Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 17, 1877, Page 6, Image 6

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    f I
K i,
Jfaifer John T. Joacn, Barton Phillip. Ark.
Ootneer-J.J. Woodman, Paw Puw, Van lluror,,
Mich . , .
LtclurtrX. B flmcdliiy. Crcico, Howard, It.
Ht4wrJ-. J, Vaughu, MomjjhU. Tout).
.rlM'l rf;w3n-Morcimcr Wnltebcad, Mlddtcbueb,
8omoftet, N.J. . ...
C'4ui'a'n H. If Kill", SpMiiu'b'ironi-h. Warren. O.
TrurtrV. M. McDowell, Wayne, sttuoon.N. Y,
UtcrelaryO. II. Kullejr, Louisville, Kv.
(Jale-Kttper-V. Dluwfddlu, Orchard Grove, Ind.
Ortt-Mre. John T. .lone. lUrltin, WiIiIId. Ark.
Fhra 51m. Samuel IC. tit tmi. Monllceliii. Minn.
Ponma Hra Harvey Oo (lard, fiorth (iranby. 01.
Lily AhMoiU SUuardhUt Carullnu A. Hall,
Loalavllle, Ky.
D. Wyatt Aiken, (Chairman,) Onkctbury, 8. 0,
K. It. Shank aid,Iubiquo Iowa.
Dudley T. Chate, Clarrniniit N. II.
Alonro (I .Ider. Hock Palie. Whlleeldo. III.
W. II. (Juaniberi, Uaweichvc, llut-etll. Ala,
Ofllcera of Oregon State Uroaga.
JMfr-Wm. Cyrus, Scio.
Ottriur-A. It Hhtploy, Oeweco.
Uctunr-Mrt. K N. limit, Bubllmliy.
.nitcritarv-N W. lUtidall Onyon City.
titiwartt-W II. Thomas Walla Walla, W. T.
AitUtanl HUuwd-U W. Illddlc, L'anyouvuU.
Chaplain W. H.dtny, Astoria.
lYtaiursr H, I. Lea. I'urtland,
(atrf-AVxr-DitilH Clark, Hslein.
Ueru-Mr. II. . Mllkr, Jackeouvllle,
inwsa-Mr. H I). Iltirhuu, McWumvlle.
HUra-Mt. K. A. Kelly. Haul Port and.
LaJy Au't aituantSU. tIcurK-li bmltb, Hood
Hler, WiHciieouii r ... ,
KjhcuIIm UmmlUf4-Ym. Cyrn, Sclo; It. Clow,
Dilla.; K. I, Hiultli, HikhI Itlver. , .
0fai( llulnim Annt S. I'. Leo, Pnrtlaad.
State Grange Doputioa for 1077
VM OJflce. Kiimit.
A HoMor Corvallln Corvallle
KnocU Sktrvlno riuttoCiuuk
N V7 Jtttiilill Oregon . Iiy
J Wlliro) Myrtle Crick
U U 111 deer Drain Station
MULTNOMAH, . . . .
riynplou Kolly Kait Portland. ...Eait Portland
J' POtUraati Itiiltovllln
( VT Hunt Hubllmlty Haletn
tn T Miller ...JiCkamvlllo JaekioatllU
T A Patter ta Ittckroal Salem
J J Otur-'.tJn GooeaLako....
Daniel fle.tur Korbyvlllc Jacksonville
Jaaea W Matlock dothen
It A Irvine. ....Lebanon Albany
Joka Knd Tygh ..T)is Dallea
DODartiam McMlnnTtll)
J Salagton Uattoa
DBDtiiebart Canyon City Oaayoa City
B W Uoiyer Cvlantbla City
U r llolden TUUmook North Yamklll
J B WUIta Wcalon Watton
JUmryUhrooder.... Ott
waiiimuton Tanrurour.
H W Urown Vaucoarcr
Itrateln Dayton
L B Rln"r Colfax
MS Cioddtle . .mm, ,.,Vlma. ......., ......
a B Ma khan Okehalla ro'.nt
niOBTa. ... ,
LO Abbott Olympta Olyropla
Lxmlre Yolni
JaHai H rton BoaU'c Beattk)
LMHirun Clauato
Of 00 k Rtlenabarff
U Mr cnaatr where Ue Deputy a, pointed la nut
Ua Mi aalubU, aud Uie OrnnKo. of ha louUlty will
rgar1f Udlcata to ra cholco. I will ba plra xl, for
fa aaiiy lattanceo I hava ho ohllired In maka ap
Bolataaatj without knowledti ",,JMB,(gyjJ'U8
MMUr Orwou Hiale OranK, I. of II.
