11 iriTt-rr'- -J- ---- ..--a, ,.i-a..-a. " Iff WILLAMETTE FARMER. i-1 attflgaaaanxfr-rwriewnmtitm faiiifcii '141 i ? i. TO 1RWI i DRYERS OF ORLGON. OFKIOK OK LlTTMtFIELD, WEBn & CO., Ban FiiangIbco, July 80, 1877. With the npniuuhof thoBPUson for dry ing fruit In Oregon, wo wIhIi to ofXor n few Miggestlons to fnrnicrsnml others en gaged In this lino of bunlneBH, regnrillng tho method unit Ht.vlo of packing, which will, In our opinion, If adhered to, result bcncllultilly to ull concerned. In the llrt ptmv, In packing fruit never mix poor niuf choice lots tugcthcr. If you linvo two qiiiillili-H of finit, puck and murk enoh Kep.irutely ind sell on their nnrliM Inllt him plupo "iicvor top oil" jour Irult, It I", 11 leu itpptnulnp; fruit. V.I1111 ilin iRil.Hpr Is (iKiiril 11111I tho hoitnrit fllliilul'b ln, wurtlilfKH tmh, nr 11 low gritiln fruit. Mnny hiRiRtirps ol HiIh kind liiivn mum iinrtor our nol !", end It Is to tlm dhuicdlt if Hiiy nckr ntiMulint In such a course Al ton,) h let tho Inco oltfce fruit ho a fair hiriox nftlio nyo-rage quality IhrouKhout tho box or barrel. In tliOM'conii plaro, actual turn should ln variably bo allowtd on all packages. Wo havofrtqunnllynncn beacon that wolnliod nlno pomulH only tared Uvo pounds. I'uroliasorH of dried fruit, as a rule, are not willing to pay for wood at tho rato of bhvou to four twin cents a pound, Mark plainly on oaoh puckniio the actual grow, tare Hml net, and It In always well to mark ahli pur's Initials also. ConnlgnteM' dbiiio or address Is not neookNary. in iIih third pldco, nnver, nniltr any con sideration reiort to the praotlco of welling your trult. IT It Is Intenuod lor sale In Hum market. Denims have rrndn very urlovous complaint of Oreuoudilid up pies which liflil icon xubiiiitltMl to a i.okliig"NincNjut before imeklnir, hihI rpri'Ml cniH aro known to un where spples In thin condition have far inuntiid, houteii hi(1 proved a total low. No, gentlemen, put witter In tour wlilrky, If cm will, hut KlPU8oiirdrltdHpilCHeUiir. Our Ioiik expeilenco In Inmdllog dried fruit, and our knowledge of the wanlH and irqiiirementM of dealern, has Klyen rise to thiso eupiTSilons, whlrh vti Uopo will bo kindly received. I remain .yours truly, IilTTI.KPIKU), Wj?nit & Co. JUcfct Draft Steamers. Tho Ohio Mtid City of HiUem, owned hp U R'HoottA Co., the oldpst iiidependout line on tho liver, arn already carrying down n Kn-at dt-nl or wheat of tho new crop and tho fact shows how well thesn Kontlprnen under Manil navhratlon at low water. Capt. Scott Is iiiciiiuuiitiul of the lino skainer City of Ha lem, and look down ono thonsmid nnoks of new ioit, on Mondny, from Farmer's warehouse. Tho Ohio, commanded by dipt. Hpenonr, took down a load from Htiuiiit Vista and relumed upthorlver Tiwstliy morning. ThoMoiMuet MnMlnttvlllu Is running lo Duv ton and doing a good IhhIikhh hi that trade. Tim Ohio and City ofSdom lire rellitod nnd put In good order for tho whint carrying wa sou ami our fat mora along the rlvor find It quite an ohjoet to be aide to ship their wheat Irom Ihu various londlnus. MrBsra. U. It, Hcott it Co,, have a hold upon tho Kood will orsiniiperH irom iuh racttnat tnuirsKiii,en oruy mid knowledge of river navigation on weiturn w .iters, enabled thorn to revolution ize the buslnesM of river transportation on tho Wlllamotto. They built tho steamer Ohio to prove tho faot that llgtit dratt boats could be navlnaled here In low water and oould do the beat possible business at all stapes. ami tlintloot of light draft boat now con structed and operated exist, because Capt. Hcolt proved that thev were the moil avail able. If tho boa la of the old P. T. Company wcro now In rxUtenoe. they could not be op orated at prices for frelghtou which tho pres ent Hunt drnfc steamer do a protltablo bus- in. U. 1). Scott k Co. have a tine wharf auu extensive warehouse In Portland under the personal superintendence of Mr. Z.J, Hutch, former clerk of the Ohio and nflor wards of the City of Salem, whose business tact and porhonaf popularity have dono their (ull Nlu.ru to advance the" business sucoehH of the llrm. A Suit Threatened A communication has linen handed in Rlv Inga luery Htahlemnuat Hllvcrlon, particular lit and calling him any amount ol "pet iihiiiox" for I lie insnner he IrcHlmlalndy and geiitkuiHU from this oily reeeutJv. It ap penr that llio pull" referred to inUced the Modal staue, and was oliileil to hlron ten in, for kIiIoIi they went cliarced douhlo price ami tiirnished a pitlrof Lalky, kicking lioiHiH. Thtiellurtrt with ilmlimiii, tottotlivr vklih the heat ami attending t xulletnent, so 1 lloo'nl the lady itseni.'er ihntshe had to bo broiiKht home 011 the car, and Iihn been eon llunl to her homn over sluen, her tiervotiH eyMeni bdng eonniletely prostrated. The livery mail will probably bound for dutn an. at tho next term of Court. Opium SoioUluir. Two of ourclU7.rins having occasion to vlfilt h CIiIuojj wash Iicuho last ovcnlui;, on Slate stieet, siin rutUrr Uken back Mid dhuuHtd at tlnding In one of tho back rooms, three ol Httlom'H nice young men lying on couchca or biinkh tlowly qimining tho entlolue drug hi. d reveling in dream liind, LUtlodo thmti hoys know that only a few visits to those opium deiia to Induliroln this dreadful habit of cmokiug tLedoHdly drug, and the Lahlt becomes o fixed that no power In tho woild can break It, Of ull habits thin Is tho vorM, audstudsi joung meu either to an carly gruoorto prematuro old ago. Itoys, stop rlfihl now. A Bacon Thief Wasted. Last Saturday moiuluglho Messrs. I). Jt A. A. McCully dUcoxered that they were IohIiik bacon Irom their smoke Iiouhh out by tho fclaughler yard. KnimUiiitlon disclosed tho luct that about elxteon sldea and six or eiRht nhouldera had been taken. Tho thief wan careful to remove the piece fio u the va rloiHiarts of the hulldlntr so that tho meat would not he iiiIbumI. It Is thought that only enouuh wan tukiii for proumt uso, end that tho lakliiK party CHluulated to help him nelf as occasion rtquired, liutlio will bo dls apiolntrd tho next lime, as all tho bscoii has Ween removed to a i-afo place. Arrested nut1 Juiled, Win. Marshall was arrested by officer J, y, Mlnto, yesterday, v nd hrounhtbtforo Ho torderC. W llowio tl Is arteruomi, oharued with htrallng two guus from Mr. John Crim, bouth Slem. Ho plead cullly and wai in. tUBUdeil io jll,ln default of ball, to await henteuceat the ust term of court. Manhull lltout25 yenra of age, nnd has already terred three months Jn tho county Jail, and two tnrmi. in Penitentiary, each of the three hentences being passed for stealing a gun each time. The fellow ecetcs to go his pile en guns. A Low Sown Incendiary. Tuesday a threshing machine belong ing to Mr. Orln SavKe, who lives about four miles out of town, on the Hilvertou road, was hurnd. The fire was discovered about 11 o'clock A. u., and in time, as we beer.'.to save the horse power, which waa mounted on wheel. No one had been working about the machine since Fri day of lst week, except two persons hauling away straw on Monday. It tceuu to be a Hear case of incendiarism. The value of the 'breaker waa about G0O. THE JLYES OF KNOWLEDGE. Thoso who know littlo flee llttlo. To the man who cannot read, thla paper Is h blank. In exnet proportion as our stock ot Information Increases, tho sphere of our mental vision Is enlarged. Knowl edge furnishes eyes to our understanding anil endows them with clearness, pre cision, and magnetic power. To the igno rant man, tho stars aro mere specks of light, rather more oruamoiitul, ho thinks perhaps, thnti his tin lantern, but not half mi useful a a guide to his footsteps through tho night. To tho astronomer they are world und congeries of worlds, mo vliiix through space In obedleiico to Immutable laws, fullllMng In their shin ing march purposes at which even his ed ucated intellect can only cucss, and see ing them with tho eyes of science, ho wonders and adores. Botany, chemistry, every branch of natural phylosophv, gives a deeper, truer insight into tho mysteries by which wo aro surrounded. We cannot even understand our own mechanism without tho aid of physical science It has been suit) that tho more men know, tho more profound and general their knowledge, the mora they aro disposed to skepticism in religious matters. Tho assertion is false. Men of tho deepest research aro generally the firmest believers in rev. elation. There are and liavo been undo vout philosophers, tho exceptions do not militate ngaliiHt tho rule. The greatest lights of modern learning and science have bcon sincere ChilHtians. Sco how research conili ins scripture history. Ly urd.thc great aruhwolugist, litis found re corded upoiidlslntered monuments of an cient Kgypt, the very facts in relation to the wars of Jutlea, chronicled in tiio bible. On the crumbling fragments of the walls of Muevnli, ho discovered the name of the prophet Jonah, and has ren dered into English, from tho characters on tho tombs and monuments of Oriental kings, memoranda of their victories and defeats and progresses, which tally pre cisely with the statements of Holy Writ. Hut for tho wonderful eyes supplied by Bolentlllo research, these physical confir mations of truth of divine history would never have been disclosed. Drlghamtoti (N. Y.) Democrat. THE ROOT OF THE STRIKE. Tho strike Is directly attributable to the hard times, and the hard times are tile legitimate consequences of the war. The war piled our niitiouul debt mountain high. At the same time It bred habits of extravagance In individuals nnd corpora tions of nil kinds. Our National, Btiite, local and railway indebtedness is estima ted to umount to tho enormous total of $1, 375,000,000. The annual interest on this vast sum at six percent, is $112,500.- 000, or ten dollars for every man woman and child in the United States I Tho Federal taxes alone for eleven years ag gregate $4,500,000,000, and local taxation lias amounted to two-thirds us much more. Tho tuxes more than cut up the net earnings of the American pcoplo leaving them poorer every year. Wo aro to-day having to pay for tho general extravagance, tho mania for speculation, the unlimited credit system, in short tho universal recklessness and looseness en gendered by tho war and Inflation. Tho bubble kept floating In the air so lonir, has burst. For four years wo have had convulsion after