V. IM? , WIIAMETTE FARMgR -i.. I ; r '? i : c . v r J ' ! 4 wslfimBR& IMD1D TBT nUOAT. BT CLABKE .Sc OBATG," FUaUBBIM AD rBOTIUlTOM. . A. CLAIIKB. D. W. OUAIU. 1nna of MubacrlpUoB. flna rimv. otiii v. ar (fin number). .......... Oneeopjr, alx raotithr (OT number) 1.25 Onn W)DT. raw mmrniMinnnmneTH . .....fix.nu .26 .7 The But and the Wert. A.tt'w XjUTo BaiMom. A" conqueror of Hhnnmatiotn. G"iit. Nfii. In the Rood old days when tbo ax cut tlvi ,U, n,,( , for Hcrnltila anil hII tllfleanet. road for tbe plow, and tbe forest riurrotiniled i xrUInu from Impurity of blooil, tho old ann" tie flelda of grain, tfao fannor mjwoi! and ' rHalilo Family Medicine, llyatl IJfc Jlai BAL.KM, Fill DAY, AUOUhT 17, 1877. Increase., of Business. From tlio o'tntrments of ilio Gannl and Locks Comtnls.slonorH, It ajipoarH Hint over CO.CCO tonn of freight Iiiih paused through the canal and locks oil tho Wlllatnctto, Blneo Nov. 7, 1870, and it is estimated that by tho 7th of next November, when the year shall expire lneo tho loekB Commissioners coin- menced their duties, tho total will reach 80,000 tons, yielding an Income of $40,000 a year to tho W. T. A L. Co. Taking tho year 1877 from bog lining lo end, the total will bo somcthinic more than that, oven, becauso tho crop of 1877 will bo fully fifty jicr cent, more than that of 187(1, an as a conse quence, If tho river Ih up early enough in tho fall to enable boats to carry wheat to good advantago, tho amount of freight by river will bo enormous. We believe it probable that the total of freights on Iho river for tho harvest year commmonelng August 1st, 1877, and ending July 1st, 1878, will reach an aggregate of 100,000 tons. This not only will show, great Ineroiiao of pro duction in th h valley, which Increase will goon steadily In the future as In the past, but b' will make tue cannl and locks a ound the falls of the Willam ette veiy valuable and productive p-o- lerty. Tho Iitlluouco of the European war on tho Wheat Market. I'li't.' (i ntiil all ol lirrnilitulli drpctudo on caunoM notooolly ditutmlncil al hII limn, and OHKcUlly for tliti two yvarn pit, and It liiltrcatltK to try lo traco tlw oatiM'A tlmt In fluonoo lli market nt tbo iirtnioiit llaio. 11 1m uioro tbati doubtful If (bo KiiHn-Turklnli war nxorulHOH tbo lufluoiico many attrlbuto to It In tbat rofjvoct. If lint war wax to be ootno Koimral no doubt tho markot would bocomfr directly and ftorlourily aflVctoil, but It reiualna louallxod, with lima probability Ibat otber nation will bo Involved. Tbat It muat bartt aomo Inlluenco on tlio bread tufft narket lliero it no doubt, but webavo bo reaaou lo fear that Hum la will coaao to lo a producer. With Hioannounceiuoutof war last SrluK wliaat rapidly advauoed and tbe granatin) of the world wore burrldly emptied into tbo lap of Kngland, to Hiipply tbe delicti that wm known to exlat lliore. Wheat Mien went down again, liocaiirin tbe oxtra Indian mnut In prloo called out abundant ktorux, uioro than worn known lo oxldt, and ll N mI Ifaxt romaikalilo that KuhhIii wuh anionic tho nation that lundo tho moat llbuinl riinjiouho tu Iho demanda of tho niarkot.' It will bit aim from Into iIIhIiIhih tbat lbi KiihsIiu h tint lo KikUiuI, In