'k Iwiuru piiKlmhliiit (ilmiwliiif. Itiiiiiciiilinr Ihii pliiuii at lliu (Mil Ovnrliinil Hlnni I loom . (iriwnlil'( block, Com. lIlUI!lllllltnut,H. Ulll Op'KOtl, ItCKpcctfully,; miKlllilw (J i.l'NKIl DUOS. SWIM C'OaUlLLE. TAKr. NOlll'i.. All pununs nro liumliy warnuil not to pur cliiiso it cortnin proiniHi.iiry unto nmilo by C'liirkn tt ('raitf, of tS.ilom, Oregon, in favor of Aliirl V. Ilrown, of Allmny, Orison, il.itwl alMiut Kulirunry It), 1877. fur tliu mini of Two TIioiih.iihI Dollarn, without intorcnt, ml p..yi.lilu Mnrcli I, 1878 (living tliu only promlnHory unto, of hucIi tenor, atiiomit anil il.iti', L'ivuu by n.ilil Clarke it (,'rnig to naiil Mivrt V, Ilrown), for thn rt-anoii tlmt tMty jiiiiiiU luivu Imiuii imiilu on itiimo, ninl lliera nro lo.il olHtoU to N.11110, which wo shall maintain uai'tint all lioMiirx. Clakkk k Craw. H.vi.k.m, Annual 10, 18V. Tlio Han Prmiuisoo HiilltHln says: The whnot crop In tlio Han Joaquin valloy Mouth of tlio Murnnri rlvor h Ixton, with fair nx ooptlonn, an antlro flliiro thin jcar. The ftrmorH Imvn not not Intok thnlr w)(l nnd wlut Ih wore, it uroat many of (hem are not bio to buy need for thn nit yoar'a crop. Thn narrnw.-Ruaiift rmlroml from Seattle to tho ooal inlnnx on lllaok river In a complete iiooont, Trnlim run It reittilnrly, fromiiOto 0 iiiIIoh per hour. KIkIHccii oarn or ooal, vorKli.K Hi lone eanh, hv lieen run in 0110 train, and In a ahori time thU will tio Inuroaocd to !3 or mr tralti, with two and oftmi thruntralim pnr iUv. Thn Aatortun -ayH tliu i-aruo or the ablp UrlllHh Army,Jiixiobiriw lor Mvcrniol, l by f r tho inii vnluubln i'rin ovrrnblppil fniui tho I'miHln eot. It ooiikIh oil nrM.-i76 caH of italui'i'i, valund mi f31S,iX). 'Inn voHfiul bIbo took oomiMiOKblo whoat. bhn wont to Nxit with a ilru or '21 r-ot Thn 0riU Pott Ulttua Hofabad. Tho I'lixtiillliM at (IhhmU wiik Hiirni tltloii.ilvintriid oiiiho ulilii or tho I I11H , and i1 biiloiiulnu 10 tho Unlii'd Huii, and fft worth of HiNiupxHtottm, Thn roblmrH nro known, Mild wnriiiiiU Imvo lienn UhiiihI for thnlr arroNt. Tho 1'iHimui.liir did not iiiIhx ttioiiiiinuut until tlio lih IiinI , anil tho lpo 01 111110 iiiiorvciiiiiK ioiw4ii timroiincry ami tho tllHOOvury, rmvo tlintlilnvcN auopH)ituiil ly to iiwpi. A Uln lint of oluuk. ir"tlno U iiioiioy," W. W. Maitln Ih tho woalthltrnt untu In N.tlcm, In rkcl a mil llouulro IIo ri'oolvod yi'M'criUv, dircol fruiii tho iiiiinufto'ory, ovor UK) olockHiir dlllnrtint mIxonhiiiI pMtuiriiH, Hint 1I1N moruloR they ro all up Mild iiiimt ortliom ruuuiiiK, lt'ou aro 1 umhIiii; Iiv, Mop In mil llxltiu to lo mill lltiiiliuuiH thkliiK ot tho afonwatd new arrlvulii. CoquilIjE City, July 27, 1877. Ed. Fahmkic Thero is another Hteam-boitton thoCiqulllo river. She p.tnsedtlown tho river yesterday, being "tided" down to Parkersburg, to re cl'Ivo her engine. Sho Is called "Co n's," and is a nobby lltt'o propeller about -15 feet long, fitted up In style, ex pressly for carrying piiHsengcra. Sho lius a Utile "bur" on board, and other modern improvemontd, and is a regu lar huby nhlp. Aug. 4th. Tlio