convulsion, extending from ono end of tho contluont to tho other. It is tho reaction from tho big "drunk" on which the nation went with ItspocketH filled with an Inflated curren cy. Under this stimulus railroads were built where they wore not needed and where they could not in the very naturo of things, be inmle to pay for half a cen tury to come. Once built pride of locali ty and the Irresistible propensity to throw money after a dead hoise, to say nothing of the designed use to bo made thereof on the stock market, have prompted tho companies to keep these wild cat roads In operation, although every day brought them deeper and deeper In debt. Five great trunk Hues competed for the husl nchs two could tlo. This sharp compe tition for the transportation of the pro duce ot the WeM to tide-water brought freight rates down to ruinous figures. To wave tliomselves, the companies reduced the nay of their employes, shouldering on tiitiii the burdens of their own folly. Had the companies been able to agree among themselves to a "living'' schedule, the cause of the strike, and of course the strike itseir, might have neon avoided. But that Is too lute to consider now. Be sides ttiut is the companies' business, and their's only. While tho question of wages is one which must bo settled be tween these corporations and their em ployes without interference from with out, and It is the undoubted rightofiho railroad companies to employ whom they please and fix their own rates, as It is tnt undoubted right of their employes to accept or reject tiiose rates, still a Just public sentiment which loves fair play and the principle of "live and let live'' ought to constrain the companies to cease their ruinous competition, und fix for the future rates of transportation that will i'liublo them to pay their employes better wages. We shall thus have a practical anil speedy solution, and just to both sides, of the problem of the hour. Singular DUappoitranco. Mr. Jacob Tinr. who hs been engineer f.irtlio pit several nioni lis of tho tug boat Hen liolllday, loft I'ortUnd yeUrday morning on the s'eamer Ohio, to vMt re hi tlver nonr Lincoln, Upon Ihe arrival of ttiHt boatnt Lincoln jcslcnUy afternoon, he could not bo found, when, thinking him stowed away Mimewhere ennylng a imp, search wasmudo. Ills hat. coat audoeket knife whs found on 0110 ot the guards and it Is (cared that he either fell overboard reel deutally or did so with the int ntlon of put ting an end to his existence. The oflhors of tlieUliiostpte thM lio whs lest iftu as the roalv.H epproscblug tho links at Oreegon City, His brotl er came up from Lincoln lam evening hut could learn nothlnc by telegraphing to On son City and Portland relative to his disappearance, A Splendid Instrument. Mr. I). W. PreiiiJoe raiie up from Port land to-dty with the f 1,000 Weber Graed Piano that be ordered sometime sinoe for Dr. J. O. Sheldon. The imminent is a mar vel In tone and finish, and i undoubtedly the finest piano ever brouxht to the capital city. Mr. Prentice will put it In runnW order when Dr. Sheldon will be pleased to have awe of our amateurs try IU. tone, etc. A Sear "Who rtnleee Spirits. A few nights since a large number of "the boys" had congregated in a popular dlspen sary of "lime juloe" on Oommorolsl street, ant! were telling wicked storlo, playing nedro and otherwise WblllnK awav the (Wt tun hours, when a dry, cadaverous looking ynunirman entered. He leaned penslveh against the bar; but did not order any pre scriptions irom tne Keniiemaniy chetnis' who looked at him enquiringly. He dropped Into the general conversation by degrees, and It soon transpired that bo was a verltabh inrnt Iclan and mind reader. lie could, lie sdd, show any guntleman In dio room rii toco hn wanted 10 see, and when ho niad'p his declaration, a very pale young man in disordered attire, rose up and challenged Mm to show him a face he wonld think or Theoliallonuo was acoepled and a heavy "Jawbone" wagor was mado. Then tho pale young man, Baying that his nerves were shaken with exnllement, called the entire crowd up tor their medlolne, theaoor among tho rest. The soer took asuiall nilnaturo case of dark velvet from his pocket, passed It around the crowd to lot them see It was em ptv, Thon ho clasped It tightly In ono hand, whl'lo ho laid tho other on tho forehead of the pale young man, and gazed Intently Into his eyes for some moments, when without a word, he handed the subject the case. The pale young man oponed It, started as though he was shot, and clasping It convulsively to Ms heart, shrieked, "Oh, Heaven above I my sainted mntherl" rushed out Into the street, followed by the aeer, crying "bring back mv maglooaae." Neither tho soer or tho pale young man returned, and tho biys talked about the mystorlniiB affilr, until thndls psnslng chemist gavo a practical turn to Ihe mystery by saying that It hud Jnstnecurred to him that the psle young man was an over powered by the Mgbi of his mother's picture that hn had forgotten Io settle for the drinks ho had ordered and swallowed before he went out. And bo pensively look down tho slate and figured nut how bo could assess the boys as they ordered now prescriptions K.N. How to l'stimato Crops. A Salem Pralrlo friend fends us the fol lowing method of estimating tho yield per acre, while It Is standing, rendy to bo nut. "Plnce together four light sticks, measuring exactly a foot fqnare Inside, and with this moasuro walk Into Ibo field and electa spot of fair avcrsge yield, and lower tho frame fquaro over as many heads as It will enclose and shell out tho heads thus eaclosed care fully, and weigh the grain. It Is fair 10 pro sumo that the produce will bo tho JS.CCO'.h part of an acre's produce. To provo it, go through tho Held and mako ten or twenty similar calculations, and estimate by the ineana of tho whole number of retails. It will certainly ensblo a farmer Io insko a cloio otlsuMtlon of what a field cm produce than ho oau by guessing. Steamer Sold, Tho steamer H. T. Church, snys tho Hoc, has been sold by J. W. Ooclirati A Co., to tho People's Protective Transportation Oom- Etny for tho sum or 1!,000, and tbo transler s beon made. This Insures tho P. P. T. Company plenty of carrying capacity for tholr patrons, In two of tho romp'oleM boaU on tho rlvor. J, W. Coohran A Co. will do vnto themselves to tho light draft steamer "A. A. MoCully," which will ho romly lor tho trade in a few days, with, which they will fulfill contracted enKagemonta hitherto made by them, and bo prepared to couipeto with their neighbors for other carriage. DD TO THE BEJAT0RIAL IITE8TI GATI0M. Be It known to all men that aro asolrlns for the United tHates HeDate, that no vacant olaoe exists, and therefore 1,8. Friedman, au u nun curt ana vuitsaiUN Hkh CHa.NI'. do say and warn all persons from purchasing until all my slock of clothing, ury uooasana Hoots aua Hnoes are an ex hausted; and I furthermore, openly and sbovo hoard, say that I have examined care fully Into the "Investigation," and therefore 1 exonerate u. v. u rover ami aemana mat bo retain his soat In tho United Mlatoa Sen ate; but before dopartlng it Is expected he will buy his unlfirm of S. Friedman, Take warning by this and avoid litigation by trad lug with b. Friedman, and jnu won't bo oatled upon to explain how you got your jjoiosng. Do oil know Utiles? Yes: have known hint along time, and I never saw him have in ovuraui. Now, sxr. units, you can nuv tgood Jir3VHKOVKKCOr of H. Fried- aiau lor J1H, worth i"i, anil you can gel leatl i'KNOILS for 0 cents. No.v. usl am hi need of money. I want all lhoo who l-sllllml 10 tho Hon. Mr. Slices' had character to pay to 3. Friedman what they are Indhhied to him, nr MomehoJy will say " YOU AltE A DKAD MK.r." Now, nun more cannon: I want you to nil know that I am no politician, and don't want an oilloe, and it makes nut llttlo odds to me wnicu ono gotatu tuo uuio nrai, out whenever you commence with me I want you to oontliiH joursnlf to tho TltUTH only, nr you may expect lam a Russian wo aro now- eating turkey. Tho last cxnnnn: Tukn this advice: buy what uooua you oau find at 8. Friedman's: became he spends his money here: because lie sella cueap; anu becanso no gives good uargauiH. You can buy a good pair of beaver pants "or f.r. a beavor oot for 10; a good cassimere suit for S15. It Is your IntereU to Irade where you get tho beat bargains. Therefore, irane wnu a irieumau. xnu win nnu mm next door above the Post Office, al Halem, Why is It Friedman can sell cheaper than others? First, bo lootilaldi Ihe Incorporation and has tin city tax to pay Next, his rout Is low, Then lis buys on orwiit, never pays for hi- goods, and sella for OANH. 24rltpinomb4r the place next door to the Post Olllco. H. FKIKDMAN, Djiiu at Hulem, July S3, A. D 1877. To tlio AiIIltl .T-mUiow in pai-f liuiliti. Why need you snir r with ParalyiSs when you can bo cured? Why will you HiifTxr with IMieuniHih-m when yoiui'ni tie cured? And why hate so uikiiy eelies and pulps when It In within jour reach to bo cured ? I am ntivr eeUbllttud In htlrin, ireiaml Io Irttt all Ctimtilc I)li-ia,acb Itlii-uiuallFm.Niiiralula, Conum.ll(iii, Klduujr dUta-ii1, si.il In fnrtull rtltira t that human flu h l liilr to KjitclaUttriitlnn paltl to Fcinalo Wtukiiei'i'ai.U ti rviiK .(itritl(in uhlrli UsocGcitnoatoLadlef. Children's dlreaas tot ix criU(l. la connrctlun with my (imcIUv, I have om of the celebrated Meoliatt-d Vajxir I.lKituhig Crtain Hub, which aid vastly In rmuvluj;at! chienlcdl'- cane. It opi-Lii the port of thu akin, ami throws vtt the limy, morbid ma tit r, which In one of the t;rcat caut of tu muth raffcihg. When we ence think that tw third bf all we take Into orrmnUm passea off through the porta tit Ihe akin, we netd ntt Hop lone Io wonder why we are rick, when we pay ro little attentluu to the moat lupoiiatt eauuetory ol onr bodlea. baring Ihe a t nice month I have bad tnla lath Jn ootr.tlon, and many can UHlfy to It eeaeacy. I treat paUeuta by the week, or by atonic treatment. Ladle will do well toglverae a call. Ilraldrnce, aontaeait comer of Center and Hummer Htreett, u.i,... auu b .. nuim. nr n T. CUNNINGHAM fc CO., Salem, Portland, Albany, Junotion City, and Walla Walla SOL.i AGENTS FOK Tho following FIRST-CLASS Machined, which wo nro now receiving for tho acasion of 1Q77. J. I, CASE'S TUliKSHING MACHINES, Both End and faido shake Tight-'ii cared. Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines, TIGHT'tlEAHKIl ! Nl SHAKIO. J. I. CASE'S THRESHING ENGINE 8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 Eorso Power. Tread"OT"ll Manufactureil by With New and Valuable Haines' Illinois HIeader, SING LIS -G 14 AH. Wrought-Iron nnd Scrow-IIub Wheels, ailjiisttililo Iteel nnd Truss Framo. WROUGHT - IRON HARVESTERS, JoniNrsToixr Wrought-Iron Combined Reapers and MOWI01,!-. Xl.XJeXJHaXj'S Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes. Johnston Mowers, ono size. ADAMS AND FRENCH HARVESTER, rnrat A Sradioy Sulky Hakes, OUMTBNNZAL sulby Hake, HolfUrmp. Tho Bost In XSeo. Tltlmblo k!ln anil Iron-nxlu Frame, nuil R'rclKlit vViiroiin, nil hIxcr Ncwtnn 4-sprlnp Hacks, mado expressly Air tho Oregon Market. OKTo-w-ton. Throo-SiirliiR, riatrorm Hprlujr, Q'l Hcrotl-ptlrit- XZacIui nd linnuiRll, OardoM. Oity IPloxww, ' Ilarrotvsand rnlllvatnret (Jnrrieii i'lty Kulkr mill Jnnif I'loiv.l Farnirra Friend OHAIIM Ullll.l.1 Vmii llruut c Ilaii'K IIHlMTilIt llruml rnit NKK1IKH and OUl.'riVAT4ll t dAHlTtli UITIV.TOIS 'IINMMJIAJIPN )l)l.TIV.t KMIN. lio lle-t III Ilin lVnrld. Leather and lltibber HKI.TINO, ITIarlilnp KxlraH, llanltvarc, Iron, and (Meet. t7 Hprclal Circular. UluMrnlttl, with ntvt rent In nnjr aililrei-i". Ireo nrclianrr. Wo aro MANIIFAO TUUKIlb' AOKNTS, and will bill at sau-nocK rnicKn. T. CUNNINGFAM & CO., maj7 ProntBt., I'OItTLANI); Oommprclal Ht CAf.KM: ami LMiraillcV lllnck, A1.IIANY, Off. Auguuti 5. Tho most torrilk hull Htorin over known on this const i:ihhoI botno 16 miluH rioutlioitit from LuwIh ton. Tho ontlro crop on Joo Hlilwltir'n mneh ih totitlly ruined, nil of his poul try and nomo noirs worn killed. Tho horses working In tho Hold stnmpodod nnd woro moro or loss inlurod, nnd tho farm hiindri woro compelled to floe tor tholr Hvob 10 places or sholfcr.' Two mon nro xcrlourily injured nnd conQnod to thoir beds. Mr. HhlsHlor's loss will not bo less tit n $4,000. 'A corro?jHindont nt Hakor City, Aur. 7, writes: "Lust evening Kd. Pearson. Htiigo slrivor, nrrivnd from Miller's old ranch on Ilurnt rlvor. reporting that Indians on Willow crook, ulMiut 22 miles from Old's Terry, had shot und Htulibed n man named Hamilton. Tliuro was an tilU'ri'iitlon iiliouthoino stock. Hum llton managed to escape. Mr. Seligman's reputation Is gootl. Ho was the iircsltlunt of the rapid tran sit commission, is 11 mtiinliiT or both riyn'Mcates, lias been a leader in llu publican councils is tbo llrnt vice-president of the Union licagut Club, 11 tiromlnont member of the (Jlriiiibor of (,'omiinw. und tbo pre.sitlont of I'rof. Alder's Ktfiical Society. Ho has also been 11 member or thu boird of educa tion, mid bonorctl in other ways, not only by ills own people, but by tho whole community. He Is tbo only gen tleman with whom Ex-1'rcHidont Qraut dined in this city during his recent visit, ul thornr h flooded with invitations. Ho is connected with every charitable institution of almost every sect. His brother James is 11 director of tho Fifth uvonuu Temple Kmantiol, und Jesse is tho president of tbo Hebrew llenevo lent and Orph n Asvlum Hociety, tho largest Hebrew society in tho world. Seniible Advice. You urn bsVuiI ovary Uy llirouuli tlm col iiuiNof nuwHitiors iiml by ymir UriiKulHi to hum hoiiihiIiIiik lor I)yh)(iiUHiiil l.lvnr Com plaint Unit joii know no'liliiK nlioot, .von um illi,ciuriiKHl