M tiag of Subordlnai Or&ngei
linpo, No. 34, moemlii Albany, on the lt
and Haturday of nh mouth, at 10 a. in.
Oak I'laln, No. 0, In lluloey, Uudaud 4tli
Haiur4ayaat.il a. m.
II tuner. No, 115, In Orawfordavlllo, lat
niltrd Haturdays. at 2 p. m.
Hyrmou.o No, M, at Mlllura HUtlon, 4lh
8aUardav. at 1 it. til.
LiOaitim N . tl, at Lebanon, 34 and 4th
Halurday. at HI i. in
(J rami t'ralrlo No. 10, 4th Hutunlay.
Kuos Ilutto Nu. 'i, lit and Urd Matur
dayn. HamIUiu No. .'17, 'Jud and 4th Katurdaya,
at 10 a ui.
Ilrowtiavlllo No. 10, 1st and 'Jntl Hatur
daya, Tangoni, No. 7, UtaniUrd Krldaya, at 10
a. in.
Htrrlshurg, No. II, 1st and 3rd Hatur
davH, at () a, m,
Hhedil, No. II, Int and 3,1 HaturdayH, at 10
a, n.
II tppy ll( mo N. ill, 1st and !lil SaturdayN
lu wo 1 1 tiiumii fiiim Ooiobiir to June, and on
the IstHilun'ay lli lnUnn.i of ihojuar.
lUriuiiti v No. il, 3rd Natunlay, n gularly,
tiOrt,)t In Nov, lo , Jan., Fill , and March,
tuou thoy ntmit llm Ut Friday.
H i tn Crcok N't II, IslHutunWy nt 10 a, in,
WillauiHtto No bl Ist'l'liurHiUy, at 10 a in
rillloiitaUl, No I'J, -4. hSiturday.at 10 a m
llriiiswnll. No til I h Saiitrdav, I p. in,
l'Juinf, No Ml, in Koguo City, lint Sat
dV, at 10 a. in.
IblirUv, N'-i i'II. "J I Msturday,
(I i.lum, N i n I .!' it nlt.i, at lOn'oloek
Jiiiiiuloit Ult., No 1:1, Und Siuiil,t3, in I
p, in.
.MolCuiulo, No. 107, (Utup Creek, il Sslur
Oak I'olltt, Nu, .', Nt and :ird N4tiinlays.
Htltutt Orttui. N 17, Ut and a I Hi'ur
days In nui'i uiouiii, uxo-'P' In Aiikiih, Sep
tmiibir, iinil On ntir, wtioK H iii. In only on
the l-.isi iii-div-.it ilnor hull lu Hilton.
Ah ipM, N i i:il I It i4'iiritav.
It i -K I' nu', .N H : I S ourtay, at I p. in
Unto Ortwk, No Hi, :inl Saturday, at 10
4, III.
lliiwiii'nii No. 100, tiiiiiHs l-i, S.tuinUy, ai
Martoa County Pomona Orange
Will maaliin Ihaa-Kstnd Friday In Septem
ber, 1H77, at leu n'eloek a. m , at Salem. 11
la daalrtid that aiHinlier of other I'omnna
rabm In adjoining ooumlHa ln prvnunt, ll
aoMlhlo, aa the bualaesof thU ntoinc will
W of Impariaaoa, . W. Uokt. Mailer.
WkLAMEITt V Utr in 1845.
mr a. w. Davidson.