baby nhlp, "Ceres" came up I ho river to-day. Her ma chinery is In all O K. She runs like a hen-oartridge, and as soon its in spected, will miiko regular trip-. Hklir-pulllng Ih atKiiit played out on tho Coqttlllo Hlcr. Aug. Otli. Harvesting is In full blast here now. More grain Is being raised hero every year. Tito favorite wheat Is "IJIuo Stem" or "Noah's Island." It is raised mostly on hn'tom land, where winter wheat cannot well be raised; and people aro slow in finding out that tho np-liiutl raises the best wheat, nnti liuest flavored vegetables. Tliu bottoms ciin't bo beat for grass Some aro raising barley, with good siti'cess. Oats do web; 1'o.ts ditto. I went down Hie river last Sumlny, and visited tho places of two farmers; both in tho bottom. Their house standing on tlio immediate bank of the placid Coquille. Such grass, pota toes, peas, beans, onions, and other " truck," as is here (o bu seen, cannot bodlM'ouuted anywhere. These men have cut a ditch through tho rlvor bank to drain tlio low lauds back which Is seven feet wide, four foot deep and two miles long. This cut shows tho soil clay below, Hand and decayed muck on top. Hero ono can ruiso timothy grass that Ills cows can hldo in mid it will be green tho year around. To Imj Huro these lands overflow more or less every winter. Hut tho Coquille valley needs people fo devoiopo her advantages, und many a man, now with Hunch Qra&j on tho bruin, might do well to examine this locality before thero comes another hard frcezo out winter in Euatern Oregon. M. Aa H.yt Put Oat. We learn from Mr. J. H. Albert, who re iirnpd rrotn Mehnina this morning, that f on or Mr. Holt, llvlnj? near that plrnse, hart iIh rlirlit oyo put out yesterday. Hundayi unrnlnir. Tho lad warf milking wlnn tin ow mirtdenly throw hor hrad around anil ho tip or one or her horna graz-d his rjv n mioh a manner as to rorovcr destroy ln tixlitof It. The boy'a onotpo from Install i ieatu was indeed a narrow one. Tho Wheat Market. Wheat wont up it p?K the vory day wo Wrn to pre lust vm'h!--, to'i lain for us In imko iiiHfiilnn orb. Muy fyni'ypnffd prlii' to $1 UJ3 jilt buslml iitjto in bbltm. Wo And no olmiiKH In (j'lntrllotit i'bwli'io. Tho f'lrolnn nutrient la .11 1' '.v.iu, but the edvuuco In this I. (.iilHy , .t.l. l-fstht- i f nrpd for vl o it lo supply Uih locul in i.i a rut ut Salnm iiiIIIh nnd partly brcaiiKO of thn oppofililon HHHinor lluo pultlnK down frelghta to f 2 00 pur ton, thua making it an objoct tonliIi wheat to San Francisco for reshlpmwnt then Htafiavlugor 8ctsort)ijt8por bushol. In pror orenuo to ahipping from Columbia rlvor at current frloht raM. Tho now 8tainnhlp lino la mado out of vory old material and la an attempt to com pol tho O. 8. 