xpunilliiK money with but I Hi Ih NiiMiexi. No v to ulv yo i MHiUNiilorv liroiif llmt Oiikkn'h Aikiu-t Ki.'iwkii will Olird JOII (if l)V'H,t(iMU Hllll (ilVH'('ollllHlllt wllli hII ilh iillcdlK, Midi us Mnwr NlouiHdli, Sick llimilucliii, llnliliml (JomIIs finoKH, mlpl tHtlnii of tlio HtHrl, lltmrtliiirn, Watiir.lirKMh Klllllil'M Ht till' pit III' till". StlllllHI'll, Vtillow hkln, (,'mt oil Toiiimiii, Coii.iiik up ol IVshI Mfmr Kullnir, low nplrlin, tVo , we Mk you 10 KO lo jour Driiuk'lHi 4111I cot a Siiiiplo llntlo of OiiKMN'h Air riiixT 1'i.ow 1:11 fur 111 I'HiitM ami Iry It. or k ItlMilm Kle for 7.i ciiiiIm, two ilomH will rti linvo you. mwwmiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiwii imrmavanrpi j 1 1 1-; Soss Ghuxxi ill' lilt! CliNTI II V. A. Olilll mn Uno it! KVKUV I'AIIT UK TI1K VMUM I'lll'llNKU I t'rlrrs-l.'; UhIIomm, rlS; i 4,'bIIoiiii, f uot as iuiiini. sas. Kort -ttlinniiUla IrtimcltUunaof Marlon aiiduthcr CO'intlci', rtlid lurthor tiirtlouUr'. au r to or addrcir J2unl II. A. IKUKS iiniyii..r Notice. rlf AVK 4 HOIfSi: AMD M)T THAT I ulib in trade fur Una Inttiu enumr. Title tti od, Uj let 17, tf. J. IIUAUV iinuWtu WronKht-Ifon SinKlo-Genr J. I. Oase & Co., Improvements for 1877. Tho '. P. T. Company's . (iLZZaaaaV feltcnsnor MoMINNVILLE WILthRAV' ' V Portland lbr.Snlem Every FHIOAY. rctnrnlDjt on HATURPAY, , ROU nAYTON-On MONDAY SiulWEDNsW-. 1)A ( rvturnlnt; TUKHDA1 B sad TIIUK-SIIAYS. Patrotiizo Your Own Boat! I'rotccllon tifraliiNt High Itatca fttisiranfcrtf.. - f3xirrxn.oaaa. In tho County Court i.f llo Hla'o uf Oregon fur tbo Oounty of Marlon, ' T. II. Cox. iilatntlir, 1 .' OuhikmI (Iriii., Ilefi'iiilant. ) To (lAI(Woiil) OIIKKNK, (Irfi'iiitanU Im thk Namh or tub Jtatm nr Oiikiion: Vnu.aro lii-rcliy iiinniiiiKilnml mulrit Itiuiipiitr ami iiwir Ihiiitiiiiiilnlnl III11I i.oli.fl )i In thu nlinvofiitllliil action In tl.u Htiiu.iinitf roil it I, Ihu ilit iliyof Ihu Km ti'iiilici tiTin, IhTT. lliKiidf. In wit, Ihu :M day nl Si-plii'iitiur, Ihi7, raid day Ixiliiittliu drt lUy of tho tern or raid court folloHlnir thu riplratlon of tho llmo iircrcrltxil lu thu on I it for liuhlliatlun hereof. Aid If you fall ro t n(iiar and aiiawor, for want thtrinf lilklntltr Hill lano Jiilimciit aicalnrt you aa iiray-d fur In hlr romiilaliit, lo wll, for tlio rum of 11110 liundrrd and flfy dollarr, loiilhur villi luteroat theruoii rlncii thu Willi day of January, 1H7U. at Iwvlva ir r:ii. pvr aiinuin, nnd lor cota and dUluromcnta of tbl arllmi. 'I hi MimiofiK l tiubllilicd by order of John V, I'vclilr, Judu of rale court, dalod tho 'tU day of Juno, H)7. . I'. It U'AUOY, Attorney for I'laimiff. Halitn, July 0.1hT7, aiwtl A. L. STIN8ON, Book and Job Printer,' VikI ISoolfltii1vrf nolmnn's Slock, Old Senate Cham ber, Salem. nAVINO AfiDKII AN KXTKNSIVK A8SOMT inuiitnr NnwTypir, Cutr, ,iu lo my already 'ti ii-Ivm Hook and Job unice, I am now prepared to doniy and all klnda of Book, Flaiu, and Ornamontal Printing, On Miorl oflt', ami at Ul-unoii-alilo I'i'Ici'N. Slock Ccrllllcaics a Specially. Having lli Ikrucrt aoaii'lmi nt of M'lilnt' CVrllflratu lliiirHii'irutr aililitul lo Hint kind ol work of any IM ruin Ori-i'oii. I am r irt it lo pxitntx nr.lira In Ihu VI'.llV IIHVI' Hjlc, In rii) iiurubrr of colora du. rind, and on r'oit notliu, Jottf AUdrira A. I,. STINHON, tfalom, Or. BT L. A:;:;I0. HIK8CII, Tlll IIKIIIKHT In r til T,rlc I,!,! flip !... .. of W001. June l-l Ml fl 1 li ! a I 1 I SWHtWsW