In 1815, April, I Marunl for thn then far-ofT
OroKdti, uooouiaiilo(l by my btothcr, JameM
O. Dtvldhon, Wo wore nix montlm oonilii
'ovor tliu Plalna." Wbuti wo came to the
UtnutllU, wu loft tlio wngoiiH. irucuriiiK two
bonis nt Fort Wall Walla, hikI making buuli
rirraiigcmunttt ax were neouHary lor tliu trip,
bounced In the b'atnto try tho "wild, mvIii
watern" )l tlio Columbia, Wo bad rtmd of
the 'iul(;bty" rlfr, pftauttifd It navlgbln,
and trind to navlato it. Wo did ki, allor it
IdNhiun. At ttiB mouth of tho DrHcbutcH, h
mali orto btlow, tbo Columbia lnuiuti ItiU)
narrow cIuiinuIh, and tlirounti tlmto llm
wbolo rhor iiotirs llH last volnniu of wntur
liroultidlnK eviiii tho pHhHino of oatiootf. Wo
wuro tlieruluru vompullod to inako n "iiorl-
aBO." Thin wbh very failt?ulnv: but with
tho RMilalunco of tbo Indiana wo tnadn thx
ortno. To um tho Columbia wbh a wond
tjrful river: now rapid, now plnoid, now
tliroiiKb vurduro olad batik", now throuuli
IiIkIi bnsaltlo whIIcj boro narrow tbcro wide;
In otio pined "fiflll and dimp," in unntlior
roaring, froltilmr, frlulilful I So dlllurtnt whh
lhl. ilrottn of thH Oiiobluttt from tlio Ktihor
of Watfnt; to dlirrent whh It from our
dreaniH ol tbo "rtvor or OrCKmi," that we
woro alonui) iihtoiil-liLMlm.iiuwc.stniok. 'Ilm
Clint, tbo lilttlo D4lhH, llm ItU DaIU.h. i,ii,I
Waoo-iiim (no Oilbii Cltj) worn, to us, 11
tnurvol, and an "oxrordlitiilj nnl hIkIi.."
I) low tbo Llttlu l)llm tbo rlvur wlduim
nud forin.H an Iiiiiiiijh"() ouiiin, Huditotily tbn
VHHtbaHal.lu walla closo In and tbo ilttir
turux Itioir upon dK and kII.Ich awlfciy,
ftmothly, lliniUKli tho oliusui. At tlio foot ol
this clnihtii coluiiinx of Iwi-nU rlsu und brciik
up tho rlvur Into frnumuuiM bh It wkleiiH,
foaintt, and belloWH In lln "mad carcor,"
Through nil llinni wo went with our botle,
guided by Iudlaus, to whom wo had given a
white nlilrt a thing of beauty to tho IndUiia
of that day. Landing at Witeco-puni (the old
Mothodidt MIhuIoii, now DIIuh City,) wo
went up to utio Mr. Waller, Mr. llroweretal.
to proeuro uiimi food. Wo dug u fow pota
toen, and MrH. IJrower, good woman, gave un
aealt Haltuon I This waa on Hunday tho
third Hutiday, I think, of Hoptomber, 1815
and hungry aa wo wero, Mr. Wallar1 would
not aoll us anything to eat biswiuo It was tho
'Lord'a I) V " telling uhUi "atay till morn,
lug, acd ho would aoll us provlalona then I"
Wo told him wo could aot ntayi that If we
oould got no faod ol blm we inimtcat aalmou
Hkina, although they wero lull of llttlu " white
fellowbl" Ho Htnlled. Mr. Ilruwer aaid:
"It la a pity tho people muat go away with
out anything to eat. IMlglvo them a nail
aalinoul" (Jod bit tho good woman I With
tho potatot'M wo had dug on Hunday, and tho
wait eal mon, wo HliUion of UH-madou "glo
rlou moalj" and leaving the Old I'lno Log
Mlaalon, wo pulled on down through baaaltlo
walla to near tbo mouth of Cllekltat river
and oauiM-d. What a river I What up
boivaUl What pile of rock dipped aud
bent. .
leasing over our dlfHoullleH salmon-akin
eating, huuger, head winds, W.,eto. en tbo
third day fioiu tha Dallea, we landed at Ca
obute hute (old Furt Vaneouver.) and had a
uliat with "olo auau dootor," (Or. MoLaugh
Un,) who waa in charge of thin, then, great
depot of tbo hudon Hay Company, Tho old
man waa glad to nee uaaa tbs "froat and nral
oinlgrautMof'46i" and was very InquUltUo,
very hoaplla jle and very gracious. He ga o
uhhciiio iipplua wtik'hgrow ou tho treea lu
tbo fort. They wero amall, but good, aud
being tho .only applea wu had aeon aince we
left Iowa, wero relished by ua much. We
aaw that applea had grown In Oregon, for
Vanoouver waa then In Oregon nay, we
claimed up to 61 40", inatead of 49, and
Washington Territory waa yet "a thing to
Tho old Fort was a curiosity to us, being
built of hewn timber aud roue in bl lug an old
block houtei waa commodious aud full of
good J for tho Indian trade. The Doctor gave
u a pass on a batteau down tho Columbia to
tlio mouth or tho Willamette, and up to a
plius hhall I call It Union? M. M, Me
Carver, aa wo uoderatoed, intended, or did,
lay out a town there. It waa wild woods,
ami only u wheat doit. Tlio Canadian.