8. Co. to purchase thn Orizaba itid Los Angolos, two of tho oldest hulkaou lio coaat, to prevent oppohltlon. Wo nro Inil to roo ohoap jHKsapo and cheap frolnhls lOii'llmaloly olnicted ami yot wo cannot tun doubt tboHdvantRKo of Htiub rotten ojiptml t on, which la apt to onloil vory Borloua los -tltimen,Hsln thorasoor tho Pacific, lostoir 1'Uk'Ot Hound. Thu O. H. 3. Co. havo now tud commodious vohioIh that aro a c rod It tn thl'j trado and wo hoyo to hoo tho iii purauo a llboral policy ntid rocolvo lair etipport, WHEN YOU WANT TO -PAINT, .USE THE.. AVERILL FAZ1TT. It is prepared rend) lor Immediate use. nnd of ALL DESIRABLE COLORS AND PUnZ WHITE, It Is easy to opply, lor dnn.Iilll!), nrd It will lituulj, and im( cuek, iid'i or ciuilk ofi. Iridium ol tolor it is Ulotbn Stolrn. Clotlumllno IIiIivik HroMroimd and paid tlm liioU ilimr yard or Mr. John I-'arrar mi UomiiKirulHl HlrMt m vIkIi Ut nluht, Hiven ahlrlN, a number nf ndlxrN xnd n voml flip plw or iiuilnroloihluK wuro taken. Our ttlil KHOriKhmilil bo outlutlr murtuiul ixkoln thnlr WHHhliiKN at iiIkIh, Imtbcr llicy aro dry or Lot. J WooDllUHN, Aug. in, 1B77. Harvest is now in full operation in our neighborhood, and wheat is coming in freoly. Tho recolpts in Mathlot Bros, warehouse, for tho past week havo lie tin front 25 to 05 loads per day, und uro dally Increasing. Tho wheat id of good quality hut has ration below the oxpoctitions of thu farmers in quanti ty. Tho average is from 15 to 22 buh-, els to the acre, when It was thought It w utd ho from 25 to !W by the appear ance of the straw, but notwithstanding that our f triners figures Imvo been set too high, tho deficiency Is made up by largo n'reago and the amount of wheat in this county will bo tloublo tbatof last year. Tho oat crop Is of astonish ing beauty, anil surpasses anything In the annuls of Oregon. Many Holds on this prairie will yield ns high as 75 bushels per acre. Somo few Ileitis havo been threshed, and the yield ttud qual ity are tin ) ttud abundant. Oregon will have two-thirds more to export than last year. A. Matuiot. To b AiunuUtcd. Mr. Ulnlmrd Minn, livin,; about 7 milt h imrlhol thlxolty, hihI whoHlniHnd noioo tlttio hIuoo by it trim Irtl'lin on liliu U lo lm n onoiif Ida liuinmpu aitd. The llmo IUk.I f.ir iho iMiiilnif t lu-Miorrow und hovhimI PIivhIiUiih rtidn thU .'Ity and Ourvula vv ill aitHlat In tho painful nitration. Homo luiputotl. Onn nt IIih llmiMUim tltlifhuu'liiir to Kiwi' A t'l'X'" Itxtl F.'iHtii luiiioui, litis moriilntr iii alti'iiipilni; in Jump a pii'l,.n fnm-., Nnr roiiudinu iln yad lh-v iio !-. In, it. mi lo the 1'i'i'tii luialbiir IiIiiim In miIi a in tnnir that ho illml In ) fiuv iiiomoniM, Tli" anliinl w.ti worth about flu). "No lnnr- Mill., I Ht'llo t'ouud. Jark ()rfiu fiiuu I ihla moitilmr, In tho yliilnliy of lint t'apllal -Hint nt, an anrltMil r4rwni.r' iilann llmi nnkM It mltfhi b'-vii tuwii bmiulii liorn bv lio ll'N Nlla'.looailtw that i'oIimI thnlr lioitsnn ('iiriiii Whim I'lalii". It MMHluruml ovnr in Mr O , Jobiiuon, of lllUMrt'.O llKlorll-M N.4lt'iv, ltHild tkla V iy. The Tom Thumb prlv of lllllpullana et a), at UtiiNiiini,, HnroMt Maryvlll.