JiiiHi,uviir ll vo million liiinhclri of wheat, UKaliint Ins thiu n million IhhIiiiIm of Miami nIiIjim1 in lliormitio uionlli lbi pntvloiiH yeir. HiiMila lino now railroad I'nitiioolloii to miubl( bcr mirphiM prodiii'ls to iinub nmrkot at nhort nolico, mid If Iho houll.iiin piovlucot cannot ahl by Iho muck Hoa thoy cnti Nond tholrHtirpliiH nottb wurd to Iho X)ttH on fbo lUltle, which wuh douo last SprlnKi muub ItiiHitlau wheat bciiiK uhlpjvtHt from (Inrmaii HirU. Tho proloiiKatlon of tbo war will no doubt Lave homo olloot on tbo wboat markot but uol iiKTMnarily to IncroaKo the prloo unrouH ouably. KiiMhlau are probably raUInx at much wboat aa ovor and will, tlud a way to and It to market. Tbo prfo-iu pilco do IHihIh on an actual dollolt of wheal; itrodua con, and no doubt the mock or wboat In Oioworld'a markoU at Iho anproacb uf tbo pronenl harvest woro mnallor titan for many yeara ihi. If tbo barvonta of Kuropo aro not fully avoraKe that dollolt mum omitlnuo, but It lined not ueccMtiarlly lm foil t an to auVot tho prloo Hpoculailvnlv wbllu tbo stookH on band aro roploiilHbed by tbo pro tint barvont, for ovon If lboo barvostt aro lolow tho avorKo, tho aurphih that will tetlllv roaob mtrkot will crealo an abuu tlaueo that cmiiiol iliiiilnlnli iniill NprliiK. 1 a.MiniH probablo Dial wboat will bear a koimI prlwi all thoy Mir, but It It not at all rorialu that thli pi loo l at ii wt (Icimuil on tho (outliiu aiutif tbo piexoiit war bolwvoii lliiatla and jCiirkoy. 1 I,IIIWWWJWWI UAHDNX.K MHOl'lIKUS. Wo aio gUd In lorn ii tbtt Outdoor lliothont, r'pileloiof Iho uon iiiualu hloro In UrlH wold'a blook, (Vimmorolal atroel, aro mi oilm; with Hiuvvot thit oxooodt lliolr uintt h.iii. aulno o.xpeolatlonHt tholr i-nles hiikhiiiUuk l'remui)y to ll.roonr four and oi'iMMlnntlly, tu oiht or ton Iiin ruiiioiita per day, TOey luvobtniiiHUiiptlled to orilortliolr wwkly nUlpiiumU from tho K'tt nearly doubled, In oi.lor to iiiM-t thiHiiiioxpecited domaml. and t'lvlr luloiillou U lo koop on band tlio hirttoM atojk of i'iauoa and Ornmu In Oregon. Aa it U a well known fact that bo who buys moat fro 3". mamifaoturcra buy a ohepet, und he whoatIU moat hells chonptl. Wo fel ooiiUtlenl Ibat Gardner llroa. rti kIvo batter ttarKlua Ikau can bo procured elaewbeto, ud we take p!eaiiio tu lecouiiuriidliiKtbeni t our fiiond. aujjlO 31 rxapnd unmindful and ignorant of tho rn- sourooa boyond bis own hoiro. Time, Ibe rarent of cbanse, brltiKN before an facia and figures never dreamed of bofoio. Tho foro la bavo been luvoled, Iho tlolib x (ended, the oll turned and retui tied, ond crop baa i uccfeded crop till imw( And ourHoJvfjH funded on the threshold 'f n i ew era. tWliave walkiid koIoph In (bm Id beaten jallmol Iho pm-t tbnf o fif'd nqu'r- liifrni.w (1ioiibIi(,,iH)W ouIIkii, noiv otiorirj , nppoura beforo u. Wo no lonKor leap n boiijjilfi.l Imot from an lnal;ulflcant amount of lalxir, nor reclovo largo proflta on unall Bcnlo". We nn arlxlnp; In Iho dlHlaut Went n rompolltor with whom wo" grapplo iinwllllnply ninl with doubtn aa to tbe rrntilt. Tbo ferll'o poll of tbo boundloaa pralrien apeaki lor liflf and tbo reaourcea of tbo Weet riro no piiji r questioned , Farmers of Ibe old r