Frettch and half-bret'ils, and a lew mountain
mini, with Homti of the emigrant settlors of
Mil and '44, hauled their wheat hero from the,
aa A'o tluiit o.i 1 1 ml lliein, Quality I'lalnr.
Here 1 aaw Oregon wheal for the flrat time
It was very lino, aud or tbo variety known
us the old White wheat.
The roi.d letdlug from Linton to the
Qnalliy l'UliiM was rough, hilly and very
heivlly tlmUired, and tlrst-rato noil. Tho
I'laltu wero among I be earllrat otlleinenls;
o also or tho MoUlly or Htker'a l'ralrlo and
Flench I'ralrln, with Kowlii.
Dr. Mel.atiglilln had u eoutrai-t to rurnlah
llm ItU'Mait l'ostix'ons with 70, (XX) htiHtitiln
of wheat annually (if my memory is ttineo);
ami, In older to till th.a eotiinct, bo Induced
many or hia emp'oyes to ittlo iiuil beoomu
'tinners, lie gave tho fettle ra one dollar r
lumhel, In excellent gooda at resatuable
prices, Kit I'm it Uued nixiiv oT them with
farming Implementf, and waa thua a mean a
of -eltlliiK' tne country, both In that purtlan
now kitOMii aa Oregon mid Washington Ter
ritory. While I am w tiling to admit that the
1 1 tuition ll.y Co'iipany were, In miiuu meas
ure, i-eliWIi lu tlulr view a In settling Ortsion,
both In making money cut of tbo wheat,
sheep, cattle, etc , grown by their employes
as llrillsh auljojta but they had another
motive Io establish an KiikIUIi settlement
aud tbtta stcure this loely aetlletiteut Io
lliitlah rule, Keverthelea, thl Cotaany
waa a great boon to all Americana who cuue
herein thiv-e earl v l.vsi aud but r tnem.
the iiloneera of the I'aolrtu slojm would have
fated far worvo than they did.
liven tha inlsalonarltM, who wma here
under I have leatlllsd to me, In many
IralMicea.nf tha Irumena advantage Ibay de-rlvs-d
from tbaUudaoalUy Coiapaaa'a lain
euro id OrtgoB, Their word waa law aa4
ordor all ovor the land oontrollliiK butb tho
Indiana and whitca for good. But wblln I
am roay to do jnsifco t tbo Hudson Bay
Company In Ihelrfflorln toafslst tbo Atmr
Irani", I am by mo mean a particular admirer
of that powerful Company. Jlul unough on
thin point at t It Ih limn,
On arriving at tho Titulltln I'lalnH, bh now
called, wo BtayoJ at Juo Mofrk'n. Ho was, In
hla rough wiy, ory hopliatil', very gra
oloiii), and very orminunlcatlvc. HewaHHti
old trapper and mountaineer. Ho Iihh an
Indian ryoiuan for a wife and Home half
btoodn, otn.
The rualliln Pli'i tt.n rtrt pjrtlon
of tho WiliHKim n I '""' fin; ad tbo Ini
jrrf-fot h ll u mi i id d ro iiotator
ut'lii, Tint io ri..i.li.ti tuoHt h:tppily d'.vldod
with llinh-T n I i.r li 1-n.tn; tin very
rleh nail bimu'l'iil 10 lhnil , ti dny o
tUlltd Jndgo Hurnr-tt, hliico (iovoinor ol
Calif irula. Ho was a man of otoiru'or Btid
ability. Wohrtdalnnff talk wlih blm ron
cflraliiR Oregon. In tho morning nf the
20lh or September, 1815, wo loft. Jiltljnt llur
uiitt'H, with 'many kind recollection, r.nd
proeoedtd up the I'lalnn, South, Io Mr. Ndj
Inr'a. Hero we regaled ourselves on wuter
melonHHtid o'bergoiid things fmin this pin
ikkii'h wulcotuo lioiim. IIhmi wo fide tho flrot
ovenlugdea brt(7.xs that ever IiiimLoJ cut
brow. They wepifri'sh, br.kiluu, luiiillifiil.
At it meeting ol the Houril o; Dlrro'ori ol
Ibis uompauy tteld joslordiiy nfturnuou, llm
ullowlug olllcorcniero eleciud fortbu cnuu
Ingyear: J, O. WrUIr, IVcnldeu ; J. Henry
Haas, Heirelary; 1. J. M'irpliy, Triftsurer
Tho Dlrnrors h,,e ird -rid (lie low ol rock
recently bioughi out oy Mr. Ilanji, tbo Store
tarj', to bo sent to Col rdo to bo thoruiijhly
tested and to aMitrotio the bsL proceh.s lor
saving the idlvur, geld and eopper known to
exist lu large itmtttloii" In the orp. As son u
aa asoortuluid uinlll will probably be bi-ughl
and put in operation. From promt appear
ances, this iniiio promUuH Io bo oao of the
beatlu Oregon, We learn tluit lu viewer tbn
stops being taken by tbo company to pnh
orward the work, that Itoitd A Cox havu ad
vauoed atock In IJ by them for Hilo to 26
coatn a share, which Is a rlmi of 160 per cont.
over last quolailoiiH.
Dy a telegram neolvetl last evening by
Mr. Dtyid O. Hiland, or thmcl'y, we learn
or tho death of Mr, Jeremiah llilstou,n pio
neer ol 1847 andilioerlgliikl proprietor of the
'.ownalteor tbo thriving ton or Iibauon,
Ilia death waaeauitil by h juries rrvelvrda
towdayaalncoby tliooverltunlugofa wugon
in which he won coming trotn Heda Hprlui)
on tbo Lebanon mountain road.
Mr Hilslon was burn In 1708, In TenuesAoe,
and oouaequently waa In Ibe80th year of Ills
ago at the lime of his decease. Hn leaves n
large property, a wife aud sovun chlldieu aa
Sillowst 'Joanph IlAlnton, Taonnia, W. T.
Hon. Wra. Kalatou, Albmy, Mrs. Mnlsi,
Albany Prairie Mrs. I) 0. Rowland, Halem,
Mra. John llamlltou, of Corvallia aud Ohaa,
and John Ralaion of Lebanon. Ho wm
bouoredand reapeated In thauummunlty in
which ho lived, and his loss will long be
felt In the clrale of arqoalutaucos of which
be waa a Motaoro membr.
Flaa Yield
T, H. Aklon received returns yeaterday,
from afield of wheat on bla farm near Hull
bard Htailon, that "pa tied out" 3d bushels to
the acre. Aa the field was a large one tho
uuixberof bushel goes Into the thousands.
lu the aggregate.
WiLiiun, Douglaa Co., Aug, 7, 1877.
Will you bo Hiklud as to Insert In jour
Atcrlku following! A TfAuhnrn' Institute
forthoHeeoud Judicial District Including
llenton, Line, Douglaa, Coos und Curry
counties, will beheld at HunwdcnHprliiKH, In
Douglaa county, on tbo "9.h,30li mid 31st
litaia, ArrangeinetitH have boon tii.ido for
canyliu at hal'faro ratea till who may travel
on the O. A O. U H. Tlio occasion wltlaf
fotd an opportunity to visit this etdebrated
and delightful retort. Tdacheia and friends
ofediioalion uro hereby oirdlally Invited to
Ihi pre-eut. It has been sugtrestod that
many may come prepared tocniup on tho
beautiful grounds. To uoh the proprietors
ortheHpringa will afford every facility In
their power, Fur further Information nd
dreka, F. H. Gttuiiiis,
Chairman Committee of Arraugotneuia,
J. C. Petblcs, Jntli;r. John GoUy, J. B,
August 0 li, lo77.
Change granted In county tool Issdlug
from KhIi m to Jiir.iniou, ne.tr thotesldenoe
of the Uti. J, 11. Turhuno.
(Miauge granted In county road leading
from Hubllmlty toHtayton.
In Ibe matter of tho alteration or u part or
county read rroin epiHMite the List Chance
saloon to the B.ilrni aud Hpotig'a Frrry road
Paul CmiiiIaII, I N Ollbortand H J. Haw.
ley appointed an lowern, nud John New
some, Hutveyor, to meet at Thomas II, Hub
bard's, August ai, 1877, M U o'ekick a. u
and duly quality,
lu the miliar ot ohamio aud vacation or a
part or cntiutv road lending from Haletn to
I ham pong F 11 Hiiiiili, Leal. Johnson anl
John tluuhiH appointed aa Viewers, and
John NoAsome, Surveyor, tn meet ai thf
Court House. August Iftth, 1877, at 9 o'clock
a m , and duly qualify.
A liceuso Io keep a Ferry on the Willam
ette Itiyer. opposite Uueua Vista, granted to
A. Munnell, for cue year.
The time rbr ratnrulng the asaement ro'l
for tear 1877. extended to Hepiainber 10, 1877,
Exhibit of expaadllureanf tha county i. r
tha year ending Juaa M, 1C77, eiamlued aoal
ordeial plaaad oo raaarJ.
UUl and aeaounU agaraat tha ermrly.
aatoaattaaT la lh acgreat to u,4 m,, J
jm 65, wata orslataa favid.
Friendship la n good deal llko china
It la very beautiful and durable m Joturna
it rcmnins unbroken, but break It, nt.d till
tho cement In tho world will never qulto
rcimlr the (Intnugi'. You tnny etlok tho
plecea together m that, nt n illetitnco, it
IiioKh nearly hh wen iih ever nut ii woiii
hold waler. II In hIwh.vh rosily to tlecclvo
you If you trtiHt It, find It Ihiiii the whole
ii very worthier thlntr, (It only to ho put
away empty upon tho cupboard flliolf,
mitilto becoinoti forgotten thliij,'. Tho
finer mid more delicate It Ih, tlio more
utter anil complete tho ruin. A mere up
uiiulntniiccship, which iu'ciIh only a little
.a A. li .... AA..A Bft.b.a v.irt I 11
III llttnior III Keep It up, limy ue uwuii'ci.y
puttied up und perhutm hold water for
awhile; but teiideriii'i-B, und trtiat and
Hu-iwr MxohiinironreotilideneaOiiii no more
be yours when angry wortlH ami bitter
IhoujihtM Inivo hrokeii them, then can
these ilolloulc porclcltiln Icactips wh.ch
wore eplluiered to pleceH bo rcetond to
their orlgintil bcniity, Htrength und ex
cellcncu tho HlfulitvBt oruok will detroy
tho true ring mid you might, ns a rule,
hotter go in HenrcTi of n now friend tluin
trv In mend the old otic. Hut all thin has
nothing to do with the truoHplrltof for
givencH.s. One may forgivu and bo for
given, hut the (loud waa done mid the un
kind words ami iln Injury niMtnlnoil (he
llowerrt mid 'ho bountiful tint!) ho frosli
und delight fill uro now all ,'"' Tho
formal 'inakliig up," t'tipeiiiiilly between
two women, is of no more avail than the
wonderful couiciiIh that have nindo a
rrtiukfti tiL'lvtu'-Hof tht'ohliin vase (lint
you oxpcclcd to he your "Joy forever,"
still more hateful. Handled delicately,
tenderly, trti-lingly; war lied to pnrllv In
theerystiil tvit'i'Miif truth, nurtured by
n reciprocal tiitiohiiiciit, cotilidcil to no
careless, umiyinpitthlzlug IiuikIh. friend
hltlp may lust two Uvea out. Onco bro
ken It Is'spoltcd forever.
Ih (horootiy of us committed the trtmt
ofcarliiglbr tin aged omH-tlie parents:
or the grand pnreiits? Then let iih ouro
for them tenderly, lovingly, watchfully.
Years have, In a measure, taken from
them the vitality which given buoyancy
to youth. .Mayhap tliey Havu drank
deeply of life's cup of sorrow with noli,
lug and well-nlgli breaking dearie, aeon
liojiea and Joys fade away from bo fore
their eyes, endured much for tho sake of
others; ami now that life is fading,
fading away, they need carclng for more
tenderly than tliu younger oncn. Lotus
humor their whims, their childishness.
Let us smooth the pathway of lift), that it
he more pleasant and more comfortable
for tlio faltering feet. They should havu
a very warm corner in homo ami heart,
nud a share of tho lieftt of every thing.
Havu you a dear old grandma with yau ?
Let her home (hi tnado comfortable and
tileiisant in every particular ; let not
fife's winds blow roughly npott her.
Wo tell you this been use of a memory
that In to-day fresh In our heart the
memory of a dear, patient, nercim-friocd
old grandma or our own, who, lour ago,
iMiuaetl over to the "other side und Is rcst
Itiir beneath tho shade."
Hut memory of tho marvelous patience
Unit sustained her through years of it mo
tion such thank Und 1 as not everyone
must bear, Is still with us, sp- aklng tn ua
not less cilVetuully than when she waa
with us. Truly, "their wotka do follow
How precious is the memory! of the
sweet old face J with Its calm brow, nud
the blue questioning eyes ! Ami, Oil !
when tho heart pang is sharpest, let me
think of that face as among the angels,
ami thank Qod that for her there is "no
more night" all Is light at la-t.
Head tho following recipe for killing
your town; It Is tut admirable one. and
cannot fall totlo Its work. Wo have seen
it going tho rounds of the prets and high
ly recommended :
1. Put up no rnoro biilldlugs than you
can occupy yourself.
2. If you should have an empty build
log to rent, demand three times Its value.
3. 1iok orry at every new comer ;
givu the cold shoulder to every mechanic
wno desires to comu among you.
4. (loubroad for your goods and wares.
Uy no means purchase of your own mer
chants ami manufacturers even til tho
same nrlce or lees.
6. Dor't contribute otto cent to the
cause ol religion or education.
Finally, nut a thorough linlsh to your
work by killing your local pu per, refusing
to subscribe for or udvcntau lu It, so tlmt
parsons at a d stance will not know that
any business is being done In your town,
or they may want to come anil set'.lu
among you ; or buy something from you
aud that would nut ymi to extra trouble.
Leavos 1 oMuriur,
Dr. Vi. 11 Niuuots, ul Fariuauli, Minn ,
who Iihh been, tlio n-vst nvrrl launttis lu
the Wall i Walla Valley, Is In tho eiiyalthe
OaeioekrtA hotel, ami will leave to-morrow
morning fur Ins Hisiern bniu bv the
overland route, Tim Dr. has Juu' hmi
nmlllf it ol lit-, ro elialou or isv. nieentii
lillitl nn ihe Ph)Hlelull of the IVisr mill I) iu.lt
Assi lino of Unit Hiale, mid sirao jo ss it msy
appear, ilurlok hl count etion w I li il.ni in
"lltltllon he lots never I st a potent I't.e
Dr. earns-. lin him a pl.-iltm impiesNlon
il ourHtuto and tho elmto-s are .tut hts
epresMiiiiiio is or tho I". t(tnIia-a- of rue
soil and the besoty or our ell n-tto h-HI In
ducti msiiy of his aeqiisloiaioes to visit iu
in ibo nesr Iti'tire. Wo wlb blm a pleHutt
journey home
Aunnul Mcetln,.
The anuitsl metnlitgoi llm stookholdms
or tho Capital mining company w. held
this a M, lu Ihla ouy. A iOrl .liuwinu
1'ie ismditlou or llie I'nmpany w iiihIm tiy
thH President, I. O. Wrixht, .VUOOO -nsre.
were) represented and Iho follow uiu b aid nt
lireetnp. for Ibo euuliii ear wh il-ood;
J W tJlllien. Milts 11-11, J. O Ur.ul.i,
B.I Hlroh and H, K. Cbadwluh. T-i- It mh.
1m now Iiimwhoo Tor the eleoilom I the ihh
vh go in press. Full proeeeilleN of tit.
Annual meeting will be given to morrow.
Governor H. F. Uhadwlok has mnU the
following app.dntme.nls: Not a row Public,
E G Thomas, inker City; J. J Hltaw, Sslnm,
and J. W. Mack, Urattt county. L. D Crsiu
nas been appoloe-l Coiumiaaioner of Dcedr
io reside lu Hau Franclaco,
The aleauif r Olio took down Ibis mornlag
1,060 sanka of new wheat, bsdng the rlnti ixio
Idarabla ahlpatent made tbU aaon. It
waa shipped by W. J. Herren of Ota Far
wat'a Wajraboeaa,
Very Desirable Property for 81.