-, OaMfiir Ida hfHili'il Inr Or-umi orlaml. Thotrouv vlll iiiobabU bn initnt at Iho ioiiiIiij; .Stale Kalrtoilt-Hiihi tho crowd that will boon baud at (hut lunn. 1 kit hut tVl?. Mr Walie, the Sworwurv, Ium rlved the ji-khiIiihi tUiromn.rrum Jamea Vlnk, UrHih(t. icr, N Y n b nlveu on oremluma awarded fiirdl-plavof d iwer, 1877. AImi, nhnwoarda for Uko of vahlbltora for the pwmluma. The Traveling Fraud. Nkkiiv, Aiik.7, 1877. Kn. Kaiimkk, Whllo road iiik your puimr I mil iced h pletHi h nailed A Traveling Kraud ' Now, will you plen.io diMonbo htm, ua uo ililuk wo havo him in our imlKhburhnod. Onootr M)to last Winter a mill I'ainn to our liouti willi a Ilnlo boy four jvarn old. He wotted a homo for Ida little tmy; bald that a friend or Mr. KIiik'm, In O'eou Cliy, mint blm toiMaa It would be a kmhI plain, for wo hail no kiuali olilldreii. My tola a pitiful a lory. Wo kept the child one month. We did not want him any longer. He noon married a mIhow Iii thla iun;liborhood, and Ih now IivIiik Ihreo mllea lunn Nitnly. He litilwaya traveling. Sayahnla lUliiK tbreah UK iii.vohlni-N, lor which ho claim to bo lUent. I'lio tinlKliliora hay hu layi coiikh tiiiuiH wbli plenty r money, NionktioH nl u niHohlllH hu baa llxwl Jet, Nov (ho i o'lii boiti, iliruiili eurto-bv, would like lo have a ilfMoripttnn ol tbia iikii rmeU-r, an jour piHii udla lilin. Mum. O. U Iti.so, Tho dt)crlptiou itlvtmor thla nun Crork or, by ItiOHti who ho Hfen Mm la; atxnit 5fiUu. tall, heavy kaudy whtUera, lht built, lluiM m little and o.trrloa n bl uin, Mearx bUok bat and pMiitK, mid liuht yollow or liniwu (Htal and vot, to m iMli Ida wlil-k-era. He tH',a a pitiful iory ami Kcnrlly M) m tint noma neighbor or ft lend of tlm fam ily kOllt liliu loti'o liiuioo III. vikllM, Nn Yohk, Aii? l'i Tho Trlbutin nnyB : riioao who px -Wed tho war in tho past to I'HUto an Immodlaio Increaied demand Tor American breaditulH, as w oil naun ad valine in thnlr prtccB, thua hr Imvo been rtlaappolnt od, Kiinland haa certainly Itiitvor'od moro wheat and flnur hIiico KuBsia doolared war RKalnat Turkey than bofoM, but Hum la at theMnie ilino linn Incroaaod itn ox port or tho name commodity to England In a won dorful degreo. For Inamnoe, tho roturna of thn Hrltlidi board or trado uliow an Imnor- tat Ion or wheat from KuMla Into Enuland durlntr tho month or Juno Isnt ntnountltnr to o, MO.ooo bimtinlR, whllo uurinu tun corroa IKiudltiK mouth or 1H7IJ It wan only 805,000. London, Auk. 12 Tho Eoonomlatln ills euNHlnir tlioao lUtiren. ntlrihutoa theoomrar- ailvoly laritnau mil lea of wheat rooelvod in K'iKbtud rrom the Kant to tho effector tho war In haalonliiKtliiidiNpaiob or alt advall ablo grain rrom the dlmurbed territory, Homo of ItoomluK by rail through Germany by way of MaraolllM. That It won tho war, the editor of thn Koonomlat oontlnuea, and not tha mount rl-o in prico whluh gave thla Im pulse to oonalgninanta of grain rrom abroad may be gathered from tho fact that that month's import of wheat from undlaturbed oountrlea, notably America, aro much leaa wulead of groator, nntwlthatandlng the high nrlose. Another cauas MslBtied for In. oreaaed exports from Ituasla Is the deproola Hon of domentlo paper money in that oountry. Portland Produce Karket We oopy the following from the Oregonian of the 16ib,:; Wheat Offerings scarce; quotable Arm at f. pnroeiiiai. Flour Bit brands 17 00 per bbl ouudde and o mntry brands, Id 60: Una anil MUpernne, f I 756 CO. IUv Choice timothy, baled, f I2W3; looao 10,12 Otis K'vit 60o, common, 62, Htcon-vSldiM tlalloX,hauiMl2tt4u; ahoul- dura, l)j, Ltrd Oregon-made, rrosh, In 101b tins, Mo; InkHut, 13. Mo. ' Oiilckena 1. 