MhIcm run no longer cu'llvrtto tholr (1i,1i1h of wheHt.wid oorn and dopend on nkn In t ho bimliol for profit. When Iho still wuh frKb end vnor oiih tlietxiMUiuoofralhlmr a bushel of win at wsh comparatively Mnall to ibe fM nl pro ducliiK a but-lit I now. Then Iho yield n muob Uror and of superior qinllly. Y.ar aftor year baa our farmor Keen bl labor It- come moro and moro iinjuoll'Hblo, mil bis ccoupallon moroiind uioro PMlenlniblo. Ifo bus beoomo HliHinefnllj tieglij.eiit i f iho huil ho looks to for support and lum hIIowhcI lie 1Kb and vlp.or lo ikpatt In tacli HiioreodliiK oropnud no return Instead. Aln, a n country grows older, (bo noiihoiih beeonio uioro and inoro obangabloaiiiJ ltti fiivorulilo to growing crojw, HphMo all ihtM1, our greatest opjiohltlon lliH In tho energy of tin eoiloofibo West, In tho fertility of tboir SOll, ItH OHSO Of tillllVHllOll Hlld llblltKlHIll yield. Uero, whtro.wo tlud t lit mo-t tin proved machinery so cnM y uppllod, liuieby nnbliiix one man to do thowoikol nmu. wilb notxtra fatigue, titid wo bn siuprhort that ii people Mirroiindcd ulih nil ll.tc-oiul. viiutagiN will jirodiR'o uioro and el loan font than it is pohdlblo in the older K-tMorn atatot. Tho only rcsrrt loft fur too older slHtes Is lo bring tbo soil hh tienr lis poH,lblo lo IU original fertility and provide h piopttr rotation of crops. ItiHtiMid or raMng in bond tifbogslul him rulKo u hundred aiidnlilce numlior of sheep mid ciiulo, oo, by foedln corn which will sell In tbo buebel for .'(, or lUcoiiUiJio mny reallro from "0 tob'UcuntN when converted Into Iho best uiutketnblii llosh. While it will take time and labor lo reclaim tbo soil and'ralno tho stock, wo would ndvlso tboso who liavo not already u compotenco to go to a country wboio laud Is cheap and tbo soil In rich. Oursmull, poor and wora tirmH seom or sinull jiromUo when compared with tbo bioad oxpauto of fertile wealern lands that lie walling and In viting be band of labor and tbo touch ot skill to return abundant reward for every outlay. To those, who are' pasfng tbtoucb tho rubs and chances bf llfo with tho nop ortofa few miserable Rtros, wo would say: leave the place which cannot lvo a compotenco lit least leave it thoiiKh sur rounded with friends and relatione, (hougli it bo tlio dearest spot of early childhood, leavo It and go to tbo blooming prhlrlet wboro slraugors aro ebuiigod into truest frlepds and new liomes aro botor limn old ones. H. llhATii. ludlatiHpolis, hid, Mtm, stands uhequnleil, as proven by ovtr 'Ji'.vwirrnnicimH aurinir, to" I ,"" N a rarlloal egolnble Compound of.Sarsapt rilla, Dook, aiiHiacuin. &, anils pormsnoiit euro. Hold by all drngiiixts and country krocppt. Toko iiotblog oNe, and If the haven't it wo sood by exprtM, boxed, nvory "hero, si $1 und "91 'J.') fer bo'lle! 8 OOsiul fd CO barir,7, Hyait it llYArr, Hid Grand jt , Now York. w Visitin g Car ds . Cn ii wPh nnynn wnvvif rinttitnorrMi ii'l k :i cunl damp. AJilreiif , W, J l I-MlKt. rairm, urKini. The Light-draught Steamer CITY OF SALEM Will lkatb rAririo Wiunr, Portland, for Salem, and Intermediate I'oluta, On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, At (1 o'ci)tK A. M. Thu Iilght-tlntiiKliI Nti'HiiHT ODEIIO Will make Trip' to the upper Ulver. U. B. SCOTT & CO HATCH, aincrM Manager. USB T H IN THE WORLD 1 n.ot Deceived! See that our Trade Mark is on eachPackagel v.. j. BUt7 Look Here, Everybody, 4 N INKTIIUMBNT THAT WIU. LIGHT YOUtt J Ulunr, I'lff. oranr rlrc, rera lllvllint'. r.ireni) 7C3 rentK. Ithnnl the U'C of rlnclu inntcti Kti cldpf 73 1 1 nlii mid n tlinccctit Ftmp to Jiy liDrtncc. iitil you will rtrtlvc thl lunblo lit lo Inplnitncnl lir return mo'l. HKITIK.tlilfCIt TIIIS-irtlicnrtlclofrtllKloilo Juki bk rtiri't'iitiil. jeur mn"e will tm tinimplljr ro- iiinilitl. Ailarcra, iiumkh ti iiai.i.m k, uiitOlf Octim! Aiii'iit. HiU in, (Irriznn Q s a o O V" rilMj. S Hf S. -'Ul L (TQ ttM X o o 5 ltoiiN, At Crathla Km ui, rHiekanna Hiuty, Oreaon, Aumut Bib, 1477, to Iho wife cf A, Abbott, a ou, Driuolo rrcsbrve Butter a ifear. Amom: tbo many devices (or keeping but. lor in a manner Unit will pre-orvo Hut tunw rosy lUvur tit iho now, with all lixautot. nes4, It iho lidlliwlnt;, from tho Dmlit.i.i iiiHitr, which in said to I o entirely mio cesNiiil: Toihrro kmIIoiis of brlno, slron enough to bfHrni OKU, mid n iiii.trlor of a noiind ol nice whltuaiiKHr and imo labloi.isioiifiil of sNiiiioior, noil mo iirtnoaiui wiiott it Isonlil strain' carefully. Make youi butter into rolls, and wrap each separately In i clean, wblio muslin cloth, tylnir it up with iisiriitu, l'uck a laroJr lull, welKb tbo bulierdowu, and pour over It the brlno until nil is sub merged. This will keep really kooiI butter perfeotly sweet and frosb forn wliolo year. Ito careful not to put upon lea tbo butter thtt you wish to keep for any leneih of time. In summer when tbo heat wilt not admit ol small Jra, take largo ones, and, uslnjj iho same brlno, allow It to cover the buiitr In the depth of at least four Inches. This ex cludes tho air, and answors as will as the first method siiRgested. Tho Ky., Agricu Itumt .ayh: One illtlicul. ty that has siirriniiiileU the so-call co-opera. tlvti storea organlzmt durlnj; tho l.isn two years, was that they were haoilly K'Ulen up, and iho into prlnolpha and modes tlui should have governed oio not coirrctly underitttsid by tbo boards mnuntth'i: ibeiti, and, as comiqiiHUOo, llioy wont iit.o lint! lies blindly, and bad no ilillnlto inles vr h Blent and tiHUiouiy ;(ivurnliiK tbetii, A ntiuibor of Inosperlonced iiieu were thin, thrown toKettier, with rotal Ituemlons, but no dourly dt lined kysteiit upon whloh to eondiict Iiii.sIiuh, and In soveial i"i(-e, iboe ho Invest tholr inoaits sot i found tl'eni an't it, store In Uolil anil tbo frlonils of vt, iipeistloii (lUhearned at their failure, ami tho catiMi Htlrlbitied to iwoporullini. The iiimiaLfitrn ir Ilin ntnro.. In fciini, ulIuiu. pookeleil thodlvldoudsiin s Km uiitl li.iutl no Ui'Keta to nun ktocKlioititiro. who ern Iho bout ctiiitoniorA tho More bad, and when tho outsider tell for bis balfof liUcliyltlontls, they woro not lo bo found, and then ho dla covered that he was trading on tlio same principle that bo bud been for Iho pant twenty or tllly yettis, inly the store bad a now name. Mutty farmoiaarooxceodlugly illssathtled with their pioresston, and repine at their duties. On the otber baud, Socrates, the wUest of ancient philosophers, said of it: "Aurlouliure la an employment tho most worthy of the appliatllon ol mm; the most anoletti, and the moat aultaole In bis nature. II la the common nurse of all persons In every age anil condition of life; Ills tbe so u roe of bf alth, strength, plmitv, and rloh os, and of a thousaud seber delights and hottest pleanureJi, It la the mistress and school of sobriety, tamperance, ullce,re llalon, and, In shortjMfwII vlrtuts, civil and mlllUry," CNncisnuti Uaittte. Notice. In the ins'tcrtif Ilia flutnllAiirhliief Kdasrd noti- lUcitsm' Alirctt Duulllot, minor livlrs of AtitftiMur DiMilllnt, (lccuri'd NOW. uu lid day. AiiKtKtIIUh. A. 1). 177. wmc I' (!. Hni.t.iVAN. L'li.villnii of rnlil miner litln-. unit prcM'hlul lili. pi-tltinn jrvlin furan oriltr to sell llm rest erlslonr nli mlems In Marlon roiititr. Or. eg"", tlei-crlhcil In IiUmIiI pi'lltlou, slid ItaiiprnilCB In Ihurnllrfiicllunef thu Court tliat It l Mci'rury nil J fur Iho licrt Inti rrptuf llic raid mlnrtrs that tin ra d n alerts ti xliuuld li rnlil. It Ih hcrtliy ordered itid decreed Ilia' thu next tif kin nt raid wnrd, ami nil perron IhterotMl In m d oUtt", appear liefnrii muat my odlcti In thiiellynf hatcm In Mnrlnn rnun ly. ()f iron, on lliulM t'ay i.f Hrpteinlitr, 1H77. nl the lienrof II o'clock s. in , nnilth iwcaure, If ur they liaie, why a llceiiKO fliiml'1 nut Im i'ran'1 it Inr tfiernii of pslil etnlo. Survlrptf llilninlir i-hall he made hy tinlillcatlott In tho WnuMtTTr. I'Aiuitn fur thrw wiekr iiccifi'lvily lieliKf.nlil sd day nf Hiplcniher, A, II. 1M7. JOHN U 1'rKlli.K-. Oiiiinir Juduv, .Marlun Co., llroi.n. adrni.Aug.lT, I8TT.W3. Administratrix's Notico. NOTICK I liurehy clren that Mary Iloyt ha th'r day been appointed by thu I'r ihato Court of Ma rtnn cemitr. State of OriiroD, ai adtnlnlrtratrlx of thu etato of Jiiiriili Iloyt, tato of raid county, drciarcil. All peinilia havinff clalmr agslnst raid iZtato will prrrent ihcni to me st mr reridrnca In r-alrm. Or. ci'ou. within oil month" from date, or thrv will bo forever barred. MANY lloYT, Adm'x of Krtale of Jocph Iluyl. decrs!, Halem, Auir. (1, 1677. " 3Awl "WHy Hecondclan Sewrluc norltlBes, when you can Get a Singer! Of tht (lOOttltirll llllOIIIIKlla, Inr only Mi, sun iipwHriir. it iMiiru in Armtirunt;' pne eliup, Hlate rlrett. Snlom aulimt PUEE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE W0EK; Jet Blaok ; and AIiL COLORS. 3Vtis:ocl jelgslLst for AND EASILY APPLIED. For Salt; by (liu Apciiln: JOHN HUGHES. Salom, E)DGL 8IVELL & CO., WliolrNtiln Hi-ugBl'rtN, antS DcnlorN In I'tilnfw, OIIn, nntl Glara PORTIiAWP. cr. ANll NO. 75 KItONT HTtlKKT. PACIFIC rJ IIKJtiSIII YG i!IACIIIiE COHIPV MAN'trPArrpittiitm nu "" MANUFACTUItELS OP OitAtlOXl. In ito I .mny Court ol tbo State of Oregon for Iho County of Marlon. lu ll.e mtttorof the Krtale of .Tim ItlrLuj, decear til. Jiener M. ltd key, Aittulnl-I'stnr To llitiry Itlrkty, Themar II. ltlrKey. Juno M. Ittrke, ami nil uikneun lulrr of raid decedetit; and all perrmiK Inter.rtid In raid Krtnte. rOf anl each of rnu, ntc hereby rlliit ami re ipititd to nipctr ln'ierii thu slsitn named Court, at ttiu ('.mil Hi .iu I halt in. In raid Marlon coiimy, nl I 'elect. m en tie M day of Sepiemti-r A. II. IN77, to tfccli and llirrn rleiw num. If nny ex rt uliy ait erdi r (heuld not bo midtt by raid Court atlthnilx n nil l Administrator to i-ell thu Ileal Ktatu of raid deced'tit fur thu payment of thu adnili.lrtratlon chrsT and rlrlm nualnrt raid Krtate, . petltiotml fir by raid adndiilrtrater, hald red ertatu in dennlli ids fulonr to wit: A part of ths llnuttlnn l.nd Claim of rild Jamer Itlekey and wife In 7. 78. It ! W and In T H 8 It. 2 W: lkxlnnliu at thu S. W corm r of CUlm Oil. and thu H. K. corner i f Claim .VJ, InTbH.lt s W, and ninuln'lnnce.N Odei; ISmln, W- , CO chain': thence N. lOdei;. Slmln. K. .1'iai Chalna; thenco N. I d'g. IS intn. W, l,l-i chalnr; lluticu N Wdrjr. Mmlu. R. S1 HI clialnr: thrncu N 71 dec (O mln. K fiSO chalnr; Ihence N 8 dig 30 luln. V I W cnalur; thenro N. M deir. W mln, K, a Wi chain.: Ihrucearler1y tolndrrect thorouto lluonf raid Claim Ml, st a point H. deg. 61 mln K HIM chalnr from an aiiitlu Is raid roinh line of raid rfaliu hi; tuencori 13 deg, fli mln W. Kf.Oil chalui to the p.ncoof biglutilnir, coutalnlnitalMiiitMacrer JOlIM f. PKKIII.K&, County Judge. Salem, Aug 7Ui, IH77.-W4. Estray In otico. At Wm Taylor'. 7 miles earl nf Slsm, In the Wii eo Han.. U a COW and CALK The cow t a rptck. led era roan Duiham. ftvocrrU year old. The calf In thu rame color a the row, and tu s helfr The row Irnol markrdor liialxli-d, except a "dewlap," Alto, one red HThKU two year n aire; lull crop at d a rlK In thu rltl I er, und a rill lit IU t ear, TSecoa camu lo my plus stniul tut iiit). ji, ,nt l luppored In bs fron eai.KM Te ir eMe lo 111) t tuatioiit h ) ear irn. 'I I e r -rr or owtirr will eleare cone aid lake lh in swsy aim tisy fir thlr i o l.e N1 T.iYUit:. J.r-t . 1 1 Jin my nnrturo. nmt lti:OW. ILI K, sbeut tbo Boddleil .Mai, 177, a lll 11)1 S!, abtui HX Ueo uamlr hlifh; I tllnk no uMti rj.el on him. The hiir-p tr rervu yiar old, and war ralred rlx mile north of l.antyiltc. Any per'on ulvltur Inlurnialku wl.er Iho huro can be loued, or returuleu Idm In rie near IIhomnmllk, will l bandromety rse i ..vi.nu r. , uuuiAlt, PELTOJS Sli-FOLD HOK8E-POWERS nd CouDterbalanco Separators. INCOnt'onATEI) AT HALKM, OIIKOON. OUTOBKIt 7, 1870. 8. 1'KLTuN, rnESIDBNT; J. HBY- noldi. Vice I'-erlliint: W. II. CisraNTSK. Secretary, cr Butaorlor to an.v XZoroI?ov7or ox- UoDaiAtor iiovr lax xxao. Mannic- ruu stiu wooaei. luauitaii lu.iuai Ai. AM, OllbOuN, ol Orvuuu Iruustiu I lilt BKI-4KMUII BAVJUl T11K UKA1M. rend fur circular. ala. 'J lib OW 1 11 LAbTa a LIPK-11MK. For Inrtber particular, addrer thooftlcer named aboTe, or niua, marcn aa ly X0IICK TO PKKS0NS INrKNUINO TO KMIGKATK TO OliKtiON. Direct Passage from New York to Portland, Oregon. LaSO IIXI'AIITSKNT O f H I rouTLANl) Ihlll-'il, 1K77. I 'I1IIK OltKO'lN STKAM llll COMI'iNY II S I aurei'd lo carry on It. Iron rliamrhlp.now luln built at Cherter 1'a , by Ji.lm Koach A Hon, upon her rompielteti, i ii or a'oui Iho 151 h dar of January, r7tliileeraopdri.eiiu'irrlrom New YorS lo l'nrilaii I, direct, vlalheMraltref Maillan, at lint eiiremcly low rate or S7.7 UO currency, board Included. Till ntaniir ulil In: thu btrt, airnncert am mot romfoilalilyaiiaiik'id rl.lp ever lull! In the milled Males .speed, iJitf Knoi. Dlnunrli'iir: '."JO leet In leioiihj feet beam; 3 X it plh or hu'd; csiaclly, t.i 0 tonr; UX) cahln ami COO tteera.ru paramKei. '1 ho Q ttinj no oi tbo utetrace w) rerclvo ruecial a- leiiiion; u win bcproWdei with all modi rnlui nmvii. luvntsaiid Its vt-nttUttoit will bo j.irfict Kxry at tention will bo ald lo thu comfort of parrenverr, and tho fare will be of the bert qutllt . Vart of thu deck rom will be fitted up for lelrlceralliv purpoa v, nnu.urn 111 luruiru p.prcuirer irtrn meat uu rlnirthu whole toj arc 1 ho TuiaRO will he made Inabout ltyday Toartlrt ncrruni whoiklru tai'iiili.riitii to nroiwin amlcultural and othir Iroplem nt will be taken at , iun ia, ror neraona hern uhot.Arn frliTfl. In On. AtLnil State wl.blDK lo cimolo UrcRon this otTer s raru oppiirtuully, a Lu anneyinc' and lalluuo of the over and route by mil aro aroMvd, tad tho parratie I vt-nFtuiiMj irr, Koiiiaillfnlar InformMlnn addren V. C. bcbraldt, 1 routh S lllUm .inn, Wcw Yoik. or IJjn.c iv tsoni.ri.ZK Laud SientO.AC.lt It. Co, I'ertl ui,Oro, Auj LEGAL BLANKS i rate ine iu-r.i Morn rr !. -nl ninni. I. n. c... s 'ftift'lSf rte"",'.". liT'wr. iistai. .rj -K-i.iiw miiip( i'-viii. jiutil's na I llllu 1. .i H.M. ritlMlMJ, jlluilf(.lrul.hl it v 3i. w.trrn lltram Printer an I n.v.lchlit.u .tCr.y'. tlUk.Stllo.lnvl. s.,1....'.. ...... oruaaoxcr rx xxxivasroxi liomc imutnnl r i i: e I3iJSsX-T3E.jaL.ISrCJEl COMPANY. Capital. $300,000.00 Assets, . . $568,547.46 Iacome, 1875, $465,904 29 Losses paid out sinoe orgaQiKa- tioa, . . $1,137,367.60 , HAMILTON BOYD. MAMAOER. aoJlf Tt First tit., resTLAMB- JOHN G. WRIGHT, Dealer In F.AMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware. -Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobacco and Cigars, .COMMERCIAL STREET. 8lm, April 0,1CT. dAwti 1004. 1077. Tbe Only Strict fy Wholesale Drug Ilotue In Urcgon. T. A, DAVIS & CO., 71 front Street, ' IVI'I AND, OIIKGON, OPr-KIt TO TIIK nitUO AND QRNRRaL M5S cliaiidlro trade a romplctu araortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture, ana Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all tlzcs and qualities. WHITE LEAD, Of Ml the leading brand, In tint and kfga, COLORS IN CANS and DBY. Putty, Lampblack, Bod Lead, Glue. VARNISHES, Including the tfut-t brand for Coach I'alnlera' ue, Faint, Whitewash, and Tarnish Brtuae.. I.lNfeKltD OIL, In barrela and cans. Turpi ut Inr, foal OIIn, castor Oil, lartt til, Ni-at'8'fuot Oil, Fish Oil. AlOOlLOl, Iu barrv.a and fane., Illuo Vitriol, Sulphur, CnMllle Soup, C'otirfiiirali'tl K.ye, C'OtUhll. Xlittox-aai All lazlaadn. Q,uioksilver and Strychnine. TAK, In Quirt, IlalrOallnn, Onv-i.allon, and Flve-GaUec. faun and Itarrela, etc , etc. kVoan Agent' forOrrj-on and Waahlnctoo Terri tory for THE AVERILL PAINT, 7HR URSr MIXED PAINT IN USB for Malll'tkr ark Ir ekeep , Wakelrt'i htet Kaih a4 oal rtl rltoa, M atert al Jajae a irriMrr Mealrlaw. fV We bar oor good fron flrrt hasda. that es b tnv ua to compete with any market on the CoaiU iiti n.pa'lron of oar prleeiwlll prote. mr BRKVRT Lt.Ool., UU8arjraei0.8. VoiaaUm. l Vw-rf v r..n. - J -t. rf . '. . t. f-. t . 4 -K'-'-ielSafea