Nlnoty-tbree acres of land on Salem Prai
rie, near the Fair Ground, wilt bo sold at
great bargain to a cash purchaser. For term
and other information llnqtilro of 8, A.
Olarko, at tho Faiimkr onion, Salom.
from a I'ltyalelan.
Hvdo Tark. Vt., Feb. 7, 187e.
Messru. Hnih W. Fowle A Sous, Boston.
Gents You may perhsps remember that X
wrote jau soveral wfeks Hgo In regard l
bo use or the Pkhovian Studp foi my wire,
xho waa suffering iroin general debility, thj
tequenoe of Typhoid Dysentery. I had
.rled tbn moat noted physicians In thlsStntv,
ind also in Canada, without roller. At your
ecommeiidatlnn alio cojitHonoeu tbo una
)l the Syrup, tho firs l four bottlea rasdo but
Ittlo Impresalou, but wlillo taking tbo firth
tbo bexan to Improve rapidly, and now, af
er using six dl tho dollar bottlea, sbo ha
egalned her strongih, and la ablo to do
moat of tho work nbout tho houses and I
'cad that I cannot speak too highly in pralaa
If tho Phudtian 8tuuf. I have preaorlbeA
,t to novetnl of my patlenta, and have pre
jurod tho siilo o I soveral dozen of It bore.
You can niako any uio of this loiter if yoa
wo tit. Youru vory truly, U. D, Uf ldbn, M.
"ll only .IOBh
ban brouuht miuv to iiiitluiely grnvoq.
What Is a Coo t lit Tho lungs or b'ouchlal
tubes bayn been attacked by a cold; naiur
"oundsnu alarm boll, tolling where tho dls
jasolles. Wbdom sueeests "try Wistaii'b
Hai.ham op Wii.b Ciikhhy:" It Lhs cured.
J ti rln tr t'ao last naif ol a oiiutury. thnussuda
upon thousiuda of persons As inntt ns yni
sough, there Is danger, for tho couult la a.
Sifety Valve. Use " WitaU" nud bo eurast
ioUl by all drugglsls.
JT. jOl.. Srkxltii., JX.-XmXr
Salum, Oregon, dealer In Htfrv-otH-on-e and Htcrer
Mt.plc Vlows, and Secure of Balnin and tho rtirrounaV
liiu nounlri. Llfo.flr.o Pbotogrupha, lu India Ink, UV.
nr Water Color. eell
&CLrsr - 1VE111-
Nomt ftlaelilner,
and hts oao of Draku'a New I'lauuie nd wo aaa
eow prepare 1 1 aupply flaet-clea LU. .-It, ronjp
or diraii d, at abort notice. 1'rlct-a rango
From ! Io 918.50 per M.
SUyteo. Or., May IS, 1377. a
Xjlbortal TorxnaaX
Tae ffNfcei and aliromla trnH Orrgea
Central kallrond lmpaulea
OPFRB their Lands fur rale npoa the folhwlne llba
ral lerate: One tenth of the price tn caih; tnterett oa
the balance at the rato of eoven per Cent, ouo year
after eale; and each folkiwlng year enelenth oftaa
principal and Interval on the balance at the rate af
Men pir cunt per anna i. lloth principal and Uta
wt payable lu If. a. currrncy.
AdiacodntofUiuperceiit. will eo allosre I fireiah
9 Lettora to be addreiwrd to P. SUUDLZB. Laa
Ataut O. a U. K. h Portland. Ortcon.
OfloetaOTcdorerllKKYMAN BltOS.' NEW 8TOM
OOce boom from 9 a. m. to B V, ru.
Salem Flouring Milli.
OonMtuutly ou IIuiul.
EXltrlioMt l?rlo in CArJH.
Paid for Wheat
It. t'. K INN BY,
AkcM 8. K. M.
Hit 13tf
Willamette Nurservr
Oswego, OlaokamiiH co., OregoMu
I'Imj Indian Prune,
Aud tho beet varUllt of
Nut and Shade Trees,
Send for Descriptive Catalogs.
NWVAmw rmiLlll. Meal B-tale !..
and J.illectur or Climm. .uiZTZ St5
and i).,etr orClataaa.
land la AU-ha-Bt. ebtra.ted lo tl. tart M 'wltSn
A ty IAI IT.
i i. . ... . . . -..
(es at
raat Otaea,
'$ $