00a4 00 por dozen. Iluttor I8a20o: Choose. ISalflc. Kgira 2.'ij pr dux. Uarloy Choloo brewing t.07M; food, ft.60 iwrcwt. H.)jm-1(II7o. Ss u Fraitrlacii Market, lr riLiuiuru.) Sin Vraneircn, Aug. 7. .. Wheat-Shipping, l'i tXl 8TX! rallllDB. ft 87X lUrlvy-tl 57XQI 63. 0t-.7J. IVUtiKK-H 3031 rt). luM-10t);,'; (lieuubackK, 0lM; silcr, ft&iltf dlicuuut. Jk. sale In any quantity by WEATHERFORD & CO. For ....DEALEKS IN- DRUGS, PAINTS, SALEM, OILS, AND PERFUMERY, OltEGON. muyutl G-rooerie s PAIIVTS, JOHN HUGHES, DEAMUt IN and Provisions OILS. WINDOW GLASS, xm. 1 1 a. 1 ml s Material OF ALL KINDS. 18 TnE AGENT FOR TUE 8ALE OF TUE RUBBER PAINT, ALL COLORS, Mycr & XjO-vrouHtoln'M VurulMlioH, HOWELL & BROTHEES' WALL PAPER AND BORDER, -AMI San arxxaxr Stato Street, Lime. Salem Oregon. V.WBATSSSrOKO. . w, wmATuarosD. LfKal 'IVudora in t'oiiland hnyliig OIK; kullliitf.OK. HllvurC'oin IHO i"roHnt,dlnoi)uiit. SALEH MARKET. MONBTAHY, I,tiiti.TsNiiKM,tipyliiK,HMi : nelllnit, 00ie. KI.OUH, tiKAlN Jto. .. tir.i. iv-, Willis y uuruii ul, V I)U... ....... ,1.., , Klour, lit, S mcIc. (W htrrel) Ilurkwheat V'lonr, V uriii, (f inn ShnrlN. V Ion DllCaki MiMl.fi ton rixr MiSHi, iir si ........ Hay, V ton, nuw ,. liiH-.l, V ton. TllK I)ai.I.im Auk, 7, 1877, Tho rollowlntt namad aro tlu oillora or llar inon I.Q(IkS No, Itll, Tho UWloa, Ur : K. CHuiptwll, IV.O.T j luiW MoNtilly, V.r.j Qto. Walklns, H.3,; Wm. Mnohcil, bS. Chas. Phlllla,KS.i May b'.noe, C. Kraud D, Banders. I'.W.O.T; Clar McKsr Uad, M, Viola MoFarland, I O j Win MoDorinott, O.G.j Franons Sulpoa, K.H.a.; Joasphlao Marsh, L.II.8 ; Orlando Mnrcin, A. Qko. Watkims, U.S. ............. SI 05 ...... .............a..., , ,,(jj 5(J O 4 at m ............. M... . .,15 Uttih .. .... .'ai nkTa .. .... 33 mv&,... ... to at ......... .... Q ., (IHOOKItlKS. "tilKar, Su Prauoinco rulliuM, V lbl UJtCt U UUinl 1Hti cru.lnil ItVjft li.S liowilcrvd. 'ift ii KranuUlint .&,& n slrup, f k'l Kk.ol Ikl Wi,.liiiiii. yt a Mul.1 ui ,Im,fU -iVM Ml 0,irleo, t:ou Itlca, V 'Oat .. Hto... ...... .-.. . ..,,........, (t'ft) .. IxOllO a.,.... M......I.I... ?!Vl ja.a a.a.aaa a..... ..,. a,a ai( aa -tlt, drnnKi Ii-Uiul, porcw -jiftl 00 Liverpool, roiro 441 ml Ualry a 75 Day ..(jit tn FUtT8, VKt7KTAUt.KS, Ac. ppllHt... ...... .a,,.. . ..a. ilrtixl, V A...... fetrhot, itrtist, V b I'lnm, " " IVu, ..e. prbu IksUl, V lb, rumiiH'v, ! uuviivi Ontnu, w & Ctbh;o, V uai.... inrrrKuriatiH, Jto, Batter, trt.h rolls, f B.. IACklM.,........,......,........, . Sal)C4. W UilAtfU. ..........,......, ...... OlimaM Ortoa prime, V B uafu, w a1........ .,...,.........,.,..,,.... ou-8rc tali). Oil, bolted, V fnon ,, (Aid Oil, frfclloa Ul T5 C04 Oil ' TVjrl Susutoot OU, V U ,.,l (UAi 00 rAJWWf 9 B,MIMtMMtMUHtlMtMMf 1 10 SSalSS i H l km 1 A i(--"j m (ft .. C 4 N) not 00 MA 91 33 .. U'A - 1 w 1 M4 t Weatherford & Co.. Waolsssls snd Kstsll Dealer la DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS, JE erfumery TOILET GOODS, Etc, eto. PURE WINES and LIQUORS For Medicinal ptupoies. Medlolnes Compounded, and Prescriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co., Prttr Commerrim utrnot. NALKM. The Old Immigrant Route Across thu Cascade MnuatalnM. OW OWNED ST TH S Cascade Koad at i B i-i 0 Oump y, Rnnnlna via M.nrty, Ml. Hood, anil IUrluw'a Oatc, 1 NT. op,VN. t'Vl r all kliulu li.n b irnn. lliurond Uin Kod tepilr, utun-lr. Im- ItBL IIILLtl arualliiridrd. Hn-ib.brld!C ireonsS Ihpitio.ma TbUmadmri-rricpiTriia ou.-n.ob-Mdy.sndyetltlllliulioricl, bft and rk a ft ruiitti ovnr ih- muunuii.ri. Dl-Uncn 1 vn lbs mountain. 44 mPea. Prom I'lillmil nvir ibe miiuiiiaiiij, 7H mlli. Kiom t-al-m, IHO ml.,.. If 'T.r M,'l' ! """M'' ' M "i I'r 23' ! v-st-tlu. 111 ; Hhi p. Se mi r.'1p1,Dii'lcomlni'rri.morlii Mitl n. Ym hi I. Wa-hluuliiii. Lltin, Ik-nim, aid l, ik cini.ilos. tbi Ii by far thu bi-i-i. nta-i-i-t. hi 1 I., aiici ,, u,.. . ,, . I COALM N. Pro Id nt, Hartby B. rsoan, HfC. Illllll KELLY &. UNDERWOOD, UERREN & FARRAR, Will pay tho Highest Market Price rou 500,000 POUNDS or TO O OL.. SACKS A1D TWIME ITurutHliotl. Unqalraor W. J. III.UKI.N, PAUHAIt BUUTIIBBS. tUlem, Uy4, 18TI-3m.l Carriage & Wagon iHers, Salem, Oregon, nAVK ON HANI) A CIIOICK LOT OK KOOK Hpriuir Wagona, Carriages, &. Buggiea, of their own make. Mannfactored 0 tho DKS1 quality ol Jurrry Illrknry. Ulvonia call, aidcxainlic oar work, and Judirs lor ynainln'f. All Ulmdn or Itepalrlnj: nnd Oineiol Jolibliu: duns at rlior imtlcc. a 1 II WOiiTfl SALEM STOKE. W. L. WAIIK, A T TnK IIIIIUK STOKE. Ha JUHT HKCKrV ua. od a full si-Kditiui-iii nf Ooueral Morohandiso, Diy Goods, Grooorxes, Boots 8l Shoes, rLa.rax7o.re, Clothing CaleoUUsd for tho CityandCoantry Trade. Ji,.ujt,i aa tow.andwlU ba oia at aa BJlXu. a I'KiiJ-Tt aa Jioao who 8ELL AT COST. WOn,!- d.'llurri to WY pun ol thn rltv frn m hArv s, , , s Fstablishcd 1840. TVt, a. q.: him: IKONS' Original Liver Medicine. FOH ALL DISROBES OK TnK LIVER. SOUR- NRS8 OP THE BTOMACII, L08HOP APPK- TITK.8ICK IIKADAr-UR. KTO. 1TC. ratios, axuu,, T. A. BATIK A , WhotmU DrakU,71 Front 8t Portland, m. AxsaU fee Oratoa. T?IWIN AIDEN JADERllSIN&XiCENCY ' 174 ELM STREET. . CINCINNATI. OHIO. AdTertiscmenta inserted !n any paper, Before advertising send for mj catalogue. SPECTACLES, SPECTACLESI For Old and Young. Far-Sighted and Near-Siglited, hbooitHKUlascs for Hrlwiueu, STKKL. HILVKU, AMI WOLII Kl.M,U. I AM prepared to tupplr -p rucl-li nt U yea.at prleva to anlt. Mr, W. .nll TIN, Jowuler Jc Optl ian, uauk block, blalo St. Ka'em, ay 10 1876. Km For Sale ! dfei TUK PINK KBSIDKNCK corner or ronj-nss-.. mctai ana uivi.ioa aire rta. m aeiraoie altnatloa, ' tlh htmiifl l.iivtt. wpll nnl.hiHl. aud cnnti'muL ly arranged, and nro ,nda tMterully ornamented. WUJ bo aold vory loVD' and on accom nodatla tcrma. Apply to LB1 WILI.I8, aepM Patten'a Block 8UUHU Sauatu T-SkSkM Waia. 8prlat LUU ft-ee. . K. J.TeeV Pbbhz, MooaUEjrtsaNsnory.BI. . rrzk: